Aviation Working Team Meeting Agenda May 23, 2001 Vancouver, Washington

Aviation Working Team Meeting
May 23, 2001
Vancouver, Washington
Gifford-Pinchot Supervisor Office
Meeting began at 0900
Introduction of new people
Old Business (Program of Work)
Master Agreement Update
Policy Power Point Feedback
Matrix Update
SEAT Questionnaire/Program
States Association of Fire and Aviation
Interagency Aviation Training
Safety Recognition Program
NWCG June meeting topics
Clay Hillin
Clay Hillin
Jim Payne
Clay Hillin
Clay Hillin
Lanny Quackenbush
Time Required
Clay Hillin
Clay Hillin
Jim Payne
Members Present: Clay Hillin, Jim Payne, Jim Ziobro, Ted Stevens, Steve Smith, Chuck
Frame, Lanny Quackenbush,
Jim Ziobro is the new Fire Aviation Specialist for the Oregon Department of Forestry. He
replaces Phil Hufstader as the ODF representative on the Aviation Working Team.
The Program of Work for 2001 was reviewed and all things are on track to be completed this
year. It was agreed that updating/reviewing the Matrix should be on the agenda for each
meeting. (Closed)
The Master Agreement and Operating Plan changes that the Aviation Working Team
presented to PNWCG were adopted. The final draft of the Operation Plan is posted on the
Internet at http://www.fs.fed.us/r6/fire/pnwcgfiles/masteragreement_/default.htm , but lacks
current signatures. When the signed copy is available the Chair will inform everyone by email.
The changes to the Master Agreement itself will take a bit more time since there will be other
changes made to that document besides the aviation changes. Look for it later in the season.
The Aviation Policy Power Point has been presented at many
locations both Federal and State. It has been well received with
a lot of discussion generated as a result of the format. ODF is
planning to use the presentation. Jim Payne has some ideas for
updating the presentation that deal with the timing of the
presentation. We will take a look at the presentation each year
in the fall prior to the next training session and make the
necessary updates. This should not be a static document. Rex
Reed of WDNR presented this at the Team Training session. There are key issues that need to
be discussed when the presentation is made. The Aviation Working Team will develop some
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talking points for the presentation to be used as a hand out. Chuck will talk to Rex regarding the
points that should be emphasized, and we will plan for incorporating them in the fall revision.
Ted Stevens suggested that in order to get buy in, an approach from a safety standpoint rather
than policy/budget issues, might be a better tactics to get the presenter’s point across.
(Completion planned for Fall of 2001)
Matrix Update. Numerous updates and corrections were
made to this document. Some required additional staffing
before the updated Matrix would be finalized. OAS and FS
will issue a joint letter of approval for aircraft and pilot
approvals in the future for the Oregon/Washington geographic
area because they have standardized their requirements. This
year OAS will issue separate letters for those that the FS have
already approved. (Ongoing Project)
State Association of Fire and Aviation is in the process of forming a group in the west.
WDNR and the States will be involved in this. States feel that they are not adequately
represented at the national level and want to have a united voice. Discussion of this topic will be
continued as progress is made in forming the group. (Lanny Quackenbush will keep the team
Interagency Aviation Training, is a program to provide DOI and FS non-fire aviation training
in a modular format in order to streamline and make train more efficient. To date the States of
Oregon and Washington have not been involved in this development, and we don’t want to wait
until the program is fully developed before their input is provided. It was suggested that Kris
Damsguard of OAS, who is in charge of the development, attend one of our AWT meetings to
hear the concerns of this group. There may also be opportunity to develop a system of simulation
training that would provide training experiences that would complement and reinforce the 36
modules being developed. This would provide people who have basic skills/knowledge some
application activity to cement those skills necessary to be successful. (Clay Hillin , Jim Ziobro,
Chuck Frame will work together to develop a proposal by the fall meeting to be included as
a Program of Work item for 2002.)
SEAT program of work item. The mission of the task group was originally planned around a
single SEAT based at John Day. At the same time the heavy airtanker distribution was being
changed. The tasking for the group was to identify if there were niches for SEAT’s and how can
this be coordinated to maximize the use of our resources. After several attempts to get responses
from the region the group received only a handful of responses. It is decided to disband the task
force, and for the AWT do the staff work involved in developing a proposal for PNWCG. The
Chair will issue a letter thanking the group for their effort and relieving them of this task. In
order to implement the recommendations by next year we will have our next meeting July 9, at
0900 at GP room in the Gifford-Pinchot Supervisor’s Office, to focus only on SEAT distribution
in the geographic region. (Chair to send letter to Tasked Group, AWT meeting July 9, 2001)
Aviation Safety Recognition Program: The question is do we want to initiate a safety
recognition program for the Aviation Working Team? The Federal agency policy regarding
aviation safety awards will be shared with the States. States will investigate opportunities to
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participate in the federal programs to apply them to the state programs. (Clay will share the
Federal policies with the State members.)
NWCG topics. There was a discussion regarding topics that the group could present to PNWCG
for presentation at the NWCG meeting next month. Lanny Quackenbush will present these
two topics to PNWCG:
Lack of State participation in the Interagency Aviation Training
Aviation Training standards such as 310-1, IHOG,
Aerial Surveillance Module (ASM) Discussion. Forest Service will, overtime as the Barons
are replaced, implement ATSM. In reality, it will be phased in, taking probably ten years to be
fully implemented. The implementation has been identified in phases. The ASM may fulfill
either Leadplane or ATGS role. The missions will be the same as they are now, i.e. if you order
a lead with an airtanker an ASM may fill that load. They will not be expecting to take over an
existing ATGS role unless that is how the team wishes to utilize the module. (Information on
developments to be shared on a continuing basis)
Next meeting is July 9, to discuss SEAT employment/management in the Northwest at the
Gifford-Pinchot Supervisor Office, Vancouver, Washington. The Fall meeting will be
coordinated via email due to the lack of members present at this meeting.
Map to the GP Supervisor office
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