Aviation Working Team Meeting 2-23-01

Aviation Working Team Meeting 2-23-01
Attending, Clay Hillin, Steve Rossiter, Mel Kam, Larry Nickey, Jim Payne, Phil Hufstader, Ted
Stevens, Bill Bulger, Lanny Quackenbush, Chuck Frame.
Program of Work for CY 01: This information is added to the notes and will be posted on the
web page.
• Review, update, and re-publish the Interagency Aviation Operations Standards Matrix.
o Currently planned for January 2000
o No costs to PNWCG
Complete an analysis of interagency SEAT opportunities and present recommendations
o Ongoing by SEAT Task Group
o No projected costs to PNWCG
Revise and re-publish the PNW Aviation Frequency Guide
o Will be accomplished by the FS via the Redmond Smokejumper Unit
o Costs covered by FS F&AM
Develop an “Aviation Policy/Procedures” power point presentation to promote a better
understanding of both common and unique aviation policies on interagency projects.
o To be developed during winter of CY01
o No projected costs to PNWCG
Review the PNW Master Agreement and Operating Plan, and provide PNWCG with input
for revisions.
o Planned for Winter of 2001
o No projected costs
Continue to provide AWT representation at all interagency aviation training sessions
within the PNW geographical area.
o Ongoing
o No projected costs to PNWCG
Orlando Fire and Aviation workshop Information:
Steve Rossiter presented a briefing on information he got at
the Orlando Fire and Aviation workshop. The focus of the
group is agencies that have FEPP aircraft. The group is
expanding to the non-federal folks who are using these
aircraft for fire fighting extending down to local and states.
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Aviation Working Team Meeting 2-23-01
Most notable is that Florida is acquiring S-model Cobra’s from the army and having them
converted to fire fighting aircraft (FIRESNAKE). The aircraft themselves are free from the Army
and under restoration for $160,000, which buys a complete, rebuild, down to everything that is not
necessary for the state’s mission. Includes adding a bubble window on the left side, empty back
cockpit, cargo hook from a Bell 212 for a 350 gallon bucket and/or a Fixed tank 350 gallon. Basic
Avionics are included also, but the price doesn’t include paint. The down side of this aircraft is
that the rotor system is for speed.
Of note the state of Minnesota now owns 2 Canada Air CL-215's they are currently getting the
aircraft approved for use by federal agencies.
The Association consists of members of State Association divided into South, Central, and West.
It was discussed if a member of the AWT should attend these meetings and represent the
interagency team. DNR has sent mechanics in the past, but the nature of the organization has
changed such that operations personnel should also be involved now. Representatives from
ODF will be meeting with the State of Nevada the 1st week in April to possibly elect a member to
represent both states in this organization. Lanny Quackenbush will keep the AWT advised on
this. (Lanny Quackenbush May 23, 2001 Report status)
Helicopter Crewmember requirements: Chuck Frame at presented the addendum that WDNR
developed for IHOG. Highlights and the addendum will be published on the AWT web page.
DNR helicopter managers will meet 310-1 training requirements; task book completion will
include the requirements for mobilization and demobilization for incidents crediting these activities
for positions other than Helicopter manager or crewmember. Helicopter managers may manage
up to 5 limited use helicopters. Helicopters ordered for WDNR incidents may or may not be
ordered with modules for them. (Clay Hillin March, 9, 2001 update web page)
Steve Rossiter told the group about the training opportunities that are available at Grand Canyon
National Park. Available are details for two weeks at a time for state and federal persons to
obtain experience to complete task books. For application contact Mike Minton at 520 638-7823
or m_minton@nps.gov for more information and an application.
Review and critique power point presentation on aviation policies: Presentation and review
of the Aviation Policy power point presentation was made to AWT and members of the operations
group. In addition to some minor changes an additional slide will be added to explain the impact
of public law 103:411 to ppt. The presentation will be accessible from the web page for
download. (Clay Hillin March 9, 2001 update web page)
Review and draft revisions for the PNW Master Agreement and Operating Plan: The need
for a revision came from meeting January with ODF and the Forest Service to address the things
that need to be clarified. The Operations Plan should be useable by Aviation Officers, field
personnel, IMT members, etc. at the field level and be non-technical enough to be used by all.
Carroll Creek Fire was a recent incident where the operations plan existed but no one had a
Verbiage for master agreement page 9 #13; change added text to ; “As a result of public law
103:411 (as amended), aviation operations standards must now comply with the aviation
management policies of the jurisdictional agency.”
Operating plan, page 5, drop although and rewrite the sentence to read;
Most standards and policies regarding the use of aircraft are similar between agencies; there are
some which are different. When differences exist, the policy standards for the jurisdictional
agency (agencies) apply except for those aircraft assigned to an incident under Clause 28,
Independent Action (see below).
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Aviation Working Team Meeting 2-23-01
In the paragraphs below that section differences and similarities were shown. Editorial changes
were made to keep the language flow the same.
It was noted for discussion and decision makers to start all discussions on the worst-case basis
(i.e. an accident) and work backwards to clarify policy and safety issues. It is important to note
that ODF is a fire department, federal agencies are land managers as policy issues are
There was much discussion regarding the ability to change the master agreement. It was
decided to make the recommend changes and let PNWCG make the decision what revision is
necessary. The revision will be completed by the Chair, circulated to confirm that the correct
changes were made, and then presented to PNWCG for approval. (Clay Hilllin May 23, 2001
report status.)
Aviation Safety Update: Bill Bulger provided Aviation Safety update. He briefed
accomplishments such as the web page, which was developed. Bill asked what the team
expected of him. The team requested Bill continues providing his expertise to the team, and to
provide the notes from the FS Aviation Safety Council for posting on the web page. Updates will
be provided to the members so the information can be shared.
FS will be putting on an Aviation COR class either 23 or 30 May in Portland, OR.
Bill is now only responsible for FS Aviation Safety and Training, and the State Aviation Manager
continues to be responsible for those items for the BLM. Bill will take a couple of issues to that
Aviation Safety council including defining STAT and FAST team responsibilities, and issues that
came from the 14 day rotation schedule for fire personnel which resulted in more safety
implications than were eliminated.
Bill believes that the AWT should develop or participate in a program of recognition for persons
who exhibit a positive influence on Aviation Safety. He passed a plaque around that would be
used for awards. (Implementation to be discussed at the next meeting)
SEAT Task Group Update: Clay Hillin received a message from the committee chair; Danny
Benson stating that he has only received 5 completed questionnaires and didn’t feel that was
sufficient to make any recommendations. All Working Team Members are asked to contact their
units to solicit additional comments. A report on this subject is expected at the next Working
Team Meeting. (Danny Benson May 23, 2001, Report and recommendations)
Agency Specific reports/update on program changes:
DNR only has one helicopter a UH-1.
BIA has an Aerial Ignition course planned for the Colville or Spokane Agency this spring. Details
will be provided via email
ODF - Phil Hufstader will be out of aviation at the end of March. ODF will be making a selection
for the new aviation officer 16-17 March. They will have three exclusive use helicopters this year,
Klamath Falls will have a type III, Douglas county will have a type II restricted helicopter at
Roseburg, and Medford will change to a type III through the request for proposal contracting
Yakima is planning a 56,000-acre spruce budworm spray project. There is an organizational
meeting March 1st.
FS Moses Lake ATB will be completed May 12, Airtanker starts there the next day. Adding a type
III helicopter at Wenatchee. New solicitations will be coming out for two rappel ships. Kim Reed
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Aviation Working Team Meeting 2-23-01
replaces Greg Conaway as the Helicopter Program Manager. Doug Casner is a new pilot at
Redmond. Construction is in progress on the new hangar in Redmond. New positions include a
GS 9/11/12 assistant in Portland, Assistant Maintenance and Helicopter Operations Specialist in
BLM will have SEAT and Exclusive Use type III helicopters at Lakeview, Burns, Vale and
Prineville. Helitack crews are being bumped to 9 persons minimum.
Plan and schedule AWT representation at Aviation/Operations workshops/meetings for
this spring:
Dispatcher Workshop March 6-8, 2001, Hood River, Oregon
Clay Hillin
Fire Management for Local Agency Administrators April 12, 2001 Redmond, Oregon
Jim Payne
Helicopter Manager Workshop April 2-4, 2001 Eugene, Oregon Valley River Inn.
Jim Payne and Clay Hillin
Helicopter Manager Workshop April 17-19, 2001 Wenatchee, Washington Red Lion
Jim Payne and Clay Hillin
ATGS Workshop April 10, 2001 Redmond, Oregon
Jim Payne
Unit Aviation Workshop March 27 –28, 2001 Hood River, Oregon
Steve Rossiter, Jim Payne, Clay Hillin, Bill Bulger
Rappel Training Workshop June 11 or 18, 2001 La Grande, Oregon
Bill Bulger, Clay Hillin
Next meeting is scheduled for May 23 at NWC.
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