PNWCG Aviation Working Team (AWT) – January 11, 2012 Meeting/Conference Call Notes

PNWCG Aviation Working Team (AWT)
Meeting/Conference Call Notes – January 11, 2012
Kurt Kleiner, Sarah Robertson, Neale Laugle, Dennis Carlson, Shad Sitz
Phone-in participants:
Gary Kunz, Brett Fay
Reviewed agenda began meeting with agency updates.
WA-DNR (Dennis) Finished building the 6th Huey last spring. There are plans to build
a 7th Huey, subject to final budget approval, but it won’t be finished until after the 2012
fire season. Disposal of Cobras is continuing. Navy SEALs are acquiring four to use for
training/target practice. An internal Lessons Learned safety reporting system is being
implemented to assist with developing a safety reporting culture within DNR. This is
generally viewed as a positive step forward for the agency.
ODF (Neale) The Super Cub based in Roseburg flew 150 hours last year. The Cessna
182 had one interesting fuel consumption issue last year attributed to running the
mixture too rich or too lean. ODF is also planning to implement an internal safety
reporting system similar to DNRs. Work is ongoing to bring more Helicopter Managers
up to a qualification/certification level that meets NWCG standards.
FWS Brett thanked the FS/BLM UAOs for helping the agency with achieving
appropriate safety standards for overwater flights during 2011 when some of the
traditionally dry lakes were full of water. An agency report was issued two months ago
that raised the awareness that several issues exist regarding safety processes and
practices. Some of the positive expected results may include the reorganization of the
aviation program to improve to aviation safety oversite.
AMD (Gary) AMD organization is changing. Moving out of National Business Center
(NBC) back under the Office of the Secretary; AMD will return to being called Office of
Aircraft Services (OAS). Aircraft Inspections are in process (in Hillsboro today).
Inspection standards for Hueys have been discussed and agreed-upon in NIAC for fire
aircraft. AMD does not agree with the concept of aircraft self-inspection by Cooperator
agencies. The goal is maintain the same inspection standards and processes as those
applied to the Vendors.
NPS (Shad) Not much new in fire for 2012. Yosemite will have a rappel program this
year. Shad asked Gary about old MOUs from 1989 for using Customs/Border Patrol
and coast Guard aircraft on incidents near the Canadian border. AMD headquarters is
reviewing and updating MOUs; new ones will be finished soon.
BLM (Kurt) Boise District will be a test crew for a fire-helicopter RADS (fast-roping)
program in 2012. BLM Oregon will have the same three exclusive use Helicopters this
year (Lakeview, Burns, and Vale). There have been discussions of possibly downsizing
the Burns ship from a Type 2 to Type 3, but no action has been taken yet. There will be
two exclusive use 60-day SEAT contracts in 2012; one each in Lakeview and Ontario
with an option for the Vendor to provide two additional when warranted by activity and
when funding is available. Additional SEATs would tentatively be based in Burns.
USFS (Sarah) Thanked Shad for participating in 2012 STAT Team as a DOI-agency
representative. Cooperator aircraft inspection protocols were discussed with other
agencies and Gary from AMD. John Nelson is the FS lead in these discussions.
Cooperator Letters issued in this region will need better coordination with BLM (Kurt)
and with AMD to ensure FS correspondence policies are met. For simplicity, Gary
prefers that single letters are issued on behalf of FS and DOI whenever possible to
avoid duplication of efforts. The Willamette National Forest will not have a Type 1
helicopter this year and California (R5) will lose three Type 1 ships due to budget
reductions. There may be fewer rappellers, and the rappeller detailer program may see
a reduction. The agency is working on relocating the Frasier rappel base. There may be
a couple additional rappel crews nationally than there was in 2011. Scott Dewitz’s Air
Tactical Program mgr. position in Redmond will not be filled this year. FS is expecting
18 or 19 heavy airtankers in the 2012 fleet. There are funding issues related to heavy
tanker bases. Medford may not be able to hire an assistant manager. Sarah reiterated
the request to include the Chugach and Tongass in Regional UAO discussions. BLM
Oregon/Washington and FS Region 6 & Alaska will have two separate aviation
management plans in 2012. FS is working with ODF re: the Partenavia used for the
Forest Health program. (The WA-DNR Partenavia has turbine engines and meets FS
performance requirements.) There may be an Aero Commander available for ODF to
consider. Discussions will occur on the 23rd with Paul Bell on the use and approval of
the Partenavia.
Agenda Items:
1.) Review and update of AWT Charter. Kurt will inquire with Jim Edmonds to locate
a more current version of the AWT Charter than the 2003 version that resides on
the PNWCG web page. We believe we reviewed and updated it within the past
two years, but were unable to locate a more recent version. Shad and Kurt will
update it before next month’s PNWCG meeting.
2.) Steering Committee Liaison (Shramek) assignment:
 Prepare for the upcoming annual PNWCG-Working Team meeting (to take place
on Feb. 14-15 at a place TBD in the Portland-Vancouver area):
 What does the AWT want to bring to PNWCG as main accomplishments
for 2012?
 What are the main areas of AWT focus for 2012 (that is, what’s the work
plan look like)?
 What can PNWCG do to assist?
AWT could not come up with any specific projects or emphasis areas to focus on for
2012, or any issues for which we seek PNWCG assistance.
3.) The change in the Air-to-Ground frequency identifiers from letters to numbers
and the status of the 2012 PNW Aviation Frequency Guide and maps were
discussed. All agencies in the PNW agree that converting over to the same
number identifiers that four other geographic areas in the western US have
adopted makes good sense for consistency. Kurt handed out and discussed the
draft USFS/BLM Info. Memorandum and will work with Shad to draft a similar
letter of direction for PNWCG to issue after the Feb. meeting. Sample letter
used by RMCG last year was disseminated electronically the day before this
AWT meeting.
4.) Cooperator Aircraft inspection and approval issues were discussed after Dennis
opened with a word of thanks for the great working relations that DNR enjoys
with the USFS inspectors from Redmond. One unresolved issue pertains to the
9-pin adaptor (common in contract language) that is applied as a standard to the
Cooperator Hueys that utilize a two-prong connection. DNR is not planning to
completely re-wire all aircraft to comply with this standard and wish to have the
language amended in the standards to allow the two-pin connection to be an
acceptable alternative. NASF attempted to have NIAC make this amendment.
Gary had been briefed on this issue by Ralph Getchell who is the AMD
representative on technical discussions with NIAC. Dennis will provide
suggested edits to Sarah who will take them forward to John Nelson. A second
technical issue pertains to the switch on the collective that activates the Hobbs
meter. DNR uses an alternative (an electronic AGL height sensor) that is more
accurate, and would like it to be included as an acceptable alternative in the
inspection standards.
Upcoming 2012 meetings, training events, calendar updates: Bullet items listed below
were posted on the agenda for information-sharing and needed no further discussion
during the meeting.
A220 Train-the-Trainer (Basic-level IAT Instructor certification course)
Regional IAT event in Seattle area (location TBA) Feb. 29-March 1.
National IAT event (ACE) in Boise, April 23-26
PNW Fire Management Leadership conference: Feb. 13-17 (including aviation
discussion at 1330 on Thursday, Feb. 16)
RT-372 PNW Helicopter Manager’s Workshop: March 26-30
Airtanker Base Manager’s Workshop, Portland, April 17-19
Neale volunteered to serve as the Vice Chair under Shad for the next year.
Meeting concluded with summary of action items and assignments listed above. Shad
will represent AWT at the PNWCG meeting next month. A spring AWT meeting will be
called by Shad after the Feb. PNWCG meeting.