SHORT CURRICULUM VITAE: Charles Elliott September 2012 ACADEMIC HISTORY: Director of Warwick MASDOC Centre for Doctoral Training, 2010–Current Professor of Mathematics, University of Warwick, 1 August 2007—Current Head of Department, Mathematics, University of Sussex 1 Aug 2003 - 30 June 2007 Director Sussex Centre for Mathematical Analysis and Its Applications 1993-97,1998-2003, Chair of Mathematics, University of Sussex 1 Jan 1987-31 July 2007 Visiting Associate Professor Purdue University 1985-1986 University Lecturer Imperial College of Science and Technology, London Mathematics Department 1978-1986 Postdoctoral Research Fellow Oxford University Computing Laboratory 1975-1978 Education: University of Oxford D.Phil.1976, MSc 1972; University of Birmingham B.Sc (I) 1972 PRIZE: Humboldt Prize, 2010 RESEARCH: Partial differential equations; interfaces and free boundaries; models, analysis, numerical analysis and computation. PUBLICATIONS Over 120 in total. Below is a selection. Book:C. M. Elliott and J.R. Ockendon Weak and variational methods for moving boundary problems. Pitman, London 213 pp (1982). Survey articles:C.M. Elliott The Cahn-Hilliard model for the kinetics of phase separation. ’Mathematical Models for Phase Change Problems’. ed. J.F.Rodrigues, International Series of Numerical Mathematics 88, Birkhauser Verlag (1989) 35-73. K.P. Deckelnick, G. Dziuk and C.M. Elliott Computation of Geometric PDEs and Mean Curvature Flow Acta Numerica (2005) 139–232 Cahn Hilliard:C.M. Elliott and Zheng Songmu On the Cahn Hilliard equation. Arch. Rat. Mech. Anal. 96(1986) 339-357. C.M. Elliott and D. French Numerical studies of the Cahn-Hilliard equation for phase separation. I.M.A. Journal of Applied Mathematics 38 (1987) 97-128 C.M. Elliott, D. French, and F. Milner A second order splitting method for the Cahn-Hilliard equation. Num. Math. 54 (1989)575-590. C.M. Elliott and S. Larsson Error estimates with smooth and non-smooth data for a finite element method for the Cahn-Hilliard equation. Math. Comp. 58 (1992) 603-630, S33-S36. C. M. Elliott and H. Garcke On the Cahn-Hilliard equation with degenerate mobility. SIAM J. Math. Anal. 27 (1996) 404-423. J. Cahn, C.M. Elliott and A. Novick-Cohen The Cahn-Hilliard equation with a concentration dependent mobility: motion by minus the Laplacian of the mean curvature. Euro. J. Appl. Math. 7 (1996) 287-301. Double obstacle phase field:J.F. Blowey and C.M. Elliott The Cahn-Hilliard gradient theory for phase separation with non-smooth free energy Part 1: Mathematical Analysis. European J. Applied Mathematics. 2 (1991) 233-280. Part II: Numerical Analysis. European J. Applied Mathematics 3 (1992) 147-179. J.F. Blowey and C.M. Elliott Curvature dependent phase boundary motion and parabolic double obstacle problems. I.M.A. 47 (1993) 19-60, Degenerate Diffusions (1991) ed. Wei-Ming Ni, L.A. Peletier and J.L. Vazquez. Springer Verlag, New York. X. Chen and C.M. Elliott Asymptotics for a parabolic double obstacle problem. Proc. Roy. Soc. London Ser. A. 444 (1994) 429-445. C.M. Elliott and R. Schätzle The limit of the fully anisotropic double obstacle Allen-Cahn equation in the non-smooth case. SIAM J. Math. Anal. 28 (1997) . (1997) 273-303. Surface diffusion:C.M. Elliott and H. Garcke Existence results for diffusive surface motion laws. Advances in Mathematical Sciences and Applications 7 (1997)465-488. K.P. Deckelnick, G. Dziuk and C.M. Elliott Error analysis of a semidiscrete numerical scheme for diffusion in axially symmetric surfaces . SIAM J Numerical Analysis 41(2003) 2161–2179. K.P. Deckelnick, G. Dziuk and C.M. Elliott Fully discrete semi-implicit second order splitting for anisotropic surface diffusion of graphs SIAM J. Num. Anal. 43 (2005) 112–1138 Numerical analysis of nonlinear PDE:C.M. Elliott Error analysis of the enthalpy method for the Stefan problem. I.M.A. Journal of Numerical Analysis 7 (1987) 61-71. 1 M. Copetti and C.M. Elliott Numerical analysis of the Cahn-Hilliard equation with a logarithmic free energy. Numer. Math.63, (1992) 39-65. C.M. Elliott and A. Stuart The global dynamics of discrete semilinear parabolic equations. SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 30 (1993) 1622-1663. F. Bai, C.M. Elliott, A.R. Gardiner, A. Spence and A. Stuart The viscous Cahn-Hilliard equation Part I: Computations. Nonlinearity 8 (1995) 131-160. C.M. Elliott and S. Larsson A finite element model for the time dependent Joule heating problem. Math. Comp. 64 (1995) 1433-1453. Superconductivity:C.M. Elliott, H. Matano, Q. Tang Zeros of a complex Ginzburg-Landau order parameter with applications to superconductivity. European Journal Appl. Math. 5 (1994) 431-448. X. Chen,C.M. Elliott and Q. Tang Shooting method for vortex solutions of a complex valued Ginzberg-Landau equation. Proc. Roy. Soc. Edin. 124A (1994) 1075-1088. C.M. Elliott, R.Schatzle and B.Stoth Viscosity solutions of a degenerate parabolic elliptic system arising in the mean field theory of superconductivity. Arch. Rat. Mech. Anal. 145 (1998) 99-127. C. M. Elliott, D.Kay and V.M.Styles A finite element approximation of a variational formulation of Bean’s model for superconductivity. SIAM J Numerical Analysis 42 (2004) 1324–1341. C. M. Elliott and Y. Kashima A finite element analysis of critical state models for Type II superconductivity in 3D. IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis 27 (2007) 293–331 Hamilton-Jacobi equations:A. J.Briggs, JR.Claisse and C.M. Elliott Finite difference approximation of a one dimensional HamiltonJacobi /elliptic system arising in superconductivity. IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis 22 (2002) 89-131 C. M. Elliott, Y.Giga and S.Goto Dynamic boundary condition for Hamilton-Jacobi equations. SIAM J Mathematical Analysis 34 (2003) 861-881. K.P. Deckelnick and C. M. Elliott Uniqueness and error analysis for Hamilton-Jacobi equations with discontinuities Interfaces and Free Boundaries 6 (2004) 329–349. K. P. Deckelnick, C.M. Elliott and V. Styles Optimal control of the propagation of a graph in inhomogeneous media SIAM J. Control and Optimisation 48(2009) 1335–1352 K. P. Deckelnick, C.M. Elliott and V. Styles Numerical analysis for an inverse problem for the eikonal equation Numerische Mathematik 119 (2011) 245–269 Free boundary problems (miscellaneous):C.M. Elliott and V. Janovsky A variational inequality approach to Hele-Shaw flow with a moving boundary. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh 88A (1981) 93 -107. C.M. Elliott and A. Friedman Analysis of a model of percolation in a gently sloping sandbank. SIAM J. Math. Anal. 16 (1985) 941-954. C.M. Elliott M.A.Herrero, J.R. King and J.R.Ockendon The mesa problem:diffusion patterns for ut = ∇(u∇u) as m → + ∞ . I.M.A. J. Appl. Math. 37 (1986) 147-154. C.M. Elliott and A. Friedman The contact set of a rigid body partially supported by a membrane. Nonlinear Analysis T.M.A. 10 (1986) 251-276. J. W. Barrett and C. M. Elliott Remarks on a free boundary problem arising in the theory of liquid drops and plasma physics. Proc. Roy. Soc. Edin. 111A (1989) 169-181. J. W. Barrett and C. M. Elliott Finite element approximation of a free boundary problem arising in the theory of liquid drops and plasma physics. RAIRO, Modlisation Math. Anal. Numr. M2AN 25 (1991) 213-252. Unfitted finite element method:J.W. Barrett and C. M. Elliott A finite element method for solving elliptic equations with Neumann data on a curved boundary using unfitted meshes. I.M.A. Journal of Numerical Analysis 4 (1984) 309-325. J. W. Barrett and C. M. Elliott Fitted and unfitted finite element methods for elliptic equations with smooth interfaces. I.M.A. Journal of Numerical Analysis 7 (1987) 283-300. J. W. Barrett and C. M. Elliott Finite element approximation of the Dirichlet problem using the boundary penalty method. Numer. Math. 49 (1986) 343-366. J. W. Barrett and C. M. Elliott Finite element approximation of elliptic equations with Neumann or Robin condition on a curved boundary. I.M.A. Journal of Numerical Analyis 8 (1988) 321-342. J. W. Barrett and C. M. Elliott A practical finite element approximation of a semi-definite Neumann problem on a curved domain. Num. Math. 51 (1987) 23-36. K. P. Deckelnick, G. Dziuk, C. M. Elliott and C.-J. Heine An h−narrow band finite element method for elliptic equations on implicit surfaces IMAJ Num. Anal. 30 (2010) 351–376 Surface finite element method:2 G. Dziuk and C.M. Elliott Finite elements on evolving surfaces IMAJ Num. Anal. 27 (2007) 262–292 G. Dziuk and C.M. Elliott Surface finite elements for parabolic equations J. Computational Mathematics 25 (2007) 385–407 C. Eilks and C. M. Elliott Numerical simulation of dealloying by surface dissolution via the evolving surface finite element method J. Comp. Phys. 227 (2008) 9727–9741 G. Dziuk and C. M. Elliott L2 estimates for the evolving surface finite element method Math. Comp. (2012) C.M. Elliott and T. Ranner Finite element analysis for a coupled bulk-surface partial differential equation IMA Journal Numerical Analysis (2012) doi: 10.1093/imanum/drs022 G. Dziuk and C. M. Elliott Fully discrete evolving surface finite element method SIAM J. Numer. Anal. Accepted Biomembranes:C. M. Elliott and B. Stinner Modelling and computation of two phase geometric biomembranes using surface finite elements J. Comp. Phys. 229 (2010) 6585–6612 C. M. Elliott and B. Stinner A surface phase field model for two-phase biological membranes SIAM J. Applied Math. 70 (2010) 2904–2928 C. M. Elliott, B. Stinner and C. Venkataraman Modelling cell motility and chemotaxis with evolving surface finite elements Journal Royal Socety Interface 9(76) (2012) C. M. Elliott and B. Stinner Computation of two-phase biomembranes with phase dependent material parameters using surface finite elements Communications in Computational Physics 13(2) (2012) 325–360 SERVICE Editorial:Associate editor: I.M.A. Journal of Numerical Analysis (Oxford) 1987- Current Editor: European Journal of Applied Mathematics (Cambridge) 1990-2000 Founding editor : Interfaces and Free Boundary Problems: Modelling, Analysis and Computation (European Mathematics Society) 1999- Current Editor : Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis (AIMS Press) 2002- Current Editorial Board: Hokkaido Mathematics Journal 2004-Current Refereeing Many journals including: SIAM J Numerical Analysis, SIAM J Mathematical Analysis, Archive Rational Mechanics and Analysis, SIAM J Applied Mathematics, Communications in Partial Differential Equations, Proceedings Royal Society London, Proceedings Royal Society Edinburgh, Nonlinear Analysis, Nonlinearity, J.Computational Physics, IMA J Numerical Analysis, Mathematics of Computation, Numerische Mathematik etc Research Council and Scientific Committees etc: Member of DFG(Germany) Review Panel (June 2004, 2008) for SFB Research Center 611:Singular Phenomena and Scaling in Mathematical Models National Agency for the Evaluation of Universities and Research Institutes (ANVUR) Italy referee for VQR 2004-2010 Member Scientific Steering Committee of Isaac Newton Institute. 1999 - 2002 National Advisory Board for Isaac Newton Institute (representative from Scientific Steering Committee). Term completed 2002 Reviewer of grants for NSF(USA), DFG(Germany), NSERC(Canada), Sweden TFR, Australian Research Council EPSRC/SERC Mathematics Panel for Earmarked Studentships 1991, 1992, 1993 EPSRC Mathematics College 1995, 1996, 2003-2005, 2006-Current EPSRC Mathematics Panel for Responsive Mode Grants 2007(Chair), 2012 EPSRC Mathematics Panel 2005 for Critical Mass Grants Royal Society International Exchange Scheme Assessment 2010,2011,2012 Steering Committee ”New frontiers in the mathematics of solids” Oxford research programme funded by EPSRC. 2006-2010 Fox Prize in Numerical Analysis Committee1991,1993, 1995(Chairman) Conferences/Mini-symposia: Organiser/Scientific Committee Member Around 40 in total. Examples: Interfaces and Free Boundaries: Analysis, Control and Simulation March 24–30 2013; Geometric partial differential equations : Theory, numerics and applications November 2011; New directions in simulation, control and analysis for interfaces and free boundaries 31 January –6 February 2010; Miniworkshop :-Control of free boundaries February 11 – February 17 2007 Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach Minisymposium: Computational Surface PDes ENUMATH Leicester 5–9 September 2011; Mini-symposium: Numerical 3 Analysis BAMC UCL March 2012; Inverse Problems and Optimal Control for PDEs Monday 23 May - Friday 27 May 2011, Warwick; European Finite Element Fair (Founding organiser) Cambridge (2003), Berlin (2004), Pavia (2005), Zrich (2006), Marseille (2007), Gothenburg (2008), Helsinki (2009), Warwick (2010), Paris (2011), Bilbao (2012) Computational challenges in partial differential equations 6 month programme Isaac Newton Institute, Cambridge 2003 INVITED LECTURES Over 100 invited plenary, conference and workshop lectures. Seminars and colloquia given at over 50 universities and institutes around the world. Examples of invited talks:PDEs for multiphase advanced materials (ADMAT2012) Palazzone, Cortona (Italy) September 17–21 2012 Free Boundary Problems: Theory and Applications Chiemsee Bavaria 11-15 June 2012; MSRI March 7-11 2011; 2011 Chiba, Japan 7 - 13 November 1999 Annual SIAM UKIE Meeting Leicester 6 January 2012; Imperial College 8 January 1999 Modern Techniques in the Numerical Solution of PDEs Heraklion, Crete, September 19 23, 2011 Computational Challenges in PDEs, 4–8 May 2011, University of Swansea (Newton Institute Programme) Alexander von Humboldt Lecture:- Humboldt Prize Lecture Berlin 18 October 2010 GAMM 2010 81st Annual Meeting of International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 22-26 March 2010, Karlsruhe Challenges and Advances in Computational Materials Simulations and Design Institute for Mathematical Sciences, National University of Singapore, 20 – 24 Jul 2009 ENUMATH (European Conference on Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications) Uppsala, 29 June -3 July 2009; Heidelburg 29 Sept - 4 Oct 1997 EQUADIFF Bratislava July 25-29 2005 18th and 15th Biennial Dundee Conference on Numerical Analysis 29 June - 2 July 1999; 29 June-2 July 1993 79th Stat. Mech. Conf: Phase Segregation, Kinetics, Wetting and Quasi-Crystals (in honour of J. Cahns 70th birthday) Rutgers University, U.S.A. 15 - 18 May 1998 The State of the Art in Numerical Analysis IMA conference,York 1-4 April 1996 CTAC 93, 6th Biennial Computational Techniques and Applications Conference Canberra (Australia) 5-9 July 1993 Symposium on Trends in Applications of Mathematics to Mechanics Lisbon (Portugal) 23-30 July 1994 International Conference on Numerical Mathematics Singapore June 1988 PhD SUPERVISION Over 20 former and current students as first or second supervisor POST-DOCTORAL SUPERVISION 9 current and former post-docs. 7 with established academic positions including professorships and deputy faculty head and 1 in the finance sector. FUNDING CI (Co-Investigator) PI (Principle Investigator) Selected grants (CI) EPSRC EP/I019138/1 Warwick Mathematics Platform Grant 2011/2016 £518, 575 (PI) EPSRC EP/H023364/1 CDT MASDOC Centre for Doctoral Training in Mathematics and Statistics 2010/2017 £4.3 million. (PI) EPSRC EP/G010404/1 Numerical analysis and computation for partial differential equations on surfaces 2008/11 £347800 (CI) EPSRC EP/F032323/1 2008/2011 Warwick Symposium 2008/09 Challenges in Scientific Computing £248810 (CI) EPSRC Research Network Computation and numerical analysis for multiscale and multi-physics modelling April 2003 £62298 (PI) EPSRC Fellowship Two Months Newton Institute 20 Jan -19 May 2003 £10,122 (CI) EPSRC Conference Grant from Computational Engineering Maths Programme :Newton Institute ) Jan 2003 £10,000 (PI) EU Marie Curie Training Site:- CMAIA Partial Differential Equations and Applications 2000 158400 EURO (PI) EU Human Capital and Mobility Phase transitions and surface tension Nov. 1994 14,000 Ecu Sussex Workshop (PI) University of Sussex Centre for Mathematical Analysis and Its Applications (CMAIA) July 1993 £76,000 (PI) SERC Numerical analysis of phase transitions and free boundary problems 01/10/93 £85,523 (PI) SERC GR/H61445 Numerical analysis of phase transitions 01/11/92 £22,912 (PI SERC GF/F85659 Numerical analysis of nonlinear partial differential equations 01/10/90 £48,382 4