Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics (LASP) University of Colorado at Boulder CASSINI UVIS OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES Rev. Description of Change 0 1 Draft for review Additional procedures Miscellaneous corrections and updates Procedures numbering Changes to UVIS-OPS-0001, UVIS-OPS-002, UVIS-OPS-0003 and UVIS-OPS-0008 Add UVIS-OPS-0013. correct misc.typos Edit and format for webpage Add backup an paging to UVIS-OPS-0001 Change time criteria in UVIS-OPS-0005 Add backup to UVIS-OPS-0006 Update UVIS-OPS-0009: remove atika node and add cassini node Update UVIS-OPS-0010, UVIS-OPS-0012, UVIS-OPS-0013, UVIS-OPS-0002 2 3 4 5 Approved Date 12/96 6/97 8/97 9/97 11/98 12/98 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 INTRODUCTION ...............................................................................................................1 P URPOSE...............................................................................................................................1 REFERENCES..........................................................................................................................1 OTHER IMPORTANT DOCUMENTS ...............................................................................................1 CONVENTIONS ........................................................................................................................1 P REREQUISITES ......................................................................................................................1 2 UVIS-OPS-0001 MONITORING REAL-TIME DATA ON EGSE.................................................................2 B ACKGROUND ........................................................................................................................2 S TARTING UP OASIS-CC ON P OLLUX.........................................................................................2 S TARTING THE B ROADCAST OF DATA TO THE EGSE......................................................................3 S TARTING HOUSEKEEPING AND S CIENCE DATA A CQUISITION ON OASIS-CC:...................................3 S HUTTING DOWN ....................................................................................................................4 RECOVERING FROM E RRORS.....................................................................................................4 USING THE A UTOMATIC P AGING/E-MAILING CAPABILITY ..................................................................4 USING THE B ACKUP WORKSTATION.............................................................................................5 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 3 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 UVIS-OPS-0002 MONITORING REAL-TIME DATA USING DMD .............................................................6 B ACKGROUND ........................................................................................................................6 L OGGING IN CASUVIS................................................................................................................6 S TARTING THE DMD PROCESS..................................................................................................7 S TOPPING THE DMD PROCESS..................................................................................................7 L OGGING OUT OF CASUVIS ........................................................................................................7 RECOVERING FROM E RRORS.....................................................................................................7 4 UVIS-OPS-0005 HK, SCIENCE, AND ENGINEERING DATA COLLECTION .........................................8 4.1 B ACKGROUND ........................................................................................................................8 4.2 S ETTING UP FOR DATA COLLECTION ...........................................................................................8 4.3 COLLECTING DATA ...................................................................................................................9 5 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 6 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 7 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 UVIS-OPS-0006 INSTRUMENT HEALTH ASSESSMENT .....................................................................10 B ACKGROUND ......................................................................................................................10 HEALTH A SSESSMENT USING HOUSEKEEPING DATA .....................................................................10 OTHER HEALTH A SSESSMENT P ROCEDURES..............................................................................13 INSTRUMENT HEALTH REPORTING ............................................................................................13 USING THE B ACKUP WORKSTATION...........................................................................................13 UVIS-OPS-0012 MEMORY CONTENTS VERIFICATION........................................................................15 B ACKGROUND ......................................................................................................................15 E XTRACTING MRO INFORMATION FROM HK OR EMHK PACKETS ..................................................16 E XTRACTING MRO INFORMATION FROM FMD PACKETS ...............................................................16 COMPARING P REDICTED AND A CTUAL MEMORY CONTENTS ..........................................................16 UVIS-OPS-0009 LEVEL 1 DATA PROCESSING AND FLAT FILE ARCHIVING.....................................17 B ACKGROUND ......................................................................................................................17 B ENCH DATA P ROCESSING AND A RCHIVING ...............................................................................18 ATLO/F LIGHT DATA P ROCESSING AND A RCHIVING .....................................................................20 A CCESS TO A RCHIVED L EVEL 1 DATA........................................................................................21 8 UVIS-OPS-0003 SCIENCE DATA QUICK LOOK PROCESSING ..........................................................23 8.1 K NOW THE FILE NAME ............................................................................................................23 8.2 P ROCESS THE CONTENTS OF THE FILE......................................................................................23 8.3 P ROCESSING DATA FROM THE E XPERIMENT DEFINITION WINDOWS ................................................24 9 UVIS-OPS-0004 USING OASIS-CC ON THE BENCH .............................................................................25 10 UVIS-OPS-0010 IEBS GENERATION .......................................................................................................27 10.1O VERVIEW OF THE P ROCESS ..................................................................................................27 10.2CSTOL S CRIPT CONTENTS ....................................................................................................28 10.3D ETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE P ROCESSING S TEPS ...................................................................28 11 UVIS-OPS-0007 FLIGHT RULE VERIFICATION......................................................................................31 11.1O VERVIEW ...........................................................................................................................31 11.2M ANUAL CHECKING OF FR84B1..............................................................................................31 12 UVIS-OPS-0008 SUBSEQUENCE GENERATION ..................................................................................32 12.1O VERVIEW ...........................................................................................................................32 12.2S UBSEQUENCE V ALIDATION.....................................................................................................33 13 UVIS-OPS-0011 REAL-TIME COMMAND REQUEST .............................................................................34 13.1O VERVIEW ...........................................................................................................................34 13.2RTC VALIDATION...................................................................................................................34 13.3T IMING ISSUES ......................................................................................................................35 14 UVIS-OPS-0013 INSTRUMENT TEMPERATURE MONITORING ..........................................................36 14.1O VERVIEW ...........................................................................................................................36 14.2S ETTING UP FOR DATA COLLECTION .........................................................................................36 14.3C OLLECTING DATA .................................................................................................................37 14.4P LOTTING THE DATA ..............................................................................................................37 APPENDIX A: ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS .........................................................38 APPENDIX B: IEB GENERATION EXAMPLE.....................................................................39 B.1 CSTOL SCRIPT....................................................................................................................39 B.2 E XAMPLE OF OUTPUT .............................................................................................................41 APPENDIX C: UVIS PERIODIC HEALTH STATUS EXAMPLE ........................................44 APPENDIX D: TIMING BETWEEN REAL-TIME COMMANDS...........................................45 APPENDIX E: UVIS SUBSEQUENCE GENERATION.......................................................46 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Purpose The purpose of this document is to collect the UVIS operational procedures that have been developed during the instrument test, calibration, and ATLO and are to be used during the ATLO and Cruise operations. 1.2 References (1) Cassini Project SOPC User’s Handbook, PD 699-DOIUG-4, 3/97 1.3 Other Important Documents (2) UVIS Flight Code User’s Guide, LASP document, 9/96 (3) OASIS-CC documentation set for release 12 and subsequent release notes (4) Cassini Spacecraft Flight Rules and Constraints, PD 699-270 3/96 1.4 Conventions When computer dialogs are presented, user inputs are in bold whereas computer outputs or prompt are in italic. 1.5 Prerequisites This document assumes familiarity with OASIS-CC software and with Jet Propulsion Laboratory software resident on the SOPC. It also assumes familiarity with the Cassini uplink process and the MPVT and SVT concepts. Cassini UVIS Operational Procedures 12/98 1 2 UVIS-OPS-0001 MONITORING OF REAL-TIME DATA ON EGSE Procedure: UVIS-OPS-0001 Name: MONITORING REAL-TIME DATA ON EGSE Used by: Ops team members Abstract: This procedure describes the steps taken to monitor the health of the UVIS instrument using real-time data on the EGSE. This is the preferred method of monitoring as it re-uses the tools exercised during instrument bench checkout and calibration. Log: Date 2/97 6/97 8/97 12/98 Status Preliminary Version 1.0 Version 1.1 Version 1.2 2.1 Background Whenever the Cassini spacecraft is powered on or UVIS is powered on, data from the instrument (science, housekeeping, and spacecraft engineering) are automatically broadcasted by JPL’s TDS to LASP’s SOPC. Broadcast data come in non-channelized form (for use by UVIS’s EGSE) and in channelized form (for use by the DMD software). The broadcast channel for channelized data is called B0, whereas the broadcast channel for non-channelized data is named B1. To visualize instrument data on UVIS’s EGSE (pollux node) using this method, run OASIS-CC on pollux and create a logical link between pollux and LASP’s SOPC (casuvis). 2.2 Starting Up OASIS-CC on Pollux (a) Log on to pollux: logname: test password: <test account password> (b) Start the windowing system (as prompted): pollux% xinit (c) In one of the two windows, start OASIS-CC (we will use the other window to log on to casuvis to collect the data pushed by TDS): Cassini UVIS Operational Procedures 12/98 2 pollux% oasis (d) When OASIS-CC is up, run a setup procedure (at the CSTOL prompt): cstol> start atlo_setup_schk The CSTOL procedure executes until a CSTOL statement appears with the following message: Wait; go when broadcast is ready 2.3 Starting the Broadcast of Data to the EGSE In the second window brought by Step 2 (b), log on to the uvisop account in casuvis: pollux% telnet casuvis logname : <your logname in uvisop account> password : <your password> Then start the link to pollux for the broadcast data: casuvis% data_to_egse.csh <socket_address> where socket_address is a number in the range 1500 to 2000. For example: casuvis% data_to_egse.csh 1501 Remember this value, as you will have to use it in OASIS-CC. 2.4 Starting Housekeeping and Science Data Acquisition on OASIS-CC: At the CSTOL prompt, enter: cstol> go The procedure continues and displays an OASIS-CC “Ask” window with the following question: Enter socket address (for example 1501 dn) ---> <socket_address> dn Cassini UVIS Operational Procedures 12/98 3 where socket_address is the number between 1500 and 2000 that you have given in 2.3 above. If the instrument is powered on, data should start flowing to the EGSE. From then on, everything should appear as if the instrument were on the bench next door. 2.5 Shutting Down (a) At the CSTOL prompt, terminate OASIS-CC: cstol> cstol off (b) In the casuvis window: casuvis% CNTRL C casuvis% logout 2.6 Recovering from Errors Very little can happen that would prevent the flow of data to the EGSE, except that the data may not be broadcast from JPL to the SOPC (see reference (1), page 82, “Determine If You Are Receiving Broadcast Data”). 2.7 Using the Automatic Paging/E-Mailing Capability The EGSE can be setup to automatically send e-mail whenever there are red alarms for more than 3 consecutive housekeeping packets. 2.7.1 Setting up the automatic paging/emailing capability By default the automatic paging capability is disabled. It can be enabled by typing: at the CSTOL prompt: cstol> let uvis alarm = enable 2.7.2 Setting Up the Recipient List The variable “alert2pager recipient” contains the email addresses of the persons who need to be notified. By default, the variable is set to: jouchoux@lasp,kelley@lasp,, It can be changed by using the let statement: cstol> let alert2pager recipient="jouchoux@lasp" Cassini UVIS Operational Procedures 12/98 4 The names within the list are separated by commas, with no spaces. 2.7.3 Enabling/Disabling the Capability This capability is automatically disabled after an e-mail has been sent. To reenable the capability: cstol> let uvis alarm = enable To disable the capability: cstol> let uvis alarm = disable 2.8 Using the Backup Workstation When the pollux workstation is down, real-time data can be monitored using the same procedure on the UVIS’s database workstation (cassini node). (a) Log on to cassini: logname: uvis_ops password: <uvis_ops account password> (b) Start oasis cassini% cd $RESOURCE_FILES cassini% oasis (c) The rest of the procedure is identical to the one used on the pollux node. Cassini UVIS Operational Procedures 12/98 5 3 UVIS-OPS-0002 MONITORING REAL-TIME DATA USING DMD Procedure: UVIS-OPS-0002 Name: MONITORING OF REAL-TIME DATA USING DMD Used by: Ops team members Abstract: This procedure describes the steps taken to monitor the health of the UVIS instrument using real-time data on the SOPC running the DMD tools. Log: Date 2/97 6/97 8/97 Status Preliminary Version 1.0 Version 1.1 3.1 Background From time to time, it may be useful to monitor UVIS data in the way that the IE or RTO is monitoring it, using DMD software. Also, the UVIS’s DMD displays have a page showing the instrument current and temperature measured by CDS. These data are not available in instrument housekeeping. For a detailed description of the SOPC and the DMD software, see reference (1). 3.2 Logging in Casuvis To access DMD, the logging sequence is somewhat special. (a) In the HP_VIEW startup panel, select Options. (b) Then in the popup menu, select Command Line Login. (c) The screen clears and numerous messages scroll by. When the scrolling is over, hit the return key and enter: Console login: <your login in uvisop account> Password: <your password> (d) More messages scroll by. When the scrolling is over: Cassini UVIS Operational Procedures 12/98 6 Please enter m for Motif and then logout; or u for Motil and then return to Unix prompt; or n for nothing all other responses bring up Motif > m Two Xterm windows and one Cassini window appear. 3.3 Starting the DMD Process (a) When all windows are up, select he left button on the mouse. A popup menu appears; select Start DMD. Another popup menu appears; select UVIS. (b) A window labeled “dmdgiu” appears, with numerous scrolling messages. When the scrolling is over select B0 (in the bottom left part of the “dmdgui” window) and then select Resume. The most interesting window is W8, as it contains information not available in the data returned by UVIS (instrument current, replacement heater status, and instrument temperature from the passive thermistor). 3.4 Stopping the DMD Process In the dmdgiu window, select File and then Quit. Note that the DMD software can leave hanging processes that do not deallocate memory. It is therefore recommended to use the killcmd and qkill commands after every exit of DMD (see reference (1), page 127, “Cleanup DMD processes”). 3.5 Logging out of Casuvis (a) Select the left button on the mouse. A popup menu appears; select Exit Mwm. (b) A choice panel appears; select Exit mwm/Quit X. 3.6 Recovering from Errors Very little can happen that would prevent the flow of data to the DMD software, except that data may not be broadcast from JPL to the SOPC (see reference (1) page 82, “Determine If You Are Receiving Broadcast Data”). Cassini UVIS Operational Procedures 12/98 7 4 UVIS-OPS-0005 HK, SCIENCE, AND ENGINEERING DATA COLLECTION Procedure: UVIS-OPS-0005 Name: HK, SCIENCE, AND ENGINEERING DATA COLLECTION Used by: Ops team members Abstract: This procedure describes how to collect UVIS relevant data from JPL’s data server (TDS) Log: Date 2/97 6/97 8/97 12/98 Status Preliminary Version 1.0 Version 1.1 Version 1.2 4.1 Background UVIS raw data are archived in the TDS and transferred to LASP for processing and local archiving. This procedure describes the steps to take in order to transfer data around playback time. The procedure assumes that you are logged on to the uvisop account. 4.2 Setting Up for Data Collection (a) In /u/uvisop/, copy old transfer script files into new ones (keeping the filenaming convention): casuvis% cp atlo_275_hk.pvl atlo_<xxx>_hk.pvl casuvis% cp atlo_275_science.pvl atlo_<xxx>_science.pvl casuvis% cp atlo_101_eg.pvl atlo_<xxx>_eg.pvl where xxx is the DOY of the track you want to collect from. (b) Then edit the atlo_xxx_hk.pvl and/or atlo_xxx_science.pvl and/or atlo_xxx_eg.pvl files to change the request time (see TIME_RANGE values in the example below). The time range should begin with the start time (in spacecraft event time) of the playback (i.e., the time at which the record pointer was set), and it should end with the end time of the track. Cassini UVIS Operational Procedures 12/98 8 For example, the contents of the file atlo_275_hk.pvl look like: OBJECT = 'Cas_castds1_QueryServer'; DESCRIPTION = 'Tot Query'; REQUESTER_NAME = jouchoux; MISSION_NAME = Cas; SPACECRAFT_NAME = Cassini; DATA_FROM = { RT,NERT } ; TIME_RANGE = { 1998/275-00:00:00.000 .. 1998/276-00:00:00.000 } SCET; GROUP = FRAME ; DATA_TYPE = uvis_hk ; DSS_ID = ALL ; TELEMETRY_MODE = MERGED ; END_GROUP = FRAME ; END_OBJECT = 'Cas_castds1_QueryServer'; 4.3 Collecting Data In /u/cas/uvisop, to get DOY xxx science data, enter: casuvis% get_science.csh <xxx> Or to get DOY xxx housekeeping (HK) data, enter: casuvis% get_hk.csh <xxx> Or to get DOY xxx engineering (channel S-3200 and channel E-0664) data, enter: casuvis% get_eg.csh <xxx> The data files can be found in /u/cas/uvisop/tmp under the name of hk_xxx_yy.dat, science_xxx_yy.dat, E0664_xxx_yy.dat, and S3200_xxx_yy.dat, where xxx is the DOY and yy the year (e.g., 98). Cassini UVIS Operational Procedures 12/98 9 5 UVIS-OPS-0006 INSTRUMENT HEALTH ASSESSMENT Procedure: UVIS-OPS-0006 Name: INSTRUMENT HEALTH ASSESSMENT AND REPORTING Used by: Ops team members Abstract: This procedure describes how to conduct a quick assessment of the health of the UVIS instrument. Log: Date 2/97 6/97 12/98 Status Preliminary Version 1.0 Version 1.1 5.1 Background During ATLO and Cruise, UVIS instrument health is assessed by: • Replaying HK data on UVIS’s EGSE, looking at out-of-limits measurements and unexpected state changes. • Doing a “sanity” check on HK data by examining daily plots (see UVIS-OPS-0009). • Doing a quick-look analysis of the science data (if available), looking for items such as detector noise (see UVIS-OPS-0009). 5.2 Health Assessment Using Housekeeping Data Replaying HK data can be done on any workstation that has the OASIS-CC UVIS application. The procedure described here uses UVIS’s EGSE (pollux node). 5.2.1 Which File to Get The file you need is the one collected after the fact from TDS (see UVIS-OPS0005). The filename is in the form of hk_ddd_yy.dat (for example, hk_275_96.dat for the HK collected for DOY 275 of year 1996). Cassini UVIS Operational Procedures 12/98 10 This file should be copied to a disk accessible to the OASIS/UVIS application. The easiest way is to put the file in $RESOURCE_FILES (i.e., the account from which the OASIS-CC application is started). 5.2.2 Setting Up OASIS-CC (a) Start the UVIS OASIS-CC application. If you are on pollux, see the example in UVIS-OPS-0001, steps 2 (a), 2 (b) and 2 (c). (b) At the cstol prompt: cstol> start atlo_setup cstol> start replay_atlo_hk "<filename>” where the filename is the full filename (path included). For example, hk_275_96.dat. (c) Then, if no error is reported: cstol> go (d) If an error is reported, or when the end-of-file is reached: cstol> switch off replay_atlo_hk cstol> return The data are replayed at about 64 times the real-time rate while event messages are logged. The Event Log file can be searched for such items as red or yellow alarms and state changes. This file is recorded in the $OASIS_MSG_LOGGING directory under the standard OASIS-CC filename format (i.e., fyy_mmm_day_hh_mm_ss.event_messages). The filename can be found by making a directory of $OASIS_MSG_LOGGING or by entering at the cstol prompt: cstol> write event_message record_ filename The next three paragraphs detail how to extract health information from the Event Log file. It is assumed that you are in the $OASIS_MSG_LOGGING directory. 5.2.3 Alarms Processing To print messages that contain limit, state, or delta alarms, enter the following at the unix prompt: pollux% egrep 'HL |HS |HD ’ <filename> | egrep -v '/|SEQ’ Cassini UVIS Operational Procedures 12/98 11 For example: pollux% egrep 'HL |HS |HD ' f97_may_29_14_29_34.event_messages | fgrep -v '/|SEQ’ The output assumes the following format: 4acb6fa9 HS 4acb6fa9 HS 4acb7029 HS 4acb7229 HS 4acb78b6 HL 4acb791c HL 4acb791c HS 4acb7c97 HL 4acb7cbb HL 4acb7cbb HL <G >EUV SLIT State HI_RES is GOOD <G >EUV OCC State CLOSED is GOOD <G >FUV SLIT State HI_RES is GOOD <G >BIU CPU_SELECTED State CPU_2 is GOOD <R >LOGIC TEMP_C Value -38.447 C is RED_LOW (threshold <G >LOGIC TEMP_C Value 21.347 C is NORMAL <G >BIU CPU_SELECTED State CPU_1 is GOOD <R >LOGIC TEMP_C Value -38.176 C is RED_LOW (threshold <G >LOGIC TEMP_C Value 21.345 C is NORMAL <G >FUV IOP_HVPS Value 3282.531 V is NORMAL where the first column is the spacecraft clock (SCLK) at which the event occurred. 5.2.4 State Change Processing To print messages containing state changes, enter the following at the unix prompt: pollux% egrep ‘HV ‘ <filename> | egrep -v '/|SEQ' For example: pollux% egrep 'HV ' f97_may_29_14_29_34.event_messages | egrep -v '/|SEQ’ The output takes the following format: 4acb7cbb HV 4acb8821 HV 4acb8921 HV 4acb8b61 HV 4acb8da1 HV 4acb8de1 HV 4acb8e61 HV 4acb8e61 HV 4acb8fe1 HV 4acb8fe1 HV 4acb9821 HV 4acb9821 HV 4acb99a1 HV 4acb99a1 HV <W >PGM_FLAG_2 IOP_CMD ON DN = 1 <W >PGM_FLAG_2 HSP_INTEGRATING YES DN = 1 <W >PGM_FLAG_2 HSP_INTEGRATING NO DN = 0 <W >PGM_FLAG_1 LAST_DS_STATE VALID DN = 0 <W >PGM_FLAG_2 HDAC_INTEGRATING YES DN = 1 <W >PGM_FLAG_2 HDAC_INTEGRATING NO DN = 0 <W >PGM_FLAG_1 FUV_PULSE YES DN = 1 <W >PGM_FLAG_2 FUV_INTEGRATING YES DN = 1 <W >PGM_FLAG_1 FUV_PULSE NO DN = 0 <W >PGM_FLAG_2 FUV_INTEGRATING NO DN = 0 <W >PGM_FLAG_1 EUV_PULSE YES DN = 1 <W >PGM_FLAG_2 EUV_INTEGRATING YES DN = 1 <W >PGM_FLAG_1 EUV_PULSE NO DN = 0 <W >PGM_FLAG_2 EUV_INTEGRATING NO DN = 0 where the first column is the SCLK at which the state change occurred. These SCLKs can be compared with predicted SCLKs. Cassini UVIS Operational Procedures 12/98 12 5.2.5 Missing Data Reporting To print messages reporting missing HK packets, enter the following at the unix prompt: pollux% egrep 'HD ' <filename> | fgrep SEQ | fgrep RED_H For example: pollux% egrep 'HD ' f97_may_29_14_29_34.event_messages | fgrep SEQ | fgrep RED_H The output takes the following format, which indicates the number of HK packets lost + 1: 4acb7cbb HD <R >HK_P SEQUENCE_COUNT Delta 30.000 DN RED_HIGH 4acb8fe1 HD <R >HK_P SEQUENCE_COUNT Delta 25.000 DN RED_HIGH where the first column is the SCLK at which the data loss occurred. 5.3 Other Health Assessment Procedures Other health assessment procedures are described in UVIS-OPS-0009. 5.4 Instrument Health Reporting Per OIA SEC-006, we are required to provide SEC and MSO with a periodic health assessment of the UVIS instrument. A Microsoft Word template has been developed for that purpose. This template is accessible from MacT-07. An example is shown in Appendix C. When opening a new Word document, select the UVIS Health Report template. After completing the form, do a “Save as...” in RTF (rich text format). The resulting file can then be e-mailed as an attachment to TBD. A copy of the completed template is also archived in the Daily Plots three-ring binder (see UVIS-OPS-0009). 5.5 Using the Backup Workstation When the pollux workstation is down, real-time data can be monitored using the same procedure on the UVIS’s database workstation (cassini node). (a) Log on to cassini: logname: uvis_ops password: <uvis_ops account password> Cassini UVIS Operational Procedures 12/98 13 (b) Start oasis cassini% cd $RESOURCE_FILES cassini% oasis (c) The rest of the procedure is identical to the one on the pollux node. Cassini UVIS Operational Procedures 12/98 14 6 UVIS-OPS-0012 MEMORY CONTENTS VERIFICATION Procedure: UVIS-OPS-0012 Name: MEMORY CONTENTS VERIFICATION Used by: Ops team members Abstract: This procedure describes how to compare predicted and actual memory contents. Log: Date 2/97 6/97 12/98 Status Preliminary Version 1.0 Version 1.1 6.1 Background In UVIS memory readout (MRO), information is found in three types of packets: the Housekeeping (HK) packet, the Extended Memory Readout Housekeeping (EMHK) packet, and the Fast Memory Dump (FMD) packet . Verifying that the contents of a portion of the UVIS memory are correct is a two-step process: (a) The memory contents of a range of consecutive memories are extracted from packets generated by the instrument and saved in a file (the Actual Data file). (b) The Actual Data file contents are compared to the contents of a Predicted Data file, which contains the binary value of the predicted contents of consecutive memory addresses. An example of such a file is the .ds file generated during the creation of an IEB load (see UVIS-OPS-0010, Step 3 (c)). As described below, the process is conducted from the flat archive account on the cassini node. The assumption is that the data have been processed to Level 1 (see UVIS-OPS-0009). logname: uvis_fm password:<uvis_fm account password> cassini> idl IDL > .r $UVIS_L0/common IDL> .r $UVIS_TOOLS/tools Cassini UVIS Operational Procedures 12/98 15 6.2 Extracting MRO Information from HK or EMHK Packets The IDL procedure, process_mro_hk, can be used to create the Actual Data file. For example, to extract 500 words of MRO data for DOY 148 starting at address 1a001hex from HK packets: IDL > process_mro_hk,’hk_148_97’, ‘1a001’XL, 500, 1 In a similar way for data recorded on the bench on June 20 1997 at 23:35:27, the input would be: IDL > process_mro_hk,’f97_jun_20_23_35_27’, ‘1a001’XL, 500, 1 6.3 Extracting MRO Information from FMD Packets The IDL procedure, process_mro_fmd, can be used to create the Actual Data file. For example, to extract 500 words of MRO data for DOY 148 starting at address 1a001hex from FMD packets: IDL > process_mro_fmd,’science_148_97’, ‘1a001’XL, 500 Similarly, for data recorded on the bench on June 20 1997 at 23:35:27, the input would be: IDL > process_mro_fmd,’f97_jun_20_23_35_27’, ‘1a001’XL, 500 6.4 Comparing Predicted and Actual Memory Contents The IDL procedure, compare_mro, can be used to compare the contents of an Actual Data file to the contents of a Predicted Data file. For example, to compare the contents of the Actual Data file created above with the image of the IEBs loaded in the IEB buffer #1 (i.e., loaded at 1a001hex) during solar thermal vacuum: IDL> compare_mro,'f97_jun_20_23_35_27','stv.ds','1a001'XL compared address range: 1A001 1A13A ( 314 addresses) no data for address 1A001 no data for address 1A002 mismatch at address 1A003 Is: D8 Expected: D9 ******************** SUMMARY ********************* match = 311, mismatch = 1, unknown = 2 The statement above assumes that the stv.ds file has been copied locally. Cassini UVIS Operational Procedures 12/98 16 7 UVIS-OPS-0009 LEVEL 1 DATA PROCESSING AND FLAT FILE ARCHIVING Procedure: UVIS-OPS-0009 Name: LEVEL 1 DATA PROCESSING AND FLAT ARCHIVING Used by: Ops team members Abstract: This procedure describes the processing to be done on UVIS data before archiving to the flat archive. Log: Date 6/97 12/98 7.1 Status Version 1.0 Version 1.1 Background Currently UVIS raw data and Level 1 data are archived on the cassini node, in /cassini2/uvis_fm. The directory structure used in this account looks like: l0_tools/ level 0 to level 1 production tools idl analysis tools analysis_tools data/ atlo_flight/ bench/ em fm engineering unprocessed em event_logs fm fm_prior_stacking unprocessed products/ l0 data from atlo or flight l0 data from em l0 data from fm engineering data working directory l0 data from em oasis message log files archive l0 data from fm l0 data from fm during subsystem test working directory level 1 data products flat archive Cassini UVIS Operational Procedures 12/98 17 The flat archive directory is on the cassini node: logname: uvis_fm password:<uvis_fm account password> 7.2 Bench Data Processing and Archiving When using the instrument on the bench with the EGSE, two types of products are generated: Event Message Log files and Raw Data files. Both types of data are archived. In addition, the Raw Data files go through a two-step process. First, the instrument source packets are separated and recorded in temporary files. Then, data are extracted from the temporary files and Level 1 files are generated. For example, assuming that the Raw Data file is named f97_jun_20_19_20_00. telemetry, then the following Level 1 files may be produced: f97_jun_20_19_20_00,hk_0000 for HK data f97_jun_20_19_20_00.hdac_xxxxfor HDAC data f97_jun_20_19_20_00.hsp_xxxx for HSP data f97_jun_20_19_20_00.fuv_xxxx for FUV data f97_jun_20_19_20_00.euv_xxxx for EUV data where xxxx is a counter starting at 0 and incrementing, with each data product from the same raw file. Note that beginning with version v01.00.03 of the production tools, the file naming convention has been changed to yyy_xxxx, where yyy is the odc_id and xxxx is a counter starting at 0 and incrementing with each data product from the same raw file. Usually, data are processed on a day-by-day basis. 7.2.1 Event Messages Log Archiving The Event Message Log files produced by OASIS-CC are archived (after compression using gzip) in uvis_fm/data/bench/event_logs. Other than compression, no other processing is done on these files. For example, to archive all the Event Message Log files produced on June 15 1997: cassini> cd ~/oasis_logs cassini> ftp pollux Connected to pollux. 220 pollux FTP server (UNIX(r) System V Release 4.0) ready. Name (pollux:archive): test 331 Password required for test. Password:<test account password> 230 User test logged in. ftp> cd application/logs/messages 250 CWD command successful. ftp> bin Cassini UVIS Operational Procedures 12/98 18 200 Type set to I. ftp> prompt Interactive mode off. ftp> mget f97_jun_15_*.event_messages* ...... ftp> quit cassini> gzip f97_jun_15*.event_messages 7.2.2 Instrument Data Processing This is a three-step process: (a) Step 1: Transfer (for example, using ftp in binary mode) the raw data files produced by OASIS-CC to uvis_fm/data/bench/unprocessed. For example, to transfer all the raw data recorded on June 26,1997: cassini>cd ~/oasis_record cassini> ftp pollux Connected to pollux. 220 pollux FTP server (UNIX(r) System V Release 4.0) ready. Name (pollux:archive): test 331 Password required for test. Password: :<test account password> 230 User test logged in. ftp> cd application/logs/telemetry 250 CWD command successful. ftp> bin 200 Type set to I. ftp> prompt Interactive mode off. ftp> mget f97_jun_27_*.telemetry* .... ftp> quit (b) Step 2: Separate the raw files into source packet components, by running the pp_all.csh script. For example: cassini> $DP_UTILITIES/pp_all.csh ‘f97_jun_27*.telemetry*’ (c) Step 3: Generate Level 1 products and daily plots, by running the IDL process and plot_hk_bench procedures. For example: cassini>idl IDL> .r $UVIS_L0/common IDL> process,’f97_jun_27*’ <= this generates the Level 1 products ... IDL> .r $UVIS_TOOLS/tools IDL> plot_hk_bench,’f97_jun_27’,’baseline’ <= this generates the daily plots Cassini UVIS Operational Procedures 12/98 19 Data products are automatically recorded in uvis_fm/data/products. Daily plots are printed automatically on lwc (room 273). They consist of 5 pages of HK data plots that need to be entered in the Daily Plots three-ring binder. 7.2.3 Instrument Data Archiving. Archiving consists of copying Raw Data files (after the processing described above) to /uvis_fm/.data/bench/em or /uvis_fm/data/bench/fm directories, depending on whether the data are from the engineering model or the flight model, and then compressing the data files using gzip. cassini> cd ~/data/bench/fm cassini> cp ../unprocessed/f97_jun_27* . cassini> gzip f97_jun_27*.telemetry 7.3 ATLO/Flight Data Processing and Archiving When the instrument is on the spacecraft, three types of products are generated: Raw HK Data files, Raw Science Data files, and Engineering Data files. See procedure UVIS-OPS-0005 about how to acquire data when the instrument is on the spacecraft. Only raw HK and raw Science data are archived. In addition, Raw Data files are processed to generate Level 1 products, which are also archived. For example, assuming that the data to be processed are for DOY 148 of the year 1997, then the following files need to be transferred from the SOPC to the archive node: hk_148_97.dat science_148_97.dat S3200_148_97.dat E0664_148_97.dat and the following Level 1 files may be produced: hk_148_97.hk_0000 for HK data science_148_97.hdac_xxxx for HDAC data science_148_97.hsp_xxxx for HSP data science_148_97.fuv_xxxx for FUV data science_148_97.euv_xxxx for EUV data where xxxx is a counter starting at 0 and incrementing with each data product from the same raw file. Note thatbeginning with version v01.00.03 of the production tools, the file naming convention has been changed to yyy_xxxx, where yyy is the odc_id and xxxx is a counter starting at 0 and incrementing with each data product from the same raw file. Usually data are processed the same way they are acquired: on a per-playback basis. Cassini UVIS Operational Procedures 12/98 20 7.3.1 Instrument Data Processing This is a two-step process: (a) Step 1: Transfer the data to the archive directory, by using ftp. For security reasons, it is recommended to execute the ftp command on the SOPC rather than on the archive computer. In the example of data from DOY 148 of 1997, the files hk_148_97.dat and science_148_97.dat are copied to uvis_fm/data/atlo_flight/unprocessed and the files S3200_148_97.dat and E0664_148_97.dat are copied to uvis_fm/data/atlo_flight/engineering. (b) Step 2: Generate Level 1 products and daily plots, by running the IDL process_sfdu and plot_hk procedures. For example, for the products from DOY 148 of 1997: cassini>idl IDL> .r $UVIS_L0/common IDL> process_sfdu,’hk_148_97.dat’ <= this generates Level 1 products .... IDL> process_sfdu,’science_148_97.dat’ <= this generates Level 1 products .... IDL> .r $UVIS_TOOLS/tools IDL> plot_hk,’148’,’97’,’baseline’,1 <= this generates daily plots Data products are automatically recorded in uvis_fm/data/atlo_flight/products. Daily plots are printed automatically on lwc (room 273). They consist of 6 pages of HK and engineering data plots that need to be entered in the Daily Plots three-ring binder. 7.3.2 Instrument Data Archiving Archiving consists in copying raw data files (after the processing described above) to /uvis_fm/data/atlo_flight/fm and then compressing data files using gzip. cassini> cd ~/data/atlo_flight/fm cassini> cp ../unprocessed/hk_148_97.dat* . cassini> cp ../unprocessed/science_148_97.dat* . cassini> gzip hk_148_97.dat cassini> gzip science_148_97.dat 7.4 Access to Archived Level 1 Data Four IDL procedures provide access to the archived Level 1 data: get_feuv to access FUV or EUV data get_hsp to access HSP data Cassini UVIS Operational Procedures 12/98 21 get_hdac to access HDAC data get_hk to access HK data Help is provided with these routines. To compile the routines: cassini> idl IDL> .r $UVIS_L0/common Remember that these routines accept wild cards in the filename. Cassini UVIS Operational Procedures 12/98 22 8 UVIS-OPS-0003 SCIENCE DATA QUICK LOOK PROCESSING Procedure: UVIS-OPS-0003 Name: VISUALIZING REAL-TIME SCIENCE DATA Used by: Ops team, calibration, and test team members Abstract: This procedure describes how to do quick-look processing of science and HK data on the EGSE. It explains how to process and visualize data received in real time from ATLO or while the instrument is on the bench. Log: Date 2/97 6/97 Status Preliminary Version 1.0 8.1 Know the File Name You must know the name of the file you want to process. If in OASIS-CC, bring up the simpexp window to see the current filename. It is in the form of: /pollux2/test/application/logs/telemetry/fyy_mmm_dd_hh_mm_ss.telemetry Or, type the CSTOL prompt, cstol> write telemetry record_filename and the name of the current file will appear in the message window. 8.2 Process the Contents of the File This is two-step process: (a) Step 1: In an XTERM window (not an OASIS window) enter: pollux% $DP_UTILITIES/process_uvis.csh /pollux2/test/application/logs/telemetry/fyy_mmm_dd_hh_mm_ss.telemetry where fyy_mmm_dd_hh_mm_ss.telemetry is the name of the file to be processed (for example, f97_jun_02_19_48_10.telemetry). Cassini UVIS Operational Procedures 12/98 23 (b) Step 2: When the processing in Step 1 is finished, the IDL prompt will appear. At the prompt, enter: idl> .r $IDL/common idl> process,file='fyy_mmm_dd_hh_mm_ss' (Note that ".telemetry" is omitted) This may generate Level 1 products with the following names: fyy_mmm_dd_mm_ss.hk_0000 for HK data fyy_mmm_dd_mm_ss.hdac_xxxx for HDAC data fyy_mmm_dd_mm_ss.hsp_xxxx for HSP data fyy_mmm_dd_mm_ss.fuv_xxxx for EUV data fyy_mmm_dd_mm_ss.euv_xxxx for FUV data The data can then be accessed via the get_hdac, get_hsp, get_feuv, or get_hk procedures. Remember that these routines accept wild cards in the filename. 8.3 Processing Data from the Experiment Definition Windows From the simpexp window, four experiment definition panels can be accessed. Each panel has a button labeled Process Current File. Clicking this button automatically executes Step 1 above. Cassini UVIS Operational Procedures 12/98 24 9 UVIS-OPS-0004 USING OASIS-CC ON THE BENCH Procedure: UVIS-OPS-0004 Name: USING OASIS-CC ON THE BENCH Used by: Ops, calibration, and test team members Abstract: This procedure describes how to set up OASIS-CC and RTIU in order to control and monitor bench activities Log: Date 2/97 6/97 Status Preliminary Version 1.0 To initialize command and control of the UVIS instrument via OASIS-CC during bench activities: (a) Log in pollux: logname : test password: <test account password> (b) Start the windowing system (as prompted): pollux% xinit (c) In one of the two windows, start OASIS-CC: pollux% oasis (d) Power on the RTIU. (e) When OASIS-CC is up, start communication between OASIS-CC and the RTIU: cstol> start rtiu_setup Then power on the instrument. Cassini UVIS Operational Procedures 12/98 25 (f) If the instrument was powered while the RTIU was powered down, you need to send a reset command: cstol> start select_cpu_1 (g) To load the Ram code, enter: cstol> start ld_uvis_main_r_2 (h) After verifying that the Ram code has been loaded correctly, start executing from Ram: cstol> execute ram cstol> set cpu active Most of the instrument test and calibration procedures can be executed via the simpexp panel. Cassini UVIS Operational Procedures 12/98 26 10 UVIS-OPS-0010 IEBs GENERATION Procedure: UVIS-OPS-0010 Name: IEBs GENERATION Used by: Ops uplink team members Abstract: This procedure describes the generation of IEBs load for UVIS. Log: Date 2/97 6/97 12/98 Status Preliminary Version 1.0 Version 1.1 10.1 Overview of the Process Generating commands to load distributed sequences is a three-step process accomplished by: (a) Writing a CSTOL procedure that contains the commands for distributed sequences. Each distributed sequence is terminated by an 84HALT_SEQ command (see 10.2 for details). (b) Executing this CSTOL procedure and recording the output of the command stream to a file. (c) Processing this file to generate the load format and commands that will uplink it. The software that is currently used generates these commands in the following formats: • For OASIS-CC, it generates OASIS-compatible load files and the CSTOL script to send these files. • For ATLO, it generates the 84LOAD commands and the 84WRAP commands that will uplink the distributed sequences. The 84LOAD form should preferably be used. Cassini UVIS Operational Procedures 12/98 27 • For MSO, it generates a SASF-compatible file that can be ingested by SEQTRAN. 10.2 CSTOL Script Contents The CSTOL procedure is started with the following statements (the filename used below is only an example): let command filename = “mini_baseeuv.seq” ; name of the distributed sequence file to be created. It ; needs to end up by “.seq” switch on command; connect OASIS to the bit pattern receiver wait; go when ok It should end with the following statements: switch off command; disconnect from the bit pattern receiver See Appendix B for an example of the CSTOL procedure used to generate a load with 2 distributed sequences. 10.3 Detailed Description of the Processing Steps (a) After starting OASIS-CC on pollux (see UVIS-OPS-0001 steps 2 (a), 2 (b), and 2 (c)), enter: cstol> start sequence_setup cstol> new_proc <procedure name> where <procedure name> is the name of the CSTOL script. For example: cstol> new_proc mini_baseeuv_seq (b) Then execute the CSTOL script and quit OASIS-CC. For example: cstol> start <procedure name> cstol> cstol off The command output is recorded in a file named as requested in the CSTOL statement, let command filename = “whatever.seq” (see 10.2 above) (c) Create the load format from the .seq file by executing the seq2ds program: Cassini UVIS Operational Procedures 12/98 28 pollux% seq2ds seq2ds version 01.1 08/96 Enter the .seq filename (without the extension):mini_baseeuv 84UVSIMPLE_EXEC 84UVSIMPLE_EXEC 84ION_PUMP_OFF 84UVSIMPLE_EXEC 84ION_PUMP_ON 84HV_SEQ_ENA 84SEQ_HALT End of sequence 0 84UVSIMPLE_EXEC 84UVSIMPLE_EXEC 84HV_SEQ_ENA 84SEQ_HALT End of sequence 1 Padding first block with 84SEQ_HALT pollux% Note that seq2ds creates a .ds file (mini_baseeuv.ds, in the example above). This file can be used as a Predicted Data file when verifying that the IEB buffers have been loaded correctly via the procedure described in UVIS-OPS-0012. (d) Then create the load files by executing the ds2load program: pollux% ds2load ds2load version 03.0 11/96 Enter the .ds filename (without the extension):mini_baseeuv Enter initial time (yyyy-dddThh:mm:ss.fff) 1996-330T19:00:00.000 Enter end time (yyyy-dddThh:mm:ss.fff) 1996-330T20:00:00.000 Enter where to load : buffer 1 (1), buffer 2 (2) or in_load (3) 1 Preparing load for buffer 1 2 ds load blocks created pollux% Note that the initial-time and end-time fields are only used by MSO. The ds2load program creates four sets of files: • For OASIS-CC, it creates the CSTOL procedure (ld_mini_baseeuv.prc for the example above), whose execution will load the distributed sequences in UVIS memory. This file needs to be moved to $OASIS_PROCS. It also creates load files that need to be moved to $OASIS_LOAD. In the example above, as 2 ds load blocks were created, 2 load files were created: mini_baseeuv0.load and mini_baseeuv1.load. • For ATLO, it creates 2 files, one containing 84LOAD commands, and the other containing 84WRAP commands. In the example above, these files are named mini_baseeuv_atlo_84load and mini_baseeuv.atlo_84wrap, respectively. Cassini UVIS Operational Procedures 12/98 29 • For MOS, it creates one SASF-compatible file. In the example above, this file is named UVIS_mini_baseeuv_ieb_load.sasf. Appendix B shows the contents of these files. Cassini UVIS Operational Procedures 12/98 30 11 UVIS-OPS-0007 FLIGHT RULE VERIFICATION Procedure: UVIS-OPS-0007 Name: FLIGHT RULE VERIFICATION Used by: Ops uplink team members Abstract: This procedure describes the verification process for UVIS flight rules FR84B1 and FR84B2. Log: Date 6/97 Status Version 1.0 11.1 Overview During the Cruise period, both UVIS flight rules are checked manually. In all probability, FR84B1 will one day be automated in SEQGEN. FR84B2 will have to be automated in our own planning and scheduling software. Currently for Cruise, the only time at which we will be concerned about FR84B2 is at instrument checkout (Launch + 14 months). During Cruise, the instrument may be powercycled very often, and therefore FR84B1 is a major concern. For this reason, UVIS-OPS-0007 only covers FR84B1. 11.2 Manual Checking of FR84B1 The easiest way to check for FR84B1 is to filter the relevant .soe files with “UVIS” as a filter code using SEG/soeedt software. The output can then be scanned for out-ofsequence and/or out-of-timing 84PS_HTR and 84PS_UVIS commands. The check should be done at the subsequence level and at the integrated sequence level. The first check is to insure that sequences generated at LASP do not violate FR84B1, and the second check is to verify that the integrated sequences also do not violate FR84B1. Cassini UVIS Operational Procedures 12/98 31 12 UVIS-OPS-0008 SUBSEQUENCE GENERATION Procedure: UVIS-OPS-0008 Name: SUBSEQUENCE GENERATION Used by: Ops uplink team members Abstract: This procedure describes the steps to be followed when generating UVIS subsequences. Log: Date 6/97 8/97 Status Version 1.0 Version 1.1 12.1 Overview This procedure mainly deals with the problem of subsequence verification. It does not deal with the preparation of the commands implementing the subsequence and with generation of the subsequences themselves using SEQGEN. The generation of subsequences is a 5-step process. (a) From the OPS CDB, copy the instrument subsequences after they have been extracted from the main sequence by the SVTL. (b) Complete instrument subsequences with the instrument commands that implement them. This supposes that the IEBs that are to be loaded for the execution of the subsequences have been defined, as for the main part, subsequences only contain triggers to part of the IEBs load. (c) Validate the subsequences. (d) Copy them back to the CBD and complete a file release notification form ( (e) Complete a UVIS Subsequence Generation Report form. The template for the form can be found on MacT-07. A copy of the template is in Appendix E. Cassini UVIS Operational Procedures 12/98 32 12.2 Subsequences Validation The purpose of the validation process is to verify that (1) the subsequences do not violate any of the UVIS flight rules, (2) the subsequences and the corresponding IEBs load execute the planned activities, and (3) the resource usage estimates are correct. This concerns mainly the science packet production rate. 12.2.1 Flight Rules Validation The procedure for flight rules verification is described in UVIS-OPS-0007. 12.2.2 Subsequence Execution Verification For Launch and Cruise, this verification involves the execution of subsequences on the engineering model (EM). To accomplish this, the subsequences have to be rewritten in CSTOL (the best way is to edit the SASF file into equivalent CSTOL statements) and executed under the control of the EGSE. It is recommended that CSTOL subsequences also simulate telemetry mode changes. If the EM is not available, then a careful walkthrough of subsequence SASFs must be accomplished before releasing the products. 12.2.3 Resource Usage Estimates Verification This verification is accomplished while conducting the subsequences execution verification described in 12.2.2 above. Particular attention should be paid to the science packet production rate to make sure that all the science can be returned without data loss. Cassini UVIS Operational Procedures 12/98 33 13 UVIS-OPS-0011 REAL-TIME COMMAND REQUEST Procedure: UVIS-OPS-0011 Name: REAL-TIME COMMAND REQUEST Used by: Ops uplink team members Abstract: This procedure describes the steps to be accomplished when requesting real-time commands. Log: Date 6/97 Status Version 1.0 13.1 Overview The generation of real-time command (RTC) requests is a 5-step process: (a) Generate the command SASFs (either as Direct or Seq. “Seq” is to be used if the commands are to be part of an IDAP rather than uplinked directly for immediate execution. (b) Verify that the RTC request is error-free. (c) Deposit the SASFs file in OPS CDB. (d) Complete a Cassini Command Request form ( and fax it (818/ 393-4215. Attn: SVTL) or e-mail it to the SVTL for the sequence in execution. (e) Participate at the weekly RTC scope meeting. 13.2 RTC Validation The purpose of the validation process is to verify that (1) the RTC request does not violate any of the UVIS flight rules, and (2) the RTC request execution gives the expected results. 13.2.1 Flight Rules Validation The procedure for flight rules verification is described in UVIS-OPS-0007. Cassini UVIS Operational Procedures 12/98 34 13.2.2 RTC Request Verification For Launch and Cruise, this verification involves the execution of the RTC request on the engineering model (EM). To accomplish this, the RTC request has to be rewritten in CSTOL (the best way is to edit the SASF file into equivalent CSTOL statements) and executed under the control of the EGSE after having put the EM in the expected initial state. If the EM is not available or if the RTC request is simple enough, then a careful walkthrough of the SASFs can be accomplished before releasing the products. 13.3 Timing Issues Great care should be taken when time spacing real-time commands, as the uplink bandwidth is limited. Appendix D contains e-mails exchanged about this issue during the RTC Operational Verification Test (OVT) in April 1997. Cassini UVIS Operational Procedures 12/98 35 14 UVIS-OPS-0013 INSTRUMENT TEMPERATURE MONITORING Procedure: UVIS-OPS-0013 Name: INSTRUMENT TEMPERATURE MONITORING Used by: Ops team members Abstract: This procedure describes the steps to be accomplished to monitor the variation of instrument temperature prior to the FUV membrane puncture activity. Log: Date 9/97 12/98 Status Version 1.0 Version 1.1 14.1 Overview Good knowledge of instrument temperature is critical to the success of the FUV membrane puncture in C4. Therefore, prior to this activity, the instrument temperature will be monitored DAILY. As the instrument is powered off, most of the time (except for the PIM in C2) the monitoring will be accomplished by plotting two engineering measurements that relate to instrument temperature: S-3200. This sensor is located inside the logic box housing, by the HDAC interface plate. E-0102. This sensor is located on the -X side of the RSP interface plate. This procedure assumes that you are logged onto the uvisop account. 14.2 Setting Up for Data Collection (a) In /u/cas/uvisop/pvl, copy an old transfer script file into a new one (keeping the filenaming convention). casuvis% cp atlo_75_temp.pvl atlo_<xxx>_temp.pvl where xxx is the DOY of the data you want to collect from TDS. Cassini UVIS Operational Procedures 12/98 36 (b) Then edit the atlo_xxx_temp.pvl to change the request time (see TIME_RANGE values in the example below). For example, the contents of the file atlo_75_temp.pvl look like: OBJECT = 'Cas_castds1_QueryServer'; DESCRIPTION = 'Tot Query'; REQUESTER_NAME = jouchoux; MISSION_NAME = Cas; SPACECRAFT_NAME = Cassini; DATA_FROM = { NERT } ; TIME_RANGE = {1997/75-19:00:00.000..1997/75-21:45:00.000}SCET; GROUP = FRAME ; DATA_TYPE = ch_cds_mini_all ; DSS_ID = ALL ; TELEMETRY_MODE = MERGED ; WSE_FILTER = "S-3200 or E-0664" ; END_GROUP = FRAME ; END_OBJECT = 'Cas_castds1_QueryServer'; 14.3 Collecting Data In /u/cas/uvisop, to get DOY xxx temperature data, enter: casuvis% get_temp.csh <xxxx> The data files can be found in /u/cas/uvisop/tmp under the name of S3200_xxx_97.dat and E0102_xxx_97.dat, where xxx is the DOY and yy the year (e.g., 97). 14.4 Plotting the Data In /u/cas/uvisop/idl_tools, enter: casuvis%idl IDL > .r plot_temp IDL> plot_temp, ”doy”, ”year”, ”comments” For example: IDL> plot_temp, ”262”, ”97”,” (test)” Temperature plots are printed automatically on the casuvis laser printer. Cassini UVIS Operational Procedures 12/98 37 APPENDIX A: ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS ATLO CDS CDB CSTOL DCS DMD DOI DOY EGSE ERT EMHK EUV FMD FUV HDAC HSP IE IEB HK LAN MPVT MRO MSO OASIS OIA OPS CDB OVT PIM RSP RTO RTIU SEC SASF SCLK SEQGEN SEQTRAN SOPC SVTL TDS TTACS UVIS Assembly, Test and Launch Operations Command and Data Subsystem Cassini Data Base Colorado System Test and Operations Language Data and Computing Services (part of Cassini MSO) Data Monitor and Display Distributed Operations Interface Day Of Year Experiment Ground Support Equipment Earth Receive Time Extended Memory HouseKeeping Extreme Ultra Violet Fast Memory Dump Far Ultra Violet Hydrogen Deuterium Absorption Cell High Speed Photometer Instrument Engineer Instrument Expanded Block HouseKeeping Local Area Network Mission Planning Virtual Team Memory Read Out Mission and Science Operations Office Operations and Science Instrument Support (EGSE) Operational Interface Agreement Operational Cassini Data Base Operation Verification Test Periodic Instrument Maintenance Remote Sensing Platform Real-Time Operations (part of Cassini MSO) Remote Terminal Interface Unit System Engineering and Coordination Spacecraft Activity Sequence File Spacecraft Clock Sequence Generator Sequence Translator Science Operations and Planning Computer Sequence Virtual Team Leader Telemetry Distribution System Test Telemetry And Command System UltraViolet Imaging Spectrograph Cassini UVIS Operational Procedures 12/98 38 APPENDIX B: IEB GENERATION EXAMPLE B.1 CSTOL Script proc mini_baseeuv_seq Goto START; skip the comments: ;Purpose: ;------;This procedure creates a seq image for the mini baseline euv only ; ;Parameters: ;---------; ;History: ; ------;Initial version aj 10/24/96 (from baseline.prc) START: Let command file name = “mini_baseeuv.seq”. Switch on command; connect OASIS to the bit pattern receiver process. Wait; go when ok. ;First distributed sequence EUV test (pulse, then ;Full image 600 seconds hvps level 1 and same image for 300 with iop off) ;SEQUENCE 0 ;Total packet generated: 43 + 123 + 123 = 289 Execute uvsimple with & duration 100, id 32002, channel EUV, comp NONE, hvps 0, int 32, mem MEM2, test_pulse ON, slit HI_RES, spabin 63, specbin 0 & & & & & & & & & & ; 100 second ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; EUV selected no compression HVPS set to level 0 4 seconds integration time Integration memory 1 selected test pulse on slit to narrow binning by 64 spatially binning by 1 spectrally (i.e., no binning) Execute uvsimple with & duration 620, & ; 620 second id 32002, & channel EUV, & ; EUV selected comp NONE, & ; no compression hvps 1, & ; HVPS set to level 1 Cassini UVIS Operational Procedures 12/98 39 int mem test_pulse slit spabin specbin 4800, MEM2, OFF, HI_RES, 0, 0 & & & & & ; ; ; ; ; ; Turn off ion_pump. Execute uvsimple with & duration 320, & ; id 32002, & channel EUV, & ; comp NONE, & ; hvps 1, & ; int 2400, & ; mem MEM2, & ; test_pulse OFF, & ; slit HI_RES, & ; spabin 0, & ; specbin 0 ; Turn on ion_pump. Disable sequenced euv_hvon. Halt sequence. 600 seconds integration time Integration memory 1 selected test pulse off slit to narrow binning by 1 spatially binning by 1 spectrally (i.e., no binning) 320 second EUV selected no compression HVPS set to level 1 300 seconds integration time Integration memory 1 selected test pulse off slit to narrow binning by 1 spatially binning by 1 spectrally ; Second distributed sequence: EUV test (pulse and hvps) ; SEQUENCE 1 ; 88 packets generated Execute uvsimple with & duration 100, id 32002, channel EUV, comp NONE, hvps 0, int 32, mem MEM2, test_pulse ON, slit HI_RES, spabin 63, specbin 0 & & & & & & & & & & ; 100 second Execute uvsimple with & duration 100, id 32002, channel EUV, comp NONE, hvps 1, int 80, mem MEM2, test_pulse OFF, slit HI_RES, spabin 63, specbin 0 & & & & & & & & & & ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; EUV selected no compression HVPS set to level 0 4 seconds integration time Integration memory 1 selected test pulse on slit to narrow binning by 64 spatially binning by 1 spectrally (i.e., no binning) 100 seconds EUV selected no compression HVPS set to level 1 10 seconds integration time Integration memory 1 selected test pulse off slit to narrow binning by 64 spatially binning by 1 spectrally (i.e., no binning) Cassini UVIS Operational Procedures 12/98 40 Disable sequenced fuv_hvon. Halt sequence. Switch off command. End proc. B.2 Example of Output B.2.1 Cstol Procedure proc ld_mini_baseeuv ; ;This procedure loads the ds load files mini_baseeuv_x.load ;Created by ds2load version 03.0 11/96 load ds at 0 from mini_baseeuv0 load ds at 0 from mini_baseeuv1 ; end proc B.2.2 Atlo 84Load File 84LOAD_SEQ,BUFFER_1,START,0001,0029,0001,020D,0064,7D02,0180,0020,FC00,020D,026C,7D02,0480,12C0,0000,00C2,020D,0140,7D02,0480,0960,0000,00B5,0000,0106,0001,01B3,020D,0064,7D02,0180,0020,FC00,020D,0064,7D02,0480,0050,FC00,0106,0000,01B3,0002,001A,01B3,01B3,01B3,01B3,01B3,01B3,01B3,01B3,01B3,01B3,01B3,01B3,01B3,01B3,01B3,01B3,01B3,01B3,01B3,01B3,01B3,01B3,01B3,01B3,01B3,01B3,01B3,01B3,01B3,01B3,01B3,01B3,01B3,01B3,01B3,01B3,01B3,01B3,01B3,01B3,01B3,01B3,01B3,01B3,01B3,01B3,01B3,01B3,01B3,01B3,01B3,01B3,01B3,01B3,01B3,01B3,01B3,01B3,01B3,01B3,01B3,01B3,01B3,01B3,01B3,01B3,01B3,01B3,01B3,01B3,01B3,01B3,01B3,01B3 84LOAD_SEQ,BUFFER_1,END,0002,01B3,01B3,01B3 B.2.3 Atlo 84Wrap File 84WRAP,0077,7500,0001,0029,0001,020D,0064,7D02,0180,0020,FC00,020D,026C,7D02,0480,12C0,0000,00C2,020D,0140,7D02,0480,0960,0000,00B5,0000,0106,0001,01B3,020D,0064,7D02,0180,0020,FC00,020D,0064,7D02,0480,0050,FC00,0106,0000,01B3,0002,001A,01B3,01B3,01B3,01B3,01B3,01B3,01B3,01B3,01B3,01B3,01B3,01B3,01B3,01B3,01B3,01B3,01B3,01B3,01B3,01B3,01B3,01B3,01B3,01B3,01B3,01B3,01B3,01B3,01B3,01B3,01B3,01B3,01B3,01B3,01B3,01B3,01B3,01B3,01B3,01B3,01B3,01B3,01B3,01B3,01B3,01B3,01B3,Cassini UVIS Operational Procedures 12/98 41 01B3,01B3,01B3,01B3,01B3,01B3,01B3,01B3,01B3,01B3,01B3,01B3,01B3,01B3,01B3,01B3,01B3,01B3,01B3,01B3,01B3,01B3,01B3,01B3,01B3,01B3,01B3,F0F2 84WRAP,0077,0302,0002,01B3,01B3,01B3,5DC7 B.2.4 Sasf-Compatible File CCSD3ZF0000100000001NJPL3KS0L015$$MARK$$; MISSION_NAME = CASSINI; SPACECRAFT_NAME = CASSINI; DATA_SET_ID = SPACECRAFT_ACTIVITY_SEQUENCE; FILE_NAME = UVIS_mini_baseeuv_ieb_load.sasf; APPLICABLE_START_TIME = 1996-330T19:00:00.000; APPLICABLE_STOP_TIME = 1996-330T20:00:00.000; PRODUCT_CREATION_TIME = 1996-332T20:25:25.000; PRODUCER_ID = UVIS_OPS; SEQ_ID = UVIS_mini_baseeuv_ieb_load; HOST_ID = pollux; CCSD3RE00000$$MARK$$NJPL3IF0M01300000001; $$Cassini SPACECRAFT ACTIVITY SEQUENCE FILE ************************************************************ *PROJECT Cassini *SPACECRAFT 94 *OPERATOR jouchoux *DATE 1996-332T20:25:25.000 *DS2LOAD ds2load version 03.0 11/96 *BEGIN 1996-330T19:00:00.000 *CUTOFF 1996-330T20:00:00.000 *TITLE UVIS mini_baseeuv ieb load *EPOCHS_DEF *IEBLOAD, 1996-330T19:00:00.000 *EPOCHS_END *Input files used: *File Type Last modified File name *SEQUENCE mini_baseeuv.ds ************************************************************ $$EOH $$EOD request(UVIS_mini_baseeuv_ieb_load, START_TIME, 1996-330T19:00:00.000, REQUESTOR, "A.JOUCHOUX", PROCESSOR, "DIRECT", KEY, "UVIS", LOWER_LABEL, "UVIS_mini_baseeuv_ieb_load") command(1, SCHEDULED_TIME,\00:00:00\,FROM_REQUEST_START, 84LOAD_SEQ( "BUFFER_1","START",0001, [0X0029,0X0001,0X020D,0X0064,0X7D02,0X0180,0X0020,0XFC00,0X020D,0X026C, Cassini UVIS Operational Procedures 12/98 42 0X7D02,0X0480,0X12C0,0X0000,0X00C2,0X020D,0X0140,0X7D02,0X0480,0X0960, 0X0000,0X00B5,0X0000,0X0106,0X0001,0X01B3,0X020D,0X0064,0X7D02,0X0180, 0X0020,0XFC00,0X020D,0X0064,0X7D02,0X0480,0X0050,0XFC00,0X0106,0X0000, 0X01B3,0X0002,0X001A,0X01B3,0X01B3,0X01B3,0X01B3,0X01B3,0X01B3,0X01B3, 0X01B3,0X01B3,0X01B3,0X01B3,0X01B3,0X01B3,0X01B3,0X01B3,0X01B3,0X01B3, 0X01B3,0X01B3,0X01B3,0X01B3,0X01B3,0X01B3,0X01B3,0X01B3,0X01B3,0X01B3, 0X01B3,0X01B3,0X01B3,0X01B3,0X01B3,0X01B3,0X01B3,0X01B3,0X01B3,0X01B3, 0X01B3,0X01B3,0X01B3,0X01B3,0X01B3,0X01B3,0X01B3,0X01B3,0X01B3,0X01B3, 0X01B3,0X01B3,0X01B3,0X01B3,0X01B3,0X01B3,0X01B3,0X01B3,0X01B3,0X01B3, 0X01B3,0X01B3,0X01B3,0X01B3,0X01B3,0X01B3,0X01B3,0X01B3,0X01B3,0X01B3, 0X01B3,0X01B3,0X01B3,0X01B3,0X01B3,0X01B3,0X01B3])), command(2, SCHEDULED_TIME,\00:00:01\,FROM_PREVIOUS_START, 84LOAD_SEQ( "BUFFER_1","END",0002, [0X01B3,0X01B3,0X01B3])), end; $$EOF Cassini UVIS Operational Procedures 12/98 43 APPENDIX C: UVIS PERIODIC HEALTH STATUS EXAMPLE UVIS PERIODIC HEALTH STATUS COVERED PERIOD ERT 97/058:-19:30 97/059-02:01 SCLK SCET ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION H/K DATA ENG. DATA End-to-End test ALARMS NO YES (provide description) UNEXPECTED STATES NO YES (provide description) S-3200 (INST. TEMPERATURE) NOMINAL E-0640 (INST. CURRENT) NOMINAL SCIENCE DATA QUICK LOOK N/A NOMINAL NOT NOMINAL (provide description) NOT NOMINAL (provide description) NOT NOMINAL (provide description) COMMENTS No problems to report during the execution of the End-to-End test. UVIS PERIODIC HEALTH REPORT Version 1.0 5/97 Cassini UVIS Operational Procedures 12/98 44 APPENDIX D: TIMING BETWEEN REAL-TIME COMMANDS Return-path: <> Return-path: Received: from by (PMDF V5.0-6 #12962) id <> for; Thu, 10 Apr 1997 23:21:46 +0000 (GMT) Received: (qmail 5365 invoked from network); Thu, 10 Apr 1997 23:21:58 +0000 Received: from (HELO ( by with SMTP; Thu, 10 Apr 1997 23:21:58 +0000 X400-Received: by mta Proteus in /c=us/admd=telemail/prmd=nasa/; converted ( IA5-Text); Relayed; Thu, 10 Apr 1997 14:05:00 -0700 X400-Received: by /c=us/admd=telemail/prmd=nasa/; converted ( IA5-Text) ; Relayed; Thu, 10 Apr 1997 14:05:00 -0700 Alternate-recipient: Allowed Disclose-recipients: Prohibited Content-return: Allowed Date: Thu, 10 Apr 1997 14:05:00 -0700 From: William M Heventhal <> Subject: Re[2]: many words fit??? To: (Return requested), William M Heventhal <> (Return requested) Cc: (Return requested), (Return requested), (Return requested), (Return requested), (Return requested), (Return requested), (Return requested), (Return requested), (Return requested), (Return requested), (Return requested), Robert L Murdock <> (Return requested), Luis C Morales <> (Return requested), Carole A Boyles <> (Return requested), Keith L Naviaux <> (Return requested), Patricia D Lock <> (Return requested), Jim Carter <> (Return requested), Sherwin S Goo <> (Return requested), Shahram Javidnia <> (Return requested), Douglas B McElroy <> (Return requested), Suzanne R Dodd <> (Return requested), Robert P Gustavson <> (Return requested) Message-id: <03E58334D55FC009*/c=us/admd=telemail/prmd=nasa/o=jpl/ou=ccmail/s=HeventhalIII/g=William/i=M/@MHS> Content-identifier: 03E58334D55FC009 MIME-version: 1.0 Content-transfer-encoding: 7BIT Conversion: Allowed Original-encoded-information-types: IA5-Text Cassini UVIS Operational Procedures 12/98 45 Priority: normal X400-Content-type: P2-1988 ( 22 ) X400-MTS-identifier: [/c=us/admd=telemail/prmd=nasa/; 03E58334D55FC009-Proteus] X400-Originator: X400-Recipients: non-disclosure; Greetings! The saga continues. George has pointed out that I left off the overhead associated with the time code. In addition to what is mentioned below, you must also add 1 word per command for relatively timed commands (which are used > 99% of the time), and you must add 2 words per command for absolute timed commands. Also, S. Kellock inquired about the overhead on a normal direct command. Specifically about the timing between direct commands. The following algorithm is what we are currently evaluating in order to specify the time between direct packets: • Determine number of words in the direct packet and convert to number of octets (i.e., number_octets = number_words * 2 ) • Determine frame size which includes packet header + segment header + frame header + frame error code. This simply adds up to 14. (i.e., frame_size = number_octets + 14 ) • Determine EDAC encoding overhead. There is an EDAC code inserted every 7 bytes. If the frame size is not modulo 7 then we also need to add fill bits. For example, the following could be used to determine the encoding overhead: if ((rem = (frame_size % 7)) == 0) { encoding_overhead = frame_size / 7; } else { encoding_overhead = ((frame_size / 7) + (8 - rem)); } • There are three other constants that need to be factored in: acq_seq = 22 # contains 176 bit acquistion sequence enhanced_start = 4 # contains 32 bits of enhanced start sequence (i.e., 5555 EB90) tail_seq = 8 # 64 bit tail sequence • The total number of bits can be calculated by summing up the above and multiplying by 8: total_bits = ((acq_seq + enhanced_start + frame_size + encoding_overhead + tail_seq) * 8) Cassini UVIS Operational Procedures 12/98 46 • The delay time is ((total_bits / ul_bit_rate) + 2 sec) The extra two seconds is to ensure that there is sufficient time for the CDU to reaquire lock and is based on empirical testing done in ATLO. Note, at this time we are only interested in the integer portion of the result. NOTE #2, the value of 2 seconds may not be sufficient for the low bit rates (7.8125, 15.625, and 31.25), but is sufficient for rates above this. As soon as a better offset is determined, I will pass this on to you as well. As an example, the first two packets used in the RPWS IEB load in the E2E sequence were: • 73IEB_LOAD(66,0,[0xc000,0x3245,0x2045,0x3156,0x302e,0x3320,0x4a30,0x4e41, 0x3739,0x407a,0x4042,0x4046,0x404a,0x404e,0x4052,0x4056,0x405a, 0x405e,0x4062,0x4066,0x4072,0x406a,0x4072,0x406a,0x403a,0x4032, 0x008c,0x0001,0x0090,0x0000,0x0098,0x0001,0x009c,0x0000,0x00a4, 0x0000,0x00ac,0x0000,0x00b4,0x0000,0x00bc,0x0000,0x00c4,0x0000, 0x00cc,0x0000,0x00d4,0x0000,0x00dc,0x0000,0x00e4,0x0000,0x00ec, 0x0000,0x00f4,0x0001,0x00f8,0x0000,0x016c,0x0001,0x0170,0x0000, 0x0204,0x0001,0x0208,0x3049]) • 73IEB_LOAD(66,1,[0xc080,0x012b,0x01f8,0x0001,0x01fc,0x012b,0x407a,0x8210, 0x0075,0x82fa,0x0232,0x0201,0x8030,0x835e,0x0064,0x8426,0x0251, 0x0201,0x802e,0x86d0,0x025f,0x0201,0x8012,0x878e,0x024a,0x0201, 0x8014,0x8822,0x024a,0x0201,0x8016,0x88b6,0x024c,0x0201,0x8018, 0x894e,0x024c,0x0201,0x801a,0x89e6,0x024c,0x0201,0x801c,0x8a7e, 0x024c,0x0201,0x801e,0x8b16,0x024e,0x0201,0x8020,0x8bb2,0x0236, 0x0201,0x8022,0x8c1e,0x0245,0x0201,0x8024,0x835e,0x0064,0x8426, 0x3851,0x0201,0x8028,0x943d]) CAS-3-291 tells me that, when translated, the 73IEB_LOAD command will be the number of data words in the variable length list + 2 (i.e., 68 words is this example). therefore number_words = 68 number_octets = (68 * 2) = 136 frame_size = (number_octets + 14) = 150 encoding_overhead = (150 / 7) + ((8 - (150 / 7) - 21) = 29 # note encoding_overhead is NOT modulo 7 acq_seq = 22 enhanced_start = 4 tail_seq = 8 total_bits = ((22 + 4 + 150 + 29 + 8) * 8) = 1704 bits Assuming 500 bps uplink rate radiation duration = ((1704 / 500) + 2) = 5 sec therefore the timetag of the second 73IEB_LOAD command should be 5 seconds at a 500 bps uplink bit rate. Hope this helps! If you have any questions or comments please do not hesitate to call me at extension 3-7836 or email me a message. Cassini UVIS Operational Procedures 12/98 47 Bill (aka the KIDD) ============================================================================ William M. Heventhal III Phone: (818) 393-7836 Jet Propulsion Laboratory Mail Stop: 230-101 4800 Oak Grove Drive Internet: William.M.Heventhal@Jpl.Nasa.Gov Pasadena, CA 91109 ============================================================================ (~'~~'~~'~~) | | What's wrong, Dogbert? | | / | ~|~ _ __ |-------()) || | ( _) .'~\ /. I'm a horrible ascii | | ()()__\/ ". / drawing! | | /* " ''.. | | // | |'..'---_/\ | () | / ''---|| /\ ". ." / \ \\/\/ ".. ."\\ | \ / \_/ || | ^ | \/\\ | \ ((__) -A. Gurno _______________________________________________________________________________ Subject: Re: many words fit??? From: William M Heventhal Date: 4/8/97 8:29 AM Yo George! I am sending this to the rest of the science folks. Hope you don't mind. Yes, this includes overhead which can be calculated as follows: • Need to include the 6BUS_CMD_IMM_NP CDS command that "wraps" each of your instrument commands. This can be calculated by multiplying the number of instrument commands contained in the IDAP by two. • Need to include the 6BEGIN_PROG CDS command at two words. • Need to include the 6END_PROG command at two words. • Need to include the checksum over the program at one word. • May need to include up to 3 "fill words" in order to make the program fit in four word chunks. As far as who incorporates the seqtran directives, we (SVTL) will do that for the R/T command process OVT. However, C. Boyles brought up something that I wasn't aware of (or forgot most likely). That being, that Science will be given 5 IDAP slots to manage during TOUR. With this in mind, science will need to add Cassini UVIS Operational Procedures 12/98 48 the Seqtran directives themselves, and supply them in the SASF. R/T command process OVT, the SVTL will deal with this. Again, for the Hope this helps! If you have any questions or comments please do not hesitate to call me at extension 3-7836 or email me a message. Bill (aka the KIDD) ============================================================================ William M. Heventhal III Phone: (818) 393-7836 Jet Propulsion Laboratory Mail Stop: 230-101 4800 Oak Grove Drive Internet: William.M.Heventhal@Jpl.Nasa.Gov Pasadena, CA 91109 ============================================================================ (~'~~'~~'~~) | | What's wrong, Dogbert? | | / | ~|~ _ __ |-------()) || | ( _) .'~\ /. I'm a horrible ascii | | ()()__\/ ". / drawing! | | /* " ''.. | | // | |'..'---_/\ | () | / ''---|| /\ ". ." / \ \\/\/ ".. ."\\ | \ / \_/ || | ^ | \/\\ | \ ((__) -A. Gurno _______________________________________________________________________________ Subject: many words fit??? From: at Internet Date: 4/7/97 1:42 PM Bill, Since Bill Kurth is out of town, he asked me to work on our realtime commands for C7C8. He said that we were planning on using an IDAP to do this, and the length of the IDAP was limited to 116 words. The question I have is what counts as words? For example, is it just our commands, or is there overhead that we also have to count. Our plan is to turn onthe instrument, do our memory load, and then load an ieb_load. The ied_load is currently 66 words, and we were wondering if this would fit. Also, if I understand the process correctly, we supply you a sasf with all our commands which you turn into an IDAP, so it may not be possible to determine how much room we have until we actually build it. If any of this is incorrect, or you are the wrong one to ask, please let me know. Thanks in advance. George Cassini UVIS Operational Procedures 12/98 49 APPENDIX E : UVIS SUBSEQUENCE GENERATION REPORT Cassini UVIS Operational Procedures 12/98 50 UVIS SUBSEQUENCE GENERATION SEQUENCE NAME C4 SUBSEQUENCE FILENAMES (.sasf) EM TEST FILENAMES cb04s3_uvisinput.prc f97_jul_10_21_00_01.telemetry f97_jul_10_21_00_01.event_messages DATE DELIVERED TO OPS CDB FR84B1 CHECK FR84B2 CHECK cb04s3_uvisinput.sasf 7/16/97 20:53 ci0020_uvismembrane.sasf 7/17/97 16:40 DONE DONE 7/17/97 17:10 NOT DONE NOT DONE N/A N/A TEST COMMENTS The test was conducted using the integrated sequence (i.e., before the division on the sequence into the background sequence and an IDAP). COMMENTS After long discussion it was decided to put the instrument power on/off and the ion pump on/off in the background sequence (file cb04s3_uvisinput.sasf) and put the puncture itself in an IDAP (file ci0020_uvismembrane.sasf). The IDAP will be generated by SVTL. The plan is to revise the IDAP shortly after C2 PIM, by the start of C3 and uplink it only if we are satisfied with the temperature used in the IDAP. The original IDAP was generated with a predicted temperature of 15 deg C and an assumed temperature of 20 deg C (therefore the duration used is 200 sec). The temperature of 15 deg C comes from the STV data case 2A (12 deg C) and case 2B (16 deg C). Note that the IDAP contains an “OFF” command 310 sec after the “ON” command as a protection. PREPARED BY Alain Jouchoux DATE Cassini UVIS Operational Procedures 12/98 7/17/97 51 Cassini UVIS Operational Procedures 12/98 52