The state of the plasma sheet at Europa is incompatible with large local mass loading from a geophysically active source 1 2 3 D. E. Shemansky1∗ , Y. L. Yung2 , X. Liu 1 , J. Yoshii1 , C. J. Hansen3 , A. R. Hendrix 4 L. W. Esposito5 4 1 2 Space Environment Technologies/PSSD, 650 Alameda St, Altadena, CA 91001, USA Division of Geological and Planetary Sciences, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 91125, USA 3 Planetary Science Institute 109 S. Puerto Dr, Ivins, UT 84738, USA 4 Planetary Science Institute PO Box 954, Montrose, CA 91021, USA 5 University of Colorado, Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics, CO 80303, USA ∗ D. E. Shemansky; E-mail: 5 Deep EUV spectrograph exposures of the plasma sheet at the orbit of Europa, 6 obtained in 2001 using the Cassini Ultraviolet Imaging Spectrograph (UVIS) 7 experiment, have been analyzed to determine the state of the gas. The re- 8 sults are in basic agreement with earlier results, in particular with Voyager 9 encounter meaurements of electron density and temperature. Mass loading 10 rates and lack of detectable neutrals in the plasma sheet, however, are in con- 11 flict with earlier determinations of atmospheric composition and density at 1 12 Europa. A substantial fraction of the plasma species at the Europa orbit are 13 long-lived sulfur ions originating at Io, with ∼25% derived from Europa. Dur- 14 ing the outward radial diffusion process to the Europa orbit, heat deposition 15 forces a significant rise in plasma electron temperature and latitudinal size ac- 16 companied with conversion to higher order ions, a clear indication that mass 17 loading from Europa is very low. Analysis of FUV (far ultraviolet) spectra 18 from exposures on Europa leads to the conclusion that earlier reported atmo- 19 spheric measurements have been misinterpreted. The results in the present 20 work are also in conflict with a report that energetic neutral particles (ENA) 21 imaged by the Cassini INCA (ion and neutral camera) experiment originate at 22 the Europa orbit. An interpretation of persistent energetic proton pitch angle 23 distributions near the Europa orbit as an effect of a significant population of 24 neutral gas is also in conflict with the results of the present work. The general 25 conclusion drawn here is that Europa is geophysically far less active than in- 26 ferred in previous research, with mass loading of the plasma sheet ≤4.5 × 1025 27 atoms s−1 two orders of magnitude below earlier published calculations. Tem- 28 poral variability in the region joining the Io and Europa orbits, based on the 29 accumulated evidence, is forced by the response of the system to geophysical 30 activity at Io. No evidence for the direct injection of H2 O into the Europa atmo- 31 sphere or from Europa into the magnetosphere system, as has been observed 32 at Endeladus in the Saturn system, is obtained in the present investigation. 33 The most recent published observations of Europa (Roth et al 1) show images, obtained 34 using the Hubble Space Telescope (HST), describing plumes observed over a 7 hour period 35 in December 2012. This was the only reported occasion of a phenomenon forcing strongly 36 nonuniform atmospheric distribution, described as evidence for a geophysically active body 2 37 with general similarity to the behavior of Io. Stress during the orbital period was inferred to 38 be responsible. The authors (1) also reported observations in October 1999 and November 39 2012 showing atomic oxygen emission from the sunlit face, absent plume features. The general 40 conclusion from the report (1) is that Europa is a geophysically active body, emitting water 41 vapor and forming a water product atmosphere. 42 The presence of a Europa atmosphere was first reported by Hall et al (2) with detection of 43 atomic oxygen through the O I 3 P − 3s3 So and 3 P − 3s5 So multiplet transitions at ∼1304 and 44 ∼1356 Å. The relative brightness of the multiplets, designated here as I(3 S) and I(5 S), is a 45 crucial quantity for the interpretation of how the upper states are excited. Hall et al (2) obtained 46 I(5 S)/ I(3 S) in the range 1.3 to 3.2. On the basis of this range of values it was concluded that the 47 emission was produced by dissociative excitation of O2 . The argument that O2 was the dominant 48 component of the Europa atmosphere and the research history leading up to this conclusion was 49 discussed at the time by Hunten (3). Subsequent observations (4) provided measurements at 50 Europa and Ganymede giving the ratio I(5 S)/ I(3 S) in the range 1.3 to 2.2. The present work 51 disputes the interpretation of this range of values as an exclusive characteristic of dissociative 52 excitation of O2 . 53 The Cassini UVIS experiment provided observations of Europa and the surrounding region 54 on January 6 and 12 of 2001, reported by Hansen et al (5). The analysis presented here is 55 confined to the 2001 DOY (day of year) 012 sequences, because the 2001 DOY 006 exposures 56 are contaminated by strong Io torus emission. Although the authors (5) did not dispute the 57 specifics of atmospheric content, this work focused on the presence of atomic oxygen at the top 58 of the atmosphere and disputed the claim (6) that a significant neutral torus was present at the 59 orbit of Europa. 60 The present work presents the results of a more extended analysis of the UVIS observations 61 at the orbit of Europa during the Cassini 2000/2001 encounter. The new analysis utilizes refined 3 62 flatfielding and calibration, allowing the extraction of deep exposures for both EUV and FUV 63 UVIS spectrographs, whereas previous work (5) was restricted to the FUV. (The Cassini UVIS 64 experiment contains two spectrographs covering the range 550 Å to 1950 Å. A single exposure 65 produces 64 spectra contiguous in space on 1 mrad centers, as described by Esposito et al (7).) 66 This research disputes the substance of most of the previous publications relative to the Europa 67 atmosphere. The establishment of the EUV spectrum has allowed an accurate quantitative de- 68 termination of the ion species in the plasma sheet at the Europa orbit, setting a strong limit on 69 the mass loading rate from the Europa atmosphere. 70 Cassini UVIS EUV spectra of the plasma sheet at Europa. The Cassini UVIS EUV spec- 71 trum extracted from the plasma sheet region at Europa is crucial to the determination of the 72 state of the plasma and in setting a limit on the composition of the Europa atmosphere. The 73 geometry of the observations is described in detail by (5). The observations were obtained 74 with the Europa image stabilized in a particular spatial pixel (pxs) on the detectors. The spatial 75 dimension of the slit in these observations was aligned parallel to the Jupiter rotational axis, 76 providing latitudinal distribution. Fig. 1 shows the integrated flatfielded signal count spectrum 77 averaged over the spatial extent (2.9 RJ ) of the plasma sheet. Fig. 1 also shows the averaged 78 spectrum above and below the plasma sheet in the same exposure sequence, containing the fore- 79 ground/background spectrum. The range to the planet was ∼16 Mkm (106 km), in 2001 DOY 80 012, giving a latitudinal image size of 14 RJ . The dominant feature in the spectrum is the com- 81 bined O II and O III multiplets near 833 Å, with a Rayleigh brightness of ∼ 1.6 R. A distinct 82 peak in the plasma emission is not recognizable at the location of Europa, but the distribution 83 shows a FWHM (Full Width at Half Maximum) of ∼1.5 RJ . The foreground/background spec- 84 trum contains two identified discrete emission lines from the Interplanetary Medium (IPM) and 85 the Local Interstellar Medium (LISM), the He resonance line at 584 Å and the H Lyβ line at 4 86 1025.7 Å. These features have identical brightnesses in both spectra, as shown in Fig. 1. The 87 discrete emission features in the plasma sheet spectrum correspond to those of the emission 88 spectrum from the Io plasma torus, with the exception of the blended transitions in the Europa 89 plasma sheet in the 600 − 630 Å region (8). Possible candidates for these transitions are K II 90 and Cl III, but these have not been investigated quantitatively. The UVIS Io plasma torus and 91 Europa plasma sheet spectra are compared in Fig. S1. The UVIS EUV spectrum of the plasma 92 sheet contains no detectable neutral species emissions. 93 State of the plasma sheet. 94 are shown in Fig. S2. Models of the LISM emissions are included. The plasma model includes 95 O II, O III, O IV, S II, S III, S IV, and S V emissions calculated for an ambient electron tempera- 96 ture of Te = 250000 K (8). A model fit to the Io plasma torus East ansa obtained in the Cassini 97 encounter is shown in Fig. S3. The states of the plasmas at Io and Europa derived from the 98 model calculations are given in Table 1. This table includes results from Voyager 1 encounter 99 in 1979, showing that the plasma at Io is a variable phenomenon. Ion composition from the 100 Voyager Plasma Science Experiment (PLS) (9) is listed although ambiguous (8). The Voyager 101 PLS experiment provides valuable insight into the electron density and temperature distribution 102 between 5.9 and 9.4 RJ (10), discussed in (8). Table 1 includes the calculated mean volumetric 103 radiative cooling rates, which constitute ∼80% of the energy expended to maintain the plasma 104 in steady state (11). The quantitative significance of the energy rates is discussed in (8). Plasma 105 energy partitioning is discussed by (10, 11). Sulfur ions, originating from Io, at the orbit of 106 Europa are an expected component in the plasma (11,13,14). Evidently the plasma at the Eu- 107 ropa orbit is dominated by ions originating at the Io plasma torus. The outward diffusion of 108 ions from 5.9 RJ is characterized by substantially increased ambient electron temperatures (8) 109 accompanied by the conversion to higher order ions. The ratios of ion species densities at 5.9 Plasma model calculations fitting the EUV plasma sheet spectrum 5 110 RJ over those at 9.4 RJ , shown in Table 2, based on the present results decrease significantly 111 with increasing positive charge, indicating overall that conversion to higher order ions occurs 112 more rapidly than other loss processes. The mean density of S II at Europa is a factor of 58 113 below the value at 5.9 RJ , while S V at 9.4 RJ is only a factor of 3.6 less dense than S V at 114 5.9 RJ . These facts are indicative of low mass loading rates at Europa. The low density of the 115 plasma at 9.4 RJ indicates that electron impact is the main controlling factor in volumetric rate 116 processes. It is probable that the plasma at 9.4 RJ is never in statistical equilibrium. The Io 117 plasma torus is known to be time variable on a scale of months, but the slow diffusion rate of 118 ambient ions outward will filter the magnitude of the variation. The lifetime of S IV against 119 electron impact conversion to S V at 9.4 RJ , for example, is 120 days. 120 Energy budget. Table 1 includes calculated radiative cooling rates, which account for 121 ∼80% of the energy loss from the plasma (11). The plasma is maintained primarily by Coulomb 122 electron-electron and proton-electron heating by the inward diffusion of the hot magnetospheric 123 flux passing through the local plasma sheet. Calculated rates are included in Table 1. The basis 124 for the calculations is discussed in (8). The results are consistent with the measured conditions 125 in the magnetosphere at Voyager 1 encounter, with, however, a perturbation involving the flow 126 of energy through the Io plasma torus at the time of the Cassini UVIS observations in 2001 127 (8). The results are quantitatively aligned with the argument that the heterogeneous inwardly 128 diffusing magnetospheric plasma is the primary energy source for the maintenence of the Io 129 plasma torus, and that Europa plays a geophysically passive role in the activity in the 5 RJ to 10 130 RJ region (8). The energy available for the development of the plasma sheet at 9.4 RJ is vastly 131 larger than the energy loss rate determined here from observation (8). The energy required to 132 maintain the Io plasma torus at Voyager 1 encounter, is 54 times greater than the energy required 133 for the plasma sheet at Europa (Table 1), while the primary energy pool for these two regions 6 134 at the time of Voyager differed by only a factor less than two; The energy is available at Europa 135 for a plasma on the scale of the Io torus, but Europa does not provide the required mass loading 136 (8). Table 1: Derived plasma properties Radial Location (RJ )a Te (1000K) [O I] cm−3 [O II] cm−3 [O III] cm−3 [O IV] cm−3 [S I] cm−3 [S II] cm−3 [S III] cm−3 [S IV] cm−3 [S V] cm−3 Σ[Ni] cm−3 [e] cm−3 ΣNi X Vg Σ[Oi]/[Si] Eradh Ecouli a b 5.9b 60. 29.f 936. 33.8 0.074 3.7 287. 409 46.7 0.130 1745. 2250. 60.2 1.34 392. 399. 5.9c 75. ··· 118. 148. ≤3. ··· 70. 355. 71. 2.7 765. 1418. 26.4 0.53 565. 567.j 9.4d ··· ··· 44. 22. ··· ··· 6.4 8.1 5.9 ··· 87.2 130. ··· 3. ··· ··· 9.4e 250. ··· 8.2 13.4 4.3 ··· 1.2 10.7 7.6 0.75 46.1 96. 6.94 1.38 7.3 6.3 Relative to Jupiter center Center of Io hot torus plasma; Voyager 1 encounter Mar 1979 (11) c Center of Io hot torus plasma; Cassini Jan 2001 Europa location, Voyager PLS Mar 1979 (9) e Europa location, Cassini UVIS Jan 2001 f Theoretical physical chemistry fitting observation (11) g Total ion content in toroid volume (× 1033 ) h Mean volumetric radiative cooling rate 10−15 ergs cm−3 s−1 i Calculated Coulomb heating of ambient electrons 10−15 ergs −3 −1 cm s (8) j Requires hot heterogeneous electron density inconsistent with Voyager results (8) d 7 Table 2: Radial ion density progression Species ri a a O II 14.4 O III 11.0 O IV ≤0.7 S II 58. S III 33. S IV 9.3 SV 3.6 Number density ratio Cassini UVIS 2001 ri = Ni (5.9 RJ )/Ni (9.4 RJ ) 8 1.0 counts 1000 s-1 pxs-1 pxw-1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 550 650 750 850 950 1050 1150 λ (A) Figure 1: UVIS EUV 2001 DOY 012 spectrum (red trace) integrated latitudinally over pxs 28 − 40 with Europa contained in pxs 33 (integration time ti = 148 h), compared to the spectrum (black trace) obtained north and south of the plasma sheet in the same exposure sequence (ti = 398 h). The spectra are in signal counts normalized to 1000 sec, flatfielded with scattered photon background removed. Statisical error bars (1σ per pxw (wavelength dimension pixel) before filtering) are shown for the plasma sheet spectrum. The background spectrum contains a residual O II/O III feature at 833 Å, with two identified emission lines from the IPM and LISM, the He resonance line at 584 Å and the H Lyβ line at 1025.7 Å. The LISM features have identical brightnesses in both spectra. The remaining discrete features in the plasma sheet spectrum are attributed to oxygen and sulfur ions, primarily outward diffusion products from the Io plasma torus. 9 The UVIS 137 Emission properties of the Europa atmosphere and oxygen rate processes. 138 FUV exposures contain the only neutral gas emissions detected in the 9.4 RJ region from this 139 experiment. Fig. 2 shows the 2001 DOY 012 spectrum of the O I 3 P − 3s3 So and 3 P − 3s5 So 140 emissions at and adjacent to the position of Europa on the instrument detector. The solar phase, 141 ϕ = 116o , and consequently solar reflection features are not detected in the spectrum. The 142 exposures on 2001 DOY 006 are similar but contaminated with Io torus emission (5). The 143 image of Europa falls in pxs 32. The pxs 32 spectrum contains an indication of weak sulfur 144 ion emission from Europa, but these features will not be discussed here. The spectra in pxs 145 31, 32, and 33, with exposure times of 11 hours, are shown along with a modeled statistically 146 equilibriated spectrum of simultaneous electron and solar photon excited O I, fitting the pxs 32 147 spectrum. The O I electronic model architecture contains 54 multiplet states (details will not 148 be given here, see (8)). The O I model calculations use the combined forcing of the electron 149 environment and a high resolution solar flux model (15). The solid angle of the Europa image 150 on the UVIS detector is 50 times smaller than the pixel size, so it acts as a point source for 151 the spectrograph, giving a spectral resolution of about 2 Å. This is sufficient resolution to show 152 the optical thickness in the 3 P − 3s3 So multiplet transitions. The 3 P − 3s3 So feature in Fig. 2 153 has evident opacity, and an accurate fit to the multiplet feature has been obtained for a line-of- 154 sight (los) abundance of 4.7 × 1012 cm−2 (8). The O I (3 P − 3s3 So )/ (3 P − 3s5 So ) multiplet 155 pair is accurately modeled at an electron temperature of Te = 90000 K, as shown in Fig. 2. 156 The presence of O2 is not required to explain the O I emission in Fig. 2. The spectrum in pxs 157 31 shows a much smaller opacity and the intensity ratio I(5 S)/I(3 S) is commensurately lower. 158 The spectrum in pxs 33 shows no evidence of electron excited O I. Comparison of these results 159 with previous observations provides useful additional insight. Table 3 shows the compiled 160 observational results on the Europa atmosphere, showing 7 results from separate exposures. 161 The O I multiplet brightnesses are disk averaged values. The listed emission brightnesses in 10 162 Table 3 for the observations reported by Roth et. al. (1, Table S1) are similar but not equal 163 to the values derived from the flux information in (1), given in Table 3. The explanation is 164 provided in (8). The O I emission values do not show strong variation from 1994 to the present 165 according to this analysis. The brightness quantities in Table 3 are derived from flux values. Table 3: Europa atmosphere observations Expta UVISg HSTk HSTn HSTo HST HST HST Date 2001 012h 1994 153 1996 203 1996 212 1999 278 2012 313 2012 365 I(3 S)b 71. ±6.i 29. ±6.l 30. ±3.2 55. ±4. 72.p 64. 41. I(5 S)c 67.±6. 64.±6. 64.±4.6 72.±5.2 111. 76.r 77.s I(Lyα)d ··· ··· ··· ··· ≤30.q ≤20. 45.±31. [O I]ℓ e 4.7j ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· [O2 ]ℓf ··· (240. − 1200.) m (350. − 1100.) (370. − 1400.) ··· ··· ··· [O II]ℓ ≤ 0. 31 ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· I(5 S)/I(3 S) 0.94 2.2 2.1 1.3 1.5 1.2 1.9 a Observatory O I(3 P − 3s3 So ) at 1304 Å Brightness in Rayleighs c O I(3 P − 3s5 So ) at 1356 Å d H I resonance line 1216 Å e los abundance ( 1012 atoms or molecules cm−2 ) f See text. g Present work, Trailing surface h read 2001 012 as 2001 DOY 012 i average brightness over disk inside 1.15 RE j Inferred from I(5 S) and (16) electron environment. Opacity abundance from analysis of I(3 S) is also 4.7 × 1012 cm−2 . k Hall et al. (2), trailing surface; based on Table 1 of (4) l average brightness over disk m from (4) n Hall et al. (4), leading surface o Hall et al. (4), trailing surface p O I calculated from Fig. S5 (A) of Roth et al. (1), average brightness over 1.15 RE disk, see text. q Averaged H Lyα emissions as reported by (1) r O I calculated from Fig. S5 (B) of Roth et al. (1) s O I calculated from Fig. S5 (C) of Roth et al. (1) b 166 Table 3 shows O2 abundances in column 7 required if the O I emission is produced by 167 dissociative excitation (2). These values are 100 to 1000 times larger than the present derived 168 abundance for an O I atmosphere. Given an O I atmosphere the major ionosphere ion must 169 be O II. The presence of O II in the Europa atmosphere has not been directly observed in the 170 UVIS exposures. It is clear that the plasma sheet densities in 2001 DOY 012 peak broadly 11 171 around the location of Europa, but a peak in O II emission confined to the pixel containing the 172 Europa image has not been detected above the backgound emission from the plasma sheet. The 173 upper limit in column 8 of Table 3 is close to the abundance expected if the major ion is O II. 174 The electron vertical profile has been measured in Galileo radio occultations by Kliore et al. 175 (16). The mean of 6 occultations provided a vertical profile showing electron density peaking 176 at the surface with a value [e] ∼9000 cm−3 . The electron abundance (16) is close to the limit 177 given for O II in Table 3. The neutral/ion mixing ratio at the surface from this analysis is then 178 [N]/[e] ∼15., leading to the conclusion that the Europa atmosphere is actually a weakly ionized 179 plasma with a density maximum at the surface. There are no atomic kinetic collisions in this 180 nominal atmosphere; the primary collision partners are electrons. The atmospheric plasma on 181 Europa can be compared to the state of the Enceladus plasma torus in the Saturn system. Model 182 calculations of an energy equilibrated H2 O sourced system produces [N]/[e] ∼60, with Te ∼ 183 16000 K (12). The state of the gas in these systems is limited by the energy available in the 184 magnetospheric structure, and the mass insertion rate. In this case the Europa atmosphere is a 185 higher temperature, more heavily ionized plasma than the Enceladus torus. 186 Atmospheric models. 187 on the interpretation that the disk averaged emissions I(3 S) and I(5 S) are from dissociatively 188 excited O2 (17,18). A model based on an O I dominated atmosphere, developed from the Liang 189 et al. (19) model for Callisto is presented here. The source of CO2 in the model is suppressed 190 and overall source rates reduced, leaving an atmosphere dominated by O I and H I, derived from 191 H2 O photolysis. The source process is not necessarily an accurate description of how the atmo- 192 sphere has developed, but it provides a more realistic structure for comparison to observation. 193 Fig. S4 shows the vertical distribution of the primary species. The dominant ion is O II, with a 194 vertical abundance within a factor of 2 of the Kliore et al. (16) measurements. The densities The most recent published atmospheric models for Europa are based 12 195 and scale heights are shown in Table 4, in comparison to the observational results discussed 196 here. The abundance of H I in the model would not be detectable in the observations to date. 197 The abundance of O2 (Fig. S4) in the model, however, is roughly a factor of 2 to 3 too large 198 for compatibiliy with the present observations. The major loss of O II in the model is through 199 reactions rr(9) and rr(10). An O II ionosphere is unsustainable on Callisto because of the fast 200 rr(10); This is not an issue for Europa. The scale heights in the model are much smaller than 201 the observation derived quantities, because the source function is cold. The model assumes that 202 H2 O is extracted from the surface by nuclear sputtering. This may not be an accurate description 203 if exchange processes play a significant role, in which the particles diffused into the vacuum are 204 mainly atomic (22). 205 Rate processes. The conclusion in earlier work that the Europa atmosphere was pri- 206 marily O2 was based on an observed emission ratio I(5 S)/I(3 S) consistently greater than 1. 207 The observed values for I(5 S)/I(3 S) range from 1. to 2.2 (Table 3). The reactions producing 208 emission in the two multiplets that require consideration here are as follows: e + O2 (X) → e + O∗ + O∗ (1) e + O2 (X) → e + O(3 P) + O(3s5 So ) (2) e + O2 (X) → e + O(3 P) + O(3s3 So ) (3) e + H2 O(X) → e + H(2s, 2p) + products (4) e + H2 O(X) → e + O(3s5 So ) + products (5) e + H2 O(X) → e + O(3s3 So ) + products (6) e + hν + O(3 P) → e + O(3s5 So ) (7) e + hν + O(3 P) → e + O(3s3 So ) (8) O+ + O2 → O + O+ 2 13 (9) O+ + CO2 → CO + O+ 2 (10) 209 Rate coefficients critical to the present discussion are given in Fig. S5. As expected, reaction (rr) 210 rr(1) (derived from Itikawa (24)) has the most agressive rates, and it is this reaction that forces 211 high mass loading of the plasma sheet if the europa O I emissions are assumed to be caused by 212 rr(2) and rr(3). The assumption of an O2 dominated atmosphere introduces three difficulties. 213 1) The ratio I(5 S)/I(3 S) from rr(2) and rr(3) ranges from 3.5 at Te = 50000 K to 2.6 at Te = 214 250000 K, out of range of the observations (Table 3) according to the current rates shown in 215 Fig. S5. 2) Based on the Saur et al. (17) calculations using the HST observed emissions, an 216 injection rate of 2 × 1027 O I atoms s−1 is indicated for the plasma sheet. This is not compatible 217 with the state of the observed plasma. 3) The analysis of the UVIS observations described 218 above, taking opacity into account, fits the observed spectrum and I(5 S)/I(3 S) ratio with the 219 present model for rr(7) and rr(8) (Fig. 2). Further detail is given in (8). Roth et al. (1), indicating 220 emissions that are consistent with rr(4) and rr(6), is the only published work showing evidence 221 of H2 O in the near Europa environment (see Fig. S5). The rates for dissociative excitation 222 of H2 O shown in Fig. S5 are derived from (25). The observations examined here show no 223 evidence of H Lyα emission in the plasma sheet or Europa atmosphere. The stochastic process 224 consituting the observations listed in Table 3, does not show evidence of deviation from an 225 overall stationary state. The imaging of the emission on the Europa disk does show variability, 226 described as auroral activity (1), and general evidence of a variable Europa environment has 227 been discussed (20, 23), but evidence for strong localized events that significantly affect the 228 Europa global atmosphere, is absent in the present assessment. The Roth at al. analysis (1) of 229 the plume observation of 2012 DOY 365 did not develop an estimate of mass loading of the 230 magnetosphere. The plume altitude limited at 200 km, suggesting that a large fraction of the 231 gas did not did not reach escape velocity and did not significantly affect the plasma sheet. 14 232 Nominal atmosphere. Table 4 shows the nominal Europa model atmosphere emerging 233 from the present work. Examination of the details of energy balance and rate processes are 234 beyond the scope of this preliminary work. Some general conclusions, however, can be drawn. 235 The ionosphere, which Kliore et al. (16) have shown interfaces with the solid surface, will be 236 sustained by both electron impact and charge capture by plasma sheet ions, which penetrate to 237 the surface. Substantial recycling between solid state and gas is expected, with sputtering and 238 dissociative excitation to neutral atoms through multicharged particle penertration of the surface 239 (21,22). It is evident, however, that Europa does not easily deliver mass to the magnetosphere. 240 The strongest rate processes are likely to be solid to gas recycling. Table 4: Nominal Europa atmosphere [O I]a 1.5c 13.d [O II] 0.1 0.23 [e] 0.1 0.23 Tg (K) 800. 150. H(O I)b 300. 31. H(e, O II) 240. 31. [O I]/[e] 15. 56. densities ([]) × 105 cm−3 at the solid surface. Scale height (H) in km c Present observation based results d Present preliminary model a b The state of the plasma sheet es- 241 Sensitivity of the plasma sheet at 9.4 RJ to neutral gas. 242 tablished here depends on a very low mass loading rate to retain significant ion charge levels. 243 A qualitative assessment from the nature of the the source of the ion population indicates that 244 in the transport time for delivery of sulfur ions from 5.9 RJ to 9.4 RJ the plasma electron 245 volumetric energy increases from 75000 K to 250000 K, against losses to collisional radiative 246 reactions, ionization, and dielectronic recombination (11). It is evident that the heterogeneous 247 magnetospheric electrons deposit a net large amount of energy into the ambient population 248 (electron-electron Coulomb interaction) to raise the energy density of the resident electrons 249 against exponentially rising loss rates (11). This is a qualitative indicator that mass loading 250 from Europa must on average be at a very low level. Without carrying out a detailed physi15 251 cal chemistry energy balanced calculation such as (11, 12) approximate limiting rates and time 252 scales can be established to provide values of core parameters. Table 5 lists the pivital quan- 253 tities. The measurement of O IV at 9.4 RJ provides one of the longer time-constants. The 254 conversion of O III to O IV by electron impact (rr(11), see (8)) has a characteristic time of 124 255 days (Table 5). This process takes place in competition with diffusive loss (rr(13)), dielectronic 256 recombination (rr(12)), and charge capture from neutral atoms (rr(14)) and lower order ions. 257 The probability for rr(11) ρ11 = 9.3 × 10−8 s−1 must be more rapid than charge capture (21) or 258 other losses in order to build population as it does during transport from 5.9 RJ . This requires 259 a mean neutral density in the plasma sheet of less than 3 cm−3 . Neutral emission upper limits 260 are at a level of ∼3 cm−3 . The rate of neutral injection at this level in the plasma sheet is ∼4 261 × 1025 atoms s−1 (Table 5). This is a crude estimate of a sustainable level of mass loading for 262 the plasma sheet. Given that the electron density and temperature measurements in the Europa 263 plasma sheet at the time of Voyager, Galileo, and Cassini constitute a stochastic process in ad- 264 dition to the Europa atmospheric emission results, the indication is that the observations on a 265 time scale of years constitute a steady state on a long time scale. The injection of atoms at a rate 266 1000 times the above mean value may take place for a limited interval on a frequency scale of 267 years, but the mean value must not exceed the ∼4 × 1025 atoms s−1 rate. The evidence for large 268 events in the Europa atmosphere does not appear in the stream of stochasic samples to date. 269 The influence of plasma sheet ions on the generation of atmospheric gas is a factor to con- 270 sider, given that multiply charged ions are involved. The sputtering of solid surfaces is deter- 271 mined by momentum transfer, electronic excitation, and exchange reactions. The last process 272 has generally received little attention because the process has a small role in singly ionized ion 273 impacts. Multiply charged ions, however, can contain a significant amount of internal energy 274 that is delivered to the solid molecules in charge capture and subsequent emission in multiple 275 x-ray photon deposition into the solid (21,22). Charge capture processes in the solar system 16 276 have been discussed in (22). The plasma sheet ion impact energies at the surface of Europa are 277 only at the low keV level, and only exchange reactions can contribute significantly to sputtering. 278 The exchange sputtering process is one of ionization by the multiply charged ion with simulta- 279 neous photon emission. The photo electrons released produce atomic products in dissociative 280 recombination, with enough kinetic energy to diffuse into the vacuum. O IV has enough energy 281 to contribute to the sputtering process. Magnetospheric protons, at much higher kinetic energy 282 sputter through momentum transfer. Efficiencies are discussed in (22). The calculated rates 283 for the O IV sputtered contribution given in Table 5 do not include kinetic energy distributions, 284 but the values indicate that plasma sheet ions may have a significant contribution to the Europa 285 atmosphere. The current calculated population of neutrals in the plasma sheet can be compared 286 to the Mauk et al. (6) result from ENA imaging, and the Saur et al. (17) model source rates, 287 given in Table 5. The rates by (17) are much larger because of the assumption (Fig. S5) that the 288 atmosphere was dominated by O2 . Table 5: Critical plasma sheet volumetric and gas-surface reaction rates ρO23 a 94. ρO32 b 3.2 [Nℓ ]c 3. Nℓ Td 4.6 Nℓ Te 90. S(Nℓ )f 4.5 S(Nℓ )g 200. Y¯S h 3.0 F O3 i 0.45 S¯Y j 1.3 Probability (ρ (× 10−9 sec−1 )) for electron impact ionization of O III, rr(11) Probability for dielectronic recombination of O IV, rr(12) c Limiting neutral density (cm−3 ) to allow steady state of plasma sheet O IV population d Limit to total number of neutral atoms in the plasma sheet ( × 1032 ) e Mauk et al. (6) f Limiting source rate of neutral particles maintaining the plasma sheet (× 1025 s−1 ) g Saur et al. (17) h Sputtering yield of neutral atoms by plasma sheet O IV ions (× 1025 atoms s−1 ) i Flux of O IV ions into the Europa surface (× 108 cm−2 s−1 ) j Flux of surface sputtered atoms into the vacuum (× 108 . cm−2 s−1 ) (8) a b 289 Conclusions and discusssion 290 1. Deep exposures using the Cassini UVIS EUV spectrograph have revealed a low density 291 plasma at the Europa orbit, composed mainly of ions originating in the Io plasma torus. 17 292 This is a predictable finding, because the radial electron density distribution measured 293 previously using the Voyager, and Galileo missions produced similar densities and tem- 294 peratures to the values in the present analysis. No neutral atomic emissions were detected, 295 and upper limits from approximate plasma analysis and the emission results indicate a 296 mean neutral density of 3 cm−3 in the plasma sheet. There is an indication that Europa 297 contributes oxygen to the plasma. Mass loading of the plasma sheet is estimated to be ∼ 298 5 × 1025 atoms s−1 , a factor of 40 below the Saur et al. (17) O2 model (Table 5). 299 2. The atomic oxygen multiplet emissions from Europa identified in previous observations 300 beginning in 1994, have been misinterpreted as dissociative excitation of an atmosphere 301 dominated by O2 . The consequence of this earlier conclusion was the adoption of a 302 model that inserted significant mass loading into the plasma sheet at the Europa orbit. 303 The present analysis of the Cassini UVIS FUV measurements indicates that the emis- 304 sion spectrum averaged over the Europa disk, is electron excited atomic oxygen. The 305 atmosphere at Europa in the present analysis is atomic oxygen at a density two orders of 306 magnitude below the previous O2 dominated model. 307 3. The heterogeneous hot component of the magnetospheric plasma deposits most of the 308 energy required to maintain the Io plasma torus. The energy density at the orbit of Europa 309 is at a similar level and given mass loading, could support a plasma torus on the same 310 scale. This has never been observed. The energy passing through the plasma at the Io 311 torus (Table 1) is two orders of magnitude greater than in the plasma sheet at Europa 312 at the time of Voyager encounter in 1979, and at Cassini encounter in 2001. Given the 313 stochastic remote sensing evidence, mass loading at the Europa orbit is not consistent 314 with a geophysically active body. 315 The overall impact of the present work on the assessment of the level of geophysical activity is to 18 316 indicate that the evidence for vents releasing gas into the atmosphere is at best tenuous. Russell 317 (23) has pointed out that periodic plasma enhancements from Pioneer 11 measurements were 318 interpreted by Intriligator and Miller (20) as a continuous plume at Europa. The phenomenon 319 was, however, found to be non-repeatable in work with Galileo (23). These (20) results could be 320 interpreted as temporal variations in the density of the corotating plasma (23). Europa has the 321 property of a conducting sphere with a radius close to the solid surface radius. Given the low 322 density of the kinetically collision free atmosphere derived here, the conducting sphere could 323 be the highly developed ionosphere rather than a subsurface conductive fluid. 324 The observational evidence in the region of the Galilean satellites shows consistency in 325 magnitudes. Sittler and Strobel (10) from Voyager measurements show plasma sheet electron 326 densities decreasing outward from 5.9 RJ with a sharp drop at 7.2 RJ coincident with a sharp 327 rise in temperature, an indicator of a distinct decrease in mass loading. The evidence in the 328 present work is consistent with this structure in showing a plasma at Europa that has converted 329 the ion population to higher charge species at rates faster than dielectronic recombination and 330 charge capture on neutral gas (Table 2). At 9.4 RJ during Voyager encounter the density was 331 ∼40 cm−3 , and Te ∼250000. K. 332 The Roth et al. (1) HST observation in Dec 2012 is unique in two respects:1)Two plumes 333 are identified in the south polar region, giving emission in H Lyα and the O I 1304 Å multi- 334 plet, indicators of dissociative excitation of H2 O. 2) The emission from the disk does not have 335 verified H Lyα emission, but shows atomic oxygen emission at a mean brightness similar to 336 all other reported observations (Table 3). Roth et al. (1) report the emissions against the disk 337 as auroral phenomena with microscale variability, but with brightness averaged over the disk at 338 the same level as the other reported observations. Variability is certainly present in the system 339 involving Europa, but the present research indicates it is a magnetospheric phenomenon, rather 340 than geophysical instability. The Io plasma torus is well known to be variable, with significant 19 341 changes reported on time scales of months to years. As a primary forcing function on the sys- 342 tem Io will impose variability on the Europa environment (23). An event on Io propogates to 343 the Europa orbit, but filtered by the long physical chemistry and diffusion time-constants. The 344 general conclusion is that Europa does not show evidence of internal geophysical activity. The 345 Saur et al. (17) model for Europa has mass loading at a rate similar to that at Io. The mass 346 loading rate at the Io torus is ∼7 × 1027 atoms s−1 (11,18). The (17) rate at Europa, ∼2 × 1027 347 atoms s−1 , is not plausible given the known conditions. 348 The calculations of O IV exchange sputtering (Table 5) indicate that this process, which 349 diffuses dissociated atomic species into the vacuum, could be a significant contributor to the 350 maintenence of the tenuous atmosphere. 351 The work presented here provides approximate quantities relevant to the state of the Europa 352 environment. Model calculations on the detailed level of the energy balanced plasma calcula- 353 tions such as (11, 12) for the Io and Enceladus environments will provide further insight on 354 system forcing and the formation of the Europa atmosphere. 20 counts 1000s pxs pxw 1 - 1 - -1 1.2 2001 012 1.0 Te = 90000. K 0.8 pxs 32 0.6 pxs 31 pxs 33 0.4 [O I] = 0.0 cm-2 [O I] = 4.7 X 1012 cm-2 [e] = 14000. cm-3 {O I (3Pg - 3s 5So)} = 67 R 0.2 0.0 1270 1280 1290 1300 1310 1320 1330 1340 1350 1360 1370 λ (A) Figure 2: UVIS accumulated FUV spectra (2001 DOY 012) at the Europa ansa, in the 1270. − 1370. Å region, compared to model simulations, showing the O I 3 P − 3s3 So and 3 P − 3s5 So emission multiplets. Spectra in pxs 31 (blue trace), 32 (light red trace), and 33 (green trace) are shown, with Europa contained in pxs 32. Integration time is 11 hours. The solid black trace is a model calculation with solar and electron forcing, fitting the spectrum in pxs 32 with an opacity abundance of 4.7 × 1012 cm−2 . The optically thin model is shown as a dotted black trace. The model calculation shown fitting both O I multiplets requires an electron temperature of Te = 90000. K. The electron density in the model is [e] = 14000. cm−3 , and the gas temperature Tg = 1000. K. The brightness of the O I 3 P − 3s5 So forbidden multiplet is 67 R as indicated on the plot. An upper limit non-LTE model calculation for the excitation of H2 is shown as a light blue trace on the plot. 21 355 356 357 358 359 References 1. L. Roth, J. Saur, K. D. Retherford, D.l F. Strobel, P. D. Feldman, M. A. McGrath, F. Nimmo, Science 343,171(2012) doi:10.1126/science.1247051. 2. D. T. Hall, D. F. Strobel, P. D. Feldman, M. A. McGrath, H. A. Weaver , Nature 373, 677 (1995). 360 3. D. M. Hunten, Nature 373, 654 (1995). 361 4. D. T. Hall, P. D. Feldman, M. A. McGrath, D. F. Strobel, Astrophys. J. 499, 475 (1998). 362 5. C. J. Hansen, D. E. Shemansky, A. R. Hendrix, Icarus 176, 305 (2005) 363 364 365 doi:10.1016/j.icarus.2005.02.007 6. B. H. Mauk, D. G. Mitchell, S. M. Krimigis, E. C. Roelof, C. P. Paranicas, Nature 421, 920 (2003). 366 7. L. E. Esposito, C. A. Barth, J. E. Colwell, G.M. Lawrence, W. E. McClintock, A. I. F. 367 Stewart, H.U. Keller, A. Korth, H. Lauche, M. C. 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This region of the spectrum also contains transitions in O II, O III, O IV, and O V, but the model calculations produce emission levels at least an order of magnitude too weak to account for these features as normal electron impact excitation. Plasma sheet model temperatures. The electron temperature used in fitting the observed spectrum at 9.4 RJ is the same value as that derived in the Voyager 1 PLS measurement at this location in the magnetosphere (10). Relative strengths of emission lines at temperatures this high lose sensitivity to the exact value and uncertainty in temperature from emission line relative strength is ∼ ±30000K. Atomic emission properties in the temperature range below 100000 K show much higher sensitivity to the exact temperature value. The Voyager PLS measurement of the ion mass spectrum. The ion spectrum produced by this instrument was on an energy per charge scale, so that for example O II and S III were coincident in the signal output and therefore not uniquely extractable. The UVIS EUV and FUV spectra. The model calculations in the reduction of the spectra shown in Figs. S2 and 2 are based on the methodology described in (13) using updated physical parameters where necessary. The model code calculates statistical equilibrium in the gas with the applied fixed forcing of the system. The collision strengths are established on the basis of the principle of detailed balance so that at very high density, the state populations approach a Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution. The calculations here are in non-LTE. The O I architecture used in fitting the spectrum of Fig. 2 contains 54 states; calculations take place at the electron orbital level, predicting emission in 887 transitions. Other species in the model calculations are developed to a similar level (13). Emission in the O I system depends on the combined effects of solar flux and electron impact. In general there is dependence on electron density. The rate data given in Fig. S5 for O I are for electron density [e] = 104 cm−3 . The solar flux model, which combines observations with solar plasma modeling, is required to be at high resolution (∼200000 − ∼600000) in order to aviod errors in the fluorescence calculations (15). Limits on neutral species based on spectral analysis The limits on H I and H2 in the Europa plasma sheet and atmosphere are less definitive than those determined from the plasma sheet properties, but these quantities contribute to the accumulated evidence. O I or other neutrals have not been detected in emission from the plasma sheet. The impact of these results has relevance to previous model calculations of atmospheric structure and consequent rates of mass loading at 9.4 RJ . The atomospheric model calculations by Saur et al. (17) is compared to the present results in Table 5. The Saur et al. (17) model is based on an assumed atmosphere dominated by O2 . Smyth and Marconi (18) provide a model based on proton surface sputtering, 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 which removes molecules into the vacuum by the inefficient process of nuclear momentum transfer, whereas multiply charged ions sputter by the exchange and dissociative recombination process(22). The physical chemistry applied by (18) produces an atmosphere dominated by O2 , with H2 the second most abundant species. Species limits from the present work are compared to previous model results in Table S1. The limit on H2 abundance established here is ∼100 times below the (18) model calculations in the plasma sheet at Europa (Table S1). For future reference Fig. S6 shows the upper limits on H2 brightness in the EUV/FUV calculated for the volumetric conditions in the plasma sheet and the Europa atmosphere. The H2 model calculations include rotational levels extending to J = 25 (26). The calculations are carried out for the combined forcing of solar flux and electron impact, in statistical (non-LTE) equilibrium. Differences in the spectra are caused by electron density and temperature, and the interaction of solar flux with significantly different ground state vibration-rotation populations. Outward diffusion of atomic oxygen from the Io Torus does not reach the orbit of Europa in measureable quantities (27). The excitation of neutrals by the inwardly diffusing hot magnetosphere population (28) is negligible, although ambient electron heating by this flux is significant. Another investigation (29) has reported finding evidence of significant neutral populations near Europa in perturbations of pitch angle distributions of magnetosphere ions. The production of a surface sputtered atmosphere at Europa has been discussed by (30, 31, 32, 33). Table 1: Limits to neutral species abundance (× 1012 cm−2 ) species [O I]ℓ [H I]ℓ [H2 ]ℓ [O2 ]ℓ [H2 O]ℓ a b Present Plasma Europa ≤0.23 4.7 ≤0.18 ≤ 1. ≤ 4.5 ··· ··· ··· ··· Smyth (18) Plasma Europa 5. 1.2 ··· 0.076 100.a 77. ··· 450. ··· 2.3 Saur (17) Europa ··· ··· ··· 500. ··· Ip (30) Europa ··· ··· ··· 200. − 2000. ··· b Roth (1) Europa 1. ··· ··· 350. 17. los through Europa in orbital plane Produced by heterogeneous magnetosphere surface sputtering, source rate 3 × 1026 O2 s−1 Critical plasma sheet physical chemistry e + O2+ e + O3+ O3+ O3+ + N∗ 469 470 471 → → → → O3+ + 2e O2+ dif f usive loss O2+ + N+∗ (11) (12) (13) (14) where N∗ refers to a neutral atom, atomic ion, or neutral molecule. Energy budget: Table 1 notes. The radiative cooling rates calculated here consitute most of the energy required to maintain the plasma (11, 12). The calculated energy deposition rates 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 shown in the Table occur through Coulomb interaction of the heterogeneous inwardly diffusing hot plasma with the ambient electrons. This process dominates the energy input required to maintain the resident plasma (11, 12). The results showing the state of the plasma at Voyager 1 encounter are model calculations fitting the Voyager UVS spectrum. For this reason neutral atom densities are model projections and not measured in the data. the ion densities and electron temperatures are derived from the spectral data; the electron density and temperature from this analysis agree with the insitu results from the Voyager PLS experiment (10). The inbound electron temperature and densities along the S/C trajectory extracted from (10) but converted to an RJ scale from L-shell are given here in Fig. S7. The important properties of Fig. S7 are the agreement with the UVS results in Table 1 at the Io torus, and the distribution of the ambient electron temperatures and densities between 5.9 and 9.4 RJ . From the Io torus outward, the electron temperature rises and the electron density declines monotonically to 7.4 RJ , where the temperature rises and the density decreases sharply to 8.4 RJ . Following a region of lower temperature to 8.8 RJ , the temperature rises sharply again coincident with a decrease in density exptending to 10.RJ . These characteristics are interpreted here a decreases in mass loading moving outward, allowing the heterogeneous plasma environment to heat the ambient plasma diffusing outward from the Io torus. Comparing the state of the Io torus plasma from the spectral data at Voyager encounter in 1979 (col 2) and the result from Cassini UVIS in 2001 (col 3) it is evident that this region is subject to significant variability. The Io torus in 1979 was colder and more dense, than in 2001. Radiative cooling in 1979 was lower than in 2001 because of lower temperature. Col 4 of Table 1 shows the analysis of the Voyager PLS ion partitioning (9) measurement. These results are less reliable because the PLS experiment measured the mass per charge spectrum, so that O II and S III, for example are coincident. Nevertheless the Voyager results in total mass ratio comparing 5.9 and 9.4 RJ , are similar to the Cassini UVIS results in 2001. Col 5 of Table 1 shows the Cassini UVIS result at 9.4 RJ , where compared to 5.9 RJ the temperature is very much higher, but because of low density, raditaive cooling is reduced by a factor of 54. The last row of Table 1 shows the calculated energy deposition into the ambient electrons by Coulomb energy transfer (11, 12). The heterogeneous plasma quantities for the Voyager results at the Io torus (col 2, Table 1) are from the PLS analysis of (10). The calculations for the Io torus in 2001 (col 3, Table 1), however, require that the hot plasma density be increased by a factor of 2.4 in order to approximate the energy deposition rate required to maintain the plasma. For the Cassini UVIS result at 9.4 RJ , the deposition rate calculated using the heterogeneous plasma density from Voyager (10) provides sufficient energy to maintain the observed ambient plasma radiative loss. 2000 1800 1600 counts 1400 LISM HLyβ β LISM He 584 A 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 550 650 750 850 950 1050 1150 λ (A) Figure 1: UVIS EUV spectrum of Fig. 1 (brown trace) compared to UVIS spectrum of the Io plasma torus eastern ansa (red trace). The spectra are normalized at the O II and O III multiplets near 833 Å. The LISM neutral lines appear in the Europa spectrum and not in the Io torus spectrum because of relative brightness. The electron temperature difference between the plasma volumes affect the emission line intensity distributions. 1.0 counts 1000 s pxw pxs 1 - -1 -1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 550 650 750 850 950 1050 1150 λ(A) Figure 2: UVIS EUV spectrum of Fig. 1 compared to a plasma model calculation including the species O II, O III, O IV, S II, S II, S IV, S V, for an electron temperature Te = 250000 K. The reduced data is the red trace, the total model is the light green trace, the O IV component is shown in light red, and the LISM emission model is in light blue. 1600 1400 counts 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 550 650 750 850 λ (A) 950 1050 1150 Figure 3: UVIS spectrum of the Io plasma torus eastern ansa (blue trace) compared to a plasma model calculation including the species O II, O III, S II, S III, S IV, S V, for an electron temperature Te = 75000 K. The total model is the red trace, the S IV component is shown in light green. 100 OI HI O II O2 O2+ 90 80 h (km) 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 10-1 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 [N] (cm-3) Figure 4: Europa model atmosphere based on the Liang et al. (19 ) model for Callisto, in which the CO2 source is suppressed to reflect conditions at the surface of Europa. The oxygen in this model is derived from H2 O extracted from the surface cold, with recycling, leaving a cold O I atmosphere. The analysis of observations to date would not be in conflict with the model. The legend identifies the species in the plot, O I, H I, O II, O2 , and O+ 2. 10-7 4 2 10-8 4 2 kij (cm s ) 110-9 4 3 2 10 -10 10-11 ν ν 4 2 10-12 4 2 10-13 → → → e + O2 2O e + O2 O(3P) + O(3s 5So) e + O2 O(3P) + O(3s 3So) e+h +OI O(3s 5So) e+h +OI O(3s 3So) e + H2O HLy 4 2 104 2 3 4 5 6 7 105 2 → 3 4 5 6 7 106 → → α 2 3 4 5 6 7 107 Te (K) Figure 5: Rate coefficients for reactions rr(1) thru rr(4), rr(7) and rr(8) (see text). The forcing in rr(7) and rr(8) includes a high resolution solar flux model (15). The latter two reactions have electron density dependence; these calculations are for [e] = 104 cm−3 , where [e] refers to the ambient electron population. A hot heterogeneous electron population, [eh] = 2. cm−3 (Teh = 107 K) is included in rr(7) and rr(8), and rates are for optically thin gas. The solar flux and [eh] acquire greater influence at low ambient electron temperatures. 1.2 I (10 R A ) 1.0 Europa H2 plasma sheet limit Europa H2 atmosphere limit X 10-2 1 - 2 - 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 I (10 R A ) 0.0 800 1 - 2 - 2.0 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.2 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 1200 900 1000 1100 1200 Europa H2 plasma sheet limit Europa H2 atmosphere limit X 10-2 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 λ (A) Figure 6: Model spectra of electron and solar forced H2 emission in the EUV/FUV region, using parameters for the Europa atmosphere and plasma sheet. The calculations are made for a nominal 2 Å FWHM gaussion psf, giving absolute scale upper limits in differential brightness (R/Å). The model includes rotational levels limited only by the dissociation limit in most electronic state potentials used in the calculation (26). Details of the solar spectrum used in the calculation are provided by (15). 3 2 Te (K) 106 7 5 4 3 2 105 7 5 4 3 2 104 4 3 2 [e] (cm-3) 103 6 4 3 2 102 6 4 3 2 101 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 RJ Figure 7: The ambient electron temperatures and densities measured on the inbound leg of the Voyager 1 spacecraft in 1979 at Jupiter encounter (from 10) transformed to an RJ scale. These results show a general compatibility with the spectral measurements of the Voyager UVS experiment, as well as with the results from the Cassini UVIS experiment in the 2001 encounter.