GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS, VOL. 32, L02204, doi:10.1029/2004GL021327, 2005 Fine-structure physical chemistry modeling of Uranus H2 X quadrupole emission J. T. Hallett, D. E. Shemansky, and X. Liu Department of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, California, USA Received 23 August 2004; revised 10 December 2004; accepted 3 January 2005; published 29 January 2005. [1] A new hydrogen physical chemistry model has been developed at the fine-structure level for application to the giant outer planet thermospheres. The model is applied to Uranus because observations of dayglow H2 X 1S+g (v) quadrupole and H+3 vibration-rotation emission made at NASA IRTF and UKIRT provide critical constraints for thermospheric modeling. The observed H+3 vibration-rotation emission infers an H+3 dominant ionosphere, predicted only for non-LTE H2 X (v : J). Excitation mechanisms explored are solar and non-solar electron energy deposition. Non-solar electron forcing is constrained by the EUV H2 Lyman and Werner band emission measured by Voyager UVS. Analysis indicates that non-solar electrons are dominant in the energy budget required to predict the observed thermospheric temperature profile. The modeled H 2 X quadrupole emission infers that an additional mechanism is required to excite the H2 X (v = 1) population. Non-thermal H produced in dissociative excitation of H2 X is a primary candidate. Citation: Hallett, J. T., D. E. Shemansky, and X. Liu (2005), Fine-structure physical chemistry modeling of Uranus H2 X quadrupole emission, Geophys. Res. Lett., 32, L02204, doi:10.1029/2004GL021327. 1. Introduction [2] The primary outer planet thermospheric heat source is a major target of investigation. At Uranus, the Voyager 2 UVS atmospheric occultation experiments determined a peak thermospheric temperature of (850 ± 100)K [Herbert et al., 1987], compared to a predicted peak temperature of 150 K based on direct solar energy deposition [Strobel et al., 1991]. The thermospheric temperature profile infers a high altitude heat source (5000 km above 1bar), depositing a globally-averaged heat flux of .06 (+.02, .04) erg cm2 s1 [Stevens et al., 1993]. Proposed thermospheric heat sources include the sun, non-solar energetic electrons, gravity wave dissipation, and auroral heating [see Yelle, 1988; Shemansky, 1985; Matcheva and Strobel, 1999; Achilleos et al., 1998]. Each source encounters difficulties in predicting the wide array of observational results. The non-solar energetic electron source has not been identified, but may plausibly involve an electron acceleration mechanism. The existence of a non-solar energetic electron population is inferred from the H2 Lyman and Werner band dayglow emission observed from the outer planets. Non-solar electron populations have been used to predict the Jupiter H2 EUV band emission observed by Voyager UVS and Cassini UVIS [Shemansky, 1985; Shemansky et al., 2001]. Copyright 2005 by the American Geophysical Union. 0094-8276/05/2004GL021327$05.00 [3] A fine-structure hydrogen physical chemistry model has been applied to the Uranus thermosphere to examine solar forcing (solar photons + photoelectrons) and non-solar energetic electron forcing as potential heat sources. Results illustrate that non-LTE H2 X vibrational partitioning is critical to predicting the Uranus thermospheric state and can only be calculated self-consistently from fine-structure chemistry and the inclusion of detailed H2 X (v : J) excitation processes. In addition, calculations of fine-structure emission spectra (both IR and EUV) constrain the imposed forcing function and non-LTE H2 X excitation through comparison to dayglow observations. [4] Uranus is the target of this analysis because its observational data set is unique, due to recent observations of H2 quadrupole and H+3 vibration-rotation emission carried out by Trafton et al. [1999] using the United Kingdom Infrared Telescope (UKIRT) and the NASA Infrared Telescope Facility (IRTF). An averaged H2 X 1S+g (v = 1) quadrupole emission spectrum is shown in Figure 1. Using the derived Voyager UVS temperature profile [Herbert et al., 1987], the observed quadrupole line intensity is a factor of 300 to 400 greater than calculated in LTE at the base of the emission system (2600 km above 1bar). The ionosphere is constrained by the electron density profiles measured by Lindal et al. [1987], and by the H+3 abundances inferred from the H+3 vibration-rotation emission intensity [Trafton et al., 1999]. The Trafton et al. [1999] abundances (1.5 1011 cm2 to 4.3 1011 cm2) correspond to the electron abundances calculated from the Voyager radio science ingress occultation (2. 1011 cm2 to 7. 1011 cm2), indicating that H+3 is the primary plasma ion. The non-LTE H2 X (v : J) distribution and ionospheric partitioning are constrained directly by these observations. 2. Model Calculation [5] A summary of the model is given here, with a detailed description deferred to J. T. Hallett et al. (A rotation-level hydrogen physical chemistry model for general astrophysical application, submitted to Astrophysical Journal, 2004). H2, H, H+3 , H+2 , and H+ are the model constituents. H2 chemistry includes all electronic and rovibrational fine-structure. H+2 includes ground rovibrational fine-structure. H, H+3 , and H+ are currently treated as single states. The model calculates steady-state constituent density distributions and volumetric emission rates. Steady-state photoelectron (ehn) density distributions (monoenergetic grid: 2 eV to 32 eV) are calculated in a multi-scattering energy loss procedure that tracks H2 X (v : J) and H photoionization and inelastic photoelectron collisions with constituents. The model ambient plasma is internally compatible with the ion partitioning and the L02204 1 of 4 L02204 HALLETT ET AL.: URANUS H2 X (v) EMISSION MODELS imposed forcing functions. The ambient electron density ([ea]) and gas kinetic temperature are imposed on the hydrogen volume as predetermined components from observation-derived density and temperature profiles [Lindal et al., 1987; Herbert et al., 1987]. The neutral and ion gas constituents are iterated in distribution and total particle density to reach charge neutrality and statistical equilibrium, controlled by the process rate coefficients. Thermal balance is confirmed through comparison of ambient electron energy deposition and loss rates. Imposed parameters are varied to match the observed H2 densities at the given altitude. [6] The imposed parameters include the two forcing functions and neutral diffusion. Solar forcing is limited by solar flux attenuation by the foreground gas. Non-solar electron forcing (Maxwellian distribution with user-defined temperature and density) is constrained by observed H2 EUV band emission [Broadfoot et al., 1986]. Neutral diffusion is the free parameter primarily used to predict H2 densities. The volumetric calculation necessarily limits examination of vertical transport effects. Neutral diffusion is treated as equilibriated mass flow that allows H to diffuse out and H2 to diffuse into the volume at a rate defined by the user-prescribed loss probability (s1). After convergence to observed H2 and electron densities, the predicted emission is compared to observed H2 IR and EUV band emission [Trafton et al., 1999; Broadfoot et al., 1986]. The comparisons determine the viability of the forcing function as the primary thermospheric heat source and the chemistry accuracy. Figure 1. H2 X (v = 1) modeled quadrupole emissions (3500 km – 5500 km) compared to the observation obtained from Trafton et al. [1999]. [1968]. Analytic fits to the cross sections extend the work to energetic electron energies. H þ H þ M ! H2 X vj : Jj þ M ð5Þ H2 B; C; ðvi : Ji Þ ! H2 X vj : Jj þ hn ð6Þ 3. Critical Model Chemistry [7] The critical results in the analysis include the production of H+3 dominant ionospheres through the development of non-LTE H2 vibrational distributions (allowing for the prediction of low observed ambient electron densities), and the energy deposition and emission spectra produced from the forcing functions. The primary chemistry involved with these results is discussed here. The critical fine-structure ionospheric chemistry is given by Reactions 1 to 4. L02204 e þ H2 X ðvi : Ji Þ $ e þ H2 X vj : Jj ð7Þ þ H þ þ H2 X 1 Sþ g ðvi : Ji Þ ! H2 þ H ð1Þ H2þ þ H2 ! H3þ þ H ð2Þ [8] The primary model heating mechanism is the thermalization of kinetically hot atomic hydrogen (H*), produced primarily from electron excitation of H2 X to the repulsive H2 b 3S+u state (Reaction 8). Heating processes initiated by energetic electron collisions with ambient electrons are minor sources in comparison. The H* heating mechanism is examined for both solar forcing (ehn) and non-solar electron forcing (es). The H* population excites H2 X 1S+g (v : J) and heats the thermosphere through Reactions 9 and 10. e þ H3þ ! H þ H þ H ð3Þ es =ehv þ H2 X ! es =ehv þ H2 b ! es =ehv þ 2H* e þ H3þ ! H2 X 1 Sþ g vj : Jj þ H ð4Þ H* þ H2 X ðvi : Ji Þ ! H þ H2 X vj : Jj Reaction 1 is the primary reaction limiting the ionospheric density and is rapid and exothermic for H2 X (v > 3). NonLTE H2 X 1S+g (v) produces a significantly faster proton sink than LTE H2 X 1S+g (v). Reactions 3 and 4 are the primary electron sinks, with rate coefficients and product partitioning obtained from Larsson et al. [1993] and Strasser et al. [2001]. The primary sources of vibrational excitation are Reactions 4 to 6, and energetic electron excitation (Reaction 7). These processes compete with ambient electrons (ea) (Reaction 7), which tend to relax the distribution toward statistical equilibrium with the electrons. Electron excitation is a controlling factor for the H2 X (v : J) distribution. Reaction cross sections were developed at USC from the experimental measurements of Erhardt et al. H* þ M ! H þ M * ð8Þ ð9Þ ð10Þ Reactions 9 and 10 are not included in the current hydrogen chemistry model for lack of accurate vibration-rotation cross sections. The H* population component is currently treated as thermal. Estimates of energy deposition are calculated from the H* production mechanism (Reaction 8). H* has an average energy of 4.6 eV, and a fraction of the population will escape the volume of calculation at low collision densities. The user-defined H loss probability, d (s1), is quantitatively limited by the loss of H* out of the volume of calculation at high thermospheric altitudes, 2 of 4 2f ½e½ H2 X k8 ffi ½ H d ð11Þ HALLETT ET AL.: URANUS H2 X (v) EMISSION MODELS L02204 Figure 2. Solar forced constituent density distributions. The imposed kinetic temperature is 600 K from 2500 km to 4500 km, and 450 K at 1000 km. H2+ and ehn (minor components) are off-scale. where [N] is the constituent (N) density (cm3), k8 is the rate coefficient (cm3 s1), and f is the fractional loss of H (from H* velocity and altitude of calculation). 4. Thermospheric Constituent Partitioning [9] Figure 2 shows the constituent density distributions for the thermospheric altitude range (1000 km to 4500 km) examined for solar forcing. The solar flux transmitted through the foreground H2 X 1S+g (v : J) gas is calculated at each altitude. A minimum loss probability of 107 s1 is required for the entire altitude range to predict the observed H2 and electron densities. The loss of hot atomic hydrogen (H*) from the top of the thermosphere (4500 km) can be estimated from Equation 11. For the photoelectron source, the solar forced H* loss probability is 5.5 1010 s1, compared to the imposed loss probability of 1. 107 s1. The modeled constituent density distributions for the two loss probability cases at 4500 km are compared in Table 1. With the estimated (5.5 1010 s1) loss probability, pure solar forcing predicts an H+ dominant upper ionosphere and a suppressed H2 (1.18 104 cm3) population compared to the Voyager H2 result (1.8 108 cm3). Solar forcing cannot account for the observed H2 densities and H+3 dominant environments at the top of the thermosphere, unless an approximately two orders of magnitude greater loss probability than the estimate is used. Large H loss is required because the non-LTE H2 X 1S+g (v) distribution is not sufficient for Reaction 1 to deplete the dominant proton population. Protons then meet the charge neutrality condition through electron ionization and photoionization of H. L02204 [10] Given the H* loss probability discrepancy, non-solar energetic electron forcing is applied to the top of the Uranus thermosphere (3500 km to 5500 km). The non-solar electron population is estimated from the Voyager H2 EUV emission. Non-solar electron forced excitation (Maxwellian: Ts = 30,000 K) is applied for all model altitude calculations and provides the best fit to the Broadfoot et al. [1986] dayglow results. The imposed electron density ([es] = 229 cm3) required to predict the observed intensity is partitioned within the four altitude zones to predict observed H2 and electron densities. A loss probability of 4 106 s1 is imposed on the model for the altitude range and is consistent with the predicted H* loss probability from the top of the Uranus thermosphere for the non-solar electron source. The constituent density distributions for the altitude range are given in Figure 3. The imposed parameters predict an H+3 ionosphere and an H2 atmosphere compatible with the Voyager observational results. [11] H+3 dominant ionospheres result directly from the production of non-LTE H2 X 1S+g (v : J). The normalized H2 X (v) distributions are compared in Figure 4a for solar forcing (2500 km) and non-solar electron forcing (4500 km). Both cases exhibit multi-orders of magnitude deviations from a 600 K (kinetic temperature) thermal distribution. Deviations from LTE for H2 X (v > 3) result in fast proton loss rates (Reaction 1), leading to the H+3 electron sink. Differences between the distributions are attributed primarily to differences in the electron populations. The 2500 km solar photoelectrons have a density of 6.2 103 cm3 with a normalized distribution shown in Figure 4b. The 4500 km non-solar electrons have a density of 120 cm3 (Maxwellian: Ts = 30,000 K). The non-solar electron density produces faster H2 X (v) electron excitation rates (Reaction 7). 5. H* Energy Deposition and H2 Modeled Emissions [12] The energetic electron density required to predict the observed H2 and ambient electron densities at the top of the thermosphere has implications for thermospheric heating. Solar forcing predicts a total H* energy deposition of 7.6 Table 1. Solar Forcing Diffusion Comparison at 4500 km Loss Prob. s1 [H2] cm3 [H] cm3 [H3+] cm3 [H+] cm3 [H2+] cm3 1.0 – 07a 5.5 – 10 Voyagerb 1.86 + 8 1.18 + 4 1.8 + 8 9.11 + 5 8.91 + 3 3.0 + 6 7.82 + 2 6.82 3 1.74 + 1 8.00 + 2 1.0 107, corresponds to Figure 2. b From Voyager UVS Observations [Herbert et al., 1987]. a 1.68 1 2.31 2 Figure 3. Non-solar energetic electron forced constituent density distributions. The kinetic temperature is 600 K for the altitude range. H2+ (a minor component) is off-scale. 3 of 4 L02204 HALLETT ET AL.: URANUS H2 X (v) EMISSION MODELS L02204 observed thermospheric temperature profile, but is at least a dayglow chemistry catalyst. A non-solar energetic electron population is required to predict the observed H+3 dominant ionosphere at high thermospheric altitudes. The non-solar electron heat source predicts the observed H2 EUV band emission intensity and the inferred global energy deposition rate, but does not account for the total observed H2 IR quadrupole band emission intensity measured by Trafton et al. [1999]. H* excitation of H2 X (v), is a plausible source for the shortfall. Future modeling will include a 1D atmospheric model (with vertical transport), multi-scattering excitation of H2 X (v) by H*, and H+3 fine-structure for comparison of modeled and observed H+3 emission. [15] Acknowledgments. The authors wish to thank Professor Larry Trafton for discussion of observational detail and manuscript review. The reported results are based on the Ph.D. dissertation of J. Hallett. This work has been supported by National Science Foundation ATM-0131210. Figure 4. (a) H2 X 1Sg+ (v) normalized density distribution for the 4500 km (electron) and the 2500 km (solar) cases. (b) Normalized photoelectron energy distribution for the 2500 km (solar) case. 105 erg cm2 s1 (peak = 2500 km). The magnitude is a factor of 800 below the required globally-averaged heat flux, and the peak is 2000 km below the peak deposition altitude inferred by Stevens et al. [1993]. Matching the Stevens et al. [1993] result requires non-solar electrons with a total energy deposition of 3. 102 erg cm2 s1 (peak 4000 km). [13] The total H2 EUV band intensity (750 to 1550)Å was calculated for both forcing functions over the thermospheric altitude ranges explored. The total photoelectron-driven EUV H2 band emission is 7.9 R, a factor of 30 below the observed intensity (250 R, from Broadfoot et al. [1986]). The corresponding H2 X (v = 1) quadrupole intensity is two orders of magnitude below the Trafton et al. [1999] result. The non-solar electron model gives a total EUV H2 band intensity of 150 R. The non-solar electron H2 quadrupole emission (model 4.5) is compared to the Trafton et al. [1999] result in Figure 1. The modeled H2 X 1S+g (v = 1) state population is already a factor of 650 above the thermal distribution (Figure 4) at 4500 km. The deficit may be covered by H* excitation of H2, given that the H* energy pool generated by non-solar electrons (.03 erg cm2 s1) is consistent with the derived thermospheric energy deposition. H* thermalization must be examined to determine the capability of Reaction 9 to excite H2 X (v = 1) sufficiently to resolve the discrepancy in IR intensity. 6. Conclusions [14] Modeling of hydrogen fine-structure chemistry is necessary to accurately predict the Uranus thermosphere. Initial results indicate that solar forcing cannot predict the References Achilleos, N., S. Miller, J. Tennyson, A. D. Aylward, I. Mueller-Wodarg, and D. Rees (1998), JIM: A time-dependent, three-dimensional model of Jupiter’s thermosphere and ionosphere, J. Geophys. Res., 103, 20,089 – 20,112. Broadfoot, et al. 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