Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics (LASP) University of Colorado at Boulder CASSINI ULTRAVIOLET IMAGING SPECTROGRAPH INVESTIGATION MANAGEMENT PLAN MO&DA PHASE Draft #2, 28 May 1998 Approved by: ---------------------------------------------------------Larry Esposito, UVIS Principal Investigator ----------------------------------------------------------John Duxbury, Manager MSO Science Operations Element ----------------------------------------------------------Ellis Miner, Manager Science Office Document Custodian: Alain Jouchoux, UVIS OTL Cassini UVIS Investigation Management Plan, MO&DA Phase Draft #2, 5/98 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 INTRODUCTION.......................................................................................................3 1-1 Document Change Control................................................................................3 1-2 Controlling Documents.......................................................................................3 1-3 Applicable Documents........................................................................................3 2 MO&DA MANAGEMENT PLAN ..........................................................................4 2-1 Investigation Organization and Role Statement.............................................4 2-2 Investigation Work Breakdown Structure........................................................7 2-2-1 Science Tasks..........................................................................................10 2-2-2 Science Operations Tasks.....................................................................10 2-3 Budgets for PI and US Co-Is............................................................................10 2-3-1 L+30 Days to EOP Budget.....................................................................10 2-3-2 Descope Strategies................................................................................11 2-4 IDS Agreements.................................................................................................11 2-5 Program Office Interfaces.................................................................................11 3 MO&DA IMPLEMENTATION PLAN ................................................................12 3-1 Overview..............................................................................................................12 3-2 Ground Hardware..............................................................................................13 3-2-1 EM Refurbishment...................................................................................13 3-2-2 Workstation Procurement.......................................................................13 3-3 Ground Software................................................................................................13 3-3-1 Command Software................................................................................13 3-3-2 Data Reduction, Archiving, and Analysis Tools.................................14 3-3-3 EGSE software.........................................................................................14 3-3-4 Software Maintenance and Configuration Management Plan.......15 3-4 Flight Software Maintenance and Configuration Management Plan.......15 3-5 Documentation Maintenance...........................................................................15 3-6 OIAs Development and Validation..................................................................16 3-7 Development Schedule....................................................................................16 Cassini UVIS Investigation Management Plan, MO&DA Phase Draft #2, 5/98 2 4 DATA MANAGEMENT PLAN ............................................................................16 4-1 Data Products.....................................................................................................16 4-2 Data Archiving Plan...........................................................................................17 4-2-1 Data Archive at LASP.............................................................................17 4-2-2 Delivery to JPL of Level 1 Data Products............................................17 ____________________________________________________________________ 1 INTRODUCTION This document is the Cassini UltraViolet Imaging Spectrograph (UVIS) Investigation Management Plan (IMP) for the MO&DA phase of the mission. It replaces the Investigation Internal Management Plan and Experiment Implementation Plan of the Cassini development phase. This IMP defines the responsibilities and roles of members of the UVIS investigation and describes the software and hardware planned development to achieve tour capability. This document will be reviewed by the Project but not used for Project control. 1-1 Document Change Control This document will be updated annually. All changes must be approved by the UVIS Principal Investigator. Changes will be annotated by change bars in the margin of the document. 1-2 Controlling Documents [0] PD 699-004, Project Policies and Requirements Document, Rev D (8/96) [1] PD 699-006, Science Management Plan, Issue 004 (5/96) [2] PD 699-061, Data Management Plan, Rev A (3/98) [3] PD 699-110, MSO/Science Interface Requirements Document, Rev B [4] PD 699-033, Project Security Requirements, Rev 1 (2/97) [5] PD 699-100, Mission Plan, Rev H (3/98) 1-3 Applicable Documents [a] PD 699-500-4-SO, SO Functional Requirements for Launch and Cruise, Rev A (7/97) Cassini UVIS Investigation Management Plan, MO&DA Phase Draft #2, 5/98 3 [b] UVIS Investigation Description and Science Requirements Document (IDSRD) (4/91) [c] UVIS Experiment Implementation Plan (EIP) (Yearly 1990-97) [d] PD 699-280, Spacecraft System Maintenance, Calibration, Checkout, and Deployment Handbook, Rev B (3/98) [e] Cassini UVIS Operations Plan, Rev 1.1 (7/97) [f ] Cassini UVIS Training Plan, Rev 1.0 (3/97) [g] Cassini UVIS Verification and Validation Plan, Rev 1.0 (10/96) [h] PD 699-205, Orbiter Functional Requirements, Section 2084, UVIS Rev A 1/95) [I] PD 699-500-3-MSO/R, MSO Functional Requirements Document, Rev A (2/98) [j] PD 699-500-GS/D, Ground System Functional Design Document, Rev A (2/98) [k] PD 699-500-4-ULO/D, Uplink Operations Element Operational Concept Document (8/94) 2 MO&DA MANAGEMENT PLAN 2-1 Investigation Organization and Role Statement Figure 1 is the investigation organization chart. The management of scientific activities is the responsibility of the Principal Investigator, Dr. Larry Esposito. These activities are delegated in areas of their expertise to the Co-Investigators. Issues of importance may be raised by any investigator for discussion at a team meeting, which occurs 2 or 3 times yearly. Resolving disputes between investigators is the responsibility of the PI. The PI and members of the Discipline Working Groups will represent the views of the team to other Cassini investigators and to the Project Science Group. The PI delegates responsibility for operations activities to the Operations Team Leader (OTL), Mr. Alain Jouchoux. The PI delegates responsibility for defining and tracking the technical performance of the instrument and verifying its capability to meet the investigation science objectives to the Instrument Scientist, William E. McClintock. Cassini UVIS Investigation Management Plan, MO&DA Phase Draft #2, 5/98 4 Figure 1. Cassini UVIS Investigation Larry W. Esposito Principal Investigator LASP William E. McClintock Instrument Scientist Co-I/LASP Alain Jouchoux OTL LASP Michelle Kelley Deputy OTL LASP George M. Lawrence Detector Scientist Co-I/LASP Charles A .Barth Co-I/LASP H. Uwe Keller Co-I/MPAE Lonne Lane Co-I/JPL Alex Korth Co-I/MPAE Instrument Engineers LASP A. Ian F. Steward Co-I/LASP Michel Festou Co-I/OPM Joshua Colwell Co-I/LASP D. E. Shemansky Co-I/USC Yuk L. Yung Co-I/Caltech Robert A. West Co-I/JPL Candice J. Hansen Co-I/JPL The primary responsibilities of the members of the UVIS Investigation are as follows: Larry W. Esposito (Principal Investigator) is responsible for all aspects of the mission, and his role will be consistent with the requirements stated in reference [1]. He will be responsible for overall management of the UVIS investigation. Esposito will have responsibility for schedule, expenses, establishing goals, and meeting deadlines. He will lead the science team and share with the co-investigators responsibility for sequencing, data analysis, dissemination, and publication of results. He will cooperate with other experiments and investigators and encourage synergistic analysis of Cassini UVIS Investigation Management Plan, MO&DA Phase Draft #2, 5/98 5 all relevant Cassini data. He will approve software development and eventual data archival. He will participate as a member of the Project Science Group. William E. McClintock (Co-Investigator and Instrument Scientist) will have major responsibility for the overall instrument calibration. He will analyze flight engineering data. He will have lead responsibility for cruise observations of astrophysical targets and their scientific interpretation. He will be jointly involved in publications. George M. Lawrence (Co-Investigator and Detector Scientist) will be responsible for the testing of all detectors and monitoring their flight performance. He will assist in instrument calibration. He will be responsible for liaison with MPILindau. Charles A. Barth (Co-Investigator) will participate in science planning. He will participate in cruise observations of H Lya. He will be jointly involved in publications of results. Lonne Lane (Co-Investigator) will have the lead responsibility for observations of satellite surfaces. He will participate in experiment design, science planning, mission operations, and data analysis. He will be jointly involved in publication of scientific results. A. Ian F. Stewart (Co-Investigator) will participate in science planning, mission operations, and data analysis. He will participate in thermospheric studies and H Lya analysis for the IPM, LISM, Titan, Saturn, and the rings. He will be jointly involved in publication of the scientific results. D. E. Shemansky (Co-Investigator) will have the lead responsibility for thermospheric energy deposition mechanisms and magnetosphere/system studies. He will participate in science planning, mission operations, and data analysis. He will be jointly involved in publication of the scientific results. Robert A. West (Co-Investigator) will have the lead responsibility for atmospheric studies. He will participate in science planning, mission operations, and data analysis. He will have the lead responsibility for Jupiter studies during cruise. He will be jointly involved in publication of scientific results. Yuk L. Yung (Co-Investigator) will have the lead responsibility for studies of the chemistry of Titan and Saturn. He will participate in theoretical modeling, science planning, mission operations, data analysis, and publication of scientific results. Cassini UVIS Investigation Management Plan, MO&DA Phase Draft #2, 5/98 6 H. Uwe Keller (Co-Investigator) will have overall responsibility for the HDAC and lead responsibility for hydrogen and deuterium studies. He will participate in science planning, mission operations, data analysis, and publication of scientific results. Hans Lauche (Co-Investigator) will participate in science planning and mission operations. Axel Korth (Co-Investigator) will participate in planning, operations, analysis, and publications. Michel Festou (Co-Investigator) will participate in occultation studies of Saturn and Titan. He will develop models of atmospheric structure and composition consistent with these data. He will participate in science planning, mission operations, data analysis, and publication of scientific results. Joshua Colwell (Co-Investigator) will have the lead responsibility for ring occultation and remote sensing of Saturn’s rings. He will develop models for ring evolution. He will participate in planning, operations, analysis, and publication. Candice J. Hansen (Co-Investigator) will lead studies of the tenuous satellite atmospheres and their relation to satellite surfaces. She is also the UVIS representative to the Science Office (see below). All investigators will attend science team meetings and provide timely information needed to operate the UVIS experiment. All investigators will be assigned duties as necessary to meet critical deadlines and optimize performance of the UVIS. Alain J. Jouchoux (OTL) is responsible for operations and his role is described in reference [1]. In addition, his responsibilities include tracking the development schedule of the flight and ground software. 2-2 Investigation Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) Figures 2.a and 2.b illustrate the organization of the UVIS team in relation to the WBS. Cassini UVIS Investigation Management Plan, MO&DA Phase Draft #2, 5/98 7 Figure2.a: UVIS MO&DA WBS - U.S. Co-I Support Investigation Management Administrative Support Financial & Contract Administration Science Planning and Analysis Science Operations 8, 9 8, 9 PSG Support & Team Mtgs Management Support ALL 9 Theoretical Model Development Science Planning: LE, CB, LL, WM JC, DS, RW, YY, CH Higher Level Data Management SOWG Support AJ, LWE AJ 9 AJ, MK 9 Science Analysis ALL LE - Larry W. Esposito, UCB CB - Charlie A. Barth, UCB LL - Lonne Lane, JPL GL - George M. Lawrence, UCB WM - William E. McClintock, UCB JC - Joshua Colwell, UCB Develop & Maintain DO Site GL 9 Higher Level Data Processing 3 Experimental Work LW, JC, DS, RW, YY, CH 3 Management Support LE, WM 8 9 4, 5 9 Publish Scientific Results 3 Develop & Maintain FSW 4 5, 6 Operations Support L1 Data Management Cassini UVIS Investigation Management Plan, MO&DA Phase Draft #2, 5/98 4 Instrument Health & Safety Determination Mission & Sequence Planning JE, WM, GL LE, CB, LL, WM, JC, DS, RW, YY, CH AJ 5, 6 Calibration for L1 Data Products ALL DS - Don E. Shemansky, JPL IS -Ian Stewart, UCB RW - Robert A. West, JPL YY - Yuk Yung, CIT CH - Candice J. Hansen, JPL AJ - Alain Jouchoux MK - Michelle Kelley 4 5, 6 L2 Data Processing 5, 6 L1 Archive Product Generation LE, WM, GL U.S. Funding “Bins” 3 = SO-Dev 4 = SO-Ops 5 = SO-DA-Dev 6 = SO-DA Ops 8 = Sci-Operations 9 = Sci-Data Analysis IC 12/98 8 Figure 2b: UVIS MO&DA WBS - Non-U.S Co-I Support Investigation Management Administrative Support Financial & Contract Administration Science Planning & Analysis Science Operations 8, 9 8, 9 3,4 3 PSG Support & Team Mtgs Management Support Management Support SOWG Support HK,AK 8 Science Planning 9 9 Theoretical Model Development 3 3 Develop & Maintain DO Site Experimental Work 4 Develop & Maintain FSW Instrument Health & Safety Determination All 4 Mission & Sequence Planning All 9 Higher Level Data Management 9 Higher Level Data Processing 9 Science Analysis All 9 Publish Scientific Results HK,AK,MF HK - H. Uwe Keller HL - Hans Lauche AK - Axel Korth MF - Michel Festou Cassini UVIS Investigation Management Plan, MO&DA Phase Draft #2, 5/98 4 Operations Support 5, 6 L1 Data Management 5, 6 Calibration for L1 data products 5, 6 L1 Data Processing 5, 6 L1 Archive Product Generation HL U.S. Funding “Bins” 3 = SO-Dev 8 = Sci-Operations 4 = SO-Ops 9 = Sci-Data Analysis 5 = SO-DA Dev 6 = SO-DA Ops JHD 4/14/98 9 Following is a description of the work covered by each of the UVIS WBS categories. 2-2-1 Science Tasks Operations (Science Planning) (Sci-Operations): this task includes the participation to the activities leading to development of a science plan (PSG meetings and other working groups), and design of UVIS observing sequences. Data Analysis (Sci-Data Analysis): this task covers the scientific analysis of all data from the UVIS and other sources for the production of higher data products. It also includes the development of data reduction and analysis software, the interpretation of the data, and the publication and presentation of the results. 2-2-2 Science Operations Tasks Development (SO-Dev): this task includes the development of procedures, software tools, hardware, and facility required to carry out operations of the UVIS. Operations (SO-Ops): this task covers all the activities associated with scheduling and monitoring of the UVIS instrument, including participation to the MPVT and to the SVT, generation of instrument sequences and instrument direct commands, acquisition, processing, and routine analysis of data from the UVIS instrument for health and safety monitoring. Data Analysis Development (SO-DA Dev): this task covers the development of the software to generate Level 1A and 1B data, to archive and to distribute these data sets. Operations Data Analysis (SO-DA Ops): This task includes the processing of Level 0 data to Level 1A, its ingest into the UVIS data archive, and the management of the archive itself. It also includes the data analysis not covered by the day-to-day routine operations in SO-Ops: for example, in-depth analysis of PIMs and ICO, reworking of ATLO and calibration data to compare with flight performance, and non-routine analysis to explain anomalous operations. 2-3 Budgets for PI and US Co-Is 2-3-1 L+30 Days to EOP Budget Table 1 (deleted) shows the UVIS Colorado budget by WBS from L+30 days to End-Of-Project. Table 2 (deleted) shows the partition of the budget between PI and US Co-Is. Cassini UVIS Investigation Management Plan, MO&DA Phase Draft #2, 5/98 10 2-3-2 Descope Strategies We consider the negotiated baseline funding sufficient for our proposed activities during cruise and tour. It is therefore unlikely that we will need to descope our planned activities. If descoping is required, then we would defer rather than delete planned work in order to stay within our negotiated funding. As an example, we would defer downlink ground system development efforts in order to maintain our support of planning and sequencing activities. 2-4 IDS Agreements The PI has reached agreements to provide data to the following named IDS’s. Tobias Owen Jeff Cuzzi Darrel Strobel We would also provide data to other Cassini investigations (as time is available) to meet their needs. During the proprietary period of data analysis, all IDS publications using UVIS data shall be open to co-authorship by collaborating members of the UVIS team. The IDS will be an author on all publications in which the IDS played an integral part in planning, execution, or analysis. 2-5 Program Office Interfaces The PI has assigned the following individuals the task of interfacing with Program Offices: • • Mission and Science Office: Alain Jouchoux, UVIS OTL Science Office: Candy Hansen, Co-I Cassini UVIS Investigation Management Plan, MO&DA Phase Draft #2, 5/98 11 3 MO&DA IMPLEMENTATION PLAN 3-1 Overview Currently, the UVIS ground system uses tools developed and validated during Assembly, Test, and Launch Operations (ATLO). While these tools are adequate to support cruise operations, including Instrument Check Out (ICO), and to satisfy the requirements listed in reference [3], they need to be upgraded for later operations. For example, (1) data (housekeeping and science Level-1A) are saved on flat files, whereas a full-fledged archiving system is needed; and (2) trigger command requests are manually generated. This process needs to be automated to ensure that error-free subsequences are generated by the UVIS team when large numbers of requests have to be implemented. Note that none of the near-future activities (ICO #1, Earth Swing By and ICO #2) requires the development of new tools, even if the schedule shows correlation between the development milestones and activities. The development schedule is driven by funding and availability of personnel. On the command side, the following tool development is planned: • Uplink Products Generation System (UPGS): a set of tools to automate, constraint-check, and verify the generation of the UVIS uplink products. On the telemetry side, the following tool development is planned (or already in progress): • Data Archiving and Processing System (DAPS): a data archiving and distribution system for the UVIS housekeeping and science data. • Telemetry Checking Analysis and Display Software (TCADS): a housekeeping data analysis tool derived from a tool currently used for the STRV and SNOE missions. Cassini UVIS Investigation Management Plan, MO&DA Phase Draft #2, 5/98 12 3-2 Ground Hardware 3-2-1 EM Refurbishment The EM will be refurbished to be equivalent (from the flight software point of view) to the FM. This is necessary as: (1) changes to the flight code verification and regression testing can only be done using the EM; and (2) the EM may be used to validate the UVIS uplink products. Currently the flight code executed on the EM is derived from the flight code used in the FM to take into account the differences between the EM and the FM. The following EM refurbishment tasks have been identified: • Update EUV and FUV Data Memory Fault to the FM design • Re-assemble the EUV channel slit assembly to match the FM. 3-2-2 Workstation Procurement The plan calls for the acquisition of 1 workstation in FY98, 2 workstations in FY04, and 1 additional workstation in FY05 to support operations and operations software development. The plan calls for 2 workstations in FY04, 2 workstations in FY05, and 1 workstation in FY07 for science analysis. 3-3 Ground Software 3-3-1 Command Software As indicated in the plan overview, a set of tools globally named UPGS will be developed to automate the generation of the UVIS uplink products. The requirements for the tools are still being defined. It is probable that their implementation will re-use some of the OASIS-PS code developed at LASP. We also plan to re-use some of the code validated during ATLO, pre-launch OVTs, and cruise. The basic functionality of this set of tools is: to merge the activity plan SASF, the UVIS science detailed activity request, and the activity plan constraints (for example SSR volume limitation); and to create and visualize a constraint-checked set of files including (but not limited to) the UVIS CDS request file (SASF format), the UVIS load file (SASF and EGSE format), and a time-ordered listing of instrument activities and state changes. Cassini UVIS Investigation Management Plan, MO&DA Phase Draft #2, 5/98 13 3-3-2 Data Reduction, Archiving, and Analysis Tools A data archiving, browsing, and distribution system is being developed for housekeeping and engineering data, Level1A (i.e., calibrated and geometrically corrected) science data, some Level-2 and above data, and some of the uplink products. This system uses a Sybase relational database system and a web-based distributed user interface. Main input to the system are files created by the data reduction programs used during ALTO, pre-launch OVTs, and cruise. This system is known by the acronyms of DAPS (Data Archiving and Processing System). Development of the DAPS is phased in four major releases: • Release 1 provides archive support for housekeeping, engineering, and Level-1A (noncalibrated) science data. This release will be used during ICO #1 in parallel with the current ground data system. • Release 2 includes the web-based distributed user interface along with improvements covering the lessons learned during ICO #1. • Release 3 includes the processing to Level-1B. • Release 4 is scheduled before SOI and includes updated processing to Level 1B to take into account the instrument calibrations done since SOI-2. An engineering data analysis and trending system that interfaces with the DAPS will be developed. Implementation plans are to adapt the software used for the same purpose for the SNOE and the STRV mission. 3-3-3 EGSE software The experiences of early cruise have allowed us to identify the need for one upgrade to the EGSE software. This upgrade should be operational before ICO #1 and consists in separating the data from different virtual channels in the B1 broadcast. Data pushed on the B1 broadcast channel contains VC-0 and VC-1 data. Real-time monitoring of the data on our EGSE can become quite confusing if the virtual channels are not separated (note that this may be a null task if JPL’s chdocp program used to push B1 data can support the filtering). Cassini UVIS Investigation Management Plan, MO&DA Phase Draft #2, 5/98 14 3-3-4 Software Maintenance and Configuration Management Plan The ground software development, maintenance, and configuration management procedures are documented in the UVIS development procedure document as procedure UVIS-DEV-003. 3-4 Flight Software Maintenance and Configuration Management Plan The flight software development, maintenance, and configuration management procedures are documented in the UVIS development procedures document, procedure UVIS-DEV-0001. The code loaded pre-launch in the SSR (code version 1.1) is capable of fully supporting ICO #1. Current plans are to update the flight code before ICO #2, at SOI-2, and before SOI. If ICO #2 is not conducted, the IOC#2 release will be merged with the SOI-2 release. ICO #2 version (code version 1.2) contents are partially defined. Additional changes may be required following ICO #1. Contents of subsequent versions will be defined after ICO #2 and before SOI. They most likely will contain only bug fixes. After SOI, additional updates will be scheduled on an as-needed basis. 3-5 Documentation Maintenance The following documents are reviewed and if needed updated when new versions of current software or new software are developed: • UVIS Verification and Validation Plan The following documents are reviewed and if needed updated when new versions of current software or new software are released: • • UVIS Development Procedures UVIS Operational Procedures Cassini UVIS Investigation Management Plan, MO&DA Phase Draft #2, 5/98 15 • • UVIS Flight Code User’s Guide UVIS Training Plan In addition, the UVIS Operations Plan document will be updated as needed. 3-6 OIAs Development and Validation New OIAs have to be developed between the SVTL and the DO sites to take into account new information needed by the DO sites uplink software (for example, in the case of UVIS: (1) instrument SSR volume limitation vs time, (2) planning data necessary to verify flight rule FR84B2, (3) planning module name, and (4) planning information from supporting instrument such as ISS backup images). UVIS will participate in the definition and validation of these OIAs. 3-7 Development Schedule Figure 3 gives the present development schedule. This schedule is subject to change, since the schedule for the development and validation of new OIAs has not been defined. 4 DATA MANAGEMENT PLAN 4-1 Data Products UVIS has defined the following representative data products: • Level 0. Raw instrument data contained in CCSDS source packet (as generated by the instrument) wrapped in SFDUs. Level 0 is archived at JPL on the TDS system. • Level 1A. Level 0 data processed to extract and format channel data: 2D images for EUV and FUV, time series for HSP and HDAC with appropriate metadata. The data are uncalibrated. • Level 1B. Level 1A data corrected for the instrument function and position-tagged in appropriate coordinates. • Higher-Level. Level 1B data further reduced by members of the Science Team. Cassini UVIS Investigation Management Plan, MO&DA Phase Draft #2, 5/98 16 4-2 Data Archiving Plan As indicated above in section 3-3-2, a data archiving, browsing, and distribution system (named DAPS) is being developed for housekeeping and engineering data, Level-1A (i.e., calibrated and geometrically corrected) science data, some higher-level data, and some of the uplink products. This system uses a Sybase relational database system and a web-based distributed user interface. 4-2-1 Data Archive at LASP Level 1A data are archived in the DAPS and Level 1B data are derived on-the-fly from Level 1A data. The DAPS provides data browsing and data query capabilities via a web-based user interface. This interface software will be freely distributed throughout the UVIS Science Team. 4-2-2 Delivery to JPL of Level 1 Data Products Level 1A data sets, along with the calibration software and appropriate documentation, will be delivered to JPL in the PDS format. Some higher-level data may also be delivered to JPL in the PDS format, if requested by project. Schedule of delivery will be as defined in reference [1]. Cassini UVIS Investigation Management Plan, MO&DA Phase Draft #2, 5/98 17 FIGURE 3: UVIS MO&DA DEVELOPMENT SCHEDULE Higher-level data sets developed by science team members may be also archived in the DAPS. 1998 Milestones Start Finish 1st 2nd 1999 3rd 4th FY 98 Project Milestones 12/27/98 1/25/99 6/17/99 MSO Dev. Reviews 2/15/99 4/22/00 1st 2nd 2000 3rd 4th FY 99 ICO #1 1st 2nd 2001 3rd FY 00 EFB ICO #2 DR-CS/AS/SOI/Tour DSPR 4th 1st 2nd 2002 3rd 4th FY 01 1st 2nd FY 02 2003 3rd 4th 1st 2nd 2004 3rd 4th 1st FY 03 2nd Jupiter FB AppSci VVRR ORR-SC VVRR-AS/SOI/Tour ORR-AS 6/16/98 Workstation Acq. 10/3/03 7/17/98 Software Dev. DAPS Development DELIVERY RELEASE 1 10/1/98 10/1/99 1/1/98 RELEASE 1 (H/K, S/C ENGINEERING, LEVEL -1 A, SIMPLE USER INTERFACE)) RELEASE 2 (WEB -BASEB GUI, 10/1/98 ANCILLARY DATA) RELEASE 3 (lLEVEL-1B 10/1/99 CALIBRATION SOFTWARE ) RELEASE 4 (UPDATE TO 10/1/03 CALIBRATION SOFTWARE) TCADS Development 5/2/98 10/1/98 EGSE S/W Update 6/1/98 8/1/98 UPGS Development 5/14/98 4/1/00 RELEASE 4 RELEASE 3 10/1/98 10/1/99 4/1/00 1/1/04 Flight Code Update PSL DELIVERY RELEASE 2 V1.2 (may be merged with V1.3) VERSION 1.2 1/2/00 1/2/02 2/12/98 1/2/00 VERSION 1.3 (if needed) 10/1/00 1/2/02 VERSION 1.4 (if needed) 4/1/03 1/2/04 V1.3 (if needed) V1.4 (if needed) Documentation Update Operational Procedures Development Procedures Flight Code User's Guide Operations Plan 10/1/98 9/28/99 4/1/00 10/1/98 10/3/99 1/1/02 1/2/00 Training Plan 9/1/99 V&V Plan 9/1/99 1/2/02 1/1/04 4/1/99 Cassini UVIS Investigation Management Plan, MO&DA Phase Draft #2, 5/98 SOI SOI Demo Hardware Tasks EM Refurbishment 3rd FY 04 18