Experimental and coupled-channels investigation of N2 radiative properties for analysis of FUSE dayglow observation Xianming Liu and D. E. Shemansky Space Environment Technologies A. Heays and B. N. Lewis Australian National University P. D. Feldman Johns Hopkins University Outline • N2 background • Electron-impact induced emission • Coupled-channels Schrödinger Equation (CSE) • Results of experimental and CSE investigation • Application to FUSE terrestrial thermospheric dayglow observation N2 Electronic Structure • Ground X 1Σg+ state electron configuration – (1σg)2 (1σu)2 (2σg)2 (2σu)2 (1πu)4(3σg)2 • Excited states – Triplet states (FUV, spin-forbidden from X 1Σ g+) – Singlet-gerade states (FUV, dipole-forbidden from X 1Σg+) – Singlet-ungerade states (EUV, dipole-allowed) • Ionic states (EUV) – Single hole states (nondissociative ionization) • (3σg)-1 X 2Σ g+ • (1πu)-1 A 2Πu • (2σu)-1 B 2Σu Classification of N2 singlet-ungerade states • 2 valence states: b’1Σu+ and b 1Πu states. • 3 Rydberg series: npσ, npπ and nsσ. – npσ and npπ series converge to the N2+ X 2Σg + state and are designated as c’n+11Σu+ and cn 1Πu. – nsσ series converges to the N2+ A 2 Πu state and is designated as on 1Πu. Experimental measurement of c’1Σu+ - X 1Σg + band system • Accurate relative intensity measurement – Enhancement of apparatus efficiency (B4C grating) – Low resolution (0.3Å) for transition moment measurement – High resolution (36mÅ) for model accuracy – Optical thin for accurate raw intensity measurement • Pressure dependence, swarm vs cross beam measurement – Accurate instrumental relative sensitivity calibration with e+H2 model (error less than 7% in relative intensity 900-1630Å) Experimental measurement of c’1Σu+ - X 1Σg + band system • Accurate relative intensity measurement – Enhancement of apparatus efficiency (B4C grating) – Low resolution (0.3Å) for transition moment measurement – High resolution (36mÅ) for model accuracy – Optical thin for accurate raw intensity measurement • Pressure dependence, swarm vs cross beam measurement – Accurate instrumental relative sensitivity calibration with e+H2 model (error less than 7% in relative intensity 900-1630Å) Theoretical calculation • Coupled-channel Schrödinger equation (CSE) model – 2005 model: interactions between b, c, and o 1Πu and C and C’3Πu states (9-channels) – present model: interactions between b’ and c’1Σu, b, c, and o 1Π , and C, C’, F, G 3Π states u u – Ab initio potential energy refined by experimental term values. – Transition moments refined by photoabsorption and electron impact induced emission results. – Capable of calculating line oscillator strengths, predissociation and photodissociation cross sections • Example of N2 CSE (2005 model, taken from J. P. Sprengers’ Ph. D. Thesis) CSE model • Three levels of interactions – Homogeneous electrostatic interactions among the states within the 1Σu,1Πu, and 3Πu Rydberg-valence manifolds – Homogeneous spin-orbit interactions between 1Σu+, 1Πu, and 3Πu manifolds – Heterogeneous L-uncoupling interactions between 1Σu+ and 1Πu manifolds – All interactions depend on internuclear distance, R • Continuous photodissociation CSE spectrum – Fit CSE cross section to Fano profile to obtain resonance energy, width and oscillator strength A02304 LIU ET AL.: N2 c04 1+u X 1+g RADIATIVE PROPERTIES A02304 Figure 2. Comparison of calibrated experimental (solid lines) and CSE-model (dotted lines) e + N2 low-resolution emission spectra for the c04 1Su+(0) X 1Sg+(03) transitions. The experimental spectra were obtained concurrently in cross-beam mode, with 100 eV excitation energy and a spectral resolution of 0.3 Å FWHM. The model spectra were generated assuming a rotational temperature of 300 K. All y-axes refer to calibrated intensity in counts, with appropriate indicated scales, while all x-axes refer to wavelength in Å, with indicated offsets. An upper limit of 3% was estimated for the resonance absorption in the c04 1Su+(0) X 1Sg+(0) band, i.e., had the resonance absorption been absent, the solid trace for the c04 1Su+(0) X 1Sg+(0) transition would have been 3% stronger. The emission intensity drops by a factor of 300 from vi = 0 to vi = 3. See section 4 for a discussion of the discrepancy for l 1026.6 Å. validating the CSE treatment of the c04 1S+u state and its coupling. For the (0,3) band, which is weaker than the (0,0) band by a factor of 300 and the measured intensity has an estimated uncertainty of 18%, mainly because of the relatively large uncertainty in the background subtraction, intensities on the R-branch (shorter-wavelength) side are reproduced to within the experimental uncertainty. However, the model underestimates significantly the intensity on the P-branch (long-wavelength) side of this band. While the reason for this is not clear, it is most likely due to weak atomic nitrogen emission that is not included in the current model, since the discrepancy applies only to one side of the band. Emission from the b0 1S+u (1) state is unlikely to be responsible, since it is known to be weak in this region, and, in any case, the b0 1S+u X 1S+g electronic transition moment employed in the CSE model is well constrained by the experimental oscillator strengths for the b0 1S+u (vj) X 1S+g (0) bands [Stark et al., 2000, 2008]. As mentioned above, the c3 1Pu(1) X 1S+g (vi+1) band emissions overlap with the P-branch side of the c04 1S+u (0) X 1S+g (vi) band emissions, and, indeed, the c3 1Pu(1) X 1S+g (4) band lies in the correct position to explain the additional emission on the P-branch side of the c04 1S+u (0) X 1S+g (3) band. However, the calculated emission, which is included in the model spectrum of Figure 2, is too weak to fully explain the discrepancy. In principle, a change to the R-dependence of the model c3 1Pu X 1S+g electronic transition moment might improve matters, but, considering that good agreement is found between the model and experimental spectra for the c3 1Pu(1) X 1S+g (0) band, and that the model c3 1 Pu(1) X 1S+g (3) band emission is somewhat too large compared with experiment, it is unlikely that a realistic R-dependence will simultaneously explain the observations for all three bands. Possible atomic nitrogen emissions in the region are the 2s22p2(3P)12d2D 2s22p3 2Do5/2 and 2s22p2(3P)12d 2D 2s22p3 2Do3/2 transitions, at 1026.69 and 1026.78 Å, respectively, and spin-forbidden transitions, 2s22p2(3P)12d 4P 2s22p3 2Do5/2 and 2s22p2(3P)12d 4P 2s22p3 2Do3/2, at 1027.15 and 1027.24 Å, respectively. The c04 1S+u (0) 7 of 17 A02304 LIU ET AL.: N2 c04 1+u X 1+g RADIATIVE PROPERTIES Figure 3. Adopted CSE-model diabatic c04 1Su+ X 1Sg+ electronic transition moment (white curve), including uncertainty range (shaded area), compared with ab initio calculation of Spelsberg and Meyer [2001] (black curve). The reader is cautioned against using equation (7) for R-values outside its range of applicability. In such regions, the R dependence calculated ab initio by Spelsberg and Meyer [2001] is likely to be significantly more realistic. The CSE-model transition moment is compared with that of Spelsberg and Meyer [2001] in Figure 3. While the general forms of the transition moments are similar, the average magnitude of the adopted CSE moment is 15% less than the ab initio value. Discrepancies of similar magnitude and sign have been found in the case of the diabatic transition moments for the b, c3, and o3 1Pu X 1S+g transitions of N2 [Haverd et al., 2005]. [38] The CSE-model calculated line transition probabilities for the c04 1S+u (0) X 1S+g (0– 3) and b0 1S+u (1) X 1S+g (0 – 3) bands are listed in Tables 5 and 6, respectively, along with the estimated total radiative transition probabilities of the c04 1S+u (0) and b0 1S+u (1) levels, obtained by summing line transition probabilities up to vi = 29 of the X 1S+g state. The transition frequencies of c04 1S+u (0) X 1S+g (0 – 3) and b0 1S+u (1) X 1S+g (0-3) bands are listed in Tables 5 and Table 6. In the case of the c04 1S+u (0) X 1S+g (vj) transition, the listed bands represent the strongest emissions from the c04 1S+u (0) level. Because the potential-energy curve for the diabatic c04 1S+u state is very similar to that of the X 1S+g state, the diabatic Franck-Condon factor for the c04 1S+u (0) X 1S+g (0) band is on the order of 0.9 [Stahel et al., 1983; Whang et al., 1996]. Thus a very substantial proportion of the c04 1S+u X 1S+g electron-impact excitation normally ends up in the c04 1S+u (0) level, with most emission back to the X 1S+g (0) level. The diabatic b0 1S+u (1) X 1S+g (0 –2) Franck-Condon factors are very small, but rotational lines involving b0 1S+u (1) levels in the region of the b0 1S+u (1) c04 1S+u (0) level crossing borrow significant strength from the corresponding c04 1S+u (0) X 1S+g (0-2) transitions, A02304 through the b0 1S+u (1) c04 1S+u (0) homogeneous coupling. The overall b0 1S+u (1) X 1S+g (vi) emission becomes more significant in the far-ultraviolet region. Estimated uncertainties in the calculated transition probabilities for the strong and moderately strong transitions in Tables 3 and 4 are 12%. [39] The accuracy of the line transition probabilities listed in Tables 3 and 4 can be examined for each band. Reliable absolute transition probabilities for the b0 1S+u (1) X 1S+g (0) and c04 1S+u (0) X 1S+g (0) bands can be inferred from the high-resolution photoabsorption experiments of Stark et al. [2000]. Of the 64 measured P- and R-branch transitions, 57 calculated transition probability values agree with the experimental ones within the experimental uncertainties. All remaining 7 transitions agree within twice the experimental uncertainties. Overall, the agreement for the R-branch transitions is better than for the P branches, where the calculated values are generally smaller than their experimental counterparts. [40] In the case of the (0,1) and (0,2) bands, where no absolute experimental data exist, apart from those inferred indirectly from the present work, the relative CSE-model line intensities can be compared with those from the high-resolution experimental spectra. Because of the Jj-dependent predissociation of the c04 1S+u (0) levels [Ubachs et al., 2001; Liu et al., 2005a], the calculated relative emission intensity depends somewhat on the predissociation rate for each Jj level. Ubachs et al. [2001] measured the lifetimes of several groups of unresolved Jj levels of the c04 1S+u (0) state in the time domain. By interpolation and extrapolation of the results of Ubachs et al. [2001], Liu et al. [2005a] derived a set of lifetimes in order to analyze the emission spectrum of the c04 1S+u (0) X 1S+g (0) band. As shown by Lewis et al. [2005a, 2005b], the predissociation rate can also be computed using the CSE model. The predissociation rates and lifetimes for various rotational levels of the c04 1S+u (0) state will be examined in a future joint experimental and theoretical paper. It is sufficient to point out here that a set of lifetimes, estimated from the preliminary CSE predissociation linewidths provided by the current model, has been used to aid the calculation of the emission spectra. These CSE lifetimes are consistent with those of Liu et al. [2005a] for Jj 20. For Jj > 20, the estimated CSE lifetimes are somewhat longer, leading to greater calculated emission intensities. The differences in overall relative intensities, however, are small because emissions from levels with Jj > 20 are weak. The primary effect is that the estimated CSE lifetime leads to a slightly lower inferred rotational temperature [e.g., 260 K versus 270 K for the (0,1) band]. [41] Figures 4 and 5 compare experimental and CSEmodel emission spectra at the rotational level for the c04 1 + Su (0) X 1S+g (1) and c04 1S+u (0) X 1S+g (2) bands, respectively. Higher backing N2 pressures were utilized in the experiments to compensate for the decrease in the (0,1) and (0,2) band emission intensities. The increase in rotational cooling results in temperatures of 260 and 150 K, respectively, for the high-resolution spectra of the (0,1) and (0,2) bands. With an N2 pressure of (0.90.1) 104 Torr and 20 mm slit widths (in second order), the (0,1) band emission remains reasonably strong, and a single scan with an integration time of 220 s per channel and 14.5 h total acquisition time is sufficient. As a result, only very small 9 of 17 A02304 LIU ET AL.: N2 c04 1+u X 1+g RADIATIVE PROPERTIES A02304 Figure 4. Comparison of high-resolution experimental (solid line) and CSE-model (dotted line) e + N2 emission spectra for the c04 1Su+(0) X 1Sg+(1) transition. The transition is labeled in standard notation DJ(Ji) with appropriate upper electronic state designation. When the electronic designation is omitted, the transition is assumed to be from the c04 1Su+(0) X 1Sg+(1) band. When electronic label is b0, the transition is from the b0 1Su+(1) X 1Sg+(1) band. The experimental spectrum was obtained under essentially the same conditions as those described by Liu et al. [2005a], except that the N2 pressure was (0.9 ± 0.1) 104 Torr. The spectral resolution is 33 mÅ FWHM. A factor of 14 increase in N2 pressure from that of Liu et al. [2005a] results in a decrease in rotational temperature from 300 K to 260 K. The overlapping b0 1Su+(7) X 1Sg+(3) emission, which peaks near the R-branch band head at 980 Å, is much weaker that the c04 1Su+(0) X 1Sg+(1) emission. Atomic nitrogen 2s2p4 2D 2s22p3 2Do emission lines, at 980.632 and 980.706 Å, are either absent or negligible. tion [Lefebvre-Brion and Field, 2004]. In the equivalent local-perturbation picture, the b 1Peu(4), b 1Peu(5) and c3 1 e Pu(0) levels are the primary rotational perturbers of the c04 1 + Su (0) level [Liu and Shemansky, 2006]. The 1S+u 1Peu coupling also provides the c04 1S+u (0) levels with a primary, Jj-dependent, predissociation mechanism by 1Pu(e levels, which, in turn, are predissociated by the C 3Pu and C0 3Pu states via spin-orbit coupling [Lewis et al., 2005a, 2005b; Haverd et al., 2005]. The lifetime of the Jj = 0 level of the c04 1S+u (0) state, therefore, is the predissociation-free lifetime. [46] High-resolution photoabsorption measurements by Stark et al. [1992, 2000, 2005] have shown, in many cases, large deviations of the R:P-branch oscillator-strength ratio from the corresponding Hönl-London factor ratio, and very strong J-dependence of some Q-branch oscillator strengths. The CSE calculation of Haverd et al. [2005] has achieved very good agreement with experimental Q-branch oscillator strengths for transitions to the 1Pfu states. They attributed any strong J-dependence of the vibronic oscillator strength to the quantum interference caused by strong electrostatic coupling within the 1Pu manifold. In addition to the electrostatic coupling, the P- and R-branch transitions are affected by 1S+u 1Peu coupling. Liu and Shemansky [2006], by considering the localized coupling among the b0 1S+u (1), c04 1S+u (0), b 1Peu(4), b 1Peu(5) and c3 1Peu(0) levels, have obtained accurate P- and R-branch oscillator strengths for transitions between these levels and the X 1S+g (0) level. Because of the strong J-dependence of the vibronic oscillator strength for the three 1Peu levels, it was necessary to use dipole matrix elements derived from the experimental Q-branch oscillator strengths for the b 1Pfu(4), b 1Pfu(5), and c3 1Pfu(0) X 1S+g (0) bands. However, as the dipole matrix elements of the b 1Pfu(4), b 1Pfu(5), and c3 1Pfu(0) X 1S+g (vi > 0) transitions cannot be computed from their diabatic vibrational overlap integrals, the local-coupling model of Liu and Shemansky [2006] cannot be extended to the vi > 0 levels of the X 1S+g state. In this regard, the more sophisticated CSE model employed here provides a more accurate and versatile representation of the experimental results. [47] The present experimental investigation has not addressed the predissociation rate of the c04 1S+u (0) level, which is another important quantity for atmospheric modeling. Even though the c04 1S+u (0) level is known to be predissociated by 1S+u 1Peu coupling, no systematic measurements on individual rotational levels have been carried out, although Ubachs et al. [2001] have detected 14 of 17 A02304 LIU ET AL.: N2 c04 1+u X 1+g RADIATIVE PROPERTIES A02304 Figure 5. Comparison of high-resolution experimental (solid line) and CSE-model (dotted line) e + N2 emission spectra for the c04 1Su+(0) X 1Sg+(2) transition. The transitions are labeled in terms of DJ(Ji)b vj vi, where b represents the upper electronic state. When the vibronic label, bvj vi, is omitted, the transition is from the c04 1Su+(0) X 1Sg+(2) band. When only b (i.e., no vj vi) is specified, the transition belongs to the b0 1Su+(1) X 1Sg+(2) band. The experimental conditions are similar to those of Figure 4, except that the N2 pressure was 3.3 104 Torr and a much longer integration time was employed to compensate for the weaker signal. A factor of 3 increase in N2 pressure from that of Figure 4 results in a decrease in rotational temperature to 150 K. The very weak b0 1Su+(7) X 1Sg+(4) emission, between 1001.9 and 1002.5 Å, is also well reproduced by the model. However, intensities for the peaks at longer wavelengths than 1003.63 Å, primarily from the c3 1Pu(1) X 1Sg+(3) band, are somewhat overestimated in the model. See section 4 for discussion of the discrepancy. some J-dependence in the lifetime by using pump-probe laser techniques without rotational resolution. While Liu et al. [2005a] provided a crude estimate of the c04 1S+u (0) predissociation yields, their results were based on interpolation and extrapolation of the experimental lifetimes of Ubachs et al. [2001] and application of the c04 1S+u (0) X 1S+g (0) Franck-Condon factor of Whang et al. [1996], both of which can lead to significant errors. In principle, the predissociation yield of a (vj, Jj) level can be obtained as the fraction of the total emission cross section from the level to the excitation cross section to the level. The excitation cross section of the c04 1S+u (0) state can be obtained from the excitation function measured by Ajello et al. [1989] and the photoabsorption oscillator strength measured by Stark et al. [2000, 2005], or calculated by the CSE method in the present study. It can also be obtained directly from electron energy loss work of Khakoo et al. [2007]. If the absolute emission cross section of the c04 1S+u (vj, Jj) level to the X 1S+g (0) level, or an X 1S+g (vj > 0) level, can be measured accurately, the transition probabilities calculated in the present study enable a reliable evaluation of the total emission cross section. In this way, both predissociation yield and total transition probability, A(vj, Jj), can be determined. Work is in progress to measure the absolute emission cross section of the c04 S+u (0) X 1S+g (0) band under high-resolution and optically thin conditions. After the measurements are completed, a forthcoming article will present excitation cross sections and compare the measured and CSE calculated predissociation yields and emission cross sections of the c04 1S+u (vj = 0, Jj) levels. [48] In summary, relative emission intensities for the c04 1S+u (0) X 1S+g (1-3) bands of N2 have been de termined accurately, using low-resolution electron-impactinduced emission spectroscopy. A CSE-model analysis of the experimental relative intensities and photoabsorption oscillator strengths [Stark et al., 2000, 2005] has allowed the determination of the diabatic c04 1S+u X 1S+g electronic transition moment and calculation of the c04 1S+u (0) X 1S+g (vi) and b0 1S+u (1) X 1S+g (vi) line transition probabilities. The accuracy of the calculated transition probabilities has been further verified by comparison with high-resolution experimental emission spectra. 1 [49] Acknowledgments. This work has been partially supported by NSF ATM-0131210 and the Cassini UVIS contract with the University of Colorado. It has also partially been supported by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) under grant no. NNG06GH76G issued 15 of 17 Results of Experiment and CSE Investigation • Summary of Results – accurately reproduced measured relative vibrational band intensity – accurately reproduced relative intensities of c’1Σu+ - X 1Σ + (0,0), (0,1), and (0,3) bands at rotational levels g – calculated line oscillator strengths agree with highresolution photoabsorption measurement • Conclusion – accurate c’1Σu+ - X 1Σg+ diabatic transition moment – Reliable transition probabilities and predissociation rates of the c’1Σu+ (0) and b’1Σu+ (1) - X 1Σg+ transitions. Application to interpreting FUSE observation • Anomaly of c’1Σu+(0) - X 1Σg+(0) band – Largest vibrational excitation and emission cross section (lab) – Very weak in spacecraft observation of Earth and Titan dayglow • c’1Σu+(0) - X 1Σg+(0) vibrational band, f=0.14, brightness <40 R • N2+ B 2Σu - X 2Σg electronic band, f=0.76, 3~4 times larger excitation cross section at 100 eV, brightness 1~5 kR (more than 25 times brighter !) • Known cause of the anomaly – Optical thickness & multi-cycle resonance absorption and emission – Radiative escape via emission to v” > 0 level of the X 1Σg+ state Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer (FUSE) • Instrumentation – – – – 4 co-aligned telescopes-2 SiC and 2 LiF coated Low-resolution aperture (LWRS, 30”x30”, FWHM ~0.4 Å) Medium-resolution aperture (MDRS, 4”x20”, FWHM ~0.07 Å) High-resolution aperture (1.25”x20”, rarely used) – 905-1184 Å spectral range • N2 dayglow emission data – – – – Observation made with LWRS in 1999 Data processed by CalFUSE v3.2 Error in total absolute flux <5% Error in individual N2 band emission 10%~15% Brightness (R/Å) 10 0 1047 5 1048 1049 1050 Wavelength (Å) 15 1051 1005 1052 1006 1053 0 1024 0 1072 1025 Fig 1c. c4'(0) & b'(1) - X(4) 1073 1026 Wavelength (Å) 1074 1027 10 1075 1028 1076 Wavelength (Å) O I (1027.431) N I (1027.15, 1027.24) N I (1026.69, 1026.78) O I (1028.157) N I (1028.357, 1028.449) c4'(1,4) 1077 N I (1029.500, 1029.592) c4'(3,6) c4'(2,5) 5 c4'(3,8) c4'(1,6), c4'(2,7) 40 H I (1025.722) O I (1025.762) 15 CO 3p E(0)-X(0) 1004 b'(4,6) 1003 10 b'(7,5) 50 b'(7,7) 30 Brightness (R/Å) c4'(1,3) 10 Brightness (R/Å) 1002 N I (1051.867, 1051.964) N I (1052.050,1052.149,1052.22 1001 b'(4,5) b'(7,4) 20 b' (7,6) N* 0 1000 Ar I (1048.220) b(5,4) Brightness (R/Å) Fig 1a. c4'(0) & b'(1) - X(2) Fig 1b. c4'(0) & b'(1) - X(3) 1029 1030 Wavelength (Å) Fig 1d. c4'(0) & b'(1) - X(5) 15 5 1078 Brightness (R/Å) 10 5 0 1153 1154 1101 1155 1102 1103 1156 Wavelength (Å) 1157 1104 1158 1105 15 1159 Brightness (R/Å) 5 0 1181 5 1126 1182 1127 15 10 1183 1128 1184 1129 1185 Wavelength (Å) O II (1130.147) O II (1129.251) P(1) (1128.507) O II (1128.081) 10 O III (1185.961) N I (1101.291) 15 P(1) (1185.048) 1100 0 1125 O III (1184.174) 0 1099 P(1) (1101.687) 4 O III (1183.150) 6 O III (1182.770) 8 N I (1100.360; 1000.465) 20 b'(4,10) O III (1181.748) c4'(3,12) 10 Brightness (R/Å) 12 P(1) (1156.28) 14 O II (1154.096) 16 N I (1098.954, 1099.152) 18 c4'(4,12) O II (1153.357) b'(4,9) Brightness (R/Å) Fig 2a. c4'(0) & b'(1) - X(6) Fig 2b. c4'(0) & b'(1) - X(7) 2 1130 Wavelength (Å) Wavelength (Å) Fig 2c. c4'(0) & b'(1) - X(8) Fig 2d. c4'(0) & b'(1) - X(9) 1186 1131 1187 Summary I. Neutral N2 Excitation mechanisms in thermospheres of Earth and Titan • Excitation by Photoelectrons – Principal mechanism for every singlet-ungerade levels except where resonant solar photoexcitation coincident with N2 excitation • Resonant photoexcitation by solar radiation – – – – – b(3) by H Ly-γ (complete predissociation) b(6) by H Ly-δ, b(10) by H Ly (n=9) b’(4) by H Ly-ε, b’(6) by H Ly (n=8), b’(7) by H Ly (n=12) b’(8), o(2), and b(12) by H Ly (n>15) b(12) also by H ionization continuum • Resonant photoexcitation by strong N2 emission – b(2) from v”=0 by c’1Σu+ (0)-X 1Σg +(1) transition – b’(4) from v”=1 by c’1Σu+ (0)-X 1Σg +(0) transition [non-LTE X(v”)] 01 + 1 + LIU ET AL.: N2 c04 1 Σ+ u (0) & b Σu (1)−X Σg DAYGLOW EMISSION X - 26 1 + 01 + Table 1. Brightness of the c04 1 Σ+ u (0)− and b Σu (1)−X Σg (vi ) bands (R) Modela vi 1 + c04 1 Σ+ u (0)−X Σg 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 v i P >20 P(vi ≥2) (vi ≥0) 2101.6 312.4 35.2 6.00 2.55 1.98 2.80 4.12 5.00 5.31 5.00 4.03 2.53 1.14 0.290 0.021 0.107 0.186 0.099 0.008 0.020 ∼0.4 76.8 2491 Modela b 01 1 + Σ+ u (1)−X Σg 13.7 2.12 0.40 0.39 0.80 1.65 2.93 4.44 5.80 6.50 6.20 4.92 3.10 1.40 0.328 0.002 0.111 0.216 0.128 0.011 0.018 ∼0.4 39.7 55.6 Modela F U SE Sum Observedb 2115.4 314.6 35.6 6.39 3.36 3.63 5.73 8.56 10.8 11.8 11.2 9.0 5.63 2.53 0.619 0.023 0.218 0.403 0.227 0.019 0.037 ∼0.8 116.6 2547d 24±7c 100 35.3 5.2 7.3 11.1 11.6 a Absolute optically-thin model brightness inferred by using a normalization constant averaged over the emission bands terminating on vi = 2, 8, and 9 (see text), and an N2 temperature of 500 K. b Estimated from FUSE spectrum after removing the contributions from atomic, ionic, and other overlapping N2 emissions. Due to severe distortion of its shape, the brightness of this band cannot be partitioned accurately between c04 1 Σ+ u (0)− and 1 Σ+ (0) emission and any overlapping features. b0 1 Σ+ (1)−X u g c d If the FUSE-measured brightnesses of 24 and 100 R are adopted for emission to vi = 0 and 1, the total modeled brightness of emission to all ground-state levels is ∼241 R, only 10% of the model-predicted optically-thin brightness. Summary II. Model Results • Inferred thermospheric temperature 500 ±50 K • Model reproduces observed brightness of v”=2-9 within FUSE observation error (10~15% ) • Reliable estimate for v”>9 level • Model-total, column averaged, optically thin emission rates 2.5x109 and 6.6x107 cm-2 s-1 for c’1Σu+(0) and b’1Σu+(1), respectively • Upper limits of electron-impact excitation rate to c’1Σu+(0) and b’1Σu+(1) levels are 3.3x109 and 1.2x108 cm-2 s-1 Radiation loss of c’1Σu+-X 1Σg+ (0,0) and (0,1) bands • 98% for v”=0 level (2115 R expected for optically thin vs 24±7 R observed) – Multiple scattering, predissociation, radiative escaping to v”>0 – Reduction of emission rate and distortion of band shape • 68% for v”=1 level (315 R expected vs 100 R observed) – By predissociative b(2)-X(0) absorption – By self-absorption of c’(0)-X(1) itself (require significant population at v”=1 level -> non-LTE N2(v”) population! Analysis of b(1)-X(v”) will provide definitive answer!) Predissociation & multi-scattering on (0,0) and (0,1) band shapes • Predissociation yields of c’1Σu+(0) and b’1Σu+(1) – Negligible at J’=0, increase rapidly with J’ • Mechanisms of radiation loss – I. Multi-cycle resonance absorption and emission and radiative escape to v’> 0 – II. Predissociation, drastically enhanced by multi-cycle absorption and emission – P(1) lines of c’ (0,0) and b’(1,0) band take place by I only – All other lines takes place by both I and II, and observed intensities rapidly decrease with J’ Fig 3b. c4'(0) & b'(1) - X(1) Fig 3a. c4'(0) & b'(1) - X(0) 80 100 FUSE Model (opt. thin) x 1/30 Brightness (R/Å) 50 80 70 Brightness (R/Å) 60 40 30 20 FUSE Model (opt. thin) x 2/7 P(1) (980.502) P(1) (958.602) 70 90 60 50 40 30 20 10 10 -0 -10 957 0 958 959 Wavelength (Å) 960 961 -10 979 980 981 982 Wavelength (Å) 983 Numerical Example • J’ = 0 level [P(1) line of c’1u+(0)- X 1g +(0)] – No predissociation, (0,0) band emission branching ratio 0.843. – 15.3% loss for each absorption-emission cycle – After 20 absorption-emission cycles, P(1) line intensity drops by a factor of ~30 • J’=7 level [R(6) and P(8) lines of c’1u+(0)- X 1g +(0)] – Significant predissociation, (0,0) band emission branching ratio 0.716 – 28.4% loss for each cycle of absorption-emission – After 20 absorption-emission cycles, the apparent intensity of P(8)&R(6) lines drops by a factor of ~800.