UPDATE ON TITAN’S NIGHT-SIDE AIRGLOW P. LAVVAS, R.A. WEST UVIS Team meeting - Jan 2014 1 indicat dayglo (bottom is dom and wh than th [8] T so we 1000–1 In Fig synthe then sm lution or syst multip same c FUV ( (0.5 # with th multip the day “Bright” disk emission (I/F~10-7) Weak limb emission West et al. 2012 Figure 1. (top) UVIS Titan FUV airglow data on 7 May 2009 between 8:27 and 10:50 UT while in Saturn’s shadow. The composite fit to the data is overplotted in red and the altitudes over which the data is averaged are indicated. (top middle) Same as Figure 1 (top) but showing the component 2 of the fit from the N2 LBH bands Radiances and uncertain- How can we explain these observations? 2.2. T [9] T sure tim UV (31 coverin et al., 2 era as system ratio in from t Figure [10] In Figu 3 APPROACH The observed night-glow is due to the excitation of N2 by non-solar energy sources. METHOD 1. Identify energy sources II. Calculate N2 state population & local emission rates III. Simulate radiation transfer of emitted photons through atmosphere and instrument (for limb and nadir geometry) IV. Compare with observations 4 I. POTENTIAL ENERGY SOURCES 1200 1000 Altitude (km) 800 600 Magnetospheric electrons ~1000 km Magnetospheric ions (O+) ~800 km Magnetospheric protons ~800 km ~500 km for silicates ~700-800 for water ice Meteoroids 400 200 (depending on B) Chemi-luminescence ~200 km for C2H2 Cosmic Rays ~65 km 5 I. POTENTIAL ENERGY SOURCES Gronoff et al. 2009, 2011 O+ off et al.: Ionization processes in the atmosphere of Titan. I. Fig. 7. Ionization from mono-energetic protons, with an isotropic distri- Fig. 9. Ionization due to mono-energetic atomic oxygen ions O+ , with bution computed with planetocosmics. The higher in altitude the peak, Fig. an3.isotropic distribution computed with Thea higher Ionization due to EUV/XUV solar planetocosmics. flux computed for solar inFig. 5. Comparison of electron impact ionization computed with the less in energetic the protons. altitude theofpeak, the less energetic the ions. transTitan and planetocosmics. zenith angle 40◦ with a solar flux given by F10.7 = 80. G. Gronoff et al.: Ionization processes the atmosphere of Titan. I. Protons Electrons + Fig. 13. Ionization due todue oxygen (O(O )+precipitation with energy Fig. 13. Ionization to oxygen ) precipitation with thethe lowlow energy Fig. 10. Ionization due to precipitating protons for the T5 (active) con-Fig. 6. Electron impact ionization computed with the Cassini T5’s flyby Fig. 4. Ionization from mono-energetic electrons, with an isotropic dis- electron flux conditions with transTitan. A vertical protons spectrum considered as oxygen. G. Gronoff et al.: processes in the a spectrum as oxygen. magnetic flux line Ionization is Fig. protons 8. Ionization due considered to mono-energetic isotropically distributed pro- ditions, computed with the coupled model. for quiet conditions. pitating protons for quiet conditions. tribution computed with planetocosmics. The higher in altitude the tons, with energy near the cutoff, computed with planetocosmics. The peak, the less energetic the electrons. The aim of this figure is to show considered. higher in altitude the peak, the less energetic the protons. the peak altitude with respect to the energy. In the following, the elec−3 −1 TransTitan, which is more accurate tron is computed through aninfluence amplitude of 0.3 cm s . The T5 conditions (Fig. 10) corshown in Fig. 5. The electron production due to the electron preand is able to discriminate between species. responds to active conditionstheofionized protons; the peak is close to reduced to fit the energy detection range of the Cassini probe. While in Fig. 8, we plot the influence of the protons in the 10 MeV–1 GeV range, in such energies we are at the limit between the protons accelerated in the magnetosphere of Saturn and the cosmic rays. In these figures, the secondary electrons (produced by proton-ionization) are taken into account as an energy deposition at the altitude where they are produced, whereas in the coupled code, the electrons are introduced into the kinetic part. The interesting point is that the protons with energy above 1 MeV have an ion production peak below 500 km. In Fig. 11, the ion production from proton precipitations is presented for quiet conditions. The production peak is close to 750 km with cipitated flux peaks at 900 km below the EUV–XUV peak. The 850 km with an amplitude of 6 cm−3 s−1 . In these two plots, a amplitude of production is about 5 cm−3 s−1 . We compared this secondary layer shows up between 400 km and 600 km, with ancomputation with the results of the full transport equation solufrom 1 keV slightly up to 100 keV (not in the figamplitude smaller than all 0.1profiles cm−3 s−1shown . It originates in the ure). The production was computed on an average based on tion, shown in the same figure, and the values compare very well. precipitations of protons with energies above 1 MeV as shown more than7.3000 runs on each angle. The same numerical mode The accuracy is better above about 1100 km with the transport in Fig. code, because the production at high altitude stem from to low was used planetocosmics study. In The The with influence can be seenall in through Fig. 9 forthis oxygen. thiselecfigure, trons typically ionize above 550 km. The 100 keV electrons pro- energy fluxes that are not taken into account in planetocosmics. the secondary electrons are taken into account as an energy deduce a maximum at 550 km and the 1 keV electrons at 900 km. One of the reasons is that the 35 eV value per creation of ion position at the altitude where they are produced, whereas in the The amplitudes of production on this plot cannot be interpreted electron pair goes wrong below these energies. coupled code, the electrons are introduced into the kinetic part. directly. They correspond to a production for an input flux of equalcm energy, −2 −1 the oxygen ions have an influence at higher 1 At electron s on top of the ionosphere (and are therefore 4.3. Ionization from precipitating protons of precipitation create aninion layer −2 −1 inaltitude. unit of This (cm−3kind s−1 )/(cm s ). To cannot be interpreted term of below 600 km. In Fig. 12, we present the ion production due production, this value has to be multiplied by the input spec- toIn Fig. 7, we present the ionization from precipitating protons precipitating ions. Following et al. (2008), trum from Fig. oxygen 1 and integrated over theCravens energy range. This is wewith different characteristic energies. The set in energy has been gen (O+ ) precipitation (the T5 protons en here). Fig. 14. Ionization due to mono-energetic cosmic ray protons, with an isotropic distribution computed with Planetocosmics. The higher in altitude the peak is, the less energetic the cosmic ray are. tudy that the whole T5 precipitation itation T5 toprotons he peak (the is close 900 km with an r quiet conditions, (Fig. 13) the peak −1 production peak is at 65 km with an amplitude 15 cm−3 swith . an Fig.of14. Ionization due to mono-energetic cosmic rayof protons, tude of 0.4 cm−3 s−1 . In the case the peak, the production due to the cascade down toin alhere is no secondary layer below the Below isotropic distribution computed with Planetocosmics. The higher ground is less clearly visible. the In Fig. 17, ray we are. compare the reis, the energetic cosmic whole T5 precipitation titude thethepeak sult for low solar activity (350 MV) with highest solar activity se to 900 km with an Cosmic Rays Fig. 15. Ionization due to galactic cosmic rays computed with the coupled model. 6 Fig. 17. In I. POTENTIAL ENERGY SOURCES Production rates for different N2 states 7 NOTES ON SIMULATION OF NIGHT AIRGLOW II. AIRGLOW MODEL 3 Table 1. Radiative transitions included in the model. Transition Band Name Max A[s−1 ] hν(0,0) [nm] > 5000 transitions emission 1 Σ+ Triplet A 3 Σ+ → X Vegard-Kaplan 1.950E-01 201 u g 3 3 + B Πg ↔ A Σu First Positive 1.110E+05 1046.9Cartwright, 1978 3 3 W ∆u ↔ B Πg Wu-Benesch 5.400E+03 135830.8 Gilmore et al. 1992 " 3 − 3 B Σu ↔ B Πg 2.290E+04 1527.9 Campbell et al. 2010 3 3 C Πu → B Πg Second Positive 1.310E+07 337 3 + E 3 Σ+ Herman-Kaplan 3.100E+03 217.3 g → A Σu 3 + 3 E Σg → B Πg 1.561E+02* 3 E 3 Σ+ 7.635E+02* g ↔ C Πu 3 D 3 Σ+ Fourth Positive 3.779E+07* u → B Πg Collisions 3 + 3 + D Σu → E Σg Quenching, Singlet w 1 ∆u → X 1 Σ+ 1.250E+08 139.5 g w 1 ∆u ↔ α 1 Πg MCF2 4.770E+03 3640 Energy pooling, 1 1 + α Πg → X Σg Lyman-Birge-Hopfield 5.160E+03 145 V-V, V-T, α 1 Πg ↔ α" 1 Σ− MCF1 2.620E+03 8252.5 u 1 + Inter/intra-system crossing α" 1 Σ− Fifth Positive u → X Σg b 1 Πu → X 1 Σ+ Birge-Hopfield g 1 + c"4 1 Σ+ Carroll-Yoshino u → X Σg 1 c"4 1 Σ+ u → α Πg Doublet A 2 Πu ↔ X 2 Σ+ Meinel 5.850E+04 1109.2 g 2 + B 2 Σ+ First Negative 1.140E+07 391.2 u ↔ X Σg stribution of the states. Therefore, scaling the energy spectrum of the photoelectrons might result me discrepancies from the actual energy spectrum of the produced electrons from cosmic rays or ospheric electrons. lines Steady state solution for each state/level: Production Loss 3. Airglow simulation simulation for the generation of airglow takes into account the production rates for the different and calculates the rates of de-excitation due toP radiative transitions and collisions with other (1 − Q )(P + + P ) = L + L PD direct cascade collisions cascade collisions es. The calculations include the states and radiative transitions presented in Table 1. For the 8 nal transitions we have included intersystem and intrasystem collisional processes for the single II. N2 states population 9 II. LOCAL EMISSION RATES 10 III. Radiation Transfer (ISS) DISK (below 300km): Optically thick, use DISORT code with emission rates as source function and consider extinction by aerosols (Tomasko et al. 2008) and CH4 (Karkoschka 1998). 300 km Limb (above 300 km): Optically thin, integrate emission rates along line of sight in a spherical shell geometry. 10.000 1.000 Ae ros ols Photons (arbitrary units) 100.000 CH4 Intensity at TOA for a spectrally flat source located between 50 and 70 km altitude, demonstrating clear signatures of aerosols and methane extinction. 0.100 0.010 0.001 200 400 600 800 Wavelength (nm) 1000 11 with ISS measurements of scattered sunlight to character aerosols within the layer. At first, the lack of this layer in s the occultations appears to challenge the idea that the de III. Radiation Transfer (UVIS) Integrate emission rates along line of sight in a spherical shell geometry and consider attenuation by hydrocarbons and aerosols with(a) abundances from photochemical model (Lavvas et al. 2008) and UVIS observations (Koskinen et al. 2011). ty profile of C2H4 retrieved h a vertical wavelength of ean density was introduced Opacity spectrum for emitted photons at UVIS/ FUV range f wavelength and imtions. The T41 I occul- Emitted photons probe reasonably well the whole FUV range. (b) Observed opacity spectrum at UVIS/FUV range during T53 occultation. 12 IV. COMPARISON WITH OBSERVATIONS Night Day 10 of 17 Complete Band Emissions Night profiles = Day profiles /10 (roughly) 13 Stevens et al. 2011 IV. COMPARISON WITH OBSERVATIONS (UVIS) L18204 WEST ET AL.: TITAN AIRGLO ind day (bo is and tha [ so 10 In syn the lut or mu sam FU (0. wi mu the Figure 5. Vertical profiles of limb emissions for different bands. 2. Comparison between simulated al., 2012]. All values are in Rayleighs. emissions and UVIS observations Band emissions (R) Model Observation Total FUV LBH 10.35 8.86 7.2±5.1 VK 39.40 1.11 3.9±2.6 Atomic 0.24 0.23 4.4±1.4 West et al. 2012 Band 14 Figure 1. (top) UVIS Titan FUV airglow data on 7 May 2009 between 8:27 and 10:50 UT while in Saturn’s shadow. The composite fit to the data is overplotted in red and the altitudes over which the data is averaged are indicated. (top middle) Same as Figure 1 (top) but showing the component of the fit from the N2 LBH bands Radiances and uncertainties from the fit over the wavelength region in Figure 1 (top) are indicated. (bottom middle) Same as Figure 1 (top 2.2 [ sur UV cov et era sys rat fro Fig [ In atm IV. COMPARISON WITH OBSERVATIONS (ISS) CL1,CL2 CL1,BL1 IR2,CL2 CL1,VIO Disk at μ=0.5 Limb Average (300-1000 km) CL1,CL2 CL1,VIO CL1,BL1 IR2,CL2 CL1,CL2 CL1,VIO CL1,BL1 IR2,CL2 Observed 11 0.2 1.1 0.5 71.7 0.7 4.5 6.5 Model 4.35 0.17 0.42 0.39 0.1 0.005 0.014 0.004 Ratio 2.53 1.18 2.62 1.28 717 140 321 1625 15 OTHER POTENTIAL CONTRIBUTIONS I. Star Light OPTICAL EBL. I. RESULTS 57 band filters and photometers, as were used by Dube et al. (1977, 1979). Finally, IRAS has provided maps of the thermal emission from dust at high Galactic latitudes. We have used the IRAS maps to select a line of sight for these observations that has a low column density of Galactic dust in order to minimize the DGL contribution caused by dustscattered starlight and also to estimate the low-level DGL that cannot be avoided. Our measurement of the EBL utilizes three independent data sets. Two of these are from HST: (1) images from the Wide Field Planetary Camera 2 (WFPC2) using the F300W, F555W, and F814W filters, each roughly 1000 Å wide with central wavelengths of 3000, 5500, and 8000 Å, respectively, and (2) low-resolution spectra (300 Å per resolution element) from the Faint Object Spectrograph (FOS) covering 3900–7000 Å. The FOS data were taken in parallel observing mode with the WFPC2 observations. While flux calibration of WFPC2 images and FOS spectra achieve roughly the same accuracy for point-source observations, the increase in spatial resolution, a 104 times larger field of view, lower instrumental background, and absolute surface brightness calibration achievable with WFPC2 make it betFig. 1.—Relative surface brightnesses of foreground sources, upper ter suited than FOS to an absolute surface brightness mealimits on the EBL23 (see x 1), and lower limits based on the integrated flux of the EBL. the-1FOS observations 5 surement -2 sNonetheless, -1 nm-1 sr AB mag)light in the HDF (Williams et~10 al. from resolved galaxies (V555 > 23 Star Direct source: photons cm do provide a second, independent measurement of the total 1996). The spectral shape and mean flux of zodiacal light and of DGL are -1 nm -1 of terrestrial airof -2 thesnight sky,-1 also shown at the levels we detect in this work. The airglowsource: spectrum is taken Zodiacal light ~104 background photonsflux cm srfree from Broadfoot & Kendall (1968) and is scaled to the flux level we observe glow and extinction, but with greater spectral resolution CL1/CL2 DN~10 (observed = images. 71.7)The third data set consists of longat 3800–5100 Å (see x 9). The effective bandpasses for our HST observathan the WFPC2 tions are indicated at the bottom of the plot. slit spectrophotometry of a region of ‘‘ blank ’’ sky within the WFPC2 field of view. These data were obtained at the ‘‘ blank screens,’’ spatially isolating all foreground contribu- 16 2.5 m du Pont telescope at the Las Campanas Observatory tions from the background. This pioneering work produced (LCO) using the Boller & Chivens spectrograph simultane- OTHER POTENTIAL CONTRIBUTIONS II. Chemi-luminescence C2H2 ~300 ns C4H2 ~100 ms T. SHIRAI et al. Electron Collisio GRAPHS. Cross Section vs See page 155 for Explanati III. CH4 emission Only from dissociation fragments CH (420-440 nm) but too weak 17 CONCLUSIONS I. Strongest emissions (ISS) in the upper atmosphere come from the Vegard-Kaplan, 1st positive and Meinel bands, while for the lower atmosphere 1st negative and 2nd positive dominate. For UVIS/FUV Vegard-Kaplan, LBH and atomic N emissions dominate. II. Simulated limb emissions are consistent with observations and are dominated by nominal magnetospheric energy input. III. Disk observations are much higher than the simulated emissions. Contributions by star light is 10x smaller that observed signal. 18 BACK-UP SLIDES 19 !"##$%$& Figure 1. View from above the north pole of Saturn showing the positions of Saturn, Titan and Cassini during the eclipse event described in the text. Saturn’s rotation and plasma flow are in the counter-clockwise direction. The sun is off the right edge of the 20 rings. frame and Saturn’s shadow is shown on the Raw image