UVIS Calibration Update Greg Holsclaw Bill McClintock Jan 4, 2011 Outline • • • • Recent stellar calibrations Evil pixel experiments Flat-fielding auroral observations A simple visualization tool All stellar calibrations EUV FUV These plots show the total signal on the detector as a function of star position along the slit Recent stellar calibrations EUV FUV Most recent scan was incomplete These plots show the total signal on the detector as a function of star position along the slit Evil pixel sensitivity estimates Options for estimating evil pixel sensitivity 1. Zero 2. Lab-measured calibration curve without flat-field corrector 3. Not-a-number (NaN) • Current approach 4. Measured • relative response to interpolated good pixels for a stellar-calibration Approach • Test data set: – Starcal from 2005, Spica slewed along the slit – Sum all images during the slew, creating a simulated extended object • Compare one row of this array for these cases: – Current calibration, unbinned – Current calibration, binned [2x1] – New calibration, binned [2x1] Results • • • Assigning evil pixels a sensitivity of 0 or 1 (relative to the labcalibration) significantly underestimates or overestimates their actual response, on average The larger the fraction of evil pixels within a bin, the larger the error An evil fraction of 0.5 would be common for a binning of 2, though there may be limited cases where the fraction is greater at higher binning Compare the response of good and evil pixels • For each column, calculate the mean value of good pixels (black) and the mean value of evil pixels (red) • Ratio of mean evil pixel value to the mean good pixel value for each column • Histogram of the previous slide • Mean value is ~0.5 with a wide distribution Conclusions • Assigning evil pixels a sensitivity of 0 or 1 (relative to the lab-calibration) significantly underestimates or overestimates their actual response, on average • This creates a significant problem for datasets which are moderately binned, and this approach would lower the quality of this data • Using a mean sensitivity value of ~0.5 that of the good pixel values would be better • However, using the mean relative evil pixel value is a poor estimate of the wide distribution of actual values Evil pixel sensitivity estimate and linearity test Approach 1. Generate a simulated extended object from two stellar calibrations by summing all scans as the stellar image is slewed along the slit – – 2. Calibrate the images, and interpolate across evil pixels – 3. 5. Consider this the ‘true’ spectrum for both stars Generate a sensitivity estimate for the evil pixels using the interpolated Spica values – 4. Alp Vir (Spica) Eta Uma (Alcaid) ratio of the interpolated evil pixel values in the calibrated spectrum to the count rate Fill the calibration matrix with these values, then apply to the Eta Uma raw data (count rate) Compare a single row of the Eta Uma data for two cases: interpolated, evil-corrected Raw spectrum Calibrated (evils are NaN) Interpolated and evil-corrected Ratio of evil estimates to interpolated values • • • This shows the ratio of an ‘evil pixel corrected’ spectrum to a spectrum that has been interpolated across evil pixels There are two cases: Eta Uma and another observation of Spica On average, corrected evil pixel values are too low by ~20% Ratio of good pixels to interpolated values • • The same ratio plot as the previous slide, but now comparing good pixels to values that would be obtained from interpolation The mean value of the test pixels in the ratio is 1.04 for Eta Uma Conclusion • The sensitivity of evil pixels has been estimated from their measured response to light from Alp Vir (Spica) • This sensitivity estimate has been applied to a different star, Eta UMa • Calibrated evil pixels appear too low by ~20% (on average) compared to interpolated values • Therefore, it is recommended that evil pixels not be used in data analysis Flat-fielding auroral scans Motivation • Jacques noticed that calibrated images of Saturn auroral scans exhibit obviously spurious features in some rows • FUV2008_07_19_03_21_3 1_000_UVIS_077SA_AUR ORA002_PRIME – – – Number of spectral elements: Number of spatial elements: Number of records: time Binning: 32x1 rows 32 64 630 time rows Raw data Calibrated, sum across all wavelengths Calibrated, sum across all wavelengths except last column Code fragment feuv_reader,f,pinfo,desc,wind,w1 w1_cal = w1 for i = 0, nz - 1 do $ w1_cal[*,*,i] = w1[*,*,i] * c_calibrationi_bin img_cal = total(w1_cal[0:30,*,*],1) ; good images img_cal2 = total(w1_cal[0:31,*,*],1) ; bad images Not sure what is causing the erroneous values, but neglecting the last column is a temporary fix A simple visualization tool EUV2009_06_22_15_16_39_000_UVIS_113TI_EUVFUV003_PRIME • Accepts a single data cube structure • Currently only works for Titan, but could be generalized for any body