LIMB SKIM SATURN DATA: Study of H2 airglow emission J. Gustin - I. Stewart UVIS Team Meeting - Goslar - June 11-13 2007 1. UVIS Limbskim dataset overview + viewing geometry 2. Model of reflected sunlight component 3. Comparison between H2 observed spectra and model (Moses atmosphere with limb line of sight) 4. Conclusion UVIS Team Meeting - Goslar - June 11-13 2007 1. Overview - 2. Reflected - 3. Comparison UVIS H2/ synthetic H2 - 4. Conclusions Start time Integration (s) Number of records Mean latitude, longitude (deg) 1. Oct. 29 2005 19:27:45 120 4 -17, 26.5 2. Oct. 29 2005 19:35:33 30 77 3-16.5, 35 3. Nov. 27 2005 08:57:53 75 7 -17.5, 133.5 4. Nov. 27 2005 09:07:07 18 68 -18, 140 5. Nov. 27 2005 13:17:55 75 7 -17.5, 227.5 6. Nov. 27 2005 13:27:07 18 88 -18, 238 Total number of spatial pixels x readouts = 14133 spectra, for EUV & FUV low res. slit Viewing geometry: UVIS Team Meeting - Goslar - June 11-13 2007 1. Overview - 2. Reflected - 3. Comparison UVIS H2/ synthetic H2 - 4. Conclusions processing of data: - rtg (0.0005 cnts s-1 pixel-1) - flatfield with NaN & interpolation at evil pixels - red patch - Ly background - sum of spectra bins of 50 km (altitude range: -1350 km, 4100 km) - remove bgd average spectrum of last 10 high-alt. spectra example of spectrum: reflected sunlight airglow H2 Overlap of emissions for spectra between -1350 and 700 km need to build a model of Saturn’s reflectivity to separate the two contributions to remove the reflected emission and get “pure” H2 emission UVIS Team Meeting - Goslar - June 11-13 2007 1. Overview - 2. Reflected - 3. Comparison UVIS H2/ synthetic H2 - 4. Conclusions Model: - viewing geometry need a model with spherical atmosphere and limb LOS - Wallach & Hapke paper (Icarus 63, 354-373, 1985) : “Light scattering in spherical, exponential atmosphere” - application to Saturn spectra with reflected component (fit of [1500 - 1880Å] window): multiple scattering version of the theory atmosphere is supposed homogeneous H2 as scatterer, mixing ratio fixed to 0.975 absorbers as parameters: * C2H2 m. r., with C2H4, C3H6p, CH3C2H, CH2CCH2, C4H2, C4H8 absorbers included, tied to C2H2 (average ratio to C2H2 from Moses et al. 2000) * C2H6 m.r., with C3H8 and C4H10 included, tied to C2H6 Synthetic H2 spectrum included to fit [1500 - 1650Å] window each UVIS spectrum = sum of spectra from 6 observations ( multiple , 0 ) model applied 6 times and weighted sum compared to UVIS spectrum reflected in the [1500 - 1880Å] window is derived and removed from data UVIS Team Meeting - Goslar - June 11-13 2007 1. Overview - 2. Reflected - 3. Comparison UVIS H2/ synthetic H2 - 4. Conclusions Result: - fit of 40 spectra from -1320 km to 625 km kR/ Å - corresponding C2H2 m. r. from 2.3x10-7 to 6.4x10-6 - Moses at 300 km (1mbar) : 5x10-7 Wavelength (Å) - HC m.r. of bestfit used to build Saturn’s kR/ Å reflectivity from 1500 to 1880 Å - multiplied by solar spectrum - removed from UVIS spectra to get “pure” H2 spectra Wavelength (Å) UVIS Team Meeting - Goslar - June 11-13 2007 1. Overview - 2. Reflected - 3. Comparison UVIS H2/ synthetic H2 - 4. Conclusions Comparison between UVIS H2 spectra and H2 synthetic airglow spectra: Observed emergent H2 spectrum = sum of H2 emissions along LOS, attenuated by HC U V LOS I z0 min rayheight S • 1 bar level Saturn UVIS Team Meeting - Goslar - June 11-13 2007 1. Overview - 2. Reflected - 3. Comparison UVIS H2/ synthetic H2 (s) - 4. Conclusions n HC (s') HC ds' s LOS z0 s z H2(z0) (s) = (z) H2 vol. em. rate Rsat H 2 (z0 ) (s) e (s) ds S H2 unabsorbed synthetic spectrum provided by J. Hallet Needed: atmospheric model Moses et al., 2000 H2 volume emission rate vs altitude build from UVIS spectra UVIS Team Meeting - Goslar - June 11-13 2007 1. Overview - 2. Reflected - 3. Comparison UVIS H2/ synthetic H2 - 4. Conclusions Synthetic volume emission rate: - for all UVIS spectra: sum of the [1550-1620 Å] region (smallest influence of HC) and plot vs z - observed brightness profile: B : H2 volume emission rate S: path along los (s) ds UVIS Team Meeting - Goslar - June 11-13 2007 1. Overview - 2. Reflected - fit of B with as a Chapman function: - 3. Comparison UVIS H2/ synthetic H2 m exp{ f (1 e )} - 4. Conclusions = (z-zm)/H reduced height f = shape factor H = scale height . f = 0.43, . m= 0.70, . zm = 968 km, . HH2 = 136.7 km UVIS Team Meeting - Goslar - June 11-13 2007 1. Overview - 2. Reflected - 3. Comparison UVIS H2/ synthetic H2 - 4. Conclusions Preliminary results: - Use of 9 HC: CH4, C2H2, C2H6, C3H8, C4H10, C2H4, C4H2, CH3C2H, C3H6p - Synthetic spectra absorbed from -1325 to 1025 km 775 km UVIS Team Meeting - Goslar - June 11-13 2007 1. Overview 1375 km -1025 km - 2. Reflected - 3. Comparison UVIS H2/ synthetic H2 - 4. Conclusions Systematic excess of intensity in [1235-1275A] region for observed spectra above 1075 km Systematic excess of intensity in [1560-1630A] region for observed spectra below 525 km UVIS Team Meeting - Goslar - June 11-13 2007 1. Overview - 2. Reflected - 3. Comparison UVIS H2/ synthetic H2 - 4. Conclusions Consequences: Study of color ratio: - I [1550-1620Å] / I [1230-1300Å] - measure of CH4 absorption (strong < 1400 Å) - CR = 1.5 for unabsorbed spectrum Low s/n datapoints scattered around theoretical value Observed CR too small due to unexpected signal ~ 1250 Å Increasing of observed CR due to increase of unexpected signal ~ 1600 Å UVIS Team Meeting - Goslar - June 11-13 2007 1. Overview - 2. Reflected - 3. Comparison UVIS H2/ synthetic H2 - 4. Conclusions Conclusions: Reflected sunlight - good fits of reflected sunlight component for low altitude UVIS spectra - C2H2 observed mixing ratios in the range of previous studies/ models - observed/modeled C2H2 can be compared for each altitude: need more work to be interpreted H2 airglow emission - use of a model with realistic geometry - Moses atmosphere is a first step - first of all: need to understand the emissions at ~1250 Å and ~1600 Å UVIS Team Meeting - Goslar - June 11-13 2007