Cassini UVIS Observations of Saturn’s Rings

Cassini UVIS Observations of
Saturn’s Rings
Josh Colwell, UVIS Co-Investigator
Larry Esposito (UVIS P.I.),
the UVIS Team, and
Glen Stewart, Heather Tollerud, Jeff
Cuzzi (Rings and Dust IDS)
Saturn’s Rings:
Age and origin unknown
Cassini ISS image:
SSI (Boulder),
Cassini Division
Approach picture from
May 10, 2004
Dist: 27 million km.
Pixel: 161 km.
Moon: Prometheus
Cassini ISS image:
Space Science
Institute (Boulder),
Encke Gap
W~350 km
3 Types of Ring Observation with UVIS
•Spectra and images from 550 -1900A.
•Stellar occultations with spatial resolution of 10 m.
•Meteoroid impact detection.
“Spokes” Observed by Voyager
QuickTime™ and a
YUV420 codec decompressor
are needed to see this picture.
But not by Cassini.
It may not be spoke season yet due to the photoelectron layer over the rings.
QuickTime™ and a
DV/DVCPRO - NTSC decompressor
are needed to see this picture.
Detecting (spoke-forming) meteoroid impacts on the rings:
28 readings of 6
2 readings of 7
3.18 million samples
Mean = 0.454
SQRT(mean) = 0.674
Std. Dev. = 0.676
Mean = .526
Std. Dev. = .721
Root Mean = .725
2 readings of 8
10 readings of 7
4.98 million readings
Poisson Statistics
e 
P(x) 
Mean = 0.454
SQRT(mean) = 0.674
Std. Dev. = 0.676
Mean = 0.526
SQRT(mean) = 0.725
Std. Dev. = 0.721
Expectation values:
m(6) = P(6)xN = 24.6
m(7) = P(7)xN = 1.6
m(8) = 0.09
Observed values:
28 readings of 6
2 readings of 7
0 readings of 8
Expectation values:
m(7) = P(7)xN = 6.5
m(8) = 0.43
Observed values:
10 readings of 7
2 readings of 8
So far, no smoking gun (or ring particle)
•Distance to Rings:
6.3 million km.
•Radial Coverage:
–Inner C ring
–Outer B ring (mostly
opaque to this star)
–Cassini Division
–A ring (to 135,500
•Sampling Interval:
–0.88 to 1.0 km/s.
–8 msec sampling.
–7-8 m samples.
–~30 m Fresnel zone
radius ( d ).
Stellar Occultation Raw Data
Density Waves in Saturn’s Rings
– Separation of azimuthal (Ω), radial (), and vertical
() orbital frequencies around an oblate planet.
(RL )  m(RL )  mM  nM  pM
m, n, p are integers, and M refers to the moon, and RL is the resonance
Strongest horizontal forcing when n=p=0:
(RL )
m 1
- Packing density of ring particles varies with the gravity of the ring
propagating the wave.
- Propagation of wave gives ring surface mass density.
m = 2 streamlines
m = 2 streamlines
affected by perturber
and self-gravity
More on resonances
(RL )  m(RL )  mM  nM  pM
Suppose m=1, n=p=0. Then:
M  (RL )  (RL )
In other words, the azimuthal motion of the moon is equal to the apsidal
precession rate of ring particles at RL.
Suppose m=2, n=p=0. Then:
2M  2(RL )  (RL )  (RL )
Which is therefore called a 2:1 resonance.
Now suppose m=3, n=0, p=1, then:
3M  M  3(RL )  (RL )  2(RL )
Which is therefore called a 4:2 resonance. 4:2 resonance ≠ 2:1 resonance.
Cassini ISS image:
SSI (Boulder),
Ring Plane Radius (km)
Ring Plane Radius (km)
Ring Plane Radius (km)
Bending Waves in Saturn’s Rings
(RV )  m(RV )  mM  nM  pM
Strongest vertical forcing when n=1, p=0:
m(RV )  (RV )  mM  M
- Vertical corrugation or warping of the ring.
5:3 BW
5:3 DW
Cassini ISS image:
SSI (Boulder),
Density Waves
Wave dispersion relation:
(  m)2   2  2G k  0
Dispersion of wave spreads power over many frequencies
Period (km)
Wavelet Power Spectrum Estimation for Wave Dispersion
Provides local surface mass density.
Ring Plane Radius (km)
New Density Waves
Atlas 5:4 in Cassini Division shows  << (A Ring)
Atlas 5:4
Measuring Particle Size or Clumps from Occultation Statistics
Particles << sample size.
Particles ~ sample size.
Observed  = Poisson 
Observed  > Poisson 
Region of ring observed in one sample.
Inner Inner
Edge Edge
7.2 m res.
29 m resolution
Same Edge at Higher Resolution
Sharp Edges in the Rings
What Does It All Mean?
• No clear signal of meteoroid impacts yet:
– Detection may not work as expected;
– May be fewer meteoroids than expected.
• Ring edges unresolved at 30m resolution:
– Particle traffic jams;
– Direct observations of large clumps or
• Composition, particle size, surface mass
density  recent resurfacing or creation of
some ring regions.
• And certainly much more…
• 100’s of hours of impact observations ahead.
• 100’s of hours of ring UV images ahead.
• 6 more stellar occs between May and
• >60 stellar occs by the end of the nominal
mission on June 30, 2008.
• Two-year extended mission anticipated.
• Best views of rings still to come.
• Stay tuned…
Rings Summary
• A Ring has cleanest water ice signature: less contaminants than
other rings, particularly C Ring and Cassini Division.
• Density waves galore:
– Dispersion of waves gives ring surface mass density:
(Cassini Division) << (A Ring).
– New waves seen in Cassini Division and new second order waves
• Large particle or clump size distributions from occultation
– Largest particles or clumps (~ 10 m) in A ring, increasing outward to
Encke Gap, then decreasing.
– No significant number of large particles or clumps in C ring, Cassini
• Correlation between surface mass density and largest particle
sizes and (to a lesser extent) ring ice purity.
• Abrupt density transitions observed (r<50 m): particle “traffic
jam” at perturbed ring edges.
• Unexplained features observed at high resolution.