The Solar Cycle and Climate Dr. Martin Snow Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics University of Colorado, Boulder The Solar Cycle and Climate 1 Outline The Sun • what makes the sun shine • observations of sunspots (visible light) • counting them – 11 year cycle • magnetic field – 22 year cycle • solar dynamo • solar spectrum The Atmosphere • what is it The Solar Cycle and Climate 2 Herzsprung-Russel Diagram The Solar Cycle and Climate 3 Size of the Sun The Solar Cycle and Climate 4 Hydrogen Fusion in the Sun “The Proton-Proton Chain” The Solar Cycle and Climate 5 2 E=mc Every second in the Sun’s core 600 x 109 kg H 596 x 109 kg He The Solar Cycle and Climate 4 x 109 kg to Energy 6 The Sun in Visible Light The Solar Cycle and Climate 7 Sunspot record Galileo 1613 ~400 years since 1610 Galileo Schwab SOHO 2003 Hale Modern Maximum 11-year Intensity Cycle Telescope Observations 22-year Magnetic Cycle The Solar Cycle and Climate 8 Sunspot Latitudes The Solar Cycle and Climate 9 Monthly Averaged Sunspot Numbers The Solar Cycle and Climate 10 Comparison with earlier cycles SSN Minimum Level Lowest since 1920s (3 of 24 are lower) SC Period Length Longest since 1900 (4 of 24 are longer) Minimum Duration Widest since 1920s (7 of 24 are wider) The Solar Cycle and Climate 11 So what are these spots anyway? A brief detour into atomic physics… The Solar Cycle and Climate 12 Simple Model of Atom The Solar Cycle and Climate 13 Magnetic Fields and Sunspots P. Zeeman G. E. Hale The Solar Cycle and Climate G.E. Hale, June 1908 14 The Sun in 2003 The Solar Cycle and Climate 15 Magnetogram (2003) The Solar Cycle and Climate 16 The magnetic nature of sunspots Hale provided the first proof that sunspots are the seats of strong magnetic fields TRACE image The Solar Cycle and Climate 17 Large scale magnetic field The Solar Cycle and Climate 18 “Open” Magnetic Field 19 Solar Any Cycle and Climatein the Past 40 Years 45% Less Open FluxThe than Cycle Record Low Interplanetary What are Magnetic GCRs? Field Why do Record they care about solar HIGH activity? Galactic Cosmic Rays Highest level of cosmic rays in the 54 year record. The Solar Cycle and Climate 20 Do we care about Cosmic Rays? GCRs may influence rate of cloud formation. Cloud cover changes planetary albedo. The Solar Cycle and Climate 21 Magnetogram (2008) The Solar Cycle and Climate 22 Magnetogram (2011) The Solar Cycle and Climate 23 Magnetic Changes The Solar Cycle and Climate 24 Sunspots are a symptom of the Sun’s magnetic field. Not the cause. The Solar Cycle and Climate 25 The Sun’s Magnetic Cycle Hale’s polarity Law (1919) Well-organized large scale magnetic field Changes polarity approximately every 11 years (22 year magnetic cycle) t = 9 yrs N t = 3 yrs S N S t=0 t = 11 yrs The Solar Cycle and Climate 26 Surface magnetic fields over the solar cycle The Solar Cycle and Climate 27 Courtesy D. Hathaway So why does the Sun do this? Or rather, what’s going on physically that produces these magnetic effects? The Solar Cycle and Climate 28 The Sun’s Differential Rotation 1858: Carrington and Sporer independently observed sunspots located at higher latitudes are carried around the Sun slower than sunspots at lower latitudes Why doesn’t dipole field just get wrapped up tightly by differential rotation? The Solar Cycle and Climate 29 Alpha and Omega Differential Rotation turns poloidal field into toroidal Shear forces on sunspot pairs turns toroidal field into poloidal The Solar Cycle and Climate 30 Magnetic Butterfly Diagram The Solar Cycle and Climate 31 Differential Solar Rotation & Solar Dynamo ~3 yr Slower at Poles (30-33 days) ??? 10-30 yr Faster at Equator (25-27 days) Only in Convection Zone The Solar Cycle and Climate From Manfred Küker 32 Strength of Polar Magnetic Field 1996 MIN 2008 MIN 1986 MIN 40% weaker than in previous minima. 33 The Solar Cycle and Climate Solar Spectrum Remember all that energy generated by nuclear reactions in the core? Most of it emerges from the surface as radiation. The basic shape of the spectrum is a blackbody about 6000 K The Solar Cycle and Climate 34 The observed spectrum Why doesn’t this just look like a blackbody? The Solar Cycle and Climate 35 Sun also has an atmosphere! The Solar Cycle and Climate 36 2-slide course on Radiative Transfer Cool, less dense Hot Dense Planck curve for cooler material is not as bright. At core of line, only see into atmosphere as far as the cool gas. Absorption Line Spectrum The Solar Cycle and Climate 37 2-slide course on Radiative Transfer Hotter less dense Hot Dense Planck curve for hotter material is brighter. At core of line, only see in as far as hotter gas. Emission Line Spectrum The Solar Cycle and Climate 38 Different wavelengths formed at different heights in atmosphere Photosphere (continuum) Upper photosphere (cooler gas, absorption lines) Chromosphere (hotter gas, emission lines) The Solar Cycle and Climate 39 MUV variability The Solar Cycle and Climate 40 Variability at a single wavelength The ultraviolet radiation varies by a factor of ~2 over the solar cycle The Solar Cycle and Climate 41 Variability at many wavelengths The Solar Cycle and Climate Rottman (2001) 42 How much does the energy output of the Sun change? •Most of the power is at visible wavelengths or longer (shape of the blackbody) •Most of the variability is at ultraviolet wavelengths or shorter (structures in the solar atmosphere) •So does the tail wag the dog? Skeptical Cat is Skeptical The Solar Cycle and Climate 43 The observed spectrum from the SORCE mission Integrate over all wavelengths to get total radiative output, aka Total Solar Irradiance (TSI) or the “solar constant” The Solar Cycle and Climate 44 Just a word on the words accuracy and precision Accurate, but poor precision Precise, but poor accuracy Ideally, scientific measurements are both accurate and precise. The Solar Cycle and Climate 45 Total Solar Irradiance Observations The Solar Cycle and Climate 46 One way to link them is to assume the most recent is the best. Solar Cycle 0.1% = 1.4 W/m2 The Solar Cycle and Climate 47 4 TSI Composites: Conflicting Results SOHO VIRGO PMOD (Fröhlich) and ACRIM (Willson) composites indicate 2008 TSI is lower than 1996 level SOHO VIRGO DIARAD (DeWitte) and SORCE TIM / Model (Lean) composites indicate 2008 TSI is higher Uncertainty for 2008-1996 trend is about 100 ppm The Solar Cycle and Climate 48 TSI variability can be bright vs vs dark described as good evil The Solar Cycle and Climate 49 What was TSI doing before 1978? The Solar Cycle and Climate 50 Does this matter? The Solar Cycle and Climate 51 Sources of Heating 2500 X The Solar Cycle and Climate 52 History – Europe’s Little Ice Age 1645-1715 – Maunder Minimum Solar output decreased 0.1-0.3% for 70 years Earth temperatures were ~0.2-0.4 C colder than the early 1900s The Solar Cycle and Climate 53 Was this causation, or just coincidence? • …or were there many volcanoes about the same time? • …or does it matter that it was only cold in Europe? • etc. Climate research is not yet at the stage where we can definitively answer this question. The Solar Cycle and Climate 54 Climate Change Has Many Sources Natural Forcings • solar variability - direct and indirect effects • volcanic eruptions - stratospheric aerosols Internal Oscillations El Nino • atmosphere-ocean couplings - El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) - North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) Land Cover Changes La Niňa Anthropogenic Forcings • atmospheric GH gases - CO2, CH4, CFCs, O3, N2O • tropospheric aerosols - direct and indirect effects of soot, sulfate, carbon, biomass burning, soil dust courtesy of Judith Lean, NRL The Solar Cycle and Climate 55 Climate Influences El Nino La Nina optical thickness at 550 nm compiled by Sato et al. (1993) since 1850, updated to 1999 from and extended to the present with zero values bright faculae El Chichon Pinatubo multivariate ENSO index - weighted average of the main ENSO features contained in sea-level pressure, surface wind, surface sea and air temperature, and cloudiness in the tropical Pacific (Walter and Timlin, 1998) net effect of eight different components Hansen et al. (2007) dark sunspots Net effect of sunspot darkening and facular brightening - model developed from observations of total solar irradiance (Lean et al. 2005) 56 courtesy of Judith Lean, NRL The Solar Cycle and Climate Global Surface Temperature Responses CRU temperature data, Univ. East Anglia, UK Combined ENSO + volcanic aerosols + solar activity + anthropogenic effects explain 85% of observed temperature variance +0.2oC 1997-98 “super” ENSO -0.3oC Pinatubo volcano +0.1oC Solar cycle +0.4oC Anthropogenic effects from Kopp & Lean 2011 The Solar Cycle and Climate 57 Global Surface Temperature Since 1890 CRU temperature data, Univ. East Anglia, UK 0.9K +0.0015K /decade -0.0009K /decade Decompositions of historical and recent global surface temperatures give consistent individual natural and anthropogenic components: Natural components account for <15% of warming since 1890 +0.005K /decade +0.054K /decade 0.75K courtesy of Judith Lean, NRL The Solar Cycle and Climate 58 Summary •The Sun varies due to changes in its magnetic field (the “dynamo”) •Sunspot Cycle is 11 years (approximately) •Magnetic Cycle is 22 years (approximately) •Solar irradiance is largest source of energy input to the climate system (BY FAR) •Natural and Anthropogenic effects both play a role in determining the temperature of the atmosphere, but the much larger effect is anthropogenic. The Solar Cycle and Climate 59 Backup Slides The Solar Cycle and Climate 60 Summary of Recent Solar Minimum •Fewer Spots •Lower Magnetic Field •Weaker Solar Wind •Lower Irradiance •Since 1920’s •Since 1950’s •Since measurements started •Than 1996, but no concensus on earlier results. “This is not your father’s solar minimum… …it’s your grandfather’s.” --- Neil Sheely 61 The Solar Cycle and Climate Where is sunlight absorbed? The Solar Cycle and Climate 62 Overlapping Cycles From David Hathaway If the new cycle’s activity starts appearing before the old cycle’s activity fades, do we see the true minimum? The Solar Cycle and Climate 63