


Proposal Form for a New or Revised CPD course (Form CPD1)

This form is designed to be used for the accreditation of CPD and short courses developed for professionals or organisations, with a credit size of up to 30 credits.

Postgraduate Awards and modules which form part of a certificate, diploma or degree qualification should not be submitted using this form.

All CPD course s must be resourced from within the department’s existing resources and/or income generated from other CPD course.

Once completed by the course leader from the department, in liaison with the Finance

Office and CPD Office, the form should be submitted to the Undergraduate Studies

Committee/Sub-Faculty or Graduate Studies Committee of the appropriate Faculty for its consideration and approval. Final approval will be given by the Chair of the Board of

Undergraduate Studies or the Board of Graduate Studies acting on behalf of the Board.

Failure to provide information under all the headings shown may result in approval of the course being delayed.


Title of CPD course:

Date of introduction (please specify year and month) :

3. Department responsible for teaching:

If the course is taught by more than one department please indicate this:



Name of the course leader:



If the course leader is not a member of Warwick staff and has not previously been appointed as a course leader/tutor, please include a CV with this form.

Rationale for proposing CPD course 4.

All proposals for a new or revised CPD course should meet criteria (i) and (ii) below:

(i) Appropriate academic expertise should be available within the

University to support the accreditation and a lead academic department should be able to recommend the proposal as an enhancement to its academic development


(ii) The accreditation should directly strengthen the University’s third stream income

Departments proposing CPD courses should consider whether the CPD course will lead to increased registrations on the University

’s certificate, diploma or degree courses, or further CPD courses.

Please provide the rationale for proposing the CPD course in terms of the specific criteria detailed above:

5. Replacement courses:

Does the proposed course replace an existing CPD course?

Yes [ ] No [ ]

If yes, which course does it replace?

6. Partnership provision:

Is the course

Validated? Yes [ ] No [ ]

Franchised? Yes [ ] No [ ]

Another type of collaborative arrangement ? Yes [ ] No [ ]

If you h ave answered ‘yes’ to any of these questions, Part 4 of the standard course proposal form must be completed.

7. Demand:

Give brief details of market research undertaken to assess level of demand:

[max 250 words]

Proposed number of participants per offering

Proposed number of iterations of course per year

Please indicate where the majority of your participants will originate:

Public Sector

Private Sector


Please specify:

[ ]

[ ]

[ ]

Please provide a brief summary of arrangements in place and/or planned for marketing the proposed course:


8. Credit:


Which level is the course on the QAA Framework for Higher Education

Qualifications? For information, level descriptors can be found at

C - Certificate level

- Intermediate level

H - Honours level

M - Masters level

D - Doctoral level

Give the number of credits (if any) to be allocated:

If there are separate units within the course which are intended to be freestanding, please list them below:

Unit title Credits

9. Aims:

Please provide a brief outline of the aims of the proposed course:

10. Learning outcomes:

The learning outcomes identify the knowledge, skills and attributes developed by the CPD course. Successful completion of the course leads to the learning outcomes. Learning outcomes should be presented briefly using the table below.

Learning outcomes should include reference to subject knowledge and understanding, key skills, cognitive skills and subject-specific practical and professional skills and be clearly relevant to fulfilling the educational aims.

Learning outcomes should be measurable by the assessment methods for the course.



(By the end of the course the participant should be able to....)

Which teaching and learning methods enable participants to achieve this learning outcome?

Which assessment methods will measure the achievement of this learning outcome?


11. Syllabus:

Give an outline of the syllabus:

12. Illustrative bibliography: (where applicable)

List the core texts only. The illustrative bibliography should provide an indication of the focus and level of the reading required, rather than the full range (this should not be more than half a page):

13. Library and IT Resources:

Please list the Library and IT resources required for the proposed CPD course and whether they have been put in place:

14. Teaching:

Provide a list of the teaching methodologies to be used and indicate the number of contact hours to be used against each one for the whole course.

For example, laboratory sessions

– 10 hours. Also indicate all methods of delivery (e.g. distance learning, intensive blocks over a period of time)

Methodology Hours

Total contact hours

Course duration (days/weeks) /

Methods of delivery


Assessment Methods:

List the forms of assessment to be used, the length, % weighting and the timing of the assessment, for example, ‘at the end of the course’ or ‘on the second afternoon’.

Type of assessment Timing Length


% weighting


Participant support and guidance:

Give a brief outline of arrangements for participant support and guidance:



Monitoring and evaluation:

How will the course be monitored in the department (including arrangements for collecting and analysing participant feedback)?


Teaching staff:

Name all staff contributing to the teaching and/or assessment of the course:

Name Department or external affiliation

Please indicate the proportion of the course taught by part-time or temporary staff or Teaching Assistants:

Please indicate the proportion of the course taught by non-University staff:

If non-University staff contribute to teaching, the CVs of these staff should be forwarded for consideration by the Undergraduate/ Graduate Studies

Committee of the relevant Faculty Board and the Partnership Programmes

Sub-Committee for validated/franchised/ partnership courses.


External involvement:

Have you consulted any external bodies, advisers or potential users when planning this new course?

Yes [ ] No [ ]

If so, please give details, or attach report:

Do you intend to seek external accreditation for this course?

Yes [ ] No [ ]

If so, please give details:


Consultation with other departments:


Which other departments will be affected by the introduction/revision of this course?

Have they been fully consulted (give the name of the member of staff consulted) and have any objections been raised?

21. Accommodation

Please bear in mind that if you are delivering the course on campus during vacation periods, arrangements for booking rooms goes through Warwick Hospitality, resulting in charges.

Please provide a brief summary of your accommodation requirements and plans:

22. Finance

All CPD courses are classed as independently funded. They will not receive central resources and must demonstrate the potential for surplus.

This proposal must be accompanied by a three year financial plan which has been agreed with your Faculty Finance Officer. Please confirm that this plan is attached:

Yes [ ] No [ ]

Please state the fee(s) which participants will be charged:

Signature of course leader:


Signature of Chair of Department:


The CPD Office Manager signs this proposal to confirm that the course upholds the

University’s CPD strategy

Signature of CPD Office Manager

SH/SM/jdm, 07.05



