VAM REQUEST FOR PAYMENT THROUGH THE VARIABLE PAYROLL Please use this form to request payments to individuals who are NOT already paid through the main Salaries Payroll. Payments will be made through the Variable monthly Payroll (formerly ‘Fees’). If this form is not completed fully, payments may not be processed. No cash advances are provided. This form must be received by the Payroll team in HR by 3rd of each month, or the nearest preceding working day, to ensure payment in that period. Name: Has this person been paid by Warwick University within the last 12 months? Yes/No If ‘No’, a Variable Monthly staff record Form, completed and signed by the person to be paid, must be attached to this request. Address: If Yes, please provide the person’s Payroll number: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Any changes to bank account details should be made on a Details Amendment form. Date of Birth: Details of Payment Requested Dates worked: Description of work undertaken: Does the individual have an Appointment Letter issued by HR for this work? Yes / No Payment by hours (recommended) Payment by lump sum amount (not recommended) Hours to be paid: HR does not recommend paying lump sums as we cannot check that the person will receive at least the National Minimum/Living Wage without details of their hourly rate. A member of the department will need to sign up to the statement below for the payment to be made. Hourly rate: £ £ I confirm that, on behalf of my department and the University, I have checked the calculation of this lump sum and ensured that it meets at least the relevant National Minimum/Living Wage rate (see excluding holiday pay. I understand the serious possible consequences of non-compliance ( Name and Title: Signature: Total to be paid as detailed above: £ Element Cost Centre/Project Code WBS £ p Description Excluding Holiday Payment Excluding Holiday Payment Holiday Pay (@12.07%) 331 Authorised by Budget Holder: Please Print Name & Title: Date: Authorised by Financial Administrator / Manager: Please Print Departmental Contact Name & Telephone No. Date: Version 2, 16 May 2016