The Education and Training Foundation in partnership with


The Education and Training Foundation in partnership with

The University of Sunderland Centre for Excellence in Teacher

Training (SUNCETT) Practitioner-Led Action Research Programme


SUNCETT Research Development Fellowships


Information and Application Form

In partnership with the University of Sunderland Centre for Excellence in Teacher

Training (SUNCETT), the Foundation is inviting those working in the education and training sector in England to apply to take part in a programme to support

Practitioner-Led Action Research projects. Applications may be from individual practitioners or from co-applicants who are a small group of practitioners who wish to work together on the same project.

Our approach will build on the significant work in recent years in our sector to pioneer the design of sustainable and effective models of change and research by sector practitioners for the purposes of improvement, innovation, and the development of professional practice. The programme also reflects the commitment to reflection, enquiry and evidence based practice as outlined in the new

Professional Standards for Teachers and Trainers in our sector. 1

The Foundation’s aspiration is that taking evidence based approaches to developing their practice be integral to the professional identity of those who work in the education and training sector. The Foundation champions the role of research in supporting self-improvement, professional development, and improving learner outcomes.

The SUNCETT programme is designed around the format of Research Development

Fellowship (RDF) and the Research Development Advocate (RDA) programmes previously delivered successfully on behalf of LSIS. Examples of past RDF and RDA projects can be found here:




Successful applicants to the RDF programme will be expected to conduct their research with support from a manager and (if possible) a mentor from within their own organisation.

Outside of the residential events, participants will pursue their research in collaboration with colleagues in their own institutions and will be guided and supported through regular contact with a critical friend and research mentor from the


Opportunities for the recognition and accreditation of achievements and insights gained through the Fellowship experiences and research outcomes from the action research projects will be offered by the University of Sunderland at a variety of academic levels which can be accredited up to Masters Level.

Applications to the SUNCETT programme can be from any region in England (not only the North East region). Any type of provider or practitioner role is relevant as long as Skills Funding Agency-funded (SFA) provision is being delivered.


In addition to attendance at the residential events, membership of a supportive RDF community of practice and the guidance and support through regular contact with a critical friend and research mentor from the SUNCETT team, your organisation will be eligible for a fixed bursary of £1,000 from The Foundation to cover your travel expenses and any staff cover costs of attending the programme events, and costs associated with conducting the research project.

The Foundation will provide opportunities for participants to share and discuss their projects at its annual research conference (Tuesday 7 th July 2015 at Mary Ward

House, Bloomsbury, Central London).

Commitment needed to undertake the research

On the SUNCETT programme, you will be expected to attend three residential events WHICH TAKE PLACE IN SUNDERLAND :

1. A three-day induction residential from Wednesday 5 th to Friday 7 th

November 2014 , where recipients of Fellowships will work together with the

SUNCETT team to refine and develop research proposals, develop a research plan and identify potential links and possible synergies between the

Fellowship funded projects.

2. The second, interim three-day residential will be held from Wednesday 25 th to Friday 27 th February 2015 to help Fellows analyse and interpret preliminary findings and to support them as they begin to write up and prepare research outcomes.

3. The final three-day residential will be held Wednesday 20 th to Friday 22 nd

May 2015 will enable Fellows to share the research outcomes of the

Fellowships and ensure that these can be successfully translated into practical messages which make sense to other practitioners working in other classrooms and contexts.

Applications may be from individual practitioners or from co-applicants who are a pair of practitioners who wish to work together on the same project. Co-applicants may be from the same institution or from two different institutions. The Foundation would particularly welcome paired applications that involve a manager and a practitioner working together to bring about institutional change.

Why apply to the SUNCETT Research Development Fellowship (RDF)


How many times have you or a colleague come across a good educational idea only to find that that it was much more difficult to put it into practice than you first thought?

It might be because it was an idea that looked great on paper but turned out to lacking in substance; or that it was not supported by robust educational research; or that it was too theoretical or simply devoid of educational theory and research altogether! The problem might have been because you felt isolated in trying to put the idea into practice or that you felt someone else’s new idea was considered to be

‘the best in town’ and was being forced upon you.

Ben Goldacre (2013) 2 reminds us that teaching should be driving the research agenda by identifying the questions that need to be answered.

At the same time we need to be mindful that, when many are arguing that teachers do not need to be qualified, let alone research active, it is now more important than ever that educational research clearly contributes to the improvement of educational practice and is able to prove that it has done so. The RDF/RDA practitioner-led support programme recognises the realities and complexities of the above issues. It works alongside practitioners, in ways, which reflect the values of vocational education and good educational research in practice.

Working with The Foundation, Professor Maggie Gregson, Dr Lawrence Nixon, and

Trish Spedding, Co-Directors of SUNCETT, have designed a programme of ongoing support for successful applicants for Fellowship Awards. This programme will encourage and enable sector practitioners to use research to improve teaching and learning and professional practice across the sector and help sustain each RDF project through to a successful outcome.

Overview of the RDF/RDA programme 2014-15


5-7 Nov 2014


Residential 2:

25-27 Feb 2015

Residential 3:

20-22 May 2015

Theme Theme

Work together with

SUNCETT and peers to refine and develop research proposal.

Working on data analysis and presentation, to

Finalising the research findings, report and poster, support to support

Link relevant existing research to projects. provisional evaluation of data dissemination across the sector. and refinement of Presentation of projects findings.

The Foundation’s Annual Research Conference

Tuesday 7 th July 2014, Mary Ward House, Bloomsbury, Central

2 Goldacre, B. (2013) Bad Science . [


Providing opportunities for participants to share and discuss their projects

Eligibility criteria

SUN CETT’s Research Development Fellowships are open to practitioners working in any role in organisations in England whose primary function is as a provider of further adult, or vocational education and training. They are available for organisations delivering Skills Funding Agency funded provision only. The practitioners that we are seeking to support must be presently employed by a learning provider, and must presently be delivering, or supporting the delivery of courses funded by the Skills Funding Agency (this may be directly or indirectly funded).

Project Themes

The following priority themes have been identified for the programme: a. Developing and maintaining a clear line of sight to the vocational education in the workplace b. Improving understandings of Vocational Pedagogy and practitioner research in AVET c. Embedding the use of technology in the curriculum in pedagogically sound ways d. Strengthening subject specialist knowledge e. Developing understandings of curriculum theory and design f. Improving curriculum development and planning g. Improving written and spoken feedback and Assessment for Learning (AfL) in the sector h. Managing challenging behaviour i. Developing critical and creative pedagogy j. Developing professional practice in changing environments k. Resource development and management l. Enhancing learning, equality and inclusion m. Celebrating and learning from diversity and difference n. Listening to learners

’ voices for curriculum evaluation o. Using collaborative action research to establish and sustain communities of practice p. ICT and the development English q. ICT and the development of Mathematics

This is not intended to be an exhaustive list of research themes and we encourage innovative submissions on other topics and themes. However, applications will ideally be guided by the priority themes which reflect the sector’s identified improvement needs and the Foundation’s priorities. In addition, it is a requirement that your application supports your own organisation’s development and quality improvement priorities.

Application details

The projects will begin in OCTOBER 2014 and will end in JULY 2015 . You are invited to submit your completed application form (found at the end of this document) by:

5pm on FRIDAY 3 rd OCTOBER 2014 to Frances Moffatt

and cc’d to Andrew Buglass

If you have any queries please contact Andrew and Frances on the email addresses above.

Places are limited so early application is advisable.

Some Illustrative References:

Research and other publications relating to STEM provision are collated in the eLibrary of the National STEM Centre

Ashton, D and Sung, J (2002) Supporting Workplace for High Performance Working.

Geneva: International Labour Office.

Bernstein, B (1996) Pedagogy social control and identity: theory, research critique.

London: Taylor and Francis.

Black, P and Wiliam, D (2009) ‘Developing the Theory of Formative Assessment’.

Educational Assessment, Evaluation and Accountability. 21, 5-31.

Boreham, N, Samurcay R, and Fisher, M (eds) (2002) Work Process Knowledge.

London: Routledge

Coffield, F (2008) Just suppose teaching and learning became the first priority ,

London: LSN.

Coffield, F (2009) All you ever wanted to know about learning and teaching but were too cool to ask, London :LSN.

Coffield, F. (2010). Yes, but what has Semmelweis to do with my professional development as a tutor. London LSN. (27-06-11) Available at: weis_publication.pdf

Daniels, H. (2001) Vygotsky and Pedagogy, London: Routledge Falmer

Evans, K, Hodkinson, P, Rainbird, H and Unwin, L (2006) Improving Workplace

Learning. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge.

Elliott, J. (2001), ‘Making Evidenced Based Practice Education’ British Educational

Research Journal 27, 5, 555-573

Fielding, M et al (2005) Factors influencing the transfer of good practice, London:

DfES, Research Brief No RB615.

Hattie, J A (1999) ‘Influences on Student Learning’. Inaugural Professorial Address,

University of Auckland, New Zealand.

Hajer, H and Wagenaar, M (eds) (2003) Deliberative Policy Analysis: Understanding

Governance in the Network Society. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Korthagen, F, Koster, B, Lagerwerf, B and Wubbles, T (2008) Linking Practice and

Theory: The Pedagogy of Realisitc Teacher Education. Abingdon, Oxon:Routledge.

Lave, J and Wenger, E (1991),Situated learning legitimate peripheral participation.

Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Russell, T and Loghran, J (eds) (2007) Enacting a Pedagogy of Teacher Education.

Abingdon, Oxon : Routledge.

Wiliam, D. (2002). Linking Research and Practice: Knowledge Transfer or

Knowledge Creation? Proceedings of the Annual Meeting [of the] North American

Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education,

Athens, Greece, ERIC/CSMEE Publications, OH. (27-06-11)

Useful Websites:

The Foundation is interested in funding programmes that will extend and develop existing material or research in a different context. In developing ideas for your proposal you may find the following link helpful:

Teaching and Learning Programme:

Job Title:



Tel. No:


The Education and Training Foundation

Practitioner-Led Action Research Support Programmes

SUNCETT Research Development Fellowship (RDF) Programme

Application Form

Successful applicants will attend three residential events, guidance and support through regular contact with a critical friend and research mentor from the SUNCETT team and recognition and accreditation offered by the University of Sunderland up to

Masters Level.

This is at no additional cost to them or their institutions (the associated bursary of

£1,000 from The Foundation is to cover participants’ travel costs to these events, any staff cover that may be required, and costs associated with conducting their research projects).

Guidelines to assist applicants are given at the end of the application form.

1. Title of project (max 20 words)

2. (a) Name of applicant/project leader



(b) Name of co-applicant (if applicable)

Relationship to applicant:

Job Title:



Tel. No:


3. Name of other project staff (if applicable)

4. Overall Aim of the Project

Why do you think this research is needed? (max 150 words)

5. How will your project support the current organisational development or quality improvement priorities in your organisation? (Please state how it also relates to any of our specified priority research areas) (max 150 words)

6. Research Objectives (max 100 words)

7. Methodology – initial proposals (max 150 words)

8. Brief Description of what you expect to change or improve as a result of the project and how you will record this so as to be able to document the impact of your project (max 250 words)

9. How do you plan to analyse and present this evidence of impact? (max

150 words)

10. How will the research outcomes of the project be disseminated for the benefit of :

a. Your organisation b. Other organisations in the sector (max 150 words)

11. Short bibliography and references

12. Details of Senior/Line Management support for your project


Job Title:



Tel. No:


Please confirm whether you have obtained support of this manager for your project and

Fellowship submission YES □ NO □

13. Details of other organisational support/sponsor (if available)


Job Title:



Tel. No:


14. Confirmation of SFA funding (direct or indirect)

Application Form

– Guidance Notes

In developing ideas for your proposal you may find it useful to visit:

Introduction to Practitioner Action Led Research

Teaching and Learning section of Excellence Gateway

The Practitioner Research section of Excellence Gateway:

1. Title of project - Please do not exceed 20 words

2. Name and contact details of applicant / project leader(s) / co-applicant

Please complete the contact details of applicants/ project leaders on the project.

3. Name and of other project staff, (if applicable)

4. Overall aim of the project.

The aim of these action research projects is to improve an aspect of professional/organisational performance. Please detail how your project contributes to this aim.

Please do not exceed 150 words

5. How will your project support:

The current organisational development or quality improvement priorities in your organisation?

Please do not exceed 150 words

6. Research Objectives

These may need to change slightly once the project is underway as your understanding of the issue deepens

Please do not exceed 100 words

7. Research Methodology (access and approach)

This is likely to change once the project is underway as your understanding of the issue and approach deepens

Specify how you will secure the involvement and consent of those who participate in, and those who will need to approve, this research

Explain your research approach, why the methods/approach you have chosen are appropriate, given the issue(s) under investigation

Please do not exceed 150 words

8. Brief Description of what you expect to change or improve as a result of the project.

This is about how you will show that your research has made an impact and been used to make improvements. Brief description of the change or improvement you expect to see as a result of the project.

Explain why the issue(s) you have selected are important

What change or improvement you expect/ hope to see as a result of the project

Please specify how you intend to collect evidence of change or improvement and how you will present evidence of impact

Please do not exceed 150 words

9. How do you plan to analyse and present this evidence of impact?

This is about how you will analyse and present the findings of your research in order to implement change. Brief description of how you plan to analyse and present your data.

Please specify how you plan to analyse the evidence you will collect

How you intend to present your evidence and findings in an engaging and convincing way

Please do not exceed 150 words

10. Dissemination plans

At this stage we only want initial ideas as this is an area of the research that the support programme will help Fellows to develop further.

Please do not exceed 150 words.

11. Organisational support

Please provide the name and contact detail (including email address) for your line manager or a senior manager. Confirmation is required that the Line or

Senior Manager is aware of this application, supports the need for this research and the applicant’s ability to commit the required time and resources.

12. Confirmation of SFA funding (direct or indirect)

Please confirm details
