UNIVERSITY OF WARWICK Notes from the Athena Network Group Held on Thursday 7th May 2015 Present: 1. Kim Adams, Claire Algar, Sandra Beaufoy, Liz Blagrove, Sue Burrows, Jo Davis, Maryanne Heafey, Amy Hanson, Sara Kalvala, Charlotte Moonan, Sunita Palmer, Deepa Patel, Minutes from the meeting held on 5th April 2015 Minutes of the meeting held on 5th April 2015 were approved. 2. New Athena Paperwork REPORTED: (S Beaufoy) Key points were summarised from the guidelines that the ECU provided for the new amalgamated Athena paperwork launched at the end of April. a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) A letter of commitment from the VC will need to be submitted to the ECU prior to the November submission date. STEM departments who have existing Athena awards will have the choice as to whether to renew using the ‘old’ form or use the new form for submissions from November 2015 onwards. This option is available until November 2016 when all submissions/renewals will then need to be made using the new form. The new form covers professional and support staff. All Non-STEM departments will have to use the new form. Awards using the new form will now be valid for 4 years from the submission date. Any failed submission will have 1 years grace to resubmit and improve the application. Any department wishing to submit in the November round will need to notify S Beaufoy or C Algar at least 2 months prior to the submission date as ECU require advance notification of intended submissions. If you wish to submit you application in colour you will need to provide 10 copies of the application to ECU within 5 working days of the submission deadline. The word count is as follows: 10,500 Bronze 12,000 Silver If you feel you have a justifiable reason and wish to request additional word count you can apply to ECU. In the new form the word count can be split between sections as long as the word count is displayed at the end of each section. Word count includes: All body text Footnotes and other types of references Any standalone text or included in tables or graphs The following are NOT included in the word count: Tables and graphs providing they do not include standalone text or prose. Any text included within the table should only make sense within the context of the table or graph (e.g. titles and data labels). Action Plan Details of the self-assessment team: these can be displayed as a table using a maximum of 20 words for each team member. Appendices are NOT permitted and would be removed from the submission. DO NOT include links to further information – nothing will be considered that is NOT in the submission. j) Panels are particularly keen to see examples of innovative and inventive good practice. k) Panels will expect to see evidence of gender-specific measures and commentary and evidence on how initiatives have in particular benefited women l) Data Data can be presented in whichever way applicants feel most explanatory and appropriate (tables and graphs), as long as they clearly highlight trends and draw these out in the narrative. Data should correspond to the section heading, and present at least three years of data preceding the submission. Where data is not available, this should be explained with reasons given (and, in most cases, a relevant action). Read each section of the relevant application form for the EXACT data requirements for that section. Percentages and raw numbers should be presented both in tables and within the narrative. Graphs and tables should be clearly cross-referenced to the narrative and relevant section number and trends should be evaluated. Data should be compared with the national benchmark data. Where data is used to inform a particular action point, the rationale and the actual action point should be embedded in the narrative and cross-references to the full action plan. The panel will look at how effectively data, evaluation and action plans have been linked. If applying for Silver, it is important to demonstrate any evidence of impact to date. Consider the size of the graphs and text in the tables, it should be easy and clear to read and understand. If using benchmarking data in the application, make it clear which benchmarking data source has been used, for example, the Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA), and the timeframe the data refers to. 5. Any Other Business a) S Beaufoy advised that the consensus point to obtain this year’s data is 1st August. It was agreed that it would be useful to be able to obtain all data from the Systems Teams by mid-August. ACTION: S Beaufoy to speak to Anne O’Rourke and Sam Cole to see if this is feasible. 6. b) C Moonan circulated copies of the webpage that has been created in the School of Life Sciences sharing case studies for career progression for support staff. c) S Beaufoy to discuss with to enquire about the cost implications of using the Athena logo on advertisements. d) C Moonan suggested departments collaborating on national events that can then be used on submissions, instead of lots of departments duplicating efforts. It was suggested that this is discussed in departments and all ideas be sent through to S Beaufoy and C Algar to discuss at a future meeting. Date for the next meeting The date of the next meeting is Thursday 25th June 2015, 12 – 1pm, MOAC