Warwick Undergraduate Internship Programme (WUIP) Following the success of the last four years, the University will again be running the competitive Warwick Undergraduate Internship Programme during summer vacation 2016. Warwick undergraduates entering their final year of study in Autumn 2016 will be given the opportunity to experience either a 4-weeks sustainability-focused internships from Estates or 8-weeks administrative internships working on a variety of key projects and events. Host departments are invited to submit internships proposals for the 8-weeks administrative internships. This document is intended to provide some initial guidance to host departments on the structure of the scheme and the roles and responsibilities appropriate for an intern, to assist in the preparation of role descriptions for adverts. The internship scheme will be fully administered by Student Careers & Skills’ Internships Development Team , who can be reached via placementlearning@warwick.ac.uk x51882 (Project Lead: Laileng Fong). What is the Warwick Undergraduate Internship Programme? The first iteration of the Warwick Undergraduate Internship Programme was run in 2012 as a collaboration between the Deputy Registrar’s Office and Student Careers &Skills. Over the years, its interns have contributed to the work of the Library, Academic Office, Student Admissions and Recruitment, Warwick Ventures, IT Services, Governance, Human Resources, Student Careers & Skills, Estates Office and various roles across External Affairs, undertaking projects ranging from event management to asset management to data analysis, with the purpose of demystifying HE administration and providing departments with keen, project-focused workers with a fresh perspective. The 2015 cohort was our most successful yet, with an unprecedented 8 of the 12 interns being offered further work by their host department. This year, there will be four 4-weeks sustainability-focused from Estates and six 8-weeks administrative internships which will run from Monday 4th July to Friday 29th July and 26th August respectively. Our interns will be paid at a rate of £8.83 per hour (inclusive of holiday pay) – a competitive rate for education-related internships. Proposals will be considered on the following merits, reflecting the programme’s purpose: Delivers genuine insight into the challenges and rewards of working in higher education administration, combining specific department/team experience a wider awareness of the University and sector Gives interns the opportunity to contribute and identify as a colleague first and foremost (although a student perspective may prove valuable to some roles) Includes a defined project or projects that require the intern to take ownership over delivery against an agreed timeline, with appropriate supervision Provides a well-supported and appropriately managed learning opportunity that includes a full departmental induction, defined set of internship objectives and regular supervision Please refer to http://www2.warwick.ac.uk/services/careers/workexperience/internships/wuip for more details about WUIP 2016. Note: the webpages are being developed currently so may not be complete. Where are we in the process now? There is funding available for four 4-weeks sustainability-focused and six 8-weeks administrative internship places – the latter will be distributed across the Senior Officer portfolio according to the availability of suitable projects. Students have been given the opportunity to register their interest in taking part, with hundreds of students registering last year and 100+ eligible students expressing interest even prior to this year’s launch. The next stage in the process is for host departments to produce a ‘role description’ for 8-weeks administrative internships that matches the above criteria, by 3pm on Wednesday 30th March, for consideration by the WUIP convening panel. Finalised internships will then be advertised to students, allowing them to apply for a specific position that best matches their skills and interests and provides the most worthwhile experience for all stakeholders. Students have been notified that these role descriptions will be available on or around Monday 11th April 2016. 1 What can interns do? The internships are not a cheaper alternative to temporary staff and should not be used as such. The internships offer the opportunity to gain a fresh perspective on specific projects and events and to promote the University as a graduate employer as well as an education provider. Interns should be faced with interesting and developmental tasks, many of which are expected to be project based considering the duration of the programme. It is suggested that an intern is assigned one or two main projects, but also given a taster of the overall work of the department and other smaller projects which allows them to remain engaged in the event that progress on their main project is delayed due to external factors. Having an intern is a two-way commitment: they can provide resource, enthusiasm and graduate-level skills to a department but this is also a development opportunity for the individuals involved and may represent their first steps in ultimately pursuing a career in Higher Education. Interns will be expected to work a 36.5 hour week in line with normal office hours. Current information states that some evening and weekend working may be required dependent on the role, however please discuss this with Laileng Fong (Internships Development Team) if this is a likely occurrence. CASE STUDY 2015 Student Recruitment, Outreach and Admissions Services: Student Recruitment Intern The internship focussed on conducting a review of Warwick’s digital content aimed at prospective postgraduate students (across the full range of the University’s digital channels, including webpages, blogs, videos and social media), and making recommendations based on the findings. The intern’s responsibilities included: Conducting an audit of Warwick’s and other universities’ postgraduate webpages, identifying good practice and making recommendations for the Warwick approach. Drawing knowledge of prospective postgraduate students digital content requirements from applicant surveys Reviewing Warwick’s postgraduate blogs, identifying key themes and recruitment messages. Making recommendations about content and concepts for videos targeted at prospective postgraduates, liaising with Postgraduate Ambassadors and the Digital and Online Communications team. Advising on appropriate content and tone for social media aimed at prospective Stephen Soanes, Student Recruitment Officer: “It has helped us work through a large amount of audit work that would have simply not proven feasible with current staffing. As a result of our intern's work, we are able to make immediate changes to our websites (esp PG Study); start evaluating options for virtual open days; develop proposals for mentorship; build on what we know currently works in our tours and external promotion; and explore fixes to the applicant journey diagnosed through scenario work. And lots more! [Our intern’s] input has made a real difference” What’s different about the programme this year? This year’s programme has taken on board feedback asking for more support for first-time Line Managers – you can expect to be offered pre and mid-programme support from the Internships Development team, with oversight from the Learning & Development Centre. In contrast to many commercial internships, participants in WUIP will also receive mentoring and learning support, helping them to effectively prepare for and reflect on their development throughout the process. 2 What are the requirements from the host department? Host departments are requested to engage in the development of the role descriptions for their area. The internships are intended to represent the true working environment as closely as possible - as such, applicants will undergo a normal interview process, which could include an accompanying task or presentation (as appropriate). It is expected that the host departments will be involved throughout this process, to ensure consistency. Interns will require a line-manager within their host department to oversee their day-to-day work. It should be highlighted that interns will likely (at least at the beginning of the programme) require a greater level of supervision or support than may be considered normal for new starters as they enter the professional world, potentially for the first time. Previous internships at the University (e.g. the Warwick Graduate Internships scheme, which is currently coming to a close for the year) have taught us that students undertaking non-research internships at the University have previously found their transition from an education to a work context confusing, and may need support forming a new frame of reference in which they have a voice as a colleague within the team – this will be overcome quickly and should be seen as a feature specific to intern induction, rather than an expected feature of intern performance. Particularly, it will be important to ensure that interns know who they can ask for help or clarification. In line with good induction practice, it is also requested that interns be assigned a ‘buddy’ within the host department - someone to help with the more basic questions and to help them settle in. It is suggested that a halfhour “coffee catch-up” between the two each fortnight, alternating each week with the mentoring session from the IDT, will provide a friendly, supportive forum for (apparently) “silly” questions, and optimise confidence, learning and performance. This should be seen as separate to formal line management and supervision. Interns will be physically based within host departments and therefore it is expected that the host department arrange suitable working space and equipment (desk and PC). Previously interns have hot-desked for the duration of their internship – this is an acceptable situation but consideration should be given to how this is managed. At the end of the internship, each of the participants will give a very short presentation exploring their learning and development over their time within the Warwick Administration. Colleagues from host departments are highly encouraged to attend this event. In summary, host departments are responsible for: Job description An appropriate portfolio of work and a workstation (hot-desking is acceptable) Departmental induction on 5th July 2016 (or longer if necessary) Line Management and any additional supervision Nominating an informal “buddy” from their team to assist interns with their transition into the Warwick workplace Releasing interns to fortnightly 30-minute mentoring meeting with a member of the Internships Development Team, or an informal catch-up/coffee with their buddy, or other sessions which form part of the Warwick Undergraduate Internship Programme 1-hour per week allowance for intern to engage with WUIP forum and blogging Releasing interns to graduate job interviews, should these be taking place at that time Representation at the WUIP Induction on Monday 4th July & Celebration Event on Friday 26th August. The Internships Development Team is responsible for induction, payroll, IT accounts, accommodation issues, learning support and other programme management throughout the scheme. Support with internship design The CIPD Internships that Work document is an easy-to-read guide to internships best practice - not only in terms of the recruitment and evaluation that are already supported by the WUIP process, but also in terms of the content and delivery of the internship itself. For further support with internship design, the Internships Development Team are happy to act in a consultancy capacity, as they do for external organisations working with our students. Any internship design queries, please contact placementlearning@warwick.ac.uk ext: 51882. 3 Host information sessions In previous years, some teams have been disappointed when their job description was not included in the final selection. To assist colleagues in putting together their job descriptions, several information sessions will be running over the next few weeks, to answer any queries. Note: we may have to cancel a session if there is no take-up so, please do let us know if you would like to attend via placementlearning@warwick.ac.uk. Tues 8th March, 11:00-12:00, Careers Seminar Room, Ground Floor, University House Tues 15th March, 11:00-12:00, Careers Seminar Room, Ground Floor, University House Fri 18th March, 12:00-13:00, Careers Seminar Room, Ground Floor, University House Wed 23rd March, 14:00-15:00, Careers Seminar Room, Ground Floor, University House Next steps Please complete the attached Job Description template with your proposed internships details – you need not complete the person specification until your proposal has been agreed, if you feel that this will delay your proposal’s submission. Proposals should be submitted for consideration by the WUIP convening panel by 3pm, Wednesday 30th March. All decisions will be made during the week commencing 4th April. Timeline Week 9 10 Easter 1 Easter 2 Easter 3 w/c 07/03/16 14/03/16 21/03/16 28/03/16 04/04/16 Administrative Staff Information Session, 8th Staff Information Sessions, 15th & 18th Staff Information Session, 23rd Job descriptions due Weds 3pm, 30th Job descriptions finalised Easter 4 11/04/16 Job descriptions published Easter 5 1 2 3 4-9 10 18/04/16 25/04/16 02/05/16 09/05/16 16/05-24/06 27/06/16 Applications close, 28th/ Shortlisting Invitation to Interviews Interviews (10, 11, 12th) Issue appointment letters Return of appointment forms Summer 1 04/07/16 Inductions (Programme/ Departmental) Inductions, Blogging & Mentoring Summer 2-7 11/07-16/08 Summer 8 17/08/2015 Internships, 4-weeks sustainability-focused internships end, 29th 8-weeks administrative internships end Celebration Event, 26th and Celebration Event, 26th The Internship Development Team Student Careers and Skills University of Warwick | University House I Kirby Corner Road I Coventry I CV4 8UW Tel: 02476 1(51882) I Email: placementlearning@warwick.ac.uk 4 Intern Experience Student Information Session, 10th Student Information Session, 15th Express interest in programme Express interest in programme Express interest in programme Job descriptions online: application period Application period Applications close, 28th Invitation to Interviews Interviews, Offers confirmed Appointment letters (EXAM PERIOD) Return of appointment forms