Structured Finance Abstract CARE has rated more than 210 Asset Backed Securitisation (ABS) / Mortgage Backed Securitisation (MBS) pools across 28 Originators and pools aggregating to around Rs48,000 crore covering various asset classes, which include - Auto Loans, Commercial Vehicle loans, Construction Equipment loans, Two Wheeler loans, Personal Loans, Microfinance loans and Mortgage Loans. This report analyses the performance of all rated transactions live as on recent date. It covers the characteristics of pools at the time of origination and their key performance indicators. Key performance indicators include 90+ DPD levels, 180+ DPD levels, Cumulative Collection Efficiency Ratio, Prepayments etc. CARE also calculates the Breakeven Collection Efficiency ratio to determine the minimum collection efficiency required on pools future cash flow to be able to serve the payouts on time. It also covers the Credit Enhancement Utilization and Coverage at 90+ DPD levels & 180+ DPD levels. Detailed performance report and interpretation of each term are briefed in the later sections. All the securitisation pools rated by CARE have either maintained the initial rating assigned to them or have been upgraded. All the pools so far continue to be comfortably placed in terms of low utilization of credit enhancements. Break-even Collection Efficiency and Enhancement coverage for all the rated pool shows that they are comfortably placed. ABS & MBS Pool Performance Update- Sep 14 1 Structured Finance Contents S.No I II III Index Terminologies Acronym Originator-Wise Pools Performance a. Au Financiers (India) Pvt. Ltd. b. Bandhan Financial Services Pvt. Ltd. c. Cholamandalam Investment Finance Company Ltd. d. Dewan Housing Finance Limited e. ESAF Microfinance and Investments Pvt. Ltd. f. Equitas Micro Finance Private Limited g. HDB Financial Services Limited h. HDFC Bank Limited i. HDFC Limited j. Hinduja Leyland Finance Limited k. Indiabulls Housing Finance Company Ltd. l. India Infoline Finance Limited m. IKF Finance Limited n. Magma Fincorp Limited o. Magma ITL Finance Ltd p. Reliance Capital Ltd. q. SKS Microfinance Limited r. Multi Originator Transaction (SKS Microfinance Limited & Janalakshmi Financial Services Private Limited) s. Shriram City Union Finance Limited t. Shriram Transport Finance Company Limited u. SREI Equipment Finance Private Limited ABS & MBS Pool Performance Update- Sep 14 Page No 3 6 7 12 15 19 29 31 33 37 39 49 52 71 73 78 87 92 94 101 106 108 128 2 Structured Finance Terminologies Commencement Month: Date from which pool receivables have been transferred. Transaction Structure: Whether the pool receivables were transferred at their par value or at a premium. If there is some new structure, then it is suitably mentioned. Pool Principal: The pool principal outstanding at the time of securitisation. Future Payout: Total obligation towards PTC holders or the acquirer at the time of securitisation. Future Receivables: Total cash flows arising from the assigned pool. No of Contracts: The total number of contracts in a pool. Average Maturity: It is calculated as weighted average maturity of all future cash flow. ∑ (No. of Month * Monthly Pool Cash Flow) Sum of Pool Cash Flow Average Seasoning: Weighted average seasoning of the pool as on cut off date. Overdue Composition: Principal outstanding of all those loans in a pool which are in overdue category. It is expressed as % of initial pool principal outstanding. It is presented sequentially as current, one month overdue and two months overdue. For example, if the Pool has 98% current contracts, 1% one month overdue and 1% two month overdue. The Overdue Composition will appear as 98%, 1%, 1%. Cash Collateral: Cash Collateral (CC) is the total amount of credit protection available in the form of cash or corporate undertaking divided by the pool receivables (in the case of premium transactions) or pool principal (in the case of par transactions). Cash collateral is further divided into first loss and second loss (wherever applicable). Liquidity Facility: This facility is used for meeting temporary shortfall in the collection. This facility can be used only for the overdue pertaining to all the contracts which are due for 90 days or less (less than 90 dpd). Excess Interest Spread: It is difference between scheduled interest cash flow from underlying obligors and schedule interest payout to investor / acquirer. It is calculated as a % of initial principal outstanding. Pool Interest Cash Flow – Investor Interest Payout Initial Principal Outstanding Pool Maturity: Last payout date to the investor or the date on which last payment to the investor is to be made. Months Post Securitisation: Months elapsed after the securitisation. ABS & MBS Pool Performance Update- Sep 14 3 Structured Finance Balance Tenure: Number of months for which investor / acquirer payout is outstanding in the transaction. Amortisation: Amount of pool got amortised as a percentage of original assigned pool. 30+/ 90+/ 180+ Delinquency (% of Initial POS / FP): It is a ratio of sum of pool principal outstanding (POS) or future receivables (FR) of all those contracts which are more than 30/90/180 days past dues (dpd) and overdue amount pertaining to those contracts and loss from repossessed assets (wherever available) to the initial POS / future payouts (FP). Future POS / FR (30+/ 90+/ 180+dpd) + Overdue Amount (30+/ 90+/ 180+dpd) + Repo Loss Initial POS / FP 30+/ 90+/ 180+ Delinquency (% of Balance POS / FP): It is a ratio of future POS / FR of all those contracts which are more than 30/90/180dpd to the balance pool POS / FP. Future POS / FR (30+/ 90+/ 180+dpd) Balance POS/ FP Overdue as a % of Initial POS / FP: It is a ratio of overdue amount of all the contracts overdue as on date to initial POS / FP. Overdue Amount Initial POS / FP Cash Collateral as % of Balance POS: It is ratio of outstanding cash collateral as on date as a % of principal outstanding as on date. Outstandingcash collateral Balance POS Liquidity Facility as % of Balance POS: It is ratio of outstanding liquidity facility as on date as a % of principal outstanding as on date. Outstandingliquidity facility Balance POS Balance cash collateral: Outstanding cash collateral as a % of initial cash collateral. Outstanding Cash Collateral Initial cash collateral Break Even Collection Efficiency: Minimum collection efficiency required from future billings (excluding overdues) to serve the investors. Future Payouts – Available cash collateral Future Billing ABS & MBS Pool Performance Update- Sep 14 4 Structured Finance Break Even Collection Efficiency (First Loss Facility): Minimum collection efficiency required from future billings (excluding overdues) to serve the investor keeping second loss facility unutilised at the end of the transaction. Future Payouts – Available first loss facility (cash collateral) Future Billing Overall Credit Enhancement coverage at 30+/ 90+/ 180+dpd: This ratio explains the credit enhancement coverage available to the future receivables of above 30/90/180dpd contracts. 1- Break even collection efficiency 30+/ 90+/ 180+dpd (% of Balance POS) First Loss Enhancement coverage at 90+/ 180+dpd: This ratio explains the first loss enhancement coverage available to the future receivables of above 90/180dpd contracts. 1- Break even collection efficiency (First Loss Facility) 90+/180+dpd (% of Balance POS) Cumulative Prepayment: This ratio explains the cumulative prepayment in the pool. Cumulative Prepayment Initial POS / FP Cumulative Collection Efficiency (CCE): This ratio explains the cumulative collection in the pool. Cumulative Collection till date (exclusive of prepayments) Cumulative Monthly Billing Monthly Collection Efficiency (MCE): This ratio explains the monthly collection in the pool. Total Monthly Collections (exclusive of prepayments) Monthly Billing Fortnightly Collection Efficiency (FCE): This ratio explains the fortnightly collection in the pool. Total Fortnightly Collections (exclusive of prepayments) Fortnightly Billing ABS & MBS Pool Performance Update- Sep 14 5 Structured Finance Acronym ABS Asset Backed Securities Amt Amount BCE Break-even Collection Efficiency CC Cash Collateral/ Credit Collateral CCE Cumulative Collection Efficiency DPD Days Past Due EIS Excess Interest Spread FLF First Loss Facility FL First Loss FP Future Payouts FR Future Receivables LF Liquidity Facility MBS Mortgage Backed Securities MCE Monthly Collection Efficiency FCE Fortnightly Collection Efficiency OC Over Collateralization PTC Pass through Certificate POS Principal Outstanding ABS & MBS Pool Performance Update- Sep 14 6 Structured Finance Au Financiers (India) Pvt. Limited – (AUFPL - 4 Pools) Key financial indicators For the year ended as on 31st March Total Income (in Rs. Cr) Profit After Tax (in Rs. Cr) Net worth (in Rs. Cr) Gross NPA ratio (%) Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR) (%) 2012 (12m, A) 249 50 392 0.43 29.02 2013 (12m, A) 441 80 454 0.81 20.82 2014 (12m, A) 619 92 624 1.50 20.43 H1 FY15 (6m, P) 336 52 699 2.01 22.55 Total income registered growth of 40% in FY 14 and stood at Rs. 619 Crore. This increase was on account of strong AUM growth. Economic slowdown over the past years has lead to an increase in delinquencies. The Gross NPA ratio increased from 0.81% as on March 31, 2013 to 1.50% as on March 31st 2014. As on September 2014 the NPA stood at 2.01%. AUFL reported regulatory CAR of 22.55% as on September 2014. ABS & MBS Pool Performance Update- Sep 14 7 Structured Finance Issue Name Originator Rating Asset Class AUFPL Direct Assignment Mar ’12 I Au Finaciers (India) Pvt. Limited Assignee Payout - CARE A+ (SO) Equivalent CV(79%), MUV (12%)& TWH (8%) Issue Details Transaction Month Mar-12 Transaction Structure Pool Principal (Rs Cr) Future Receivables (Rs Cr) No of Contracts Premium 22.2 29.5 821 Average Maturity (Months) Average Seasoning' (Months) Overdue Composition 19.2 1.8 100%,0% CC as % of initial FR 10.2% First Loss Credit Facility Second Loss Credit Facility LF as % of initial FR NA NA NA EIS NA OC/Subordination Pool Maturity Maturity (months) NA Feb-16 47 Pool Per for mance Sep-14 Jun-14 Months Post Securitisation Balance Tenure (Months) Amortisation 90+ Delinquency (% of Initial FR) 180+ Delinquency (% of Initial FR) 90+ Delinquency (% of Balance FR) 180+ Delinquency (% of Balance FR) Overdue Amt (% of Initial FR) CC as % of Balance FR FLF as % of Balance FR LF as % of Balance FR Balance CC (unutilized) Balance FLF (unutilized) Balance LF (unutilized) CCE MCE (3 month average) Break even Collection Efficiency Break even Collection Efficiency(FLF) Overall enhancement coverage (90+ DPD) Overall enhancement coverage (180+ DPD) FL enhancement Coverage (90+ DPD) FL enhancement Coverage (180+ DPD) Cumulative Prepayment 30 17 83.9% 2.91% 1.33% 9.27% 2.91% 2.90% 45.27% NA NA 71.49% NA NA 95.8% 98.7% 54.7% NA 4.9 15.6 NA NA 11.53% 27 20 77.7% 3.06% 1.58% 7.90% 3.16% 2.82% 32.92% NA NA 72.20% NA NA 95.5% 96.4% 67.1% NA 4.2 10.4 NA NA 10.52% Delinquency 4.0% 90+ dpd Overdue 180+ dpd Collection Efficiency 130.0% 3.0% 110.0% 2.0% 90.0% CCE MCE BCE 70.0% 1.0% 50.0% 0.0% M1 M4 M7 M10 M13 M16 M19 M22 M25 M28 M1 M4 M7 M10 M13 M16 M19 M22 M25 M28 ABS & MBS Pool Performance Update- Sep 14 8 Structured Finance Issue Name AUFPL Direct Assignment Mar ’12 II Originator Au Finaciers (India) Pvt. Limited Assignee Payout - CARE AAA (SO) Equivalent Rating Second Loss Facility - CARE BBB (SO) Equivalent Asset Class Secured SME (60%) & HL(40%) Issue Details Transaction Month Mar-12 CC as % of initial POS 15.0% Transaction Structure Pool Principal (Rs Cr) Future Receivables (Rs Cr) Par 50.0 80.1 First Loss Credit Facility Second Loss Credit Facility LF as % of initial FR 5.0% 10.0% NA No of Contracts 1193 EIS 24.9% OC/Subordination Pool Maturity Maturity (months) NA Feb-19 83 Average Maturity (Months) Average Seasoning' (Months) Overdue Composition 32.1 6.2 100%, 0% Pool Per for mance Sep-14 Jun-14 Months Post Securitisation Balance Tenure (Months) Amortisation 90+ Delinquency (% of Initial POS) 180+ Delinquency (% of Initial POS) 90+ Delinquency (% of Balance POS) 180+ Delinquency (% of Balance POS) Overdue Amt (% of Initial POS) CC as % of Balance POS FLF as % of Balance POS LF as % of Balance POS Balance CC (unutilized) Balance FLF (unutilized) Balance LF (unutilized) CCE MCE (3 month average) Break even Collection Efficiency Break even Collection Efficiency(FLF) Overall enhancement coverage (90+ DPD) Overall enhancement coverage (180+ DPD) FL enhancement Coverage (90+ DPD) FL enhancement Coverage (180+ DPD) Cumulative Prepayment 30 53 59.2% 2.19% 0.99% 4.0% 1.5% 1.46% 67.2% 100% NA 100.0% 100% NA 97.75% 99.9% 39.2% 71.5% 15.1 >30 7.09 18.8 25.45% 27 56 53.8% 2.7% 0.8% 4.6% 1.3% 1.5% 59.3% 100.0% NA 100.0% 100.0% NA 97.6% 93.5% 45.4% 73.4% 11.8 >30 5.74 20.7 23.3% Delinquency 90+ dpd Overdue 180+ dpd 4.0% Collection Efficiency 130.0% CCE MCE BCE 110.0% 3.0% 90.0% 2.0% 70.0% 1.0% 50.0% 30.0% 0.0% M1 M4 M7 M10 M13 M16 M19 M22 M25 M28 M1 M4 M7 M10 M13 M16 M19 M22 M25 M28 ABS & MBS Pool Performance Update- Sep 14 9 Structured Finance Issue Name AUFPL Direct Assignment Mar ’12 III Originator Au Finaciers (India) Pvt. Limited Assignee Payout - CARE AAA (SO) Equivalent Rating Second Loss Facility - CARE BBB (SO) Equivalent MUV (39%),HCV (27%), SCV(20%),Car (9%),LCV Asset Class (4%) & Others (1%) Issue Details Transaction Month Mar-12 CC as % of initial POS 16.0% Transaction Structure Pool Principal (Rs Cr) Future Receivables (Rs Cr) Par 64.2 83.6 First Loss Credit Facility Second Loss Credit Facility LF as % of initial POS 11.0% 5.0% NA No of Contracts 1881 EIS 11.0% OC/Subordination Pool Maturity Maturity (months) NA Mar-16 47 Average Maturity (Months) Average Seasoning' (Months) Overdue Composition 19.0 2.1 100%,0% Pool Per for mance Sep-14 Jun-14 Months Post Securitisation Balance Tenure (Months) Amortisation 90+ Delinquency (% of Initial POS) 180+ Delinquency (% of Initial POS) 90+ Delinquency (% of Balance POS) 180+ Delinquency (% of Balance POS) Overdue Amt (% of Initial POS) CC as % of Balance POS FLF as % of Balance POS LF as % of Balance POS Balance CC (unutilized) Balance FLF (unutilized) Balance LF (unutilized) CCE MCE (3 month average) Break even Collection Efficiency Break even Collection Efficiency(FLF) Overall enhancement coverage (90+ DPD) Overall enhancement coverage (180+ DPD) FL enhancement Coverage (90+ DPD) FL enhancement Coverage (180+ DPD) Cumulative Prepayment 30 17 79.58% 3.32% 1.81% 8.00% 3.10% 3.70% 78.3% 24.5% NA 100.0% 100.0% NA 95.7% 98.9% 25.7% 74.4% 9.30 24.0 3.20 24.0 11.0% 27 20 72.59% 3.60% 1.74% 7.32% 2.33% 3.63% 58.4% 18.2% NA 100.0% 100.0% NA 95.4% 100.2% 44.0% 79.8% 7.65 24.1 2.76 >30 10.0% Delinquency 5.0% 90+ dpd Overdue 180+ dpd 4.0% 3.0% 2.0% 1.0% Collection Efficiency 120.0% 100.0% 80.0% 60.0% 40.0% 20.0% 0.0% CCE MCE BCE M1 M4 M7 M10 M13 M16 M19 M22 M25 M28 0.0% M1 M4 M7 M10 M13 M16 M19 M22 M25 M28 ABS & MBS Pool Performance Update- Sep 14 10 Structured Finance Issue Name India Standard Loan Trust - III Originator Au Finaciers (India) Pvt. Limited Series A PTCs and Series B PTC - CARE AA (SO) & Rating Second Loss Facility - CARE BBB (SO) MUV (52.51%), SCV (27.38%), LCV (10.50%), Asset Class HCV (8.38%) and Others (1.23%). Issue Details Transaction Month Mar-13 CC as % of initial POS 9.5% Transaction Structure Pool Principal (Rs Cr) Future Receivables (Rs Cr) Par 74.9 94.9 First Loss Credit Facility Second Loss Credit Facility LF as % of initial FR 3.0% 6.5% NA No of Contracts 2084 EIS 12.1% OC/Subordination Pool Maturity Maturity (months) NA Jan-17 47 Average Maturity (Months) Average Seasoning' (Months) Overdue Composition 19.0 8.0 100%,0% Pool Per for mance Sep-14 Jun-14 Months Post Securitisation Balance Tenure (Months) Amortisation 90+ Delinquency (% of Initial POS) 180+ Delinquency (% of Initial POS) 90+ Delinquency (% of Balance POS) 180+ Delinquency (% of Balance POS) Overdue Amt (% of Initial POS) CC as % of Balance POS FLF as % of Balance POS LF as % of Balance POS Balance CC (unutilized) Balance FLF (unutilized) Balance LF (unutilized) CCE MCE (3 month average) Break even Collection Efficiency Break even Collection Efficiency(FLF) Overall enhancement coverage (90+ DPD) Overall enhancement coverage (180+ DPD) FL enhancement Coverage (90+ DPD) FL enhancement Coverage (180+ DPD) Cumulative Prepayment 18 29 53.8% 4.2% 1.9% 6.4% 2.6% 4.02% 20.6% 7.2% NA 100.0% 100.0% NA 96.5% 117.3% 75.1% 86.7% 3.9 9.4 2.1 >30 7.4% 15 32 44.4% 4.9% 1.5% 6.7% 1.8% 3.9% 17.1% 6.0% NA 100.0% 100.0% NA 92.9% 98.4% 78.5% 88.0% 3.2 11.9 1.8 >30 5.6% Delinquency 6.0% 90+ dpd Overdue 180+ dpd Collection Efficiency 120.0% 5.0% CCE MCE BCE 100.0% 4.0% 80.0% 3.0% 2.0% 60.0% 1.0% 40.0% 0.0% M1 M3 M5 M7 M9 M11 M13 M15 M17 M1 ABS & MBS Pool Performance Update- Sep 14 M3 M5 M7 M9 M11 M13 M15 M17 11 Structured Finance Bandhan Financial Services Pvt. Ltd. (BFSPL -2 Pools) Key financial indicators For the year ended as on 31st March Total Income PAT (after defd. tax) Tangible Networth Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR) (%) Gross NPA (%) 2012 (12m, A) 788.2 188.1 689.9 22.63 0.15 2013 (12m, A) 937.3 208.5 885.3 21.81 0.14 2014 (12m, A) 1,212.8 283.6 1,132.6 20.47 0.07 30-06-2014 (3m, P) 375.3 96.4 1,223.4 20.95 0.09 In Q1FY15, BFSPL earned PAT (after deferred tax) of Rs.96.4 crore on the total income of Rs.375.3 crore as against Rs.283.6 crore on the total income of Rs.1,212.8 crore in FY14, respectively. BFSPL reported regulatory CAR of 20.95% as on June30, 2014. BFSPL has been able to maintain asset quality at comfortable levels. As on June 30, 2014, gross NPA stood at 0.09%. ABS & MBS Pool Performance Update- Sep 14 12 Structured Finance Issue Name Originator Rating Asset Class BanLoan Receivable Feb’ 14 Bandhan Financial Services Pvt. Ltd. Series A1 PTCs - CARE A (SO) Microfinance Loans Issue Details Transaction Month Feb-14 CC as % of initial POS 6.5% Transaction Structure Pool Principal (Rs Cr) PTC Principal (Rs Cr) Par 110.9 105.4 First Loss Credit Facility Second Loss Credit Facility LF as % of initial POS NA NA NA Future Receivables (Rs Cr) 128.8 EIS Principal Subordination as a % of Pool Principal Pool Maturity Maturity (Months) 8.9% No of Contracts 72,758 Average Maturity (Weeks) 37.2 Average Seasoning' (Weeks) 18.9 Overdue Composition 100%,0.0% 5.0% Jan-16 23 Pool Performance Sep-14 Jun-14 Months Post Securitisation Balance Tenure (Months) Pool Amortisation 30+ Delinquency (% of Initial POS) 90+ Delinquency (% of Initial POS) 30+ Delinquency (% of Balance POS) 90+ Delinquency (% of Balance POS) Overdue Amt (% of Initial POS) CC as % of Balance POS CC as % of Balance PTC Principal Balance CC (unutilized) CCE MCE (3 month average) Break even Collection Efficiency Overall enhancement coverage (30+ DPD) Overall enhancement coverage (90+ DPD) Cumulative Prepayment 7 16 45.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 11.8% 14.4% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 64.0% NA NA 0.0% 4 19 21.5% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 8.3% 9.2% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 77.2% NA NA 0.0% 30+ dpd Overdue Delinquency 5.0% 90+ dpd 100.0% 4.0% 80.0% 3.0% 60.0% 2.0% 40.0% 1.0% 20.0% 0.0% 0.0% M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 CCE MCE Collection Efficiency M6 M7 M1 ABS & MBS Pool Performance Update- Sep 14 M2 M3 M4 M5 BCE M6 13 M7 Structured Finance Issue Name Originator Rating Asset Class BanLoan Receivable Mar’ 14 Bandhan Financial Services Pvt. Ltd. Series A1 PTCs - CARE A (SO) Microfinance Loans Issue Details Transaction Month Mar-14 CC as % of initial POS 6.5% Transaction Structure Pool Principal (Rs Cr) PTC Principal (Rs Cr) Par 50.0 47.5 First Loss Credit Facility Second Loss Credit Facility LF as % of initial POS NA NA NA Future Receivables (Rs Cr) 57.7 8.9% No of Contracts 33,429 EIS Principal Subordination as a % of Pool Principal Pool Maturity Maturity (Months) Average Maturity (Weeks) 35.9 Average Seasoning' (Weeks) 12.6 Overdue Composition 100%,0.0% 5.0% Jan-16 22 Pool Performance Sep-14 Jun-14 Months Post Securitisation Balance Tenure (Months) Pool Amortisation 30+ Delinquency (% of Initial POS) 90+ Delinquency (% of Initial POS) 30+ Delinquency (% of Balance POS) 90+ Delinquency (% of Balance POS) Overdue Amt (% of Initial POS) CC as % of Balance POS CC as % of Balance PTC Principal Balance CC (unutilized) CCE MCE (3 month average) Break even Collection Efficiency Overall enhancement coverage (30+ DPD) Overall enhancement coverage (90+ DPD) Cumulative Prepayment 6 16 52.3% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 13.6% 16.5% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 48.0% NA NA 2.6% 3 19 20.2% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 8.1% 8.8% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 73.1% NA NA 2.6% 30+ dpd Overdue Delinquency 5.0% 90+ dpd Collection Efficiency 100.0% 4.0% 80.0% 3.0% 60.0% 2.0% 40.0% 1.0% 20.0% CCE MCE BCE 0.0% 0.0% M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 M1 ABS & MBS Pool Performance Update- Sep 14 M2 M3 M4 M5 14 M6 Structured Finance Cholamandalam investment finance company Ltd. (CIFCL – 3 Pools) Key Financial Indicators For the year ended as on 31st March Total Income (in Rs. Cr) Profit After Tax (in Rs. Cr) Net worth (in Rs. Cr) Gross NPA (%) Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR) 2011 (12m, A) 1,202 62 941 3.17 16.67 2012 (12m, A) 1,788 173 1,366 0.95 18.08 2013 (12m, A) 2,556 307 1,896 1.20 19.04 2014 (12m, A) 3263 364 2165 1.85 17.24 H1’2015 (6m, P*) 1786 188 2282 2.6 19.78 P*= Provisional. A= Audited During FY14, operating income grew by 28% on y-o-y basis, primarily supported by increase in income from vehicle financing, which grew at 25% during the year and increase in home equity portfolio, which grew by 37% in FY 14. Provisions continued to increase in FY14 as well, primarily due to increased NPA levels in the vehicle finance segment as in the trend with the industry. The overall asset quality of CIFCL had seen moderation over the years, which is in line with the industry. The gross NPA has increased from 1.20% in FY13 to 1.85% in FY 14. The CAR remained comfortable at 17.24% as on March 31, 2014 as against 19.04% as on March 31, 2013, which had been strengthened in FY 13 by equity infusion of Rs.300 crore. Moderation in CAR in FY14 is on account of increase in AUM without addition of equity and increase in write-off/provisions during the year. ABS & MBS Pool Performance Update- Sep 14 15 Structured Finance Issue Name Originator Rating Asset Class Platinum Trust - Dec 13 - Tranche 3 Cholamandalam Investment and Finance Company Ltd (CIFCL) Series A PTCs - CARE AAA (SO) Used CV(6.32%) & New CV(93.68%) Issue Details Transaction Month Dec-13 Transaction Structure Pool Principal (Rs Cr) Future Receivables (Rs Cr) No of Contracts Par 344.1 414.9 7649 Average Maturity (Months) Average Seasoning' (Months) Overdue Composition 16.5 12.8 94.9%,5.1% 90+ dpd Overdue Delinquency 4.0% 180+ dpd CC as % of initial POS 8.6% First Loss Credit Facility Second Loss Credit Facility LF as % of initial FR EIS NA NA NA 9.8% OC/Subordination Pool Maturity Maturity (months) NA Dec-27 59 CCE MCE Collection Efficiency 110.0% BCE 100.0% 3.0% 90.0% 2.0% 80.0% 1.0% 70.0% 0.0% 60.0% M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 M7 M8 M9 M1 ABS & MBS Pool Performance Update- Sep 14 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 M7 16 M8 M9 Structured Finance Issue Name Originator Rating Asset Class Platinum Trust - Jan 14 Cholamandalam Investment and Finance Company Ltd (CIFCL) Series A PTCs - CARE AAA (SO) Loan Against Property (100%) Issue Details Transaction Month Jan-14 CC as % of initial POS 10.5% Transaction Structure Pool Principal (Rs Cr) Future Receivables (Rs Cr) No of Contracts Par 250.0 469.9 413 First Loss Credit Facility Second Loss Credit Facility LF as % of initial FR EIS NA NA NA 40.3% Average Maturity (Months) Average Seasoning' (Months) Overdue Composition 62.8 15.0 0.0% OC/Subordination Pool Maturity Maturity (months) NA Dec-27 168 Pool Performance Months Post Securitisation Balance Tenure (Months) Amortisation 90+ Delinquency (% of Initial POS) 180+ Delinquency (% of Initial POS) 90+ Delinquency (% of Balance POS) 180+ Delinquency (% of Balance POS) Overdue Amt (% of Initial POS) CC as % of Balance POS FLF as % of Balance POS LF as % of Balance POS Balance CC (unutilized) Balance FLF (unutilized) Balance LF (unutilized) CCE MCE (3 month average) Break even Collection Efficiency Break even Collection Efficiency(FLF) Overall enhancement coverage (90+ DPD) Overall enhancement coverage (180+ DPD) FL enhancement Coverage (90+ DPD) FL enhancement Coverage (180+ DPD) Cumulative Prepayment 90+ dpd Overdue Delinquency 4.0% 180+ dpd Sep-14 8 160 23.6% 1.9% 0.0% 2.3% 0.0% 0.3% 13.7% NA NA 100.0% NA NA 97.5% NA 56.1% NA 19.2 NA NA NA 20.2% Jun-14 5 163 17.2% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.1% 12.7% NA NA 100.0% NA NA 98.2% NA 57.6% NA NA NA NA NA 15.0% CCE MCE Collection Efficiency BCE 110.0% 3.0% 95.0% 2.0% 80.0% 1.0% 65.0% 0.0% 50.0% M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 M7 M8 M1 ABS & MBS Pool Performance Update- Sep 14 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 17 M7 M8 Structured Finance Issue Name Originator Rating Asset Class Platinum Trust - March 14 - Tranche III Cholamandalam Investment and Finance Company Ltd (CIFCL) Series A PTCs - CARE AAA (SO) New CV(33.81%) & Tractors (66.19%) Issue Details Transaction Month Mar-14 CC as % of initial POS 10.5% Transaction Structure Pool Principal (Rs Cr) Future Receivables (Rs Cr) No of Contracts Par 125.4 151.2 5547 First Loss Credit Facility Second Loss Credit Facility LF as % of initial FR EIS NA NA NA 11.3% Average Maturity (Months) Average Seasoning' (Months) Overdue Composition 14.1 13.1 0.0% OC/Subordination Pool Maturity Maturity (months) NA Jun-18 52 Pool Performance Months Post Securitisation Balance Tenure (Months) Amortisation 90+ Delinquency (% of Initial POS) 180+ Delinquency (% of Initial POS) 90+ Delinquency (% of Balance POS) 180+ Delinquency (% of Balance POS) Overdue Amt (% of Initial POS) CC as % of Balance POS FLF as % of Balance POS LF as % of Balance POS Balance CC (unutilized) Balance FLF (unutilized) Balance LF (unutilized) CCE MCE (3 month average) Break even Collection Efficiency Break even Collection Efficiency(FLF) Overall enhancement coverage (90+ DPD) Overall enhancement coverage (180+ DPD) FL enhancement Coverage (90+ DPD) FL enhancement Coverage (180+ DPD) Cumulative Prepayment 90+ dpd Overdue Delinquency 4.0% 180+ dpd Sep-14 6 46 21.5% 0.5% 0.0% 0.5% 0.0% 0.7% 13.4% NA NA 100.0% NA NA 95.9% 98.9% 79.5% NA >30 >30 NA NA 1.61% Jun-14 3 49 10.7% 0.1% 0.0% 0.1% 0.0% 0.4% 11.8% NA NA 100.0% NA NA 92.5% 91.7% 81.5% NA >30 NA NA NA 0.8% CCE MCE Collection Efficiency 110.0% BCE 100.0% 3.0% 90.0% 2.0% 80.0% 1.0% 70.0% 0.0% 60.0% M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 M7 M8 M9 M1 ABS & MBS Pool Performance Update- Sep 14 M2 M3 M4 M5 18 M6 Structured Finance Dewan Housing Finance Limited (DHFL –9 Pools) Key Financial Indicators For the year ended as on 31st March Total Income (in Rs. Cr) Profit After Tax (in Rs. Cr) Net worth (in Rs. Cr) Gross NPA (%) Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR) 2012 (12m, A) 2,470 306 2,033 0.76 18.24 2013 2014 H1’2015 (12m, A) (12m, A) (6m, P*) 4,141 4,970 2,877 452 529 323 3,235 3,575 3,779 0.71 0.78 0.78 16.52 16.42 16.17 P*= Provisional. A= Audited DHFL reported PAT of Rs.323 crore on total income of Rs.2,877 crore during H1FY15 as compared to PAT of Rs.529 crore on total income of Rs.4,970 crore during FY14. DHFL reported Gross NPA ratio of 0.78% as on September 30, 2014 [0.71% as on March 31, 2014] and Net NPA ratio of 0.46% as on September 30, 2014 [0.52% as on March 31, 2014]. Over the years DHFL has developed the expertise in lending in the low-middle income group segment while maintaining stable asset quality parameters. DHFL reported comfortable CAR of 16.17% as on September 30, 2014 [16.42% as on March 31, 2014]. ABS & MBS Pool Performance Update- Sep 14 19 Structured Finance Issue Name Originator Rating Asset Class DHFL Direct Assignment- Mar ’12 I Dewan Housing Finance Limited. Assignee Payout - CARE AAA (SO) Equivalent Housing Loan Issue Details Transaction Month Mar-12 Transaction Structure Par Pool Principal (Rs Cr) 321.8 Future Receivables (Rs Cr) No of Contracts Average Maturity (Months) Average Seasoning (Months) 679.2 3,853 91.0 12.8 Overdue Composition CC as % of initial POS 15.5% First Loss Credit Facility NA Second Loss Credit Facility NA LF as % of initial POS EIS OC/Subordination Pool Maturity 100%, 0% NA 10.3% NA Mar-32 Maturity (months) 240 Pool Performance Sep-14 Jun-14 Months Post Securitisation Amortisation 90+ Delinquency (% of Initial POS) 180+ Delinquency (% of Initial POS) 90+ Delinquency (% of Balance POS) 180+ Delinquency (% of Balance POS) Overdue Amt (% of Initial POS) CC as % of Balance POS FLF as % of Balance POS LF as % of Balance POS Balance CC (unutilized) Balance FLF (unutilized) Balance LF (unutilized) CCE MCE (3 month average) Break even Collection Efficiency Break even Collection Efficiency(FLF) Overall enhancement coverage (90+ DPD) Overall enhancement coverage (180+ DPD) FL enhancement Coverage (90+ DPD) FL enhancement Coverage (180+ DPD) Cumulative Prepayment 30 35.8% 0.4% 0.2% 0.6% 0.3% 0.1% 24.2% NA NA 100.0% NA NA 99.5% 100.4% 80.2% NA >30 >30 NA NA 26.4% 27 32.5% 0.5% 0.2% 0.7% 0.2% 0.1% 23.0% NA NA 100.0% NA NA 99.4% 98.4% 80.7% NA 27.2 >30 NA NA 24.1% Delinquency 2.0% 90+ dpd Overdue 180+ dpd Collection Efficiency 110.0% 1.5% 100.0% 1.0% 90.0% 0.5% 80.0% 0.0% 70.0% M1 M4 M7 M10 M13 M16 M19 M22 M25 M28 CCE MCE BCE M1 M4 M7 M10 M13 M16 M19 M22 M25 M28 ABS & MBS Pool Performance Update- Sep 14 20 Structured Finance Issue Name Originator Rating Asset Class DHFL Direct Assignment- Mar ’12 II Dewan Housing Finance Limited. Assignee Payout - CARE AAA (SO) Equivalent Housing Loan Issue Details Transaction Month Mar-12 Transaction Structure Par Pool Principal (Rs Cr) 266.7 Future Receivables (Rs Cr) No of Contracts Average Maturity (Months) Average Seasoning (Months) 575.4 3,874 92.4 16.6 Overdue Composition CC as % of initial POS 13.0% First Loss Credit Facility NA Second Loss Credit Facility NA LF as % of initial POS EIS OC/Subordination Pool Maturity 100%, 0% NA 20.9% Nil Mar-37 Maturity (months) 300 Pool Performance Sep-14 Jun-14 Months Post Securitisation Amortisation 90+ Delinquency (% of Initial POS) 180+ Delinquency (% of Initial POS) 90+ Delinquency (% of Balance POS) 180+ Delinquency (% of Balance POS) Overdue Amt (% of Initial POS) CC as % of Balance POS FLF as % of Balance POS LF as % of Balance POS Balance CC (unutilized) Balance FLF (unutilized) Balance LF (unutilized) CCE MCE (3 month average) Break even Collection Efficiency Break even Collection Efficiency(FLF) Overall enhancement coverage (90+ DPD) Overall enhancement coverage (180+ DPD) FL enhancement Coverage (90+ DPD) FL enhancement Coverage (180+ DPD) Cumulative Prepayment 30 36.6% 0.4% 0.1% 0.5% 0.1% 0.1% 20.5% NA NA 100.0% NA NA 99.4% 99.7% 81.3% NA >30 >30 NA NA 27.2% 27 33.5% 0.3% 0.1% 0.4% 0.2% 0.1% 19.5% NA NA 100.0% NA NA 99.4% 98.8% 81.7% NA >30 >30 NA NA 25.1% Delinquency 2.0% 90+ dpd Overdue 180+ dpd Collection Efficiency 1.5% 100.0% 1.0% 90.0% 0.5% 80.0% 0.0% 70.0% M1 M4 M7 M10 M13 M16 M19 M22 M25 M28 CCE BCE MCE 110.0% M1 M4 M7 M10 M13 M16 M19 M22 M25 M28 ABS & MBS Pool Performance Update- Sep 14 21 Structured Finance Issue Name Originator Rating Asset Class DHFL Direct Assignment- Mar ’12 III Dewan Housing Finance Limited. Assignee Payout - CARE AAA (SO) Equivalent Housing Loan Issue Details Mar-12 Transaction Structure Par Pool Principal (Rs Cr) 110.0 Future Receivables (Rs Cr) No of Contracts Average Maturity (Months) Average Seasoning (Months) 234.1 1,444 90.5 17.1 Overdue Composition CC as % of initial POS 14.0% First Loss Credit Facility NA Second Loss Credit Facility NA LF as % of initial POS EIS OC/Subordination Pool Maturity 100%, 0% NA 12.5% NA Mar-32 Maturity (months) 240 Pool Performance Sep-14 Jun-14 Months Post Securitisation Amortisation 90+ Delinquency (% of Initial POS) 180+ Delinquency (% of Initial POS) 90+ Delinquency (% of Balance POS) 180+ Delinquency (% of Balance POS) Overdue Amt (% of Initial POS) CC as % of Balance POS FLF as % of Balance POS LF as % of Balance POS Balance CC (unutilized) Balance FLF (unutilized) Balance LF (unutilized) CCE MCE (3 month average) Break even Collection Efficiency Break even Collection Efficiency(FLF) Overall enhancement coverage (90+ DPD) Overall enhancement coverage (180+ DPD) FL enhancement Coverage (90+ DPD) FL enhancement Coverage (180+ DPD) Cumulative Prepayment 30 37.7% 0.6% 0.5% 0.8% 0.7% 0.2% 22.5% NA NA 100.0% NA NA 99.4% 98.5% 80.4% NA 24.3 27.6 NA NA 28.5% 27 34.1% 0.5% 0.3% 0.8% 0.4% 0.1% 21.2% NA NA 100.0% NA NA 99.4% 98.9% 81.0% NA 24.8 >30 NA NA 25.8% ABS & MBS Pool Performance Update- Sep 14 22 M27 M25 BCE M23 M21 70.0% M19 0.0% M17 80.0% M15 0.5% M13 90.0% M9 1.0% M11 100.0% M7 110.0% 1.5% M1 M4 M7 M10 M13 M16 M19 M22 M25 M28 CCE MCE Collection Efficiency M5 180+ dpd M3 2.0% 90+ dpd Overdue M1 Delinquency M29 Transaction Month Structured Finance Issue Name Nirmaan RMBS Trust - Series II -2013 Originator Dewan Housing Finance Limited. Series A1 PTCs - CARE AAA(SO) & Series A2 Rating PTC - CARE AA- (SO) Asset Class Housing Loan Issue Details Transaction Month Jun-13 Transaction Structure Par Pool Principal (Rs Cr) 299.9 Future Receivables (Rs Cr) No of Contracts Average Maturity (Months) Average Seasoning (Months) 689.0 2,110 104.5 17.9 Overdue Composition CC as % of initial POS 8.0% First Loss Credit Facility NA Second Loss Credit Facility NA LF as % of initial POS EIS OC/Subordination Pool Maturity 100%, 0% NA 33.6% 4.0% Jun-38 Maturity (months) 300 Pool Performance Sep-14 Jun-14 Months Post Securitisation Amortisation 90+ Delinquency (% of Initial POS) 180+ Delinquency (% of Initial POS) 90+ Delinquency (% of Balance POS) 180+ Delinquency (% of Balance POS) Overdue Amt (% of Initial POS) CC as % of Balance POS FLF as % of Balance POS LF as % of Balance POS Balance CC (unutilized) Balance FLF (unutilized) Balance LF (unutilized) CCE MCE (3 month average) Break even Collection Efficiency Break even Collection Efficiency(FLF) Overall enhancement coverage (90+ DPD) Overall enhancement coverage (180+ DPD) FL enhancement Coverage (90+ DPD) FL enhancement Coverage (180+ DPD) Cumulative Prepayment 15 25.6% 0.3% 0.0% 0.4% 0.0% 0.1% 10.8% NA NA 100.0% NA NA 99.5% 99.7% 81.7% NA >30 NA NA NA 22.1% 12 21.0% 0.2% 0.0% 0.3% 0.0% 0.1% 10.1% NA NA 100.0% NA NA 99.4% 99.3% 81.9% NA >30 >30 NA NA 18.2% 90+ dpd Overdue Delinquency 2.0% 180+ dpd CCE MCE Collection Efficiency 110.0% 1.5% BCE 100.0% 1.0% 90.0% 0.5% 80.0% 0.0% 70.0% M1 M3 M5 M7 M9 M11 M13 M15 M1 ABS & MBS Pool Performance Update- Sep 14 M3 M5 M7 M9 M11 M13 23 M15 Structured Finance Issue Name Nirmaan RMBS Trust - Series III -2013 Originator Dewan Housing Finance Limited. Series A1 PTCs - CARE AAA(SO) & Series A2 Rating PTC - CARE AA (SO) Asset Class Housing Loan Issue Details Transaction Month Aug-13 Transaction Structure Par Pool Principal (Rs Cr) 413.9 Future Receivables (Rs Cr) No of Contracts Average Maturity (Months) Average Seasoning (Months) 890.1 2,791 98.6 33.4 Overdue Composition CC as % of initial POS 8.4% First Loss Credit Facility NA Second Loss Credit Facility NA LF as % of initial POS EIS OC/Subordination Pool Maturity 100.0%, 0.0% NA 23.2% 4.0% May-38 Maturity (months) 299 Pool Performance Sep-14 Jun-14 Months Post Securitisation Amortisation 90+ Delinquency (% of Initial POS) 180+ Delinquency (% of Initial POS) 90+ Delinquency (% of Balance POS) 180+ Delinquency (% of Balance POS) Overdue Amt (% of Initial POS) CC as % of Balance POS FLF as % of Balance POS LF as % of Balance POS Balance CC (unutilized) Balance FLF (unutilized) Balance LF (unutilized) CCE MCE (3 month average) Break even Collection Efficiency Break even Collection Efficiency(FLF) Overall enhancement coverage (90+ DPD) Overall enhancement coverage (180+ DPD) FL enhancement Coverage (90+ DPD) FL enhancement Coverage (180+ DPD) Cumulative Prepayment 13 25.4% 0.1% 0.0% 0.1% 0.0% 0.0% 10.7% NA NA 100.0% NA NA 99.7% 99.9% 83.6% NA >30 >30 NA NA 20.9% 10 21.2% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 10.2% NA NA 100.0% NA NA 99.7% 99.8% 83.8% NA >30 NA NA NA 17.8% 90+ dpd Overdue Delinquency 2.0% 180+ dpd Collection Efficiency 110.0% 1.5% CCE MCE BCE 100.0% M13 M12 M11 M9 M10 M8 M7 M6 70.0% M5 0.0% M4 80.0% M3 0.5% M2 90.0% M1 1.0% M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 M7 M8 M9 M10M11M12M13 ABS & MBS Pool Performance Update- Sep 14 24 Structured Finance Issue Name Nirmaan RMBS Trust - Series IV -2013 Originator Dewan Housing Finance Limited. Series A1 PTCs - CARE AAA(SO) & Series A2 Rating PTC - CARE AA (SO) Asset Class Housing Loan Issue Details Transaction Month Nov-13 Transaction Structure Par Pool Principal (Rs Cr) 195.3 Future Receivables (Rs Cr) No of Contracts Average Maturity (Months) Average Seasoning (Months) 450.5 2,135 107.0 37.2 Overdue Composition CC as % of initial POS 8.0% First Loss Credit Facility NA Second Loss Credit Facility NA LF as % of initial POS EIS OC/Subordination Pool Maturity 100%, 0% NA 29.5% 4.0% Oct-43 Maturity (months) 360 Pool Performance Sep-14 Jun-14 Months Post Securitisation Amortisation 90+ Delinquency (% of Initial POS) 180+ Delinquency (% of Initial POS) 90+ Delinquency (% of Balance POS) 180+ Delinquency (% of Balance POS) Overdue Amt (% of Initial POS) CC as % of Balance POS FLF as % of Balance POS LF as % of Balance POS Balance CC (unutilized) Balance FLF (unutilized) Balance LF (unutilized) CCE MCE (3 month average) Break even Collection Efficiency Break even Collection Efficiency(FLF) Overall enhancement coverage (90+ DPD) Overall enhancement coverage (180+ DPD) FL enhancement Coverage (90+ DPD) FL enhancement Coverage (180+ DPD) Cumulative Prepayment 10 18.5% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 9.8% NA NA 100.0% NA NA 99.6% 99.6% 83.2% NA NA NA NA NA 15.0% 7 14.1% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 9.3% NA NA 100.0% NA NA 99.6% 99.7% 83.3% NA NA NA NA NA 11.7% Delinquency 2.0% 90+ dpd Overdue 180+ dpd 1.5% Collection Efficiency 110.0% CCE MCE BCE 100.0% 1.0% 90.0% 0.5% 80.0% 0.0% M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 M7 M8 M9 M10 70.0% M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 M7 M8 M9 M10 ABS & MBS Pool Performance Update- Sep 14 25 Structured Finance Issue Name Nirmaan RMBS Trust - Series I -2014 Originator Dewan Housing Finance Limited. Series A1 PTCs - CARE AAA(SO) & Series A2 Rating PTC - CARE AA (SO) Asset Class Loan against Property Issue Details Transaction Month Feb-14 CC as % of initial POS 14.5% Transaction Structure Par First Loss Credit Facility NA Pool Principal (Rs Cr) 80.2 Second Loss Credit Facility NA Future Receivables (Rs Cr) No of Contracts Average Maturity (Months) Average Seasoning (Months) 180.0 173 83.5 30.1 Overdue Composition LF as % of initial POS EIS OC/Subordination Pool Maturity 100%, 0% NA 42.0% 4.0% Apr-36 Maturity (months) 266 Pool Performance Sep-14 Jun-14 Months Post Securitisation Amortisation 90+ Delinquency (% of Initial POS) 180+ Delinquency (% of Initial POS) 90+ Delinquency (% of Balance POS) 180+ Delinquency (% of Balance POS) Overdue Amt (% of Initial POS) CC as % of Balance POS FLF as % of Balance POS LF as % of Balance POS Balance CC (unutilized) Balance FLF (unutilized) Balance LF (unutilized) CCE MCE (3 month average) Break even Collection Efficiency Break even Collection Efficiency(FLF) Overall enhancement coverage (90+ DPD) Overall enhancement coverage (180+ DPD) FL enhancement Coverage (90+ DPD) FL enhancement Coverage (180+ DPD) Cumulative Prepayment 7 20.9% 1.3% 0.0% 1.5% 0.0% 0.2% 18.3% NA NA 100.0% NA NA 98.0% 97.4% 71.9% NA 19.03 NA NA NA 18.8% 4 13.7% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.1% 16.8% NA NA 100.0% NA NA 98.4% 98.9% 73.9% NA NA NA NA NA 12.5% 90+ dpd Overdue Delinquency 5.0% 180+ dpd CCE MCE Collection Efficiency 110.0% BCE 4.0% 100.0% 3.0% 2.0% 90.0% 1.0% 80.0% 0.0% M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 M6 70.0% M1 ABS & MBS Pool Performance Update- Sep 14 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 26 M6 Structured Finance Issue Name Nirmaan RMBS Trust - Series III -2014 Originator Dewan Housing Finance Limited. Series A1 PTCs - CARE AAA(SO) & Series A2 Rating PTC - CARE AA (SO) Asset Class Housing Loan Issue Details Transaction Month Mar-14 CC as % of initial POS 8.8% Transaction Structure Par First Loss Credit Facility NA Pool Principal (Rs Cr) 92.1 Second Loss Credit Facility NA Future Receivables (Rs Cr) No of Contracts Average Maturity (Months) Average Seasoning (Months) 220.3 748 212.2 22.8 Overdue Composition LF as % of initial POS EIS OC/Subordination Pool Maturity 100%, 0% NA 34.7% 4.0% Feb-39 Maturity (months) 299 Pool Performance Sep-14 Jun-14 Months Post Securitisation Amortisation 90+ Delinquency (% of Initial POS) 180+ Delinquency (% of Initial POS) 90+ Delinquency (% of Balance POS) 180+ Delinquency (% of Balance POS) Overdue Amt (% of Initial POS) CC as % of Balance POS FLF as % of Balance POS LF as % of Balance POS Balance CC (unutilized) Balance FLF (unutilized) Balance LF (unutilized) CCE MCE (3 month average) Break even Collection Efficiency Break even Collection Efficiency(FLF) Overall enhancement coverage (90+ DPD) Overall enhancement coverage (180+ DPD) FL enhancement Coverage (90+ DPD) FL enhancement Coverage (180+ DPD) Cumulative Prepayment 6 7.2% 0.1% 0.0% 0.2% 0.0% 0.0% 9.4% NA NA 100.0% NA NA 99.3% 99.4% 82.1% NA >30 NA NA NA 5.9% 3 4.6% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 9.2% NA NA 100.0% NA NA 99.1% 99.1% 82.0% NA NA NA NA NA 3.9% 90+ dpd Overdue Delinquency 2.0% 180+ dpd Collection Efficiency 110.0% 1.5% CCE MCE BCE 100.0% 1.0% 90.0% 0.5% 80.0% 0.0% 70.0% M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 M1 ABS & MBS Pool Performance Update- Sep 14 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 27 Structured Finance Issue Name Originator Rating Asset Class Nirmaan RMBS Trust - Series IV -2014 Dewan Housing Finance Limited. Series A PTCs - CARE AAA(SO) Housing Loan Issue Details Transaction Month Mar-14 CC as % of initial POS 7.5% Transaction Structure Par First Loss Credit Facility NA Pool Principal (Rs Cr) 37.8 Second Loss Credit Facility NA Future Receivables (Rs Cr) No of Contracts Average Maturity (Months) Average Seasoning (Months) 87.4 288 206.9 21.1 Overdue Composition 100%, 0% LF as % of initial POS EIS Mortgage Guarantee* Pool Maturity NA 32.7% 10.0% Dec-38 Maturity (months) Pool Performance 297 Sep-14 Jun-14 Months Post Securitisation 6 3 Amortisation 10.8% 6.6% 90+ Delinquency (% of Initial POS) 0.0% 0.0% 180+ Delinquency (% of Initial POS) 0.0% 0.0% 90+ Delinquency (% of Balance POS) 0.0% 0.0% 180+ Delinquency (% of Balance POS) 0.0% 0.0% Overdue Amt (% of Initial POS) 0.0% 0.0% CC as % of Balance POS 8.6% 8.2% FLF as % of Balance POS NA NA LF as % of Balance POS NA NA Balance CC (unutilized) 100.0% 100.0% Balance FLF (unutilized) NA NA Balance LF (unutilized) NA NA CCE 99.7% 99.5% MCE (3 month average) 99.9% 99.5% Break even Collection Efficiency 82.6% 82.6% Break even Collection Efficiency(FLF) NA NA Overall enhancement coverage (90+ DPD) NA NA Overall enhancement coverage (180+ DPD) NA NA FL enhancement Coverage (90+ DPD) NA NA FL enhancement Coverage (180+ DPD) NA NA Cumulative Prepayment 9.0% 5.7% * The mortgage guarantee shall cover the shortfalls up to 30% of principal outstanding for a particular contract, while the total shortfall is capped at 10% of the principal outstanding of the pool. 90+ dpd Overdue Delinquency 2.0% 180+ dpd Collection Efficiency 110.0% 1.5% CCE MCE BCE 100.0% 1.0% 90.0% 0.5% 80.0% 0.0% M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 70.0% M1 ABS & MBS Pool Performance Update- Sep 14 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 28 Structured Finance ESAF Microfinance and Investments Pvt. Ltd. (EMFIPL – 1 Pool) Key Financial Indicators For the year ended as on 31st March Total Income (in Rs. Cr) Profit After Tax (in Rs. Cr) Net worth (in Rs. Cr) Gross NPA / Gross Advances (%) Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR) 2011 (12m, A) 54 1 47 0.64 23.18 2012 (12m, A) 65 4 55 1.26 20.45 2013 (12m, A) 81 5 62 0.92 19.37 2014 (12m, A) 121 10 130 1.28 25.20 Income of EMFIPL has increased by49% Y-o-Y to Rs 121 crore backed by growth in AUM during the above period. Capital adequacy stood at healthy 25.20% comprising totally of Tier-I capital as on March 31, 2014. EMFIPL raised Rs 56 crore through compulsory convertible preferential shares in FY14. Gross NPA ratio stood at 1.28% as on March 31, 2014. ABS & MBS Pool Performance Update- Sep 14 29 Structured Finance Issue Name Originator Rating* Asset Class Cedar MFI Trust 11 ESAF Microfinance & Investments (P) Ltd Series A1 PTC - CARE A- (SO) Microfinance Loans Issue Details Transaction Month Feb-14 CC as % of initial POS 7.0% Transaction Structure Pool Principal (Rs Cr) PTC Principal (Rs Cr) Par 64.3 58.5 First Loss Credit Facility Second Loss Credit Facility LF as % of initial POS Future Receivables (Rs Cr) 71.1 EIS No of Contracts 7.5% Principal Subordination as a % of Pool Principal Pool Maturity Maturity (months) 81,985 Average Maturity (Weeks) 21.0 Average Seasoning' (Weeks) 22.6 Overdue Composition 100%,0.0% Pool Performance Months Post Securitisation Balance Tenure (Months) Pool Amortised 30+ Delinquency (% of Initial POS) 90+ Delinquency (% of Initial POS) 30+ Delinquency (% of Balance POS) 90+ Delinquency (% of Balance POS) Overdue Amt (% of Initial POS) CC as % of Balance POS CC as % of Balance PTC Principal Balance CC (unutilized) Cummulative Collection Efficiency MCE (3 month average) Break even Collection Efficiency Overall enhancement coverage (30+ DPD) Overall enhancement coverage (90+ DPD) Cumulative Prepayment * Rating withdrawn 30+ dpd Overdue Delinquency 5.0% 90+ dpd NA NA NA Jun-14 7 15 84.1% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 44.1% 485.6% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 0.0% NA NA 0.0% 4 18 55.3% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 15.7% 22.1% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 51.0% NA NA 0.0% CCE MCE 100.0% 80.0% 3.0% 60.0% 2.0% 40.0% 1.0% 20.0% Dec-15 22 Sep-14 Collection Efficiency 4.0% 9.0% BCE 0.0% 0.0% M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 M7 M1 ABS & MBS Pool Performance Update- Sep 14 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 30 M7 Structured Finance Equitas Micro Finance Private Limited (EMFPL) –1 (Pool) Key Financial Indicators For the year ended as on 31st March Total Income (in Rs. Cr) Profit After Tax (in Rs. Cr) Tangible Net worth (in Rs. Cr) Gross NPA ratio (%)* Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR) %) 2012 (12m, A) 191 18 194 0.95 31.35 2013 (12m, A) 237 28 247 0.03 27.18 2014 (12m, A) 342 57 301 0.10 22.91 2015 (3m, P) 99 16 327 0.08 21.93 The gross NPA level has increased from 0.03% as of 31st March, 2013 to 70.10% as of 31st March 2014. However, it dropped to 0.08% level in 1QFY15 PAT has increased significantly from 28 crores in the FY 2012-13 to 57 crores in the FY 2013-14. In 1QFY15, the reported PAT was Rs. 16 crores. Total income grew by around 44% and stood at 342 crores for the FY 2013-14 against 237 crores for FY 2012-13. The reported total income for 1QFY15 was Rs. 99 crores. ABS & MBS Pool Performance Update- Sep 14 31 Structured Finance Issue Name Originator Rating Asset Class EMF Microloans Pool - Chatvaari - March 2014 Equitas Micro Finance Private Limited Series A1 PTC - CARE BBB (SO) Microfinance Loan Receivables Issue Details Transaction Month Transaction Structure Pool Principal (Rs Cr) Future Receivables (Rs Cr) No of Contracts Average Maturity (Weeks) Average Seasoning' (Weeks) Overdue Composition Mar-14 Par 52.6 62.2 67739 33.5 36.5 100%, 0.0% CC as % of initial POS First Loss Credit Facility Second Loss Credit Facility LF as % of initial POS EIS Subordination as a % of Pool Pool Maturity Maturity (months) Pool Performance Months Post Securitisation Balance Tenure (Months) Pool Amortisation 30+ Delinquency (% of Initial POS) 90+ Delinquency (% of Initial POS) 30+ Delinquency (% of Balance POS) 90+ Delinquency (% of Balance POS) Overdue Amt (% of Initial POS) CC as % of Balance POS CC as % of Balance Assignee Principal Balance CC (unutilized) CCE MCE (3 month average) Break even Collection Efficiency Overall enhancement coverage (30+ DPD) Overall enhancement coverage (90+ DPD) Cumulative Prepayment 30+ dpd Overdue Delinquency 90+ dpd Sep-14 6 16 42.8% 0.2% 0.0% 0.2% 0.0% 0.0% 9.6% 10.5% 100.0% 99.5% 100.0% 76.1% >30 >30 3.1% Jun-14 3 19 23.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 7.1% 7.6% 100.0% 99.1% 99.1% 79.7% >30 NA 1.1% Collection Efficiency 2.0% 120.0% 1.5% 105.0% 1.0% 90.0% 0.5% 75.0% 0.0% 5.5% NA NA NA 11.0% 5.0% Jan-16 22 CCE MCE BCE 60.0% M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 M1 ABS & MBS Pool Performance Update- Sep 14 M2 M3 M4 M5 32 M6 Structured Finance HDB Financial Services Limited (HFSL – 3 Pools) Key financial indicators For the year ended as on 31st March 2012 (12m, A) 2013 (12m, A) 2014 (12m, A) Total Income (in Rs. Cr) Profit After Tax (in Rs. Cr) Net worth (in Rs. Cr) Total Assets (in Rs. Cr) Gross NPA ratio (%) Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR) (%) 432 51 757 4,054 0.10 19.94 963 102 841 8,379 0.44 18.34 1688 209 1,568 13,630 0.81 18.40 30-062014 (3m, P) 544.01 70.22 NA NA 0.92 18.85 Total income during FY14 increased by 75% to Rs.1688 crore as compared to 123% during FY13. PAT of HDBFSL has increased in FY14 by 104%. HDBFSL’s profitability remains comfortable as compared to other players in the industry. Economic slowdown over the past few years has lead to an increase in delinquencies, the Gross NPA ratio increased from 0.44% as on March 31, 2013 to 0.81% as on March 31, 2014. HDBFSL has been able to maintain asset quality at comfortable levels. As on June 30, 2014, gross NPA stood at 0.92%. HDBFSL reported regulatory CAR of 18.85% as on June 30, 2014. ABS & MBS Pool Performance Update- Sep 14 33 Structured Finance Issue Name Originator Rating Asset Class HFSL Direct Assignment Mar’12 I HDB Financial Services Limited Assignee Payout - CARE AAA (SO) Equivalent Vehicle Loan Issue Details Transaction Month Mar-12 CC as % of initial POS 16% Transaction Structure Par First Loss Credit Facility NA Pool Principal (Rs Cr) 28.4 Second Loss Credit Facility NA Future Receivables (Rs Cr) No of Contracts Average Maturity (Months) Average Seasoning (Months) 35.0 261 19.6 3.6 Overdue Composition LF as % of initial POS EIS OC/Subordination Pool Maturity 100.0%, 0.0% NA 5.8% Nil Nov-16 Maturity (months) 56 Pool Per for mance Sep-14 Jun-14 Months Post S ecuritisation Balance Tenure (Months) Amortisation 90+ Delinquency (% of Initial POS ) 180+ Delinquency (% of Initial POS ) 90+ Delinquency (% of Balance POS ) 180+ Delinquency (% of Balance POS ) Overdue Amt (% of Initial POS ) CC as % of Balance POS FLF as % of Balance POS LF as % of Balance POS Balance CC (unutilized) Balance FLF (unutilized) Balance LF (unutilized) CCE MCE (3 month average) Break even Collection Efficiency Break even Collection Efficiency(FLF) Overall enhancement coverage (90+ DPD) Overall enhancement coverage (180+ DPD) FL enhancement Coverage (90+ DPD) FL enhancement Coverage (180+ DPD) Cumulative Prepayment 30 26 79.1% 2.55% 1.93% 7.73% 5.48% 2.30% 76.7% 0.0% NA 100.0% NA NA 97.67% 93.34% 27.11% NA 9.43 13.30 NA NA 7.12% 27 29 72.0% 2.02% 1.75% 4.83% 4.14% 1.97% 57.2% 0.0% NA 100.0% NA NA 98.02% 93.98% 45.53% NA 11.27 13.2 NA NA 6.35% Delinquency 4.0% 90+ dpd Overdue 180+ dpd CCE MCE Collection Efficiency BCE 110.0% 3.0% 90.0% 70.0% 2.0% 50.0% 1.0% 30.0% 0.0% 10.0% M1 M5 M9 M13 M17 M21 M25 M29 M1 M5 ABS & MBS Pool Performance Update- Sep 14 M9 M13 M17 M21 M25 34 M29 Structured Finance Issue Name Originator Rating Asset Class Venus Trust March 2013 HDB Financial Services Limited Series A PTCs - CARE A (SO) Vehicle Loan Issue Details Transaction Month Mar-13 CC as % of initial POS 8% Transaction Structure Par First Loss Credit Facility NA Pool Principal (Rs Cr) 28.3 Second Loss Credit Facility NA Future Receivables (Rs Cr) No of Contracts Average Maturity (Months) Average Seasoning (Months) 34.1 436 16.8 9.5 Overdue Composition LF as % of initial POS EIS OC/Subordination Pool Maturity 96.6%, 3.4% NA 8.8% NA Mar-17 Maturity (months) 48 Pool Per for mance Sep-14 Jun-14 Months Post S ecuritisation Balance Tenure (Months) Amortisation 90+ Delinquency (% of Initial POS ) 180+ Delinquency (% of Initial POS ) 90+ Delinquency (% of Balance POS ) 180+ Delinquency (% of Balance POS ) Overdue Amt (% of Initial POS ) CC as % of Balance POS FLF as % of Balance POS LF as % of Balance POS Balance CC (unutilized) Balance FLF (unutilized) Balance LF (unutilized) CCE MCE (3 month average) Break even Collection Efficiency Break even Collection Efficiency(FLF) Overall enhancement coverage (90+ DPD) Overall enhancement coverage (180+ DPD) FL enhancement Coverage (90+ DPD) FL enhancement Coverage (180+ DPD) Cumulative Prepayment 18 30 59.75% 3.6% 0.0% 5.9% 0.0% 2.5% 18.6% 7.5% NA 100.0% NA NA 97.3% 92.8% 78.7% NA 3.6 NA NA NA 7.7% 15 33 49.12% 2.6% 0.0% 3.6% 0.0% 1.8% 14.7% 7.5% NA 100.0% NA NA 98.1% 97.8% 81.8% NA 5.1 NA NA NA 5.3% Delinquency 4.0% 90+ dpd Overdue 180+ dpd 3.0% Collection Efficiency 120.0% CCE MCE BCE 100.0% 2.0% 80.0% 1.0% 60.0% 0.0% M1 M3 M5 M7 M9 M11 M13 M15 M17 M1 M3 ABS & MBS Pool Performance Update- Sep 14 M5 M7 M9 M11 M13 M15 M17 35 Structured Finance Issue Name Originator Rating Asset Class Venus Trust March 2014 HDB Financial Services Limited Series A PTCs - CARE AA (SO) Vehicle Loan Issue Details Transaction Month Mar-14 Transaction Structure Par Pool Principal (Rs Cr) 145.9 Future Receivables (Rs Cr) No of Contracts Average Maturity (Months) Average Seasoning (Months) 172.6 2,916 15.2 13.1 Overdue Composition CC as % of initial POS 10% First Loss Credit Facility NA Second Loss Credit Facility NA LF as % of initial POS EIS OC/Subordination Pool Maturity 100%, 0.0% NA 8.0% NA Feb-18 Maturity (months) 48 Pool Per for mance Sep-14 Jun-14 Months Post S ecuritisation Balance Tenure (Months) Amortisation 90+ Delinquency (% of Initial POS ) 180+ Delinquency (% of Initial POS ) 90+ Delinquency (% of Balance POS ) 180+ Delinquency (% of Balance POS ) Overdue Amt (% of Initial POS ) CC as % of Balance POS FLF as % of Balance POS LF as % of Balance POS Balance CC (unutilized) Balance FLF (unutilized) Balance LF (unutilized) CCE MCE (3 month average) Break even Collection Efficiency Break even Collection Efficiency(FLF) Overall enhancement coverage (90+ DPD) Overall enhancement coverage (180+ DPD) FL enhancement Coverage (90+ DPD) FL enhancement Coverage (180+ DPD) Cumulative Prepayment 6 42 21.90% 0.4% 0.0% 0.4% 0.0% 0.7% 12.2% NA 0.0% 100.0% NA NA 96.8% 96.1% 83.4% NA >30 NA NA NA 1.5% 3 45 10.81% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.3% 10.7% NA 0.0% 100.0% NA NA 97.4% 97.4% 84.4% NA >30 NA NA NA 0.7% Delinquency 1.0% 90+ dpd Overdue 180+ dpd Collection Efficiency 110.0% 0.8% CCE MCE BCE 100.0% 0.6% 90.0% 0.4% 80.0% 0.2% 70.0% 0.0% M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 M1 ABS & MBS Pool Performance Update- Sep 14 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 36 Structured Finance HDFC Bank Ltd – 1 (Pool) Key Financial Indicators For the year ended as on 31st March Total Income (in Rs. Cr) Profit After Tax (in Rs. Cr) Net worth (in Rs. Cr) Gross NPA * (%) Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR) 2012 (12m, A) 2013 (12m, A) 2014 (12m, A) 33,658 5,167 28,476 1.01 16.52 41,918 6,726 34,309 0.97 16.80 49,055 8,478 41,619 0.98 16.10 30-062014 (3m, P) 1,3071 2,233 NA 1.1 15.10 During FY14, total income grew by 17% on y-o-y basis, primarily supported by strong interest and non-interest income. The bank’s balance sheet has grown at a CAGR of 21% in the last three years (FY11 to FY14). During FY14, the bank’s advances grew at 23% while its deposits grew at 24% which was higher than the industry growth at 14.3% and 13% respectively The bank reported Gross NPA ratio of 1.1% as of 30thJune, 2014. The bank’s capital adequacy was comfortable with CAR at 15.10%. ABS & MBS Pool Performance Update- Sep 14 37 Structured Finance Issue Name HDFC Bank's Assignment of Receivables of Mar' 09 Originator HDFC Bank Limited Rating Assignee Payout- CARE AAA (SO) Equivalent Asset Class Car (69.9%), CV (30.1%) Issue Details Transaction Month Transaction Structure Pool Principal (Rs Cr) Future Receivables (Rs Cr) No of Contracts Average Maturity (Months) Average Seasoning' (Months) Overdue Composition Mar-09 Par 560.1 650.0 27695 16.4 21.4 100%, 0.0% CC as % of initial POS First Loss Credit Facility Second Loss Credit Facility LF as % of initial POS EIS OC/Subordination Pool Maturity Maturity (months) Pool Performance Months Post Securitisation Balance Tenure (Months) Amortisation 90+ Delinquency (% of Initial POS) 180+ Delinquency (% of Initial POS) 90+ Delinquency (% of Balance POS) 180+ Delinquency (% of Balance POS) Overdue Amt (% of Initial POS) CC as % of Balance POS FLF as % of Balance POS LF as % of Balance POS Balance CC (unutilized) Balance FLF (unutilized) Balance LF (unutilized) CCE MCE (3 month average) Break even Collection Efficiency Break even Collection Efficiency(FLF) Overall enhancement coverage (90+ DPD) Overall enhancement coverage (180+ DPD) FL enhancement Coverage (90+ DPD) FL enhancement Coverage (180+ DPD) Cumulative Prepayment Delinquency 90+ dpd Overdue 180+ dpd Sep-14 65 9 99.97% 0.38% 0.38% 3.17% 2.52% 0.38% 38375.62% NA NA 100.00% NA NA 99.91% 158.80% 0.00% NA >30 >30 NA NA 12.66% Collection Efficiency 1.0% 400.0% 0.8% 300.0% 0.5% 200.0% 0.3% 100.0% 0.0% 12.1% NA NA NA 2.4% Nil Jun-15 74 Jun-14 62 12 99.9% 0.4% 0.4% 4.2% 2.8% 0.4% 22194.5% NA NA 100.0% NA NA 99.9% 128.0% 0.0% NA >30 >30 NA NA 12.7% CCE MCE BCE 0.0% M1 M11 M21 M31 M41 M51 M61 M1 M11 ABS & MBS Pool Performance Update- Sep 14 M21 M31 M41 M51 38 M61 Structured Finance HDFC Ltd – 9 (Pools) Key Financial Indicators For the year ended as on 31st March Total Income (in Rs. Cr) Profit After Tax (in Rs. Cr) Net worth (in Rs. Cr) Gross NPA (%) Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR) 2012 (12m, A) 17,354 4,123 18,389 0.74 14.6 2013 (12m, A) 21,148 4,848 24,369 0.7 16.4 2014 (12m, A) 24,198 5,440 27,325 0.69 17.9 30-062014 (3m, P) 6,461 1,419 28,744 0.70 15.30 Higher treasury and dividend income helped HDFC report Profit After Tax (PAT) of Rs.5,440 crore on total income of Rs.24,198 crore during FY14 ascompared to PAT of Rs.4,848 crore on total income of Rs.21,148 crore during FY13. HDFC reported Gross NPA ratio of 0.70% and Net NPA of 0.48%as on June 30, 2014, indicating one of the best asset quality parameters in the housing finance industry. HDFC reported Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR) of 15.30% (Tier I CAR: 12.90%) as on June 30, 2014. ABS & MBS Pool Performance Update- Sep 14 39 Structured Finance Issue Name HDFC's Assignment of Receivables of Mar' 09 HDFC Limited Originator Assignee Payout - CARE AAA (SO) Equivalent Rating Second Loss Facility - BBB (SO) Equivalent Asset Class Housing Loan Issue Details Transaction Month Transaction Structure Pool Principal (Rs Cr) Future Receivables (Rs Cr) No of Contracts Average Maturity (Months) Average Seasoning' (Months) Overdue Composition Mar-09 Par 1032.0 2105.5 14,764 94.0 19.2 83.6%, 16.4% CC as % of initial POS First Loss Credit Facility Second Loss Credit Facility LF as % of initial POS EIS OC/Subordination Pool Maturity Maturity (months) Pool Performance Months Post Securitisation Amortisation 90+ Delinquency (% of Initial POS) 180+ Delinquency (% of Initial POS) 90+ Delinquency (% of Balance POS) 180+ Delinquency (% of Balance POS) Overdue Amt (% of Initial POS) CC as % of Balance POS FLF as % of Balance POS LF as % of Balance POS Balance CC (unutilized) Balance FLF (unutilized) Balance LF (unutilized) CCE MCE (3 month average) Break even Collection Efficiency Break even Collection Efficiency(FLF) Overall enhancement coverage (90+ DPD) Overall enhancement coverage (180+ DPD) FL enhancement Coverage (90+ DPD) FL enhancement Coverage (180+ DPD) Cumulative Prepayment 90+ dpd Overdue Delinquency 1.0% 180+ dpd Sep-14 66 70.4% 0.3% 0.1% 0.9% 0.4% 0.2% 25.3% 8.4% NA 100.0% 100.0% NA 99.7% 100.3% 76.1% 86.3% 27.7 >30 15.9 >30 42.7% 7.5% 2.5% 5.0% NA 25.9% Nil Feb-34 299 Jun-14 63 68.5% 0.3% 0.1% 0.7% 0.3% 0.2% 23.8% 7.9% NA 100.0% 100.0% NA 99.7% 100.0% 77.1% 86.5% >30 >30 20.5 >30 41.7% Collection Efficiency CCE MCE BCE 110.0% 0.8% 100.0% 0.6% 90.0% 0.4% 80.0% 0.2% 70.0% 60.0% 0.0% M1 M11 M21 M31 M41 M51 M61 50.0% M1 M11 ABS & MBS Pool Performance Update- Sep 14 M21 M31 M41 M51 40 M61 Structured Finance Issue Name Originator Rating Asset Class HDFC's Assignment of Receivables of May' 09-I HDFC Limited Assignee Payout - CARE AAA (SO) Equivalent Second Loss Facility - BBB (SO) Equivalent Housing Loan Issue Details Transaction Month Transaction Structure Pool Principal (Rs Cr) Future Receivables (Rs Cr) No of Contracts Average Maturity (Months) Average Seasoning' (Months) Overdue Composition May-09 Par 362.2 678.4 3,945 89.3 2.4 95.3%,4.4%,0.3% CC as % of initial POS First Loss Credit Facility Second Loss Credit Facility LF as % of initial POS EIS OC/Subordination Pool Maturity Maturity (months) Pool Performance Months Post Securitisation Amortisation 90+ Delinquency (% of Initial POS) 180+ Delinquency (% of Initial POS) 90+ Delinquency (% of Balance POS) 180+ Delinquency (% of Balance POS) Overdue Amt (% of Initial POS) CC as % of Balance POS FLF as % of Balance POS LF as % of Balance POS Balance CC (unutilized) Balance FLF (unutilized) Balance LF (unutilized) CCE MCE (3 month average) Break even Collection Efficiency Break even Collection Efficiency(FLF) Overall enhancement coverage (90+ DPD) Overall enhancement coverage (180+ DPD) FL enhancement Coverage (90+ DPD) FL enhancement Coverage (180+ DPD) Cumulative Prepayment Delinquency 1.0% 90+ dpd Overdue 180+ dpd Sep-14 64 58.8% 0.8% 0.4% 1.6% 0.7% 0.3% 29.1% 13.3% NA 100.0% 100.0% NA 99.4% 99.6% 79.2% 87.7% 12.9 >30 7.6 18.4 34.2% 110.0% 0.6% 100.0% 0.4% 90.0% 0.2% 80.0% 0.0% M1 M11 M21 M31 M41 M51 M61 Jun-14 61 56.7% 0.8% 0.3% 1.6% 0.5% 0.3% 27.7% 12.7% NA 100.0% 100.0% NA 99.4% 100.3% 80.1% 88.1% 12.6% >30 7.6 25.9 33.1% Collection Efficiency 0.8% 12.0% 5.5% 6.5% NA 11.2% Nil Jan-30 248 CCE MCE BCE 70.0% M1 M11 ABS & MBS Pool Performance Update- Sep 14 M21 M31 M41 M51 41 M61 Structured Finance Issue Name Originator Rating Asset Class HDFC's Assignment of Receivables of May' 09-II HDFC Limited Assignee Payout - CARE AAA (SO) Equivalent Second Loss Facility - BBB (SO) Equivalent Housing Loan Issue Details Transaction Month Transaction Structure Pool Principal (Rs Cr) Future Receivables (Rs Cr) No of Contracts Average Maturity (Months) Average Seasoning' (Months) Overdue Composition May-09 Par 1013.2 2040.7 3,384 95.4 7.4 95.9%,3.8%,0.3% CC as % of initial POS First Loss Credit Facility Second Loss Credit Facility LF as % of initial POS EIS OC/Subordination Pool Maturity Maturity (months) Pool Performance Months Post Securitisation Amortisation 90+ Delinquency (% of Initial POS) 180+ Delinquency (% of Initial POS) 90+ Delinquency (% of Balance POS) 180+ Delinquency (% of Balance POS) Overdue Amt (% of Initial POS) CC as % of Balance POS FLF as % of Balance POS LF as % of Balance POS Balance CC (unutilized) Balance FLF (unutilized) Balance LF (unutilized) CCE MCE (3 month average) Break even Collection Efficiency Break even Collection Efficiency(FLF) Overall enhancement coverage (90+ DPD) Overall enhancement coverage (180+ DPD) FL enhancement Coverage (90+ DPD) FL enhancement Coverage (180+ DPD) Cumulative Prepayment Delinquency 1.0% 90+ dpd Overdue 180+ dpd Sep-14 64 67.85% 0.51% 0.29% 1.37% 0.76% 0.29% 31.13% 13.23% NA 100.00% 100.00% NA 99.53% 100.35% 77.21% 87.65% 16.6 30.0 9.0 16.2 46.33% Jun-14 61 65.8% 0.5% 0.3% 1.3% 0.6% 0.3% 29.3% 12.4% NA 100.0% 100.0% NA 99.5% 100.0% 78.5% 88.2% 16.3 >30 8.9 18.7 45.1% Collection Efficiency 0.8% 110.0% 0.6% 100.0% 10.0% 4.3% 5.8% NA 12.4% Nil Nov-33 294 CCE MCE BCE 90.0% 0.4% 80.0% 0.2% 70.0% 0.0% M1 M11 M21 M31 M41 M51 M61 60.0% M1 M11 ABS & MBS Pool Performance Update- Sep 14 M21 M31 M41 M51 42 M61 Structured Finance Issue Name Originator Rating Asset Class HDFC's Assignment of Receivables of Dec' 09-I HDFC Limited Assignee Payout - CARE AAA (SO) Equivalent Second Loss Facility - BBB (SO) Equivalent Housing Loan Issue Details Transaction Month Transaction Structure Pool Principal (Rs Cr) Future Receivables (Rs Cr) No of Contracts Average Maturity (Months) Average Seasoning' (Months) Overdue Composition Dec-09 Par 238.6 430.6 3,243 84.6 8.3 99.8%, 0.2% CC as % of initial POS First Loss Credit Facility Second Loss Credit Facility LF as % of initial POS EIS OC/Subordination Pool Maturity Maturity (months) Pool Performance Months Post Securitisation Amortisation 90+ Delinquency (% of Initial POS) 180+ Delinquency (% of Initial POS) 90+ Delinquency (% of Balance POS) 180+ Delinquency (% of Balance POS) Overdue Amt (% of Initial POS) CC as % of Balance POS FLF as % of Balance POS LF as % of Balance POS Balance CC (unutilized) Balance FLF (unutilized) Balance LF (unutilized) CCE MCE (3 month average) Break even Collection Efficiency Break even Collection Efficiency(FLF) Overall enhancement coverage (90+ DPD) Overall enhancement coverage (180+ DPD) FL enhancement Coverage (90+ DPD) FL enhancement Coverage (180+ DPD) Cumulative Prepayment Delinquency 90+ dpd Overdue 180+ dpd Sep-14 58 57.8% 0.66% 0.07% 1.4% 0.1% 0.23% 30.6% 13.6% NA 100.0% 100.0% NA 99.93% 100.0% 79.02% 88.5% 14.7 >30 8.1 >30 34.40% 110.0% 0.8% 100.0% 0.6% Jun-14 55 55.6% 0.5% 0.1% 1.0% 0.2% 0.2% 29.1% 13.0% NA 100.0% 100.0% NA 99.9% 101.0% 80.0% 88.9% 20.5 >30 11.3 >30 33.25% CCE MCE Collection Efficiency 1.0% 12.9% 5.7% 7.2% NA 9.8% Nil Sep-29 240 BCE 90.0% 0.4% 80.0% 0.2% 70.0% 0.0% M1 M9 M17 M25 M33 M41 M49 M57 M1 M9 ABS & MBS Pool Performance Update- Sep 14 M17 M25 M33 M41 M49 43 M57 Structured Finance Issue Name Originator Rating Asset Class HDFC's Assignment of Receivables of Dec' 09-II HDFC Limited Assignee Payout - CARE AAA (SO) Equivalent Second Loss Facility - BBB (SO) Equivalent Housing Loan Issue Details Transaction Month Transaction Structure Pool Principal (Rs Cr) Future Receivables (Rs Cr) No of Contracts Average Maturity (Months) Average Seasoning' (Months) Overdue Composition Dec-09 Par 759.5 1344.3 13,248 76.4 36.2 99.7%, 0.3% CC as % of initial POS First Loss Credit Facility Second Loss Credit Facility LF as % of initial POS EIS OC/Subordination Pool Maturity Maturity (months) Pool Performance Months Post Securitisation Amortisation 90+ Delinquency (% of Initial POS) 180+ Delinquency (% of Initial POS) 90+ Delinquency (% of Balance POS) 180+ Delinquency (% of Balance POS) Overdue Amt (% of Initial POS) CC as % of Balance POS FLF as % of Balance POS LF as % of Balance POS Balance CC (unutilized) Balance FLF (unutilized) Balance LF (unutilized) CCE MCE (3 month average) Break even Collection Efficiency Break even Collection Efficiency(FLF) Overall enhancement coverage (90+ DPD) Overall enhancement coverage (180+ DPD) FL enhancement Coverage (90+ DPD) FL enhancement Coverage (180+ DPD) Cumulative Prepayment 90+ dpd Overdue Delinquency 180+ dpd Sep-14 58 67.0% 0.5% 0.1% 1.3% 0.3% 0.2% 29.5% 11.3% NA 100.0% 100.0% NA 99.6% 100.4% 76.3% 87.3% 18.58 >30 9.9 >30 39.3% Jun-14 55 64.8% 0.4% 0.1% 1.1% 0.2% 0.2% 27.7% 10.7% NA 100.0% 100.0% NA 99.6% 100.4% 77.5% 87.7% 20.1 >30 10.9 >30 38.2% CCE MCE Collection Efficiency 110.0% 1.0% 0.8% 100.0% 0.6% 90.0% 9.8% 3.7% 6.1% NA 14.5% Nil Aug-30 251 BCE 0.4% 80.0% 0.2% 0.0% 70.0% M1 M9 M17 M25 M33 M41 M49 M57 M1 M9 ABS & MBS Pool Performance Update- Sep 14 M17 M25 M33 M41 M49 44 M57 Structured Finance Issue Name Originator Rating Asset Class HDFC Direct Assignment Oct' 10-I HDFC Limited Assignee Payout - CARE AAA (SO) Equivalent Second Loss Facility - BBB (SO) Equivalent Housing Loan Issue Details Transaction Month Transaction Structure Pool Principal (Rs Cr) Future Receivables (Rs Cr) No of Contracts Average Maturity (Months) Average Seasoning' (Months) Overdue Composition Nov-10 Par 316.3 572.1 2,982 97.7 2.3 91.7%, 8.2%, 0.1% CC as % of initial POS First Loss Credit Facility Second Loss Credit Facility LF as % of initial POS EIS OC/Subordination Pool Maturity Maturity (months) Pool Performance Months Post Securitisation Amortisation 90+ Delinquency (% of Initial POS) 180+ Delinquency (% of Initial POS) 90+ Delinquency (% of Balance POS) 180+ Delinquency (% of Balance POS) Overdue Amt (% of Initial POS) CC as % of Balance POS FLF as % of Balance POS LF as % of Balance POS Balance CC (unutilized) Balance FLF (unutilized) Balance LF (unutilized) CCE MCE (3 month average) Break even Collection Efficiency Break even Collection Efficiency(FLF) Overall enhancement coverage (90+ DPD) Overall enhancement coverage (180+ DPD) FL enhancement Coverage (90+ DPD) FL enhancement Coverage (180+ DPD) Cumulative Prepayment Delinquency 1.0% 90+ dpd 180+ dpd Overdue 0.8% Sep-14 47 38.4% 0.45% 0.10% 0.7% 0.1% 0.18% 17.1% 6.8% NA 100.0% 100.0% NA 99.77% 100.2% 85.5% 91.1% 21.4 >30 13.21 >30 24.04% Collection Efficiency 110.0% 10.5% 4.2% 6.3% NA 12.0% Nil Aug-30 238 Jun-14 44 36.4% 0.4% 0.1% 0.6% 0.1% 0.2% 16.5% 6.6% NA 100.0% 100.0% NA 99.7% 100.0% 85.9% 91.2% 23.5 >30 14.7 >30 22.9% CCE MCE BCE 100.0% 0.6% 90.0% 0.4% 0.2% 80.0% 0.0% M1 M6 M11 M16 M21 M26 M31 M36 M41 M46 M1 M6 M11 M16 M21 M26 M31 M36 M41 M46 ABS & MBS Pool Performance Update- Sep 14 45 Structured Finance Issue Name Originator Rating Asset Class HDFC Direct Assignment Oct' 10-II HDFC Limited Assignee Payout - CARE AAA (SO) Equivalent Second Loss Facility - BBB (SO) Equivalent Housing Loan Issue Details Transaction Month Transaction Structure Pool Principal (Rs Cr) Future Receivables (Rs Cr) No of Contracts Average Maturity (Months) Average Seasoning' (Months) Overdue Composition Nov-10 Par 1042.4 1850.5 9,974 95.4 1.1 91.4%, 8.6% CC as % of initial POS First Loss Credit Facility Second Loss Credit Facility LF as % of initial POS EIS OC/Subordination Pool Maturity Maturity (months) Pool Performance Months Post Securitisation Amortisation 90+ Delinquency (% of Initial POS) 180+ Delinquency (% of Initial POS) 90+ Delinquency (% of Balance POS) 180+ Delinquency (% of Balance POS) Overdue Amt (% of Initial POS) CC as % of Balance POS FLF as % of Balance POS LF as % of Balance POS Balance CC (unutilized) Balance FLF (unutilized) Balance LF (unutilized) CCE MCE (3 month average) Break even Collection Efficiency Break even Collection Efficiency(FLF) Overall enhancement coverage (90+ DPD) Overall enhancement coverage (180+ DPD) FL enhancement Coverage (90+ DPD) FL enhancement Coverage (180+ DPD) Cumulative Prepayment Delinquency 1.0% 90+ dpd Overdue 180+ dpd 0.8% Sep-14 47 44.7% 0.52% 0.20% 0.8% 0.3% 0.21% 19.0% 7.6% NA 100.0% 100.0% NA 99.75% 100.1% 84.53% 90.7% 18.8 >30 11.2 >30 27.17% Collection Efficiency 110.0% 10.5% 4.2% 6.3% NA 12.0% Nil Aug-30 238 Jun-14 44 42.0% 0.6% 0.2% 0.8% 0.3% 0.2% 18.1% 7.2% NA 100.0% 100.0% NA 99.7% 100.2% 85.1% 90.9% 17.6 >30 10.7 >30 25.5% CCE MCE BCE 100.0% 0.6% 90.0% 0.4% 80.0% 0.2% 70.0% 0.0% M1 M6 M11 M16 M21 M26 M31 M36 M41 M46 M1 M6 M11 M16 M21 M26 M31 M36 M41 M46 ABS & MBS Pool Performance Update- Sep 14 46 Structured Finance Issue Name Originator Rating Asset Class HDFC Direct Assignment Sep' 11 HDFC Limited Assignee Payout - CARE AAA (SO) Equivalent Second Loss Facility - BBB (SO) Equivalent Housing Loan Issue Details Transaction Month Sep-11 Transaction Structure CC as % of initial POS Par Pool Principal (Rs Cr) 600.0 Future Receivables (Rs Cr) No of Contracts Average Maturity (Months) Average Seasoning' (Months) 1270.4 4,191 102.1 11.0 Overdue Composition First Loss Credit Facility 4.1% Second Loss Credit Facility 5.2% LF as % of initial POS EIS OC/Subordination Pool Maturity 94.72%,5.13%, 0.15% 90+ dpd Overdue 180+ dpd 278 Sep-14 36 35.4% 0.47% 0.22% 0.63% 0.26% 0.20% 14.4% 6.3% NA 99.9% 99.7% NA 99.77% 98.9% 89.37% 93.6% 16.82 >30 10.14 24.24 23.73% Jun-14 33 32.6% 0.4% 0.1% 0.5% 0.1% 0.2% 13.8% 6.1% NA 100.0% 100.0% NA 99.8% 100.2% 89.8% 93.7% 21.2 >30 13.0 >30 21.9% CCE MCE Collection Efficiency 110.0% 1.0% 0.8% NA 7.6% Nil Dec-34 Maturity (months) Pool Performance Months Post Securitisation Amortisation 90+ Delinquency (% of Initial POS) 180+ Delinquency (% of Initial POS) 90+ Delinquency (% of Balance POS) 180+ Delinquency (% of Balance POS) Overdue Amt (% of Initial POS) CC as % of Balance POS FLF as % of Balance POS LF as % of Balance POS Balance CC (unutilized) Balance FLF (unutilized) Balance LF (unutilized) CCE MCE (3 month average) Break even Collection Efficiency Break even Collection Efficiency(FLF) Overall enhancement coverage (90+ DPD) Overall enhancement coverage (180+ DPD) FL enhancement Coverage (90+ DPD) FL enhancement Coverage (180+ DPD) Cumulative Prepayment Delinquency 9.3% BCE 100.0% 0.6% 0.4% 90.0% 0.2% 80.0% 0.0% M1 M6 M11 M16 M21 M26 M31 M36 M1 M6 ABS & MBS Pool Performance Update- Sep 14 M11 M16 M21 M26 M31 47 M36 Structured Finance Issue Name Originator Rating Asset Class HDFC Direct Assignment Oct' 11 HDFC Limited Assignee Payout - CARE AAA (SO) Equivalent Second Loss Facility - BBB (SO) Equivalent Housing Loan Issue Details Transaction Month Transaction Structure Pool Principal (Rs Cr) Future Receivables (Rs Cr) No of Contracts Average Maturity (Months) Average Seasoning' (Months) Overdue Composition Oct-11 Par 1386.4 2986.0 15,568 102.6 22.2 80.98%,17.47%, 1.55% CC as % of initial POS First Loss Credit Facility Second Loss Credit Facility LF as % of initial POS EIS OC/Subordination Pool Maturity Maturity (months) Pool Performance Months Post Securitisation Amortisation 90+ Delinquency (% of Initial POS) 180+ Delinquency (% of Initial POS) 90+ Delinquency (% of Balance POS) 180+ Delinquency (% of Balance POS) Overdue Amt (% of Initial POS) CC as % of Balance POS FLF as % of Balance POS LF as % of Balance POS Balance CC (unutilized) Balance FLF (unutilized) Balance LF (unutilized) CCE MCE (3 month average) Break even Collection Efficiency Break even Collection Efficiency(FLF) Overall enhancement coverage (90+ DPD) Overall enhancement coverage (180+ DPD) FL enhancement Coverage (90+ DPD) FL enhancement Coverage (180+ DPD) Cumulative Prepayment 90+ dpd Overdue Delinquency 180+ dpd Sep-14 36 42.6% 0.51% 0.22% 0.79% 0.32% 0.25% 15.5% 6.3% NA 100.0% 100.0% NA 99.98% 100.0% 85.16% 90.1% 18.77 >30 12.51 >30 26.83% Jun-14 33 39.8% 0.5% 0.2% 0.8% 0.2% 0.3% 14.8% 6.0% NA 100.0% 100.0% NA 100.0% 100.3% 85.6% 90.2% 18.6 >30 12.6 >30 25.2% CCE MCE Collection Efficiency 110.0% 1.0% 0.8% 8.8% 3.6% 5.2% NA 16.3% Nil Apr-40 344 BCE 100.0% 0.6% 0.4% 90.0% 0.2% 80.0% 0.0% M1 M6 M11 M16 M21 M26 M31 M36 M1 M6 ABS & MBS Pool Performance Update- Sep 14 M11 M16 M21 M26 M31 48 M36 Structured Finance Hinduja Leyland Finance Ltd - 2 (Pools) Key Financial Indicators For the year ended as on 31st March Total Income (in Rs. Cr) Profit After Tax (in Rs. Cr) Net worth (in Rs. Cr) Gross NPA (%) Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR) 2011 (12m, A) 102 27 249 0.19 29.36 2012 (12m, A) 324 84 430 1.25 15.77 2013 (12m, A) 499 91 520 3.16 15.95 2014 (12m, A) 596 81 794 3.86 20.42 During FY14, HLF registered 19% growth in total income driven by 20% growth in AUM. This is due to higher disbursement in HCV and two wheeler segments. Gross NPA increased from Rs.3.16% on March 31, 2013 to 3.86% as on March 31, 2014 on account of increase in NPA levels in used vehicle segment, HCV and LCV segments. HLF has maintained capital adequacy above the NBFC’s regulatory requirement. HLF reported CAR of 20.42% as on March 31, 2014 as compared to 15.95% as on March 31, 2013 majorly due to equity infusion of Rs.200 crore during FY14. ABS & MBS Pool Performance Update- Sep 14 49 Structured Finance Issue Name HLF CV Trust September 2013 Originator Hinduja Leyland Finance Ltd. Rating Series A1 PTCs - CARE AA (SO) MHCV (50.88%), SCV (23.55%),CE (12.48),Buses Asset Class (6.55%) & LCV (6.54%) Issue Details Transaction Month Sep-13 Transaction Structure Par Pool Principal (Rs Cr) 213.9 Future Receivables (Rs Cr) No of Contracts Average Maturity (Months) Average Seasoning (Months) 256.2 3,615 16.5 9.8 Overdue Composition 96.44%, 3.56% CC as % of initial POS 16.0% First Loss Credit Facility 10.0% Second Loss Credit Facility 6.0% LF as % of initial POS EIS OC/Subordination Pool Maturity NA 7.6% NA Feb-18 Maturity (months) 53 Pool Per for mance Sep-14 Jun-14 Months Post S ecuritisation Balance Tenure (Months) Amortisation 90+ Delinquency (% of Initial POS ) 180+ Delinquency (% of Initial POS ) 90+ Delinquency (% of Balance POS ) 180+ Delinquency (% of Balance POS ) Overdue Amt (% of Initial POS ) CC as % of Balance POS FLF as % of Balance POS LF as % of Balance POS Balance CC (unutilized) Balance FLF (unutilized) Balance LF (unutilized) CCE MCE (3 month average) Break even Collection Efficiency Break even Collection Efficiency(FLF) Overall enhancement coverage (90+ DPD) Overall enhancement coverage (180+ DPD) FL enhancement Coverage (90+ DPD) FL enhancement Coverage (180+ DPD) Cumulative Prepayment 12 41 39.1% 3.4% 1.3% 4.3% 1.5% 2.3% 26.3% 16.4% NA 100.0% 100.0% NA 93.9% 94.8% 70.5% 79.0% 6.9 19.4 4.9 13.8 2.3% 9 44 28.8% 2.2% 0.7% 2.5% 0.8% 1.7% 22.5% 14.0% NA 100.0% 100.0% NA 93.6% 93.5% 74.0% 81.2% 10.6 >30 7.7 24.2 1.5% 90+ dpd Overdue Delinquency 4.0% 180+ dpd CCE MCE Collection Efficiency 100.0% BCE 80.0% 3.0% 60.0% 2.0% 40.0% 1.0% 20.0% 0.0% 0.0% M1 M3 M5 M7 M9 M11 M1 ABS & MBS Pool Performance Update- Sep 14 M3 M5 M7 M9 M11 50 Structured Finance Issue Name Aeries CV Trust March 2014 Originator Hinduja Leyland Finance Ltd. Rating Series A PTCs - CARE AA (SO) Asset Class MHCV (34.13%), SCV (18.48%), CE (7.03%), Buses (5.42%), CPC (10.86%), Three Wheeler (0.10%), Tractor (3.93%), MUV (15.60%) and LCV (4.44%) Issue Details Transaction Month Mar-14 Transaction Structure Par Pool Principal (Rs Cr) 283.6 Future Receivables (Rs Cr) No of Contracts Average Maturity (Months) Average Seasoning (Months) 338.3 7,074 15.8 11.0 Overdue Composition CC as % of initial POS 13.8% First Loss Credit Facility NA Second Loss Credit Facility NA LF as % of initial POS EIS OC/Subordination Pool Maturity 93.31%, 6.69% NA 8.2% NA Sep-18 Maturity (months) 54 Pool Per for mance Sep-14 Jun-14 Months Post S ecuritisation Balance Tenure (Months) Amortisation 90+ Delinquency (% of Initial POS ) 180+ Delinquency (% of Initial POS ) 90+ Delinquency (% of Balance POS ) 180+ Delinquency (% of Balance POS ) Overdue Amt (% of Initial POS ) CC as % of Balance POS FLF as % of Balance POS LF as % of Balance POS Balance CC (unutilized) Balance FLF (unutilized) Balance LF (unutilized) CCE MCE (3 month average) Break even Collection Efficiency Break even Collection Efficiency(FLF) Overall enhancement coverage (90+ DPD) Overall enhancement coverage (180+ DPD) FL enhancement Coverage (90+ DPD) FL enhancement Coverage (180+ DPD) Cumulative Prepayment 6 48 21.5% 0.3% 0.0% 0.3% 0.0% 0.8% 17.5% NA NA 100.0% NA NA 93.7% 96.0% 77.6% NA >30 NA NA NA 1.5% 3 51 10.4% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.5% 15.3% NA NA 100.0% NA NA 91.4% 91.4% 79.6% NA >30 NA NA NA 0.5% 90+ dpd Overdue Delinquency 4.0% 180+ dpd CCE MCE Collection Efficiency 100.0% BCE 80.0% 3.0% 60.0% 2.0% 40.0% 1.0% 20.0% 0.0% 0.0% M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 M1 ABS & MBS Pool Performance Update- Sep 14 M2 M3 M4 M5 51 M6 Structured Finance Indiabulls Housing Finance Company Ltd – 18 (Pools) Key Financial Indicators For the year ended as on 31st March Total Income (in Rs. Cr) Profit After Tax (in Rs. Cr) Net worth (in Rs. Cr) Gross NPA * (%) Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR) 2012 (12m, A) 2013 (12m, A) 2014 (12m, A) 3,846 1,006 4,793 0.86 18.86 4,778 1,266 5,003 0.88 18.47 5,961 1,569 5,452 0.96 19.14 30-062014 (3m, P) 1,603 424 5,499 0.97 17.40 * Calculated on on-balance sheet portfolio During FY14, total income grew by 24.8% on y-o-y basis, primarily supported by increase in disbursements. Asset Under Management registered a growth of around 20%and stood at 41,169 crores as of 31st March,2014 as against 34,425 as of 31st March, 2013. AUM as of June 30, 2014 stood at 42,014 crores The gross NPA level has increased slightly from 0.88% in FY13 to 0.96% in FY 14 in line with the industry. As of June 30,2014 gross NPA stood at 0.97%. Despite the prolonged depressed economic environment NPAs remained within the comfortable range. The CAR has improved in FY14 and stood at 19.12% as against 18.47% in FY13. The improvement in CAR is mainly due to the strengthening of Tier II Capital to the level of 4.08% in FY14 as against 3.51% in FY13. Tier I Capital almost remained stable increasing slightly to 15.05% in FY14 as against 14.96% in FY13. CAR stood at 17.40% as on June 30, 2014. ABS & MBS Pool Performance Update- Sep 14 52 Structured Finance Issue Name IBFSL Direct Assignment- Sep ’11 I Indiabulls Housing Finance Ltd. (Erstwhile Indiabulls Financial Services Ltd.) Rating Assignee Payout - CARE AA+ (SO) Equivalent Asset Class Secured SME / Loan against Property Originator Issue Details Transaction Month Transaction Structure Pool Principal (Rs Cr) Future Receivables (Rs Cr) No of Contracts Average Maturity (Months) Average Seasoning (Months) Overdue Composition Delinquency 2.0% 90+ dpd Overdue Sep-11 Par 335.5 707.8 600 67.8 13.2 100.0%, 0.0% 180+ dpd CC as % of initial POS First Loss Credit Facility Second Loss Credit Facility LF as % of initial POS EIS OC/Subordination Pool Maturity Maturity (months) Collection Efficiency 120.0% 1.5% 100.0% 1.0% 80.0% 0.5% 60.0% 0.0% 40.0% M1 M6 M11 M16 M21 M26 M31 M36 M1 ABS & MBS Pool Performance Update- Sep 14 M6 19.5% NA NA NA 34.6% NA Jan-26 173 CCE MCE BCE M11 M16 M21 M26 M31 M36 53 Structured Finance Issue Name IBFSL Direct Assignment- Sep ’11 II Indiabulls Housing Finance Ltd. Originator (Erstwhile Indiabulls Financial Services Ltd.) Rating Assignee Payout - CARE AA+ (SO) Equivalent Asset Class HCV (92.03%), LCV (6.37%) & Others (1.60%) Issue Details Transaction Month Transaction Structure Pool Principal (Rs Cr) Future Receivables (Rs Cr) No of Contracts Average Maturity (Months) Average Seasoning (Months) Overdue Composition Sep-11 Par 251.2 304.5 4,398 15.5 11.2 100.0%, 0.0% CC as % of initial POS First Loss Credit Facility Second Loss Credit Facility LF as % of initial POS EIS OC/Subordination Pool Maturity Maturity (months) Pool Performance Months Post Securitisation Balance Tenure (Months) Amortisation 90+ Delinquency (% of Initial POS) 180+ Delinquency (% of Initial POS) 90+ Delinquency (% of Balance POS) 180+ Delinquency (% of Balance POS) Overdue Amt (% of Initial POS) CC as % of Balance POS FLF as % of Balance POS LF as % of Balance POS Balance CC (unutilized) Balance FLF (unutilized) Balance LF (unutilized) CCE MCE (3 month average) Break even Collection Efficiency Break even Collection Efficiency(FLF) Overall enhancement coverage (90+ DPD) Overall enhancement coverage (180+ DPD) FL enhancement Coverage (90+ DPD) FL enhancement Coverage (180+ DPD) Cumulative Prepayment Delinquency 4.0% 90+ dpd Overdue 180+ dpd Sep-14 36 10 97.6% 0.3% 0.2% 4.3% 1.7% 0.5% 556.2% NA NA 100.0% NA NA 98.0% 98.8% 0.0% NA >30 >30 NA NA 13.1% Collection Efficiency 125.0% 13.5% NA NA NA 7.2% NA Jun-15 46 Jun-14 33 13 95.4% 0.5% 0.2% 4.6% 1.5% 0.6% 292.4% NA NA 100.0% NA NA 97.9% 99.9% 0.0% NA >30 >30 NA NA 12.9% CCE MCE BCE 100.0% 3.0% 75.0% 2.0% 50.0% 1.0% 25.0% 0.0% 0.0% M1 M6 M11 M16 M21 M26 M31 M36 M1 ABS & MBS Pool Performance Update- Sep 14 M6 M11 M16 M21 M26 M31 M36 54 Structured Finance Issue Name IBFSL Direct Assignment – Dec ’11 I Indiabulls Housing Finance Ltd. Originator (Erstwhile Indiabulls Financial Services Ltd.) Rating Assignee Payout - CARE AA+ (SO) Equivalent Asset Class Secured SME / Loan against Property Pool Performance Months Post Securitisation Amortisation 90+ Delinquency (% of Initial POS) 180+ Delinquency (% of Initial POS) 90+ Delinquency (% of Balance POS) 180+ Delinquency (% of Balance POS) Overdue Amt (% of Initial POS) CC as % of Balance POS FLF as % of Balance POS LF as % of Balance POS Balance CC (unutilized) Balance FLF (unutilized) Balance LF (unutilized) CCE MCE (3 month average) Break even Collection Efficiency Break even Collection Efficiency(FLF) Overall enhancement coverage (90+ DPD) Overall enhancement coverage (180+ DPD) FL enhancement Coverage (90+ DPD) FL enhancement Coverage (180+ DPD) Cumulative Prepayment Delinquency 4.0% 90+ dpd Overdue 180+ dpd Sep-14 33 63.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.2% 56.5% NA NA 100.0% NA NA 99.5% 104.8% 53.9% NA NA NA NA NA 49.3% Collection Efficiency 130.0% 3.0% 110.0% 2.0% 90.0% 1.0% 70.0% 0.0% 50.0% M1 M5 M9 M13 M17 M21 M25 M29 M33 M1 M5 ABS & MBS Pool Performance Update- Sep 14 Jun-14 30 59.3% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.3% 51.4% NA NA 100.0% NA NA 99.1% 102.2% 56.9% NA NA NA NA NA 46.5% CCE MCE BCE M9 M13 M17 M21 M25 M29 M33 55 Structured Finance Issue Name IBFSL Direct Assignment Dec ’11 III Indiabulls Housing Finance Ltd. Originator (Erstwhile Indiabulls Financial Services Ltd.) Rating Assignee Payout - CARE AA+ (SO) Equivalent Asset Class HCV (92.26%) & LCV (7.74%) Issue Details Transaction Month Dec-11 Transaction Structure Pool Principal (Rs Cr) Future Receivables (Rs Cr) No of Contracts Average Maturity (Months) Average Seasoning (Months) Overdue Composition Delinquency 4.0% 13.9% Par First Loss Credit Facility NA 250.2 305.8 3,182 17.6 9.0 Second Loss Credit Facility LF as % of initial POS EIS OC/Subordination Pool Maturity NA NA 5.7% NA Jul-16 100%,0% 90+ dpd Overdue CC as % of initial POS 180+ dpd Maturity (months) Collection Efficiency 55 CCE MCE BCE 120.0% 3.0% 90.0% 2.0% 60.0% 1.0% 30.0% 0.0% 0.0% M1 M5 M9 M13 M17 M21 M25 M29 M33 M1 ABS & MBS Pool Performance Update- Sep 14 M5 M9 M13 M17 M21 M25 M29 M33 56 Structured Finance Issue Name IBFSL Direct Assignment- Feb ’12 I Indiabulls Housing Finance Ltd. Originator (Erstwhile Indiabulls Financial Services Ltd.) Rating Assignee Payout - CARE AA+ (SO) Equivalent Asset Class Secured SME / Loan against Property Issue Details Transaction Month Mar-12 Transaction Structure Par Pool Principal (Rs Cr) 222.3 Future Receivables (Rs Cr) No of Contracts Average Maturity (Months) Average Seasoning (Months) 492.2 454 76.0 12.1 Overdue Composition 100.0%, 0.0% CC as % of initial POS First Loss Credit Facility NA Second Loss Credit Facility NA LF as % of initial POS EIS OC/Subordination Pool Maturity 2.0% 90+ dpd Overdue 180+ dpd Sep-14 30 67.3% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.1% 61.2% NA NA 100.0% NA NA 99.3% 97.3% 51.2% NA NA NA NA NA 57.8% 120.0% 100.0% 1.0% 80.0% 0.5% 60.0% 0.0% 40.0% M5 M9 M13 M17 M21 M25 M29 M1 ABS & MBS Pool Performance Update- Sep 14 M5 M9 239 Jun-14 27 64.1% 0.0% 0.0% 0.1% 0.1% 0.1% 55.7% NA NA 100.0% NA NA 99.5% 100.0% 53.6% NA >30 >30 NA NA 55.2% Collection Efficiency 1.5% M1 NA 38.3% NA Dec-31 Maturity (months) Pool Performance Months Post Securitisation Amortisation 90+ Delinquency (% of Initial POS) 180+ Delinquency (% of Initial POS) 90+ Delinquency (% of Balance POS) 180+ Delinquency (% of Balance POS) Overdue Amt (% of Initial POS) CC as % of Balance POS FLF as % of Balance POS LF as % of Balance POS Balance CC (unutilized) Balance FLF (unutilized) Balance LF (unutilized) CCE MCE (3 month average) Break even Collection Efficiency Break even Collection Efficiency(FLF) Overall enhancement coverage (90+ DPD) Overall enhancement coverage (180+ DPD) FL enhancement Coverage (90+ DPD) FL enhancement Coverage (180+ DPD) Cumulative Prepayment Delinquency 20.0% CCE MCE BCE M13 M17 M21 M25 M29 57 Structured Finance Issue Name IBFSL Direct Assignment Mar ’12 - I Indiabulls Housing Finance Ltd. Originator (Erstwhile Indiabulls Financial Services Ltd.) Rating Assignee Payout - CARE AA+ (SO) Equivalent Asset Class HCV (92.42%), LCV (5.31%) and Others (2.27%) Issue Details Transaction Month Mar-12 Transaction Structure Par Pool Principal (Rs Cr) 193.8 Future Receivables (Rs Cr) No of Contracts Average Maturity (Months) Average Seasoning (Months) 242.1 2,218 19.4 7.7 Overdue Composition CC as % of initial POS First Loss Credit Facility NA Second Loss Credit Facility NA LF as % of initial POS EIS OC/Subordination Pool Maturity 85.49%,14.51% 4.0% 90+ dpd Overdue 180+ dpd 3.0% 2.0% 1.0% 0.0% NA 7.7% NA Jan-17 Maturity (months) Pool Performance Months Post Securitisation Balance Tenure (Months) Amortisation 90+ Delinquency (% of Initial POS) 180+ Delinquency (% of Initial POS) 90+ Delinquency (% of Balance POS) 180+ Delinquency (% of Balance POS) Overdue Amt (% of Initial POS) CC as % of Balance POS FLF as % of Balance POS LF as % of Balance POS Balance CC (unutilized) Balance FLF (unutilized) Balance LF (unutilized) CCE MCE (3 month average) Break even Collection Efficiency Break even Collection Efficiency(FLF) Overall enhancement coverage (90+ DPD) Overall enhancement coverage (180+ DPD) FL enhancement Coverage (90+ DPD) FL enhancement Coverage (180+ DPD) Cumulative Prepayment Delinquency 14.0% Sep-14 30 29 83.02% 0.5% 0.0% 2.4% 0.0% 0.9% 82.4% NA NA 100.0% NA NA 97.0% 100.2% 22.6% NA >30 NA NA NA 12.9% Collection Efficiency 130.0% 110.0% 90.0% 70.0% 50.0% 30.0% 10.0% 59 Jun-14 27 32 77.5% 1.7% 0.5% 5.1% 1.1% 1.2% 62.1% NA NA 100.0% NA NA 96.8% 98.0% 41.5% NA 11.4 >30 NA NA 12.2% CCE MCE BCE M1 M4 M7 M10 M13 M16 M19 M22 M25 M28 M1 M4 M7 M10 M13 M16 M19 M22 M25 M28 ABS & MBS Pool Performance Update- Sep 14 58 Structured Finance Issue Name IBFSL Direct Assignment- Mar ’12 II Indiabulls Housing Finance Ltd. Originator (Erstwhile Indiabulls Financial Services Ltd.) Assignee Payout - CARE AA+ (SO) Rating Second Loss Facility - CARE BBB (SO) Asset Class Secured SME / Loan against Property Issue Details Transaction Month Mar-12 Transaction Structure Par Pool Principal (Rs Cr) 259.6 Future Receivables (Rs Cr) No of Contracts Average Maturity (Months) Average Seasoning (Months) 486.6 374 59.7 12.1 Overdue Composition 100%, 0% CC as % of initial POS First Loss Credit Facility 8.0% Second Loss Credit Facility 11.9% LF as % of initial POS EIS OC/Subordination Pool Maturity 90+ dpd Overdue 180+ dpd 177 Sep-14 30 64.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.2% 55.2% 22.2% NA 100.0% 100.0% NA 99.3% 95.5% 56.8% NA NA NA NA NA 49.2% Jun-14 27 58.5% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.1% 47.9% 19.3% NA 100.0% 100.0% NA 99.6% 99.5% 61.7% NA NA NA NA NA 44.9% CCE MCE Collection Efficiency 0.5% 120.0% 0.4% 100.0% 0.3% NA 23.8% NA Dec-26 Maturity (months) Pool Performance Months Post Securitisation Amortisation 90+ Delinquency (% of Initial POS) 180+ Delinquency (% of Initial POS) 90+ Delinquency (% of Balance POS) 180+ Delinquency (% of Balance POS) Overdue Amt (% of Initial POS) CC as % of Balance POS FLF as % of Balance POS LF as % of Balance POS Balance CC (unutilized) Balance FLF (unutilized) Balance LF (unutilized) CCE MCE (3 month average) Break even Collection Efficiency Break even Collection Efficiency(FLF) Overall enhancement coverage (90+ DPD) Overall enhancement coverage (180+ DPD) FL enhancement Coverage (90+ DPD) FL enhancement Coverage (180+ DPD) Cumulative Prepayment Delinquency 19.9% BCE 80.0% 0.2% 60.0% 0.1% 40.0% 0.0% M1 M5 M9 M13 M17 M21 M25 M29 M1 M5 ABS & MBS Pool Performance Update- Sep 14 M9 M13 M17 M21 M25 59 M29 Structured Finance Issue Name IBFSL Direct Assignment Mar ’12 - III Indiabulls Housing Finance Ltd. Originator (Erstwhile Indiabulls Financial Services Ltd.) Rating Assignee Payout - CARE AA+ (SO) Equivalent Asset Class HCV (88.99%), LCV(7.93%) and Others (3.08%) Issue Details Transaction Month Mar-12 Transaction Structure Par Pool Principal (Rs Cr) 118.3 Future Receivables (Rs Cr) No of Contracts Average Maturity (Months) Average Seasoning (Months) 149.3 1,283 20.3 3.8 Overdue Composition CC as % of initial POS First Loss Credit Facility NA Second Loss Credit Facility NA LF as % of initial POS EIS OC/Subordination Pool Maturity 88.45%,11.55% 4.0% 90+ dpd Overdue 180+ dpd 3.0% 2.0% 1.0% 0.0% M1 M4 M7 M10 M13 M16 M19 M22 M25 M28 NA 7.3% NA Feb-17 Maturity (months) Pool Performance Months Post Securitisation Balance Tenure (Months) Amortisation 90+ Delinquency (% of Initial POS) 180+ Delinquency (% of Initial POS) 90+ Delinquency (% of Balance POS) 180+ Delinquency (% of Balance POS) Overdue Amt (% of Initial POS) CC as % of Balance POS FLF as % of Balance POS LF as % of Balance POS Balance CC (unutilized) Balance FLF (unutilized) Balance LF (unutilized) CCE MCE (3 month average) Break even Collection Efficiency Break even Collection Efficiency(FLF) Overall enhancement coverage (90+ DPD) Overall enhancement coverage (180+ DPD) FL enhancement Coverage (90+ DPD) FL enhancement Coverage (180+ DPD) Cumulative Prepayment Delinquency 13.5% 59 Sep-14 30 29 83.8% 1.6% 0.5% 6.7% 1.4% 1.2% 83.6% NA NA 100.0% NA NA 96.7% 96.1% 21.7% NA 11.8 >30 NA NA 20.2% Collection Efficiency 130.0% 110.0% 90.0% 70.0% 50.0% 30.0% 10.0% Jun-14 27 32 78.9% 1.5% 0.5% 4.9% 1.3% 1.2% 63.9% NA NA 100.0% NA NA 96.7% 103.6% 40.0% NA 12.3 >30 NA NA 19.3% CCE MCE BCE M1 M4 M7 M10 M13 M16 M19 M22 M25 M28 ABS & MBS Pool Performance Update- Sep 14 60 Structured Finance Issue Name IBFSL Direct Assignment Mar ’12 - IV Indiabulls Housing Finance Ltd. Originator (Erstwhile Indiabulls Financial Services Ltd.) Rating Assignee Payout - CARE AA+ (SO) Equivalent Asset Class HCV (89.34%), Buses (6.07%), Others (4.59%) Issue Details Transaction Month Mar-12 Transaction Structure Par Pool Principal (Rs Cr) 100.0 Future Receivables (Rs Cr) No of Contracts Average Maturity (Months) Average Seasoning (Months) 119.1 1,068 17.4 11.4 Overdue Composition CC as % of initial POS First Loss Credit Facility NA Second Loss Credit Facility NA LF as % of initial POS EIS OC/Subordination Pool Maturity 91.06%,8.94% 4.0% 90+ dpd Overdue 180+ dpd 3.0% NA 2.3% NA Aug-16 Maturity (months) Pool Performance Months Post Securitisation Balance Tenure (Months) Amortisation 90+ Delinquency (% of Initial POS) 180+ Delinquency (% of Initial POS) 90+ Delinquency (% of Balance POS) 180+ Delinquency (% of Balance POS) Overdue Amt (% of Initial POS) CC as % of Balance POS FLF as % of Balance POS LF as % of Balance POS Balance CC (unutilized) Balance FLF (unutilized) Balance LF (unutilized) CCE MCE (3 month average) Break even Collection Efficiency Break even Collection Efficiency(FLF) Overall enhancement coverage (90+ DPD) Overall enhancement coverage (180+ DPD) FL enhancement Coverage (90+ DPD) FL enhancement Coverage (180+ DPD) Cumulative Prepayment Delinquency 15.0% 53 Sep-14 30 23 95.39% 1.3% 0.4% 15.6% 2.8% 1.0% 325.6% NA NA 100.0% NA NA 95.8% 96.0% 0.0% NA 19.8 >30 NA NA 32.0% Collection Efficiency 120.0% Jun-14 27 26 93.1% 1.4% 0.6% 12.2% 3.1% 1.1% 218.0% NA NA 100.0% NA NA 95.8% 97.0% 0.0% NA 16.8 >30 NA NA 31.8% CCE MCE BCE 80.0% 2.0% 40.0% 1.0% 0.0% 0.0% M1 M4 M7 M10 M13 M16 M19 M22 M25 M28 M1 M4 M7 M10 M13 M16 M19 M22 M25 M28 ABS & MBS Pool Performance Update- Sep 14 61 Structured Finance Issue Name INNOVATION TRUST-IV SEP 12 Indiabulls Housing Finance Ltd. Originator (Erstwhile Indiabulls Financial Services Ltd.) Rating Series A1 PTC - CARE AA+ (SO) Asset Class HCV (79.85%), Bus (17.64%) and LCV (2.51%) Issue Details Transaction Month Sep-12 Transaction Structure Par Pool Principal (Rs Cr) 176.6 Future Receivables (Rs Cr) No of Contracts Average Maturity (Months) Average Seasoning (Months) 208.4 2,037 16.9 11.2 Overdue Composition CC as % of initial POS First Loss Credit Facility NA Second Loss Credit Facility NA LF as % of initial POS EIS OC/Subordination Pool Maturity 100%, 0% 4.0% 90+ dpd Overdue 180+ dpd 3.0% 2.0% 1.0% 0.0% M1 M4 M7 M10 M13 M16 M19 M22 NA 1.1% NA Jan-17 Maturity (months) Pool Performance Months Post Securitisation Balance Tenure (Months) Amortisation 90+ Delinquency (% of Initial POS) 180+ Delinquency (% of Initial POS) 90+ Delinquency (% of Balance POS) 180+ Delinquency (% of Balance POS) Overdue Amt (% of Initial POS) CC as % of Balance POS FLF as % of Balance POS LF as % of Balance POS Balance CC (unutilized) Balance FLF (unutilized) Balance LF (unutilized) CCE MCE (3 month average) Break even Collection Efficiency Break even Collection Efficiency(FLF) Overall enhancement coverage (90+ DPD) Overall enhancement coverage (180+ DPD) FL enhancement Coverage (90+ DPD) FL enhancement Coverage (180+ DPD) Cumulative Prepayment Delinquency 15.8% 54 Sep-14 24 30 79.80% 0.9% 0.3% 2.8% 0.6% 1.0% 95.1% NA NA 100.0% NA NA 97.5% 97.5% 11.2% NA >30 >30 NA NA 15.6% Collection Efficiency 120.0% 100.0% 80.0% 60.0% 40.0% 20.0% 0.0% M1 M4 ABS & MBS Pool Performance Update- Sep 14 M7 Jun-14 21 33 73.2% 0.5% 0.3% 1.2% 0.6% 0.9% 71.7% NA NA 100.0% NA NA 97.6% 99.2% 33.1% NA >30 >30 NA NA 15.4% CCE MCE BCE M10 M13 M16 M19 M22 62 Structured Finance Issue Name IBHFL Direct Assignment – Mar ’12 I Originator Indiabulls Housing Finance Ltd. Rating Assignee Payout - CARE AA+ (SO) Equivalent Asset Class Housing loan Issue Details Transaction Month Mar-12 Transaction Structure Par Pool Principal (Rs Cr) 158.7 Future Receivables (Rs Cr) No of Contracts Average Maturity (Months) Average Seasoning (Months) 347.0 1,272 93.5 11.9 Overdue Composition 100%,0% CC as % of initial POS First Loss Credit Facility NA Second Loss Credit Facility NA LF as % of initial POS EIS OC/Subordination Pool Maturity 2.0% 90+ dpd Overdue 180+ dpd 1.5% NA 15.8% NA Feb-32 Maturity (months) Pool Performance Months Post Securitisation Amortisation 90+ Delinquency (% of Initial POS) 180+ Delinquency (% of Initial POS) 90+ Delinquency (% of Balance POS) 180+ Delinquency (% of Balance POS) Overdue Amt (% of Initial POS) CC as % of Balance POS FLF as % of Balance POS LF as % of Balance POS Balance CC (unutilized) Balance FLF (unutilized) Balance LF (unutilized) CCE MCE (3 month average) Break even Collection Efficiency Break even Collection Efficiency(FLF) Overall enhancement coverage (90+ DPD) Overall enhancement coverage (180+ DPD) FL enhancement Coverage (90+ DPD) FL enhancement Coverage (180+ DPD) Cumulative Prepayment Delinquency 12.0% Sep-14 30 46.1% 0.1% 0.0% 0.2% 0.0% 0.0% 22.2% NA NA 100.0% NA NA 99.9% 100.5% 82.3% NA >30 NA >30 NA 38.4% Collection Efficiency 120.0% 240 Jun-14 27 43.7% 0.3% 0.1% 0.5% 0.2% 0.0% 21.3% NA NA 100.0% NA NA 99.9% 100.1% 82.6% NA >30 >30 NA NA 36.7% CCE MCE BCE 100.0% 1.0% 80.0% 0.5% 60.0% 0.0% M1 M4 M7 M10 M13 M16 M19 M22 M25 M28 M1 M4 M7 M10 M13 M16 M19 M22 M25 M28 ABS & MBS Pool Performance Update- Sep 14 63 Structured Finance Issue Details Transaction Month Mar-12 Transaction Structure Pool Principal (Rs Cr) Future Receivables (Rs Cr) No of Contracts Average Maturity (Months) Average Seasoning (Months) Overdue Composition Delinquency 2.0% 90+ dpd Overdue CC as % of initial POS 12.5% Par First Loss Credit Facility NA 137.2 277.1 987 88.3 6.9 Second Loss Credit Facility LF as % of initial POS EIS OC/Subordination Pool Maturity NA NA 7.3% NA Dec-31 100%,0% 180+ dpd Maturity (months) Collection Efficiency 238 CCE MCE BCE 110.0% 1.5% 100.0% 1.0% 90.0% 0.5% 80.0% 0.0% M1 M4 M7 M10 M13 M16 M19 M22 M25 M28 70.0% M1 M4 M7 M10 M13 M16 M19 M22 M25 M28 ABS & MBS Pool Performance Update- Sep 14 64 Structured Finance Issue Details Transaction Month Mar-12 CC as % of initial POS 12.8% Transaction Structure Par Pool Principal (Rs Cr) 102.7 Future Receivables (Rs Cr) 239.5 LF as % of initial POS No of Contracts Average Maturity (Months) Average Seasoning (Months) 731 114.6 6.2 EIS OC/Subordination Pool Maturity 7.2% NA Aug-36 100%,0% Maturity (months) 294 Overdue Composition Delinquency 90+ dpd Overdue 180+ dpd 2.0% First Loss Credit Facility NA Second Loss Credit Facility NA Collection Efficiency 120.0% NA CCE MCE BCE 110.0% 1.5% 100.0% 1.0% 90.0% 0.5% 80.0% 0.0% M1 M1 M5 M9 M5 M9 M13 M17 M21 M25 M29 M13 M17 M21 M25 M29 ABS & MBS Pool Performance Update- Sep 14 65 Structured Finance Issue Name Originator Rating Asset Class Innovation Trust-I Sep12 Indiabulls Housing Finance Ltd. Series A1 PTC - CARE AA+ (SO) Equivalent Housing loan Issue Details Transaction Month Sep-12 CC as % of initial POS 11.5% Transaction Structure Par First Loss Credit Facility NA Pool Principal (Rs Cr) 54.9 Second Loss Credit Facility NA Future Receivables (Rs Cr) No of Contracts Average Maturity (Months) Average Seasoning (Months) 117.0 458 8.1 20.6 Overdue Composition Delinquency 90+ dpd Overdue 100%,0% 180+ dpd 2.0% LF as % of initial POS EIS OC/Subordination Pool Maturity NA 9.5% NA Apr-36 Maturity (months) Collection Efficiency 283 CCE MCE BCE 120.0% 1.5% 100.0% 1.0% 80.0% 0.5% 0.0% 60.0% M1 M4 M7 M10 M13 M16 M25 M28 M1 ABS & MBS Pool Performance Update- Sep 14 M4 M7 M10 M13 M16 M25 M28 66 Structured Finance Issue Name Innovation Trust-VIII Mar 13 Indiabulls Housing Finance Ltd. Originator (Erstwhile Indiabulls Financial Services Ltd.) Rating Series A1 PTC - CARE AA+ (SO) Asset Class Secured SME / Loan against Property Issue Details Transaction Month Mar-13 Transaction Structure Par Pool Principal (Rs Cr) 102.4 Future Receivables (Rs Cr) No of Contracts Average Maturity (Months) Average Seasoning (Months) 181.9 187 58.3 15.5 Overdue Composition CC as % of initial POS First Loss Credit Facility NA Second Loss Credit Facility NA LF as % of initial POS EIS OC/Subordination Pool Maturity 100%, 0% 90+ dpd Overdue 180+ dpd 4.0% 3.0% 2.0% 1.0% 0.0% M1 M3 M5 M7 M9 M11 M13 M15 M17 NA 32.4% NA Apr-30 Maturity (months) Pool Performance Months Post Securitisation Amortisation 90+ Delinquency (% of Initial POS) 180+ Delinquency (% of Initial POS) 90+ Delinquency (% of Balance POS) 180+ Delinquency (% of Balance POS) Overdue Amt (% of Initial POS) CC as % of Balance POS FLF as % of Balance POS LF as % of Balance POS Balance CC (unutilized) Balance FLF (unutilized) Balance LF (unutilized) CCE MCE (3 month average) Break even Collection Efficiency Break even Collection Efficiency(FLF) Overall enhancement coverage (90+ DPD) Overall enhancement coverage (180+ DPD) FL enhancement Coverage (90+ DPD) FL enhancement Coverage (180+ DPD) Cumulative Prepayment Delinquency 13.3% Sep-14 18 45.4% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 24.3% 0.0% NA 100.0% 0.0% NA 99.6% 102.4% 66.6% NA NA NA NA NA 36.3% Collection Efficiency 120.0% 110.0% 100.0% 90.0% 80.0% 70.0% 60.0% 50.0% 205 Jun-14 15 34.2% 1.5% 0.0% 2.3% 0.0% 0.2% 20.1% 0.0% NA 100.0% 0.0% NA 99.2% 102.1% 68.7% NA 13.79 NA 8.82 NA 26.4% CCE MCE BCE M1 M3 M5 M7 M9 M11 M13 M15 M17 ABS & MBS Pool Performance Update- Sep 14 67 Structured Finance Issue Name Originator Innovation Trust-XI Mar 13 Indiabulls Housing Finance Ltd. (Erstwhile Indiabulls Financial Services Ltd.) Rating Series A1 PTC - CARE AA (SO) Asset Class Secured SME / Loan against Property Issue Details Transaction Month Mar-13 Transaction Structure Par Pool Principal (Rs Cr) 493.2 Future Receivables (Rs Cr) No of Contracts Average Maturity (Months) Average Seasoning (Months) 932.3 581 66.5 20.9 Overdue Composition 100%, 0% CC as % of initial POS NA Second Loss Credit Facility NA LF as % of initial POS EIS OC/Subordination Pool Maturity 1.0% 90+ dpd Overdue 180+ dpd 389 Sep-14 18 47.3% 0.13% 0.00% 0.24% 0.00% 0.10% 22.8% NA NA 100.0% NA NA 99.14% 97.6% 73.30% NA >30 NA >30 NA 36.27% Jun-14 15 43.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.2% 21.1% NA NA 100.0% NA NA 99.4% 99.3% 74.1% NA NA NA NA NA 33.4% CCE MCE Collection Efficiency 110.0% 0.8% 100.0% 0.6% 90.0% 0.4% 80.0% 0.2% 70.0% 0.0% 60.0% M1 M3 M5 M7 M9 M11 M13 M15 M17 NA 25.1% NA Aug-45 Maturity (months) Pool Performance Months Post Securitisation Amortisation 90+ Delinquency (% of Initial POS) 180+ Delinquency (% of Initial POS) 90+ Delinquency (% of Balance POS) 180+ Delinquency (% of Balance POS) Overdue Amt (% of Initial POS) CC as % of Balance POS FLF as % of Balance POS LF as % of Balance POS Balance CC (unutilized) Balance FLF (unutilized) Balance LF (unutilized) CCE MCE (3 month average) Break even Collection Efficiency Break even Collection Efficiency(FLF) Overall enhancement coverage (90+ DPD) Overall enhancement coverage (180+ DPD) FL enhancement Coverage (90+ DPD) FL enhancement Coverage (180+ DPD) Cumulative Prepayment Delinquency 10.8% First Loss Credit Facility M1 M3 ABS & MBS Pool Performance Update- Sep 14 M5 M7 M9 BCE M11 M13 M15 M17 68 Structured Finance Issue Name Innovation Trust-XV Dec 13 Indiabulls Housing Finance Ltd. Originator (Erstwhile Indiabulls Financial Services Ltd.) Rating Series A PTC - CARE AA (SO) Asset Class Secured SME / Loan against Property Issue Details Transaction Month Dec-13 CC as % of initial POS 14.5% Transaction Structure Par First Loss Credit Facility NA Pool Principal (Rs Cr) 98.6 Second Loss Credit Facility NA Future Receivables (Rs Cr) No of Contracts Average Maturity (Months) Average Seasoning (Months) 184.4 124 58.7 19.0 Overdue Composition LF as % of initial POS EIS OC/Subordination Pool Maturity 100%, 0% Maturity (months) Pool Performance Months Post Securitisation Amortisation 90+ Delinquency (% of Initial POS) 180+ Delinquency (% of Initial POS) 90+ Delinquency (% of Balance POS) 180+ Delinquency (% of Balance POS) Overdue Amt (% of Initial POS) CC as % of Balance POS FLF as % of Balance POS LF as % of Balance POS Balance CC (unutilized) Balance FLF (unutilized) Balance LF (unutilized) CCE MCE (3 month average) Break even Collection Efficiency Break even Collection Efficiency(FLF) Overall enhancement coverage (90+ DPD) Overall enhancement coverage (180+ DPD) FL enhancement Coverage (90+ DPD) FL enhancement Coverage (180+ DPD) Cumulative Prepayment Delinquency 2.0% 90+ dpd Overdue 180+ dpd NA 39.3% NA Aug-33 Sep-14 9 32.1% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.1% 21.4% NA NA 100.0% NA NA 96.1% 95.4% 67.7% NA NA NA NA NA 27.9% Collection Efficiency 110.0% 236 Jun-14 6 18.4% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.1% 17.8% NA NA 100.0% NA NA 98.7% 98.5% 69.4% NA NA NA NA NA 15.5% CCE MCE BCE 100.0% 1.5% 90.0% 1.0% 80.0% 0.5% 70.0% 0.0% 60.0% M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 M7 M8 M9 M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 M7 M8 M9 ABS & MBS Pool Performance Update- Sep 14 69 Structured Finance Issue Name Innovation Trust-XIX Mar' 14 Indiabulls Housing Finance Ltd. Originator (Erstwhile Indiabulls Financial Services Ltd.) Rating Series A PTC - CARE AA (SO) Asset Class Secured SME / Loan against Property Issue Details Transaction Month Mar-14 Transaction Structure Par Pool Principal (Rs Cr) 385.0 Future Receivables (Rs Cr) No of Contracts Average Maturity (Months) Average Seasoning (Months) 713.7 575 58.3 19.5 Overdue Composition 100%, 0% CC as % of initial POS First Loss Credit Facility NA Second Loss Credit Facility NA LF as % of initial POS EIS OC/Subordination Pool Maturity 90+ dpd Overdue 2.0% 180+ dpd NA 36.5% NA Dec-33 Maturity (months) Pool Performance Months Post Securitisation Amortisation 90+ Delinquency (% of Initial POS) 180+ Delinquency (% of Initial POS) 90+ Delinquency (% of Balance POS) 180+ Delinquency (% of Balance POS) Overdue Amt (% of Initial POS) CC as % of Balance POS FLF as % of Balance POS LF as % of Balance POS Balance CC (unutilized) Balance FLF (unutilized) Balance LF (unutilized) CCE MCE (3 month average) Break even Collection Efficiency Break even Collection Efficiency(FLF) Overall enhancement coverage (90+ DPD) Overall enhancement coverage (180+ DPD) FL enhancement Coverage (90+ DPD) FL enhancement Coverage (180+ DPD) Cumulative Prepayment Delinquency 9.0% 237 Sep-14 6 19.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.1% 11.1% NA NA 100.0% NA NA 98.5% 97.7% 75.6% NA NA NA NA NA 15.6% Jun-14 3 10.7% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 10.1% NA NA 100.0% NA NA 99.2% NA 74.8% NA NA NA NA NA 8.9% CCE MCE Collection Efficiency 120.0% 1.5% BCE 100.0% 1.0% 80.0% 0.5% 60.0% 0.0% M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 M1 ABS & MBS Pool Performance Update- Sep 14 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 70 Structured Finance India Infoline Finance Limited (IIFL – 1 Pool) Key Financial Indicators For the year ended as on 31st March Total Loan Portfolio (in Rs. Cr) Total Income (in Rs. Cr) Profit After Tax (in Rs. Cr) Net worth (in Rs. Cr) Net NPA ratio (%) Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR) (%) 2011 (12m, A) 3,289 519 92 1,333 0.36 29.95 2012 2013 2014 2015 (12m, A) (12m, A) (12m, A) (6m, P) 6,224 8,803 10,247 13,742.5 954 1737 1970 1171 105 189 210 143 1,431 1,533 1,620 1,819 0.40 0.17 0.33 0.30 17.90 21.60 17.67 17.1 During FY14, total income grew by 13.4% on y-o-y basis, primarily supported by increase in disbursements. Asset Under Management registered a growth of around 16.4% and stood at 10,247 crores as of 31st March, 2014 as against 8,803 crores as of 31st March, 2013. The net NPA level has increased from 0.17% in FY13 to 0.33% in FY 14 in line with the industry. Despite the prolonged depressed economic environment NPAs remained within the comfortable range. The CAR has declined in FY14 and stood at 17.67% as against 21.60% in FY13. However the CAR is very well above the regulatory requirement of 15%. ABS & MBS Pool Performance Update- Sep 14 71 Structured Finance Issue Name IIFL CV Trust December 2013 I India Infoline Finance Limited Series A1 PTC - CARE AA (SO) HCV (49.54%), SCV(24.21%), LCV (18.05%), Pick Up (5.14%) & Tractor Trail (3.06%) Originator Rating Asset Class Issue Details Transaction Month Dec-13 CC as % of initial POS 13.5% NA NA NA 10.8% Transaction Structure Pool Principal (Rs Cr) Future Receivables (Rs Cr) No of Contracts Par 66.8 83.4 1210 First Loss Credit Facility Second Loss Credit Facility LF as % of initial POS EIS Average Maturity (Months) 18.0 OC/Subordination Average Seasoning' (Months) 7.0 Pool Maturity Overdue Composition 100%, 0% 90+ dpd Overdue 180+ dpd 2.0% Nov-17 Maturity (months) Pool Performance Months Post Securitisation Balance Tenure (Months) Amortisation 90+ Delinquency (% of Initial POS) 180+ Delinquency (% of Initial POS) 90+ Delinquency (% of Balance POS) 180+ Delinquency (% of Balance POS) Overdue Amt (% of Initial POS) CC as % of Balance POS FLF as % of Balance POS LF as % of Balance POS Balance CC (unutilized) Balance FLF (unutilized) Balance LF (unutilized) CCE MCE (3 month average) Break even Collection Efficiency Break even Collection Efficiency(FLF) Overall enhancement coverage (90+ DPD) Overall enhancement coverage (180+ DPD) FL enhancement Coverage (90+ DPD) FL enhancement Coverage (180+ DPD) Cumulative Prepayment Delinquency NA 48 Sep-14 9 39 26.0% 2.0% 0.4% 2.3% 0.4% 1.5% 18.3% NA NA 100.0% NA NA 96.1% 96.5% 77.6% NA 10.0 >30 NA NA 2.2% Jun-14 6 42 17.2% 0.8% 0.0% 0.8% 0.0% 1.1% 16.3% NA NA 100.0% NA NA 95.9% 97.8% 78.9% NA 25.1 NA NA NA 1.5% CCE MCE Collection Efficiency BCE 120.0% 1.5% 100.0% 1.0% 80.0% 0.5% 0.0% 60.0% M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 M7 M8 M9 M1 ABS & MBS Pool Performance Update- Sep 14 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 M7 72 M8 M9 Structured Finance IKF Finance Limited – 4 (Pools) Key Financial Indicators For the year ended as on 31st March Total Assets (in Rs. Cr) Total Income (in Rs. Cr) Profit After Tax (in Rs. Cr) Net worth (in Rs. Cr) Net NPA ratio (%) Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR) (%) 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 (12m, A) (12m, A) (12m, A) (12m, A) (3m, P) 114.97 190.29 248.17 331.91 365.06 15.62 26.76 42.79 59.60 18.00 3.3 3.89 7.06 11.62 3.58 22.51 34.68 52.55 66.68 70.18 0.31 0.43 0.51% 0.43*% 0.55% 26.25 24.86 20.68% 19.70*% 17.06% *As of 31st Dec 2013 DuringFY14, total assets grew by 33.74% and stood at 331.91 crores as of 30th March 2014 as against 248.17 crores as of 31st March 2013. As on 1QFY15, the reported total asset was Rs. 365.06 crores. The Net NPA level increased to 0.55% as of 30th June, 2014 as against 0.43% as of 31st Dec 2013. The CAR remained comfortable at the level of 17.06% as of 30th June, 2014 as against 19.70% at the end of 31st Dec, 2013. It is above the regulatory requirement of 15%. ABS & MBS Pool Performance Update- Sep 14 73 Structured Finance Issue Name Alpha Trust March 2013 - I Originator IKF Finance Limited Rating Series A PTC - CARE A+ (SO) MUV (36%), HCV (33%), LCV (20%), SCV (4%) Asset Class and Others (7%). Issue Details Transaction Month Mar-13 Transaction Structure Pool Principal (Rs Cr) Future Receivables (Rs Cr) No of Contracts Average Maturity (Months) Average Seasoning' (Months) Overdue Composition CC as % of initial POS Par First Loss Credit Facility NA 24.7 29.4 716 12.5 11.0 100.0%, 0.0% Second Loss Credit Facility LF as % of initial POS EIS OC/Subordination Pool Maturity NA NA 7.8% NA Apr-16 Maturity (months) Pool Performance Months Post Securitisation Balance Tenure (Months) Amortisation 90+ Delinquency (% of Initial POS) 180+ Delinquency (% of Initial POS) 90+ Delinquency (% of Balance POS) 180+ Delinquency (% of Balance POS) Overdue Amt (% of Initial POS) CC as % of Balance POS FLF as % of Balance POS LF as % of Balance POS Balance CC (unutilized) Balance FLF (unutilized) Balance LF (unutilized) CCE MCE (3 month average) Break even Collection Efficiency Break even Collection Efficiency(FLF) Overall enhancement coverage (90+ DPD) Overall enhancement coverage (180+ DPD) FL enhancement Coverage (90+ DPD) FL enhancement Coverage (180+ DPD) Cumulative Prepayment Delinquency 1.5% 90+ dpd Overdue 20.0% 180+ dpd Sep-14 18 20 75.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 1.4% 78.9% NA NA 98.4% NA NA 100.0% 96.3% 23.9% NA NA NA NA NA 0.0% Collection Efficiency 38 Jun-14 15 23 64.1% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 1.0% 55.6% NA NA 100.0% NA NA 100.6% 100.7% 45.6% NA NA NA NA NA 0.0% CCE MCE BCE 120.0% 100.0% 1.0% 80.0% 0.5% 60.0% 40.0% 0.0% 20.0% M1 M3 M5 M7 M9 M11 M13 M15 M17 M1 M3 M5 M7 M9 M11 M13 M15 M17 ABS & MBS Pool Performance Update- Sep 14 74 Structured Finance Issue Name Auxesia CV IFMR Capital 2013 Originator IKF Finance Limited Series A1 PTC - CARE A- (SO) , Series A2 PTC Rating CARE BB+ (SO) MCV (48%), HCV (31%), Car (20%) and Asset Class LCV(0.86%). Issue Details Transaction Month Nov-13 Transaction Structure Pool Principal (Rs Cr) Future Receivables (Rs Cr) No of Contracts Average Maturity (Months) Average Seasoning' (Months) Overdue Composition CC as % of initial POS 7.2% Par First Loss Credit Facility NA 24.7 28.9 824 11.2 11.7 100%, 0% Second Loss Credit Facility LF as % of initial POS EIS OC/Subordination Pool Maturity NA NA 8.2% 13.0% Sep-17 Maturity (months) 46 Pool Per for mance Jun-14 Mar -14 Months Post S ecuritisation Balance Tenure (Months) Amortisation 90+ Delinquency (% of Initial POS ) 180+ Delinquency (% of Initial POS ) 90+ Delinquency (% of Balance POS ) 180+ Delinquency (% of Balance POS ) Overdue Amt (% of Initial POS ) CC as % of Balance POS CC as % of S eries A1 PTC FLF as % of Balance POS LF as % of Balance POS Balance CC (unutilized) Balance FLF (unutilized) Balance LF (unutilized) CCE MCE (3 month average) Break even Collection Efficiency Break even Collection Efficiency(FLF) Overall enhancement coverage (90+ DPD) Overall enhancement coverage (180+ DPD) FL enhancement Coverage (90+ DPD) FL enhancement Coverage (180+ DPD) Cumulative Prepayment 7 39 34.2% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.9% 10.9% 13.6% NA NA 100.0% NA NA 98.0% 95.3% 70.2% NA NA NA NA NA 0.0 4 42 19.4% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 8.9% 10.6% NA NA 100.0% NA NA 100.0% 100.0% 74.3% NA NA NA NA NA 0.0 Delinquency 2.0% 90+ dpd Overdue 180+ dpd CCE MCE Collection Efficiency 120.0% BCE 1.5% 90.0% 1.0% 0.5% 60.0% 0.0% M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 M7 M1 ABS & MBS Pool Performance Update- Sep 14 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 75 M7 Structured Finance Issue Name Originator Kallone CV IFMR Capital 2014 IKF Finance Limited Series A1 PTC - CARE A (SO) and Series A2 PTC -CARE BB+ (SO) HCV (41.75%), MUV (29.96%), LCV (11.21%), Car (8.26%), CE (5.00%), & Others (3.83%) Rating Asset Class Issue Details Transaction Month Jan-14 CC as % of initial POS 11.0% Transaction Structure Pool Principal (Rs Cr) Future Receivables (Rs Cr) No of Contracts Average Maturity (Months) Par 20.8 24.5 748 11.8 First Loss Credit Facility Second Loss Credit Facility LF as % of initial POS EIS OC/Subordination NA NA NA 8.4% 10.0% Average Seasoning' (Months) 12.4 Pool Maturity Jun-17 Overdue Composition 100%, 0% Maturity (months) Pool Performance Months Post Securitisation Balance Tenure (Months) Amortisation 90+ Delinquency (% of Initial POS) 180+ Delinquency (% of Initial POS) 90+ Delinquency (% of Balance POS) 180+ Delinquency (% of Balance POS) Overdue Amt (% of Initial POS) CC as % of Balance POS CC as % of Series A1 PTC FLF as % of Balance POS LF as % of Balance POS Balance CC (unutilized) Balance FLF (unutilized) Balance LF (unutilized) CCE MCE (3 month average) Break even Collection Efficiency Break even Collection Efficiency(FLF) Overall enhancement coverage (90+ DPD) Overall enhancement coverage (180+ DPD) FL enhancement Coverage (90+ DPD) FL enhancement Coverage (180+ DPD) Cumulative Prepayment Delinquency 2.0% 90+ dpd Overdue 180+ dpd 41 Sep-14 8 33 39.7% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 1.4% 18.3% 21.9% NA NA 100.0% NA NA 97.1% 97.3% 68.6% NA NA NA NA NA 0.0 Jun-14 5 36 25.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 1.0% 14.7% 17.0% NA NA 100.0% NA NA 96.9% 98.7% 73.5% NA NA NA NA NA 0.0 CCE MCE Collection Efficiency 120.0% BCE 1.5% 90.0% 1.0% 0.5% 60.0% 0.0% M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 M7 M8 M1 ABS & MBS Pool Performance Update- Sep 14 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 M7 76 M8 Structured Finance Issue Name Originator Hesperis CV IFMR Capital 2014 IKF Finance Limited Series A1 PTC - CARE A- (SO) and Series A2 PTC -CARE BB+ (SO) Rating HCV (33.05%),Three Wheeler (14.32%), LCV (8.12%), Car(41.37%), SCV(2.04%) & Tractor (1.10%) Asset Class Issue Details Transaction Month Mar-14 CC as % of initial POS 9.4% Transaction Structure Pool Principal (Rs Cr) Future Receivables (Rs Cr) No of Contracts Par 15.2 18.24 618 First Loss Credit Facility Second Loss Credit Facility LF as % of initial POS EIS NA NA NA 9.2% Average Maturity (Months) 13.1 OC/Subordination 13.0% Average Seasoning' (Months) 7.7 Pool Maturity Jul-17 Overdue Composition 100%, 0% Maturity (months) Pool Performance Months Post Securitisation Balance Tenure (Months) Amortisation 90+ Delinquency (% of Initial POS) 180+ Delinquency (% of Initial POS) 90+ Delinquency (% of Balance POS) 180+ Delinquency (% of Balance POS) Overdue Amt (% of Initial POS) CC as % of Balance POS CC as % of Series A1 PTC FLF as % of Balance POS LF as % of Balance POS Balance CC (unutilized) Balance FLF (unutilized) Balance LF (unutilized) CCE MCE (3 month average) Break even Collection Efficiency Break even Collection Efficiency(FLF) Overall enhancement coverage (90+ DPD) Overall enhancement coverage (180+ DPD) FL enhancement Coverage (90+ DPD) FL enhancement Coverage (180+ DPD) Cumulative Prepayment 90+ dpd Overdue Delinquency 180+ dpd 2.0% 40 Sep-14 5 35 25.1% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.8% 12.5% 15.2% NA NA 100.0% NA NA 95.7% 94.6% 75.5% NA NA NA NA NA 0.0 Jun-14 3 37 12.4% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.6% 10.7% 12.6% NA NA 100.0% NA NA 96.6% 96.6% 77.8% NA NA NA NA NA 0.0 Collection Efficiency CCE MCE BCE 120.0% 1.5% 1.0% 90.0% 0.5% 0.0% 60.0% M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 M1 ABS & MBS Pool Performance Update- Sep 14 M2 M3 M4 M5 77 M6 Structured Finance Magma Fincorp Ltd (MFL – 8 Pools) Key Financial Indicators For the year ended as on 31st March Total Income (in Rs. Cr) Profit After Tax (in Rs. Cr) Net worth (in Rs. Cr) Gross NPA ratio (%)* Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR) %) 2011 2012 2013 2014 (12m, A) (12m, A) (12m, A) (12m, A) 847.3 1,016.0 1,606.2 1876 114.4 63.2 122.8 136 613.5 1,081.3 1,173.6 1378.2 0.0 0.0 1.6 3.6 18.2 21.2 16.8 16.6 2015 (6m, P) 979.1 69.1 1434.7 3.5 16.9 During 6M FY15, total income grew by 7.40% on y-o-y basis, primarily led by disbursements of Tractor loan, Uued assets financing and Mortgages. The Asset Under Management grew from 16,240 crores as of 31st March 2013 to 17,877 crores as of 31st March, 2014 registering a growth of 10%. AUM as of 30thSeptember, 2014 stood at 18,836 crores. The CAR remained comfortable at the level of 16.6% as of 31st March, 2014 as against 16.8% at the end of 31st March, 2013. As of 30th September, 2014 CAR remained comfortable at 16.89%. It is above the regulatory requirement of 15%. ABS & MBS Pool Performance Update- Sep 14 78 Structured Finance Issue Name MFL Direct Assignment Mar ’12-I Originator Magma Fincorp Ltd Assignee Payout - CARE AA (SO) Equivalent Rating Second Loss Facility - CARE BBB (SO) Equivalent Asset Class CE (42.24%),CV (38.54%), Car (19.22%) Issue Details Transaction Month Mar-12 Transaction Structure Pool Principal (Rs Cr) Future Receivables (Rs Cr) No of Contracts Average Maturity (Months) Average Seasoning' (Months) Overdue Composition Delinquency 90+ dpd Overdue Par 111.0 135.9 1453 17.8 4.6 95.73%, 4.27% 180+ dpd 10.0% CC as % of initial POS 10.0% First Loss Credit Facility Second Loss Credit Facility LF as % of initial POS EIS 4.0% 6.0% NA 6.0% OC/Subordination Pool Maturity Maturity (months) Collection Efficiency NA Nov-16 56 CCE MCE BCE 110% 8.0% 90% 6.0% 4.0% 70% 2.0% 50% 0.0% M1 M4 M7 M10 M13 M16 M19 M22 M25 M28 M1 M4 M7 M10 M13 M16 M19 M22 M25 M28 ABS & MBS Pool Performance Update- Sep 14 79 Structured Finance Issue Name Originator Rating Asset Class MFL Securitisation Trust VIII Magma Fincorp Ltd Series A1 PTC and Series A2 PTC - CARE AA (SO), Second Loss Facility - CARE BBB (SO) & Liquidity Facility - CARE AAA (SO)* CV (46.55%), Car (24.20%), CE(23.21%) and Tractor (6.05%) Issue Details Transaction Month Transaction Structure Pool Principal (Rs Cr) Future Receivables (Rs Cr) No of Contracts Average Maturity (Months) Average Seasoning' (Months) Overdue Composition Mar-13 Par 379.2 461.3 5459 17.2 9.5 86.95%, 13.05% CC as % of initial POS First Loss Credit Facility Second Loss Credit Facility LF as % of initial POS EIS OC/Subordination Pool Maturity Maturity (months) Pool Performance Months Post Securitisation Balance Tenure (Months) Amortisation 90+ Delinquency (% of Initial POS) 180+ Delinquency (% of Initial POS) 90+ Delinquency (% of Balance POS) 180+ Delinquency (% of Balance POS) Overdue Amt (% of Initial POS) CC as % of Balance POS FLF as % of Balance POS LF as % of Balance POS Balance CC (unutilized) Balance FLF (unutilized) Balance LF (unutilized) CCE MCE (3 month average) Break even Collection Efficiency Break even Collection Efficiency(FLF) Overall enhancement coverage (90+ DPD) Overall enhancement coverage (180+ DPD) FL enhancement Coverage (90+ DPD) FL enhancement Coverage (180+ DPD) Cumulative Prepayment Sep-14 18 36 57.1% 7.1% 3.7% 10.8% 4.8% 4.1% 17.5% 7.0% 0.0% 100.0% 100.0% 0.0% 93.8% 91.3% 81.2% 90.5% 1.7 3.9 0.9 2.0 4.2% 7.5% 3.0% 4.5% 0.8% 9.6% NA Sep-17 54 Jun-14 15 39 48.0% 8.4% 3.3% 12.1% 3.9% 3.4% 14.4% 5.8% NA 100.0% 100.0% NA 94.2% 98.1% 81.9% 89.5% 1.5 4.6 0.9 2.7 3.5% *Liquidity Facility has been introduced in the month of September 2014 90+ dpd Overdue Delinquency 180+ dpd 10.0% Collection Efficiency CCE MCE BCE 110% 8.0% 100% 6.0% 4.0% 90% 2.0% 80% 0.0% M1 M3 M5 M7 M9 M11 M13 M15 M17 M1 M3 M5 M7 M9 M11 M13 M15 M17 ABS & MBS Pool Performance Update- Sep 14 80 Structured Finance MFL Securitisation Trust IX Magma Fincorp Ltd Series A1 PTC and Series A2 PTC - CARE AA (SO) & Second Loss Facility - CARE BBB (SO) CV (46.40%), Car (28.45%), CE(19.14%) and Tractor (6.01%) Issue Name Originator Rating Asset Class Issue Details Transaction Month Mar-13 CC as % of initial POS 7.9% Transaction Structure Pool Principal (Rs Cr) Future Receivables (Rs Cr) Par 218.9 269.2 First Loss Credit Facility Second Loss Credit Facility LF as % of initial POS 3.0% 4.9% NA No of Contracts 3124 EIS 11.9% OC/Subordination Pool Maturity Maturity (months) NA Sep-17 54 Average Maturity (Months) Average Seasoning' (Months) Overdue Composition 17.9 8.5 80.05%,9.07%,10.88% Pool Performance Months Post Securitisation Balance Tenure (Months) Amortisation 90+ Delinquency (% of Initial POS) 180+ Delinquency (% of Initial POS) 90+ Delinquency (% of Balance POS) 180+ Delinquency (% of Balance POS) Overdue Amt (% of Initial POS) CC as % of Balance POS FLF as % of Balance POS LF as % of Balance POS Balance CC (unutilized) Balance FLF (unutilized) Balance LF (unutilized) CCE MCE (3 month average) Break even Collection Efficiency Break even Collection Efficiency(FLF) Overall enhancement coverage (90+ DPD) Overall enhancement coverage (180+ DPD) FL enhancement Coverage (90+ DPD) FL enhancement Coverage (180+ DPD) Cumulative Prepayment 90+ dpd Overdue Delinquency 180+ dpd 10.0% Sep-14 17 37 52.9% 9.0% 4.3% 12.7% 5.0% 4.9% 16.8% 6.4% NA 100.0% 100.0% NA 92.0% 93.9% 78.6% 87.7% 1.7 4.3 1.0 2.4 5.7% Jun-14 14 40 44.2% 9.0% 4.3% 11.5% 4.7% 4.3% 14.1% 5.4% NA 100.0% 100.0% NA 91.7% 95.5% 80.5% 88.1% 1.7 4.1 1.0 2.5 4.9% Collection Efficiency CCE MCE BCE 120% 8.0% 100% 6.0% 4.0% 80% 2.0% 60% 0.0% M1 M3 M5 M7 M9 M11 M13 M15 M17 M1 ABS & MBS Pool Performance Update- Sep 14 M3 M5 M7 M9 M11 M13 M15 M17 81 Structured Finance Issue Name Originator Rating Asset Class MFL Securitisation Trust X Magma Fincorp Ltd Series A1 PTC and Series A2 PTC - CARE AA+ (SO) & Second Loss Facility - CARE BBB (SO) Tractor (34.78%), CV (33.36%), CE(19.02%) and Car (12.84%) Issue Details Transaction Month Mar-13 CC as % of initial POS 9.8% Transaction Structure Pool Principal (Rs Cr) Future Receivables (Rs Cr) Par 173.9 220.0 First Loss Credit Facility Second Loss Credit Facility LF as % of initial POS 2.3% 7.5% NA No of Contracts 3531 EIS 14.8% OC/Subordination Pool Maturity Maturity (months) NA Sep-17 54 Average Maturity (Months) Average Seasoning' (Months) Overdue Composition 18.9 7.8 100%, 0% Pool Performance Months Post Securitisation Balance Tenure (Months) Amortisation 90+ Delinquency (% of Initial POS) 180+ Delinquency (% of Initial POS) 90+ Delinquency (% of Balance POS) 180+ Delinquency (% of Balance POS) Overdue Amt (% of Initial POS) CC as % of Balance POS FLF as % of Balance POS LF as % of Balance POS Balance CC (unutilized) Balance FLF (unutilized) Balance LF (unutilized) CCE MCE (3 month average) Break even Collection Efficiency Break even Collection Efficiency(FLF) Overall enhancement coverage (90+ DPD) Overall enhancement coverage (180+ DPD) FL enhancement Coverage (90+ DPD) FL enhancement Coverage (180+ DPD) Cumulative Prepayment Delinquency 90+ dpd Overdue 180+ dpd Sep-14 17 37 48.5% 7.8% 3.7% 10.7% 4.2% 3.7% 19.0% 4.5% NA 100.0% 100.0% NA 93.2% 85.7% 75.1% 87.6% 2.3 5.9 1.2 2.9 3.1% Collection Efficiency 10.0% 110% 8.0% 100% 6.0% Jun-14 14 40 39.1% 8.1% 3.4% 10.3% 3.8% 2.9% 16.1% 3.8% NA 100.0% 100.0% NA 95.0% 96.8% 77.3% 87.7% 2.2 6.0 1.2 3.3 2.5% CCE MCE BCE 90% 4.0% 80% 2.0% 70% 0.0% M1 M3 M5 M7 M9 M11 M13 M15 M17 M1 M3 ABS & MBS Pool Performance Update- Sep 14 M5 M7 M9 M11 M13 M15 M17 82 Structured Finance Issue Name MFL Securitisation Trust XIII Originator Magma Fincorp Ltd Series A1 PTC and Series A2 PTC - CARE AA (SO) Rating & Second Loss Facility - CARE BBB (SO) CV (51.84%), CE (31.12%), Tractor (10.31%) and Car Asset Class (6.73%) Issue Details Transaction Month Jun-13 CC as % of initial POS 9.0% Transaction Structure Pool Principal (Rs Cr) Future Receivables (Rs Cr) No of Contracts Par 200.2 240.0 2613 First Loss Credit Facility Second Loss Credit Facility LF as % of initial POS EIS 3.0% 6.0% NA 9.5% Average Maturity (Months) Average Seasoning' (Months) Overdue Composition 15.9 11.8 86.53%, 13.47% OC/Subordination Pool Maturity Maturity (months) Pool Performance Months Post Securitisation Balance Tenure (Months) Amortisation 90+ Delinquency (% of Initial POS) 180+ Delinquency (% of Initial POS) 90+ Delinquency (% of Balance POS) 180+ Delinquency (% of Balance POS) Overdue Amt (% of Initial POS) CC as % of Balance POS FLF as % of Balance POS LF as % of Balance POS Balance CC (unutilized) Balance FLF (unutilized) Balance LF (unutilized) CCE MCE (3 month average) Break even Collection Efficiency Break even Collection Efficiency(FLF) Overall enhancement coverage (90+ DPD) Overall enhancement coverage (180+ DPD) FL enhancement Coverage (90+ DPD) FL enhancement Coverage (180+ DPD) Cumulative Prepayment 90+ dpd Overdue Delinquency 180+ dpd 10.0% NA Dec-17 54 Sep-14 15 39 55.9% 6.4% 3.1% 9.9% 4.4% 3.6% 20.4% 6.8% NA 100.0% 100.0% NA 95.4% 96.7% 76.4% 88.3% 2.4 5.3 1.2 2.7 5.2% Jun-14 12 42 46.9% 8.0% 2.9% 11.6% 3.7% 3.1% 17.0% 5.7% NA 100.0% 100.0% NA 95.2% 97.6% 79.2% 89.0% 1.8 5.6 1.0 3.0 4.6% CCE MCE Collection Efficiency BCE 110% 8.0% 100% 6.0% 90% 4.0% 80% 2.0% 70% 0.0% M1 M3 M5 M7 M9 M11 M13 M15 M1 ABS & MBS Pool Performance Update- Sep 14 M3 M5 M7 M9 M11 M13 M15 83 Structured Finance Issue Name Originator Rating Asset Class MFL Securitisation Trust XIV Magma Fincorp Ltd Series A1 PTC and Series A2 PTC - CARE AA (SO), Second Loss Facility - CARE BBB (SO) & Liquidity Facility - CARE AAA (SO)* CE (47.25%), CV (44.21%) and Tractor (8.54%) Issue Details Transaction Month Transaction Structure Pool Principal (Rs Cr) Future Receivables (Rs Cr) No of Contracts Average Maturity (Months) Average Seasoning' (Months) Overdue Composition Aug-13 Par 331.0 402.3 3786 17.3 9.1 86.03%, 13.97% CC as % of initial POS First Loss Credit Facility Second Loss Credit Facility LF as % of initial POS EIS OC/Subordination Pool Maturity Maturity (months) Pool Performance Months Post Securitisation Balance Tenure (Months) Amortisation 90+ Delinquency (% of Initial POS) 180+ Delinquency (% of Initial POS) 90+ Delinquency (% of Balance POS) 180+ Delinquency (% of Balance POS) Overdue Amt (% of Initial POS) CC as % of Balance POS FLF as % of Balance POS LF as % of Balance POS Balance CC (unutilized) Balance FLF (unutilized) Balance LF (unutilized) CCE MCE (3 month average) Break even Collection Efficiency Break even Collection Efficiency(FLF) Overall enhancement coverage (90+ DPD) Overall enhancement coverage (180+ DPD) FL enhancement Coverage (90+ DPD) FL enhancement Coverage (180+ DPD) Cumulative Prepayment Sep-14 13 41 41.5% 7.7% 2.8% 9.9% 3.4% 3.6% 20.9% 7.7% 0.0% 100.0% 100.0% NA 93.4% 90.7% 77.3% 88.8% 2.3 6.8 1.1 3.3 2.3% 12.3% 4.5% 7.8% 0.9% 10.1% NA Feb-18 54 Jun-14 10 44 31.9% 9.0% 1.8% 10.9% 2.0% 2.8% 18.0% 6.6% NA 100.0% 100.0% NA 94.1% 98.1% 78.4% 88.1% 2.0 11.0 1.1 6.0 1.7% *Liquidity Facility has been introduced in the month of September 2014 90+ dpd Overdue Delinquency 180+ dpd Collection Efficiency 10.0% 110% 8.0% 100% 6.0% CCE MCE BCE 90% 4.0% 80% 2.0% 70% 0.0% M1 M1 M3 M5 M7 M9 M11 M3 M5 M7 M9 M11 M13 ABS & MBS Pool Performance Update- Sep 14 84 M13 Structured Finance Issue Name Originator Rating Asset Class MFL Securitisation Trust XIX Magma Fincorp Ltd Series A1 PTC and Series A2 PTC - CARE AA (SO), Second Loss Facility - CARE BBB (SO) & Liquidity Facility - CARE AAA (SO)* CE (12.66%), CV (48.26%) and Tractor (39.08%) Issue Details Transaction Month Transaction Structure Pool Principal (Rs Cr) Future Receivables (Rs Cr) No of Contracts Average Maturity (Months) Average Seasoning' (Months) Overdue Composition Dec-13 Par 113.2 140.0 2414 17.7 11.5 6.96%, 13.04% CC as % of initial POS First Loss Credit Facility Second Loss Credit Facility LF as % of initial POS EIS OC/Subordination Pool Maturity Maturity (months) Pool Performance Months Post Securitisation Balance Tenure (Months) Amortisation 90+ Delinquency (% of Initial POS) 180+ Delinquency (% of Initial POS) 90+ Delinquency (% of Balance POS) 180+ Delinquency (% of Balance POS) Overdue Amt (% of Initial POS) CC as % of Balance POS FLF as % of Balance POS LF as % of Balance POS Balance CC (unutilized) Balance FLF (unutilized) Balance LF (unutilized) CCE MCE (3 month average) Break even Collection Efficiency Break even Collection Efficiency(FLF) Overall enhancement coverage (90+ DPD) Overall enhancement coverage (180+ DPD) FL enhancement Coverage (90+ DPD) FL enhancement Coverage (180+ DPD) Cumulative Prepayment Sep-14 9 45 32.4% 3.4% 0.8% 4.1% 0.9% 1.8% 17.4% 5.2% 0.0% 100.0% 100.0% NA 94.5% 92.2% 77.8% 88.0% 5.5 25.9 3.0 14.1 2.1% 11.8% 3.5% 7.8% 0.7% 12.7% NA Jun-18 54 Jun-14 6 48 22.2% 2.5% 0.4% 2.7% 0.4% 1.3% 15.2% 4.5% NA 100.0% 100.0% NA 95.6% 100.0% 78.6% 87.3% 7.8 >30 4.6 >30 0.6% *Liquidity Facility has been introduced in the month of September 2014 90+ dpd Overdue Delinquency 180+ dpd 10.0% CCE MCE Collection Efficiency BCE 110% 8.0% 100% 6.0% 90% 4.0% 80% 2.0% 70% 0.0% M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 M7 M8 M9 M1 ABS & MBS Pool Performance Update- Sep 14 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 M7 85 M8 M9 Structured Finance Issue Name Originator Rating Asset Class MFL Securitisation Trust XXIII Magma Fincorp Ltd Series A1 PTC and Series A2 PTC - CARE AA (SO), Second Loss Facility - CARE BBB (SO) & Liquidity Facility - CARE AAA (SO)* CE (41.92%), CV (29.70%) and Tractor (28.38%) Issue Details Transaction Month Transaction Structure Pool Principal (Rs Cr) Future Receivables (Rs Cr) No of Contracts Average Maturity (Months) Average Seasoning' (Months) Overdue Composition Mar-13 Par 175.1 215.3 3157 17.5 8.0 1.14%, 8.86% CC as % of initial POS First Loss Credit Facility Second Loss Credit Facility LF as % of initial POS EIS OC/Subordination Pool Maturity Maturity (months) Pool Performance Months Post Securitisation Balance Tenure (Months) Amortisation 90+ Delinquency (% of Initial POS) 180+ Delinquency (% of Initial POS) 90+ Delinquency (% of Balance POS) 180+ Delinquency (% of Balance POS) Overdue Amt (% of Initial POS) CC as % of Balance POS FLF as % of Balance POS LF as % of Balance POS Balance CC (unutilized) Balance FLF (unutilized) Balance LF (unutilized) CCE MCE (3 month average) Break even Collection Efficiency Break even Collection Efficiency(FLF) Overall enhancement coverage (90+ DPD) Overall enhancement coverage (180+ DPD) FL enhancement Coverage (90+ DPD) FL enhancement Coverage (180+ DPD) Cumulative Prepayment Sep-14 5 49 17.5% 1.1% 0.0% 1.2% 0.0% 1.3% 14.6% 4.6% 0.0% 100.0% 100.0% NA 93.7% 92.6% 80.4% 88.7% 16.3 NA 9.4 NA 1.4% 12.0% 3.8% 8.2% 0.7% 11.6% NA Oct-18 54 Jun-14 2 52 6.5% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.7% 12.8% 4.1% NA 100.0% 100.0% NA 95.4% NA 80.9% 88.1% >30 NA >30 NA 1.0% *Liquidity Facility has been introduced in the month of September 2014 90+ dpd Overdue Delinquency 180+ dpd Collection Efficiency 4.0% 110% 3.0% 100% 2.0% 90% CCE MCE BCE 80% 1.0% 70% 0.0% M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 ABS & MBS Pool Performance Update- Sep 14 M1 M2 M3 M4 86 M5 Structured Finance Magma ITL Finance Ltd (MIFL) – 4 (Pools) Key Financial Indicators For the year ended as on 31st March Total Income (in Rs. Cr) Profit After Tax (in Rs. Cr) Tangible Net worth (in Rs. Cr) Gross NPA ratio (%)* Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR) %) 2012 (12m, A) 70.27 14.51 72.15 0.0 26.8 2013 (12m, A) 108.92 24.37 93.48 5.91 18.37 2014 30-06-2014 (12m, A) (3m, P) 145.63 36.71 30.78 9.09 120.07 125.86 9.84 9.62 18.82 18.10 *Magma used to follow a policy of 100% write-off of 180+DPD assets till 31 Mar 2012. The gross NPA level has increased from 5.9% as of 31st March, 2013 to 9.84% as of 31stMarch 2014. MIFL reported gross NPA level’s of 9.62% as on 30th June 2014 MIFL reported CAR as 18.10% at the end of 30th June, 2014. It is above the regulatory requirement of 15%. ABS & MBS Pool Performance Update- Sep 14 87 Structured Finance Issue Name MIFL Securitisation Trust I Magma ITL Finance Ltd Originator Series A1 PTC and Series A2 PTC - CARE AA+ (SO) & Rating Second Loss Facility - CARE BBB (SO) Asset Class Tractor Issue Details Transaction Month Transaction Structure Pool Principal (Rs Cr) Future Receivables (Rs Cr) No of Contracts Average Maturity (Months) Average Seasoning' (Months) Overdue Composition Mar-13 Par 70.0 89.5 2636 18.5 11.6 100%, 0% CC as % of initial POS First Loss Credit Facility Second Loss Credit Facility LF as % of initial POS EIS OC/Subordination Pool Maturity Maturity (months) 9.8% 2.5% 7.3% NA 18.0% NA Sep-17 54 Pool Per for mance Sep-14 Jun-14 Months Post S ecuritisation Balance Tenure (Months) Amortisation 90+ Delinquency (% of Initial POS ) 180+ Delinquency (% of Initial POS ) 90+ Delinquency (% of Balance POS ) 180+ Delinquency (% of Balance POS ) Overdue Amt (% of Initial POS ) CC as % of Balance POS FLF as % of Balance POS LF as % of Balance POS Balance CC (unutilized) Balance FLF (unutilized) Balance LF (unutilized) CCE MCE (3 month average) Break even Collection Efficiency Break even Collection Efficiency(FLF) Overall enhancement coverage (90+ DPD) Overall enhancement coverage (180+ DPD) FL enhancement Coverage (90+ DPD) FL enhancement Coverage (180+ DPD) Cumulative Prepayment 17 37 50.3% 5.12% 2.55% 6.92% 2.9% 2.8% 19.7% 5.0% NA 100.0% 99.8% NA 94.4% 93.4% 73.0% 85.4% 3.9 9.2 2.1 5.0 3.6% 14 40 39.5% 5.9% 2.6% 7.2% 2.8% 2.3% 16.2% 4.1% NA 100.0% 100.0% NA 95.4% 102.7% 75.4% 85.6% 3.4 8.7 2.0 5.1 2.9% 90+ dpd Delinquency 180+ dpd Overdue 8% CCE MCE Collection Efficiency 130.0% BCE 120.0% 6% 110.0% 100.0% 4% 90.0% 80.0% 2% 70.0% M1 0% M1 M3 M5 M7 M9 M11 M13 M15 M3 M5 M7 M9 M11 M13 M15 M17 M17 ABS & MBS Pool Performance Update- Sep 14 88 Structured Finance Issue Name MIFL Securitisation Trust II Originator Magma ITL Finance Ltd Series A1 PTC and Series A2 PTC - CARE AA (SO) & Rating Second Loss Facility - CARE BBB (SO) Asset Class Tractor Issue Details Transaction Month Mar-13 CC as % of initial POS 10.8% Transaction Structure Pool Principal (Rs Cr) Future Receivables (Rs Cr) Par 40.6 55.6 First Loss Credit Facility Second Loss Credit Facility LF as % of initial POS 2.8% 8.0% NA No of Contracts 1161 EIS 19.2% OC/Subordination Pool Maturity Maturity (months) NA Sep-17 54 Average Maturity (Months) Average Seasoning' (Months) Overdue Composition 23.1 11.1 100%, 0% Pool Per for mance Sep-14 Jun-14 Months Post S ecuritisation Balance Tenure (Months) Amortisation 90+ Delinquency (% of Initial POS ) 180+ Delinquency (% of Initial POS ) 90+ Delinquency (% of Balance POS ) 180+ Delinquency (% of Balance POS ) Overdue Amt (% of Initial POS ) CC as % of Balance POS FLF as % of Balance POS LF as % of Balance POS Balance CC (unutilized) Balance FLF (unutilized) Balance LF (unutilized) CCE MCE (3 month average) Break even Collection Efficiency Break even Collection Efficiency(FLF) Overall enhancement coverage (90+ DPD) Overall enhancement coverage (180+ DPD) FL enhancement Coverage (90+ DPD) FL enhancement Coverage (180+ DPD) Cumulative Prepayment 17 37 36.49% 6.9% 3.6% 8.4% 3.9% 2.5% 17.0% 4.4% NA 100.0% 100.0% NA 95.4% 91.6% 75.7% 85.9% 2.9 6.2 1.7 3.6 2.4% 14 40 27.9% 7.3% 2.6% 8.5% 2.8% 2.0% 15.0% 3.9% NA 100.0% 100.0% NA 96.4% 103.2% 77.0% 85.8% 2.7 8.3 1.7 5.1 1.8% 90+ dpd Delinquency 180+ dpd Overdue 8.0% Collection Efficiency 130.0% 120.0% 110.0% 100.0% 90.0% 80.0% 70.0% 6.0% 4.0% 2.0% 0.0% M1 M1 M3 M5 M7 M9 M11 M13 M15 M3 M5 M7 CCE MCE M9 M11 M13 M15 M17 M17 ABS & MBS Pool Performance Update- Sep 14 BCE 89 Structured Finance Issue Name MIFL Securitisation Trust III Originator Magma ITL Finance Ltd Series A1 PTC and Series A2 PTC - CARE AA (SO) & Rating Second Loss Facility - CARE BBB (SO) Asset Class Tractor Issue Details Transaction Month Transaction Structure Pool Principal (Rs Cr) Future Receivables (Rs Cr) No of Contracts Average Maturity (Months) Average Seasoning' (Months) Overdue Composition Sep-13 Par 18.1 23.5 744 19.3 13.4 99.47.%, 0.53% CC as % of initial POS First Loss Credit Facility Second Loss Credit Facility LF as % of initial POS EIS OC/Subordination Pool Maturity Maturity (months) 13.5% 5.0% 8.5% NA 16.3% NA Mar-18 54 Pool Per for mance Sep-14 Jun-14 Months Post S ecuritisation Balance Tenure (Months) Amortisation 90+ Delinquency (% of Initial POS ) 180+ Delinquency (% of Initial POS ) 90+ Delinquency (% of Balance POS ) 180+ Delinquency (% of Balance POS ) Overdue Amt (% of Initial POS ) CC as % of Balance POS FLF as % of Balance POS LF as % of Balance POS Balance CC (unutilized) Balance FLF (unutilized) Balance LF (unutilized) CCE MCE (3 month average) Break even Collection Efficiency Break even Collection Efficiency(FLF) Overall enhancement coverage (90+ DPD) Overall enhancement coverage (180+ DPD) FL enhancement Coverage (90+ DPD) FL enhancement Coverage (180+ DPD) Cumulative Prepayment 12 42 36.9% 5.6% 2.1% 6.6% 2.2% 2.7% 21.5% 8.0% NA 100.6% 101.5% NA 95.5% 88.4% 72.1% 82.96% 4.22 12.69 2.58 7.7 2.0% 9 45 27.0% 6.0% 1.8% 6.6% 1.6% 2.3% 18.5% 6.8% NA 100.0% 100.0% NA 97.7% 103.9% 74.2% 83.5% 3.88 15.93 2.48 10.2 1.4% Delinquency 8.0% 90+ dpd Overdue 180+ dpd Collection Efficiency 120.0% CCE MCE BCE 110.0% 6.0% 100.0% 4.0% 90.0% 80.0% 2.0% 70.0% 0.0% M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 M7 M8 M9 M10M11M12 M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 M7 M8 M9 M10 M11 M12 ABS & MBS Pool Performance Update- Sep 14 90 Structured Finance Issue Name MIFL Securitisation Trust V Originator Magma ITL Finance Ltd Series A1 PTC and Series A2 PTC - CARE AA (SO) & Rating Second Loss Facility - CARE BBB (SO) Asset Class Tractor Issue Details Transaction Month Mar-14 Transaction Structure Pool Principal (Rs Cr) Future Receivables (Rs Cr) No of Contracts Par 105.8 139.8 3600 Average Maturity (Months) Average Seasoning' (Months) Overdue Composition 19.8 12.5 100%, 0% CC as % of initial POS 12.0% First Loss Credit Facility Second Loss Credit Facility LF as % of initial POS EIS 4.5% 7.5% NA 19.6% OC/Subordination Pool Maturity Maturity (months) NA Sep-18 54 Pool Per for mance Sep-14 Jun-14 Months Post S ecuritisation Balance Tenure (Months) Amortisation 90+ Delinquency (% of Initial POS ) 180+ Delinquency (% of Initial POS ) 90+ Delinquency (% of Balance POS ) 180+ Delinquency (% of Balance POS ) Overdue Amt (% of Initial POS ) CC as % of Balance POS FLF as % of Balance POS LF as % of Balance POS Balance CC (unutilized) Balance FLF (unutilized) Balance LF (unutilized) CCE MCE (3 month average) Break even Collection Efficiency Break even Collection Efficiency(FLF) Overall enhancement coverage (90+ DPD) Overall enhancement coverage (180+ DPD) FL enhancement Coverage (90+ DPD) FL enhancement Coverage (180+ DPD) Cumulative Prepayment 6 48 16.14% 1.2% 0.0% 1.3% 0.0% 1.0% 14.2% 5.3% NA 99.3% 98.2% NA 94.6% 100.5% 75.7% 82.7% 19.5 NA 13.9 NA 1.1% 3 51 4.7% 0.5% 0.0% 0.4% 0.0% 0.5% 12.6% 4.7% NA 100.0% 100.0% NA 92.0% 90.8% 76.6% 82.7% 53.3 NA 39.4 NA 0.5% 90+ dpd Overdue Delinquency 2.0% 180+ dpd CCE MCE Collection Efficiency 110.0% 1.5% 100.0% 1.0% 90.0% BCE 80.0% 0.5% 70.0% 0.0% M1 M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 M6 ABS & MBS Pool Performance Update- Sep 14 91 Structured Finance Reliance Capital Ltd (RCL) (1 Pool) Key financial indicators For the year ended as on 31st March Total Income (in Rs. Cr) Profit After Tax (in Rs. Cr) Tangible Net worth (in Rs. Cr) Gross NPA ratio (%) Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR) (%) 2011 (12m, A) 1971 229 6932 1.36 17.82 2012 (12m, A) 3317 519 10906 1.75 20.21 2013 (12m, A) 3868 662 11345 2.14 16.99 2014 (12m, A) 3254 409 11458 1.88 16.31 H1’2015 (6m, P*) 1820 200 11766 2.81 19.75 P*= Provisional, A= Audited. Total income has declined by 16% y-o-y during FY14 to Rs. 3254 crore from Rs. 3868 crore in FY 13. This is primarily due to inclusion of one- time item of capital gains on 26% stake sale in RCAM during FY13. The Gross NPA ratio has improved in FY 14 and stood at 1.88% as against 2.14% in FY 13. RCL has maintained capital adequacy above the NBFCs regulatory requirement. On a standalone basis, RCL reported CAR of 16.31% as on March 31, 2014 as compared to 16.99% as on March 31, 2013. ABS & MBS Pool Performance Update- Sep 14 92 Structured Finance Issue Name Originator Rating Asset Class Indian Receivables Trust 13 Reliance Capital Limited (RCL). Series A PTCs - CARE AAA (SO) Used CV(28.21%) & New CV(71.79%) Issue Details Transaction Month Dec-13 CC as % of initial POS 13.2% Transaction Structure Pool Principal (Rs Cr) Future Receivables (Rs Cr) Par 81.3 96.7 First Loss Credit Facility Second Loss Credit Facility LF as % of initial FR No of Contracts 1715 EIS Average Maturity (Months) Average Seasoning' (Months) Overdue Composition 15.1 9.0 100%,0% NA NA NA 7.1% OC/Subordination Pool Maturity Maturity (months) NA Jun-18 54 Pool Per for mance Sep-14 Jun-14 Months Post S ecuritisation Balance Tenure (Months) Amortisation 90+ Delinquency (% of Initial POS ) 180+ Delinquency (% of Initial POS ) 90+ Delinquency (% of Balance POS ) 180+ Delinquency (% of Balance POS ) Overdue Amt (% of Initial POS ) CC as % of Balance POS FLF as % of Balance POS LF as % of Balance POS Balance CC (unutilized) Balance FLF (unutilized) Balance LF (unutilized) CCE MCE (3 month average) Break even Collection Efficiency Break even Collection Efficiency(FLF) Overall enhancement coverage (90+ DPD) Overall enhancement coverage (180+ DPD) FL enhancement Coverage (90+ DPD) FL enhancement Coverage (180+ DPD) Cumulative Prepayment 9 45 37.8% 2.4% 0.9% 3.0% 1.1% 1.3% 21.2% NA NA 100.0% NA NA 95.0% 93.2% 68.3% NA 10.5 29.7 NA NA 3.7% 6 48 26.4% 1.0% 0.0% 1.1% 0.0% 0.9% 17.9% NA NA 100.0% NA NA 95.9% 94.3% 73.5% NA 23.5 NA NA NA 2.4% Delinquency 4.0% 90+ dpd Overdue 180+ dpd 3.0% 2.0% 1.0% 0.0% M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 M7 M8 M9 CCE MCE Collection Efficiency BCE 110.0% 100.0% 90.0% 80.0% 70.0% 60.0% 50.0% M1 M2 ABS & MBS Pool Performance Update- Sep 14 M3 M4 M5 M6 M7 M8 93 M9 Structured Finance SKS Microfinance Ltd (SKSML– 6 Pools) Key Financial Indicators For the year ended as on 31st March Total Income (in Rs. Cr) Profit After Tax (in Rs. Cr) Net worth (in Rs. Cr) Gross NPA / Gross Advances (%) (Non AP) Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR) 2012 (12m, A) 472 (1361) 430 2013 (12m, A) 353 (297) 388 2014 30-06-2014 (12m, A) (3m, P) 545 169 70 49 455 886 5.5 0.5 0.1 0.2 35.4 33.9^ 27.2^ 39.6 ^Reported capital adequacy ratio after RBI dispensation on AP provisioning With increased income from assigned loans and recovery from written-off accounts, total revenue for the quarter increased by 38% Y-o-Y to Rs.169 crore. SKSML has registered net profit of Rs 49 Cr during Q1FY15. Asset quality remains stable with Gross NPA (excluding AP) stood at 0.2% as on June 30, 2014. SKSMFL continues to have comfortable capital adequacy ratio (CAR) at 39.6% comprising totally of Tier-I capital as on June 30, 2014. SKS Microfinance raised Rs.397.59 crore through QIP in May 2014. ABS & MBS Pool Performance Update- Sep 14 94 Structured Finance Issue Name Originator Rating* Asset Class IMLRT December 2013 C SKS Microfinance Ltd Series A1 PTCs - CARE A1+ (SO) Microfinance Loans Issue Details Transaction Month Dec-13 CC as % of initial POS 7.8% Transaction Structure Pool Principal (Rs Cr) PTC Principal (Rs Cr) Par 55.6 50.0 First Loss Credit Facility Second Loss Credit Facility LF as % of initial POS NA NA NA Future Receivables (Rs Cr) 59.9 3.7% No of Contracts 72,021 EIS Principal Subordination as a % of Pool Principal Pool Maturity Maturity (months) Average Maturity (Weeks) 18.3 Average Seasoning' (Weeks) 18.7 Overdue Composition 100%,0.0% Pool Performance Months Post Securitisation Balance Tenure (Months) Pool Amortisation 30+ Delinquency (% of Initial POS) 90+ Delinquency (% of Initial POS) 30+ Delinquency (% of Balance POS) 90+ Delinquency (% of Balance POS) Overdue Amt (% of Initial POS) CC as % of Balance POS CC as % of Balance PTC Principal Balance CC (unutilized) CCE MCE (3 month average) Break even Collection Efficiency Overall enhancement coverage (30+ DPD) Overall enhancement coverage (90+ DPD) Cumulative Prepayment * Rating withdrawn Delinquency 1.0% 30+ dpd Overdue 90+ dpd 80.0% 60.0% 0.4% 40.0% 0.2% 20.0% 0.0% 0.0% M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 Jun-14 8 1 96.67% 0.06% 0.03% 0.16% 0.05% 0.06% 234.41% 260.46% 100.00% 99.94% 99.93% 0.00% >30 >30 1.18% 6 3 77.52% 0.07% 0.02% 0.12% 0.02% 0.05% 34.70% 38.56% 100.00% 99.94% 99.94% 55.46% >30 >30 0.65% CCE MCE 100.0% 0.6% M7 M8 M1 ABS & MBS Pool Performance Update- Sep 14 Sep-14 9 Aug-14 Collection Efficiency 0.8% 10.0% M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 BCE M7 95 M8 Structured Finance Issue Name Originator Rating* Asset Class IMLRT January 2014 A SKS Microfinance Ltd Series A PTCs - CARE A1+ (SO) Microfinance Loans Issue Details Transaction Month Jan-14 CC as % of initial POS 7.8% Transaction Structure Pool Principal (Rs Cr) PTC Principal (Rs Cr) Par 55.6 50.0 First Loss Credit Facility Second Loss Credit Facility LF as % of initial POS NA NA NA Future Receivables (Rs Cr) 60.4 4.5% No of Contracts 62,980 EIS Principal Subordination as a % of Pool Principal Pool Maturity Maturity (months) Average Maturity (Weeks) 20.4 Average Seasoning' (Weeks) 14.7 Overdue Composition 100%,0.0% Pool Performance Months Post Securitisation Balance Tenure (Months) Pool Amortisation 30+ Delinquency (% of Initial POS) 90+ Delinquency (% of Initial POS) 30+ Delinquency (% of Balance POS) 90+ Delinquency (% of Balance POS) Overdue Amt (% of Initial POS) CC as % of Balance POS CC as % of Balance PTC Principal Balance CC (unutilized) CCE MCE (3 month average) Break even Collection Efficiency Overall enhancement coverage (30+ DPD) Overall enhancement coverage (90+ DPD) Cumulative Prepayment * Rating withdrawn Delinquency 1.0% 30+ dpd Overdue 90+ dpd 0.6% 60.0% 0.4% 40.0% 0.2% 20.0% 0.0% 0.0% M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 Jun-14 8 2 91.36% 0.11% 0.06% 0.23% 0.10% 0.10% 90.28% 100.32% 100.00% 99.90% 99.83% 0.63% >30 >30 1.13% 5 5 53.85% 0.07% 0.01% 0.10% 0.01% 0.03% 16.90% 18.78% 100.00% 99.95% 99.95% 72.32% >30 >30 0.48% CCE MCE 100.0% 80.0% M7 M8 M1 ABS & MBS Pool Performance Update- Sep 14 Nov-14 10 Sep-14 Collection Efficiency 0.8% 10.0% M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 BCE M7 96 M8 Structured Finance Issue Name Originator Rating* Asset Class IMLRT February 2014 A SKS Microfinance Ltd Series A PTCs - CARE AA (SO) Microfinance Loans Issue Details Transaction Month Feb-14 CC as % of initial POS 9.5% Transaction Structure Pool Principal (Rs Cr) PTC Principal (Rs Cr) Par 222.7 209.3 First Loss Credit Facility Second Loss Credit Facility LF as % of initial POS NA NA NA Future Receivables (Rs Cr) 239.8 EIS Principal Subordination as a % of Pool Principal Pool Maturity Maturity (months) 4.0% No of Contracts 2,99,582 Average Maturity (Weeks) 18.4 Average Seasoning' (Weeks) 19.2 Overdue Composition 100%,0.0% Pool Performance Months Post Securitisation Balance Tenure (Months) Pool Amortisation 30+ Delinquency (% of Initial POS) 90+ Delinquency (% of Initial POS) 30+ Delinquency (% of Balance POS) 90+ Delinquency (% of Balance POS) Overdue Amt (% of Initial POS) CC as % of Balance POS CC as % of Balance PTC Principal Balance CC (unutilized) CCE MCE (3 month average) Break even Collection Efficiency Overall enhancement coverage (30+ DPD) Overall enhancement coverage (90+ DPD) Cumulative Prepayment * Rating withdrawn Delinquency 1.0% 30+ dpd Overdue 90+ dpd 0.6% 60.0% 0.4% 40.0% 0.2% 20.0% 0.0% 0.0% M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 Jun-14 8 13 97.87% 0.09% 0.06% 0.27% 0.10% 0.09% 445.40% 473.83% 100.00% 99.91% 99.83% 0.00% >30 >30 1.21% 5 16 63.55% 0.06% 0.01% 0.09% 0.01% 0.04% 26.06% 27.72% 100.00% 99.95% 99.95% 67.54% >30 >30 0.52% CCE MCE 100.0% 80.0% M7 M8 M1 ABS & MBS Pool Performance Update- Sep 14 Oct-15 21 Sep-14 Collection Efficiency 0.8% 6.0% M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 BCE M7 97 M8 Structured Finance Issue Name Originator Rating* Asset Class IMLRT February 2014 B SKS Microfinance Ltd Series A PTCs - CARE AA (SO) Microfinance Loans Issue Details Transaction Month Feb-14 CC as % of initial POS 9.5% Transaction Structure Pool Principal (Rs Cr) PTC Principal (Rs Cr) Par 158.3 148.8 First Loss Credit Facility Second Loss Credit Facility LF as % of initial POS NA NA NA Future Receivables (Rs Cr) 172.1 EIS Principal Subordination as a % of Pool Principal Pool Maturity Maturity (months) 5.0% No of Contracts 1,84,918 Average Maturity (Weeks) 18.6 Average Seasoning' (Weeks) 15.2 Overdue Composition 100%,0.0% Pool Performance Months Post Securitisation Balance Tenure (Months) Pool Amortisation 30+ Delinquency (% of Initial POS) 90+ Delinquency (% of Initial POS) 30+ Delinquency (% of Balance POS) 90+ Delinquency (% of Balance POS) Overdue Amt (% of Initial POS) CC as % of Balance POS CC as % of Balance PTC Principal Balance CC (unutilized) CCE MCE (3 month average) Break even Collection Efficiency Overall enhancement coverage (30+ DPD) Overall enhancement coverage (90+ DPD) Cumulative Prepayment * Rating withdrawn 30+ dpd Overdue Delinquency 1.0% 90+ dpd 0.6% 60.0% 0.4% 40.0% 0.2% 20.0% 0.0% 0.0% M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 Jun-14 7 15 85.65% 0.15% 0.08% 0.30% 0.12% 0.11% 66.19% 70.41% 100.00% 99.88% 99.81% 28.50% >30 >30 1.06% 4 18 47.18% 0.08% 0.01% 0.10% 0.01% 0.03% 17.99% 19.13% 100.00% 99.94% 99.93% 74.92% >30 >30 0.36% 100.0% 80.0% M6 M7 M1 ABS & MBS Pool Performance Update- Sep 14 Dec-15 22 Sep-14 Collection Efficiency 0.8% 6.0% M2 M3 M4 CCE MCE M5 BCE M6 98 M7 Structured Finance Issue Name Originator Rating Asset Class IMLRT March 2014 B SKS Microfinance Ltd Series A PTCs - CARE A1+ (SO) Microfinance Loans Issue Details Transaction Month Mar-14 CC as % of initial POS 7.8% Transaction Structure Pool Principal (Rs Cr) PTC Principal (Rs Cr) Par 26.7 24.1 First Loss Credit Facility Second Loss Credit Facility LF as % of initial POS NA NA NA Future Receivables (Rs Cr) 29.2 5.4% No of Contracts 28,985 EIS Principal Subordination as a % of Pool Principal Pool Maturity Maturity (months) Average Maturity (Weeks) 21.4 Average Seasoning' (Weeks) 12.6 Overdue Composition 100%,0.0% Pool Performance Months Post Securitisation Balance Tenure (Months) Pool Amortisation 30+ Delinquency (% of Initial POS) 90+ Delinquency (% of Initial POS) 30+ Delinquency (% of Balance POS) 90+ Delinquency (% of Balance POS) Overdue Amt (% of Initial POS) CC as % of Balance POS CC as % of Balance PTC Principal Balance CC (unutilized) CCE MCE (3 month average) Break even Collection Efficiency Overall enhancement coverage (30+ DPD) Overall enhancement coverage (90+ DPD) Cumulative Prepayment 30+ dpd Overdue Delinquency 1.0% 90+ dpd 80.0% 60.0% 0.4% 40.0% 0.2% 20.0% 0.0% 0.0% M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 Jun-14 7 3 73.64% 0.17% 0.10% 0.26% 0.13% 0.11% 29.59% 32.88% 100.00% 99.87% 99.82% 60.34% >30 >30 0.51% 4 6 38.27% 0.09% 0.00% 0.10% 0.00% 0.04% 12.64% 14.04% 100.00% 99.91% 99.90% 75.72% >30 >30 0.21% 100.0% 0.6% M6 M7 M1 ABS & MBS Pool Performance Update- Sep 14 Dec-14 10 Sep-14 Collection Efficiency 0.8% 10.0% M2 M3 M4 CCE MCE M5 BCE M6 99 M7 Structured Finance Issue Name Originator Rating* Asset Class IMLRT March 2014 C SKS Microfinance Ltd Series A PTCs - CARE AA (SO) Microfinance Loans Issue Details Transaction Month Mar-14 CC as % of initial POS 9.0% Transaction Structure Pool Principal (Rs Cr) PTC Principal (Rs Cr) Par 183.0 171.1 First Loss Credit Facility Second Loss Credit Facility LF as % of initial POS NA NA NA Future Receivables (Rs Cr) 200.0 EIS Principal Subordination as a % of Pool Principal Pool Maturity Maturity (months) 5.2% No of Contracts 1,99,041 Average Maturity (Weeks) 19.2 Average Seasoning' (Weeks) 13.8 Overdue Composition 100%,0.0% Pool Performance Months Post Securitisation Balance Tenure (Months) Pool Amortisation 30+ Delinquency (% of Initial POS) 90+ Delinquency (% of Initial POS) 30+ Delinquency (% of Balance POS) 90+ Delinquency (% of Balance POS) Overdue Amt (% of Initial POS) CC as % of Balance POS CC as % of Balance PTC Principal Balance CC (unutilized) CCE MCE (3 month average) Break even Collection Efficiency Overall enhancement coverage (30+ DPD) Overall enhancement coverage (90+ DPD) Cumulative Prepayment * Rating withdrawn 30+ dpd Overdue Delinquency 1.0% 90+ dpd 0.6% 60.0% 0.4% 40.0% 0.2% 20.0% 0.0% 0.0% M1 M2 M3 M4 Jun-14 6 16 69.83% 0.17% 0.08% 0.26% 0.10% 0.10% 29.83% 31.91% 100.00% 99.87% 99.81% 63.50% >30 >30 0.78% 3 19 33.9% 0.1% 0.0% 0.1% 0.0% 0.0% 13.6% 14.6% 100.0% 99.9% 99.9% 78.1% >30 NA 0.3% 100.0% 80.0% M5 M6 M1 ABS & MBS Pool Performance Update- Sep 14 Jan-16 22 Sep-14 Collection Efficiency 0.8% 6.5% M2 M3 CCE MCE M4 BCE M5 100 M6 Structured Finance Multi Originator Transaction - 4 (SKS Microfinance Limited &Janalakshmi Financial Services Private Limited) Key Financial Indicators for Janalakshmi Financial Services Private Limited and refer page number 91 for SKS microfinance Ltd. 2012 (12m, A) 71.09 2013 (12m, A) 169.47 2014 (12m, A) 408.99 30-06-2014 (3m, P) 148.39 Profit After Tax (in Rs. Cr) 1.22 18.06 50.63 14.49 Net worth (in Rs. Cr) 95.59 190.70 513.96 528.46 Gross NPA (%) 0.70 0.08 0.37 0.48 Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR) 24.85 19.43 28.19 25.13 For the year ended as on 31st March Total Income (in Rs. Cr) Income of JFSPL has grown at a rapid pace in last two years with exponential increase in scale of business. JFSPL has registered net profit of Rs 14.49 Cr during Q1FY15. JFSPL has been able to maintain asset quality at comfortable levels. As on June 30, 2014, GNPA% stood at 0.48%. JFSPL continues to have comfortable capital adequacy ratio (CAR) at 25.13% as on June 30, 2014. ABS & MBS Pool Performance Update- Sep 14 101 Structured Finance Issue Name IMLRT March 2013 B SKS Microfinance Limited & Janalakshmi Originator Financial Services Private Limited Rating# Series A1 PTCs - CARE A+ (SO) Asset Class Microfinance Loans Issue Details Transaction Month Mar-13 CC as % of initial POS 8.7% Transaction Structure Pool Principal (Rs Cr) PTC Principal (Rs Cr) Par 66.1 62.8 First Loss Credit Facility Second Loss Credit Facility LF as % of initial POS NA NA NA Future Receivables (Rs Cr) 72.5 5.3% No of Contracts 95,048 EIS Principal Subordination as a % of Pool Principal Pool Maturity Maturity (months) Average Maturity (Weeks) 19.8 Average Seasoning' (Weeks) 15.6 Overdue Composition 100%,0.0% Pool Performance Months Post Securitisation Balance Tenure (Months) Pool Amortisation 30+ Delinquency (% of Initial POS) 90+ Delinquency (% of Initial POS) 30+ Delinquency (% of Balance POS) 90+ Delinquency (% of Balance POS) Overdue Amt (% of Initial POS) CC as % of Balance POS CC as % of Balance PTC Principal Balance CC (unutilized) CCE MCE (3 month average) Break even Collection Efficiency Overall enhancement coverage (30+ DPD) Overall enhancement coverage (90+ DPD) Cumulative Prepayment 5.0% Dec-14 21 Sep-14 * Jun-14 * 18 3 94.34% 0.41% 0.22% 4.12% 2.16% 0.21% 203.19% 231.88% 100.00% 99.80% 99.30% 0.00% >30 >30 4.81% 15 6 76.2% 0.2% 0.1% 0.7% 0.4% 0.1% 48.3% 51.4% 100.0% 99.9% 100.0% 46.1% >30 >30 2.5% * JFSPL pool performance, # Rating withdrawn Note - After November 2013 payout, SKSML has paid all the contractual obligations and payouts to the investors. 30+ dpd Overdue Delinquency 1.0% 90+ dpd CCE MCE Collection Efficiency 100.0% 0.8% 80.0% 0.6% 60.0% 0.4% 40.0% 0.2% 20.0% BCE 0.0% 0.0% M1 M4 M7 M10 M13 M16 M1 ABS & MBS Pool Performance Update- Sep 14 M4 M7 M10 M13 M16 102 Structured Finance Issue Name IMLRT December 2013 B SKS Microfinance Limited & Janalakshmi Originator Financial Services Private Limited Rating Series A1 PTCs - CARE A+ (SO) Asset Class Microfinance Loans Issue Details Transaction Month Dec-13 CC as % of initial POS 7.2% Transaction Structure Pool Principal (Rs Cr) PTC Principal (Rs Cr) Par 240.9 228.8 First Loss Credit Facility Second Loss Credit Facility LF as % of initial POS NA NA NA Future Receivables (Rs Cr) 264.9 EIS Principal Subordination as a % of Pool Principal Pool Maturity Maturity (months) 5.1% No of Contracts 2,68,193 Average Maturity (Weeks) 23.2 Average Seasoning' (Weeks) 16.4 Overdue Composition 100%,0.0% 5.0% Sep-15 21 Pool Performance Sep-14 $ Jun-14 * Months Post Securitisation Balance Tenure (Months) Pool Amortisation 30+ Delinquency (% of Initial POS) 90+ Delinquency (% of Initial POS) 30+ Delinquency (% of Balance POS) 90+ Delinquency (% of Balance POS) Overdue Amt (% of Initial POS) CC as % of Balance POS CC as % of Balance PTC Principal Balance CC (unutilized) CCE MCE (3 month average) Break even Collection Efficiency Overall enhancement coverage (30+ DPD) Overall enhancement coverage (90+ DPD) Cumulative Prepayment 10 11 51.27% 1.53% 0.80% 2.37% 1.13% 0.42% 18.47% 19.66% 100.00% 99.36% 98.83% 72.82% >30 >30 1.84% 7 14 75.4% 0.1% 0.1% 0.3% 0.2% 0.1% 29.3% 30.9% 100.0% 99.9% 100.0% 64.7% >30 >30 0.9% $ JFSPL pool performance, * SKSML and JFSPL combined pool performance Note - After August 2014 payout, SKSML has paid all the contractual obligations and payouts to the investors. Delinquency 2.5% 30+ dpd Overdue 90+ dpd Collection Efficiency 100.0% 2.0% 80.0% 1.5% 60.0% 1.0% 40.0% 0.5% 20.0% 0.0% 0.0% M1 M3 M5 M7 M9 M1 ABS & MBS Pool Performance Update- Sep 14 M3 M5 CCE MCE M7 BCE M9 103 Structured Finance Issue Name IMLRT February 2014 C SKS Microfinance Limited & Janalakshmi Originator Financial Services Private Limited Rating Series A1 PTCs - CARE A+ (SO) Asset Class Microfinance Loans Issue Details Transaction Month Feb-14 CC as % of initial POS 7.4% Transaction Structure Pool Principal (Rs Cr) PTC Principal (Rs Cr) Par 176.5 167.7 First Loss Credit Facility Second Loss Credit Facility LF as % of initial POS NA NA NA Future Receivables (Rs Cr) 193.6 EIS Principal Subordination as a % of Pool Principal Pool Maturity Maturity (months) 5.2% No of Contracts 1,97,051 Average Maturity (Weeks) 20.1 Average Seasoning' (Weeks) 16.1 Overdue Composition 100%,0.0% 5.0% Oct-15 20 Pool Performance Sep-14 $ Jun-14 $ Months Post Securitisation Balance Tenure (Months) Pool Amortisation 30+ Delinquency (% of Initial POS) 90+ Delinquency (% of Initial POS) 30+ Delinquency (% of Balance POS) 90+ Delinquency (% of Balance POS) Overdue Amt (% of Initial POS) CC as % of Balance POS CC as % of Balance PTC Principal Balance CC (unutilized) CCE MCE (3 month average) Break even Collection Efficiency Overall enhancement coverage (30+ DPD) Overall enhancement coverage (90+ DPD) Cumulative Prepayment 7 13 81.97% 0.26% 0.16% 0.76% 0.41% 0.14% 40.89% 43.13% 100.00% 99.85% 99.76% 53.83% >30 >30 1.21% 4 16 45.2% 0.1% 0.0% 0.2% 0.1% 0.0% 13.4% 14.2% 100.0% 99.9% 99.9% 79.8% >30 >30 0.4% $ SKSML and JFSPL combined pool performance 30+ dpd Overdue Delinquency 1.0% 90+ dpd 100.0% 0.8% 80.0% 0.6% 60.0% 0.4% 40.0% 0.2% 20.0% 0.0% 0.0% M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 CCE MCE Collection Efficiency M6 M7 M1 ABS & MBS Pool Performance Update- Sep 14 M2 M3 M4 M5 BCE M6 104 M7 Structured Finance Issue Name IMLRT March 2014 E SKS Microfinance Limited & Janalakshmi Originator Financial Services Private Limited Rating Series A1 PTCs - CARE A+ (SO) Asset Class Microfinance Loans Issue Details Transaction Month Mar-14 CC as % of initial POS 7.4% Transaction Structure Pool Principal (Rs Cr) PTC Principal (Rs Cr) Par 170.0 161.5 First Loss Credit Facility Second Loss Credit Facility LF as % of initial POS NA NA NA Future Receivables (Rs Cr) 186.5 EIS Principal Subordination as a % of Pool Principal Pool Maturity Maturity (months) 5.0% No of Contracts 1,77,910 Average Maturity (Weeks) 22.5 Average Seasoning' (Weeks) 14.7 Overdue Composition 100%,0.0% 5.0% Oct-15 18 Pool Performance Sep-14 $ Jun-14 $ Months Post Securitisation Balance Tenure (Months) Pool Amortisation 30+ Delinquency (% of Initial POS) 90+ Delinquency (% of Initial POS) 30+ Delinquency (% of Balance POS) 90+ Delinquency (% of Balance POS) Overdue Amt (% of Initial POS) CC as % of Balance POS CC as % of Balance PTC Principal Balance CC (unutilized) CCE MCE (3 month average) Break even Collection Efficiency Overall enhancement coverage (30+ DPD) Overall enhancement coverage (90+ DPD) Cumulative Prepayment 6 12 59.39% 0.19% 0.09% 0.25% 0.10% 0.09% 18.11% 19.07% 100.00% 99.86% 99.82% 75.83% >30 >30 0.55% 3 15 25.0% 0.1% 0.0% 0.1% 0.0% 0.0% 9.8% 10.3% 100.0% 99.9% 99.9% 82.6% >30 NA 0.2% $ SKSML and JFSPL combined pool performance Collection Efficiency 100.0% CCE MCE BCE 30+ dpd Overdue Delinquency 1.0% 80.0% 0.8% 60.0% 0.6% 40.0% 0.4% 20.0% 0.2% 0.0% 90+ dpd 0.0% M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 M1 ABS & MBS Pool Performance Update- Sep 14 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 105 Structured Finance Shriram City Union finance ltd (SCUFL – 1 Pool) Key Financial Indicators For the year ended as on 31st March 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 7,998 13,431 15,828 14,668 1,321 2,056 3,083 3,239 241 343 450 521 1,194 1,721 2,233 2912 1.86 1.55 2.19 2.67 20.80 17.40 18.95 25.77 Total AUM (in Rs. Cr) Total Income (in Rs. Cr) Profit After Tax (in Rs. Cr) Net worth (in Rs. Cr) Gross NPA ratio (%) Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR) (%) During FY14, SCUF showed moderate growth of 5% in total income after witnessing strong growth rates in FY12 and FY13. The moderation in growth could be attributable to stagnant portfolio levels as the company slowed disbursements in LAG segment. It can be noted that SCUF has changed its policy of recognizing NPA from 180 days dpd to 150 days dpd since April 2012 and again changed it back to 180 days dpd since January 2014. The Gross NPA ration has increased in Mar’14 to 2.67% as against the 2.19% in last year. The increase in GNPA levels in March 2014 is primarily due to increase in NPA levels across asset classes in line with general economic scenario in the country. Total CAR stood at comfortable levels at 25.77% as on March 31, 2014. ABS & MBS Pool Performance Update- Sep 14 106 Structured Finance Issue Name Small Business Loan Trust – March 2014 Originator Shriram City Union Finance Limited (SCUF) Rating Series A1 PTCs - CARE AA (SO) ,Series A2 PTCs - CARE A (SO) Asset Class SME Loans Receivables Issue Details Transaction Month Mar-14 Transaction Structure Par Pool Principal (Rs Cr) 202.9 Future Receivables (Rs Cr) No of Contracts Average Maturity (Months) Average Seasoning' (Months) Overdue Composition 254.9 3,587 16.9 8.6 100.0%, 0.0% CC as % of initial POS 6.4% First Loss Credit Facility NA Second Loss Credit Facility NA LF as % of initial POS EIS OC/Subordination Pool Maturity NA 14.0% 5.0% Sep-18 Maturity (months) 54 Pool Per for mance Sep-14 Jun-14 Months Post S ecuritisation Balance Tenure (Months) Amortisation 90+ Delinquency (% of Initial POS ) 180+ Delinquency (% of Initial POS ) 90+ Delinquency (% of Balance POS ) 180+ Delinquency (% of Balance POS ) Overdue Amt (% of Initial POS ) CC as % of Balance POS FLF as % of Balance POS LF as % of Balance POS Balance CC (unutilized) Balance FLF (unutilized) Balance LF (unutilized) CCE MCE (3 month average) Break even Collection Efficiency Break even Collection Efficiency(FLF) Overall enhancement coverage (90+ DPD) Overall enhancement coverage (180+ DPD) FL enhancement Coverage (90+ DPD) FL enhancement Coverage (180+ DPD) Cumulative Prepayment 5 49 22.5% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.1% 8.3% NA NA 100.0% NA NA 99.3% 100.4% 87.8% NA NA NA NA NA 4.1% 2 52 8.4% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.1% 7.0% NA NA 100.0% NA NA 97.7% NA 88.1% NA NA NA NA NA 1.8% 90+ dpd Overdue Delinquency 4.0% 180+ dpd Collection Efficiency 110.0% CCE MCE BCE 100.0% 3.0% 90.0% 2.0% 80.0% 1.0% 70.0% 60.0% 0.0% M1 M1 M2 M3 M4 M2 M3 M4 M5 ABS & MBS Pool Performance Update- Sep 14 107 M5 Structured Finance Shriram Transport Finance Company Ltd (STFCL) – 19 (Pools) Key Financial Indicators For the year ended as on 31st March Total Income (in Rs. Cr) Profit After Tax (in Rs. Cr) Net worth (in Rs. Cr) Gross NPA (%) Capital Adequacy Ratio (%) 2012 (12m, A) 6,179 1,309 5,771 2.92 22.26 2013 (12m, A) 7,016 1,463 7,012 3.10 20.74 2014 (12m, A) 8,480 1,358 8,209 3.75 23.37 30/09/2014 (6m, P) 4,127 609 8,577 3.80 21.96 P= Provisional, A= Audited. In H1FY15, STFCL earned PAT of Rs.609 crore on the total income of Rs.4,127 crore as against Rs.1,358 crore on the total income of Rs.8,480 crore in FY14, respectively. STFCL’s profitability remains comfortable as compared to other players in the industry. The CV industry continues to remain under stress which is reflected in GNPA ratio of STFC which was at 3.83% as on Sep 30, 2014. However, STFC has constantly maintains high provision coverage ratio which provides comfort. STFCL has maintained capital adequacy above the regulatory minimum of 15% for deposit taking NBFCs. On a standalone basis, capital adequacy remains at comfortable level with Tier 1 of 17.09% and total CAR of 21.96% ABS & MBS Pool Performance Update- Sep 14 108 Structured Finance Issue Name STFCL’s Assignment of Receivables Mar' 10-VII Originator Shriram Transport Finance Company Ltd Assignee Payout - CARE AAA (SO) Equivalent Rating* Second Loss Facility - CARE BBB (SO) Asset Class Used CV(96.3%) & New CV(3.7%) Issue Details Transaction Month Transaction Structure Pool Principal (Rs Cr) Future Receivables (Rs Cr) No of Contracts Average Maturity (Months) Average Seasoning (Months) Overdue Composition Mar-10 Par 176.1 278.4 3,605 25.0 2.6 95.6%,4.4% CC as % of initial POS First Loss Credit Facility Second Loss Credit Facility LF as % of initial POS EIS OC/Subordination Pool Maturity Maturity (months) Pool Performance Months Post Securitisation Balance Tenure (Months) Amortisation 90+ Delinquency (% of Initial POS) 180+ Delinquency (% of Initial POS) 90+ Delinquency (% of Balance POS) 180+ Delinquency (% of Balance POS) Overdue Amt (% of Initial POS) CC as % of Balance POS FLF as % of Balance POS LF as % of Balance POS Balance CC (unutilized) Balance FLF (unutilized) Balance LF (unutilized) CCE MCE (3 month average) Break even Collection Efficiency Break even Collection Efficiency(FLF) Overall enhancement coverage (90+ DPD) Overall enhancement coverage (180+ DPD) FL enhancement Coverage (90+ DPD) FL enhancement Coverage (180+ DPD) Cumulative Prepayment Aug-14 53 8 99.1% 0.9% 0.7% 21.9% 14.2% 0.7% 1571.7% 392.4% NA 100.0% 100.0% NA 100.5% 91.7% 0.0% 0.0% > 30 > 30 17.1 26.37 18.5% 14.0% 3.5% 10.5% NA 41.5% NA Mar-15 61 Jun-14 51 10 98.7% 0.9% 0.7% 19.3% 12.2% 0.7% 1039.4% 259.5% NA 100.0% 100.0% NA 100.6% 93.1% 0.0% 0.0% > 30 > 30 12.8 20.24 18.4% * Credit opinions withdrawn 90+ dpd Overdue Delinquency 4.0% 180+ dpd Collection Efficiency 120.0% 3.0% 90.0% 2.0% 60.0% 1.0% 30.0% 0.0% CCE MCE BCE 0.0% M1 M8 M15 M22 M29 M36 M43 M50 M1 M8 ABS & MBS Pool Performance Update- Sep 14 M15 M22 M29 M36 M43 M50 109 Structured Finance Issue Name Originator Rating Asset Class STFCL Direct Assignment Feb' 11-II Shriram Transport Finance Company Ltd Assignee Payout - CARE AAA (SO) Equivalent Second Loss Facility - CARE BBB (SO) Equivalent Used CV(65.04%) & New CV(34.96%) Issue Details Transaction Month Transaction Structure Pool Principal (Rs Cr) Future Receivables (Rs Cr) No of Contracts Average Maturity (Months) Average Seasoning (Months) Overdue Composition Feb-11 Par 194.2 277.7 7,182 23.0 3.5 92.9%, 7.1% CC as % of initial POS First Loss Credit Facility Second Loss Credit Facility LF as % of initial POS EIS OC/Subordination Pool Maturity Maturity (months) Pool Performance Months Post Securitisation Balance Tenure (Months) Amortisation 90+ Delinquency (% of Initial POS) 180+ Delinquency (% of Initial POS) 90+ Delinquency (% of Balance POS) 180+ Delinquency (% of Balance POS) Overdue Amt (% of Initial POS) CC as % of Balance POS FLF as % of Balance POS LF as % of Balance POS Balance CC (unutilized) Balance FLF (unutilized) Balance LF (unutilized) CCE MCE (3 month average) Break even Collection Efficiency Break even Collection Efficiency(FLF) Overall enhancement coverage (90+ DPD) Overall enhancement coverage (180+ DPD) FL enhancement Coverage (90+ DPD) FL enhancement Coverage (180+ DPD) Cumulative Prepayment Delinquency 3.5% 90+ dpd Overdue 180+ dpd Sep-14 42 5 99.7% 1.0% 0.9% 33.3% 20.7% 1.0% 3407.6% 620.1% NA 100.0% 100.0% NA 103.1% 83.6% 0.0% 0.0% >30 >30 18.0 29.0 29.1% Collection Efficiency 150.0% 2.8% 120.0% 2.1% 90.0% 1.4% 60.0% 0.7% 30.0% 0.0% 8.8% 1.6% 7.2% NA 26.6% NA Feb-15 47 Jun-14 39 8 99.1% 1.1% 0.9% 30.7% 18.0% 0.9% 1027.3% 186.9% NA 100.0% 100.0% NA 103.2% 120.6% 0.0% 0.0% >30 >30 5.9 10.0 29.0% CCE MCE BCE 0.0% M1 M6 M11 M16 M21 M26 M31 M36 M41 M1 M6 M11 M16 M21 M26 M31 M36 M41 ABS & MBS Pool Performance Update- Sep 14 110 Structured Finance Issue Name Originator STFCL Direct Assignment Mar' 11-III Shriram Transport Finance Company Ltd Rating* Assignee Payout - CARE AAA (SO) Equivalent Second Loss Facility - CARE BBB (SO) Equivalent Asset Class Used CV(45.39%) & New CV(54.61%) Issue Details Transaction Month Transaction Structure Pool Principal (Rs Cr) Future Receivables (Rs Cr) No of Contracts Average Maturity (Months) Average Seasoning (Months) Overdue Composition Mar-11 Par 427.1 642.6 14,037 25.6 1.7 88.2%, 11.8% CC as % of initial POS First Loss Credit Facility Second Loss Credit Facility LF as % of initial POS EIS OC/Subordination Pool Maturity Maturity (months) Pool Performance Months Post Securitisation Balance Tenure (Months) Amortisation 90+ Delinquency (% of Initial POS) 180+ Delinquency (% of Initial POS) 90+ Delinquency (% of Balance POS) 180+ Delinquency (% of Balance POS) Overdue Amt (% of Initial POS) CC as % of Balance POS FLF as % of Balance POS LF as % of Balance POS Balance CC (unutilized) Balance FLF (unutilized) Balance LF (unutilized) CCE MCE (3 month average) Break even Collection Efficiency Break even Collection Efficiency(FLF) Overall enhancement coverage (90+ DPD) Overall enhancement coverage (180+ DPD) FL enhancement Coverage (90+ DPD) FL enhancement Coverage (180+ DPD) Cumulative Prepayment Sep-14 41 31 90.4% 2.3% 1.8% 10.9% 7.4% 1.3% 94.6% 22.1% NA 96.1% 85.0% NA 101.9% 100.5% 11.3% 74.1% 8.1 11.96 2.4 3.50 31.4% 9.5% 2.5% 7.0% NA 28.8% NA Mar-17 72 Jun-14 38 34 87.2% 2.5% 2.1% 10.5% 7.9% 1.2% 74.3% 19.6% NA 100.0% 100.0% NA 101.9% 109.0% 29.1% 75.7% 6.8 8.95 2.3 3.07 30.0% * Credit opinions withdrawn Delinquency 4.5% 90+ dpd Overdue 180+ dpd Collection Efficiency 120.0% CCE MCE BCE 100.0% 3.6% 80.0% 2.7% 60.0% 1.8% 40.0% 0.9% 20.0% 0.0% 0.0% M1 M6 M11 M16 M21 M26 M31 M36 M41 M1 M6 M11 M16 M21 M26 M31 M36 M41 ABS & MBS Pool Performance Update- Sep 14 111 Structured Finance Issue Name Originator Rating Asset Class STFCL Direct Assignment Mar' 11-IV Shriram Transport Finance Company Ltd Assignee Payout - CARE AAA (SO) Equivalent Second Loss Facility - CARE BBB (SO) Equivalent Used CV(54.36%) & New CV(45.64%) Issue Details Transaction Month Transaction Structure Pool Principal (Rs Cr) Future Receivables (Rs Cr) No of Contracts Average Maturity (Months) Average Seasoning (Months) Overdue Composition Mar-11 Par 750.0 1114.7 16,693 26.1 1.9 95.1%, 4.9% CC as % of initial POS First Loss Credit Facility Second Loss Credit Facility LF as % of initial POS EIS OC/Subordination Pool Maturity Maturity (months) Pool Performance Months Post Securitisation Balance Tenure (Months) Amortisation 90+ Delinquency (% of Initial POS) 180+ Delinquency (% of Initial POS) 90+ Delinquency (% of Balance POS) 180+ Delinquency (% of Balance POS) Overdue Amt (% of Initial POS) CC as % of Balance POS FLF as % of Balance POS LF as % of Balance POS Balance CC (unutilized) Balance FLF (unutilized) Balance LF (unutilized) CCE MCE (3 month average) Break even Collection Efficiency Break even Collection Efficiency(FLF) Overall enhancement coverage (90+ DPD) Overall enhancement coverage (180+ DPD) FL enhancement Coverage (90+ DPD) FL enhancement Coverage (180+ DPD) Cumulative Prepayment Delinquency 3.5% 90+ dpd Overdue 180+ dpd Sep-14 42 30 91.2% 1.2% 0.9% 6.7% 4.2% 0.8% 105.0% 24.1% NA 96.1% 84.8% NA 102.2% 102.7% 2.9% 73.7% 14.5 23.39 3.9 6.32 31.8% Collection Efficiency 150.0% 9.6% 2.5% 7.1% NA 25.5% NA Mar-17 72 Jun-14 39 33 88.3% 1.5% 1.2% 7.1% 5.1% 0.7% 81.7% 21.2% NA 100.0% 100.0% NA 102.2% 119.4% 23.8% 75.9% 10.8 14.88 3.4 4.70 30.5% CCE MCE BCE 125.0% 2.8% 100.0% 2.1% 75.0% 1.4% 50.0% 0.7% 25.0% 0.0% 0.0% M1 M6 M11 M16 M21 M26 M31 M36 M41 M1 M6 M11 M16 M21 M26 M31 M36 M41 ABS & MBS Pool Performance Update- Sep 14 112 Structured Finance Issue Name Originator Rating Asset Class STFCL Direct Assignment Mar' 11-V Shriram Transport Finance Company Ltd Assignee Payout - CARE AAA (SO) Equivalent Second Loss Facility - CARE BBB (SO) Equivalent Used CV(50.08%), New CV(12.38%) & Tractor (37.54%) Issue Details Transaction Month Transaction Structure Pool Principal (Rs Cr) Future Receivables (Rs Cr) No of Contracts Average Maturity (Months) Average Seasoning (Months) Overdue Composition Mar-11 Par 49.9 79.3 2,027 24.2 0.0 100.0%, 0.0% CC as % of initial POS First Loss Credit Facility Second Loss Credit Facility LF as % of initial POS EIS OC/Subordination Pool Maturity Maturity (months) Pool Performance Months Post Securitisation Balance Tenure (Months) Amortisation 90+ Delinquency (% of Initial POS) 180+ Delinquency (% of Initial POS) 90+ Delinquency (% of Balance POS) 180+ Delinquency (% of Balance POS) Overdue Amt (% of Initial POS) CC as % of Balance POS FLF as % of Balance POS LF as % of Balance POS Balance CC (unutilized) Balance FLF (unutilized) Balance LF (unutilized) CCE MCE (3 month average) Break even Collection Efficiency Break even Collection Efficiency(FLF) Overall enhancement coverage (90+ DPD) Overall enhancement coverage (180+ DPD) FL enhancement Coverage (90+ DPD) FL enhancement Coverage (180+ DPD) Cumulative Prepayment Delinquency 5.0% 90+ dpd Overdue 180+ dpd Sep-14 42 30 96.1% 1.5% 1.3% 13.0% 9.3% 1.0% 399.4% 119.3% NA 94.9% 84.9% NA 102.9% 95.1% 0.0% 0.0% 27.1 >30 8.5 11.9 37.4% Collection Efficiency 120.0% 16.3% 5.5% 10.8% NA 36.9% NA Mar-17 72 Jun-14 39 33 93.2% 1.5% 1.3% 9.4% 7.6% 0.9% 238.4% 78.3% NA 99.2% 97.5% NA 103.0% 106.7% 0.0% 24.7% 22.9 28.2 8.1 9.9 35.6% CCE MCE BCE 100.0% 4.0% 80.0% 3.0% 60.0% 2.0% 40.0% 1.0% 20.0% 0.0% 0.0% M1 M6 M11 M16 M21 M26 M31 M36 M41 M1 M6 M11 M16 M21 M26 M31 M36 M41 ABS & MBS Pool Performance Update- Sep 14 113 Structured Finance Issue Name STFCL Direct Assignment Dec' 11-I Originator Shriram Transport Finance Company Ltd Assignee Payout - CARE AAA (SO) Equivalent Rating Second Loss Facility - CARE BBB (SO) Equivalent Asset Class Used CV(60.37%) & New CV(39.63%) Issue Details Transaction Month Dec-11 CC as % of initial POS 12.0% Transaction Structure Par Pool Principal (Rs Cr) 125.7 Future Receivables (Rs Cr) No of Contracts 178.1 3,028 LF as % of initial POS EIS NA 19.8% Average Maturity (Months) Average Seasoning' (Months) 22.5 3.9 OC/Subordination Pool Maturity NA Dec-16 100%, 0.0% Maturity (months) 60 Overdue Composition First Loss Credit Facility 3.7% Second Loss Credit Facility 8.3% Pool Performance Months Post Securitisation Balance Tenure (Months) Amortisation 90+ Delinquency (% of Initial POS) 180+ Delinquency (% of Initial POS) 90+ Delinquency (% of Balance POS) 180+ Delinquency (% of Balance POS) Overdue Amt (% of Initial POS) CC as % of Balance POS FLF as % of Balance POS LF as % of Balance POS Balance CC (unutilized) Balance FLF (unutilized) Balance LF (unutilized) CCE MCE (3 month average) Break even Collection Efficiency Break even Collection Efficiency(FLF) Overall enhancement coverage (90+ DPD) Overall enhancement coverage (180+ DPD) FL enhancement Coverage (90+ DPD) FL enhancement Coverage (180+ DPD) Cumulative Prepayment Delinquency 4.0% 90+ dpd Overdue 180+ dpd 3.0% 2.0% 1.0% 0.0% M1 M5 M9 M13 M17 M21 M25 M29 M33 Sep-14 33 27 87.0% 0.7% 0.3% 3.0% 1.1% 0.4% 87.8% 23.7% NA 94.8% 83.1% NA 101.7% 100.5% 18.6% 74.6% 27.5 >30 8.6 22.1 33.2% Collection Efficiency 140.0% 120.0% 100.0% 80.0% 60.0% 40.0% 20.0% 0.0% M1 M5 ABS & MBS Pool Performance Update- Sep 14 Jun-14 30 30 81.9% 1.9% 1.4% 6.1% 4.0% 0.9% 66.5% 20.5% NA 100.0% 100.0% NA 101.7% 115.7% 37.6% 77.2% 10.2 15.5 3.7 5.7 30.7% CCE MCE BCE M9 M13 M17 M21 M25 M29 M33 114 Structured Finance Issue Name STFCL Direct Assignment- Mar ’12 I Originator Shriram Transport Finance Company Ltd Assignee Payout - CARE AAA (SO) Equivalent Rating Second Loss Facility - CARE BBB (SO) Equivalent Asset Class Used CV(73.85%) & New CV(26.15%) Issue Details Transaction Month Mar-12 Transaction Structure Pool Principal (Rs Cr) Future Receivables (Rs Cr) No of Contracts Average Maturity (Months) Average Seasoning' (Months) Overdue Composition CC as % of initial POS 12.0% Par First Loss Credit Facility 3.0% 486.7 671.9 13,122 19.6 3.7 85.7%, 14.3% Second Loss Credit Facility LF as % of initial POS EIS OC/Subordination Pool Maturity 9.0% NA 20.3% NA Nov-17 Maturity (months) 68 Pool Performance Sep-14 Jun-14 Months Post Securitisation 30 27 Balance Tenure (Months) 38 41 Amortisation 87.4% 82.8% 90+ Delinquency (% of Initial POS) 3.0% 4.1% 180+ Delinquency (% of Initial POS) 1.6% 1.7% 90+ Delinquency (% of Balance POS) 12.3% 14.5% 180+ Delinquency (% of Balance POS) 5.4% 5.1% Overdue Amt (% of Initial POS) 1.7% 2.0% CC as % of Balance POS 54.9% 69.8% FLF as % of Balance POS 17.6% 17.4% LF as % of Balance POS NA NA Balance CC (unutilized) 99.0% 100.0% Balance FLF (unutilized) 97.0% 100.0% Balance LF (unutilized) NA NA CCE 98.9% 98.7% MCE (3 month average) 104.5% 103.3% Break even Collection Efficiency 46.5% 33.6% Break even Collection Efficiency(FLF) 78.8% 78.5% Overall enhancement coverage (90+ DPD) 4.3 4.6 Overall enhancement coverage (180+ DPD) 10.0 13.1 FL enhancement Coverage (90+ DPD) 1.7 1.5 FL enhancement Coverage (180+ DPD) 4.0 4.2 Cumulative Prepayment 28.1% 26.7% Note STFCL reset the credit ehancement after july 14 payout. The reset rating rationale is available at Delinquency 8.0% 90+ dpd Overdue 180+ dpd Collection Efficiency 120.0% CCE MCE BCE 100.0% 6.0% 80.0% 4.0% 60.0% 40.0% 2.0% 20.0% 0.0% 0.0% M1 M5 M9 M13 M17 M21 M25 M29 M1 ABS & MBS Pool Performance Update- Sep 14 M5 M9 M13 M17 M21 M25 M29 115 Structured Finance Issue Name STFCL Direct Assignment March ’12 II Originator Shriram Transport Finance Company Ltd Assignee Payout - CARE AAA (SO) Equivalent Rating Second Loss Facility - CARE BBB (SO) Equivalent Asset Class Used CV(30.54%) & New CV(69.46%) Issue Details Transaction Month Mar-12 Transaction Structure Pool Principal (Rs Cr) Future Receivables (Rs Cr) No of Contracts Average Maturity (Months) Average Seasoning' (Months) Par 200.0 278.5 4,521 23.1 10.9 89.89%, 10.11% Overdue Composition CC as % of initial POS 12.0% First Loss Credit Facility Second Loss Credit Facility LF as % of initial POS EIS OC/Subordination Pool Maturity 3.0% 9.0% NA 16.9% NA Mar-17 Maturity (months) Pool Performance Months Post Securitisation Balance Tenure (Months) Amortisation 90+ Delinquency (% of Initial POS) 180+ Delinquency (% of Initial POS) 90+ Delinquency (% of Balance POS) 180+ Delinquency (% of Balance POS) Overdue Amt (% of Initial POS) CC as % of Balance POS FLF as % of Balance POS LF as % of Balance POS Balance CC (unutilized) Balance FLF (unutilized) Balance LF (unutilized) CCE MCE (3 month average) Break even Collection Efficiency Break even Collection Efficiency(FLF) Overall enhancement coverage (90+ DPD) Overall enhancement coverage (180+ DPD) FL enhancement Coverage (90+ DPD) FL enhancement Coverage (180+ DPD) Cumulative Prepayment Delinquency 7.0% 6.0% 5.0% 4.0% 3.0% 2.0% 1.0% 0.0% 90+ dpd Overdue 180+ dpd Sep-14 30 30 83.0% 3.1% 1.7% 10.4% 4.6% 1.4% 70.7% 17.7% NA 100.0% 100.0% NA 103.0% 135.7% 34.1% 79.9% 6.3 14.3 1.9 4.4 35.9% Jun-14 27 33 77.3% 4.1% 2.6% 11.4% 6.5% 1.6% 52.8% 13.2% NA 100.0% 100.0% NA 101.4% 110.7% 49.7% 83.4% 4.4 7.7 1.5 2.5 32.9% Collection Efficiency 150.0% 60 CCE MCE BCE 125.0% 100.0% 75.0% 50.0% 25.0% 0.0% M1 M5 M9 M13 M17 M21 M25 M29 M1 ABS & MBS Pool Performance Update- Sep 14 M5 M9 M13 M17 M21 M25 M29 116 Structured Finance Issue Name STFCL Direct Assignment March ’12 III Originator Shriram Transport Finance Company Ltd Assignee Payout - CARE AAA (SO) Equivalent Rating Second Loss Facility - CARE BBB (SO) Equivalent Asset Class Used CV(70.76%) & New CV(29.24%) Issue Details Transaction Month Mar-12 Transaction Structure Pool Principal (Rs Cr) Par 100.0 Future Receivables (Rs Cr) No of Contracts Average Maturity (Months) Average Seasoning' (Months) 139.0 4,168 18.3 4.6 CC as % of initial POS First Loss Credit Facility Second Loss Credit Facility LF as % of initial POS EIS OC/Subordination Pool Maturity 94.59%, 5.41% Overdue Composition 15.0% 5.0% 10.0% NA 22.2% NA Mar-17 Maturity (months) 60 Pool Per for mance Sep-14 Jun-14 Months Post S ecuritisation Balance Tenure (Months) Amortisation 90+ Delinquency (% of Initial POS ) 180+ Delinquency (% of Initial POS ) 90+ Delinquency (% of Balance POS ) 180+ Delinquency (% of Balance POS ) Overdue Amt (% of Initial POS ) CC as % of Balance POS FLF as % of Balance POS LF as % of Balance POS Balance CC (unutilized) Balance FLF (unutilized) Balance LF (unutilized) CCE MCE (3 month average) Break even Collection Efficiency Break even Collection Efficiency(FLF) Overall enhancement coverage (90+ DPD) Overall enhancement coverage (180+ DPD) FL enhancement Coverage (90+ DPD) FL enhancement Coverage (180+ DPD) Cumulative Prepayment 30 30 91.7% 1.9% 1.0% 9.9% 3.1% 1.4% 177.3% 56.7% NA 98.0% 94.1% NA 98.5% 102.7% 0.0% 44.5% 16.3 >30 5.6 17.9 32.3% 27 33 88.2% 2.6% 1.2% 11.1% 3.9% 1.5% 127.6% 42.5% NA 100.0% 100.0% NA 98.3% 110.1% 0.0% 56.6% 10.5 >30 3.9 11.2 31.1% Delinquency 8.0% 90+ dpd Overdue 180+ dpd Collection Efficiency 120.0% CCE MCE BCE 100.0% 6.0% 80.0% 4.0% 60.0% 40.0% 2.0% 20.0% 0.0% 0.0% M1 M5 M9 M13 M17 M21 M25 M29 M1 ABS & MBS Pool Performance Update- Sep 14 M5 M9 M13 M17 M21 M25 M29 117 Structured Finance Issue Name Originator STFCL Sansar Trust Sep 2012-IV Shriram Transport Finance Company Ltd Series A1 PTCs and Series A2 PTC - CARE AAA (SO) & Second Loss Facility - CARE BBB (SO) Used CV(8.46%) & New CV(91.54%) Rating Asset Class Issue Details Transaction Month Sep-12 CC as % of initial POS 12.0% Transaction Structure Par First Loss Credit Facility 5.0% Pool Principal (Rs Cr) 98.1 Second Loss Credit Facility 7.0% Future Receivables (Rs Cr) No of Contracts Average Maturity (Months) Average Seasoning' (Months) Overdue Composition 122.7 1,990 17.5 8.2 90.44%, 9.56% LF as % of initial POS EIS OC/Subordination Pool Maturity NA 11.2% NA Mar-17 Maturity (months) 54 Pool Per for mance Sep-14 Jun-14 Months Post S ecuritisation Balance Tenure (Months) Amortisation 90+ Delinquency (% of Initial POS ) 180+ Delinquency (% of Initial POS ) 90+ Delinquency (% of Balance POS ) 180+ Delinquency (% of Balance POS ) Overdue Amt (% of Initial POS ) CC as % of Balance POS FLF as % of Balance POS LF as % of Balance POS Balance CC (unutilized) Balance FLF (unutilized) Balance LF (unutilized) CCE MCE (3 month average) Break even Collection Efficiency Break even Collection Efficiency(FLF) Overall enhancement coverage (90+ DPD) Overall enhancement coverage (180+ DPD) FL enhancement Coverage (90+ DPD) FL enhancement Coverage (180+ DPD) Cumulative Prepayment 24 30 77.5% 3.7% 1.2% 10.3% 2.6% 1.9% 51.7% 20.7% NA 97.1% 93.0% NA 98.1% 100.1% 48.9% 76.5% 4.9 19.69 2.3 9.0 17.8% 21 33 70.9% 4.1% 1.1% 9.7% 2.2% 1.8% 41.3% 17.2% NA 100.0% 100.0% NA 97.9% 99.4% 58.1% 79.2% 4.3 18.99 2.1 9.4 16.1% Delinquency 5.0% 90+ dpd Overdue 180+ dpd Collection Efficiency 120.0% CCE MCE BCE 100.0% 4.0% 80.0% 3.0% 60.0% 2.0% 40.0% 1.0% 20.0% 0.0% 0.0% M1 M4 M7 M10 M13 M16 M19 M22 M1 M4 ABS & MBS Pool Performance Update- Sep 14 M7 M10 M13 M16 M19 M22 118 Structured Finance Issue Name STFCL CV Trust Nov 2012-I Originator Shriram Transport Finance Company Ltd Series A1 PTCs and Series A2 PTC - CARE AAA Rating (SO) & Second Loss Facility - CARE BBB (SO) Asset Class Used CV(76.83%) & New CV(23.17%) Issue Details Transaction Month Nov-12 Transaction Structure Par Pool Principal (Rs Cr) 500.1 Future Receivables (Rs Cr) No of Contracts Average Maturity (Months) Average Seasoning' (Months) Overdue Composition 615.2 14,418 17.9 13.3 91.31%, 8.69% CC as % of initial POS 10.8% First Loss Credit Facility 5.0% Second Loss Credit Facility 5.8% LF as % of initial POS EIS OC/Subordination Pool Maturity NA 9.4% NA May-17 Maturity (months) 54 Pool Performance Sep-14 Jun-14 Months Post Securitisation Balance Tenure (Months) Amortisation 90+ Delinquency (% of Initial POS) 180+ Delinquency (% of Initial POS) 90+ Delinquency (% of Balance POS) 180+ Delinquency (% of Balance POS) Overdue Amt (% of Initial POS) CC as % of Balance POS FLF as % of Balance POS LF as % of Balance POS Balance CC (unutilized) Balance FLF (unutilized) Balance LF (unutilized) CCE MCE (3 month average) Break even Collection Efficiency Break even Collection Efficiency(FLF) Overall enhancement coverage (90+ DPD) Overall enhancement coverage (180+ DPD) FL enhancement Coverage (90+ DPD) FL enhancement Coverage (180+ DPD) Cumulative Prepayment 22 32 67.9% 1.3% 0.4% 2.7% 0.7% 1.4% 33.6% 15.6% NA 100.0% 100.0% NA 98.2% 98.7% 65.8% 82.0% 12.9 > 30 6.8 25.5 6.9% 19 35 56.3% 1.2% 0.4% 2.0% 0.6% 1.4% 24.7% 11.4% NA 100.0% 100.0% NA 98.2% 100.0% 73.6% 85.3% 13.4 > 30 7.4 25.8 2.8% Delinquency 3.0% 90+ dpd Overdue 180+ dpd Collection Efficiency 120.0% CCE MCE BCE 100.0% 2.0% 80.0% 60.0% 1.0% 40.0% 20.0% 0.0% 0.0% M1 M4 M7 M10 M13 M16 M19 M22 M1 ABS & MBS Pool Performance Update- Sep 14 M4 M7 M10 M13 M16 M19 M22 119 Structured Finance Issue Name STFCL CV Trust Nov 2012-III Originator Shriram Transport Finance Company Ltd Series A1 PTCs and Series A2 PTC - CARE AA+ Rating (SO) & Second Loss Facility - CARE BBB (SO) Asset Class Used CV(82.69%) & New CV(17.31%) Issue Details Transaction Month Nov-12 Transaction Structure Par Pool Principal (Rs Cr) 372.8 Future Receivables (Rs Cr) 458.2 No of Contracts Average Maturity (Months) Average Seasoning' (Months) Overdue Composition CC as % of initial POS 10.2% First Loss Credit Facility 5.0% Second Loss Credit Facility 5.2% LF as % of initial POS 10,703 18.1 13.9 92.64%, 7.36% NA EIS OC/Subordination Pool Maturity 9.5% NA May-17 Maturity (months) 54 Pool Per for mance Sep-14 Jun-14 Months Post S ecuritisation Balance Tenure (Months) Amortisation 90+ Delinquency (% of Initial POS ) 180+ Delinquency (% of Initial POS ) 90+ Delinquency (% of Balance POS ) 180+ Delinquency (% of Balance POS ) Overdue Amt (% of Initial POS ) CC as % of Balance POS FLF as % of Balance POS LF as % of Balance POS Balance CC (unutilized) Balance FLF (unutilized) Balance LF (unutilized) CCE MCE (3 month average) Break even Collection Efficiency Break even Collection Efficiency(FLF) Overall enhancement coverage (90+ DPD) Overall enhancement coverage (180+ DPD) FL enhancement Coverage (90+ DPD) FL enhancement Coverage (180+ DPD) Cumulative Prepayment 22 32 67.9% 1.3% 0.4% 2.7% 0.7% 1.4% 33.6% 15.6% NA 100.0% 100.0% NA 98.2% 98.7% 65.8% 82.0% 12.9 >30 6.8 25.5 6.9% 19 35 56.3% 1.2% 0.4% 2.0% 0.6% 1.4% 24.7% 11.4% NA 100.0% 100.0% NA 98.2% 100.0% 73.6% 85.3% 13.4 >30 7.4 25.8 2.8% Delinquency 3.0% 90+ dpd Overdue 180+ dpd CCE MCE Collection Efficiency 120.0% BCE 100.0% 2.4% 80.0% 1.8% 60.0% 1.2% 40.0% 0.6% 20.0% 0.0% 0.0% M1 M4 M7 M10 M13 M16 M19 M22 M1 ABS & MBS Pool Performance Update- Sep 14 M4 M7 M10 M13 M16 M19 120 M22 Structured Finance Issue Name STFCL CV Trust Dec 2012-II Originator Shriram Transport Finance Company Ltd Series A1 PTCs and Series A2 PTC - CARE AAA Rating (SO) & Second Loss Facility - CARE BBB (SO) Asset Class Used CV(72.91%) & New CV(27.09%) Issue Details Transaction Month Dec-12 Transaction Structure Par Pool Principal (Rs Cr) 220.4 Future Receivables (Rs Cr) 270.6 No of Contracts Average Maturity (Months) Average Seasoning' (Months) Overdue Composition 5,286 17.5 12.0 90.38%, 9.62% CC as % of initial POS 10.9% First Loss Credit Facility 5.0% Second Loss Credit Facility 5.9% LF as % of initial POS NA EIS OC/Subordination Pool Maturity 9.7% NA May-17 Maturity (months) 53 Pool Per for mance Sep-14 Jun-14 Months Post S ecuritisation Balance Tenure (Months) Amortisation 90+ Delinquency (% of Initial POS ) 180+ Delinquency (% of Initial POS ) 90+ Delinquency (% of Balance POS ) 180+ Delinquency (% of Balance POS ) Overdue Amt (% of Initial POS ) CC as % of Balance POS FLF as % of Balance POS LF as % of Balance POS Balance CC (unutilized) Balance FLF (unutilized) Balance LF (unutilized) CCE MCE (3 month average) Break even Collection Efficiency Break even Collection Efficiency(FLF) Overall enhancement coverage (90+ DPD) Overall enhancement coverage (180+ DPD) FL enhancement Coverage (90+ DPD) FL enhancement Coverage (180+ DPD) Cumulative Prepayment 21 32 68.2% 5.3% 2.3% 9.7% 3.3% 3.3% 34.3% 15.7% NA 100.0% 100.0% NA 95.4% 98.3% 64.6% 81.3% 3.7 10.6 1.9 5.6 11.1% 18 35 57.2% 6.9% 2.5% 10.7% 3.5% 3.2% 25.5% 11.7% NA 100.0% 100.0% NA 95.0% 101.4% 72.3% 84.5% 2.6 8.0 1.5 4.5 7.2% 90+ dpd Overdue Delinquency 10.0% 180+ dpd Collection Efficiency 100.0% 8.0% 80.0% 6.0% 60.0% 4.0% 40.0% 2.0% 20.0% 0.0% CCE MCE BCE 0.0% M1 M4 M7 M10 M13 M16 M19 M1 ABS & MBS Pool Performance Update- Sep 14 M4 M7 M10 M13 M16 121 M19 Structured Finance Issue Name STFCL CV Trust Mar 2013-II Originator Shriram Transport Finance Company Ltd Series A1 PTCs and Series A2 PTC - CARE AA(SO) Rating & Second Loss Facility - CARE BBB (SO) Asset Class Used CV(82.52%) & New CV(17.48%) Issue Details Transaction Month Mar-13 CC as % of initial POS 8.9% Transaction Structure Pool Principal (Rs Cr) Future Receivables (Rs Cr) No of Contracts Par 547.8 668.3 16,066 First Loss Credit Facility Second Loss Credit Facility LF as % of initial POS EIS 5.0% 3.9% NA 10.7% OC/Subordination Pool Maturity Maturity (months) NA Sep-17 54 Average Maturity (Months) 16.6 Average Seasoning' (Months) 14.0 86.78%, 13.22% Overdue Composition Pool Per for mance Sep-14 Jun-14 Months Post S ecuritisation Balance Tenure (Months) Amortisation 90+ Delinquency (% of Initial POS ) 180+ Delinquency (% of Initial POS ) 90+ Delinquency (% of Balance POS ) 180+ Delinquency (% of Balance POS ) Overdue Amt (% of Initial POS ) CC as % of Balance POS FLF as % of Balance POS LF as % of Balance POS Balance CC (unutilized) Balance FLF (unutilized) Balance LF (unutilized) CCE MCE (3 month average) Break even Collection Efficiency Break even Collection Efficiency(FLF) Overall enhancement coverage (90+ DPD) Overall enhancement coverage (180+ DPD) FL enhancement Coverage (90+ DPD) FL enhancement Coverage (180+ DPD) Cumulative Prepayment 18 36 66.0% 2.9% 1.4% 5.0% 2.0% 2.3% 25.5% 14.1% NA 97.6% 95.6% NA 96.9% 93.3% 72.3% 82.5% 5.5 13.6 3.5 8.6 11.4% 15 39 54.0% 3.0% 1.3% 4.3% 1.6% 1.9% 19.3% 10.9% NA 100.0% 100.0% NA 97.4% 98.3% 77.4% 84.8% 5.2 14.1 3.5 9.5 6.9% 90+ dpd Overdue Delinquency 4.0% 180+ dpd Collection Efficiency 120.0% CCE MCE BCE 100.0% 3.0% 80.0% 2.0% 60.0% 40.0% 1.0% 20.0% 0.0% 0.0% M1 M3 M5 M7 M9 M11 M13 M15 M17 M1 M3 ABS & MBS Pool Performance Update- Sep 14 M5 M7 M9 M11 M13 M15 M17 122 Structured Finance Issue Name Commercial Vehicle Trust march 2013 II Originator Shriram Transport Finance Company Ltd Series A1 PTCs and Series A2 PTC - CARE AA (SO) Rating & Second Loss Facility - CARE A- (SO) Asset Class Used CV(85.47%) & New CV(14.53%) Issue Details Transaction Month Mar-13 Transaction Structure Pool Principal (Rs Cr) Future Receivables (Rs Cr) No of Contracts Average Maturity (Months) Average Seasoning' (Months) Overdue Composition CC as % of initial POS 9.3% Par First Loss Credit Facility 5.0% 206.4 250.4 Second Loss Credit Facility LF as % of initial POS 4.3% NA 6,090 16.8 13.2 92.59%, 7.41% EIS OC/Subordination Pool Maturity 10.5% NA Oct-17 Maturity (months) 54 Pool Per for mance Sep-14 Jun-14 Months Post S ecuritisation Balance Tenure (Months) Amortisation 90+ Delinquency (% of Initial POS ) 180+ Delinquency (% of Initial POS ) 90+ Delinquency (% of Balance POS ) 180+ Delinquency (% of Balance POS ) Overdue Amt (% of Initial POS ) CC as % of Balance POS FLF as % of Balance POS LF as % of Balance POS Balance CC (unutilized) Balance FLF (unutilized) Balance LF (unutilized) CCE MCE (3 month average) Break even Collection Efficiency Break even Collection Efficiency(FLF) Overall enhancement coverage (90+ DPD) Overall enhancement coverage (180+ DPD) FL enhancement Coverage (90+ DPD) FL enhancement Coverage (180+ DPD) Cumulative Prepayment 17 37 60.7% 3.0% 1.1% 4.9% 1.6% 2.0% 23.7% 12.7% NA 100.0% 100.0% NA 97.2% 97.5% 73.6% 83.3% 5.4 16.6 3.4 10.5 8.5% 14 40 48.6% 3.0% 1.0% 4.1% 1.2% 1.8% 18.1% 9.7% NA 100.0% 100.0% NA 97.2% 98.6% 78.2% 85.5% 5.3 18.5 3.5 12.3 4.4% 90+ dpd Overdue Delinquency 5.0% 180+ dpd Collection Efficiency 120.0% CCE MCE BCE 100.0% 4.0% 80.0% 3.0% 60.0% 2.0% 40.0% 1.0% 20.0% 0.0% 0.0% M1 M3 M5 M7 M9 M11 M13 M15 M17 M1 M3 ABS & MBS Pool Performance Update- Sep 14 M5 M7 M9 M11 M13 M15 M17 123 Structured Finance Issue Name Sansar Vehicle Trust Mar 2013-VI Originator Shriram Transport Finance Company Ltd Series A1 PTCs and Series A2 PTC - CARE AAA Rating (SO) & Second Loss Facility - CARE BBB+ (SO) Asset Class Used CV(70.24%) & New CV(29.76%) Issue Details Transaction Month Mar-13 Transaction Structure Pool Principal (Rs Cr) Future Receivables (Rs Cr) No of Contracts Par 124.7 153.5 4,059 Average Maturity (Months) 18.4 Average Seasoning' (Months) 9.9 88.25%, 11.75% Overdue Composition CC as % of initial POS 12.9% First Loss Credit Facility Second Loss Credit Facility LF as % of initial POS EIS 5.0% 7.9% NA 12.6% OC/Subordination Pool Maturity Maturity (months) NA Aug-17 53 Pool Per for mance Sep-14 Jun-14 Months Post S ecuritisation Balance Tenure (Months) Amortisation 90+ Delinquency (% of Initial POS ) 180+ Delinquency (% of Initial POS ) 90+ Delinquency (% of Balance POS ) 180+ Delinquency (% of Balance POS ) Overdue Amt (% of Initial POS ) CC as % of Balance POS FLF as % of Balance POS LF as % of Balance POS Balance CC (unutilized) Balance FLF (unutilized) Balance LF (unutilized) CCE MCE (3 month average) Break even Collection Efficiency Break even Collection Efficiency(FLF) Overall enhancement coverage (90+ DPD) Overall enhancement coverage (180+ DPD) FL enhancement Coverage (90+ DPD) FL enhancement Coverage (180+ DPD) Cumulative Prepayment 18 35 55.8% 3.1% 0.9% 5.0% 1.2% 1.9% 29.2% 11.3% NA 100.0% 100.0% NA 97.6% 96.9% 69.6% 85.3% 6.1 24.7 3.0 11.9 6.9% 15 38 44.4% 3.1% 0.8% 4.3% 0.9% 1.7% 23.2% 9.0% NA 100.0% 100.0% NA 97.7% 99.0% 74.6% 86.9% 6.0 28.4 3.1 14.6 3.0% 90+ dpd Overdue Delinquency 4.0% 180+ dpd CCE MCE Collection Efficiency 120.0% BCE 100.0% 3.0% 80.0% 2.0% 60.0% 40.0% 1.0% 20.0% 0.0% 0.0% M1 M4 M7 M10 M13 M16 M1 ABS & MBS Pool Performance Update- Sep 14 M4 M7 M10 M13 M16 124 Structured Finance Issue Name Sansar Trust Mar 2013-VII Originator Shriram Transport Finance Company Ltd Series A1 PTCs and Series A2 PTC - CARE AA (SO) Rating & Second Loss Facility - CARE A- (SO) Asset Class Used CV(86.71%) & New CV(13.29%) Issue Details Transaction Month Mar-13 Transaction Structure Par Pool Principal (Rs Cr) 200.7 Future Receivables (Rs Cr) No of Contracts Average Maturity (Months) Average Seasoning' (Months) Overdue Composition CC as % of initial POS 244.2 5,421 17.1 12.3 90.11%, 9.89% 9.3% First Loss Credit Facility 5.0% Second Loss Credit Facility 4.3% LF as % of initial POS EIS OC/Subordination Pool Maturity NA 10.6% NA Oct-17 Maturity (months) 54 Pool Per for mance Sep-14 Jun-14 Months Post S ecuritisation Balance Tenure (Months) Amortisation 90+ Delinquency (% of Initial POS ) 180+ Delinquency (% of Initial POS ) 90+ Delinquency (% of Balance POS ) 180+ Delinquency (% of Balance POS ) Overdue Amt (% of Initial POS ) CC as % of Balance POS FLF as % of Balance POS LF as % of Balance POS Balance CC (unutilized) Balance FLF (unutilized) Balance LF (unutilized) CCE MCE (3 month average) Break even Collection Efficiency Break even Collection Efficiency(FLF) Overall enhancement coverage (90+ DPD) Overall enhancement coverage (180+ DPD) FL enhancement Coverage (90+ DPD) FL enhancement Coverage (180+ DPD) Cumulative Prepayment 17 37 58.8% 3.2% 1.7% 4.8% 2.1% 2.1% 22.5% 12.1% NA 100.0% 100.0% NA 97.8% 96.1% 74.6% 83.8% 5.2 12.0 3.3 7.6 11.8% 14 40 47.6% 3.1% 1.3% 4.0% 1.5% 1.8% 17.7% 9.5% NA 100.0% 100.0% NA 98.1% 96.0% 78.5% 85.6% 5.4 14.5 3.6 9.7 8.6% 90+ dpd Overdue Delinquency 5.0% 180+ dpd Collection Efficiency 120.0% CCE MCE BCE 100.0% 4.0% 80.0% 3.0% 60.0% 2.0% 40.0% 1.0% 20.0% 0.0% 0.0% M1 M3 M5 M7 M9 M11 M13 M15 M17 M1 ABS & MBS Pool Performance Update- Sep 14 M3 M5 M7 M9 M11 M13 M15 M17 125 Structured Finance Issue Name Grand Development Trust June 2013 I Originator Shriram Transport Finance Company Ltd Series A PTCs - CARE AA (SO) & Second Loss Rating Facility - CARE BBB (SO) Asset Class Used CV(62.86%) & New CV(37.14%) Issue Details Transaction Month Transaction Structure Jun-13 Par CC as % of initial POS First Loss Credit Facility 10.4% 4.0% Pool Principal (Rs Cr) Future Receivables (Rs Cr) No of Contracts Average Maturity (Months) 320.7 383.5 6,782 14.9 Second Loss Credit Facility LF as % of initial POS EIS OC/Subordination 6.4% NA 9.0% NA Average Seasoning' (Months) 6.7 Pool Maturity 86.74%, 13.26% Overdue Composition Jun-17 Maturity (months) 48 Pool Per for mance Sep-14 Jun-14 Months Post S ecuritisation Balance Tenure (Months) Amortisation 90+ Delinquency (% of Initial POS ) 180+ Delinquency (% of Initial POS ) 90+ Delinquency (% of Balance POS ) 180+ Delinquency (% of Balance POS ) Overdue Amt (% of Initial POS ) CC as % of Balance POS FLF as % of Balance POS LF as % of Balance POS Balance CC (unutilized) Balance FLF (unutilized) Balance LF (unutilized) CCE MCE (3 month average) Break even Collection Efficiency Break even Collection Efficiency(FLF) Overall enhancement coverage (90+ DPD) Overall enhancement coverage (180+ DPD) FL enhancement Coverage (90+ DPD) FL enhancement Coverage (180+ DPD) Cumulative Prepayment 15 33 60.1% 5.7% 1.1% 9.9% 1.6% 3.2% 25.8% 9.8% NA 98.9% 97.1% NA 94.9% 98.8% 72.6% 87.0% 2.8 17.2 1.3 8.1 11.2% 12 36 49.1% 6.8% 1.1% 10.0% 1.4% 3.1% 20.4% 7.9% NA 100.0% 100.0% NA 94.1% 97.7% 77.1% 88.2% 2.3 16.7 1.2 8.6 9.3% Delinquency 8.0% 90+ dpd Overdue 180+ dpd CCE MCE Collection Efficiency 120.0% BCE 100.0% 6.0% 80.0% 4.0% 60.0% 40.0% 2.0% 20.0% 0.0% 0.0% M1 M3 M5 M7 M9 M11 M13 M15 M1 ABS & MBS Pool Performance Update- Sep 14 M3 M5 M7 M9 M11 M13 126 M15 Structured Finance Issue Name Originator Rating Asset Class Sansar Trust Feb 2014 –IV Shriram Transport Finance Company Ltd Series A PTCs - CARE AA (SO) & Second Loss Facility - CARE A- (SO) Used CV(92.87%) & New CV(7.13%) Issue Details Transaction Month Mar-14 Transaction Structure Par Pool Principal (Rs Cr) 549.8 Future Receivables (Rs Cr) No of Contracts Average Maturity (Months) Average Seasoning' (Months) Overdue Composition 672.8 14,311 16.4 9.4 86.0%, 14.0% CC as % of initial POS 9.2% First Loss Credit Facility 5.0% Second Loss Credit Facility 4.2% LF as % of initial POS EIS OC/Subordination Pool Maturity NA 11.0% NA Jun-17 Maturity (months) 54 Pool Per for mance Sep-14 Jun-14 Months Post S ecuritisation Balance Tenure (Months) Amortisation 90+ Delinquency (% of Initial POS ) 180+ Delinquency (% of Initial POS ) 90+ Delinquency (% of Balance POS ) 180+ Delinquency (% of Balance POS ) Overdue Amt (% of Initial POS ) CC as % of Balance POS FLF as % of Balance POS LF as % of Balance POS Balance CC (unutilized) Balance FLF (unutilized) Balance LF (unutilized) CCE MCE (3 month average) Break even Collection Efficiency Break even Collection Efficiency(FLF) Overall enhancement coverage (90+ DPD) Overall enhancement coverage (180+ DPD) FL enhancement Coverage (90+ DPD) FL enhancement Coverage (180+ DPD) Cumulative Prepayment 6 48 23.1% 0.4% 0.0% 0.5% 0.0% 1.3% 12.0% 6.5% NA 100.0% 100.0% NA 97.5% 94.4% 82.2% 86.8% >30 >30 28.4 >30 3.2% 3 51 10.7% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.5% 10.3% 5.6% NA 100.0% 100.0% NA 100.5% 100.5% 83.0% 86.9% NA NA NA NA 0.6% Delinquency 4.0% 90+ dpd Overdue 180+ dpd Collection Efficiency 120.0% CCE MCE BCE 100.0% 3.0% 80.0% 60.0% 2.0% 40.0% 1.0% 20.0% 0.0% 0.0% M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 ABS & MBS Pool Performance Update- Sep 14 M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 127 M6 Structured Finance Srei Equipment Finance Private Ltd (SEFPL) – 4 (Pools) Key Financial Indicators For the period ended as on March 31, Income from finance activities (in Rs. Cr) Profit After Tax (in Rs. Cr) Gross NPA (%) Capital Adequacy Ratio (%) 2012 (12m, A) 1661 197 2.80 16.90 2013 (12m, A) 2,147 270 2.80 16.20 2014 (12m, A) 2,380 225 4.80 17.10 NA – Not available As per the results for FY14, SEFPL earned a Income from finance activities of Rs.2,380 crore which grew by 11% over FY13.SEFPL profitability has come down to Rs 225 crore as compared to previous financial year was mainly on account of higher loan loss provisioning during the FY14. As of March 31, 2014 the overall GNPA and NNPA ratios were 4.80% and 3.90% respectively.The high NPA ratios were due the large accounts fall under CDR. CAR for SEFPL as on March 31, 2014 was at 17.10%. ABS & MBS Pool Performance Update- Sep 14 128 Structured Finance Issue Name Originator Rating Asset Class SEFPL Direct Assignment Mar’ 12-II Srei Equipment Finance Private Limited Assignee Payout - CARE AAA (SO) Equivalent Construction Equipment Issue Details Transaction Month Mar-12 Transaction Structure Par Pool Principal (Rs Cr) 107.1 Future Receivables (Rs Cr) No of Contracts Average Maturity (Months) Average Seasoning' (Months) 130.3 498 18.4 1.2 Overdue Composition 100%, 0.0% CC as % of initial POS 14.8% First Loss Credit Facility NA Second Loss Credit Facility NA LF as % of initial POS EIS OC/Subordination Pool Maturity NA 4.3% NA Mar-16 Maturity (months) 47 Pool Per for mance Sep-14 Jun-14 Months Post S ecuritisation Balance Tenure (Months) Amortisation 90+ Delinquency (% of Initial POS ) 180+ Delinquency (% of Initial POS ) 90+ Delinquency (% of Balance POS ) 180+ Delinquency (% of Balance POS ) Overdue Amt (% of Initial POS ) CC as % of Balance POS FLF as % of Balance POS LF as % of Balance POS Balance CC (unutilized) Balance FLF (unutilized) Balance LF (unutilized) CCE MCE (3 month average) Break even Collection Efficiency Break even Collection Efficiency(FLF) Overall enhancement coverage (90+ DPD) Overall enhancement coverage (180+ DPD) FL enhancement Coverage (90+ DPD) FL enhancement Coverage (180+ DPD) Cumulative Prepayment 29 18 81.1% 5.3% 2.4% 16.6% 6.4% 3.3% 78.1% NA NA 100.0% NA NA 96.5% 91.6% 25.7% NA 4.5 11.6 NA NA 6.90% 26 21 74.1% 4.1% 1.5% 10.1% 2.7% 2.7% 57.1% NA NA 100.0% NA NA 97.0% 97.2% 45.7% NA 5.4 20.1 NA NA 6.90% 90+ dpd Overdue Delinquency 6% 180+ dpd CCE MCE Collection Efficiency 120.0% 5% 100.0% 4% 80.0% 60.0% 40.0% 20.0% 0.0% 3% 2% 1% 0% M1 M5 M9 M13 M17 M21 M25 M29 M1 M5 ABS & MBS Pool Performance Update- Sep 14 M9 M13 M17 M21 BCE M25 129 M29 Structured Finance Issue Name Originator Rating Asset Class SEFPL Direct Assignment Mar’ 12-V Srei Equipment Finance Private Limited Assignee Payout - CARE AAA (SO) Equivalent Construction Equipment Issue Details Transaction Month Mar-12 Transaction Structure Pool Principal (Rs Cr) Future Receivables (Rs Cr) No of Contracts Average Maturity (Months) Average Seasoning' (Months) Overdue Composition CC as % of initial POS 13.3% Par First Loss Credit Facility NA 293.8 357.2 406 18.5 6.0 Second Loss Credit Facility LF as % of initial POS EIS OC/Subordination Pool Maturity NA NA 3.2% NA Dec-16 100%, 0% Maturity (months) 57 Pool Per for mance Sep-14 Jun-14 Months Post S ecuritisation Balance Tenure (Months) Amortisation 90+ Delinquency (% of Initial POS ) 180+ Delinquency (% of Initial POS ) 90+ Delinquency (% of Balance POS ) 180+ Delinquency (% of Balance POS ) Overdue Amt (% of Initial POS ) CC as % of Balance POS FLF as % of Balance POS LF as % of Balance POS Balance CC (unutilized) Balance FLF (unutilized) Balance LF (unutilized) CCE MCE (3 month average) Break even Collection Efficiency Break even Collection Efficiency(FLF) Overall enhancement coverage (90+ DPD) Overall enhancement coverage (180+ DPD) FL enhancement Coverage (90+ DPD) FL enhancement Coverage (180+ DPD) Cumulative Prepayment 29 28 84.4% 4.4% 1.5% 17.8% 4.1% 2.5% 85.2% NA NA 100.0% NA NA 97.3% 94.8% 21.3% NA 4.4 19.2 NA NA 13.41% 26 31 79.2% 3.7% 1.5% 11.2% 4.0% 2.2% 63.9% NA NA 100.0% NA NA 97.5% 98.9% 40.9% NA 5.3 14.7 NA NA 13.41% 90+ dpd Overdue Delinquency 5% 180+ dpd CCE MCE Collection Efficiency 120.0% 100.0% 80.0% 60.0% 40.0% 20.0% 0.0% 4% 3% 2% 1% 0% M1 M5 M9 M13 M17 M21 M25 M29 M1 M5 ABS & MBS Pool Performance Update- Sep 14 M9 M13 M17 M21 BCE M25 130 M29 Structured Finance Issue Name Originator Rating Asset Class Indian Infrastructure Equipment Receivables Trust - March 2013 - II Srei Equipment Finance Private Limited Series A1 PTCs - CARE AA (SO) Construction Equipment Issue Details Transaction Month Mar-13 CC as % of initial POS 10.0% Transaction Structure Par First Loss Credit Facility NA Pool Principal (Rs Cr) 65.8 Second Loss Credit Facility NA Future Receivables (Rs Cr) No of Contracts 78.5 342 LF as % of initial POS EIS Average Maturity (Months) Average Seasoning' (Months) 16.7 7.0 OC/Subordination Pool Maturity NA Dec-15 100%, 0.0% Maturity (months) 46 Overdue Composition NA 7.5% Pool Per for mance Sep-14 Jun-14 Months Post S ecuritisation Balance Tenure (Months) Amortisation 90+ Delinquency (% of Initial POS ) 180+ Delinquency (% of Initial POS ) 90+ Delinquency (% of Balance POS ) 180+ Delinquency (% of Balance POS ) Overdue Amt (% of Initial POS ) CC as % of Balance POS FLF as % of Balance POS LF as % of Balance POS Balance CC (unutilized) Balance FLF (unutilized) Balance LF (unutilized) CCE MCE (3 month average) Break even Collection Efficiency Break even Collection Efficiency(FLF) Overall enhancement coverage (90+ DPD) Overall enhancement coverage (180+ DPD) FL enhancement Coverage (90+ DPD) FL enhancement Coverage (180+ DPD) Cumulative Prepayment 18 28 57.1% 7.3% 4.4% 10.8% 5.5% 0.0% 23.3% NA NA 100.0% NA NA 94.7% 94.6% 75.2% NA 2.3 4.5 NA NA 4.01% 15 31 47.4% 6.9% 3.3% 9.2% 3.8% 3.0% 19.0% NA NA 100.0% NA NA 94.7% 96.0% 78.8% NA 2.3 5.6 NA NA 3.29% 90+ dpd Overdue Delinquency 10% 180+ dpd Collection Efficiency 110.0% 8% CCE MCE BCE 100.0% 6% 90.0% 4% 80.0% 2% 70.0% 0% M1 M3 M5 M7 M9 M11 M13 M15 M17 M1 M3 ABS & MBS Pool Performance Update- Sep 14 M5 M7 M9 M11 M13 M15 M17 131 Structured Finance Issue Name Originator Rating Asset Class Indian Infrastructure Equipment Receivables Trust - March 2013 - IV Srei Equipment Finance Private Limited Series A1 PTCs - CARE AA (SO) Construction Equipment Issue Details Transaction Month Mar-13 CC as % of initial POS 10.0% Transaction Structure Par Pool Principal (Rs Cr) 100.0 Future Receivables (Rs Cr) No of Contracts 117.2 507 LF as % of initial POS EIS Average Maturity (Months) Average Seasoning' (Months) 16.1 7.7 OC/Subordination Pool Maturity NA Sep-17 100%, 0.0% Maturity (months) 54 Overdue Composition First Loss Credit Facility NA Second Loss Credit Facility NA NA 6.4% Pool Per for mance Sep-14 Jun-14 Months Post S ecuritisation Balance Tenure (Months) Amortisation 90+ Delinquency (% of Initial POS ) 180+ Delinquency (% of Initial POS ) 90+ Delinquency (% of Balance POS ) 180+ Delinquency (% of Balance POS ) Overdue Amt (% of Initial POS ) CC as % of Balance POS FLF as % of Balance POS LF as % of Balance POS Balance CC (unutilized) Balance FLF (unutilized) Balance LF (unutilized) CCE MCE (3 month average) Break even Collection Efficiency Break even Collection Efficiency(FLF) Overall enhancement coverage (90+ DPD) Overall enhancement coverage (180+ DPD) FL enhancement Coverage (90+ DPD) FL enhancement Coverage (180+ DPD) Cumulative Prepayment 18 36 60.5% 3.5% 1.1% 5.7% 1.5% 2.4% 25.3% NA NA 100.0% NA NA 96.4% 96.9% 73.5% NA 4.6 17.7 NA NA 2.79% 15 39 50.7% 2.5% 0.7% 3.6% 0.9% 2.1% 20.3% NA NA 100.0% NA NA 96.3% 95.2% 72.7% NA 7.6 >30 NA NA 2.79% 90+ dpd Overdue Delinquency 4% 180+ dpd Collection Efficiency 110.0% 3% 100.0% 2% 90.0% CCE MCE BCE 80.0% 1% 70.0% 0% M1 M3 M5 M7 M9 M11 M13 M15 M17 M1 M3 ABS & MBS Pool Performance Update- Sep 14 M5 M7 M9 M11 M13 M15 M17 132 Structured Finance Analyst Contact Vijay Agrawal Joint General Manager Tel- +91-22-67543416 Ramadasu Bandaru Manager Tel- +91-22-67543402 Disclaimer CARE’s ratings are opinions on credit quality and are not recommendations to buy, sell or hold any security. CARE has based its ratings on information obtained from sources believed by it to be accurate and reliable. CARE does not, however, guarantee the accuracy, adequacy or completeness of any information and is not responsible for any errors or omissions or for the results obtained from the use of such information. Most issuers of securities rated by CARE have paid a credit rating fee, based on the amount and type of securities issued. Credit Analysis & Research Limited , 4th Floor, Godrej Coliseum, Somaiya Hospital Road, Off Eastern Express Highway, Sion East, Mumbai-22, INDIA Tel: 022 – 6754 3456 Fax: 022 – 6754 3457 ABS & MBS Pool Performance Update- Sep 14 133