FIA Annual Data Tables for Montana Data Years 2003 – 2009 Based on 10% Forest Cover Definition JUL-08-10 11:24 AM 22300901 Table 1. -- Area of forest land by forest type group and owner category, Montana, cycle 2, 2003-2009 (In thousand acres) Owner category Forest type group All owners Public Private Unidentified owner Softwood type groups Pinyon-juniper group Douglas-fir group Ponderosa pine group Fir-spruce-mountain hemlock group Lodgepole pine group Hemlock-Sitka spruce group Western larch group Other western softwoods group All softwood types 805.1 7,517.0 3,018.6 5,031.2 4,365.9 241.4 936.0 948.8 22,863.9 402.3 5,074.6 1,256.7 4,672.8 3,983.9 215.4 783.8 890.0 17,279.5 402.8 2,442.4 1,761.9 358.4 382.0 26.0 152.2 58.8 5,584.4 ---------- 23.6 238.5 522.1 6.7 18.0 808.8 -36.2 198.4 6.7 15.9 257.2 23.6 202.3 323.7 -2.1 551.7 ------- Hardwood type groups Oak-hickory group Elm-ash-cottonwood group Aspen-birch group Alder-maple group Woodland hardwoods group All hardwood types Nonstocked All forest types 1,918.0 1,136.9 781.1 -- 25,590.8 18,673.6 6,917.2 -- All table cells without observations in the inventory sample are indicated by --. Table value of 0.0 indicates the acres round to less than 0.1 thousand acres. Columns and rows may not add to their totals due to rounding. 22300901 JUL-08-10 11:25 AM Table 1a. -- Area of forest land by forest type group, forest type, and owner category, Montana, cycle 2, 2003-2009 (In thousand acres) Owner category Forest type group/ forest type All owners Public Private Unidentified owner 749.1 55.9 346.4 55.9 402.8 -- --- 805.1 402.3 402.8 -- 7,517.0 5,074.6 2,442.4 -- Softwood type groups Pinyon-juniper group Rocky Mountain juniper Juniper woodland All forest types Douglas-fir group Douglas-fir All forest types Ponderosa pine group 7,517.0 5,074.6 2,442.4 -- 3,018.6 1,256.7 1,761.9 -- 3,018.6 1,256.7 1,761.9 -- 1,219.9 1,264.2 235.0 2,254.3 57.8 1,111.6 1,235.4 143.0 2,125.0 57.8 108.3 28.8 92.1 129.2 -- ------ 5,031.2 4,672.8 358.4 -- Lodgepole pine 4,365.9 3,983.9 382.0 -- All forest types Hemlock-Sitka spruce group 4,365.9 3,983.9 382.0 -- 28.9 212.5 28.9 186.5 -26.0 --- All forest types Western larch group 241.4 215.4 26.0 -- Western larch 936.0 783.8 152.2 -- 936.0 783.8 152.2 -- 232.2 679.4 37.2 180.7 672.1 37.2 51.4 7.4 -- ---- 948.8 22,863.9 890.0 17,279.5 58.8 5,584.4 --- 23.6 23.6 --- 23.6 23.6 --- 204.5 18.7 15.3 238.5 25.2 2.2 8.7 36.2 179.3 16.4 6.5 202.3 ----- 479.9 42.2 522.1 173.1 25.3 198.4 306.8 16.9 323.7 ---- Ponderosa pine All forest types Fir-spruce-mountain hemlock group Engelmann spruce Engelmann spruce-subalpine fir Grand fir Subalpine fir Mountain hemlock All forest types Lodgepole pine group Western hemlock Western redcedar All forest types Other western softwoods group Limber pine Whitebark pine Miscellaneous western softwoods All forest types All softwood groups Hardwood type groups Oak-hickory group Elm-ash-black locust All forest types Elm-ash-cottonwood group Cottonwood Sugarberry-hackberry-elm-green ash Cottonwood-willow All forest types Aspen-birch group Aspen Paper birch All forest types JUL-08-10 11:25 AM 22300901 (Table 1a continued) Owner category Forest type group/ forest type All owners Unidentified owner Public Private 6.7 6.7 6.7 6.7 --- --- 18.0 18.0 808.8 1,918.0 25,590.8 15.9 15.9 257.2 1,136.9 18,673.6 2.1 2.1 551.7 781.1 6,917.2 ------ Hardwood type groups Alder-maple group Red alder All forest types Woodland hardwoods group Cercocarpus (mountain brush) woodland All forest types All hardwood groups Nonstocked All forest groups All table cells without observations in the inventory sample are indicated by --. Table value of 0.0 indicates the acres round to less than 0.1 thousand acres. Columns and rows may not add to their totals due to rounding. JUL-08-10 11:24 AM 22300901 Table 2. -- Area of timberland by major forest type group, stand origin, and owner category, Montana, cycle 2, 2003-2009 (In thousand acres) Owner category Major forest type group and stand origin Softwood type groups Natural Planted All softwood types Hardwood type groups Natural Planted All hardwood types Nonstocked type groups Natural Planted All Owners Public Private Unidentified owner 17,822.3 125.7 17,948.0 12,985.9 86.9 13,072.8 4,836.4 38.8 4,875.2 ---- 541.6 8.6 550.2 132.4 8.6 140.9 409.2 -409.2 ---- 1,371.8 4.5 1,376.3 708.7 4.5 713.2 663.1 -663.1 ---- All nonstocked types 19,874.5 13,927.0 5,947.5 All groups All table cells without observations in the inventory sample are indicated by --. Table value of 0.0 indicates the acres round to less than 0.1 thousand acres. Columns and rows may not add to their totals due to rounding. -- JUL-08-10 11:25 AM 22300901 Table 3. -- Area of timberland by forest type group and stand-size class, Montana, cycle 2, 2003-2009 (In thousand acres) Stand-size class Stand-size class Forest Foresttype typegroup group All All stands stands Sawtimber Sawtimber Poletimber Poletimber SaplingSaplingseedling seedling Softwood type groups Douglas-fir group Ponderosa pine group Fir-spruce-mountain hemlock group Lodgepole pine group Hemlock-Sitka spruce group Western larch group Other western softwoods group 6,832.9 2,764.0 3,323.3 3,506.2 215.6 863.6 442.4 4,765.0 1,924.4 2,159.6 1,214.3 179.9 534.0 292.5 926.2 322.7 467.9 1,518.8 26.8 134.1 88.6 1,141.7 517.0 695.8 773.1 8.9 195.5 61.3 -------- 17,948.0 11,069.8 3,485.0 3,393.2 -- All softwood types Hardwood type groups Oak-hickory group Nonstocked stocked 8.6 8.6 -- -- -- Elm-ash-cottonwood group 176.6 137.1 26.1 13.3 -- Aspen-birch group 358.4 50.3 94.1 213.9 -- Alder-maple group 6.7 -- 6.7 -- -- All hardwood types Nonstocked 550.2 196.1 126.9 227.2 -1,376.3 ---1,376.3 19,874.5 11,265.9 3,611.8 3,620.5 1,376.3 All forest types All table cells without observations in the inventory sample are indicated by --. Table value of 0.0 indicates the acres round to less than 0.1 thousand acres. Columns and rows may not add to their totals due to rounding. 22300901 JUL-08-10 11:25 AM Table 3a. -- Area of timberland by forest type group, forest type, and stand-size class, Montana, cycle 2, 2003-2009 (In thousand acres) Stand-size class Forest type group/ forest type Douglas-fir group Douglas-fir All forest types Ponderosa pine group Ponderosa pine All forest types Fir-spruce-mountain hemlock group Engelmann spruce Engelmann spruce-subalpine fir Grand fir Subalpine fir Mountain hemlock All forest types Lodgepole pine group Lodgepole pine All forest types Hemlock-Sitka spruce group Western hemlock Western redcedar All forest types Western larch group Western larch All forest types Other western softwoods group Limber pine Whitebark pine All forest types All softwood groups Hardwood type groups Oak-hickory group Elm-ash-black locust All forest types Elm-ash-cottonwood group Cottonwood Sugarberry-hackberry-elm-green ash Cottonwood-willow All forest types Aspen-birch group Aspen Paper birch All forest types Alder-maple group Red alder All forest types All hardwood groups Nonstocked All forest groups All stands Sawtimber Poletimber Saplingseedling NonNonstocked stocked 6,832.9 6,832.9 4,765.0 4,765.0 926.2 926.2 1,141.7 1,141.7 --- 2,764.0 2,764.0 1,924.4 1,924.4 322.7 322.7 517.0 517.0 --- 879.3 773.9 235.0 1,377.2 57.8 3,323.3 678.3 547.7 145.2 739.4 49.0 2,159.6 69.2 137.1 8.9 243.7 8.9 467.9 131.8 89.0 80.9 394.1 -695.8 ------- 3,506.2 3,506.2 1,214.3 1,214.3 1,518.8 1,518.8 773.1 773.1 --- 20.0 195.6 215.6 20.0 159.9 179.9 -26.8 26.8 -8.9 8.9 ---- 863.6 863.6 534.0 534.0 134.1 134.1 195.5 195.5 --- 85.5 356.9 442.4 17,948.0 57.9 234.6 292.5 11,069.8 8.2 80.3 88.6 3,485.0 19.3 42.0 61.3 3,393.2 ----- 8.6 8.6 8.6 8.6 --- --- --- 149.8 11.5 15.3 176.6 117.2 4.7 15.3 137.1 19.2 6.8 -26.1 13.3 --13.3 ----- 324.9 33.4 358.4 33.7 16.6 50.3 85.4 8.7 94.1 205.7 8.2 213.9 ---- 6.7 6.7 550.2 --196.1 6.7 6.7 126.9 --227.2 ---- 1,376.3 -- -- -- 1,376.3 19,874.5 11,265.9 3,611.8 3,620.5 1,376.3 (Table 3 continued on next page) JUL-08-10 11:25 AM 22300901 (Table 3a continued) Stand-size class Forest type group/ forest type All stands Sawtimber Hardwood type groups All table cells without observations in the inventory sample are indicated by --. Table value of 0.0 indicates the acres round to less than 0.1 thousand acres. Columns and rows may not add to their totals due to rounding. Poletimber Saplingseedling NonNonstocked stocked (Table 3 continued on next page) JUL-08-10 11:25 AM 22300901 Table 4. -- Net volume of all live trees on forest land by species group and owner category, Montana, cycle 2, 2003-2009 (In thousand cubic feet) Owner category All owners Public Private Softwoods Douglas-fir Ponderosa and Jeffrey pines True fir Western hemlock Western white pine Engelmann and other spruces Western larch Lodgepole pine Western redcedar Western woodland softwoods Other western softwoods Total softwoods 12,543,825 3,251,496 5,247,082 288,597 103,251 6,101,440 2,900,328 10,615,640 572,880 291,341 2,025,533 43,941,414 9,899,827 1,626,504 4,978,773 280,731 99,852 5,833,066 2,612,397 9,851,842 528,691 143,676 1,976,239 37,831,597 2,643,999 1,624,992 268,309 7,865 3,398 268,375 287,932 763,798 44,189 147,665 49,294 6,109,816 ------------- Hardwoods Cottonwood and aspen Red alder Other western hardwoods Western woodland hardwoods Total hardwoods 543,181 2,003 93,648 1,190 640,021 166,900 2,003 53,647 794 223,344 376,281 -40,001 396 416,677 ------ 44,581,435 38,054,941 6,526,494 -- Species group All species groups All table cells without observations in the inventory sample are indicated by --. Table value of 0 indicates the volume rounds to less than 1 thousand cubic feet. Columns and rows may not add to their totals due to rounding. Unidentified owner 22300901 JUL-08-10 11:31 AM Table 4a. -- Net volume of all live trees on forest land by species group, species, and owner category, Montana, cycle 2, 2003-2009 (In thousand cubic feet) Owner category Species group/ species All owners Public Private Unidentified owner Softwoods Douglas-fir 12,543,825 9,899,827 2,643,999 -- All species Ponderosa and Jeffrey pines 12,543,825 9,899,827 2,643,999 -- Ponderosa pine 3,251,496 1,626,504 1,624,992 -- 3,251,496 1,626,504 1,624,992 -- 786,140 4,460,942 650,993 4,327,780 135,147 133,162 --- 5,247,082 4,978,773 268,309 -- 288,597 280,731 7,865 -- 288,597 280,731 7,865 -- 103,251 99,852 3,398 -- 103,251 99,852 3,398 -- 6,101,440 5,833,066 268,375 -- 6,101,440 5,833,066 268,375 -- 2,900,328 2,612,397 287,932 -- 2,900,328 2,612,397 287,932 -- 10,615,640 9,851,842 763,798 -- 10,615,640 9,851,842 763,798 -- 572,880 528,691 44,189 -- 572,880 528,691 44,189 -- 20,353 270,988 20,353 123,323 -147,665 --- All species Other western softwoods 291,341 143,676 147,665 -- Subalpine larch Whitebark pine Limber pine Mountain hemlock 21,957 1,536,013 250,395 217,167 21,957 1,521,866 215,248 217,167 -14,147 35,147 -- ----- 2,025,533 43,941,414 1,976,239 37,831,597 49,294 6,109,816 --- Douglas-fir All species True fir Grand fir Subalpine fir All species Western hemlock Western hemlock All species Western white pine Western white pine All species Engelmann and other spruces Engelmann spruce All species Western larch Western larch All species Lodgepole pine Lodgepole pine All species Western redcedar Western redcedar All species Western woodland softwoods Utah juniper Rocky Mountain juniper All species Total softwoods Hardwoods JUL-08-10 11:31 AM 22300901 (Table 4a continued) Owner category Species group/ species All owners Unidentified owner Public Private 118,134 241,054 171,548 12,445 543,181 10,972 76,142 79,786 -166,900 107,162 164,912 91,762 12,445 376,281 ------ 2,003 2,003 2,003 2,003 --- --- 1,226 163 64,139 27,877 242 93,648 453 163 52,476 555 -53,647 774 -11,663 27,322 242 40,001 ------- Hardwoods Cottonwood and aspen Plains cottonwood Quaking aspen Black cottonwood Narrowleaf cottonwood All species Red alder Red alder All species Other western hardwoods Boxelder Water birch Paper birch Green ash American elm All species Western woodland hardwoods Curlleaf mountain-mahogany 1,190 794 396 -794 396 -1,190 All species Total hardwoods 640,021 223,344 416,677 -All species groups 44,581,435 38,054,941 6,526,494 -4 continued on rounds next page) All table cells without observations in the inventory sample are indicated by --. Table value of 0(Table indicates the volume to less than 1 thousand cubic feet. Columns and rows may not add to their totals due to rounding. JUL-08-10 11:27 AM 22300901 Table 5. -- Net volume of all live trees and salvable dead trees on timberland by class of timber and softwood/hardwood species category, Montana, cycle 2, 2003-2009 (In thousand cubic feet) All species Softwood species Hardwood species 24,137,201 23,887,939 249,262 3,076,275 27,213,476 3,005,674 26,893,613 70,602 319,863 8,847,717 36,061,193 8,671,800 35,565,413 175,917 495,781 Sawtimber size 184,655 178,923 5,732 Poletimber size 140,693 130,984 9,708 325,347 309,907 15,440 Sawtimber size 31,905 23,442 8,463 Poletimber size Total All live cull trees All live trees 3,768 35,673 361,020 36,422,213 2,823 26,265 336,172 35,901,585 945 9,408 24,848 520,629 Salvable dead trees Sawtimber size 4,339,185 4,325,372 13,813 1,795,112 6,134,297 1,771,926 6,097,299 23,185 36,998 42,556,510 41,998,883 557,627 Class of timber Live trees Growing-stock trees Sawtimber Saw log portion Upper stem portion Total Poletimber All growing-stock trees Cull trees Rough trees1 Total Rotten trees1 Poletimber size All salvable dead trees All classes All table cells without observations in the inventory sample are indicated by --. Table value of 0 indicates the volume rounds to less than 1 thousand cubic feet. Columns and rows may not add to their totals due to rounding. 1 Includes noncommercial species. JUL-08-10 11:30 AM 22300901 Table 6. -- Net volume of growing stock on timberland by forest type group and softwood/hardwood species category, Montana, cycle 2, 2003-2009 (In thousand cubic feet) Forest type group Softwood type groups Douglas-fir group Ponderosa pine group Fir-spruce-mountain hemlock group Lodgepole pine group Hemlock-Sitka spruce group Western larch group Other western softwoods group All softwood types Hardwood type groups Oak-hickory group Elm-ash-cottonwood group Aspen-birch group Alder-maple group All hardwood types Nonstocked All forest types All species Softwood species Hardwood species 12,208,463 2,743,955 8,483,026 7,883,884 979,062 2,364,834 755,976 35,419,199 12,186,453 2,737,519 8,453,403 7,875,012 941,532 2,357,054 754,794 35,305,767 22,010 6,436 29,622 8,872 37,530 7,780 1,182 113,433 7,989 240,759 296,172 3,270 548,191 -38,702 127,181 47 165,930 7,989 202,057 168,991 3,224 382,261 93,803 36,061,193 93,716 35,565,413 87 495,781 All table cells without observations in the inventory sample are indicated by --. Table value of 0 indicates the volume rounds to less than 1 thousand cubic feet. Columns and rows may not add to their totals due to rounding. JUL-08-10 11:33 AM 22300901 Table 6a. -- Net volume of growing stock on timberland by forest type group, forest type, and softwood/hardwood species category, Montana, cycle 2, 2003-2009 (In thousand cubic feet) Forest type group/ forest type Douglas-fir group Douglas-fir All forest types Ponderosa pine group Ponderosa pine All forest types Fir-spruce-mountain hemlock group Engelmann spruce Engelmann spruce-subalpine fir Grand fir Subalpine fir Mountain hemlock All forest types Lodgepole pine group Lodgepole pine All forest types Hemlock-Sitka spruce group Western hemlock Western redcedar All forest types Western larch group Western larch All forest types Other western softwoods group Limber pine Whitebark pine All forest types All softwood groups Hardwood type groups Oak-hickory group Elm-ash-black locust All forest types Elm-ash-cottonwood group Cottonwood Sugarberry-hackberry-elm-green ash Cottonwood-willow All forest types Aspen-birch group Aspen Paper birch All forest types All species Softwood species Hardwood species 12,208,463 12,208,463 12,186,453 12,186,453 22,010 22,010 2,743,955 2,743,955 2,737,519 2,737,519 6,436 6,436 2,872,215 2,282,247 582,359 2,548,654 197,550 8,483,026 2,859,976 2,275,144 572,479 2,548,254 197,550 8,453,403 12,239 7,103 9,880 400 -29,622 7,883,884 7,883,884 7,875,012 7,875,012 8,872 8,872 169,584 809,478 979,062 165,260 776,272 941,532 4,324 33,206 37,530 2,364,834 2,364,834 2,357,054 2,357,054 7,780 7,780 73,479 682,498 755,976 35,419,199 72,296 682,498 754,794 35,305,767 1,182 -1,182 113,433 7,989 7,989 --- 7,989 7,989 200,265 7,397 33,097 240,759 26,684 -12,019 38,702 173,582 7,397 21,078 202,057 225,802 70,370 296,172 80,928 46,253 127,181 144,874 24,117 168,991 JUL-08-10 11:33 AM (Table 6a continued) Forest type group/ forest type Hardwood type groups Alder-maple group Red alder All forest types All hardwood groups 22300901 All species Softwood species Hardwood species 3,270 47 3,224 3,270 47 3,224 548,191 165,930 382,261 Nonstocked 93,803 93,716 87 All forest groups 36,061,193 35,565,413 495,781 (Table 6 continued on next page) All table cells without observations in the inventory sample are indicated by --. Table value of 0 indicates the volume rounds to less than 1 thousand cubic feet. Columns and rows may not add to their totals due to rounding. 22300901 08-JUL-10 11:31 AM Table 7. -- Net volume of growing stock on timberland by species group and diameter class, Montana, cycle 2, 2003-2009 (In thousand cubic feet) Species group Softwoods Douglas-fir Ponderosa and Jeffrey pines True fir Western hemlock Western white pine Engelmann and other spruces Western larch Lodgepole pine Western redcedar Other western softwoods Total softwoods Hardwoods Cottonwood and aspen Red alder Other western hardwoods Diameter class (inches at breast height) 11.0-12.9 13.0-14.9 15.0-16.9 All classes 5.0-6.9 7.0-8.9 9.0-10.9 11,066,904 3,093,404 3,878,677 246,824 99,902 4,274,165 2,588,948 8,614,032 502,514 1,200,042 629,197 103,971 673,092 14,902 3,878 220,222 99,422 1,463,241 52,697 114,409 1,089,910 227,537 692,382 23,964 9,058 350,161 217,505 2,422,351 55,265 208,637 1,446,231 346,175 680,663 29,219 8,765 423,525 287,054 2,104,951 49,287 251,226 1,524,615 384,722 584,674 25,489 13,372 505,238 319,258 1,362,764 46,483 215,323 1,472,732 447,925 425,139 23,515 9,927 513,696 315,844 706,856 60,780 140,572 35,565,413 3,375,031 5,296,769 5,627,095 4,981,937 431,790 2,003 61,988 31,568 971 9,372 48,168 242 16,440 59,149 -10,008 57,942 790 6,214 Total hardwoods 495,781 41,910 64,850 69,157 64,946 All species 36,061,193 3,416,941 5,361,619 5,696,252 5,046,883 All table cells without observations in the inventory sample are indicated by --. Table value of 0 indicates the volume rounds to less than 1 thousand cubic feet. Columns and rows may not add to their totals due to rounding. 17.0-18.9 19.0-20.9 21.0-28.9 29.0+ 1,300,805 397,287 303,377 43,173 10,467 415,998 247,248 314,530 40,312 97,269 1,061,183 328,599 213,711 8,881 3,012 421,345 194,122 144,758 34,026 70,735 753,806 247,966 105,287 20,472 7,830 338,410 198,435 58,591 29,325 38,244 1,420,279 441,713 195,625 24,748 23,342 791,642 489,603 35,990 89,409 63,627 368,147 167,509 4,727 32,461 10,251 293,927 220,458 -44,930 -- 4,116,987 3,170,467 2,480,373 1,798,367 3,575,978 1,142,410 58,724 -8,286 21,633 -2,317 33,443 -7,035 45,747 -2,318 64,139 --- 11,277 --- 67,009 23,951 40,478 48,065 64,139 11,277 4,183,997 3,194,417 2,520,850 1,846,432 3,640,117 1,153,687 JUL-08-10 11:34 AM 22300901 Table 7a. -- Net volume of growing stock on timberland by species group, species, and diameter class, Montana, cycle 2, 2003-2009 (In thousand cubic feet) Species group/ species All classes 5.0-6.9 7.0-8.9 9.0-10.9 Diameter class (inches at breast height) 11.0-12.9 13.0-14.9 15.0-16.9 17.0-18.9 19.0-20.9 21.0-28.9 29.0+ Douglas-fir Douglas-fir All species 11,066,904 629,197 1,089,910 1,446,231 1,524,615 1,472,732 1,300,805 1,061,183 753,806 1,420,279 368,147 11,066,904 629,197 1,089,910 1,446,231 1,524,615 1,472,732 1,300,805 1,061,183 753,806 1,420,279 368,147 Ponderosa and Jeffrey pines Ponderosa pine All species 3,093,404 103,971 227,537 346,175 384,722 447,925 397,287 328,599 247,966 441,713 167,509 3,093,404 103,971 227,537 346,175 384,722 447,925 397,287 328,599 247,966 441,713 167,509 True fir Grand fir Subalpine fir All species 750,409 41,693 73,403 91,406 110,488 123,206 83,639 78,084 39,090 109,401 -- 3,128,268 631,399 618,980 589,257 474,186 301,933 219,738 135,627 66,197 86,225 4,727 3,878,677 673,092 692,382 680,663 584,674 425,139 303,377 213,711 105,287 195,625 4,727 Western hemlock Western hemlock All species 246,824 14,902 23,964 29,219 25,489 23,515 43,173 8,881 20,472 24,748 32,461 246,824 14,902 23,964 29,219 25,489 23,515 43,173 8,881 20,472 24,748 32,461 Western white pine Western white pine All species 99,902 3,878 9,058 8,765 13,372 9,927 10,467 3,012 7,830 23,342 10,251 99,902 3,878 9,058 8,765 13,372 9,927 10,467 3,012 7,830 23,342 10,251 Engelmann and other spruces Engelmann spruce All species 4,274,165 220,222 350,161 423,525 505,238 513,696 415,998 421,345 338,410 791,642 293,927 4,274,165 220,222 350,161 423,525 505,238 513,696 415,998 421,345 338,410 791,642 293,927 Western larch Western larch All species 2,588,948 99,422 217,505 287,054 319,258 315,844 247,248 194,122 198,435 489,603 220,458 2,588,948 99,422 217,505 287,054 319,258 315,844 247,248 194,122 198,435 489,603 220,458 Lodgepole pine Lodgepole pine All species 8,614,032 1,463,241 2,422,351 2,104,951 1,362,764 706,856 314,530 144,758 58,591 35,990 -- 8,614,032 1,463,241 2,422,351 2,104,951 1,362,764 706,856 314,530 144,758 58,591 35,990 -- Western redcedar Western redcedar All species 502,514 52,697 55,265 49,287 46,483 60,780 40,312 34,026 29,325 89,409 44,930 502,514 52,697 55,265 49,287 46,483 60,780 40,312 34,026 29,325 89,409 44,930 Other western softwoods Subalpine larch 2,775 88 -- 475 2,211 -- -- -- -- -- -- Whitebark pine 837,846 86,149 158,508 183,408 145,839 97,539 72,191 48,049 24,612 21,552 -- Limber pine 149,202 20,160 30,948 34,658 22,534 19,492 5,951 7,691 -- 7,769 -- Mountain hemlock 210,219 8,012 19,182 32,685 44,739 23,541 19,127 14,995 13,632 34,306 -- 1,200,042 114,409 208,637 251,226 215,323 140,572 97,269 70,735 38,244 63,627 -- 35,565,413 3,375,031 5,296,769 5,627,095 4,981,937 4,116,987 3,170,467 2,480,373 1,798,367 3,575,978 1,142,410 89,319 189,762 140,265 12,445 431,790 2,072 26,289 2,591 616 31,568 3,633 36,286 7,207 1,042 48,168 6,428 41,160 9,354 2,207 59,149 8,091 33,273 16,578 -57,942 6,334 24,679 26,636 1,074 58,724 4,612 6,250 3,266 7,505 21,633 9,323 5,205 18,915 -33,443 18,448 5,548 21,751 -45,747 30,378 11,071 22,689 -64,139 --11,277 -11,277 2,003 2,003 971 971 242 242 --- 790 790 --- --- --- --- --- --- 121 163 44,617 16,964 123 61,988 495,781 121 -8,232 895 123 9,372 41,910 -163 14,014 2,262 -16,440 64,850 --7,595 2,413 -10,008 --4,879 1,335 -6,214 64,946 --4,796 3,489 -8,286 67,009 ---2,317 -2,317 23,951 --5,101 1,934 -7,035 40,478 ---2,318 -2,318 48,065 ------64,139 ------11,277 36,061,193 3,416,941 5,361,619 5,046,883 4,183,997 3,194,417 2,520,850 All species Total softwoods Hardwoods Cottonwood and aspen Plains cottonwood Quaking aspen Black cottonwood Narrowleaf cottonwood All species Red alder Red alder All species Other western hardwoods Boxelder Water birch Paper birch Green ash American elm All species Total hardwoods All species groups 69,157 5,696,252 1,846,432 3,640,117 1,153,687 (Table 7 continued on next page) JUL-08-10 11:34 AM 22300901 (Table 7a continued) Species group/ species All classes 5.0-6.9 7.0-8.9 9.0-10.9 Diameter class (inches at breast height) 11.0-12.9 13.0-14.9 15.0-16.9 17.0-18.9 19.0-20.9 21.0-28.9 29.0+ Hardwoods All table cells without observations in the inventory sample are indicated by --. Table value of 0 indicates the volume rounds to less than 1 thousand cubic feet. Columns and rows may not add to their totals due to rounding. (Table 7 continued on next page) 08-JUL-10 11:36 AM 22300901 Table 8. -- Net volume of sawtimber on timberland by species group and diameter class, Montana, cycle 2, 2003-2009 (In thousand board feet) Species group Softwoods Douglas-fir Ponderosa and Jeffrey pines True fir Western hemlock Western white pine Engelmann and other spruces Western larch Lodgepole pine Western redcedar Other western softwoods Total softwoods All classes 9.0-10.9 11.0-12.9 48,689,606 14,964,535 13,926,050 1,195,286 556,329 21,853,603 13,326,404 26,521,636 2,181,162 4,665,225 147,879,835 5,560,246 763,627 3,442,599 131,840 44,907 2,335,935 1,576,546 11,966,437 241,640 1,358,723 27,422,499 7,022,762 1,513,428 3,158,479 132,365 76,585 2,866,222 1,796,643 7,591,388 243,280 1,146,021 25,547,173 1 Diameter class (inches at breast height) 13.0-14.9 15.0-16.9 17.0-18.9 21.0-28.9 29.0+ 7,011,232 2,263,306 1,748,549 253,541 64,878 2,412,309 1,454,789 1,734,336 222,895 506,085 17,671,921 6,021,904 2,049,490 1,273,857 53,581 19,485 2,460,068 1,164,433 797,443 191,026 372,842 14,404,128 4,444,304 1,599,722 633,985 124,909 52,869 1,987,398 1,202,146 317,873 167,557 207,576 10,738,338 8,715,616 3,112,733 1,250,377 158,763 163,352 4,877,937 3,012,159 185,216 517,767 337,000 22,330,920 2,429,690 1,424,786 29,484 210,514 73,971 1,957,185 1,309,365 -267,345 -7,702,340 1,490,125 -299,287 110,831 290,784 4,211 ---4,211 121,451 -39,859 8,521 28,963 -323,958 1,615,787 339,146 119,352 149,495,622 27,422,499 25,871,131 22,401,660 17,791,273 All table cells without observations in the inventory sample are indicated by --. Table value of 0 indicates the volume rounds to less than 1 thousand board feet. Columns and rows may not add to their totals due to rounding. 1 International 1/4-inch rule. 173,603 -35,261 208,865 14,612,993 232,974 -8,847 241,821 10,980,159 342,009 --342,009 22,672,929 40,637 --40,637 7,742,977 Hardwoods Cottonwood and aspen Red alder Other western hardwoods Total hardwoods All species 7,483,851 2,237,443 2,388,720 129,772 60,282 2,956,548 1,810,324 3,928,943 329,652 736,980 22,062,515 19.0-20.9 JUL-08-10 11:39 AM 22300901 Table 8a. -- Net volume of sawtimber on timberland by species group, species, and diameter class, Montana, cycle 2, 2003-2009 1 (In thousand board feet) Species group/ species All classes 9.0-10.9 11.0-12.9 Diameter class (inches at breast height) 13.0-14.9 15.0-16.9 17.0-18.9 19.0-20.9 21.0-28.9 29.0+ Douglas-fir Douglas-fir All species 48,689,606 5,560,246 7,022,762 7,483,851 7,011,232 6,021,904 4,444,304 8,715,616 2,429,690 48,689,606 5,560,246 7,022,762 7,483,851 7,011,232 6,021,904 4,444,304 8,715,616 2,429,690 14,964,535 763,627 1,513,428 2,237,443 2,263,306 2,049,490 1,599,722 3,112,733 1,424,786 14,964,535 763,627 1,513,428 2,237,443 2,263,306 2,049,490 1,599,722 3,112,733 1,424,786 Ponderosa and Jeffrey pines Ponderosa pine All species True fir Grand fir Subalpine fir All species 3,680,197 420,418 585,159 699,888 501,632 495,016 255,183 722,902 -- 10,245,853 3,022,181 2,573,320 1,688,833 1,246,917 778,841 378,802 527,475 29,484 13,926,050 3,442,599 3,158,479 2,388,720 1,748,549 1,273,857 633,985 1,250,377 29,484 1,195,286 131,840 132,365 129,772 253,541 53,581 124,909 158,763 210,514 1,195,286 131,840 132,365 129,772 253,541 53,581 124,909 158,763 210,514 556,329 44,907 76,585 60,282 64,878 19,485 52,869 163,352 73,971 556,329 44,907 76,585 60,282 64,878 19,485 52,869 163,352 73,971 21,853,603 2,335,935 2,866,222 2,956,548 2,412,309 2,460,068 1,987,398 4,877,937 1,957,185 21,853,603 2,335,935 2,866,222 2,956,548 2,412,309 2,460,068 1,987,398 4,877,937 1,957,185 13,326,404 1,576,546 1,796,643 1,810,324 1,454,789 1,164,433 1,202,146 3,012,159 1,309,365 13,326,404 1,576,546 1,796,643 1,810,324 1,454,789 1,164,433 1,202,146 3,012,159 1,309,365 26,521,636 11,966,437 7,591,388 3,928,943 1,734,336 797,443 317,873 185,216 -- 26,521,636 11,966,437 7,591,388 3,928,943 1,734,336 797,443 317,873 185,216 -- 2,181,162 241,640 243,280 329,652 222,895 191,026 167,557 517,767 267,345 2,181,162 241,640 243,280 329,652 222,895 191,026 167,557 517,767 267,345 Western hemlock Western hemlock All species Western white pine Western white pine All species Engelmann and other spruces Engelmann spruce All species Western larch Western larch All species Lodgepole pine Lodgepole pine All species Western redcedar Western redcedar All species Other western softwoods Subalpine larch 16,453 2,795 13,658 -- -- -- -- -- -- Whitebark pine 3,177,565 1,033,052 796,670 507,943 368,282 250,488 125,183 95,946 -- Limber pine 522,325 201,468 124,026 104,677 29,576 34,314 -- 28,265 -- Mountain hemlock 948,882 121,408 211,666 124,360 108,226 88,040 82,392 212,789 -- 4,665,225 1,358,723 1,146,021 736,980 506,085 372,842 207,576 337,000 -- 147,879,835 27,422,499 25,547,173 22,062,515 17,671,921 14,404,128 10,738,338 22,330,920 7,702,340 390,274 454,375 601,898 43,578 1,490,125 ------ 38,538 171,198 81,049 -290,784 32,289 129,167 132,478 5,353 299,287 23,821 30,785 18,000 38,226 110,831 48,857 28,744 96,003 -173,603 91,804 27,848 113,321 -232,974 154,964 66,634 120,411 -342,009 --40,637 -40,637 4,211 4,211 --- 4,211 4,211 --- --- --- --- --- --- 80,882 40,569 121,451 1,615,787 ---- 25,537 3,426 28,963 323,958 26,584 13,275 39,859 339,146 -8,521 8,521 119,352 28,761 6,500 35,261 208,865 -8,847 8,847 241,821 ---342,009 ---40,637 25,871,131 22,401,660 17,791,273 14,612,993 All species Total softwoods Hardwoods Cottonwood and aspen Plains cottonwood Quaking aspen Black cottonwood Narrowleaf cottonwood All species Red alder Red alder All species Other western hardwoods Paper birch Green ash All species Total hardwoods All species groups 149,495,622 -27,422,499 All table cells without observations in the inventory sample are indicated by --. Table value of 0 indicates the volume rounds to less than 1 thousand board feet. Columns and rows may not add to their totals due to rounding. 1 International 1/4-inch rule. 10,980,159 22,672,929 7,742,977 (Table 8 continued on next page) JUL-08-10 11:36 AM 22300901 Table 9. -- Live-tree aboveground dry weight (CRM) on forest land by owner category, softwood/hardwood species category, and tree component, Montana, cycle 2, 2003-2009 (In thousand dry tons) Tree component Owner category and softwood/hardwood category Public Softwoods Hardwoods Total Private Softwoods Hardwoods Total All ownerships Softwoods Hardwoods Total Growing-stock trees All components All live 1-5 inch trees Total 690,198 42,074 4,876 695,074 788 42,862 120,051 8,532 Non-growing-stock trees Boles Stumps, tops, and limbs Total Boles Stumps, tops, and limbs 640,764 521,782 118,982 7,359 4,252 3,108 3,869 644,633 2,880 524,663 989 119,971 219 7,578 154 4,405 65 3,173 7,825 109,216 88,899 20,318 3,010 780 2,230 6,977 128,583 1,083 8,908 116,193 5,266 94,164 1,711 22,028 472 3,482 342 1,122 131 2,360 810,249 13,408 823,657 49,899 1,871 51,770 749,980 10,846 760,826 610,681 8,146 618,827 139,300 2,699 141,999 10,369 691 11,060 5,032 495 5,527 5,337 196 5,533 All table cells without observations in the inventory sample are indicated by --. Table value of 0 indicates the aboveground tree biomass rounds to less than 1 thousand dry tons. Columns and rows may not add to their totals due to rounding. JUL-08-10 11:38 AM 22300901 Table 10. -- Average annual net growth of growing stock on timberland by species group and owner category, Montana, cycle 2, 2003-2009 (In thousand cubic feet per year) Owner category Species group All owners Public Private Unidentified owner Softwoods 115,960 63,743 52,217 -- Ponderosa and Jeffrey pines 42,131 14,851 27,281 -- True fir 47,105 41,219 5,886 -- Western hemlock 7,415 7,006 409 -- Western white pine 1,848 1,465 383 -- Engelmann and other spruces 47,286 38,302 8,984 -- Western larch 44,932 38,516 6,416 -- Lodgepole pine 33,165 20,413 12,752 -- Western redcedar 16,582 15,685 897 -- Other western softwoods Total softwoods Hardwoods -7,272 -7,000 -272 -- 349,151 234,199 114,952 -- 9,972 3,565 6,407 -- 122 122 -- -- 2,221 1,421 800 -- 12,315 5,108 7,207 -- Douglas-fir Cottonwood and aspen Red alder Other western hardwoods Total hardwoods All species groups 361,466 239,307 122,159 -All table cells without observations in the inventory sample are indicated (Table by --. Table value of on 0 indicates 10 continued next page) the volume rounds to less than 1 thousand cubic feet. Columns and rows may not add to their totals due to rounding. JUL-08-10 11:39 AM 22300901 Table 12. -- Average annual mortality of growing stock on timberland by species group and owner category, Montana, cycle 2, 2003-2009 (In thousand cubic feet per year) Owner category Species group All owners Public Private Unidentified owner Softwoods 115,217 99,861 15,356 -- Ponderosa and Jeffrey pines 26,623 13,865 12,759 -- True fir 81,976 77,894 4,082 -- 1,160 1,160 -- -- 42,939 42,202 737 -- Douglas-fir Western white pine Engelmann and other spruces Western larch Lodgepole pine Western redcedar Other western softwoods Total softwoods Hardwoods Cottonwood and aspen Other western hardwoods 6,500 3,874 2,627 -- 186,770 177,168 9,602 -- 137 137 -- -- 28,601 27,670 931 -- 489,924 443,830 46,094 -- 2,156 963 1,193 -- 63 31 32 -- 2,220 994 1,226 Total hardwoods -All species groups 492,143 444,824 47,319 -All table cells without observations in the inventory sample are indicated (Table by --. Table value of on 0 indicates 12 continued next page) the volume rounds to less than 1 thousand cubic feet. Columns and rows may not add to their totals due to rounding.