Table 1. -- Area of forest land by forest type group and owner category, Colorado, 2002 - 2004 (In thousand acres) Owner category Forest type group All owners Public Private Unidentified owner Softwood type groups Pinyon / juniper group Douglas-fir group Ponderosa pine group Fir / spruce / mountain hemlock group Lodgepole pine group Other western softwoods group All softwood types 5,939.4 1,552.5 1,515.7 4,792.8 2,202.6 287.1 16,290.1 4,376.9 1,151.7 837.3 4,502.5 1,995.3 246.5 13,110.3 1,562.5 400.7 678.4 290.3 207.3 40.6 3,179.8 -------- 129.1 3,045.0 2,411.4 41.4 5,627.0 2.9 2,590.0 1,125.8 41.4 3,760.1 126.2 455.0 1,285.6 -1,866.9 ------ Hardwood type groups Elm / ash / cottonwood group Aspen / birch group Western oak group Other western hardwoods group All hardwood types Nonstocked All forest types 1,098.6 673.1 425.5 -- 23,015.8 17,543.5 5,472.2 -- All table cells without observations in the inventory sample are indicated by --. Table value of 0.0 indicates the acres round to less than 0.1 thousand acres. Columns and rows may not add to their totals due to rounding. Table 1a. -- Area of forest land by forest type group, forest type, and owner category, Colorado, 2002 - 2004 (In thousand acres) Owner category Forest type group/ forest type All owners Public Private Unidentified owner 541.2 915.4 4,482.8 382.3 639.8 3,354.9 158.9 275.6 1,127.9 ---- 5,939.4 4,376.9 1,562.5 -- 1,552.5 1,151.7 400.7 -- 1,552.5 1,151.7 400.7 -- Softwood type groups Pinyon / Juniper Group Rocky Mountain juniper Juniper woodland Pinyon / juniper woodland All forest types Douglas-fir Group Douglas-fir All forest types Ponderosa Pine Group 1,515.7 837.3 678.4 -- All forest types Fir / Spruce / Mountain Hemlock Group 1,515.7 837.3 678.4 -- White fir Engelmann spruce Engelman spruce / subalpine fir Subalpine fir Blue spruce 220.5 2,926.7 538.4 951.9 155.2 169.7 2,803.1 498.5 910.3 120.9 50.8 123.7 39.9 41.6 34.3 ------ 4,792.8 4,502.5 290.3 -- 2,202.6 1,995.3 207.3 -- 2,202.6 1,995.3 207.3 -- 121.0 166.2 121.0 125.5 -40.6 --- 287.1 16,290.1 246.5 13,110.3 40.6 3,179.8 --- 104.7 24.5 129.1 2.9 -2.9 101.7 24.5 126.2 ---- Aspen All forest types Western Oak Group 3,045.0 3,045.0 2,590.0 2,590.0 455.0 455.0 --- Deciduous oak woodland All forest types Other Western Hardwoods Group 2,411.4 2,411.4 1,125.8 1,125.8 1,285.6 1,285.6 --- 41.4 41.4 5,627.0 1,098.6 23,015.8 41.4 41.4 3,760.1 673.1 17,543.5 Ponderosa pine All forest types Lodgepole Pine Group Lodgepole pine All forest types Other Western Softwood Group Foxtail pine / bristlecone pine Limber pine All forest types All softwood groups Hardwood type groups Elm / Ash / Cottonwood Group Cottonwood Sugarberry / hackberry / elm / green ash All forest types Aspen / Birch / Group Cercocarpus woodland All forest types All hardwood groups Nonstocked All forest groups All table cells without observations in the inventory sample are indicated by --. Table value of 0.0 indicates the acres round to less than 0.1 thousand acres. Columns and rows may not add to thier totals due to rounding. ----1,866.9 -425.5 -5,472.2 -(Table 1 continued on next page) Table 2. -- Area of timberland by major forest type group, stand origin, and owner category, Colorado, 2002 - 2004 (In thousand acres) Owner category Major forest type group and stand origin Softwood type groups Natural All softwood types Hardwood type groups Natural All hardwood types Nonstocked All groups All owners Public Private Unidentified owner 8,321.5 8,321.5 6,704.2 6,704.2 1,617.3 1,617.3 --- 2,647.5 2,647.5 2,079.7 2,079.7 567.9 567.9 --- 479.8 293.1 186.7 -- 11,448.8 9,077.0 2,371.9 -- All table cells without observations in the inventory sample are indicated by --. Table value of 0.0 indicates the acres round to less than 0.1 thousand acres. Columns and rows may not add to their totals due to rounding. Table 3. -- Area of timberland by forest type group and stand-size class, Colorado, 2002 - 2004 (In thousand acres) Stand-size class class Stand-size Foresttype typegroup group Forest Softwood type groups Douglas-fir group Ponderosa pine group Fir / spruce / mountain hemlock group Lodgepole pine group Other western softwoods group All softwood types Hardwood type groups Elm / ash / cottonwood group Aspen / birch group All All stands stands Sawtimber Sawtimber Poletimber Poletimber SaplingSaplingseedling seedling NonNonstocked stocked 1,503.1 1,484.3 3,304.3 1,826.9 202.9 1,178.3 1,360.2 2,382.7 942.4 178.4 296.6 87.0 622.7 666.1 -- 28.3 37.2 298.9 218.5 24.5 ------ 8,321.5 6,042.0 1,672.3 607.3 -- 123.8 123.8 -- -- -- 2,523.7 780.2 1,356.0 387.5 -- All hardwood types 2,647.5 904.1 1,356.0 387.5 -Nonstocked 479.8 ---479.8 11,448.8 6,946.0 3,028.2 994.8 479.8 All forest types All table cells without observations in the inventory sample are indicated by --. Table value of 0.0 indicates the acres round to less than 0.1 thousand acres. Columns and rows may not add to their totals due to rounding. Table 3a. -- Area of timberland by forest type group, forest type, and stand-size class, Colorado, 2002 - 2004 (In thousand acres) Stand-size class Forest type group/ forest type Softwood type groups Douglas-fir Group Douglas-fir All forest types Ponderosa Pine Group Ponderosa pine All forest types Fir / Spruce / Mountain Hemlock Group White fir Engelmann spruce Engelman spruce / subalpine fir Subalpine fir Blue spruce All forest types Lodgepole Pine Group Lodgepole pine All forest types Other Western Softwood Group Foxtail pine / bristlecone pine Limber pine All forest types All softwood groups Hardwood type groups Elm / Ash / Cottonwood Group Cottonwood Sugarberry / hackberry / elm / green ash All forest types Aspen / Birch / Group Aspen All forest types All hardwood groups Nonstocked All forest groups All stands Sawtimber Poletimber Saplingseedling NonNonstocked stocked 1,503.1 1,503.1 1,178.3 1,178.3 296.6 296.6 28.3 28.3 --- 1,484.3 1,484.3 1,360.2 1,360.2 87.0 87.0 37.2 37.2 --- 216.4 1,866.9 396.9 705.9 118.2 3,304.3 188.3 1,390.9 249.6 470.7 83.1 2,382.7 28.1 306.6 142.0 131.3 14.7 622.7 -169.5 5.2 103.8 20.4 298.9 ------- 1,826.9 1,826.9 942.4 942.4 666.1 666.1 218.5 218.5 --- 61.4 141.4 202.9 8,321.5 56.6 121.8 178.4 6,042.0 ---1,672.3 4.8 19.6 24.5 607.3 ----- 104.7 19.2 123.8 104.7 19.2 123.8 ---- ---- ---- 2,523.7 2,523.7 2,647.5 780.2 780.2 904.1 1,356.0 1,356.0 1,356.0 387.5 387.5 387.5 ---- 479.8 -- -- -- 479.8 11,448.8 6,946.0 3,028.2 994.8 479.8 All table cells without observations in the inventory sample are indicated by --. Table value of 0.0 indicates the acres round to less than 0.1 thousand acres. Columns and rows may not add to their totals due to rounding. (Table 3 continued on next page) Table 4. -- Net volume of all live trees on forest land by species group and owner category, Colorado, 2002 - 2004 (In thousand cubic feet) Owner category Species group Softwoods Douglas-fir Ponderosa and Jeffrey pines True fir Engelmann and other spruces Lodgepole pine Western woodland softwoods Other western softwoods Total softwoods Hardwoods Cottonwood and aspen Cottonwood and aspen Other western hardwoods Western woodland hardwoods Total hardwoods All species groups All owners Public Private Unidentified owner 3,137,523 2,336,319 4,212,601 10,941,569 6,062,176 4,520,576 512,356 31,723,120 2,451,177 1,360,868 3,890,626 10,643,309 5,665,693 3,487,429 467,540 27,966,641 686,347 975,451 321,975 298,260 396,483 1,033,148 44,816 3,756,479 --------- 11,809 5,204,610 10,209 178,796 5,405,424 -4,383,819 -79,464 4,463,283 11,809 820,791 10,209 99,332 942,141 ------ 37,128,544 32,429,924 4,698,621 -- All table cells without observations in the inventory sample are indicated by --. Table value of 0 indicates that the volume rounds to less than 1 thousand cubic feet. Columns and rows may not add to their totals due to rounding. Table 4a. -- Net volume of all live trees on forest land by species group, species, and owner category, Colorado, 2002 - 2004 (In thousand cubic feet) Owner category Species group/ species All owners Public Private Unidentified owner Softwoods Douglas-fir Douglas-fir All species 3,137,523 2,451,177 686,347 -- 3,137,523 2,451,177 686,347 -- Ponderosa and Jeffrey pines ponderosa pine All species 2,336,319 1,360,868 975,451 -- 2,336,319 1,360,868 975,451 -- 719,133 175,532 3,317,936 586,299 167,658 3,136,668 132,833 7,874 181,268 ---- 4,212,601 3,890,626 321,975 -- 10,649,490 292,079 10,414,190 229,119 235,300 62,960 --- 10,941,569 10,643,309 298,260 -- True fir white fir corkbark fir subalpine fir All species Engelmann and other spruces Engelmann spruce blue spruce All species Lodgepole pine lodgepole pine All species 6,062,176 5,665,693 396,483 -- 6,062,176 5,665,693 396,483 -- 2,180,418 493,421 263,880 1,582,858 1,820,182 347,605 117,300 1,202,342 360,237 145,815 146,580 380,516 ----- 4,520,576 3,487,429 1,033,148 -- 189,949 312,204 10,202 178,142 279,195 10,202 11,807 33,009 -- ---- 512,356 31,723,120 467,540 27,966,641 44,816 3,756,479 --- 11,809 11,809 --- 11,809 11,809 --- 5,043,244 1,562 159,804 5,204,610 4,382,257 1,562 -4,383,819 660,987 -159,804 820,791 ----- Western woodland softwoods Utah juniper Rocky Mountain juniper oneseed juniper common or two-needle pinyon All species Other western softwoods Rocky Mountain bristlecone pine limber pine southwestern white pine All species Total softwoods Hardwoods Cottonwood and aspen eastern cottonwood All species Cottonwood and aspen quaking aspen Fremont cottonwood narrowleaf cottonwood All species Other western hardwoods boxelder All species 10,209 10,209 -10,209 --10,209 -(Table 4a continued on next page) (Table 4a continued) Owner category Species group/ species All owners Public Private Unidentified owner Western woodland hardwoods curlleaf mountain-mahogany 10,657 10,657 --Gambel oak 168,140 68,808 99,332 -All species 79,464 99,332 -178,796 Total hardwoods 5,405,424 4,463,283 942,141 -All species groups 37,128,544 32,429,924 4,698,621 -(Table 4a continued on next page) All table cells without observations in the inventory sample are indicated by --. Table value of 0 indicates that the volume rounds to less than 1 thousand cubic feet. Columns and rows may not add to their totals due to rounding. JAN-12-06 10:20 AM Table 5. -- Net volume of all live trees and salvable standing dead trees on timberland by class of timber and softwood/hardwood species category, Colorado, 2002 - 2004 (In thousand cubic feet) All species Softwood species Hardwood species 16,952,284 15,271,039 1,681,245 2,440,585 19,392,870 1,877,051 17,148,090 563,535 2,244,779 5,720,790 25,113,659 3,625,600 20,773,690 2,095,190 4,339,969 Sawtimber size 287,671 149,982 137,688 Poletimber size 272,181 62,532 209,649 559,851 212,514 347,337 Sawtimber size 34,648 17,239 17,409 Poletimber size Total All live cull trees All live trees 10,848 45,496 605,347 25,719,006 2,652 19,890 232,404 21,006,094 8,196 25,606 372,943 4,712,912 Salvable dead trees Sawtimber size 1,925,611 1,657,100 268,511 788,265 2,713,876 419,562 2,076,662 368,703 637,214 28,432,883 23,082,757 5,350,126 Class of timber Live trees Growing-stock trees Sawtimber Saw log portion Upper stem portion Total Poletimber All growing-stock trees Cull trees 1 Rough trees Total Rotten trees 1 Poletimber size All salvable dead trees All classes All table cells without observations in the inventory sample are indicated by --. Table value of 0 indicates that the volume rounds to less than 1 thousand cubic feet. Columns and rows may not add to their totals due to rounding. 1 Includes woodland species. Table 6. -- Net volume of growing stock on timberland by forest type group and softwood/hardwood species category, Colorado, 2002 - 2004 (In thousand cubic feet) Forest type group Softwood type groups Douglas-fir group Ponderosa pine group Fir / spruce / mountain hemlock group Lodgepole pine group Other western softwoods group All softwood types Hardwood type groups Elm / ash / cottonwood group Aspen / birch group All hardwood types Nonstocked All forest types All species Softwood species Hardwood species 2,521,270 2,042,687 10,549,667 4,723,099 231,875 20,068,598 2,372,150 2,031,796 10,075,821 4,601,892 225,139 19,306,798 149,120 10,891 473,847 121,207 6,735 761,800 117,818 4,903,833 5,021,651 13,199 1,431,012 1,444,211 104,619 3,472,820 3,577,440 23,411 25,113,659 22,681 20,773,690 730 4,339,969 All table cells without observations in the inventory sample are indicated by --. Table value of 0 indicates that the volume rounds to less than 1 thousand cubic feet. Columns and rows may not add to their totals due to rounding. Table 6a. -- Net volume of growing stock on timberland by forest type group, forest type, and softwood/hardwood species category, Colorado, 2002 - 2004 (In thousand cubic feet) Forest type group/ forest type All species Softwood species Hardwood species Softwood type groups Douglas-fir Group Douglas-fir All forest types 2,521,270 2,521,270 2,372,150 2,372,150 149,120 149,120 Ponderosa Pine Group Ponderosa pine All forest types 2,042,687 2,042,687 2,031,796 2,031,796 10,891 10,891 738,131 6,460,947 1,153,744 1,958,245 238,601 10,549,667 653,852 6,349,660 963,449 1,872,680 236,180 10,075,821 84,279 111,287 190,294 85,566 2,421 473,847 4,723,099 4,723,099 4,601,892 4,601,892 121,207 121,207 98,773 133,102 231,875 20,068,598 95,125 130,015 225,139 19,306,798 3,648 3,087 6,735 761,800 116,769 1,050 117,818 13,199 -13,199 103,570 1,050 104,619 Fir / Spruce / Mountain Hemlock Group White fir Engelmann spruce Engelman spruce / subalpine fir Subalpine fir Blue spruce All forest types Lodgepole Pine Group Lodgepole pine All forest types Other Western Softwood Group Foxtail pine / bristlecone pine Limber pine All forest types All softwood groups Hardwood type groups Elm / Ash / Cottonwood Group Cottonwood Sugarberry / hackberry / elm / green ash All forest types Aspen / Birch / Group Aspen All forest types All hardwood groups Nonstocked 1,431,012 3,472,820 1,431,012 3,472,820 1,444,211 3,577,440 730 22,681 All forest groups 20,773,690 4,339,969 6a continued on next page) All table cells without observations in the inventory sample (Table are indicated by --. Table value of 0 indicates that the volume rounds to less than 1 thousand cubic feet. Columns and rows may not add to their totals due to rounding. 4,903,833 4,903,833 5,021,651 23,411 25,113,659 1 Table 7. -- Net volume of growing stock on timberland by species group and diameter class, Colorado, 2002 - 2004 (In thousand cubic feet) Diameter class (inches at breast height) All classes 5.0-6.9 7.0-8.9 9.0-10.9 11.0-12.9 13.0-14.9 15.0-16.9 17.0-18.9 19.0-20.9 21.0-28.9 29.0+ 2,846,354 2,133,945 3,297,319 7,347,073 4,844,154 304,845 111,624 68,985 238,930 291,677 511,789 16,391 263,637 154,541 435,847 589,390 901,992 40,797 352,049 236,921 464,222 795,737 1,203,343 45,041 381,635 355,942 566,319 918,601 924,216 40,820 350,317 266,047 456,031 920,736 612,187 43,247 313,432 278,819 284,754 1,035,068 396,545 36,768 239,706 172,689 279,847 847,086 210,265 37,742 268,043 165,661 249,477 539,099 56,077 23,770 355,359 299,734 270,558 1,281,585 27,740 20,269 210,551 134,605 51,335 128,095 --- Total softwoods 20,773,690 1,239,396 2,386,204 3,097,313 3,187,532 2,648,565 2,345,386 1,787,335 1,302,127 2,255,245 524,587 Hardwoods Cottonwood and aspen Cottonwood and aspen Other western hardwoods 11,809 4,327,111 1,050 -384,735 -- -774,698 -- -935,758 -- -890,510 1,050 2,911 605,994 -- 3,838 344,331 -- 5,059 163,255 -- -106,592 -- -105,129 -- -16,111 -- Total hardwoods 4,339,969 384,735 774,698 935,758 891,560 608,905 All species 25,113,659 1,624,130 3,160,902 4,033,070 4,079,092 3,257,471 All table cells without observations in the inventory sample are indicated by --. Table value of 0 indicates that the volume rounds to less than 1 thousand cubic feet. Columns and rows may not add to their totals due to rounding. 348,168 168,314 106,592 105,129 16,111 2,693,554 1,955,650 1,408,719 2,360,373 540,698 Species group Softwoods Douglas-fir Ponderosa and Jeffrey pines True fir Engelmann and other spruces Lodgepole pine Other western softwoods Table 7a. -- Net volume of growing stock on timberland by species group, species, and diameter class, Colorado, 2002 - 2004 (In thousand cubic feet) Species group/ species Diameter class (inches at breast height) 11.0-12.9 13.0-14.9 15.0-16.9 17.0-18.9 All classes 5.0-6.9 7.0-8.9 2,846,354 111,624 263,637 352,049 381,635 350,317 313,432 239,706 268,043 355,359 210,551 2,846,354 111,624 263,637 352,049 381,635 350,317 313,432 239,706 268,043 355,359 210,551 2,133,945 68,985 154,541 236,921 355,942 266,047 278,819 172,689 165,661 299,734 134,605 2,133,945 68,985 154,541 236,921 355,942 266,047 278,819 172,689 165,661 299,734 134,605 white fir 707,327 21,789 32,667 55,499 97,696 51,209 77,457 85,733 93,843 155,883 35,552 corkbark fir 155,150 10,326 19,327 15,567 20,342 16,991 12,292 25,312 6,998 27,997 -- 2,434,842 206,815 383,853 393,156 448,282 387,831 195,004 168,802 148,635 86,679 15,783 3,297,319 238,930 435,847 464,222 566,319 456,031 284,754 279,847 249,477 270,558 51,335 7,104,173 284,000 571,611 769,218 880,891 897,859 1,000,942 814,877 526,905 1,229,775 128,095 242,900 7,677 17,779 26,519 37,710 22,877 34,125 32,209 12,194 51,810 -- 7,347,073 291,677 589,390 795,737 918,601 920,736 1,035,068 847,086 539,099 1,281,585 128,095 4,844,154 511,789 901,992 1,203,343 924,216 612,187 396,545 210,265 56,077 27,740 -- 4,844,154 511,789 901,992 1,203,343 924,216 612,187 396,545 210,265 56,077 27,740 -- 9.0-10.9 19.0-20.9 21.0-28.9 29.0+ Softwoods Douglas-fir Douglas-fir All species Ponderosa and Jeffrey pines ponderosa pine All species True fir subalpine fir All species Engelmann and other spruces Engelmann spruce blue spruce All species Lodgepole pine lodgepole pine All species Other western softwoods Rocky Mountain bristlecone pine limber pine southwestern white pine All species Total softwoods 92,092 5,052 12,573 15,570 14,924 19,103 10,551 5,615 8,703 -- -- 202,550 11,298 28,224 29,470 25,897 24,144 20,892 32,126 10,230 20,269 -- 10,202 41 -- -- -- -- 5,325 -- 4,837 -- -- 304,845 16,391 40,797 45,041 40,820 43,247 36,768 37,742 23,770 20,269 -- 20,773,690 1,239,396 2,386,204 3,097,313 3,187,532 2,648,565 2,345,386 1,787,335 1,302,127 2,255,245 524,587 11,809 11,809 --- --- --- --- 2,911 2,911 3,838 3,838 5,059 5,059 --- --- --- 4,235,260 730 91,121 4,327,111 383,477 240 1,018 384,735 772,117 490 2,091 774,698 925,681 -10,076 935,758 877,543 -12,968 890,510 593,051 -12,943 605,994 319,648 -24,682 344,331 158,448 -4,807 163,255 100,166 -6,426 106,592 105,129 --105,129 --16,111 16,111 1,050 1,050 4,339,969 --384,735 --774,698 --935,758 1,050 1,050 891,560 --608,905 --348,168 --168,314 --106,592 --105,129 --16,111 25,113,659 1,624,130 3,160,902 4,033,070 4,079,092 3,257,471 2,693,554 1,955,650 1,408,719 2,360,373 540,698 Hardwoods Cottonwood and aspen eastern cottonwood All species Cottonwood and aspen quaking aspen Fremont cottonwood narrowleaf cottonwood All species Other western hardwoods boxelder All species Total hardwoods All species groups (Table 7a continued on next page) (Table 7a continued) Species group/ species All classes 5.0-6.9 7.0-8.9 All table cells without observations in the inventory sample are indicated by --. Table value of 0 indicates that the volume rounds to less than 1 thousand cubic feet. Columns and rows may not add to their totals due to rounding. 9.0-10.9 Diameter class (inches at breast height) 11.0-12.9 13.0-14.9 15.0-16.9 17.0-18.9 19.0-20.9 21.0-28.9 29.0+ (Table 7a continued on next page) 1 Table 8. -- Net volume of sawtimber on timberland by species group and diameter class, Colorado, 2002 - 2004 (In thousand board feet) 1 Diameter class (inches at breast height) All classes 9.0-10.9 11.0-12.9 13.0-14.9 15.0-16.9 17.0-18.9 19.0-20.9 21.0-28.9 29.0+ 11,973,173 8,858,105 12,837,163 33,847,431 14,979,201 993,839 83,488,912 1,267,846 753,877 1,827,804 3,251,921 4,467,556 116,220 11,685,224 1,692,831 1,450,915 2,642,161 4,341,618 4,017,488 143,127 14,288,139 1,693,885 1,209,524 2,267,109 4,747,095 2,961,449 180,201 13,059,262 1,588,768 1,355,078 1,440,190 5,529,778 1,990,642 161,648 12,066,104 1,232,214 847,143 1,490,288 4,628,325 1,110,559 184,039 9,492,569 1,407,277 869,469 1,341,161 3,029,153 276,387 112,931 7,036,377 1,987,983 1,611,293 1,523,119 7,539,753 155,121 95,673 12,912,942 1,102,369 760,807 305,332 779,788 --2,948,295 14,299 11,561 -46,594 -1,701,775 2,896,638 -10,564,222 3,902,371 ---2,221 2,221 -3,904,591 10,613,037 2,908,199 1,716,073 94,101,949 11,685,224 18,192,730 15,967,461 13,782,177 All table cells without observations in the inventory sample are indicated by --. Table value of 0 indicates that the volume rounds to less than 1 thousand board feet. Columns and rows may not add to their totals due to rounding. 1 International 1/4-inch rule. 20,734 850,848 -871,582 10,364,151 -586,776 -586,776 7,623,153 -560,696 -560,696 13,473,638 -65,119 -65,119 3,013,415 Species group Softwoods Douglas-fir Ponderosa and Jeffrey pines True fir Engelmann and other spruces Lodgepole pine Other western softwoods Total softwoods Hardwoods Cottonwood and aspen Cottonwood and aspen Other western hardwoods Total hardwoods All species Table 8a. -- Net volume of sawtimber on timberland by species group, species, and diameter class, Colorado, 2002 - 2004 1 (In thousand board feet) Species group/ species All classes 9.0-10.9 11.0-12.9 Diameter class (inches at breast height) 13.0-14.9 15.0-16.9 17.0-18.9 19.0-20.9 21.0-28.9 29.0+ Softwoods Douglas-fir Douglas-fir 11,973,173 1,267,846 1,692,831 1,693,885 1,588,768 1,232,214 1,407,277 1,987,983 1,102,369 11,973,173 1,267,846 1,692,831 1,693,885 1,588,768 1,232,214 1,407,277 1,987,983 1,102,369 8,858,105 753,877 1,450,915 1,209,524 1,355,078 847,143 869,469 1,611,293 760,807 8,858,105 753,877 1,450,915 1,209,524 1,355,078 847,143 869,469 1,611,293 760,807 3,278,735 180,311 419,211 230,285 390,948 442,820 504,670 900,374 210,115 651,277 60,504 95,757 89,754 64,457 137,890 36,704 166,210 -- 8,907,152 1,586,989 2,127,194 1,947,069 984,784 909,577 799,787 456,534 95,217 12,837,163 1,827,804 2,642,161 2,267,109 1,440,190 1,490,288 1,341,161 1,523,119 305,332 32,766,663 3,157,394 4,169,843 4,627,712 5,358,580 4,459,946 2,963,201 7,250,199 779,788 1,080,768 94,527 171,774 119,383 171,198 168,379 65,951 289,554 -- 33,847,431 3,251,921 4,341,618 4,747,095 5,529,778 4,628,325 3,029,153 7,539,753 779,788 14,979,201 4,467,556 4,017,488 2,961,449 1,990,642 1,110,559 276,387 155,121 -- 14,979,201 4,467,556 4,017,488 2,961,449 1,990,642 1,110,559 276,387 155,121 -- Rocky Mountain bristlecone pine 301,744 44,114 58,122 81,106 49,200 26,290 42,913 -- -- limber pine 646,269 72,106 85,005 99,095 88,589 157,749 48,051 95,673 -- 45,826 -- -- -- 23,859 -- 21,967 -- -- 993,839 116,220 143,127 180,201 161,648 184,039 112,931 95,673 -- 83,488,912 11,685,224 14,288,139 13,059,262 12,066,104 9,492,569 7,036,377 12,912,942 2,948,295 46,594 46,594 --- --- 11,561 11,561 14,299 14,299 20,734 20,734 --- --- --- 10,217,906 346,316 10,564,222 ---- 3,845,106 57,265 3,902,371 2,834,729 61,910 2,896,638 1,586,242 115,532 1,701,775 833,572 17,276 850,848 557,562 29,214 586,776 560,696 -560,696 -65,119 65,119 All species Total hardwoods 2,221 2,221 10,613,037 ---- 2,221 2,221 3,904,591 --2,908,199 --1,716,073 --871,582 --586,776 --560,696 --65,119 All species groups 94,101,949 11,685,224 18,192,730 15,967,461 13,782,177 10,364,151 7,623,153 13,473,638 3,013,415 All species Ponderosa and Jeffrey pines ponderosa pine All species True fir white fir corkbark fir subalpine fir All species Engelmann and other spruces Engelmann spruce blue spruce All species Lodgepole pine lodgepole pine All species Other western softwoods southwestern white pine All species Total softwoods Hardwoods Cottonwood and aspen eastern cottonwood All species Cottonwood and aspen quaking aspen narrowleaf cottonwood All species Other western hardwoods boxelder (Table 8a continued on next page) (Table 8a continued) Species group/ species All classes 9.0-10.9 11.0-12.9 Diameter class (inches at breast height) 13.0-14.9 15.0-16.9 17.0-18.9 19.0-20.9 1 table cells without observations in the inventory sample are indicated by --. Table value of 0 indicates that the volume rounds All to less than 1 thousand board feet. Columns and rows may not add to their totals due to rounding. International 1/4-inch rule. 21.0-28.9 29.0+ (Table 8a continued on next page) Table 9. -- All live aboveground tree biomass on timberland by owner category, softwood/hardwood species category, and tree component, Colorado, 2002 - 2004 (In dry tons) Tree biomass component Growing-stock trees Owner category and softwood/hardwood category All components All live 1-5 inch trees Total Public Softwoods 320,070,603 22,462,446 68,938,562 389,009,165 3,143,874 25,606,320 Hardwoods Total Private Softwoods Non-growing-stock trees Boles Stumps, tops, and limbs Total Boles Stumps, tops, and limbs 293,710,506 230,587,525 63,122,981 3,897,651 2,792,876 1,104,775 60,445,104 354,155,611 51,468,766 282,056,292 8,976,338 72,099,319 5,349,584 9,247,235 4,355,129 7,148,005 994,455 2,099,230 51,345,181 2,625,482 47,726,589 35,716,468 12,010,121 993,110 749,088 244,022 Hardwoods 15,189,642 11,975,116 Total 66,534,823 1,167,383 3,792,865 59,701,705 10,045,730 45,762,198 1,929,386 13,939,507 2,047,143 3,040,253 1,793,974 2,543,062 253,169 497,191 371,415,784 84,128,204 455,543,988 25,087,928 4,311,257 29,399,185 341,437,096 72,420,220 413,857,316 266,303,994 61,514,496 327,818,490 75,133,102 10,905,724 86,038,826 4,890,761 7,396,727 12,287,488 3,541,964 6,149,103 9,691,066 1,348,797 1,247,624 2,596,422 All ownerships Softwoods Hardwoods Total All table cells without observations in the inventory sample are indicated by --. Table value of 0 indicates the aboveground tree biomass rounds to less than 1 dry ton. Columns and rows may not add to their totals due to rounding. Table 10. -- Average annual net growth of growing stock on timberland by species group and owner category, Colorado, 1984 to 2002 - 2004 (In thousand cubic feet per year) Owner category Species group All owners Public Private Unidentified owner Softwoods Douglas-fir Ponderosa and Jeffrey pines True fir Engelmann and other spruces Lodgepole pine Western woodland softwoods Other western softwoods Total softwoods 26,997 15,271 13,065 105,656 46,037 -4,043 211,070 --------- --------- 26,997 15,271 13,065 105,656 46,037 -4,043 211,070 60 40,847 7 -40,914 ------ ------ 60 40,847 7 -40,914 251,983 -- -- 251,983 Hardwoods Cottonwood and aspen Cottonwood and aspen Other western hardwoods Western woodland hardwoods Total hardwoods All species groups All table cells without observations in the inventory sample are indicated by --. Table value of 0 indicates that the volume rounds to less than 1 thousand cubic feet. Columns and rows may not add to their totals due to rounding. Table 10a. -- Average annual net growth of growing-stock on timberland by species group and PAST owner category, Colorado, 1984 to 2002 - 2004 (In thousand cubic feet per year) PAST Owner category Species group All owners Public Private Unidentified owner Softwoods Douglas-fir Ponderosa and Jeffrey pines True fir Engelmann and other spruces Lodgepole pine Western woodland softwoods Other western softwoods Total softwoods 26,997 15,271 13,065 105,656 46,037 -4,043 211,070 --------- --------- 26,997 15,271 13,065 105,656 46,037 -4,043 211,070 60 40,847 7 -40,914 ------ ------ 60 40,847 7 -40,914 251,983 -- -- 251,983 Hardwoods Cottonwood and aspen Cottonwood and aspen Other western hardwoods Western woodland hardwoods Total hardwoods All species groups All table cells without observations in the inventory sample are indicated by --. Table value of 0 indicates that the volume rounds to less than 1 thousand cubic feet. Columns and rows may not add to their totals due to rounding. Table 10b. -- Average annual net growth of growing-stock on timberland by species group and CURRENT owner category, Colorado, 1984 to 2002 - 2004 (In thousand cubic feet per year) CURRENT Owner category Species group All owners Public Private Unidentified owner Softwoods Douglas-fir Ponderosa and Jeffrey pines True fir Engelmann and other spruces Lodgepole pine Western woodland softwoods Other western softwoods Total softwoods 26,997 15,271 13,065 105,656 46,037 -4,043 211,070 20,296 1,652 8,089 99,374 38,796 -3,261 171,468 6,702 13,619 4,976 6,282 7,241 -782 39,602 --------- 60 40,847 7 -40,914 -40,061 --40,061 60 786 7 -852 ------ 251,983 211,530 40,454 -- Hardwoods Cottonwood and aspen Cottonwood and aspen Other western hardwoods Western woodland hardwoods Total hardwoods All species groups All table cells without observations in the inventory sample are indicated by --. Table value of 0 indicates that the volume rounds to less than 1 thousand cubic feet. Columns and rows may not add to their totals due to rounding. Table 12. -- Average annual mortality of growing stock on timberland by species group and owner category, Colorado, 1984 to 2002 - 2004 (In thousand cubic feet per year) Owner category Species group All owners Public Private Unidentified owner Softwoods Douglas-fir Ponderosa and Jeffrey pines True fir Engelmann and other spruces Lodgepole pine Western woodland softwoods Other western softwoods Total softwoods 21,479 20,478 64,393 16,608 40,441 -685 164,084 --------- --------- 21,479 20,478 64,393 16,608 40,441 -685 164,084 40,924 -40,924 ---- ---- 40,924 -40,924 205,009 -- -- 205,009 Hardwoods Cottonwood and aspen Western woodland hardwoods Total hardwoods All species groups All table cells without observations in the inventory sample are indicated by --. Table value of 0 indicates that the volume rounds to less than 1 thousand cubic feet. Columns and rows may not add to their totals due to rounding. Table 12a. -- Average annual mortality of growing stock on timberland by species group and PAST owner category, Colorado, 1984 to 2002 - 2004 (In thousand cubic feet per year) PAST Owner category Species group All owners Public Private Unidentified owner Softwoods Douglas-fir Ponderosa and Jeffrey pines True fir Engelmann and other spruces Lodgepole pine Western woodland softwoods Other western softwoods Total softwoods 21,479 20,478 64,393 16,608 40,441 -685 164,084 --------- --------- 21,479 20,478 64,393 16,608 40,441 -685 164,084 40,924 -40,924 ---- ---- 40,924 -40,924 205,009 -- -- 205,009 Hardwoods Cottonwood and aspen Western woodland hardwoods Total hardwoods All species groups All table cells without observations in the inventory sample are indicated by --. Table value of 0 indicates that the volume rounds to less than 1 thousand cubic feet. Columns and rows may not add to their totals due to rounding. Table 12b. -- Average annual mortality of growing stock on timberland by species group and CURRENT owner category, Colorado, 1984 to 2002 - 2004 (In thousand cubic feet per year) CURRENT Owner category Species group All owners Public Private Unidentified owner Softwoods Douglas-fir Ponderosa and Jeffrey pines True fir Engelmann and other spruces Lodgepole pine Western woodland softwoods Other western softwoods Total softwoods 21,479 20,478 64,393 16,608 40,441 -685 164,084 17,349 16,832 59,104 15,835 39,951 -685 149,757 4,129 3,646 5,290 773 490 --14,327 --------- 40,924 -40,924 27,749 -27,749 13,175 -13,175 ---- 205,009 177,506 27,503 -- Hardwoods Cottonwood and aspen Western woodland hardwoods Total hardwoods All species groups All table cells without observations in the inventory sample are indicated by --. Table value of 0 indicates that the volume rounds to less than 1 thousand cubic feet. Columns and rows may not add to their totals due to rounding. Table 13a. -- Average annual net growth of all live trees on forest land by species group and PAST owner category, Colorado, 1984 to 2002 - 2004 (In thousand cubic feet per year) PAST Owner category Species group All owners Public Private Unidentified owner Softwoods Douglas-fir Ponderosa and Jeffrey pines True fir Engelmann and other spruces Lodgepole pine Western woodland softwoods Other western softwoods Total softwoods 31,885 19,843 18,799 145,382 45,722 16,490 7,024 285,146 --------- --------- 31,885 19,843 18,799 145,382 45,722 16,490 7,024 285,146 60 47,186 88 6,846 54,180 ------ ------ 60 47,186 88 6,846 54,180 339,326 -- -- 339,326 Hardwoods Cottonwood and aspen Cottonwood and aspen Other western hardwoods Western woodland hardwoods Total hardwoods All species groups All table cells without observations in the inventory sample are indicated by --. Table value of 0 indicates that the volume rounds to less than 1 thousand cubic feet. Columns and rows may not add to their totals due to rounding. Table 13b. -- Average annual net growth of all live trees on forest land by species group and CURRENT owner category, Colorado, 1984 to 2002 - 2004 (In thousand cubic feet per year) CURRENT Owner category Species group All owners Public Private Unidentified owner Softwoods Douglas-fir Ponderosa and Jeffrey pines True fir Engelmann and other spruces Lodgepole pine Western woodland softwoods Other western softwoods Total softwoods 31,885 19,843 18,799 145,382 45,722 16,490 7,024 285,146 23,874 4,476 13,724 139,024 38,331 13,294 6,221 238,944 8,012 15,367 5,075 6,358 7,391 3,196 804 46,203 --------- 60 47,186 88 6,846 54,180 -46,441 -3,545 49,985 60 745 88 3,301 4,195 ------ 339,326 288,929 50,397 -- Hardwoods Cottonwood and aspen Cottonwood and aspen Other western hardwoods Western woodland hardwoods Total hardwoods All species groups All table cells without observations in the inventory sample are indicated by --. Table value of 0 indicates that the volume rounds to less than 1 thousand cubic feet. Columns and rows may not add to their totals due to rounding. Table 15a. -- Average annual mortality on forest land by species group and PAST owner category, Colorado, 1984 to 2002 - 2004 (In thousand cubic feet per year) PAST Owner category Species group All owners Public Private Unidentified owner Softwoods Douglas-fir Ponderosa and Jeffrey pines True fir Engelmann and other spruces Lodgepole pine Western woodland softwoods Other western softwoods Total softwoods 23,191 20,553 76,258 25,722 55,761 18,337 774 220,597 --------- --------- 23,191 20,553 76,258 25,722 55,761 18,337 774 220,597 -53,433 -581 54,015 ------ ------ -53,433 -581 54,015 274,611 -- -- 274,611 Hardwoods Cottonwood and aspen Cottonwood and aspen Other western hardwoods Western woodland hardwoods Total hardwoods All species groups All table cells without observations in the inventory sample are indicated by --. Table value of 0 indicates that the volume rounds to less than 1 thousand cubic feet. Columns and rows may not add to their totals due to rounding. Table 15b. -- Average annual mortality on forest land by species group and CURRENT owner category, Colorado, 1984 to 2002 - 2004 (In thousand cubic feet per year) CURRENT Owner category Species group All owners Public Private Unidentified owner Softwoods Douglas-fir Ponderosa and Jeffrey pines True fir Engelmann and other spruces Lodgepole pine Western woodland softwoods Other western softwoods Total softwoods 23,191 20,553 76,258 25,722 55,761 18,337 774 220,597 19,061 16,907 70,969 24,949 55,271 12,174 774 200,105 4,129 3,646 5,290 773 490 6,164 -20,491 --------- -53,433 -581 54,015 -38,757 -381 39,138 -14,676 -201 14,877 ------ 274,611 239,243 35,368 -- Hardwoods Cottonwood and aspen Cottonwood and aspen Other western hardwoods Western woodland hardwoods Total hardwoods All species groups All table cells without observations in the inventory sample are indicated by --. Table value of 0 indicates that the volume rounds to less than 1 thousand cubic feet. Columns and rows may not add to their totals due to rounding.