FIA Annual Data Tables for Colorado Data Years 2002 – 2008 Based on 10% Forest Cover Definition Table 1. -- Area of forest land by forest type group and owner category, Colorado, cycle 2, 2002-2008 (In thousand acres) Owner category Forest type group All owners Public Private Unidentified owner Softwood type groups Pinyon / juniper group Douglas-fir group Ponderosa pine group Fir / spruce / mountain hemlock group Lodgepole pine group Other western softwoods group All softwood types 5,685.6 1,711.6 1,639.2 4,742.1 1,949.1 213.4 15,940.9 4,085.6 1,270.1 872.3 4,404.8 1,766.6 177.3 12,576.7 1,600.0 441.5 766.8 337.3 182.5 36.0 3,364.2 -------- 143.5 3,247.6 2,649.9 29.5 6,070.5 28.0 2,654.0 1,402.9 29.5 4,114.5 115.5 593.5 1,247.0 -1,956.0 ------ Hardwood type groups Elm / ash / cottonwood group Aspen / birch group Western oak group Other western hardwoods group All hardwood types Nonstocked All forest types 829.9 533.1 296.8 -- 22,841.2 17,224.2 5,617.0 -- All table cells without observations in the inventory sample are indicated by --. Table value of 0.0 indicates the acres round to less than 0.1 thousand acres. Columns and rows may not add to their totals due to rounding. Table 1a. -- Area of forest land by forest type group, forest type, and owner category, Colorado, cycle 2, 2002-2008 (In thousand acres) Owner category Forest type group/ forest type All owners Public Private Unidentified owner 384.8 991.7 4,309.1 241.8 661.7 3,182.0 143.0 329.9 1,127.0 ---- 5,685.6 4,085.6 1,600.0 -- 1,711.6 1,270.1 441.5 -- 1,711.6 1,270.1 441.5 -- 1,639.2 872.3 766.8 -- 1,639.2 872.3 766.8 -- 206.3 2,938.5 557.6 906.6 133.0 144.1 2,799.1 522.0 852.9 86.7 62.2 139.4 35.6 53.8 46.3 ------ 4,742.1 4,404.8 337.3 -- 1,949.1 1,766.6 182.5 -- 1,949.1 1,766.6 182.5 -- 7.1 85.3 121.0 7.1 77.0 93.2 -8.3 27.7 ---- 213.4 15,940.9 177.3 12,576.7 36.0 3,364.2 --- 122.2 21.3 143.5 28.0 -28.0 94.2 21.3 115.5 ---- Aspen All forest types Western oak group 3,247.6 3,247.6 2,654.0 2,654.0 593.5 593.5 --- Deciduous oak woodland All forest types Other western hardwoods group 2,649.9 2,649.9 1,402.9 1,402.9 1,247.0 1,247.0 --- 29.5 29.5 6,070.5 829.9 22,841.2 29.5 29.5 4,114.5 533.1 17,224.2 Softwood type groups Pinyon / juniper group Rocky Mountain juniper Juniper woodland Pinyon / juniper woodland All forest types Douglas-fir group Douglas-fir All forest types Ponderosa pine group Ponderosa pine All forest types Fir / spruce / mountain hemlock group White fir Engelmann spruce Engelman spruce / subalpine fir Subalpine fir Blue spruce All forest types Lodgepole pine group Lodgepole pine All forest types Other western softwoods group Southwest white pine Foxtail pine / bristlecone pine Limber pine All forest types All softwood groups Hardwood type groups Elm / ash / cottonwood group Cottonwood Sugarberry / hackberry / elm / green ash All forest types Aspen / birch group Cercocarpus woodland All forest types All hardwood groups Nonstocked All forest groups All table cells without observations in the inventory sample are indicated by --. Table value of 0.0 indicates the acres round to less than 0.1 thousand acres. Columns and rows may not add to their totals due to rounding. ----1,956.0 -296.8 -5,617.0 -(Table 1 continued on next page) Table 2. -- Area of timberland by major forest type group, stand origin, and owner category, Colorado, cycle 2, 2002-2008 (In thousand acres) Owner category Major forest type group and stand origin Softwood type groups Natural Planted All softwood types Hardwood type groups Natural All hardwood types Nonstocked All groups All owners Public Private Unidentified owner 8,191.2 8.3 8,199.5 6,440.2 8.3 6,448.5 1,751.0 -1,751.0 ---- 2,890.4 2,890.4 2,265.9 2,265.9 624.5 624.5 --- 307.4 226.5 80.9 -- 11,397.3 8,940.9 2,456.4 -- All table cells without observations in the inventory sample are indicated by --. Table value of 0.0 indicates the acres round to less than 0.1 thousand acres. Columns and rows may not add to their totals due to rounding. Table 3. -- Area of timberland by forest type group and stand-size class, Colorado, cycle 2, 2002-2008 (In thousand acres) Stand-size class Stand-size class Forest Foresttype typegroup group All All stands stands Sawtimber Sawtimber Poletimber Poletimber SaplingSaplingseedling seedling Softwood type groups Douglas-fir group Ponderosa pine group Fir / spruce / mountain hemlock group Lodgepole pine group Other western softwoods group 1,580.7 1,606.1 3,327.4 1,529.5 155.8 1,259.5 1,466.6 2,502.3 639.8 121.3 272.7 77.8 621.1 729.0 23.3 48.4 61.7 204.0 160.7 11.2 ------ 8,199.5 5,989.6 1,723.9 486.0 -- 141.1 122.8 16.0 2.4 -- 2,749.3 788.1 1,424.3 536.9 -- All softwood types Hardwood type groups Elm / ash / cottonwood group Aspen / birch group All hardwood types Nonstocked Nonstocked stocked 2,890.4 910.9 1,440.3 539.3 -307.4 ---307.4 11,397.3 6,900.5 3,164.1 1,025.3 307.4 All forest types All table cells without observations in the inventory sample are indicated by --. Table value of 0.0 indicates the acres round to less than 0.1 thousand acres. Columns and rows may not add to their totals due to rounding. Table 3a. -- Area of timberland by forest type group, forest type, and stand-size class, Colorado, cycle 2, 2002-2008 (In thousand acres) Stand-size class Forest type group/ forest type Softwood type groups Douglas-fir group Douglas-fir All forest types Ponderosa pine group Ponderosa pine All forest types Fir / spruce / mountain hemlock group White fir Engelmann spruce Engelman spruce / subalpine fir Subalpine fir Blue spruce All forest types Lodgepole pine group Lodgepole pine All forest types Other western softwoods group Southwest white pine Foxtail pine / bristlecone pine Limber pine All forest types All softwood groups Hardwood type groups Elm / ash / cottonwood group Cottonwood Sugarberry / hackberry / elm / green ash All forest types Aspen / birch group Aspen All forest types All hardwood groups Nonstocked All forest groups All stands Sawtimber Poletimber Saplingseedling NonNonstocked stocked 1,580.7 1,580.7 1,259.5 1,259.5 272.7 272.7 48.4 48.4 --- 1,606.1 1,606.1 1,466.6 1,466.6 77.8 77.8 61.7 61.7 --- 187.5 1,908.5 432.2 674.6 124.5 3,327.4 165.5 1,523.4 297.4 437.4 78.7 2,502.3 22.1 280.2 134.5 152.5 31.8 621.1 -105.0 0.3 84.7 14.1 204.0 ------- 1,529.5 1,529.5 639.8 639.8 729.0 729.0 160.7 160.7 --- 7.1 59.8 88.8 155.8 8,199.5 7.1 34.2 79.9 121.3 5,989.6 -23.3 -23.3 1,723.9 -2.3 8.9 11.2 486.0 ------ 122.2 18.9 141.1 103.9 18.9 122.8 16.0 -16.0 2.4 -2.4 ---- 2,749.3 2,749.3 2,890.4 788.1 788.1 910.9 1,424.3 1,424.3 1,440.3 536.9 536.9 539.3 ---- 307.4 -- -- -- 307.4 11,397.3 6,900.5 3,164.1 1,025.3 307.4 All table cells without observations in the inventory sample are indicated by --. Table value of 0.0 indicates the acres round to less than 0.1 thousand acres. Columns and rows may not add to their totals due to rounding. (Table 3 continued on next page) Table 4. -- Net volume of all live trees on forest land by species group and owner category, Colorado, cycle 2, 2002-2008 (In thousand cubic feet) Owner category All owners Public Private Softwoods Douglas-fir Ponderosa and Jeffrey pines True fir Engelmann and other spruces Lodgepole pine Western woodland softwoods Other western softwoods Total softwoods 3,349,875 2,620,857 4,225,876 11,324,674 5,082,359 4,401,605 484,690 31,489,936 2,630,937 1,446,587 3,855,037 10,743,519 4,705,637 3,298,871 434,317 27,114,906 718,938 1,174,270 370,839 581,156 376,722 1,102,734 50,373 4,375,030 --------- Hardwoods Other eastern hard hardwoods Cottonwood and aspen Other western hardwoods Western woodland hardwoods Total hardwoods 852 5,483,484 10,700 192,205 5,687,241 852 4,517,860 4,001 83,080 4,605,794 -965,624 6,699 109,125 1,081,447 ------ 37,177,177 31,720,699 5,456,477 -- Species group All species groups All table cells without observations in the inventory sample are indicated by --. Table value of 0 indicates the volume rounds to less than 1 thousand cubic feet. Columns and rows may not add to their totals due to rounding. Unidentified owner Table 4a. -- Net volume of all live trees on forest land by species group, species, and owner category, Colorado, cycle 2, 2002-2008 (In thousand cubic feet) Owner category Species group/ species All owners Public Private Unidentified owner Softwoods Douglas-fir Douglas-fir 3,349,875 2,630,937 718,938 -- All species Ponderosa and Jeffrey pines 3,349,875 2,630,937 718,938 -- Ponderosa pine 2,620,857 1,446,587 1,174,270 -- 2,620,857 1,446,587 1,174,270 -- 738,659 148,751 3,338,466 607,449 141,976 3,105,612 131,210 6,775 232,854 ---- 4,225,876 3,855,037 370,839 -- 11,030,877 293,798 10,558,722 184,796 472,154 109,001 --- 11,324,674 10,743,519 581,156 -- Lodgepole pine 5,082,359 4,705,637 376,722 -- All species Western woodland softwoods 5,082,359 4,705,637 376,722 -- 2,344,611 338,387 310,075 1,408,532 1,925,909 221,607 127,071 1,024,284 418,702 116,780 183,004 384,248 ----- 4,401,605 3,298,871 1,102,734 -- 165,318 305,667 13,705 153,123 270,526 10,669 12,195 35,142 3,036 ---- 484,690 31,489,936 434,317 27,114,906 50,373 4,375,030 --- 852 852 852 852 --- --- 4,951 38,515 5,272,521 18,525 148,971 5,483,484 -15,969 4,445,960 4,084 51,847 4,517,860 4,951 22,546 826,561 14,441 97,125 965,624 ------- 10,700 10,700 4,001 4,001 All species True fir White fir Corkbark fir Subalpine fir All species Engelmann and other spruces Engelmann spruce Blue spruce All species Lodgepole pine Utah juniper Rocky Mountain juniper Oneseed juniper Common or two-needle pinyon All species Other western softwoods Rocky Mountain bristlecone pine Limber pine Southwestern white pine All species Total softwoods Hardwoods Other eastern hard hardwoods Honeylocust All species Cottonwood and aspen Eastern cottonwood Plains cottonwood Quaking aspen Fremont cottonwood Narrowleaf cottonwood All species Other western hardwoods Boxelder All species 6,699 -6,699 -(Table 4 continued on next page) (Table 4a continued) Owner category Species group/ species All owners Public Private Unidentified owner Hardwoods Western woodland hardwoods Curlleaf mountain-mahogany 7,442 7,442 --Gambel oak 184,763 75,638 109,125 -83,080 109,125 -192,205 All species Total hardwoods 5,687,241 4,605,794 1,081,447 -All species groups 37,177,177 31,720,699 5,456,477 -4 continued on rounds next page) All table cells without observations in the inventory sample are indicated by --. Table value of 0(Table indicates the volume to less than 1 thousand cubic feet. Columns and rows may not add to their totals due to rounding. Table 5. -- Net volume of all live trees and salvable dead trees on timberland by class of timber and softwood/hardwood species category, Colorado, cycle 2, 2002-2008 (In thousand cubic feet) All species Softwood species Hardwood species 16,683,714 14,926,143 1,757,571 2,458,603 19,142,317 1,863,069 16,789,212 595,534 2,353,105 5,903,575 25,045,892 3,547,815 20,337,027 2,355,760 4,708,865 Sawtimber size 267,672 172,533 95,139 Poletimber size 203,952 62,805 141,148 471,624 235,337 236,287 Sawtimber size 56,021 30,393 25,628 Poletimber size Total All live cull trees All live trees 16,601 72,622 544,246 25,590,137 1,844 32,236 267,574 20,604,601 14,758 40,385 276,672 4,985,537 Salvable dead trees Sawtimber size 2,669,135 2,436,029 233,106 965,455 3,634,590 513,728 2,949,757 451,727 684,833 29,224,728 23,554,357 5,670,370 Class of timber Live trees Growing-stock trees Sawtimber Saw log portion Upper stem portion Total Poletimber All growing-stock trees Cull trees Rough trees1 Total Rotten trees1 Poletimber size All salvable dead trees All classes All table cells without observations in the inventory sample are indicated by --. Table value of 0 indicates the volume rounds to less than 1 thousand cubic feet. Columns and rows may not add to their totals due to rounding. 1 Includes noncommercial species. Table 6. -- Net volume of growing stock on timberland by forest type group and softwood/hardwood species category, Colorado, cycle 2, 2002-2008 (In thousand cubic feet) Forest type group Softwood type groups Douglas-fir group Ponderosa pine group Fir / spruce / mountain hemlock group Lodgepole pine group Other western softwoods group All softwood types Hardwood type groups Elm / ash / cottonwood group Aspen / birch group All hardwood types Nonstocked All forest types All species Softwood species Hardwood species 2,639,778 2,287,394 10,553,281 3,666,410 171,205 19,318,068 2,525,035 2,266,731 10,115,386 3,580,873 166,124 18,654,149 114,743 20,663 437,896 85,536 5,081 663,918 205,303 5,500,284 5,705,587 47,269 1,614,272 1,661,541 158,034 3,886,012 4,044,046 22,237 25,045,892 21,337 20,337,027 900 4,708,865 All table cells without observations in the inventory sample are indicated by --. Table value of 0 indicates the volume rounds to less than 1 thousand cubic feet. Columns and rows may not add to their totals due to rounding. Table 6a. -- Net volume of growing stock on timberland by forest type group, forest type, and softwood/hardwood species category, Colorado, cycle 2, 2002-2008 (In thousand cubic feet) Forest type group/ forest type Softwood type groups Douglas-fir group Douglas-fir All forest types Ponderosa pine group Ponderosa pine All forest types Fir / spruce / mountain hemlock group White fir Engelmann spruce Engelman spruce / subalpine fir Subalpine fir Blue spruce All forest types Lodgepole pine group Lodgepole pine All forest types Other western softwoods group Southwest white pine Foxtail pine / bristlecone pine Limber pine All forest types All softwood groups Hardwood type groups Elm / ash / cottonwood group Cottonwood Sugarberry / hackberry / elm / green ash All forest types Aspen / birch group Aspen All forest types All hardwood groups All species Softwood species Hardwood species 2,639,778 2,639,778 2,525,035 2,525,035 114,743 114,743 2,287,394 2,287,394 2,266,731 2,266,731 20,663 20,663 515,682 6,618,067 1,290,617 1,899,655 229,260 10,553,281 467,810 6,522,121 1,128,980 1,790,231 206,243 10,115,386 47,872 95,946 161,637 109,424 23,017 437,896 3,666,410 3,666,410 3,580,873 3,580,873 85,536 85,536 11,172 79,816 80,216 171,205 19,318,068 11,172 76,136 78,816 166,124 18,654,149 -3,680 1,401 5,081 663,918 204,783 520 205,303 47,269 -47,269 157,514 520 158,034 5,500,284 1,614,272 3,886,012 5,500,284 1,614,272 3,886,012 5,705,587 1,661,541 4,044,046 Nonstocked 22,237 21,337 900 All forest groups 25,045,892 20,337,027 4,708,865 (Table 6 continued on next page) All table cells without observations in the inventory sample are indicated by --. Table value of 0 indicates the volume rounds to less than 1 thousand cubic feet. Columns and rows may not add to their totals due to rounding. Table 7. -- Net volume of growing stock on timberland by species group and diameter class, Colorado, cycle 2, 2002-2008 (In thousand cubic feet) Diameter class (inches at breast height) 11.0-12.9 13.0-14.9 15.0-16.9 All classes 5.0-6.9 7.0-8.9 9.0-10.9 2,767,252 2,379,413 3,292,776 7,617,358 3,978,083 302,145 115,039 61,120 248,545 296,275 502,298 20,869 252,851 138,272 421,347 592,027 857,807 41,365 332,524 247,021 499,233 836,218 989,541 56,472 375,568 329,119 527,235 974,050 702,475 40,502 319,719 328,077 441,882 1,037,179 443,257 45,839 Total softwoods 20,337,027 1,244,146 2,303,669 2,961,009 2,948,948 Hardwoods Cottonwood and aspen Other western hardwoods 4,706,387 2,478 375,132 127 840,603 -- 1,139,899 -- 1,033,603 520 Species group Softwoods Douglas-fir Ponderosa and Jeffrey pines True fir Engelmann and other spruces Lodgepole pine Other western softwoods Total hardwoods 4,708,865 375,258 840,603 1,139,899 1,034,123 All species 25,045,892 1,619,404 3,144,272 4,100,908 3,983,071 All table cells without observations in the inventory sample are indicated by --. Table value of 0 indicates the volume rounds to less than 1 thousand cubic feet. Columns and rows may not add to their totals due to rounding. 17.0-18.9 19.0-20.9 21.0-28.9 29.0+ 363,045 331,074 340,459 993,486 261,823 31,521 282,752 236,512 247,313 863,226 156,705 28,421 220,259 202,715 226,721 639,618 45,601 19,710 358,202 411,317 268,052 1,189,942 18,576 17,446 147,293 94,186 71,990 195,338 --- 2,615,952 2,321,408 1,814,931 1,354,623 2,263,535 508,806 676,311 919 315,625 913 138,456 -- 74,198 -- 82,921 -- 29,640 -- 677,230 316,537 138,456 74,198 82,921 29,640 3,293,182 2,637,945 1,953,386 1,428,822 2,346,456 538,446 Table 7a. -- Net volume of growing stock on timberland by species group, species, and diameter class, Colorado, cycle 2, 2002-2008 (In thousand cubic feet) Species group/ species Diameter class (inches at breast height) 11.0-12.9 13.0-14.9 15.0-16.9 17.0-18.9 All classes 5.0-6.9 7.0-8.9 2,767,252 115,039 252,851 332,524 375,568 319,719 363,045 282,752 220,259 358,202 147,293 2,767,252 115,039 252,851 332,524 375,568 319,719 363,045 282,752 220,259 358,202 147,293 2,379,413 61,120 138,272 247,021 329,119 328,077 331,074 236,512 202,715 411,317 94,186 2,379,413 61,120 138,272 247,021 329,119 328,077 331,074 236,512 202,715 411,317 94,186 White fir 677,132 17,875 39,270 60,946 81,071 61,375 78,305 79,580 66,712 134,764 57,234 Corkbark fir 129,333 13,268 22,089 24,069 16,230 16,534 10,620 10,953 2,786 12,784 -- 2,486,311 217,402 359,988 414,217 429,934 363,974 251,533 156,781 157,223 120,504 14,756 3,292,776 248,545 421,347 499,233 527,235 441,882 340,459 247,313 226,721 268,052 71,990 7,350,469 287,377 572,521 810,112 940,948 1,014,285 944,766 839,923 612,141 1,141,646 186,751 266,889 8,897 19,505 26,106 33,102 22,894 48,720 23,303 27,477 48,295 8,587 7,617,358 296,275 592,027 836,218 974,050 1,037,179 993,486 863,226 639,618 1,189,942 195,338 3,978,083 502,298 857,807 989,541 702,475 443,257 261,823 156,705 45,601 18,576 -- 3,978,083 502,298 857,807 989,541 702,475 443,257 261,823 156,705 45,601 18,576 -- 9.0-10.9 19.0-20.9 21.0-28.9 29.0+ Softwoods Douglas-fir Douglas-fir All species Ponderosa and Jeffrey pines Ponderosa pine All species True fir Subalpine fir All species Engelmann and other spruces Engelmann spruce Blue spruce All species Lodgepole pine Lodgepole pine All species Other western softwoods Rocky Mountain bristlecone pine 100,928 7,573 14,596 24,769 17,085 18,855 8,770 2,962 6,318 -- -- Limber pine 187,513 12,365 26,769 29,782 23,417 23,614 20,699 22,424 10,997 17,446 -- 13,705 931 -- 1,921 -- 3,370 2,052 3,036 2,395 -- -- 302,145 20,869 41,365 56,472 40,502 45,839 31,521 28,421 19,710 17,446 -- 20,337,027 1,244,146 2,303,669 2,961,009 2,948,948 2,615,952 2,321,408 1,814,931 1,354,623 2,263,535 508,806 4,951 37,768 4,546,248 18,236 99,184 4,706,387 -936 372,242 117 1,837 375,132 -2,375 834,625 238 3,365 840,603 -4,614 1,127,430 -7,854 1,139,899 -10,252 1,014,272 -9,079 1,033,603 1,221 4,658 658,249 1,338 10,846 676,311 1,609 -295,790 3,659 14,567 315,625 2,121 1,490 132,956 -1,887 138,456 --63,592 -10,606 74,198 -7,116 47,091 12,885 15,829 82,921 -6,325 --23,315 29,640 2,478 2,478 4,708,865 127 127 375,258 --840,603 --- 520 520 1,034,123 919 919 677,230 913 913 316,537 --138,456 --74,198 --82,921 --29,640 25,045,892 1,619,404 3,144,272 3,983,071 3,293,182 2,637,945 1,953,386 Southwestern white pine All species Total softwoods Hardwoods Cottonwood and aspen Eastern cottonwood Plains cottonwood Quaking aspen Fremont cottonwood Narrowleaf cottonwood All species Other western hardwoods Boxelder All species Total hardwoods All species groups 1,139,899 4,100,908 All table cells without observations in the inventory sample are indicated by --. Table value of 0 indicates the volume rounds to less than 1 thousand cubic feet. Columns and rows may not add to their totals due to rounding. 1,428,822 2,346,456 538,446 (Table 7 continued on next page) Table 8. -- Net volume of sawtimber on timberland by species group and diameter class, Colorado, cycle 2, 2002-2008 (In thousand board feet) 1 Diameter class (inches at breast height) 13.0-14.9 15.0-16.9 17.0-18.9 All classes 9.0-10.9 11.0-12.9 Softwoods Douglas-fir Ponderosa and Jeffrey pines True fir Engelmann and other spruces Lodgepole pine Other western softwoods Total softwoods 11,543,769 10,163,605 12,749,642 35,058,267 11,209,320 905,803 81,630,406 1,192,368 757,273 1,985,698 3,399,486 3,640,500 149,669 11,124,995 1,651,553 1,322,910 2,441,399 4,619,871 3,029,828 138,624 13,204,184 1,523,758 1,483,855 2,190,698 5,326,614 2,102,350 179,519 12,806,795 1,820,516 1,617,124 1,741,279 5,296,661 1,291,601 134,836 11,902,018 Hardwoods Cottonwood and aspen Other western hardwoods Total hardwoods All species 10,939,569 6,992 10,946,561 92,576,967 ---11,124,995 4,598,759 1,100 4,599,859 17,804,043 3,220,731 2,132 3,222,862 16,029,658 1,533,960 3,761 1,537,721 13,439,739 Species group All table cells without observations in the inventory sample are indicated by --. Table value of 0 indicates the volume rounds to less than 1 thousand board feet. Columns and rows may not add to their totals due to rounding. 1 International 1/4-inch rule. 19.0-20.9 21.0-28.9 29.0+ 1,443,755 1,194,573 1,294,469 4,712,746 815,233 132,329 9,593,105 1,145,772 1,063,254 1,208,078 3,584,052 229,874 92,802 7,323,832 1,959,260 2,212,244 1,493,040 6,945,771 99,933 78,022 12,788,270 806,787 512,372 394,980 1,173,067 --2,887,206 708,900 -708,900 10,302,005 378,021 -378,021 7,701,854 393,575 -393,575 13,181,846 105,622 -105,622 2,992,828 Table 8a. -- Net volume of sawtimber on timberland by species group, species, and diameter class, Colorado, cycle 2, 2002-2008 1 (In thousand board feet) Species group/ species All classes 9.0-10.9 11.0-12.9 Diameter class (inches at breast height) 13.0-14.9 15.0-16.9 17.0-18.9 19.0-20.9 21.0-28.9 29.0+ Softwoods Douglas-fir Douglas-fir 11,543,769 1,192,368 1,651,553 1,523,758 1,820,516 1,443,755 1,145,772 1,959,260 806,787 11,543,769 1,192,368 1,651,553 1,523,758 1,820,516 1,443,755 1,145,772 1,959,260 806,787 10,163,605 757,273 1,322,910 1,483,855 1,617,124 1,194,573 1,063,254 2,212,244 512,372 10,163,605 757,273 1,322,910 1,483,855 1,617,124 1,194,573 1,063,254 2,212,244 512,372 3,076,434 205,765 349,006 284,201 391,152 411,807 354,371 756,142 323,990 464,801 97,613 73,621 86,630 56,582 59,848 14,612 75,895 -- 9,208,406 1,682,320 2,018,772 1,819,867 1,293,545 822,814 839,095 661,003 70,990 12,749,642 1,985,698 2,441,399 2,190,698 1,741,279 1,294,469 1,208,078 1,493,040 394,980 33,851,201 3,298,687 4,467,649 5,212,593 5,056,100 4,591,488 3,432,133 6,672,690 1,119,860 1,207,066 100,799 152,221 114,020 240,561 121,258 151,919 273,081 53,206 35,058,267 3,399,486 4,619,871 5,326,614 5,296,661 4,712,746 3,584,052 6,945,771 1,173,067 11,209,320 3,640,500 3,029,828 2,102,350 1,291,601 815,233 229,874 99,933 -- 11,209,320 3,640,500 3,029,828 2,102,350 1,291,601 815,233 229,874 99,933 -- Rocky Mountain bristlecone pine 288,967 72,766 58,892 76,174 36,283 13,787 31,065 -- -- Limber pine 556,599 69,257 79,733 86,489 89,360 102,879 50,858 78,022 -- 60,237 7,646 -- 16,856 9,193 15,663 10,879 -- -- 905,803 149,669 138,624 179,519 134,836 132,329 92,802 78,022 -- 81,630,406 11,124,995 13,204,184 12,806,795 11,902,018 9,593,105 7,323,832 12,788,270 2,887,206 19,536 131,888 10,368,966 70,964 348,216 10,939,569 ------- -50,314 4,508,816 -39,629 4,598,759 4,847 21,832 3,138,553 4,187 51,311 3,220,731 5,995 -1,447,030 13,658 67,278 1,533,960 8,694 6,564 686,859 -6,783 708,900 --339,738 -38,283 378,021 -29,414 247,970 53,119 63,073 393,575 -23,764 --81,858 105,622 6,992 6,992 10,946,561 --- 1,100 1,100 4,599,859 2,132 2,132 3,222,862 3,761 3,761 1,537,721 --708,900 --378,021 --393,575 --105,622 17,804,043 16,029,658 13,439,739 10,302,005 All species Ponderosa and Jeffrey pines Ponderosa pine All species True fir White fir Corkbark fir Subalpine fir All species Engelmann and other spruces Engelmann spruce Blue spruce All species Lodgepole pine Lodgepole pine All species Other western softwoods Southwestern white pine All species Total softwoods Hardwoods Cottonwood and aspen Eastern cottonwood Plains cottonwood Quaking aspen Fremont cottonwood Narrowleaf cottonwood All species Other western hardwoods Boxelder All species Total hardwoods All species groups 92,576,967 -11,124,995 All table cells without observations in the inventory sample are indicated by --. Table value of 0 indicates the volume rounds to less than 1 thousand board feet. Columns and rows may not add to their totals due to rounding. 1 International 1/4-inch rule. 7,701,854 13,181,846 2,992,828 (Table 8 continued on next page) Table 9. -- All live aboveground tree biomass on timberland by owner category, softwood/hardwood species category, and tree biomass component, Colorado, cycle 2, 2002-2008 (In thousand dry tons) Tree biomass component Owner category and softwood/hardwood category Public Softwoods Hardwoods Total Private Softwoods Growing-stock trees All components All live 1-5 inch trees Total 306,778 21,767 73,582 380,361 3,907 25,674 Non-growing-stock trees Boles Stumps, tops, and limbs Total Boles Stumps, tops, and limbs 279,961 219,022 60,939 5,050 3,585 1,466 64,730 344,691 55,149 274,171 9,580 70,520 4,946 9,997 4,023 7,608 923 2,389 60,608 3,336 55,989 42,051 13,939 1,283 853 430 Hardwoods 16,864 13,904 Total 77,472 1,277 4,613 69,893 11,732 53,783 2,172 16,110 1,683 2,966 1,404 2,256 279 709 367,387 90,446 457,833 25,103 5,184 30,287 335,950 78,633 414,584 261,072 66,881 327,953 74,878 11,752 86,630 6,333 6,629 12,962 4,437 5,427 9,864 1,896 1,203 3,098 All ownerships Softwoods Hardwoods Total All table cells without observations in the inventory sample are indicated by --. Table value of 0 indicates the aboveground tree biomass rounds to less than 1 thousand dry ton. Columns and rows may not add to their totals due to rounding. Table 10. -- Average annual net growth of growing stock on timberland by species group and owner category, Colorado, cycle 2, 2002-2008 (In thousand cubic feet per year) Owner category All owners Public Douglas-fir 18,650 Ponderosa and Jeffrey pines 14,773 Species group Private Unidentified owner 12,473 6,177 -- 1,558 13,215 -- -21,589 -22,551 962 -- 65,417 56,306 9,111 -- -33,049 -34,599 1,550 -- Softwoods True fir Engelmann and other spruces Lodgepole pine Other western softwoods Total softwoods Hardwoods Cottonwood and aspen Other western hardwoods Total hardwoods 3,492 2,742 750 -- 47,693 15,928 31,765 -- 51,036 45,145 5,891 -- 31 28 3 -- 51,068 45,173 5,894 -All species groups 98,761 61,102 37,659 -All table cells without observations in the inventory sample are indicated (Table by --. Table value of on 0 indicates 10 continued next page) the volume rounds to less than 1 thousand cubic feet. Columns and rows may not add to their totals due to rounding. Table 12. -- Average annual mortality of growing stock on timberland by species group and owner category, Colorado, cycle 2, 2002-2008 (In thousand cubic feet per year) Owner category Species group All owners Public Private Softwoods Douglas-fir Ponderosa and Jeffrey pines True fir Engelmann and other spruces Lodgepole pine Other western softwoods Total softwoods 29,919 24,044 97,336 53,772 108,568 1,314 314,953 23,605 18,742 88,228 52,422 102,595 1,237 286,830 6,314 5,303 9,108 1,350 5,973 76 28,124 -------- 48,008 48,008 36,232 36,232 11,776 11,776 --- 362,961 323,062 39,899 -- Hardwoods Cottonwood and aspen Total hardwoods All species groups All table cells without observations in the inventory sample are indicated by --. Table value of 0 indicates that the volume rounds to less than 1 thousand cubic feet. Columns and rows may not add to their totals due to rounding. Unidentified owner