FIA Annual Data Tables for Arizona Data Years 2001 – 2008 Based on 10% Forest Cover Definition Table 1. -- Area of forest land by forest type group and owner category, Arizona, cycle 3, 2001-2008 (In thousand acres) Owner category Forest type group All owners Public Private Unidentified owner Softwood type groups Pinyon / juniper group Douglas-fir group Ponderosa pine group Fir / spruce / mountain hemlock group Other western softwoods group All softwood types 10,394.1 297.4 2,863.1 228.9 78.9 13,862.5 5,419.5 210.5 2,134.9 155.3 71.5 7,991.7 4,974.6 86.9 728.1 73.7 7.5 5,870.8 ------- 59.6 119.0 1,852.5 1,251.7 3,282.8 40.7 77.0 1,256.7 916.4 2,290.8 18.9 42.0 595.8 335.3 992.1 ------ Hardwood type groups Elm / ash / cottonwood group Aspen / birch group Western oak group Other western hardwoods group All hardwood types Nonstocked All forest types 1,530.4 960.6 569.8 -- 18,675.7 11,243.1 7,432.6 -- All table cells without observations in the inventory sample are indicated by --. Table value of 0.0 indicates the acres round to less than 0.1 thousand acres. Columns and rows may not add to their totals due to rounding. Table 1a. -- Area of forest land by forest type group, forest type, and owner category, Arizona, cycle 3, 2001-2008 (In thousand acres) Owner category Forest type group/ forest type All owners Public Private Unidentified owner 67.0 3,240.9 7,086.2 22.2 1,730.4 3,666.8 44.8 1,510.4 3,419.3 ---- 10,394.1 5,419.5 4,974.6 -- 297.4 210.5 86.9 -- 297.4 210.5 86.9 -- 2,863.1 2,134.9 728.1 -- 2,863.1 2,134.9 728.1 -- 92.3 71.2 24.3 41.2 84.8 40.9 7.3 22.3 7.6 30.3 16.9 18.9 ----- All forest types Other western softwoods group 228.9 155.3 73.7 -- Southwest white pine Limber pine Misc. western softwoods 14.8 7.3 56.8 7.3 7.3 56.8 7.5 --- ---- 78.9 13,862.5 71.5 7,991.7 7.5 5,870.8 --- 52.2 7.3 59.6 33.3 7.3 40.7 18.9 -18.9 ---- 119.0 119.0 77.0 77.0 42.0 42.0 --- 410.5 1,442.0 1,852.5 192.6 1,064.1 1,256.7 217.9 377.9 595.8 ---- 1,206.0 11.2 34.5 1,251.7 3,282.8 1,530.4 18,675.7 901.3 -15.1 916.4 2,290.8 960.6 11,243.1 Softwood type groups Pinyon / juniper group Rocky Mountain juniper Juniper woodland Pinyon / juniper woodland All forest types Douglas-fir group Douglas-fir All forest types Ponderosa pine group Ponderosa pine All forest types Fir / spruce / mountain hemlock group White fir Engelmann spruce Engelman spruce / subalpine fir Blue spruce All forest types All softwood groups Hardwood type groups Elm / ash / cottonwood group Cottonwood Sugarberry / hackberry / elm / green ash All forest types Aspen / birch group Aspen All forest types Western oak group Deciduous oak woodland Evergreen oak woodland All forest types Other western hardwoods group Mesquite woodland Intermountain maple woodland Misc. western hardwoods woodland All forest types All hardwood groups Nonstocked All forest groups All table cells without observations in the inventory sample are indicated by --. Table value of 0.0 indicates the acres round to less than 0.1 thousand acres. Columns and rows may not add to their totals due to rounding. 304.7 -11.2 -19.4 -335.3 -992.1 -569.8 -7,432.6 -(Table 1 continued on next page) Table 2. -- Area of timberland by major forest type group, stand origin, and owner category, Arizona, cycle 3, 2001-2008 (In thousand acres) Owner category Major forest type group and stand origin Softwood type groups Natural Planted All softwood types Hardwood type groups Natural All hardwood types Nonstocked All groups All owners Public Private Unidentified owner 3,147.9 7.3 3,155.2 2,266.8 7.3 2,274.1 881.1 -881.1 ---- 114.8 114.8 53.9 53.9 60.9 60.9 --- 115.1 98.2 16.9 -- 3,385.1 2,426.2 958.9 -- All table cells without observations in the inventory sample are indicated by --. Table value of 0.0 indicates the acres round to less than 0.1 thousand acres. Columns and rows may not add to their totals due to rounding. Table 3. -- Area of timberland by forest type group and stand-size class, Arizona, cycle 3, 2001-2008 (In thousand acres) Stand-size class Stand-size class Forest Foresttype typegroup group All All stands stands Sawtimber Sawtimber Poletimber Poletimber SaplingSaplingseedling seedling Softwood type groups Douglas-fir group Ponderosa pine group Fir / spruce / mountain hemlock group Other western softwoods group 247.1 2,697.8 195.6 14.7 238.3 2,517.3 193.7 14.7 8.8 77.0 1.9 -- -103.5 --- ----- 3,155.2 2,964.0 87.7 103.5 -- 32.9 21.7 7.5 3.7 -- 81.9 66.2 7.6 8.1 -- 114.8 115.1 3,385.1 87.9 -3,051.9 15.0 -102.7 11.9 -115.4 -115.1 115.1 All softwood types Hardwood type groups Elm / ash / cottonwood group Aspen / birch group All hardwood types Nonstocked NonNonstocked stocked All forest types All table cells without observations in the inventory sample are indicated by --. Table value of 0.0 indicates the acres round to less than 0.1 thousand acres. Columns and rows may not add to their totals due to rounding. Table 3a. -- Area of timberland by forest type group, forest type, and stand-size class, Arizona, cycle 3, 2001-2008 (In thousand acres) Stand-size class Forest type group/ forest type Softwood type groups Douglas-fir group Douglas-fir All forest types Ponderosa pine group Ponderosa pine All forest types Fir / spruce / mountain hemlock group White fir Engelmann spruce Engelman spruce / subalpine fir Blue spruce All forest types Other western softwoods group Southwest white pine Limber pine All forest types All softwood groups Hardwood type groups Elm / ash / cottonwood group Cottonwood All forest types Aspen / birch group Aspen All forest types All hardwood groups Nonstocked All forest groups All stands Sawtimber Poletimber Saplingseedling NonNonstocked stocked 247.1 247.1 238.3 238.3 8.8 8.8 --- --- 2,697.8 2,697.8 2,517.3 2,517.3 77.0 77.0 103.5 103.5 --- 70.2 59.9 24.3 41.2 195.6 70.2 58.0 24.3 41.2 193.7 -1.9 --1.9 ------ ------ 7.3 7.3 14.7 3,155.2 7.3 7.3 14.7 2,964.0 ---87.7 ---103.5 ----- 32.9 32.9 21.7 21.7 7.5 7.5 3.7 3.7 --- 81.9 81.9 114.8 66.2 66.2 87.9 7.6 7.6 15.0 8.1 8.1 11.9 ---- 115.1 -- -- -- 115.1 3,385.1 3,051.9 102.7 115.4 115.1 All table cells without observations in the inventory sample are indicated by --. Table value of 0.0 indicates the acres round to less than 0.1 thousand acres. Columns and rows may not add to their totals due to rounding. (Table 3 continued on next page) Table 4. -- Net volume of all live trees on forest land by species group and owner category, Arizona, cycle 3, 2001-2008 (In thousand cubic feet) Owner category All owners Public Private Softwoods Douglas-fir Ponderosa and Jeffrey pines True fir Engelmann and other spruces Western woodland softwoods Other western softwoods Total softwoods 752,570 5,239,606 371,809 393,107 6,037,051 166,298 12,960,441 552,077 3,899,895 308,801 217,358 3,119,967 143,454 8,241,552 200,492 1,339,712 63,008 175,749 2,917,084 22,845 4,718,890 -------- Hardwoods Other eastern soft hardwoods Cottonwood and aspen Other western hardwoods Western woodland hardwoods Total hardwoods -414,275 29,889 1,527,609 1,971,773 -196,176 14,010 1,108,536 1,318,722 -218,099 15,878 419,073 653,051 ------ 14,932,214 9,560,274 5,371,940 -- Species group All species groups All table cells without observations in the inventory sample are indicated by --. Table value of 0 indicates the volume rounds to less than 1 thousand cubic feet. Columns and rows may not add to their totals due to rounding. Unidentified owner Table 4a. -- Net volume of all live trees on forest land by species group, species, and owner category, Arizona, cycle 3, 2001-2008 (In thousand cubic feet) Owner category Species group/ species All owners Public Private Unidentified owner 752,570 552,077 200,492 -- 752,570 552,077 200,492 -- Ponderosa pine Arizona pine 5,232,756 6,850 3,893,045 6,850 1,339,712 -- --- All species 5,239,606 3,899,895 1,339,712 -- 328,728 31,434 11,647 279,668 17,485 11,647 49,060 13,948 -- ---- 371,809 308,801 63,008 -- 308,019 85,088 168,001 49,357 140,017 35,732 --- 393,107 217,358 175,749 -- 94,395 5,783 768,877 2,229,076 87,528 940,794 1,568,535 101,249 57,526 37,344 145,944 74,753 5,783 464,504 1,158,602 47,812 392,005 673,006 85,872 54,130 36,579 126,920 19,642 -304,373 1,070,474 39,717 548,789 895,529 15,377 3,396 765 19,025 ------------ 6,037,051 3,119,967 2,917,084 -- 30,552 13,863 18,165 97,514 6,203 30,552 13,863 18,165 76,865 4,008 ---20,649 2,196 ------ 166,298 12,960,441 143,454 8,241,552 22,845 4,718,890 --- 372,971 26,063 15,241 414,275 177,344 3,591 15,241 196,176 Softwoods Douglas-fir Douglas-fir All species Ponderosa and Jeffrey pines True fir White fir Corkbark fir Subalpine fir All species Engelmann and other spruces Engelmann spruce Blue spruce All species Western woodland softwoods Redberry juniper California juniper Alligator juniper Utah juniper Rocky Mountain juniper Oneseed juniper Common or two-needle pinyon Singleleaf pinyon Border pinyon Mexican pinyon pine Arizona pinyon pine All species Other western softwoods Arizona cypress Apache pine Limber pine Southwestern white pine Chihuahua pine All species Total softwoods Hardwoods Cottonwood and aspen Quaking aspen Fremont cottonwood Narrowleaf cottonwood All species 195,627 -22,472 ---218,099 -(Table 4 continued on next page) (Table 4a continued) Owner category Species group/ species All owners Public Private 6,033 3,305 200 1,785 2,687 14,010 5,684 -888 3,297 6,008 15,878 Unidentified owner Hardwoods Other western hardwoods Arizona alder Arizona madrone Velvet ash Arizona walnut Arizona sycamore All species Western woodland hardwoods 11,717 3,305 1,089 5,082 8,696 29,889 ------- Bigtooth maple 4,967 2,499 2,468 -Western honey mesquite 37,777 36,990 787 -Velvet mesquite 214,884 171,425 43,458 -Arizona white oak 495,681 331,907 163,774 -Emory oak 199,341 133,942 65,399 -Gambel oak 461,032 326,533 134,499 -Mexican blue oak 28,544 24,670 3,874 -Silverleaf oak 70,839 66,554 4,285 -Gray oak 3,525 3,444 81 -Netleaf oak 11,021 10,573 447 -1,108,536 419,073 -1,527,609 All species Total hardwoods 1,971,773 1,318,722 653,051 -All species groups 14,932,214 9,560,274 5,371,940 -4 continued on rounds next page) All table cells without observations in the inventory sample are indicated by --. Table value of 0(Table indicates the volume to less than 1 thousand cubic feet. Columns and rows may not add to their totals due to rounding. Table 5. -- Net volume of all live trees and salvable dead trees on timberland by class of timber and softwood/hardwood species category, Arizona, cycle 3, 2001-2008 (In thousand cubic feet) All species Softwood species Hardwood species 5,412,507 5,182,931 229,575 190,989 5,603,496 160,560 5,343,492 30,429 260,004 659,191 6,262,686 566,399 5,909,891 92,791 352,795 Sawtimber size 351,299 170,882 180,417 Poletimber size 180,242 33,967 146,275 531,541 204,849 326,692 Sawtimber size 13,311 4,568 8,743 Poletimber size Total 481 13,792 545,332 6,808,019 -4,568 209,416 6,119,307 481 9,224 335,916 688,711 Class of timber Live trees Growing-stock trees Sawtimber Saw log portion Upper stem portion Total Poletimber All growing-stock trees Cull trees Rough trees1 Total Rotten trees1 All live cull trees All live trees Salvable dead trees Sawtimber size Poletimber size All salvable dead trees All classes 615,781 541,382 74,399 132,345 748,125 66,770 608,152 65,574 139,973 7,556,144 6,727,459 828,685 All table cells without observations in the inventory sample are indicated by --. Table value of 0 indicates the volume rounds to less than 1 thousand cubic feet. Columns and rows may not add to their totals due to rounding. 1 Includes noncommercial species. Table 6. -- Net volume of growing stock on timberland by forest type group and softwood/hardwood species category, Arizona, cycle 3, 2001-2008 (In thousand cubic feet) Forest type group Softwood type groups Douglas-fir group Ponderosa pine group Fir / spruce / mountain hemlock group Other western softwoods group All softwood types Hardwood type groups Elm / ash / cottonwood group Aspen / birch group All hardwood types Nonstocked All forest types All species Softwood species Hardwood species 644,558 4,698,178 578,829 40,984 5,962,549 581,684 4,676,778 536,402 33,446 5,828,310 62,874 21,400 42,427 7,538 134,239 25,257 270,219 295,477 -76,920 76,920 25,257 193,299 218,556 4,661 6,262,686 4,661 5,909,891 -352,795 All table cells without observations in the inventory sample are indicated by --. Table value of 0 indicates the volume rounds to less than 1 thousand cubic feet. Columns and rows may not add to their totals due to rounding. Table 6a. -- Net volume of growing stock on timberland by forest type group, forest type, and softwood/hardwood species category, Arizona, cycle 3, 2001-2008 (In thousand cubic feet) Forest type group/ forest type Softwood type groups Douglas-fir group Douglas-fir All forest types Ponderosa pine group Ponderosa pine All forest types Fir / spruce / mountain hemlock group White fir Engelmann spruce Engelman spruce / subalpine fir Blue spruce All forest types Other western softwoods group Southwest white pine Limber pine All forest types All softwood groups Hardwood type groups Elm / ash / cottonwood group Cottonwood All forest types Aspen / birch group Aspen All forest types All hardwood groups All species Softwood species Hardwood species 644,558 644,558 581,684 581,684 62,874 62,874 4,698,178 4,698,178 4,676,778 4,676,778 21,400 21,400 216,593 186,479 84,184 91,573 578,829 208,819 176,354 65,253 85,976 536,402 7,774 10,125 18,931 5,597 42,427 31,204 9,780 40,984 5,962,549 24,571 8,875 33,446 5,828,310 6,633 905 7,538 134,239 25,257 25,257 --- 25,257 25,257 76,920 193,299 270,219 270,219 76,920 193,299 295,477 76,920 218,556 Nonstocked 4,661 4,661 -All forest groups 6,262,686 5,909,891 352,795 (Table 6 continued on next page) All table cells without observations in the inventory sample are indicated by --. Table value of 0 indicates the volume rounds to less than 1 thousand cubic feet. Columns and rows may not add to their totals due to rounding. Table 7. -- Net volume of growing stock on timberland by species group and diameter class, Arizona, cycle 3, 2001-2008 (In thousand cubic feet) Species group Softwoods Douglas-fir Ponderosa and Jeffrey pines True fir Engelmann and other spruces Other western softwoods Total softwoods Hardwoods Cottonwood and aspen Other western hardwoods Diameter class (inches at breast height) 11.0-12.9 13.0-14.9 15.0-16.9 All classes 5.0-6.9 7.0-8.9 9.0-10.9 633,401 4,556,094 297,179 322,171 101,046 22,660 125,417 9,957 8,724 2,632 39,564 304,345 23,266 20,798 9,036 61,953 449,642 30,247 37,032 8,703 71,050 522,741 34,913 42,023 12,068 65,552 520,615 28,416 38,133 7,046 5,909,891 169,389 397,010 587,578 682,795 349,580 3,215 11,087 -- 29,485 101 50,808 1,310 60,896 -- Total hardwoods 352,795 11,087 60,896 29,587 52,118 All species 6,262,686 180,476 426,596 639,695 743,691 All table cells without observations in the inventory sample are indicated by --. Table value of 0 indicates the volume rounds to less than 1 thousand cubic feet. Columns and rows may not add to their totals due to rounding. 17.0-18.9 19.0-20.9 21.0-28.9 29.0+ 66,075 444,254 28,973 38,615 13,338 76,624 421,474 24,936 30,890 6,803 42,508 375,598 34,272 35,867 1,921 128,705 1,119,746 69,663 63,477 30,219 58,709 272,263 12,536 6,613 9,280 659,761 591,255 560,726 490,165 1,411,811 359,401 78,403 -- 46,308 1,805 36,607 -- 17,175 -- 18,811 -- --- 78,403 48,112 36,607 17,175 18,811 -- 738,164 639,367 597,333 507,340 1,430,621 359,401 Table 7a. -- Net volume of growing stock on timberland by species group, species, and diameter class, Arizona, cycle 3, 2001-2008 (In thousand cubic feet) Species group/ species All classes 5.0-6.9 7.0-8.9 9.0-10.9 Diameter class (inches at breast height) 11.0-12.9 13.0-14.9 15.0-16.9 17.0-18.9 19.0-20.9 21.0-28.9 29.0+ Softwoods Douglas-fir Douglas-fir 633,401 22,660 39,564 61,953 71,050 65,552 66,075 76,624 42,508 128,705 58,709 633,401 22,660 39,564 61,953 71,050 65,552 66,075 76,624 42,508 128,705 58,709 Ponderosa pine 4,556,094 125,417 304,345 449,642 522,741 520,615 444,254 421,474 375,598 1,119,746 272,263 All species 4,556,094 125,417 304,345 449,642 522,741 520,615 444,254 421,474 375,598 1,119,746 272,263 All species Ponderosa and Jeffrey pines True fir White fir 255,599 6,921 16,713 23,391 25,267 23,901 21,473 24,936 30,797 69,663 12,536 Corkbark fir 30,065 2,555 4,814 5,412 5,049 3,506 5,253 -- 3,475 -- -- Subalpine fir 11,515 481 1,739 1,443 4,596 1,009 2,247 -- -- -- -- 297,179 9,957 23,266 30,247 34,913 28,416 28,973 24,936 34,272 69,663 12,536 243,501 6,159 15,219 27,267 32,322 30,251 24,705 24,819 28,485 47,660 6,613 78,670 2,564 5,578 9,765 9,701 7,881 13,910 6,071 7,382 15,817 -- 322,171 8,724 20,798 37,032 42,023 38,133 38,615 30,890 35,867 63,477 6,613 All species Engelmann and other spruces Engelmann spruce Blue spruce All species Other western softwoods Limber pine 15,515 495 1,529 1,922 4,888 597 4,013 -- -- 2,070 -- Southwestern white pine 85,531 2,137 7,507 6,781 7,180 6,449 9,325 6,803 1,921 28,149 9,280 All species Total softwoods 101,046 2,632 9,036 8,703 12,068 7,046 13,338 6,803 1,921 30,219 9,280 5,909,891 169,389 397,010 587,578 682,795 659,761 591,255 560,726 490,165 1,411,811 359,401 324,323 22,882 2,375 349,580 10,809 204 74 11,087 26,464 3,021 -29,485 46,599 4,210 -50,808 57,413 3,483 -60,896 77,148 1,255 -78,403 42,765 3,542 -46,308 34,644 1,963 -36,607 14,256 2,919 -17,175 14,225 2,284 2,302 18,811 ----- 3,114 101 3,215 352,795 ---11,087 -101 101 29,587 1,310 -1,310 ---60,896 ---- ---36,607 ---17,175 ---18,811 ---- 78,403 1,805 -1,805 48,112 6,262,686 180,476 426,596 743,691 738,164 639,367 597,333 Hardwoods Cottonwood and aspen Quaking aspen Fremont cottonwood Narrowleaf cottonwood All species Other western hardwoods Arizona alder Arizona walnut All species Total hardwoods All species groups 52,118 639,695 All table cells without observations in the inventory sample are indicated by --. Table value of 0 indicates the volume rounds to less than 1 thousand cubic feet. Columns and rows may not add to their totals due to rounding. -- 359,401 507,340 1,430,621 (Table 7 continued on next page) Table 8. -- Net volume of sawtimber on timberland by species group and diameter class, Arizona, cycle 3, 2001-2008 (In thousand board feet) 1 Diameter class (inches at breast height) 13.0-14.9 15.0-16.9 17.0-18.9 All classes 9.0-10.9 11.0-12.9 Softwoods Douglas-fir Ponderosa and Jeffrey pines True fir Engelmann and other spruces Other western softwoods Total softwoods 2,989,724 21,844,996 1,272,851 1,583,477 450,018 28,141,066 218,504 1,534,665 105,194 158,121 27,860 2,044,344 313,904 2,257,105 150,571 213,276 48,073 2,982,928 324,566 2,573,712 133,245 207,340 33,551 3,272,413 350,975 2,357,209 146,933 216,257 67,032 3,138,407 Hardwoods Cottonwood and aspen Other western hardwoods Total hardwoods All species 1,472,155 10,187 1,482,342 29,623,408 ---2,044,344 316,830 -316,830 3,299,758 454,486 -454,486 3,726,900 275,025 10,187 285,212 3,423,619 Species group All table cells without observations in the inventory sample are indicated by --. Table value of 0 indicates the volume rounds to less than 1 thousand board feet. Columns and rows may not add to their totals due to rounding. 1 International 1/4-inch rule. 19.0-20.9 21.0-28.9 29.0+ 422,383 2,358,866 123,022 175,791 35,699 3,115,760 244,778 2,172,244 178,996 205,649 10,890 2,812,556 742,821 6,881,299 369,121 368,218 175,352 8,536,810 371,795 1,709,896 65,770 38,825 51,561 2,237,847 216,847 -216,847 3,332,607 95,056 -95,056 2,907,612 113,911 -113,911 8,650,721 ---2,237,847 Table 8a. -- Net volume of sawtimber on timberland by species group, species, and diameter class, Arizona, cycle 3, 2001-2008 1 (In thousand board feet) Species group/ species All classes 9.0-10.9 11.0-12.9 Diameter class (inches at breast height) 13.0-14.9 15.0-16.9 17.0-18.9 19.0-20.9 21.0-28.9 29.0+ Softwoods Douglas-fir Douglas-fir 2,989,724 218,504 313,904 324,566 350,975 422,383 244,778 742,821 371,795 2,989,724 218,504 313,904 324,566 350,975 422,383 244,778 742,821 371,795 Ponderosa pine 21,844,996 1,534,665 2,257,105 2,573,712 2,357,209 2,358,866 2,172,244 6,881,299 1,709,896 All species 21,844,996 1,534,665 2,257,105 2,573,712 2,357,209 2,358,866 2,172,244 6,881,299 1,709,896 All species Ponderosa and Jeffrey pines True fir White fir 1,105,974 74,877 100,600 108,810 105,014 123,022 158,759 369,121 65,770 Corkbark fir 118,254 23,915 26,021 19,003 29,078 -- 20,236 -- -- Subalpine fir 48,624 6,401 23,949 5,432 12,842 -- -- -- -- 1,272,851 105,194 150,571 133,245 146,933 123,022 178,996 369,121 65,770 1,203,344 117,157 164,594 164,894 138,432 140,742 162,645 276,054 38,825 380,133 40,965 48,682 42,445 77,825 35,048 43,004 92,163 -- 1,583,477 158,121 213,276 207,340 216,257 175,791 205,649 368,218 38,825 58,046 5,824 18,549 2,887 19,998 -- -- 10,788 -- 391,972 22,036 29,524 30,665 47,035 35,699 10,890 164,564 51,561 All species Engelmann and other spruces Engelmann spruce Blue spruce All species Other western softwoods Limber pine Southwestern white pine All species Total softwoods 450,018 27,860 48,073 33,551 67,032 35,699 10,890 175,352 51,561 28,141,066 2,044,344 2,982,928 3,272,413 3,138,407 3,115,760 2,812,556 8,536,810 2,237,847 1,389,729 69,579 12,847 1,472,155 ----- 300,817 16,013 -316,830 448,282 6,204 -454,486 260,864 14,161 -275,025 207,027 9,820 -216,847 84,448 10,608 -95,056 88,292 12,772 12,847 113,911 ----- 10,187 10,187 1,482,342 --- --316,830 --454,486 10,187 10,187 285,212 --216,847 --95,056 --113,911 ---- 3,299,758 3,726,900 3,423,619 3,332,607 Hardwoods Cottonwood and aspen Quaking aspen Fremont cottonwood Narrowleaf cottonwood All species Other western hardwoods Arizona alder All species Total hardwoods All species groups 29,623,408 -2,044,344 All table cells without observations in the inventory sample are indicated by --. Table value of 0 indicates the volume rounds to less than 1 thousand board feet. Columns and rows may not add to their totals due to rounding. 1 International 1/4-inch rule. 2,907,612 8,650,721 2,237,847 (Table 8 continued on next page) Table 9. -- All live aboveground tree biomass on timberland by owner category, softwood/hardwood species category, and tree biomass component, Arizona, cycle 3, 2001-2008 (In thousand dry tons) Tree biomass component Owner category and softwood/hardwood category Public Softwoods Hardwoods Total Private Softwoods Hardwoods Total All ownerships Softwoods Hardwoods Total Growing-stock trees All components All live 1-5 inch trees Total 86,748 3,427 9,429 96,176 433 3,860 33,771 7,199 Non-growing-stock trees Boles Stumps, tops, and limbs Total Boles 80,851 59,990 20,861 2,470 1,812 657 2,458 83,309 2,110 62,100 347 21,209 6,538 9,007 4,837 6,650 1,701 2,358 1,384 31,017 23,351 7,666 1,370 944 426 3,485 40,970 478 1,862 34,502 3,029 26,381 456 8,122 3,236 4,606 2,429 3,373 806 1,233 120,519 16,627 137,146 4,811 911 5,722 111,868 5,943 117,811 83,341 5,140 88,481 28,527 803 29,330 3,840 9,773 13,613 2,756 7,266 10,023 1,084 2,507 3,591 All table cells without observations in the inventory sample are indicated by --. Table value of 0 indicates the aboveground tree biomass rounds to less than 1 thousand dry ton. Columns and rows may not add to their totals due to rounding. Stumps, tops, and limbs Table 10. -- Average annual net growth of growing stock on timberland by species group and owner category, Arizona, cycle 3, 2001-2008 (In thousand cubic feet per year) Owner category Species group All owners Public Private Unidentified owner Softwoods 1,814 -1,395 3,208 -- Ponderosa and Jeffrey pines 40,705 25,164 15,541 -- True fir -3,974 -5,813 1,839 -- Engelmann and other spruces -2,426 -296 -2,130 -- 1,865 1,162 703 -- 37,984 18,822 19,162 -- Cottonwood and aspen 1,840 -1,569 3,409 -- Other western hardwoods Total hardwoods 103 100 3 -- 1,943 -1,468 3,412 Douglas-fir Other western softwoods Total softwoods Hardwoods -All species groups 39,927 17,354 22,573 -All table cells without observations in the inventory sample are indicated by --. Table value of 0onindicates (Table 10 continued next page) the volume rounds to less than 1 thousand cubic feet. Columns and rows may not add to their totals due to rounding. Table 12. -- Average annual mortality of growing stock on timberland by species group and owner category, Arizona, cycle 3, 2001-2008 (In thousand cubic feet per year) Owner category Species group Softwoods Douglas-fir Ponderosa and Jeffrey pines True fir Engelmann and other spruces Other western softwoods Total softwoods Hardwoods Cottonwood and aspen Total hardwoods All species groups All owners Public Private 10,212 33,623 10,912 8,105 193 63,046 9,011 28,821 10,344 3,028 149 51,354 1,201 4,803 568 5,077 44 11,692 ------- 6,280 6,280 4,453 4,453 1,826 1,826 --- 69,325 55,807 13,518 -- All table cells without observations in the inventory sample are indicated by --. Table value of 0 indicates that the volume rounds to less than 1 thousand cubic feet. Columns and rows may not add to their totals due to rounding. Unidentified owner