Subject Mentor’s Handbook

The University of Warwick
Initial Teacher Training Programme (FE and Skills Sector)
Subject Mentor’s Handbook
Improving trainees’ teaching skills
Modelling good practice in teaching
Providing high-quality coaching and mentoring
Enhancing subject and curriculum knowledge
Subject Mentor’s Handbook July 2015-16
Welcome and Introduction
Thank you for taking on the role of subject specialist mentor for a trainee teacher on the University of
Warwick’s programme of Initial Teacher Training (ITT). Within the Warwick partnership, we aim to train
teachers who will set themselves high standards and continually aim to improve their skills and
understanding. We recognise that our trainees will all begin at different starting points so we aim to
work with individuals to develop the skills they have and raise awareness in them of their potential. We
have ambitious expectations of our trainees and with your help and support we are aiming to enable
trainees to become good or outstanding teachers.
Good luck with your mentoring – we hope you enjoy the experience too!
Ellen Buttler – Director for Initial Teacher Training (FE)
024 76151297
The information in this handbook is divided into four sections to help you find what you want quickly:
Quick checklist of the mentor’s role and useful forms
The mentor’s role
The teacher training programme of your mentee
What you need to do and what you need to know now
All the forms you need
p 15
Contact Details
Web support for mentors:
Your mentee:
The Programme Manager or Course Tutor at college of your mentee:
Subject Mentor’s Handbook July 2015-16
Quick checklist of the mentor’s tasks
Attend college meeting for mentors (as appropriate)
Read mentor handbook and visit the mentor website
Sign the mentor – mentee agreement form (Appendix 3)
One observation of the mentee each year (one hour) plus feedback report (Appendix
2). Observation reports and targets set to be shared with the tutor.
Regular meetings with mentee
Contribute to record of mentee meetings (Appendix 4)
Keeping in touch with course tutor
Complete the on-line initial mentor questionnaire - skills and experiences
Complete on line mentor evaluation
Engage in professional dialogue with the mentee at the end of programme,
completing the final evaluation to capture experiences (Appendix 5)
Useful Documents and Forms
All the forms you need can be found as appendices to this document they are:
Ofsted Descriptors & Professional Standards
Appendix 1a & b
Observation Pro-forma
Appendix 2
Mentoring Agreement
Appendix 3
Record of Mentoring
Appendix 4
End of Programme Evaluation – Professional
Appendix 5
Subject Mentor’s Handbook July 2015-16
Part 1.
About the role of a subject mentor
What’s the job of a subject mentor? He or she is a critical friend, a role model for a teacher, a subject
specific coach, someone who can facilitate, make links to useful other people and arrange for things to
happen because they know the ropes. S/he will also be able to give constructive and supportive critical
feedback to the trainee1 about the teaching of their subject specialism.
The Programme Manager at the University or college will be your link to the programme itself.
What makes a good mentor?
Some suggested mentor attributes make the mentoring experience good for both parties:
Good listening skills
Being able to put yourself in the trainee’s place – and empathise
Giving space to make mistakes sometimes
Giving encouragement to try new techniques and praise for real achievements
Challenging the thinking of the trainee
Giving constructive feedback
This is a professional relationship; the Mentoring Agreement (in Part 4) sets out what you should both
be expected to do or not do and we are realistic about the amount of time which any mentor may have
to give to a new teacher.
The role of the mentor is critical in supporting the subject specific development of a trainee. The role:
is provided by experienced and expert mentors and as such we would respectfully ask that you
complete the initial mentor questionnaire which can be located here:
responds to trainees’ specific training needs, including enhancing subject and curriculum knowledge
improves trainees’ teaching skills
models good practice in teaching
provides high-quality coaching and mentoring to enhance trainees’ professional development
Mentors and trainers are expected to work together collaboratively to meet the needs of the trainee.
Your experiences are important to us and we would be grateful if you would provide us with feedback
though the on-line survey located below and through professional dialogue with your mentee at the end
of programme.
Thank you
You will find that the word ‘trainee’ is used throughout to mean the trainee teacher; this works better than using the word
‘student’ which can become confused with the learners the trainee is teaching.
Subject Mentor’s Handbook July 2015-16
Part 2.
The Initial Teacher Training programme
The University of Warwick offers initial teacher training programmes for would-be and practising
teachers working in the FE and Skills Sector. Trainees can either take the certificate or diploma
qualification. In addition English, maths and teachers of disabled learners can take subject specific
diploma and additional diploma programmes. All these courses are part-time and most trainees are
already in employment as teachers, trainers or instructors. Some may even be working full-time and as
such may face challenges as they undertake their programmes.
You can find a copy of the Student Handbook and the Professional Development Portfolio on the mentor
Trainees’ teaching practice
Think of the course as two parallel lines. The top line represents the course and coursework: five
assignments in Year 1, four assignments in year 2 or three assignments on the subject specialist diploma
Course and coursework
Professional development
The lower line represents professional development as a teacher which is where your knowledge, skills
and enthusiasm can make a huge difference to a trainee teacher. Trainees are expected to teach for a
minimum of 50 hours of each year of the programme . Your role as mentor is to support the trainee’s
teaching of their specialist subject and to help them extend their teaching skills.
During a two year course the teacher trainer will carry out at least six observations. Your part in this
process is to observe your mentee twice on the two year programme; once in each year of the
programme for a minimum of one hour. (If more beneficial to the trainee this can be split to two half
hour observations in each year but no observation should be less than 30 minutes.) Usually the mentor
will undertake the second or third observation in each year.
Keep in touch
It is vital that everyone working with the trainee is aware of what is happening so please keep in touch
with course tutors! Your trainee’s Professional Development Portfolio (holding a range of evidence
about their developing teaching skills) is a key document to help with this, so make sure that you see it
regularly. Please also ensure you share all your observation report including targets set with the tutor
as well as the trainee.
Subject Mentor’s Handbook July 2015-16
Part 3.
What are you responsible for doing?
We ask you to:
attend college based training or access on-line training here:
get to know as much as possible about your trainee and his/her work and the learners involved
see yourself as a supportive but critical friend
decide on their experience level so that you can negotiate the level and amount of support they
may need
develop a relationship with the trainee so you are aware of their individual needs.
consider the teaching the trainee has to do in any one week to make a judgement about the
relative demands of each group and the challenge your trainee is facing.
discuss with the trainee whether the following are appropriate, relevant, and of good quality: the
scheme of work /ILPs; the lesson planning; resources used; progress made by learners in taught
sessions; marking of learners’ work
look at your trainee’s paperwork or course management files. Trainees will benefit from
developing good organisational skills which prevent problems building up later.
develop your trainee’s ability to self-evaluate their teaching
 discuss sessions taught which have gone well and those which have not
 help trainees to make connections between the causes of good and bad sessions
 help trainees to regularly identify what learning has taken place in a session and how this was
 discuss how sessions could be improved (when appropriate)
further the trainee’s understanding of their learners’ needs:
 discuss differentiation for specific learners
 enable the trainee to get the learner’s perspective on their teaching
push forward your trainee’s professional development by:
 encouraging the trainee to widen his or her experience of teaching different levels, groups and
 encouraging them to be innovative and take risks
 reviewing success in the above
 action planning future development in small ways and by setting achievable targets.
How long will this take?
Ideally meeting for fifteen minutes a week can be most effective but you may need to make different
arrangements that suit both you and your trainee. Decide with the trainee what you will do in that time
so you both know what to prepare for the meeting. Over the course of a year, this may build up to
approximately 10 hours depending on your trainee’s skills and confidence. If meeting each week is not
possible, perhaps you could arrange to hold your meeting over the telephone or using Skype.
How do I know whether my trainee has reached an appropriate standard of work?
The programme takes a developmental approach to bringing on the teaching skills of the trainee.
Whatever their starting-point, they should be improving as the course progresses. You should expect
your mentee to bring his or her Teaching Observation File with them when they talk to you so that you
can see the observation reports completed by other observers. The ‘Agreed areas for development’
section at the end will identify areas where your mentee needs to improve his/her teaching skills.
Subject Mentor’s Handbook July 2015-16
The descriptors for the different standards of teaching (Appendix 1a) and the Professional Standards for
Teachers and Trainers in Education and Training - England (Appendix 1b) will both help you to see what
is expected as an appropriate standard. The partnership programme is committed to helping trainees to
become good or outstanding teachers by the end of their course.
As stated previously you will complete at least two observations (one in each year) using the same
Observation Report Form as the teacher trainer (Appendix 2). Guidance on how to complete the
observation form can be found here:
Your trainee will have a Teaching Observation File which holds all the observation reports. Usually the
mentor observation is the second or third one so please look at the previous observation reports
before you carry out your observation so that you can follow up any areas for development from the
last observation. Similarly areas for development which you record must be shared with the tutor (and
trainee simultaneously) so the tutor can follow up any concerns, targets and/or actions at the next
Trainee Feedback
Please ask to see a sample of work your trainee has marked and discuss with them how they track or
monitor learner progress. Please record on the Record of Mentoring (Appendix 4) any actions for the
development of assessment practice, feedback and/or the monitoring of learner progress.
Quality Assurance
All mentors are expected to access training to prepare them for the role. Training can be accessed
through the Partner College and/or on-line here:
Once the programme has started the mentoring experience is monitored through various mechanisms
including: trainee and mentor feedback, the management of joint lesson observations (mentor and tutor
combined) and the sample moderation of observation reports and records of mentor / mentee
meetings. The latter will be carried out by college and/or UoW tutors.
Record of Mentoring
Please sign the mentoring agreement (Appendix 3) and encourage the trainee to maintain the Record of
Mentoring (Appendix 4) as a means of tracking your meetings with them, although it is the trainee’s
responsibility to do this. Some trainees will have an electronic portfolio (e-PDP), and you will be given
access to this page.
If at any time, you have any major concerns about your trainee’s teaching please consult the
Programme Manager.
Subject Mentor’s Handbook July 2015-16
You might find it useful to use this checklist at points during your mentoring discussions:
 Subject knowledge: what level does the trainee have?
 Understanding learners’ needs: differentiation between learners
 Planning: long and short-term
 Delivery and resources
 Managing the learning
 Assessment
 Evaluation and Reflection
 Managing classroom or workshop behaviour
 Equality and Diversity issues
 Motivating learners
 ILT skills of the trainee
Each one of the above list is an important part of the teacher’s role. Whilst you are talking to your
trainee, try to assess his or her level of understanding about what is appropriate within your subject
area on each of these topics then use this to set the next target.
What if things go wrong?
For a few trainees, teaching practice does not have a successful outcome. Should your trainee be one of
these, you will be involved in the discussion about whether this trainee should fail their teaching
practice or not. The teacher training team, will have evidence which you should look at. Your opinion of
the trainee and his/her teaching will be evidence to be considered by the Programme Manager. It will
be important at this stage that you have evidence of the trainee’s commitment and achievements so
keep some notes for yourself
Finally thank you for giving your time and energy to be a mentor and for sharing your skills,
knowledge and experience with your mentee.
Subject Mentor’s Handbook July 2015-16
Characteristics of an outstanding teacher.
The very large majority of learners consistently
make very good progress
Appendix 1a Characteristics of an outstanding, good, competent and inadequate teacher
Characteristics of a good teacher
Characteristics of a competent teacher
Learners make good progress
Learners make progress but there are weaknesses in
learning and assessment
Consistently high expectations of all learners
High expectations of all learners
Highly adept at working with and developing skills
and knowledge in learners from different
Excellent subject knowledge and/or industry
Planning and the setting of challenging tasks are
based on systematic and accurate assessment of
learners’ prior skills, knowledge and understanding
Well judged and imaginative teaching strategies
that meet individual needs
High levels of enthusiasm for participation in and
commitment to learning are evident
Able to develop the learners’ skills and knowledge
regardless of background
Expectations of learners enable most of them to work
hard and achieve satisfactorily
Able to work with and develop skills and knowledge in
learners from different backgrounds satisfactorily
Characteristics of an Inadequate teacher
Learners or groups of learners are making
inadequate progress and have been unsuccessful in
attaining their learning goals
Does not have sufficiently high expectations of
Not able to work effectively with learners from
different backgrounds
Well-developed subject specialist skills and expertise
Satisfactory subject specialist skills
Lacks expertise and the ability to promote learning
Plan effectively and set challenging tasks based on
assessment of prior skills, knowledge and understanding
Poor initial and on-going assessment of learners’
progress which leads to ineffective planning.
Effective teaching, learning and assessment strategies
match most learners individual needs
Enthuse and motivate most learners to participate in a
wide range of learning activities
Careful initial and on-going assessment of learners’
progress takes place but is not always conducted
rigorously enough, which may result in some unnecessary
repetition of work for learners and less effective planning
Teaching strategies ensure that learners’ individual needs
are usually met
Most learners are motivated to engage with a range of
learning activities.
High levels of confidence and independence in
learners are developed when they tackle
challenging activities
L earners’ understanding is effectively checked
throughout learning sessions,
Teaching generally develops learners’ confidence and
independence when tackling challenging activities
Teaching enables some learners to develop confidence to
work independently with some challenging activities
Listen perceptively to, carefully observe and skillfully
question learners during learning sessions
The teaching of learners’ Eng, maths and functional
skills is consistently good with much outstanding.
Learners’ literacy and numeracy skills are developed
Learners’ work is monitored and appropriate tasks set and
plans are adjusted to support learning; occasionally these
adjustments are not timely and this slows learning for
some learners
There is some development of Eng, maths and functional
skills but some opportunities have been missed.
High quality learning materials and resources
including ICT, are used during and between taught
High standards of marking and constructive
feedback are frequently used and lead to high levels
of engagement and interest
Good use of resources, including ICT contribute well to
learners’ progress
Available resources are used well
Learners’ progress is assessed regularly and accurately
and discuss assessments with them so that learners know
how well they have done and what they need to do to
Equality and diversity are promoted, although some work
is still needed to integrate aspects of diversity and
equality into learning fully
Learners’ behaviour is well managed
Advice, guidance and support provide good opportunities
for learners to be motivated & make the connection
between learning & successful progression
Learners are informed about the progress they are making
and how to improve further through marking and
dialogue with staff that is usually timely and encouraging
so most learners want to work hard and improve
The promotion of equality and support for diversity in
teaching and learning is satisfactory
Equality and diversity are integrated fully into the
learning experience
Learners’ behaviour is managed skillfully
Advice, guidance and support motivate learners to
secure best possible opportunities for success in
their learning and progression
Subject Mentor’s Handbook July 2015-16
Learners’ behaviour is managed satisfactorily.
Advice guidance and support help to motivate learners to
succeed in their learning and progress
Poor teaching strategies mean that learners’ needs
are not met
Teaching fails to excite, enthuse, engage or
motivate particular groups of learners, including
those with LD and or D.
Teaching does not result in learners working
confidently and independently because activities do
not challenge
Little or no checking of understanding throughout
the session
Teaching of Eng, maths and FS is inadequate;
significant proportion of learners do not get
appropriate support to address these needs.
Learning activities and resources are not sufficiently
well matched to the needs of learners so
inadequate progress is made.
Poor feedback does not specify how learners can
improve or what progress they are making which
leads to a lack of motivation
Equality and diversity are insufficiently promoted in
teaching sessions.
Student behaviour is poorly managed
Poor advice and guidance leads to learners not
making the connection between learning and
successful progression
Appendix 1b - Professional Standards for Teachers and Trainers in Education and Training
As a professional teacher or trainer you should demonstrate commitment to the following in your
professional practice.
Professional values and attributes
Develop your own judgement of what works and does not work in your teaching and training
Reflect on what works best in your teaching and learning to meet the diverse needs of learners
Evaluate and challenge your practice, values and beliefs
Inspire, motivate and raise aspirations of learners through your enthusiasm and knowledge
Be creative and innovative in selecting and adapting strategies to help learners to learn
Value and promote social and cultural diversity, equality of opportunity and inclusion
Build positive and collaborative relationships with colleagues and learners
Professional knowledge and understanding
Develop deep and critically informed knowledge and understanding in theory and practice
Maintain and update knowledge of your subject and/or vocational area
Maintain and update your knowledge of educational research to develop evidence-based
9 Apply theoretical understanding of effective practice in teaching, learning and assessment
drawing on research and other evidence
10 Evaluate your practice with others and assess its impact on learning
11 Manage and promote positive learner behaviour
12 Understand the teaching and professional role and your responsibilities
Professional skills
Develop your expertise and skills to ensure the best outcomes for learners
13 Motivate and inspire learners to promote achievement and develop their skills to enable
14 Plan and deliver effective learning programmes for diverse groups or individuals in a safe and
inclusive environment
15 Promote the benefits of technology and support learners in its use
16 Address the mathematics and English needs of learners and work creatively to overcome
individual barriers to learning
17 Enable learners to share responsibility for their own learning and assessment, setting goals that
stretch and challenge
18 Apply appropriate and fair methods of assessment and provide constructive and timely
feedback to support progression and achievement
19 Maintain and update your teaching and training expertise and vocational skills through
collaboration with employers
20 Contribute to organisational development and quality improvement through collaboration with
Full guidance on how to use the standards can be accessed at the link below:
Subject Mentor’s Handbook July 2015-16
What does ‘Outstanding’ and ‘Good’ look like in the context of the professional standards?
Source: Edge Hill University FET Professional Standards Grading Criteria 2015-16
1 Reflect on what works best in your teaching and learning to meet the diverse needs of learners
Trainees quickly and accurately discern their learners’ strengths and needs and are proactive in
differentiating and employing a range of effective intervention strategies to secure progress for all
learners, they have an astute understanding of how effective different teaching approaches impact on
learning and are able to use effective strategies to support the learning and progress of all learners
Trainees consistently adapt their teaching to meet the needs of individual and groups of learners to support
their progress. They know how to secure progress for learners and how to identify when groups and
individuals have made progress. They are able to use a range of effective strategies to reduce barriers to
learning and to respond to the strengths and needs of their learners including the appropriate deployment
of available support staff.
2 Evaluate and challenge your practice, values and beliefs
Trainees persistently extend and update their subject, curriculum and pedagogical knowledge and are
able to demonstrate excellent progress with appropriate professional development strategies in their
early career. They are able to critically reflect and evaluate their practice.
Trainees extend and update their subject, curriculum and pedagogical knowledge and are able to
demonstrate good progress with appropriate professional development strategies in their early career.
Trainees are reflective in evaluating their practice.
3 Inspire, motivate and raise aspirations of learners through your enthusiasm and knowledge
Trainees constantly motivate learners to participate and bring about an atmosphere highly conducive
to learning. They consistently set high expectations which challenge all learners in different training
contexts. Trainees are highly effective in promoting learners’ resilience, confidence and independence
and they generate high levels of enthusiasm, participation and commitment to learning.
Trainees motivate learners to participate and contribute in an atmosphere conducive to learning. They set
high expectations, which challenge learners to make good progress, effectively promote learners’
resilience, confidence and independence. They are well respected by learners.
4 Be creative and innovative in selecting and adapting strategies to help learners to learn
Trainees plan interesting lessons that often use well-chosen, imaginative and creative strategies that
match individuals’ needs and interests. They take risks when teaching to ensure the lesson remains
interesting effectively using new technology to support learning.
Trainees show a willingness to try out range of approaches to teaching and learning, including new
technology. They learn from both success and ‘failure’ asking for support in trying out new approaches and
in evaluating how well they work.
Subject Mentor’s Handbook July 2015-16
5 Value and promote social and cultural diversity, equality of opportunity and inclusion
Trainees fully exploit possibilities to promote learners’ understanding and appreciation of social and
cultural diversity. They consistently employ effective and innovative approaches to the integration of
social and cultural diversity using a range of effective strategies to support the learning and progress of
all learners, including those with ‘Protected Characteristics’ as stated in the Equality Act (2010). Trainees
are highly skilled in meeting the learning requirements of a wide range of learners.
Trainees make links with and explore possibilities to develop learners’ understanding and appreciation of
social and cultural diversity. They employ a range of approaches to the integration of social and cultural
diversity ensuring that all learners are included in all activities.
6 Build positive and collaborative relationships with colleagues and learners
Trainees build strong professional relationships and demonstrate that they are able to work
collaboratively with colleagues and learners on a regular basis. They demonstrate an understanding and
where appropriate use a range of professionals that contribute to learners’ overall development.
Trainees are effective in building good professional relationships with colleagues and learners and
demonstrate that they can work well collaboratively. They can give examples of working with a wider range
of professionals to secure the overall development of learners.
7 Maintain and update knowledge of your subject and/or vocational area
Trainees consistently explore and exploit opportunities to maintain and update their own subject
Trainees are proactive in maintaining and updating their own subject specialism.
8 Maintain and update your knowledge of educational research to develop evidence-based practice
Trainees consistently seek out opportunities to maintain and update knowledge of educational research.
They draw on in-depth subject and curriculum knowledge to plan confidently for progression and to
stimulate and capture learners’ interest. They consistently review their professional learning and practice
to identify and employ strategies for improvement.
Trainees have well-developed knowledge and understanding of the relevant subject/curriculum areas and
subject specialism they are training to teach and use this effectively to maintain and develop learners’
interest. They apply detailed subject and curriculum knowledge to plan for progression and to stimulate
and capture learners’ interest. They review their professional learning and practice to successfully identify
and employ strategies for improvement.
Subject Mentor’s Handbook July 2015-16
9 Apply theoretical understanding of effective practice in teaching, learning and assessment drawing on research and other evidence
Trainees draw on their in-depth theoretical understanding of effective practice in teaching, learning and
assessment drawing on research and other evidence to employ highly effective teaching, learning and
assessment strategies. They successfully use research to test out new approaches to practice.
Trainees have well-developed theoretical understanding of effective practice in teaching, learning and
assessment drawing on research and other evidence to employ effective teaching, learning and
assessment strategies. They use knowledge gained through engaging with research to test out new
approaches to practice.
10 Evaluate your practice with others and assess its impact on learning
Trainees can accurately judge the impact of their practice on individual and groups of learners and can use
their evaluation to inform future planning, teaching and learning. They consistently seek out guidance and
support from mentors and other colleagues and use the feedback very effectively to improve practice. They
are critically reflective and demonstrate high-quality self-evaluation with clear focus on learners and
setting challenging targets for their own professional development.
Trainees know how to learn from both successful and less effective lessons through systematic evaluation
of their practice, including its impact on learners. They seek out guidance and support from mentors and
other colleagues and use feedback effectively to improve practice. They provide clear evidence of the
need to take responsibility for their own professional development through evaluating performance and
setting challenging targets.
11 Manage and promote positive learner behaviour
Trainees rapidly adapt to the different circumstances in which they train, working confidently within the
frameworks established in different settings and applying rules and routines consistently and fairly. They
have consistently high expectations of their learners effectively use a range of strategies to promote
positive with ease so that learners display very high levels of engagement, courtesy, collaboration and cooperation. Trainees actively seek additional support in addressing the needs of learners where significantly
challenging behaviour is demonstrated, understanding how to tackle bullying, including cyber and
prejudice-based bullying.
Trainees work within the setting’s framework for behaviour and apply rules and routines consistently and
fairly, including those related to tackling bullying, including cyber and prejudice-based bullying. They have
high expectations and use a range of strategies to promote positive behaviour including sanctions,
rewards, and praise, in order to create an environment supportive of learning. Trainees manage
behaviour effectively so that learners demonstrate positive attitudes towards the teacher, their learning
and each other allowing lessons to flow smoothly so that disruption is unusual. They actively seek
additional support in addressing the needs of learners where significantly challenging behaviour is
12 Understand the teaching and professional role and your responsibilities
Trainees are proactive in seeking out opportunities to contribute in a significant way to the wider life and
ethos of the setting. They take responsibility for deploying support staff in their lessons and for seeking
advice from relevant professionals in relation to learners with individual needs. They deliberately seek out
opportunities to develop their own professional learning and respond positively to all the feedback they
receive. Trainees are proactive in communicating in relation to individual learners’ emergent needs and
when required, are able to communicate effectively, both verbally and in writing, with parents, carers and
other professionals in relation to learners’ achievements and well-being.
Trainees are proactive in seeking out opportunities to contribute to the wider life and ethos of the setting.
They take responsibility for deploying support staff in their lessons and for seeking advice from relevant
professionals in relation to learners with individual needs. They are proactive in relation to their own
professional learning and value the feedback they receive from more experienced colleagues, using it to
develop their own teaching further. Trainees assume some responsibility for responding to individual
learners’ emergent needs and are able to communicate effectively, both verbally and in writing, with
parents, carers and other professionals in relation to learners’ achievements and well-being.
Subject Mentor’s Handbook July 2015-16
13. Motivate and inspire learners to promote achievement and develop their skills to enable progression
Trainees assume a high level of responsibility for the attainment progress and outcomes of all learners
they teach. They demonstrate confident judgement in planning for learner progression both within
individual lessons and over time. They are able to articulate a clear and well-justified rationale as to how
they are building on prior achievement and are able to implement a full range of effective teaching and
learning strategies. They actively promote engaging and effective methods that support learners in
reflecting on their learning and are able to set appropriately challenging tasks, drawing on a sound
knowledge of the learners’ prior attainment, which has been obtained through systematic and accurate
Trainees assume responsibility for the attainment, progress and outcomes of the learners they teach.
They demonstrate a sound understanding of the need to develop learner learning over time. Their shortand medium-term planning consistently takes into account the prior learning of the learners. They
regularly provide learners with the opportunity to reflect on their own learning and use this, along with
other forms of assessment, to inform their future planning and teaching. They use their knowledge of
effective teaching strategies to encourage independent learning and offer a rationale for choices made in
the context of practice.
14 Plan and deliver effective learning programmes for diverse groups or individuals in a safe and inclusive environment
Trainees effectively and consistently plan lessons that use well-chosen, imaginative and creative
strategies, and that match individuals’ needs and interests. They quickly and accurately discern their
learners’ strengths and needs and are proactive in differentiating and employing a range of effective
intervention strategies to secure appropriate progression for individuals and groups. They fully exploit
possibilities to promote learners’ understanding and appreciation of social and cultural diversity. They
effectively manage behaviour to ensure a good and safe learning environment, and are able to tackle
bullying, including cyber and prejudice-based bullying.
Trainees plan lessons that take account of the needs of groups of learners and individuals, through the
setting of differentiated learning outcomes, carefully matching teaching and learning activities and
resources to support learners in achieving these intended learning outcomes. They can make links with
and explore possibilities to develop learners’ understanding and appreciation of social and cultural
diversity. They are able to manage behaviour to ensure a safe learning environment, and know how to
tackle bullying, including cyber and prejudice-based bullying.
15 Promote the benefits of technology and support learners in its use
Trainees select and use a wide range of new technologies to maintain engagement and participation.
They use new technology effectively to promote the development of academic skills and autonomous
Trainees select and use a range of new technologies to maintain engagement and participation. They use
new technology to promote the development of academic skills and autonomous learning.
16 Address the mathematics and English needs of learners and work creatively to overcome individual barriers to learning
Trainees successfully identify and exploit opportunities to develop learners’ skills in communication,
reading, writing and mathematics. They draw on their strong knowledge and understanding of the
principles and practices of developing mathematics and English to select and employ highly effective
teaching strategies. They can promote high standards of communication, reading, writing and
mathematical skills for all learners.
Trainees model good standards of written and spoken communication, and mathematical skills, in all
professional activities and encourage and support learners to develop these skills in their lessons. They
have a sound knowledge and understanding of the principles and practices of developing mathematics
and English and employ effective teaching strategies. They have an understanding of how to overcome
barriers to learning such as low levels of literacy and numeracy.
Subject Mentor’s Handbook July 2015-16
17 Enable learners to share responsibility for their own learning and assessment, setting goals that stretch and challenge
Trainees set learners challenging tasks and create opportunities for independent and autonomous
learning. As a result the majority of learners make very good progress. They regularly create
opportunities for independent and autonomous learning, as a result the majority of learners make very
good progress. Trainees actively promote engaging and effective methods that support learners in
evaluating their learning.
Trainees set appropriately challenging tasks that enable independent learning. As a result the majority of
learners make good progress. They create opportunities for independent and autonomous learning, as a
result the majority of learners make good progress. Trainees regularly provide learners with the
opportunity to reflect on their own learning and use this, along with other forms of assessment, to inform
their future planning and teaching.
18 Apply appropriate and fair methods of assessment and provide constructive and timely feedback to support progression and achievement
Trainees can confidently and accurately assess learners’ attainment against national benchmarks or other
appropriate grading criteria. They use a range of assessment strategies highly effectively in their day-today practice to monitor progress and to inform future planning. They systematically and effectively check
learners’ understanding throughout lessons, anticipating where intervention may be needed and do so
with notable impact on the quality of learning. They assess learners’ progress regularly and work with
them to accurately target further improvement and secure appropriate progress.
Trainees are able to assess learners’ attainment accurately against national benchmarks or other
appropriate grading criteria. They employ a range of appropriate formative assessment strategies
effectively and can adapt their teaching within lessons in light of learners’ responses. They maintain
accurate records of learners’ progress and use these to set appropriately challenging targets. They assess
learners’ progress regularly and accurately and discuss assessments with them so that learners know how
well they have done and what they need to do to improve.
19 Maintain and update your teaching and training expertise and vocational skills through collaboration with employers
Trainees build strong professional relationships and demonstrate that they are able to work
collaboratively with employers on a regular basis. They seek out and exploit opportunities to involve
themselves in the wider professional role via extra-curricular activities and CPD activity.
Trainees are effective in building good professional relationships with colleagues and demonstrate that
they can work well collaboratively when required to do so. They regularly involve themselves in the wider
professional role via extra-curricular activities and CPD activity.
20 Contribute to organisational development and quality improvement through collaboration with others
Trainees are proactive in seeking out opportunities to contribute in a significant way to the wider life and
ethos of the setting. They show initiative in contributing to curriculum planning and developing and
producing effective learning resources in their placement settings.
Trainees seek out opportunities to contribute to the wider life and ethos of the setting. They make a
positive contribution to the development of curriculum and resources in their placement settings.
Subject Mentor’s Handbook July 2015-16
Appendix 2
University of Warwick
Diploma and Certificate in Education and Training
Observation Report Form
(Completed by tutor or mentor)
Trainee Teacher
Trainee’s programme and
Teaching Context
Action points identified in last observation
Target set at last Teaching Progress Review: Outstanding
Subject Mentor’s Handbook July 2015-16
Lesson planning including planning for differentiation (effective use of initial assessment and/or the learner
profile to plan for individual needs), development of English, maths and employability skills (professional
standard 12 and 14)
Development of learners’ subject specific skills, knowledge and understanding (professional standard 13)
Development of English, maths, ICT and employability skills (professional Standards 15 & 16)
Use of Resources including ILT: include any on-line activity to support independent learning (professional
standard 15)
Assessment and checking for understanding including assessing learning that has taken place in the session
(professional standards 9 and 18)
Progress checks - comment on verbal and written (assignments, coursework) feedback provided to learners
where applicable (professional standards 13 & 18)
Subject Mentor’s Handbook July 2015-16
Group management and communication skills including strategies to promote positive behaviour (professional
standards 6 & 11 )
Learner centredness/learner engagement /learner independence/differentiation (professional standards 3, 4, 9
& 17)
Embedding of equality and diversity issues (professional standard 5)
Subject Mentor’s Handbook July 2015-16
Up to 3 agreed key strengths (Professional Standard 1)
Agreed areas for development (Professional Standards 2 , 10 and 20)
Signature of observer
Signature of teacher observed
Note to the trainee: Please add this observation report with your evaluation of the lesson, the extended lesson
plan and your reflection on the whole observation and feedback process to the Teaching File which is part of your
No observations can take place unless you bring your Teaching File with you for your observer when you are
being observed. This is because each observer is looking for the progress you make and seeing your last
observation reports will help the observer greatly.
Subject Mentor’s Handbook July 2015-16
University of Warwick
Supporting Information for Observation Report Form
The purpose of this document is to indicate the kind of things that observers will be looking for under each heading when
they observe you; this is not a definitive list. They will not expect you to cover everything in one session but over the
series of observations you should attempt to have covered all the points. You might also use it to inform your action
planning if there are particular areas you think you need to develop.
Lesson planning including planning for differentiation (effective use of initial assessment and/or the learner profile to plan
for individual needs), development of English, maths and employability skills (professional standards 12 &14)
The observer will look for evidence that you:
 identified learners’ needs using appropriate methods
 had a lesson plan with clear outcomes prepared, with reference to:
o learners’ aspirations, learning styles and English and maths needs (recorded on ILP)
o a range of subject specific skills
o links to employment/industry
 provided a rationale for your planning
 matched teaching and learning activities to the intended learning outcomes
 adapted teaching methods to suit learners’ needs and individual learning preferences, including those with specific
learning difficulties and disabilities
 used a range of differentiation strategies e.g. by task, group, resources, pace, outcome, dialogue and support
 planned learning for diverse groups or individuals in a safe and inclusive environment
 planned a range of assessment methods which may include self-assessment; peer assessment; formative assessment
 ensured effective use of learning support
 where possible, made reference to diversity events. In addition to religious days, you may consider for example,
Dyslexia Awareness Week, World Aids Day etc.
Development of learners’ subject specific skills, knowledge and understanding (professional standard 13)
The observer will look for evidence that you:
 chose approaches that demonstrated an underpinning knowledge of how subject specific skills are developed
 had high expectations of all learners
 used effective teaching, learning and assessment strategies to develop subject specific skills and that matched
individual needs
 challenged learners to develop learner confidence and independence
Development of English, maths, ICT and employability skills (professional standards 15 & 16)
The observer will look for evidence that you:
 took opportunities to develop learners’ English skills e.g. addressing the importance of good communication skills;
correcting errors related to SPAG (spelling, punctuation and grammar)
 took opportunities to develop learners’ maths skills e.g. drawing attention to graphs and charts; ensuring learners
understand a range of mathematical vocabulary
 took opportunities to address issues around employability e.g. importance of good communications; punctuality;
sound subject knowledge
 took opportunities to effectively use ICT to support learning e.g. interactive activities using an interactive
whiteboard; mobile technology; video clips
 worked creatively to overcome individual barriers to learning
Use of Resources including ILT: include any on-line activity to support independent learning (professional standard 15)
The observer will look for evidence that you:
 selected/adapted/developed and used a range of learning resources to suit different learning styles
 used materials that were accurate, appropriate, well presented and, where possible, authentic
 used resources with appropriate language, style and format for all the learners involved, including those with specific
learning difficulties and disabilities
 used resources that reflected diversity, interests, goals and aspirations used ILT, where available, to assist learning
Subject Mentor’s Handbook July 2015-16
Assessment and checking for understanding including assessing learning that has taken place in the session (professional
standards 9 & 18)
The observer will look for evidence that you:
gave accurate and constructive feedback (written and verbal) using appropriate and accessible language
monitor understanding of learners through a range of methods (observation, questioning, discussion)
highlighted errors selectively, accurately and at an appropriate pace for the learner
helped learners to peer and self assess, reflect on their own learning and the learning process
evaluate learning against the achievement of learning outcomes and learner feedback
monitor individual and group progress and keep effective records that inform the learner, the teacher and the
 allowed learners time to answer questions
Progress checks - comment on verbal and written (assignments, coursework) feedback provided to learners where applicable
(professional standards 13 & 18)
The observer will look for evidence that you:
 gave clear developmental feedback
 encouraged learners to become independent learners e.g. through problem solving
 wrote legibly on learners’ work
 welcomed all responses from learners regardless of whether they were correct
 checked progress regularly and accurately
 discussed assessments with learners so they know how well they have done and what they need to do
 challenged learners to improve and continually develop
Group management and communication skills including strategies to promote positive behaviour (professional standards 6
& 11 )
The observer will look for evidence that you:
made good use of whole group and/or small group activities to develop learners’ skills
used a range of strategies to engage and enthuse learners
designed small and/or whole group activities
gave clear instructions about how activities should be carried out; summarised learning points and outcomes with
learners; set appropriate follow up tasks
 used the learning environment effectively to promote positive behaviour
 managed and promoted positive learning behaviour
 reinforced classroom rules and boundaries where appropriate
Learner centredness/learner engagement /learner independence/differentiation (professional standards 3, 4, 9 & 17)
The observer will look for evidence that you:
paced the activities appropriately for all the learners
took steps to support a lively and supportive group atmosphere
taught in a way that engages learners’ interest so that they become fully involved in the lesson
used your subject knowledge to find different ways of explaining
encouraged learner independence through teaching strategies and careful resource selection
encouraged learners to use a range of self checking, memory and revision strategies
provided opportunities for individual or self study
made the connections between good learning and successful progression
enabled learners to share responsibility for their own learning and assessment, setting goals that stretch and
Embedding of equality and diversity issues (professional standard 5)
The observer will look for evidence that you:
demonstrated an awareness of equal opportunities and inclusive education practice
developed learners’ wider understanding and appreciation of social and cultural diversity
celebrated diversity
supported equality through differentiation
Subject Mentor’s Handbook July 2015-16
Appendix 3
Record of meetings between subject specialist mentor and trainee.
Subject Mentor’s Handbook July 2015-16
Target agreed and
recorded on Action
Plan (tick and
Target reviewed
and updated on
Action Plan (tick
and initial)
Appendix 4
Mentoring Agreement
We agree to the following:
Mentor will:
Maintain confidentiality about the discussions held between us
Respect the work load of the mentee and not make unfair demands on time
Be responsible for arranging, planning and structuring mentoring meetings on a regular
Support and guide the mentee in a sensitive and open manner, offering praise and
constructive criticism when required
Encourage through ongoing dialogue and active investigation into what constitutes good
Work co-operatively with the mentee to agree appropriate targets
Respect the boundaries of the mentoring relationship
Work closely with the teacher training Programme Manager in supporting the trainee,
particularly when problems arise.
Mentee will:
Maintain confidentiality about the discussions held between us
Respect the work load of the mentor and not make unfair demands on time
Attend meetings promptly
Prepare for meetings according to the plan agreed at the previous meeting
Participate in ongoing dialogue and active investigation into what constitutes good
teaching and learning
Be open to feedback given, using it to build skills in self-evaluation and reflection
Keep records of all meetings, phone calls and emails in Record of Mentoring document
Respect the boundaries of the mentoring relationship
Mentor ……………………………………………………………
Date ……………………………………………
Mentee ………………………………………………………….
Date ……………………………………………
Subject Mentor’s Handbook July 2013-14
Appendix 5
University of Warwick ITT Partnership
Mentoring End of Programme Evaluation - Professional Dialogue
This form is to be completed by the mentor/mentee at the end of Year 2 of Teacher Training.
Agreed trainee strengths in delivery of subject pedagogy:
Agreed future areas for development (this might be strategies that the trainee would like to experiment with in the future):
Agreed benefits of mentoring from the perspective of the trainee (you may wish to discuss what has gone well, new teaching
strategies adopted linked to subject pedagogy, the impact on practice, opportunities to experiment and try out new resources
and ideas etc) :
Agreed benefits of mentoring from the perspective of the mentor (you may wish to discuss what has gone well for you – have
you learnt anything from working the trainee that you may wish to adopt in practice e.g. fresh ideas?):
Are there any areas for future consideration for the mentor e.g. anything the mentor might do differently next time?
Name of Trainee:
Signature of Trainee:
Name of Mentor:
Signature of Mentor
One copy of this form should be retained by the mentor and mentee and an additional electronic copy should
also be emailed to within 7 days of the date of the meeting.
Subject Mentor’s Handbook July 2013-14