Document 12592962

Announcements made by the TAMU Cntr for Teaching Excellence on behalf of Sherri MacWillie
Graduate Student and Post Doc Professional Development workshops
Tuesday, June 30, 2015 1:16:29 PM
Looking for resources? Look no further, the Center for Teaching Excellence has
collaborated with the Department of Chemistry to offer four workshops this summer. Don’t miss the first one on July 2nd!!!
In Collaboration with the College of Science, Department of Chemistry
July 2: Graduate Brown Bag: CTE Resources for Graduate Students and Postdocs
The Center for Teaching Excellence (CTE) supports the University's commitment to excellence in
teaching and learning. This session offers an overview of several professional development in
teaching programs, services, and resources offered by the CTE for graduate students. Programs
and services to be discussed include: Academy for Future Faculty (AFF) Fellow Certificate Program,
Graduate Teaching Consultant, Faculty Teaching Resource, and SCEN 677-STEM Teaching
Professional Development course. All programs and services are designed to provide graduate
students with the opportunity to engage in enhanced teaching and learning experiences and are
offered free of charge. All graduate students and post-doctorates are welcome. Register at:
When: Thursday, July 2 (11:30 AM – 12:30 PM) Where: CHEM 2122
Registration Open to: Graduate Students and Post-Docs
July 16: Graduate Brown Bag: Developing Your Teaching Philosophy Statement
Do you have a philosophy of teaching statement? Increasingly, candidates for faculty positions are
being asked to submit a philosophy of teaching statement. This workshop will describe the
structure of a statement of teaching philosophy. Fundamental principles of teaching and learning
will also be reviewed and participants will be encouraged to identify their teaching styles. By the
end of the workshop, each participant will have a detailed writing outline supporting a first draft of
their philosophy of teaching statement. Participants are welcomed to schedule an individual
meeting with an Instructional Consultant to review and receive feedback on subsequent drafts of
their philosophy of teaching statement. All graduate students and post-doctorates are welcome. Register at: ERS.TAMU.EDU
When: Thursday, July 16 (11:30 AM – 12:30 PM)
Where: CHEM 2122
Registration Open to: Graduate Students and Post-Docs
July 21: Graduate Brown Bag: Learning Outcomes and Teaching Strategies
Learning outcomes are essential to helping undergraduate students develop the skills and
knowledge they need to be effective in the classroom and, later, in the work place. Learning
outcomes can also be used by course instructors to inform their selection of a teaching strategy.
This workshop aims to give participants a sense of the defining features and significance of learning
outcomes. Specifically, teaching assistants will be shown how to write a learning outcome and
effectively match teaching strategies and assessments to the learning outcome. This workshop will
also discuss elements of the Center for Teaching Excellence’s Course Development Cycle. All
graduate students and post-doctorates are welcome. Register at: ERS.TAMU.EDU
When: Tuesday, July 21 (11:30 AM – 12:30 PM)
Where: CHEM 2122
Registration Open to: Graduate Students and Post-Docs
August 4: Graduate Brown Bag: Syllabus Design
Do you anticipate having to create a syllabus in the near future? Are you writing or revising a
syllabus currently? This workshop can help make your task easier. The session offers suggestions
and information resources to assist with writing/ refining key sections of a course syllabus such as
learning outcomes, attendance policy, and grading procedures. It also addresses the relationship
between the tone of the syllabus and student motivation to learn. All graduate students and postdoctorates are welcome. Register at: ERS.TAMU.EDU
When: Tuesday, August 4 (11:30 AM – 12:30 PM)
Where: CHEM 2121
Registration Open to: Graduate Students and Post-Docs
In Collaboration with the Office of Graduate and Professional Studies
CTE Summer Brown Bag Series on College Teaching:
Encouraging Engagement through Student Centered Instruction (SCI)
This brown bag series includes three workshops each focusing on an aspect of Student-Centered
Instruction (SCI) in college teaching. It is recommended that you attend all three, but it is not a
requirement. Feel free to come to any of the workshops as your availability allows. The series is open
to all graduate students and post-doctoral scholars.
This is a ‘bring your own lunch’ event. CTE will provide snack bags of cookies. Click here to register: ERS.TAMU.EDU
July 7: Graduate Series One - CTE Summer Brown Bag Series on College Teaching:
An Introduction to Student-Centered Instruction (SCI)
Student-centered Instruction (SCI) shifts the focus of classroom activity from the instructor to the
student. In this workshop, we will discuss foundational principles of SCI and ways to enhance your
classroom teaching techniques by incorporating SCI practices. These methods include active lecturing,
cooperative learning, and inductive teaching and learning. Properly implemented, SCI practices can
increase motivation to learn, build deeper understanding towards the subject matter, and improve
retention of knowledge in students. Register at: ERS.TAMU.EDU
When: Tuesday, July 7 (11:30 AM – 1:00 PM)
Where: MSC 1400
Registration Open to: Graduate Students and Post-Docs
July 23: Graduate Series Two - CTE Summer Brown Bag Series on College Teaching:
Using Technology to Engage and Interest Students
In today’s digital world, it can be challenging to keep students’ attention in the classroom or lecture
hall. When used correctly, educational technology’s supporting principles of Student-centered
Instruction (SCI) can have the potential to better engage learners in the learning process. This session
will focus on several ways that you can leverage easy-to-use technology to help improve student
learning and engagement. Participants are encouraged to bring a mobile device. Register at: ERS.TAMU.EDU
When: Thursday, July 23 (11:30 AM – 1:00 PM)
Where: MSC 1400
Registration Open to: Graduate Students and Post-Docs
August 6: Graduate Series Three - CTE Summer Brown Bag Series on College Teaching:
Designing a Student-Centered Syllabus
This workshop will assist, those with an interest in college teaching, in creating or revising an existing
syllabus using Student-centered Instruction (SCI) principles and practices. SCI principles provide a
framework for organizing key sections of the syllabus such as course outcomes, classroom participation
and attendance, classroom behavior and expectations, and grading procedures. Participants will have
the opportunity to discuss common classroom conflicts and complications and consider ways SCI
principles, applied to syllabus design, can reduce or prevent these issues and support student learning
in their course. Participants are invited to bring a copy of their current syllabus. Examples of SCI syllabi
will be shared by the facilitators. Register at: ERS.TAMU.EDU
When: Thursday, August 6 (11:30 AM – 1:00 PM)
Where: MSC 1400
Registration Open to: Graduate Students and Post-Docs
Sherri MacWillie
Sherri MacWillie | Program Manager
CTE Event Management | Marketing | Advancement
Center for Teaching Excellence
Office of the Dean of Faculties and Associate Provost
Texas A&M University
206E YMCA | 4246 TAMU | College Station, Texas 77843-4246
Tel. 979.862.1655 | Fax. 979.845.9242 | Enhancing the Practice of Teaching to Improve Student Learning