Progress against equality action plans – May 2008 Key Traffic light Concern Not started Progressing Completed DISABILITY EQUALITY DUTY The University developed, consulted on, and implemented a Disability Equality Scheme and Action Plan in December 2006. In doing so it reviewed existing policies, provisions and data. In order to develop the Action Plan it invited the involvement of disabled staff and students in participating in a questionnaire and focus groups, and forged links with groups outside the University for the purposes of consulting about the plan. In addition, the Disability Interest Group (set up in 2005) whose members consist of disabled staff, students and others with an interest in disability was consulted and had extensive input on the content of the Disability Equality Scheme and Action Plan. In consultation with this group, University also conducted research involving all disabled staff and students. This research (consisting of a questionnaire and focus groups) informed the development of the plan. The Disability Action Plan 2006-2009 is shown below, with comments on progress. Yr 1 = Dec 06-Nov 07, Yr 2 = Dec 07-Nov 08, Yr 3 = Dec 08-Nov 09. A. Action Plan for all University Users- The overall aim of these actions is to ensure that disability is integrated within the decision-making bodies of the University and to improve the wellbeing of disabled staff, students and visitors. Actions 1. Culture i) Raise visibility and awareness of disability within the University. Develop innovative methods of generating awareness, raising the profile of disability and linking this to practices and procedures ii)Review the current Staff Disability policy to identify more clearly responsibilities for disability iii) Raise awareness of age-related issues such as loss of hearing and weakening of eyesight and also disabilities which are related to illness, including short-term illness. Consider as part of any training, printed or web based resources iv) Introduce monitoring of membership of University committees, and representatives on external groups Accountability/ Timescales Contacts Communications/ Ongoing Disability Services/ HR HR - Colin Taylor Year 1 HR/ Communications Year 2 HR/ Ken Sloan Year 1 Progress Transferred to SEAP Complete. Available on the E&D website Transferred to SEAP Review begun. Proposal to monitor male/female split in 08/09. Review of 1 Progress against equality action plans – May 2008 Key Traffic light 2. Communication and Consultation v) Review the University branding. Look at embedding equality in University literature and all material seen by people outside the University. This will include reviewing where disability information is currently held on the website. i) Training for staff development team- bring knowledge base of the team up to date. Establish trained departmental co-ordinators with clear responsibilities, authority and resources to: advise students; ensure the provision of essential information concerning student academic support needs to appropriate staff; co-ordinate examination arrangements. Training to be carried out by Centre for Academic and Professional Development. Departmental co-ordinators to be supported by printed guidelines and a website for resources. Departmental co-ordinators will also act as a contact point for disabled staff, and assist in coordinating requests for work preparation for disabled people The training for departmental co-ordinators should also be provided with a contact in service departments such as the International Office, Parking, and Careers etc. ii)Create feedback methods for disabled students and staff Concern Not started Progressing Communications - Roberta Warman Year 1 HR/LDC - Leonie Aspinall LDC, and Disability Services Years 1 and 2 Completed committee structure will also take place and committee secretaries will be engaged in an awareness raised campaign around election processes. Transferred to SEAP Transferred to SEAP LDC staff have received training Additional training to be carried out in Year 2 and website resources for coordinators to be developed in Year 2. Transferred to SEAP HR/ Disability Services Year 2. Complete. E&D Forum available to staff and students on the E&D website. Disability Services 2 Progress against equality action plans – May 2008 Key Traffic light iii) Prepare a Disability Handbook for students and staff to include a sign-posted map. This requires involvement of the Disability Coordinator, and will be a joint exercise with an access specialist iv) Consult more fully with external disability groups on the University’s Disability Equality Scheme Concern Not started Disability Services - Jane Abson HR and Disability Services Year 2 Year 1 Progressing Completed website. Transferred to SEAP Coventry City Council, Coventry University, ECU, HEEON. In body of SES v) Develop the role of the Disability Interest Group into a disability “task force” with strategic and measurable objectives, with membership drawn from across the University. This body should meet frequently. This will involve: Formalising the group with a chair person etc. Ensuring representation of both staff and students Maintaining links with departmental coordinators HR and Disability Services - Jane Abson Year 1/2 vi) Set up mechanism for regular update of “news” and reports on items relating to disability. This will improve communication of developments in the field of disability across the University between both staff and students. This could be a web-based forum for example Communications/ Year 1 HR/ Disability ongoing Services vii) Encourage participation of disabled users of the University through questionnaires and e-mails to gain opinions and feedback on specific topics viii) Continue to attend external disability and equality network Various departments Year 2 ongoing HR and Disability Ongoing Complete. Revisited with the group, and a decision was taken to maintain the group in its current format, to avoid inhibiting attendance and contribution at the meetings. The DIG will report regularly into the EDC Complete and ongoing. Forum available to staff and students on E&D website. Disability Services website. In body of SES In body of SES 3 Progress against equality action plans – May 2008 Key Traffic light 3. Estates 4. Parking Concern Not started Progressing groups to ensure best practice ix) Establish informal groups for people with interests in disability issues. Groups to feed into the Disability ‘task force’ x) Establish a hub online to collect examples of good practice and student/staff stories of experiences Co-ordinator HR, Disability Coordinator Disability Coordinator and HR - Jane Abson i) Establish an Estates Access Group to: produce a ‘Warwick Standard’ of accessibility for all disability groups for new builds and refurbishments review and advise upon budget requirements advise upon external lighting and campus accessibility ii) Look at the cost of providing spare wheelchairs for occasional use by students, staff and visitors. These would ideally be electric wheelchairs which would make users more independent Estates/HR Bob Wilson Estates/HR Colin Taylor Year 1 i) Request a review of the system of issuing University temporary badges for disabled people’s parking requirements. Consider online registration for people with disabilities and disabled visitors. Ancillary Services Year 1 ii) Request that a review of disabled car parking is undertaken including proximity to buildings and adequate provision for Ancillary Services Years 1 and 2 Completed Year 1 See (v) above Year 2 Disability Website further work required Transferred to SEAP Transferred to SEAP Year 1 Years 2 and 3 Wheelchairs purchased, systems being put in place to roll out use. Transferred to SEAP Complete. Review undertaken. As temporary badges for staff are only issued following a meeting with OH it is not possible to provide online registration in these cases. Other disabled drivers visiting campus do not need to apply for a permit. Complete. 4 Progress against equality action plans – May 2008 Key Traffic light 5. Public Procurement 6. IT Services students in addition to staff. Ensure that spaces are large enough to enabled physically disabled people to use them i) Ensure that the Purchasing Office is compliant with the Act. This will include revising any standard terms and conditions which they have for contracting their services to include information about the Disability Discrimination Act 2005. ii) Ensure that relevant government guidance on social or equality issues in procurement is considered. The University will need to ensure that disabled tenderers are treated fairly. For example, flexibility may need to be built into the tender process to accommodate some disabilities. i) Review of IT services requirements of disabled staff and students including software programs and training in their use: determine the services and programs required including a review of accessibility of on-line facilities including websites, browsers and software applications determine the locations services should be available to maximise access cost the provision evaluate and cost of training for technical staff in support of the programs, training of staff and students and ongoing development Concern Not started Progressing Completed Head of Purchasing Martin Lightbown Year 1 Completed Head of Purchasing Martin Lightbown Year 2 Completed – new terms and conditions issued and ongoing Disability Services/IT Services Year 1 This is currently underway with Jane Abson, Anne Roberts (Library), Malcolm Days (ITS) Transferred to SEAP B. Action Plan for University Staff Actions 1. Culture i) Provide disability awareness training for Heads of Departments and departmental administrators ii) With the aim of bringing about a “cultural shift”, devise an awareness campaign, to include training for staff Accountability/ Contacts HR/LDC Marshalls Package Timescales Progress Year 1 and ongoing LDC and HR Year 2 and ongoing The Marshalls Training package has been rolled out. In body of SES A number of Windows on Warwick 5 Progress against equality action plans – May 2008 Key Traffic light Concern Not started Progressing Completed sessions on E&D have taken place, an induction session for EDC members and the SAS Group. 2. Communication 3. Recruitment i) Provision of a central contact for staff, maximising the centralised structure to support disabled staff HR Year 1 ii) Explore the possible use of mentors or “buddies” for disabled staff who are new to the University, or who are newly disabled iii) Include information on support and contacts relating to disability in induction pack s HR Year 2 HR Year 1 i) Investigate and identify the factors involved in signing up to the Department of Work & Pensions’ “two ticks” scheme – a disability friendly scheme for inclusion in adverts and recruitment literature HR Year 1 and 2 ii) Purchase a Minicom and arrange training for Recruitment Team; ensure Minicom number is quoted on all adverts HR Year 1 iii) Explore with departments the feasibility of establishing a work preparation scheme in conjunction with workplace providers and departments. Such a scheme would provide work experience for HR Year 2 In body of SES Colin Taylor has been named as the contact. Transferred to SEAP Complete. Information on the staff induction website. The factors involved have been investigated and reported upon. Further analysis will take place in year 2. Transferred to SEAP The minicom system is in place. Further work is required to roll out use of the system Transferred to SEAP Transferred to SEAP 6 Progress against equality action plans – May 2008 Key Traffic light 4. Retention and Development of Sickness Absence disabled people preparing them for the workplace in a supportive environment iv) Investigate the merits and implications of adopting an Interview Guarantee Scheme for disabled applicants who meet the minimum (essential) criteria of the person specification i) Review the policy on extensions to sick pay to ensure there are clear and objective criteria Concern Not started Progressing Completed HR Year 2 See 3 i) above. HR Year 1 HR Year 2 Complete. Reviewed as part of harmonisation work. Transferred to SEAP HR Year 1 Complete. Actions Accountability/ Contacts Timescale i) Create effective feedback mechanisms for students to inform developments in services Academic Office Anne-Claire Charrier Progress Post Year 1 Year 2 ii) Include information on support and contacts relating to disability in induction packs Academic Office Anne-Claire Charrier Year 2 Complete. New induction packs include significant content on range of support available to students. ii) Review the system for seeking alternative work where a disabled employee can no longer meet the requirements of their current role iii) Review the draft capability and sickness absence policies to ensure that appropriate regard is taken to disability-related absences and to identify where reasonable adjustments may be made C. Action Plan for Students 1. Communication Complete. Procedures in place – will be reviewed in academic year 08/09. 7 Progress against equality action plans – May 2008 Key Traffic light 2. Disability Services 3. Academic and Departmental Matters 4. Library 5. Concern Not started Progressing Completed iii) Training of international office contact to advise students. Consider University financial support of international students to help with adaptations and equipment. iv) Consider a mentoring scheme for new students by more experienced students with disabilities International Office Carline Pack Welfare and EO Sabbatical Officer Ed Callow Year 2 Transferred to SEAP Set up scheme in Year 1. Under consideration. SU to meet with Disability Services. v) Produce guidelines for producing materials in appropriate formats (e.g. prospectuses, enrolment information, learning resources….) i) Review of Disability Services provision, including: Services for the range of impairments Role of Disability Co-ordinator Communication and ‘advertising’ services Relationships with academic departments and other services Resources i) Provision of transparent funding structure for academic departments for meeting the needs of disabled students HR, Disability Coordinator, Communications Campus Affairs Sean Russell Year 2 Transferred to SEAP Transferred to SEAP Review: Year 1 Phasing of agreed developments Years 2 and 3 Transferred to SEAP Disability Coordinator Year 2 Removal of this action suggested i) Continue development of customer services to disabled students, including training of library staff Library Anne Roberts Year 1 and ongoing ii) Improve quality and consistency of service provision, and ensure special allowances and arrangements e.g. extended loan times Library Anne Roberts Year 1 and ongoing Complete. Disability awareness training has been embedded in the Library’s training programme Anne Roberts is responsible for disability equality in the Library, and is leading on this i) Establish procedures, practices, roles and responsibilities for Accommodation Year 1-2 Transferred to SEAP Transferred to SEAP 8 Progress against equality action plans – May 2008 Key Traffic light Concern Not started Progressing Completed Accommodation the allocation and adaptation of rooms for disabled students, including Accommodation Officers, Accommodation Wardens, Resident Tutors, Domestic Services, HMT and Disability Services Services, Hospitality Dan Persaud 6. Admissions i) Ensure consistency of the admissions procedure for undergraduate and postgraduate students with regard to disabled students, including Admissions Officers (Academic Office and Academic Departments), Departmental Co-ordinators and Disability Services ii) Training of Departmental Admissions Officers in Disability Discrimination Act iii) Introduce routine communication with departments relating to disabled students, in advance of the Autumn term. i) Monitor destination on leaving the University data for disabled students ii) Take into account disabled users views when reviewing practices and procedures iii) Transition to work- Disability Coordinator can provide Careers with a list of students who will soon be finishing their degrees, allowing the Careers Service to be more proactive in assisting disabled students Academic Office and Academic Departments Anne-Claire Charrier HR/CAPD Year 1 Completed Year 2 Transferred to SEAP Disability Coordinator Careers Gill Frigerio Careers Gill Frigerio Careers Gill Frigerio Year 1 Year 1 Completed and continuing Completed Year 1 Completed Year 1 Completed Accountability/ Contacts Centre for Academic and Professional Development Michaela Borg Timescales Progress Preliminary investigation Year 1 The study is planned to finish by the end of June. The research is completed, the data analysed and the report is being written. 39 interviews with students with disabilities re 7. Careers Service D. Action Plan for Teaching and Learning Actions 1. Further Research i) An additional study that examines the teaching, learning and assessment issues to be carried out as soon as possible. This study will be based on individual and group interviews with students and staff, examining: different settings of learning e.g. seminars, lectures etc. the impact of types of courses e.g. professional courses and disciplines. 9 Progress against equality action plans – May 2008 Key Traffic light Concern Not started Progressing Completed teaching and learning, assessment, personal tutoring, central services and spaces have been carried out. issues faced by teaching staff, disabled students and disabled staff who teach. assessment. Actions for this section of the plan may change with this additional information. Tranferred to SEAP 2. Learning Resources 3. Teaching Resources 4. Support of Learners 5. Support of Staff 6. Student Assessment i) Learning Spaces A review of the availability and support procedures of special equipment and software in the Library, Learning Grids and new Teaching Grid. Adoption of the principle of 'Universal Design', wherever feasible, in the development of network tools. ii) Teaching Spaces- A review of equipment and support procedures in Classrooms Lecture theatres (e.g. induction (hearing) loops, wheelchair access routes). To include conference facilities. i) Review of provision made for academic staff development (e.g. PCAPP teaching qualification). ii) A set of procedures / minimum standards and models of good practice from within the University e.g. provision of material a week in advance, in alternative formats if requested i) Actions outlined in Student section ii) Recommendations to academic staff on the provision of lecture notes in advance of lectures and in alternative formats. This will involve considering the implications for revising University Policy and guidelines. i) See Staff section i) Publication of an examinations policy as an addition to the current regulations ensure equity of provision of specific arrangements CAPD, Library, elab, Accommodation, Academic Office Year 2 Transferred to SEAP Estates/ Academic Office Space Management & Timetabling team CAPD Year 2 Transferred to SEAP Year 2 Complete LDC/Academic Office/HR Year 2 Transferred to SEAP NA CAPD/Academic Office NA Year 2 NA Transferred to SEAP NA NA NA Academic Office/Departmen t exam officer Year 2 Transferred to SEAP 10 Progress against equality action plans – May 2008 Key Traffic light Concern Not started ii) Review the options for improving individual examination schedules Academic Office Year 2 iii) Include on induction for external examiners where relevant CAPD/Disability Coordinator Year 2 Progressing Completed Under review (has been scoped but no further action taken as yet) Transferred to SEAP Ongoing 11 Progress against equality action plans – May 2008 Key Traffic light Concern Not started Progressing Completed GENDER EQUALITY DUTY The University developed, consulted on, and implemented a Gender Equality Scheme and Action Plan in April 2007. In doing so it reviewed existing policies, provisions and data. In order to develop the Action Plan it invited the involvement of staff and students in participating in a questionnaire and focus groups, and forged links with groups outside the University for the purposes of consulting about the plan. It consulted with its Senior Women’s Network (a group of female senior academic and professional staff who meet, on a voluntary basis, once a term to discuss issues specific to women in the University). Trade unions were also consulted regarding the content of the Scheme and the objectives to be incorporated in the Action Plan. The draft documentation was also discussed at the Equality and Diversity Network which is an open consultation forum that any staff member or student can attend. The Gender Equality Action Plan 2007-2010 is shown below with comments on progress. Yr 1 Apr 07-Mar 08, Yr 2 Apr 09-Mar 09, Yr3 Apr 09-Mar 10 A Action Plan relating to all University Users- The overall aim of these actions is to ensure that gender is integrated within the decisionmaking bodies of the University and to improve the wellbeing of all staff, students and visitors. 1. Communication and Consultation Actions Consultation with external customers on gender requirements, via website and external newsletters Accountability Director of HR Timescales Year 1 Consultation with staff and students on implementation of Gender Equality Scheme and review of progress to date at annual intervals Review Equality and Diversity Policy (staff and students) to ensure it encompasses gender and the new requirements, make any necessary amendments and re-issue to departments. Review of Gender Equality section of equality and diversity website to increase information relating to gender and incorporate information relating to transgender issues. Director of HR and Director of Campus Affairs Year 1,2,3 Director of HR Year 1 Director of HR Year 1 Progress Notices on website and in CommUnity magazine. In body of SES Ongoing and annual report to EDC Complete. Policy reviewed and published on E&D website. Complete 12 Progress against equality action plans – May 2008 Key Traffic light 2. Public Procurement Concern Not started Ensure awareness of the obligations under Gender Equality Legislation Provision of training to those involved in tendering activity on the obligations of the Gender Equality Duty, the Gender Equality Duty Code of Practice and relevant Gender Equality Legislation Head of Purchasing and Insurance/Deputy Head of Purchasing and Insurance Ensure tender and contract documentation addresses the requirement for non discrimination and promotion equality of opportunity on the basis of gender. Review of current tender and contract documentation Head of Purchasing and Insurance/Deputy Head of Purchasing and Insurance Ensure that the Gender Equality Duty is appropriately addressed and given due weight in supplier selection and award processes, subject to the Public Contract Regulations 2006 Review of current tender and contract documentation Review of selection and award criteria where gender equality issues are particularly relevant to the contract Communication of a Gender Equality Procurement Statement Publication of the Procurement Statement on the Purchasing Office website 3. Data collection Follow up of previous data cleansing exercise for staff to incorporate information relating to transgender. Investigate the possibility of collecting information relating to transgender students 4. Meeting the Implementation of a Gender Reassignment Policy for staff needs of and students Transgender staff and students Progressing Completed Year 1 subject to the Equality Commission Guidance on Procurement Year 1 Complete. Those involved in tender processes have been trained in respect of relevant legislation. Complete. Tender documentation addresses equality issues. Head of Purchasing and Insurance/Deputy Head of Purchasing and Insurance Year 1 Complete. Processes are in place to action this where relevant I a specific tender or contract. Deputy Head of Purchasing and Insurance Year 1/2 Complete. Loaded on to website. Information Manager-Personnel Services Director of Campus Affairs Year 1 Director of HR and Director of Campus Affairs Year 2 Transferred to SEAP Complete. Fields updated. Complete. Year 1 13 Progress against equality action plans – May 2008 Key Traffic light Concern Not started Progressing Completed B. Action Plan relating to University Staff 1. Communication Actions Awareness briefing session for staff as part of the implementation of the Gender Equality Scheme and Action Plan Accountability Director of HR Timescales Year 1 Director of HR, Information Manager Year1,2,3 2. Recruitment and retention Continuation of benchmarking with other institutions including analysis of HESA data to identify potential development areas and utilise areas of good practice. Collate statistical data regarding job roles by gender to identify roles predominantly filled by men and women in order to identify strategies to publicise the roles to the less represented gender and overcome occupational segregation. Director of HR, Information Manager, Recruitment Manager Year 1-2 Review of recruitment processes to ensure removal of any gender related barriers and ensure equality of opportunity for men and women. Recruitment Manager Year 1 Review turnover for men and women and reasons for leaving to identify if there are any gender related issues Monitor consistency of recruitment processes by conducting a further “Tracking of Posts Project”, which takes a sample of posts and monitors the process used in order to ensure that legislative requirements are being met and to maintain consistency. Review current Maternity, Paternity and Adoption Director of HR Year 1 Recruitment Manager Year 1 Director of HR Year 1 3.Family Friendly Progress Complete. Variety, including insite, insite inbox, web, CommUnicate, EDN, and flagged to EDC reps. Transferred to SEAP Statistics relating to Occupational segregation reported to EDC each Autumn. Rest of action transferred to SEAP. Review undertaken, revised policy drawn up, intranet reviewed, new selection panel process drawn up. Complete and ongoing Transferred to SEAP Complete 14 Progress against equality action plans – May 2008 Key Traffic light Policies 4.Flexible Working 5.Research Assessment provisions in light of Working Families Bill due to come into force in April 2007, including clarification on funding and operation of schemes within departments. Conduct a benchmarking exercise with other HEI’s to identify comparability of family friendly benefits with other organisations Investigate the possibility of gaining Tommy’s accreditation for the University’s Maternity procedures. Concern Not started Progressing Completed Personnel Adviser-Policy and Projects Year 1 Complete. University benefits not out of line. Complete. University benefits equivalent. Ongoing. New nursery has extended hours (but not evenings). Playschemes are being explored. Complete Personnel Adviser-Policy and Projects Year 1 Review of existing childcare provisions for staff and students. Director of Campus Affairs Year 2 Update Flexible Working Guidelines to incorporate legislation changes arising from the Working Families Bill Publicise revised flexible working guidelines to raise awareness of flexible working options for all staff. Director of HR Year 1 Director of HR Year 1 Consult on and consider the specific needs of staff who work flexibly, including part-time, term time only to identify appropriate support mechanisms. Director of HR Year 1 Published but awareness raising needs to be done. Linked to Staff Survey responses. To be taken forward by Pulse Action Team. See above Incorporate information relating to flexible working in the Paternity guidance to publicise flexible working options to men Ensure Gender related issues are incorporated into RAE Code of Practice, including maternity, part-time working Director of HR Year 1 Transferred to SEAP Complete RAE Steering Group Year 1 Complete. Code of Practice updated. 15 Progress against equality action plans – May 2008 Key Traffic light Exercise 6.Staff Development and Career Progression and flexible working Review and impact assess the rates of submission/nonsubmission by gender at University level Review training provisions to identify if there is a requirement to run courses with flexible hours to accommodate staff who work flexibly. Concern Not started Progressing Completed RAE Steering Group Year 1/2 Complete. Director of CAPD Year 2 Review promotions procedure for academic staff to ensure consistency and transparency, including investigating how promotions can be monitored to evaluate achievement by gender Review probation procedures to ensure consistency and transparency Assistant Director of HROperations Year 2 Taken into consideration. For example, Springboard has been run over 6 days instead of the usual 4 for part time workers. Completed and ongoing monitoring taking place Assistant Director of HROperations Year 2 Continue running “Springboard” as a personal development programme for women and investigate the demand for running the “Navigator” programme for men Director of CAPD Year 1/2 Investigate the possibility of mentoring for female staff to support career development Integrate gender equality related issues into management training where appropriate Director of CAPD Year 2 Director of CAPD Year 2 Complete. Review conducted, process Impact assessed, and ongoing monitoring taking place Complete. Programme ongoing –also running Navigator Programme for men, and Fresh Steps for older workers. Transferred to SEAP Complete. Eg Warwick Admin Management 16 Progress against equality action plans – May 2008 Key Traffic light 7.Pay and Benefits 8. Harassment and Bullying 9. Staff Survey Concern Not started Progressing A review to consider how best to promote the opportunity to be involved in University decision making to women. University Secretary Year 2 Consider conducting an Equal Pay Review following the final implementation of the framework agreement Framework Agreement Project Team Year2/3 Completed Programme redesigned. To be linked with monitoring of committee membership and awareness raising activities with committee secretaries. Initial stages of equal pay review taken place. Ongoing. Transferred to SEAP Complete Produce transition statistics on the move to the single pay scale to identify any gender related issues Framework Agreement Project Team Year 1 Review and monitor professorial and senior salaries to identify gender ratio , salary implications and trends Director of HR Year 1,2,3 In body of SES – ongoing Consider conducting a survey to identify the value placed by employees on a range of benefits in order to evaluate the reward strategy in conjunction with individual requirements. Review Harassment and Bullying policy for staff, including seeking feedback from Harassment Contacts and individuals regarding the operational viability of the policy Review PULSE staff survey results to identify any factors relating to gender Director of HR Year 2 Transferred to SEAP Director of HR Year 1 Complete Information Manager-Personnel Services Year 1 Implement new staff survey incorporating relevant Information Manager-Personnel Year 2 Complete. Survey results received – being actioned. Transferred to 17 Progress against equality action plans – May 2008 Key Traffic light questions on gender Concern Not started Progressing Services Completed SEAP C. Action Plan relating to Students 1. Culture 2. Communication Actions Accountability Timescales Progress Raise visibility and awareness of gender equality issues & support within the University. Develop innovative methods of generating awareness and linking this to practices and procedures Director of HR, Director of Campus Affairs Ongoing Ongoing – specific actions to be determined for the academic year 08/09 Create effective feedback mechanisms for students to inform developments in services Include information in induction pack of support and contacts Prepare a Gender Equality Handbook to highlight the University’s policies and aims in relation to gender equality provision Incorporate gender discrimination as part of the equality training provided to Student Union Sabbatical Officers Director of Campus Affairs Year 1 Director of Campus Affairs/Academic Registrar Director of HR, Director of Campus Affairs Year 1 SU Welfare & Equal Opportunities Officer/ General Manager of the Students’ Union Year 1 Year 1 Transferred to SEAP Procedures in place – effectiveness to be reviewed as part of service development in 08/09. Transferred to SEAP Completed. Referenced elsewhere. Suggest action removed. Completed and ongoing 18 Progress against equality action plans – May 2008 Key Traffic light Concern Not started Progressing Set up mechanism for regular update of “news” and reports from meetings on items relating to gender-to improve communication of developments in the field of gender across the University between both staff and students. Internal Communications Officer Year 1 3. Counselling Explore ways of ensuring that as much as possible students have a choice of a male or female counsellor Head of Counselling Year 2 4. Data Management Look at ways of accurately capturing numbers of students who are existing parents and sharing with relevant internal bodies to inform developments in services Academic Registrar and Director of Campus Affairs Year 1 Ensure that data management systems allow for all recognised gender definitions including transsexuality and that the relevant data records allow for student maternity leave Academic Registrar Year 2 Completed Complete. Regular communication with E&D Reps, E&D website updated. Forum available. In body of SES. Completed – there is a choice of gender in counsellors and no evidence of longer waiting times depending on choice. Under way. Variety of actions needed to ensure completion which means it will not be complete by April 08. Transferred to SEAP Complete. A gender other than male and female can be recorded, students may opt not to have a title recorded. Maternity leave is allowed via temporary 19 Progress against equality action plans – May 2008 Key Traffic light Concern Not started Progressing Completed withdrawal. 5. Departmental/ Academic Matters 6. Estates Develop strategies of encouraging better participation/inclusiveness in class discussion, particularly in traditionally more gender-specific academic subjects Heads of Academic Departments Year 1 Transferred to SEAP Review training of academic/departmental staff in relation to gender issues, identifying any potential areas of improvement Director of CAPD Year 1 Review completed. Review departmental feedback/complaint procedures in relation to gender. Ensure that such feedback/complaints are robust and are sensitively and effectively handled Heads of Academic Departments/ Director of Campus Affairs/Academic Registrar Year 1 Allow students their choice of male or female Personal Tutor where possible, at the very least for discussing particularly sensitive matters where a gender-specific Tutor may be more appropriate Heads of Academic Departments and Head of Student Welfare Year 1 Complete. Guidance has been improved. Feedback from experience of the process is closely monitored. Transferred to SEAP Consider appropriate methods for making learning methods more flexible for student parents and part-time students Heads of Academic Departments Year 2 Review whether there is adequate provision of separate bathrooms and toilet facilities on campus for all genders, particular in Halls of Residence. Consider increasing bathroom/toilet provision where feasible Director of Estates/Head of Residential Life/ Warwick Accommodation Year 1,3 EDC request to Michael Whitby to consider as part of review of T&L strategy. Transferred to SEAP Transferred to SEAP 20 Progress against equality action plans – May 2008 Key Traffic light Concern Not started Progressing Completed See above – extended hours but still not including evenings. Transferred to SEAP 7. Nursery Consider the feasibility of extending evening hours at the Nursery to meet the needs of students with evening study Nursery Manager/Director of Campus Affairs Year 1 8. Parking Review how to most effectively meet parking permit requests from vulnerable individuals for spaces as near as possible to residences Review procedures for training security & shuttle bus staff on the basis of gender sensitivity Facilities Manager Year 1 Security Manager and Director of HR Year 1 Transferred to SEAP Review whether there is sufficient late night transport provision for vulnerable people of all genders Security Manager Year 1 Look at providing a more visible security presence on campus at night, particularly in relation to poorly lit areas and areas perceived by students as higher risk (i.e. the route to Lakeside, etc) Ensure that gender sensitivities are adequately considered in Student Union advertising, including for social events (i.e. Skool Dayz, Score, etc) Security Manager Year 2 Complete – currently spare capacity. Transferred to SEAP Student Union Commercial Development & Communications Officer/General Manager of Students Union President of the Student Union/ General Manager of Students Union Year 1 Completed and ongoing Year 1 Completed and ongoing 9. Security 10. Student’s Union Encourage Students Union to ensure that robust mechanisms exist to protect students from physical harassment at SU social events and that such mechanisms are well-publicised 21 Progress against equality action plans – May 2008 Key Traffic light Concern Not started Progressing Completed RACE EQUALITY DUTY The University has developed a Race Equality Policy and Action Plan in response to legislation dating back to 2001. The Race Equality Action Plan for 2005/6 and 2006/7 and progress to date is shown below: RACE EQUALITY ACTION PLAN FOR ACADEMIC YEARS 2005/6 and 2006/2007 Action-STAFF/STUDENT 1. Data Monitoring and Analysis by ethnicity -workforce profile -recruitment -promotions (inc Job Evaluation) -merit pay -leavers (resignations, dismissals, redundancy) -training -harassment cases(staff and students) -grievance and disciplinary -fixed term contracts -student statistics (Application and admission, degree and other qualification results, non completion rates) for both Undergraduate and Postgraduate -careers data (destination on graduation and career paths) 2. Equality Impact Assessment -Identify appropriate mechanism for EIA -Produce guidance on EIA process -conduct pilot on EIA process -Implement EIA process across the Lead Academic Office, Careers Service, Student and Ancillary Services and Personnel Personnel Heads of Departments EIA Champions Aim To maintain the collection and analysis of relevant staff and student data, for presentation to the Equal Opportunities Committee. The data and recommendations will be presented to the Senate and the Council. Timescale Staff data presented in Autumn Term meeting Implement process for Equality Impact Assessment that will be built into regular review processes (a) Communication to departments-summer 2005 (b) Delivery of e-toolkit and training on processOctober 2005 (c) Review of policies and Progress Completed and ongoing Student data presented in Spring Term meeting Review of overall data and progression in Summer Term meeting Project nearing completion. Report to EDC in May 2008. 22 Progress against equality action plans – May 2008 Key Traffic light University -Evaluate EIA process -Build EIA into the University’s existing annual quality and review procedures 3. Equality and Diversity Training -Equality and Diversity training -Cultural Awareness 4. Stimulate applications from individuals of black and minority ethnic (BME) background through: (a) Widening Participation (students) (b) Advertising on BME job websites (staff) (c) Targeting BME graduates (d) Working with local community groups (e) Researching possible shortterm trainee placements 5.Communication and Consultation Student’s Union (for students) and Personnel (for staff) Ensure key managers and staff are aware of legislative responsibilities and wider diversity issues Student Recruitment Office (for students) and Personnel (for staff) To ensure access for all ethnic groups to learning and employment opportunities at the University through a variety of schemes (eg positive action advertising, Widening Participation). Communications Personnel Improve communication/consultation on equality and diversity issues. Consider feedback received from consultations and evaluate potential development opportunities. Communicate activities to staff and students. To ensure transparent, nondiscriminatory practices are -Equality and Diversity website -Equality and Diversity Network -Discussion forum -Focus groups -Review feedback from Staff Survey and BME Questionnaire 6. Recruitment and Selection Training Personnel Concern Not started Progressing practices-Dec 2005 (d) EIA of high relevance policies-July 2006 (e) EIA of low relevance policies-July 2007 Equality and Diversity programme roll-out beginning in March 2006 Cultural Awareness incorporated into Warwick Skills Programme Feb 2006 In place, ongoing with annual data review cycle. Ongoing Completed Variety of training sessions held, including in-department training. E-learning package to be rolled out in April 2008. Vacancies are sent to local job centres and links have been made with local community groups. Ongoing. E&D webpages reviewed and updated in February 2008 and further work is planned to increase student-related content. In body of SES Pilot sessions held in July 2003; continuing roll-out Ongoing. In addition elearning package on 23 Progress against equality action plans – May 2008 Key Traffic light -Recruitment and Selection -Interview Skills workshop 7. Publicise the Staff Recruitment opportunities on offer at the University, emphasising its ethnic diversity and contribution to the region Personnel and Communications Office 8. Equality and Diversity Representatives -training Personnel Equality and Diversity Representatives -promote role of representative -recruit additional representatives 9. Staff Induction Concern Not started Progressing Completed adhered to in all University recruitment and selection processes Ensure potential applicants are aware of the diverse range of roles available at the University, the benefits and contribution to the local community Interview skills sessions commence Autumn term 2006 R&S to be rolled out in April 2008. Continual review of Recruitment strategy/publications/ website/documentation To facilitate two way communication and engage staff across the university in equality and diversity activities. Ongoing Recruitment video available from website. Extensive material available on “working at Warwick” website hosted in HR. Exercise undertaken to recruit additional reps in February 2008. In body of SES Induction processes currently under review. All new starters receive a leaflet outlining the University’s commitment to E&D. -Incorporate EO in induction process Personnel Centre for Academic Practice Ensure all new starters are aware of the University’s commitment to equality and diversity and their individual responsibilities. In line with overall review of Induction procedure 10.Promote the role of Equal Opportunities and Welfare Officer and Services provided Equal Opportunities and Welfare Officer-SU Ongoing Ongoing – publicised regularly through SU website. 11.Produce Guidelines on consideration of religion in academic activities -scheduling of lectures/exams -request for prayer time Academic Office Equal Opportunities and Welfare Officer-SU Chaplaincy Ensure all students are aware of the services provided by the Equal Opportunities and Welfare Office and the role of the Sabbatical Officer Provide clarity for students and staff on factors to consider with regards to religion in an academic environment Report back Autumn 2006 Education Officer identifies key activities which are mandatory and which may cause problems. Also deals 24 Progress against equality action plans – May 2008 Key Traffic light Concern Not started Progressing -field trips -course handbooks Completed with individual issues. Also raised with Michael Whitby as part of his review of T&L strategy. 12.Review Student induction including Orientation and freshers week Academic Office International Office Review student induction material to ensure cultural and religious sensitivity. Consider orientation week and freshers week to ensure integration of all students. Conduct Review by May 2006 in preparation for induction in 2006 13.Hate Crime -Hate Crime Reporting Centre -Identifying Hate Crime Hotspots Equal Opportunities and Welfare Officer-SU Security Introduce Hate Crime Reporting Centre Nov 05 Review Nov 06 14. Review Race Equality Policy and Action Plan Equal Opportunities Committee Improve communication and awareness of hate crime and reporting mechanisms Inform Security, police and potential residents of Hate Crime hotspots To ensure continued promotion of race equality in response to recommendations arising from data monitoring and impact assessments. Action plan for 2005-07 Review annually and revise action plan 2007 Transferred to SEAP Complete. New approach to UG induction well under way – significant changes to publications, website and arrivals process for new students. Explicit connections will be included to the International Orientation programme. Set up and used. Under review for incorporation into the Single Equality Scheme. 25 Progress against equality action plans – May 2008 Key Traffic light Concern Not started Progressing Completed EQUALITY AND DIVERSITY ACTION PLAN The University also has an Equality and Diversity Action Plan and this is shown below with progress to date. ACTIONS PROMOTION OF EQUALITY AND DIVERSITY Continue re-branding from Equal Opportunities to Equality and Diversity to reflect the organisational transition Enlist additional departmental Equality and Diversity Representatives to improve two-way communication on Equality and Diversity Initiatives and continue to build on E&D Rep network ACCOUNTABILITY TIMESCALES PROGRESS Personnel AdviserPolicy and Projects Personnel AdviserPolicy and Projects Departments to dedicate an area of a departmental noticeboard to publicising Equality and Diversity Policies and initiatives. Heads of Departments To be completed by July 2007 All dept/function areas to have a nominated E&D Rep by Dec 2007 To be implemented during 06/07 Completed and ongoing Exercise undertaken to recruit additional E&D reps in February 2008. Requested Departments to include a set agenda item on Equality and Diversity in Department/Team Meetings as appropriate Heads of Departments and Equality and Diversity Representatives Personnel AdviserPolicy and Projects Introduce by January 2007 Requested Ongoing review & updating All Departments (Heads of Departments/Depart mental Induction CoOrdinators) To commence Academic Year 06/07 Reviewed and updated February 2008. In body of SES Ongoing Continue to update/refresh Equality and Diversity Website -Data available -Content/Format -Information on current projects Academic Departments to re-iterate the commitment to Equality & Diversity in their staff and student inductions 26 Progress against equality action plans – May 2008 Key Traffic light LEGISLATION AND POLICY ACTIVITIES Review Equality and Diversity Policy to ensure it is up to date with legislation and organisational changes To review the University’s current guidelines on and support for sexual orientation issues and identify any appropriate additional project work as a result – e.g. to consider the possibility of joining Stonewall’s Diversity Champions programme. ACCOUNTABILITY Assistant Director of Personnel Services and Personnel Adviser-Policy and Projects Assistant Director of Personnel Concern Not started TIMESCALES Annually and as required in line with new legislation Review during 06/07 academic year To consider the possibility of introducing a Student Charter with explicit commitment statements about equality & diversity issues relating to students Director of Campus Affairs/Director of Academic & Student Affairs 2007 Evaluate progress with regards to the Race Equality Action Plan and consider implementation of new Race Equality Action Plan Assistant Director of Personnel Services and Personnel Adviser-Policy and Projects Summer 07 review. New Action Plan to be introduced Autumn 07. Progressing Completed Reviewed. In body of SES LGBT staff group set up. Meeting arranged with Stonewall to discuss other possible initiatives. Transferred to SEAP Work being taken forward by Deputy Registrar’s office (linked to student contracts). Transferred to SEAP To be superseded by Single Equality Scheme and Action Plan. 27 Progress against equality action plans – May 2008 Key Traffic light Produce and implement a Disability Equality Scheme and Action Plan Produce and implement a Gender Equality Scheme and Action Plan Concern Assistant Director of Personnel Services/Head of Student Admissions/Director of Campus Affairs in conjunction with Disability Interest Group/CAP/Estates Assistant Director of Personnel Services/Director of Campus Affairs/Head of Student Admissions Not started Progressing Scheme to be approved by Dec 2006. Implementation ongoing in line with timescales on the Disability Action Plan. Completed Scheme to be developed & approved by April 2007. Implementation ongoing in line with timescales on the Gender Action Plan Briefing & Retirement Guidelines to be implemented October 2006. Further review work on publicity material & student admissions during 06/07. Completed Completed Consider implications on new Employment Equality (Age) Regulations -Produce Age Action Plan -Retirement Guidelines -Communication briefing sessions -Update Personnel and Equality and Diversity Website Personnel Adviser – Policy & Projects; Head of Student Recruitment/Academi c Registrar Review and evaluate implications of Working Families Bill including: Increased maternity leave from 26 to 39 weeks from April 2007 Proportion of paid maternity leave transferable Extends right to request flexible working to other groups with caring responsibilities Review Sexual, Racial and Personal Harassment Guidelines for Students in light of developments to the Harassment and Bullying Assistant Director of Personnel Services Revise maternity, paternity & adoption schemes - to be completed January 2007. Completed. Director of Campus Affairs To commence 06/07, & be completed by To be completed in Summer Term 2008 Completed. To be reviewed Summer 08. 28 Progress against equality action plans – May 2008 Key Traffic light Policy for staff. Not started January 2008 Evaluate implementation of new Flexible Working Guidelines including review of monitoring data Personnel AdviserPolicy & Projects WIDENING PARTICIPATION Continuation of the University’s Widening Participation activities -data analysis/training ACCOUNTABILITY Head of Admissions and Widening Participation TEACHING and LEARNING Centre for Academic Practice to review the incorporation of a focus on equality and Diversity into CAP’s provision where appropriate. ACCOUNTABILITY Director of CAP Centre for Academic Practice to consider the possibility of providing an E&D module on the Mandatory induction course programme (to be available to other staff as well) Director of CAP Completion of new Teaching and Learning Strategy incorporating a specific section on Equality and Diversity Academic Registrar/Deputy Director of CAP Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Teaching & Learning) Review of equality and diversity in the curriculum Concern Evaluate monitoring data Summer 2007. Annual review of data. TIMESCALES Ongoing in line with Widening Participation Strategy and timescales TIMESCALES Review summer 07. Incorporate w.e.f. 07/08. Review summer 07. Possible introduction 07/08. 2006/07 Scope review 06/07 Progressing Completed through Deputy Registrar’s Office. Transferred to SEAP Transferred to SEAP In body of SES Complete. Not designed as yet, but consideration being given to integrating E&D issues through training programmes. Transferred to SEAP Raised with Michael Whitby. Transferred to SEAP 29 Progress against equality action plans – May 2008 Key Traffic light To continue to encourage academic staff to submit work with an E&D focus for Teaching Enhancement Awards and to the journal Interactions , and to run a themed E&D issue of Interactions. To maintain involvement in and membership of relevant national programmes and organisations (e.g. SEDA) to share best practice and build specialist expertise amongst CAP staff. BUSINESS and the COMMUNITY Continue to utilise CommUnity to publicise Equality and Diversity initiatives to the local community To maintain membership of local, national and regional Partnerships/Networks (e.g. HEEON, Coventry Partnership, Opportunity Now) to share best practice and engage in project work. Warwick Volunteers - to continue to be involved in a range of initiatives across the community including projects aimed at supporting minority or disadvantaged groups Warwick Arts Centre to continually review its programme of events to ensure they reflect the diversity of the customer and provide a variety of artistic experiences. Maintain links with local community organisations to publicise Warwick and opportunities available HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT To conclude the BME staff development pilot project in conjunction with the Leadership Foundation and LSE and to review outcomes To implement mentoring programme & review effectiveness for particular groups Concern Deputy Director of CAP Director of CAP ACCOUNTABILITY Personnel Services/Communica tions Personnel Services/Community Relations Manager Director of Campus Affairs Director of Warwick Arts Centre Director of Personnel Services/Director of Campus Affairs/Community Relations Manager ACCOUNTABILITY Assistant Director of Personnel Services/Manageme nt Development Adviser, CAP Management Development Not started Progressing Completed Themed issue to be published 2007; other actions ongoing Annual review of activities & memberships TIMESCALES At least annually Journal and teaching enhancement awards no longer exist. Ongoing To be reviewed annually Reviewed and membership continuing. Report to EDC in Summer Term annually Ongoing reviews – overview by Arts Centre Board Ongoing TIMESCALES Project to be completed 06/07 Review Summer 07 to evaluate success and next steps To be implemented 06/07; review In body of SES In body of SES Ongoing In body of SES Ongoing Ongoing In body of SES PROGRESS Complete Complete plus extension to early 30 Progress against equality action plans – May 2008 Key Traffic light Concern Not started Adviser, CAP Summer 07 Assistant Director of Personnel Services/Internal Communications Officer ACCOUNTABILITY Research Support Services/All Departments PVC-International Affairs and PVCResearch RAE Implementation Working Group/Personnel Services ACCOUNTABILITY Director of Campus Affairs New Survey planned July 2007 Ongoing follow-up Explore ways of ensuring appropriate diversity in the Governance Structure, particularly related to the membership of Committees University Secretary Review during 06/07 EQUALITY IMPACT ASSESSMENT Implement Equality Impact Assessment across the University in relation to: ACCOUNTABILITY Personnel Services/Heads of TIMESCALES High Priority Policies to be completed Dec Staff Survey -Evaluation of previous results and implementation of recommendations -Consideration of new Staff survey RESEARCH Maintain international research and international research collaborations to ensure a diverse research perspective Produce Equality and Diversity statement in conjunction with RAE guidance to ensure that equality aspects and included and considered as part of the assessment SERVICE DELIVERY Build in Equality and Diversity into each of the service area strategies Progressing Completed career researchers group as a pilot in 08/09 Staff survey carried out Jan 08. Next survey planned for Spring 09. TIMESCALES Ongoing Dec 2006 TIMESCALES 07/08 Ongoing Complete. Code of Practice available. Being done through service development plans for new academic year. Transferred to SEAP Review under progress - see points above. Transferred to SEAP Current project near completion. 31 Progress against equality action plans – May 2008 Key Traffic light Concern Not started Progressing Completed Race Religion Gender Disability Consider the integration of age into the EIA process Departments RECRUITMENT AND SELECTION Continuation of Recruitment and Selection Training ACCOUNTABILITY Recruitment Manager-Personnel Services Continuation of practical Interview Skills Training Recruitment Manager- Personnel Services Review of: Guidelines on website and issued to departments Information sent to applicants Information from the internal recruitment audit Appointment Panel Composition Implementation of new Tracking of Posts Project to review progress on previous recommendations, review recruitment process and consider equality issues within the recruitment process. Recruitment Manager- Personnel Services Ongoing Completed and ongoing Recruitment Manager- Personnel Services 07/08 Transferred to SEAP Personnel Services 06 Low priority Policies to be completed Autumn 07 2009 TIMESCALES Review of course 06/07 All staff involved in R&S to be trained by Dec 2008 Review of course Summer 06; Implementation ongoing Separate report to go to EDC. Recommendations to include age, religion or belief and sexual orientation into the process. PROGRESS Ongoing e-learning package rolled out in May 2008. Ongoing 32 Progress against equality action plans – May 2008 Key Traffic light Concern Not started STAFF DEVELOPMENT Implementation of Equality and Diversity Training for Staff ACCOUNTABILITY Assistant Director of Personnel Services TIMESCALES To commence 06/07 Review and communicate development opportunities across the University in line with the move to the single pay scale and removal of old staffing categories To introduce Customer Service Training, incorporating cultural awareness, for all front line staff Personnel Services/Director of CAP CAP and Warwick Hospitality/Conferenc es Training Review & integrate 06/07 Monitor 07/08 Review existing provision 06/07; introduce new training across university 07/08 Training of Wardens, Tutors and Departmental Senior Tutors on Equality Issues. Head of Residential Life/Head of Student Welfare and Personnel Services To commence 06/07 Progressing Completed E-learning package available from May 08. Variety of other sessions held. Complete Induction programme for Commercial staff includes 5 hours of customer service training which includes an understanding of the customer base on campus. In addition, Commercial have an occasional 2 hour interactive programme around cultural awareness. Ongoing – training is given at the start of each year and antidiscrimination practice is embedded into it. New training programme currently under consideration. Transferred to SEAP 33 Progress against equality action plans – May 2008 Key Traffic light MONITORING Review provision of student data and reporting to Equality and Diversity Committee Review provision of staff data and reporting to Equality and Diversity Committee Present student monitoring reports (Undergraduate and Postgraduate) to Equality and Diversity Committee Present staff monitoring reports to Equality and Diversity Committee To monitor student discipline and complaints by gender, disability, ethnicity and age Concern ACCOUNTABILITY Director of Academic & Student Affairs/Head of Admissions/Equality and Diversity Committee Chair and Secretary Information Manager,Personnel Services/Equality and Diversity Committee Chair and Secretary Student Admissions/Student Administration/Director of Academic & Student Affairs Information Manager, Personnel Services University Secretary/Academic Office To review the potential of the Student Records System to provide improved details about students, including audit trails of complaints/ feedback and to identify issues. Director of Academic & Student Affairs Careers Service to monitor career progression and destinations or Warwick Graduates by gender, ethnicity and disability to identify areas of concern or where additional support may be required. Director of Careers Service Not started Progressing Completed TIMESCALE 06/07 PROGRESS Completed. Recommendations made. 06/07 Completed Spring Termannually Ongoing – to be presented in the summer term 08 Autumn Termannually New complaints procedure to be implemented06/0 7; Annual report ongoing 06/07 Ongoing Annual report to EDC Completed and ongoing report each Autumn Ongoing Transferred to SEAP 34