EQUALITY AND DIVERSITY AWARENESS/FEEDBACK AND CONSULTATION Action Reason for Action Accountability Timescales Raise awareness of age-related issues such as loss of hearing and also disabilities related to illness, including shortterm illness. Review guidelines on and support for sexual orientation issues. Consider joining Stonewall’s Diversity Champions programme. Prepare disabilityrelated resources for students and staff to include a sign-posted map. Related to general awareness activities as above. HR/LDC Dec 07- Nov Increased information 08 available on website and in departments. Need to identify what support is needed for staff/students from different sexual orientations. HR 06/07 academic year Need to publicise services. Disability Services/HR D Weber/ L Morris Dec 06- Nov Resources available 071 for students and staff. Jan 092 1 2 Original date Revised date Success measures Increased awareness of issues relating to sexual orientation. Increased information on website. Equality strand Age, Dis. Progress SO LGBT staff group and website set up. Web messages on LGBT history month. Meeting with Stonewall taken place. WoW to be held in Summer Term. ECU conference attended. New disability services leaflet produced. Marking guidelines for academic staff who are assessing Dyslexic students. Training and awareness session to be offered as Wow session with HR. ALL E&D website revamped – includes Age Concern guide. Action Reason for Action Accountability Timescales Success measures Review student complaints/feedback processes and the Student Records System in relation to audit trails of complaints and identify issues. Improved monitoring. Academic Registrar, Head of Student Services 06/07 academic year Improved tracking of complaints and more effective reporting to address recurrent issues Hold focus group of lifelong learning students to gather their input into cont. dev. of E&D Review H&B policy for staff and consider drawing up a statement relating to Dignity at Work at Warwick. Need to involve all students Director of Student Dev and Diversity Dir of Lifelong Learning HR 08/09 academic year (YR 1 of SEAP) Views gathered and acted on 08/09 academic year (YR 1 of SEAP) H&B policy reviewed and Dignity at Work statement drawn up if appropriate. Need to promote positive behaviours Equality strand ALL ALL Progress A log has been established for the recording and reviewing of complaints handled by all teams. This will be examined quarterly to identify recurrent issues and to generate FAQs. A review of student complaints/ appeals over the last three years has been carried out . This has been presented to AQSA and work with the Students’ Union Advice and Welfare Service to provide enhanced online guidance to students will take place. Discussed with SSLC, survey undertaken, results/ recommendations will go to CLL SSLC April 09. New policy to be rolled out from 1 June 2009 FACILITIES/SERVICES Action Reason for Action Accountability Timescales Success measures Equality strand Dis. Progress Review of Disability Services, including the role of Disability Coordinator, communication, relationships with academic departments and resources. Review of student feedback mechanisms in relation to disability services Review of IT services requirements for disabled staff and students including software programs and training. Further develop the quality and consistency of Library service provision, and provide additional support where appropriate Ensure Service is meeting needs. Student Services Director of Student Development and Diversity Dec 06- Nov Report to Disability 09 Interest Group. Incorporating student feedback in planning and service development. Ensure Service is meeting needs. Disability Services (D Weber) Sept 08 – Sept 09 Review complete and new mechanisms in place Dis. Review completed, student focus groups and feedback survey piloted in May 2009 Disability Services/IT Services Dec 06 – Nov 07 Review completed. Dis. Software and equipment available in assistive technology rooms and specified areas in library. Ensure Service is meeting needs. Library Ongoing Special allowances and arrangements are in place. Dis. Special allowances and arrangements in place. New Disability Co-ordinator in post from August 2008 – review complete Action Reason for Action Accountability Timescales Success measures Establish a Group to produce a “Warwick Standard” of accessibility for all disability groups for new builds and refurbishments, review and advise on budget requirements, advise on external lighting and campus accessibility. Establish procedures, practice, roles and responsibilities for the allocation and adaptation of rooms for disabled students. Ensure new builds and refurbishments take account of needs of disabled staff and students. Head of Estates Projects & Head of Estates Commercial Group; Director of Student Support and Residential Life: Disability Services, Warwick Accommodation Accommodati on Services, Disability Services, Hospitality, Director of Student Support and Residential Life (in conjunction with G Cumberland Estates) Dec 06 Nov 09 Standard produced and publicised. Dec 07 – Nov 08 Consultation taken place, procedure drawn up and used. Clear procedures, roles and responsibilities. Equality strand Dis. Progress Dis. A close working relationship between the teams has been established in terms of student room allocations, adaptations and support for students in Halls. Disability Services have funded some equipment for students to use in halls. Personal Evacuation Plan procedures are also being developed. Access group established Action Reason for Action Accountability Timescales Success measures Review provision of separate bathrooms and toilet facilities on campus for all genders, particularly in Halls of Residence. Ensure services are sufficient. Apr 07 – Mar 2010 Review undertaken; changes made where necessary. Review how to meet parking permit requests from vulnerable individuals for spaces near to residences. Consider providing more visible security presence on campus at night, reviewing poorly lit areas and areas perceived as higher risk (route to Lakeside etc). As above. Director of Estates (Dir of Estates), Director of Student Support and Residential Life, Warwick Accommodation Facilities Manager Apr 07 – Mar 08 Security Manager Apr 08 – Mar 09 Ensure service is sufficient. Equality strand Gender Progress Review undertaken. Dis. gender Requests for parking are dealt with on an ongoing basis. Review undertaken and more security provided if thought necessary. ALL, gender Policy of high visibility patrols by Security staff, all wearing high visibility jackets, CCTV cameras and improved lighting installed at Westwood. Emergency phone pillars installed across campus. Rooms with ensuite facilities are allocated for all disabled students as required. Current provision is compliant with regulations; new build of 500 ensuite rooms is in progress. Action Reason for Action Accountability Timescales Success measures Review of clarity of signage on campus; recommendations for change where necessary Ensure signage meets needs Estates Mr B Cox 2008 – 2010 Review undertaken academic and changes made years (YRS where required 1&2 of SEAP) Equality strand Dis. Progress Review complete – signage ordered and installed. STUDENT EXPERIENCE Teaching and Learning, Curriculum, Assessment Completion of new Awareness raising Academic T&L strategy inc. and mainstreaming Registrar, PVC section on E&D. activity. (T&L) Learning Spaces, Ensure services meet Library, e-lab, review of availability needs. Accommodation and support , Academic procedures of special Office, equipment and software in the Library, Learning Grids and new Teaching Grid. Teaching Spaces, Ensure services meet Estates, Space review of equipment needs. Management and support and Timetabling procedures in Team Classrooms, Lecture Theatres (eg induction (hearing) loops, wheelchair access routes. 06/07 academic year Dec 07 – Nov 08 Strategy completed and published. ALL Review complete. Dis. Review completed within Library. Actions to improve provision have been implemented. Dec 07 – Nov 08 Review complete Dis. A list of the factors considered important when designing teaching spaces has been compiled by the Space Management & Timetabling section of the Academic Office. Audio-Visual Services has produced a list of hearing loop provision in centrally timetabled teaching rooms across campus and the group which refurbishes centrally timetabled teaching rooms has drawn up advice for contractors involved in new installations. A list of centrally-timetabled teaching rooms unsuitable for individuals with impaired mobility has been drawn up and shared with the Disability team. Timetable construction takes account of this information. The purchase of portable writing tablets for wheelchair users has been discussed. Some lecture theatres have writing benches which wheelchair users may use; where this is not the case alternative facilities are provided if requested where the section is advised of a specific need. When full information is received on user requirements this is built into the timetable build process to ensure needs are met. A complete DDA review of the University (including teaching rooms) has been undertaken. Access issues relating to heavy corridor doors etc have been raised with the Estates Office. The review of teaching rooms with equality in mind is an ongoing process. Whenever a teaching room is refurbished equality issues are considered and rooms designed accordingly. When a user raises an issue with a centrally-timetabled teaching room, the issue is addressed and a solution found, thus reasonable adjustments are made. If a room does not meet a need (and the specific need was not known to the Timetabling team) remedial action is taken in consultation with the appropriate parties (the user experiencing difficulties, Disability Services, the Estates Office). If an issue cannot be satisfactorily addressed, a class will be moved at the appropriate time. Action Reason for Action Accountability Timescales Success measures Equality strand Dis. Progress A study that examines the teaching, learning and assessment issues to be carried out. Identify any factors that need further action. LDC To be completed Oct 2008 Data analysed and actions proposed. Explore the use of mentors for disabled students Support mechanism for students. Disability Services (D Weber) Dec 06 Nov 07 System up and running. Dis. Review completed. ALL System for capturing information working. Gender Mentoring system in place, being review, and termly meeting with mentors arranged for quality assurance, feedback and training purposes. Dignity at Work and Study policy developed – to be rolled out across University from June 2009. Voluntary question inserted in online (re)enrolment process to capture information on students with dependents, both young and elderly. The Graduate School and wider Academic Office are integrating this information into the planning of service provision. Review Sexual, Racial and Personal Harassment Guidelines Look at ways of capturing information about students who are parents and share with relevant internal bodies. Ensure they are up to date. Deputy Registrar HR Ensure services are meeting needs. Academic Registrar and Director of Student Services 06/07 academic year3 By July 094 Apr 07 – Mar 08 Report completed and considered by EDC and personal tutors. Support for students 3 4 Original date Revised date STAFF EXPERIENCE Recruitment and Selection, induction Action Reason for Action Accountability Timescales Success measures Ensure rollout of Minicom system Meeting needs of disabled applicants. Recruitment Manager Dec 06 – Nov 07 Minicom system working and advertised on recruitment literature. Equality strand Dis. Progress Progress Revised Personal Tutor System Guidelines approved and training launched in Autumn 2008. Complete Training and development, career progression Action Reason for Action Accountability Timescales Success measures Training for residential wardens and tutors on equality issues. Importance of E&D awareness for staff with contact with students. Director of Student Support and Residential Life. LDC. Ongoing Training carried out. Equality strand ALL Training for departmental senior tutors Importance of E&D awareness for staff in contact with students. Senior Tutor Ongoing Training carried out. ALL Training is given at the start of each year. New induction programme launched in September 2008. Action Reason for Action Accountability Timescales Success measures Equality strand Dis. Progress Provide disability awareness training for Heads of Department, Departmental Administrators, and Admissions Officers. Training international office contacts in E&D; consider financial support of international students to help with adaptations and equipment. As above. HR/LDC Dec 07 – Nov 08 Training carried out. Ensure staff are trained in E&D matters. LDC Dec 07 – Nov 08 Staff trained. Review carried out into funding issues. ALL Dis. Liaising with Intl office- training offered by DS. Updated section on disability website targeting Intl students. Intl students are supported and funding impl. are monitored within the department. Action Reason for Action Accountability Timescales Success measures Progress Dec 07 – Nov 08 System reviewed and updated where necessary. Equality strand Dis. Review the system for seeking alternative work where a disabled employee can no longer meet the requirements of his/her current role. Ensure system meets legislative requirements. HR Disability Services (D Weber) Have all been offered Marshalls E&D e-learning module Support for Staff Included in new redeployment guidelines currently being developed. Action Reason for Action Accountability Timescales Success measures Equality strand Dis. Progress Explore use of mentors or “buddies” for disabled staff who are new to the University, or who are newly disabled Explore use of mentoring for female staff to support career development Meet needs of staff HR/LDC Dec 07-Nov 08 Mentors used where appropriate Meet needs of staff LDC Apr 08-Mar 09 Mentors used where appropriate Gender Mentoring available from LDC Action Reason for Action Accountability Timescales Success measures Progress HR Autumn 08 then biennially Data cleaning exercise undertaken. Equality strand Gender Data cleansing exercise for staff to incorporate information relating to transgender Hold new staff survey incorporating more questions on equality of opportunity To ensure information is accurate. To build on results of 2008 survey. HR Apr 08 – Mar 09 Staff survey undertaken. ALL Additional questions added relating to H&B. Analysis being undertaken and actions identified. Informal group support being developed. Mentoring available from LDC. Miscellaneous Ongoing consideration to be given to HESA requirements. Not required as yet.