Evolutionary distributions: A theoretical framework for evolutionary ecology Yosef Cohen University of Minnesota 1 2 3 August 16, 2006 4 Abstract 5 Adaptive traits are inherited with small mutations. They are subject to natural selection. An adaptive space is made of a set of adaptive traits. Within this adaptive space live distributions of the density of phenotypes. The dynamics of this density reflect evolution by natural selection. We call these distributions Evolutionary Distributions (ED). The adaptive space with its ED form the evolutionary space. ED are derived from first principles of population dynamics: birth, death, mutations and selection. This approach leads to a rich behavior of ED with and without stability. With ED, it is easy to understand how we may find phenotypes with different fitness values at evolutionary stability. The theory of ED considers the dynamics of densities of all possible phenotypes on a set of adaptive traits. Thus, invasions by mutants represent perturbations to the ED. Stable ED therefore do not allow invasion of mutants and as such, are akin to the concept of evolutionary stable strategies (ESS). We apply the theory to three common coevolutionary interactions: competition, predation and host pathogen. We also apply the theory to (open) ecosystems and illustrate application in the context of primary producers and primary consumers ecosystems. We also illustrate applications of coevolution in the context of global change. The theory is restricted to (not necessarily continuous) adaptive traits that can be characterized by real numbers. 6 Key words: evolutionary distributions, competition, predator prey, host parasite, adaptive traits, global change. 1 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Cohen · Evolutionary distributions 1 2 Introduction 30 A large class of population models in ecology and epidemiology boils down to z0 (t) = f (z (t)) , z (0) = f0 (1) where 0 denote derivatives with respect to time, z is a vector of real nonnegative time-dependent functions (species population densities), f is a vector of real valued smooth functions, t is a nonnegative real number representing time and f0 is given. All vectors are of dimension n. To fix ideas, the precise statement of this class of models is comprised of (1) with z ∈ Rn0+ , t ∈ R0+ , f : Rn0+ × R0+ → Rn0+ where ∈ means “a member of”, Rn0+ denotes the n-dimensional space of nonnegative real numbers, × denotes the Euclidean product (e.g., R × R is a plane) and → means that f is a function with domain on the left side of the arrow and range on the right. 31 32 33 34 There are several assumptions implicit in models that belong to this class: (i) reproduction is by cloning; (ii) z (t) is large; (iii) z (t) represents some moment of the dynamics (usually the mean) of z; (iv) stochastic effects can be faithfully represented by z (t); and (v) z are smooth functions of t. Some of these assumptions were discussed by Dieckmann et al. (1995), Doebeli and Ruxton (1997), Law et al. (1997) and Geritz and Kisdi (2000). In practice, conclusions from models of class (1) routinely violate the assumptions or are stated without regard to the assumptions. For example, some applications of models of class (1) produce negative population densities; this is particularly true when oscillations are involved. To circumvent such problems, authors enlarge this class of models to f (z (t)) if z (t) ≥ ε 0 z (t) = , z (0) = f0 (2) 0 otherwise where ε is a small positive number. This is a class of discontinuous functions and care must be taken in solving (2)—particularly near the discontinuity. To cast (1) in the context of evolution by natural selection, one needs to encapsulate in mathematical models the following minimum set of axioms: 1. Phenotypic traits are inherited with some mutations. 35 36 37 38 39 Cohen · Evolutionary distributions 3 2. These mutations are carried in new individuals in the population. 3. Natural selection acts directly on phenotypic traits; not on genotypic traits. These axiom have important consequences to evolution by natural selection: (i) we detect evolution by natural selection through changes in the relative densities (distribution) of phenotypes; (ii) without distributions of phenotypes, evolution comes to a halt; (iii) selection results in different mortality rates of different phenotypes; (iv) mutations occur when new individuals are formed and therefore can be modeled as part of the birth process; (v) natural selection is usually modeled as a death process (this is the meaning of “acts” in Axiom 3); (vi) because mutations are random (not directional), evolution by natural selection can be observed on asymmetric distributions of phenotypes only. Additional consequences of these axioms will be articulated as we move on. 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 To proceed from (1), one usually identifies a set of adaptive traits and writes (1) as z0 (xi , x, t) = f (z (xi , x, t)) , z (0) = f0 (3) where now xi is the set of adaptive traits of species i. The dimension of xi is mi . Here x is aP set of real numbers of all adaptive traits of all species with dimension m := ni=1 mi . These models can be stated mathematically as (3) with z ∈ Rn0+ , t ∈ R0+ , f : Rn0+ × R0+ × Rm1 × · · · × Rmn → Rn0+ . Next, the dynamics of x (called the strategy dynamics) may be isolated by several methods, each involving additional assumptions (see Murray, 1989; Weibull, 1995; Fudenburg and Levine, 1998; Hofbauer and Sigmund, 1998; Samuelson, 1998; Gintis, 2000; Cressman, 2003; Hofbauer and Sigmund, 2003; Vincent and Brown, 2005). For example, in the case of adaptive dynamics (Dieckmann and Law, 1996; Champagnat et al., 2001), the additional assumptions are: (i) mutations are rare, and at small time intervals the probability that more than one mutation occur is of order zero; (ii) x is a moment (usually mean) of some distribution of phenotypes. The nice thing about the adaptive dynamics approach is that with considerations from measure theory (Doob, 1994), the derivation of the strategy dynamics justifies the fact that no matter how large the population, it still can be viewed as a collection of individuals (Dieckmann and Law, 1996). Furthermore, in analyzing predator-prey coevolution, Dieckmann et al. (1995) showed that with 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 Cohen · Evolutionary distributions 4 some level of stochasticity, deterministic models (i.e., where z is the mean path) do represent the mean of the stochastic path. Other approaches to deriving the strategy dynamics (e.g. Abrams et al., 1993) involve the assumption that population densities change much faster than strategy values. Therefore, one assumes that the populations are at equilibrium and only strategy dynamics need to be considered. This assumption is circumvented by the approaches that Abrams (1992) and Vincent and Brown (2005) take (see also Cohen et al., 2000), where population dynamics need not be ignored. Vincent and Brown (2005) refer to the strategy dynamics with the related population dynamics as “Darwinian dynamics”. 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 Regardless of the approach one takes, strategy dynamics usually take on the form x0i (t) = gi (v, x, t) , x (0) = x0 , i = 1, . . . , n. (4) Here gi is a vector valued function (usually a gradient of some other function) of dimension mi and v is a vector (of dimension mi ) of the so-called virtual strategies. To derive (4) from (3), one needs to add the assumptions that f and g are at least twice differentiable. These assumptions are required because one needs to examine special points (e.g., maxima and minima) on the strategy dynamics. 78 79 80 81 82 83 The basic achievement in deriving gi is that it gives invasion-ability criteria. e, that give negative Specifically, from gi we derive values of x, call them x e (with respect to z). Here we have gradient on gi for all i and for all x 6= x gi : Rmi × Rm1 × · · · × Rmn × R0+ → Rm . It should be noted that in the case of Darwinian dynamics, (4) becomes x0i (t) = gi (v, x, z,t) , x (0) = x0 , i = 1, . . . , n (5) and the strategy dynamics can no longer be divorced from the population e on the dynamics of all other values of x dynamics. Because of the effect of x e the Evolutionary Stable Strategies (ESS) of the system (4) or the we call x system (3) and (5). So far, the strategies are assumed unbounded. Bounded strategy spaces introduce complications that can be avoided if one assumes e is in the interior of the strategy space. that x At any rate, the same violations or misuse of the assumptions behind (1) apply to evolutionary models, with one crucial addition: Behind each x hide distributions of the density of phenotypes of z. In fact, the dynamics of x 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 Cohen · Evolutionary distributions 5 93 94 95 96 z(x,t) represent the dynamics of moments of these distributions (usually the mean). This raises the possibility that we may be following dynamics of phenotypes whose distribution can hardly be represented by their mean. Worse yet, we may be following the dynamics of phenotypes that do not exist (Figure e 1). Furthermore, because ESS is an outcome of a game, the stability of x x_ ^x _ x Figure 1: A bounded distribution (between x and x) of phenotypes at time t. Note that there are no phenotypes at the mean adaptive trait, x b. The figure illustrates a snapshot of some evolutionary distribution at t. 97 cannot be determined by traditional stability analysis (except for the case of Darwinian dynamics). Hence, the proliferation of stability criteria for ESS (Eshel, 1996; Apaloo, 1997; Taylor and Day, 1997). By examining the stability of Evolutionary Distributions, (ED1 ) some of the ESS related issues can be simplified; e.g., stability of ED is similar to ESS. ED also bypass the potential problems that arise when strategy dynamics are followed by some distribution moments. Yet, ED do suffer from limitations which will be pointed out as we proceed. The roots of the the theory developed here can be found in the following: Kimura (1965), who was interested in population genetics and characterizing moments of the distribution of genotypes. Levin and Segel (1985) referred to the adaptive space as aspect (see also Keshet and Segel, 1984). Slatkin (1981) used a diffusion model to discuss species selection. Ludwig and Levin (1991) examined the dispersal of phenotypes in plant communities. A different approach to characterizing evolutionary related distributions is to use 1 I use ED in both singular and plural. 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 Cohen · Evolutionary distributions 6 moments. In fact, some distributions can be characterized by a finite (and small) number of moments (e.g., see Barton and Keightley, 2002). As we shall see, in some of the cases we examine, characterizing distributions by moments is a hopeless task. So here is the plan. In Section 2 we choose one specific example from smooth evolutionary games. With this example, the transition from evolutionary games to ED should be smooth. In Section 3 we introduce ED and define them formally. The theory is then applied to various ecological systems with coevolution added: competition (Section 4), predator prey (Section 5) and host pathogen (Section 6). In Section 7 we see how the ED approach may be applied to ecosystems, where the inanimate part of the environment must be included. This leads to potential applications of coevolutionary principles to global change scenarios. In Section 8 we shall discuss the limitations of the theory and future developments. Our main interest is to introduce a theoretical framework. Consequently, each section can serve as a basis for numerous manuscripts with deeper analysis. We will leave such analyses for future work. 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 Notation To be unambiguous, we must stick to mathematical notation. So: := means equal by definition and z ≡ z (t) means that z equals z (t) for all t. Also, ∂ 2 z (x, t) dz (x) , ∂xx z (x, t) := , z 0 := dx ∂x2 x ∈ X means that x is a member of the set X and X ⊂ R means that X is a subset of R where R denotes the real numbers. Rn denotes the n dimensional space of real numbers, R0+ denotes the set of nonnegative real numbers and R × R denotes the Cartesian product of two real lines (a plane). f : X → Y means that f maps elements in X to elements in Y (i.e., f is a function). Boldface notation indicate vectors; e.g., f (x) is an n dimensional vector valued function [f1 (x) , . . . , fn (x)] . A is an operator—a rule that applies to functions; e.g., Az (x, t) = z (x, t) + ∂xx z (x, t). ∆ is a (very) small quantity. ∂X is the boundary of X ; e.g., if X = {1, 2, 3} then ∂X = 1 and 2. X ∪∂X is the union of the open set X with its boundary ∂X . This closed set is denoted by X . The notation ∂ G (v, x, z)|v=xi ∂v says “take the derivative of G with respect to v and then replace v with xi ”. Boundary conditions sometimes require the so-called unit outward normal. 130 131 Cohen · Evolutionary distributions 7 This means that one needs a directional derivative that is perpendicular to the tangent to the boundary at a particular point. To fully specify a system of partial differential equations we need both initial conditions (t = 0) and boundary conditions. That is, we must specify the system’s behavior at its boundaries. Both the initial and boundary conditions are called data. Often we need boundary conditions with no flows across the boundary and nonuniform initial surface. We achieve this with the sin or cos functions and with appropriate size of the solution space. 2 Smooth evolutionary games There are different ways to study evolutionary games. Two distinct approaches are through matrix games and through games that involve smooth functions (Hofbauer and Sigmund, 1998, 2003). The latter is implemented with ordinary differential equations (ODE) and the approach to formulating such games was discussed in Section 1. To illustrate the connection between smooth evolutionary games and ED, we shall follow the approach taken by Vincent and Brown (2005) and apply it to coevolution under competition (see Cohen et al., 2000, 2001, for further details). The Lotka-Volterra competition model with a single adaptive trait x (see Vincent et al., 1993) is zi0 = zi G (xi , x, z) , i = 1, . . . , n. Here x = [x1 , . . . , xn ] and G (xi , x, z) is the instantaneous individual fitness function for species i. The explicit form of G is n G (·) = r − r X α (xi , x) zi k (xi ) i=1 where k (·) and α (·) are the carrying capacity and competition functions. The ability of i to adjust to its carrying capacity is a function of the value of the adaptive trait. The ability of i to compete is a function of the value of its adaptive trait and the values for all other species. The explicit forms 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 Cohen · Evolutionary distributions 8 of k and α for i are # 1 xi 2 , k (xi ) = km exp − 2 σk " " # # 1 xi − xj + b 2 1 b 2 α (xi , xj ) = 1 + exp − − exp − . 2 σα 2 σα " (6) Thus, we obtain the strategy dynamics x0i = σ ∂ G (v, x, z)|v=xi ∂v (see Vincent et al., 1993). We use the parameter values √ km = 100, σk = 12.5, b = 2, σα = 2, √ σ = 0.04, r = 0.25 EDFramework-v01.nb (7) 1 with n = 2. These values lead to ESS (Figure 2). 50 4 45 z2 3 z1 40 x2 2 35 1 30 x1 0 0 5μ10 t 4 10 5 0 5μ104 t 105 Figure 2: Two-species ESS: population dynamics (left) and strategy dynamics (right). 149 3 Evolutionary distributions We shall translate the smooth games approach into a single ED with a single adaptive trait. Later we state the results more generally. We do not identify z with a species density, but with the distribution of phenotype densities (see 150 Cohen · Evolutionary distributions 9 Figure 1). On the distribution, one might identify species (see discussion in Cohen, 2003a, 2005). So we write z 0 = f (z, x, t) where z ≡ z (x, t). Next, we decompose f into the two components: one that results in growth in the density of phenotypes and the other in decline: f (z, x, t) = βe (z, x, t) − µ (z, x, t) . As Darwin (1859) surmised, when resources are plenty, populations grow exponentially. In our vernacular, βe is a linear function of z. As resources are exhausted, β (·) − µ (·) decreases. We usually assume that mutations occur e and selection on processes that lead to decline in the at birth (i.e., on β) density of phenotypes; namely µ (these assumptions are the consequences of Axioms 1-3). Thus we write βe (z, x, t) = βz (x, t) (8) where β is a rate coefficient. Now assume a mutation rate coefficient η. Then 1 ∂t z (x, t) = (1 − η) βz (x, t) + βη [z (x + ∆) + z (x − ∆)] − µ (z, x, t) . 2 Using Taylor series expansion of z around x, we obtain approximately 1 ∂t z = z + ∆2 βη∂xx z − µ (z, x, t) . 2 Now for a single ED with m independent adaptive traits, we obtain m X 1 ∂t z = z + ∆2 β ηi ∂xi xi z − µ (z, x, t) . 2 (9) i=1 For convenience, we define the linear operator mA =1+k m X mA thus ηi ∂xi xi (10) i=1 where k := ∆2 β/2. To emphasize its role, we call operator. mA the m-order mutation 152 For the case of n ED, each with mi independent adaptive traits, we have ∂t zi (xi , t) = mi Azi (xi , t) − µi (z, x, t) , i = 1, . . . , n . 151 (11) Cohen · Evolutionary distributions 10 In (11) we assume that all traits are independent and that mutations are random. The selective effects on trait values are embodied in µ (·) . Note that we shall usually assume that the mutation operator depends on the set of adaptive traits within a specific ED, zi . Thus we write mi Az (xi , t). Declines in densities of phenotypes on an ED depend on the adaptive traits of all ED. Therefore, we write µi (z, x, t). The problems we deal with require specific boundary conditions. In general, there is no a priori reason to set the boundary conditions to a particular value, so we shall use the Neumann boundary conditions—any dissipation across the boundaries disappears from the system. Because we deal with rectangular boundaries and orthogonal traits, our boundary conditions remain simple. We shall always set the initial conditions such that they are compatible with the boundary conditions. Also, physical constraints dictate that x is bounded. To formally define ED, we need the following. Let zi ∈ R0+ , i = 1, . . ., n be the distribution of the density of phenotypes with mi adaptive traits xi and x := [x1 , . . . , xn ]. Define the bounded open set X ⊂ RM (where M Plet n = i=1 mi ) with boundary ∂X . Then, 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 Definition An ED, zi (x, t), is the solution of the system ∂t zi (x, t) = β mi Azi (xi , t) − µi (z, x, t) (where A is the mutation operator) with the data zi (x, 0) = zi0 (x) (where zi0 (x) given) and ∂n zi (x, t)|x=∂X = 0, i = 1, . . . , n where ∂n denotes the directional (outward normal) derivative on ∂X . The definition implies that: (i) mutations occur on the processes that lead to growth in zi ; (ii) growth rate is a linear function of zi ; (iii) selection occurs on the processes that lead to decline in zi ; (iv) selection depends on all ED with which zi interacts; and (v) adaptive traits are bounded with dissipation across boundaries. These are simplifying implications. They can 171 172 173 174 175 176 Cohen · Evolutionary distributions 11 be relaxed at the expense of more elaborate models and there is nothing in the ED approach that limits us to these simplifications. The set X = X ∪∂X defines the so-called adaptive space and X ×Rn0+ defines the evolutionary space. The restriction to linear growth can be relaxed. In such cases, the Taylor series approximation becomes more involved. Because we model physical systems, we shall not be concerned with the existence and uniqueness of solutions—if solutions do not exist, then there is something fundamentally wrong with the model. We do not require uniqueness because there is nothing in the theory of evolution that requires unique solutions. Next, we translate the continuous game in Section 2 to ED. 4 Competition 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 Here we examine competition in the context of ED. We shall first look at an example with mutations, but no selection. Then we examine the case with a single evolutionary trait where selection operates on both the carrying capacity and competitive ability. Finally, we examine the case where there are two orthogonal adaptive traits: one that affects fitness with regard to carrying capacity and the other with regard to competitive ability. 4.1 177 Single adaptive trait without selection 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 Using the Lotka-Volterra competition model in Section 2, we write ∂t z = rAz − r 2 z . km (12) This is the well known Fisher equation (Fisher, 1930; Smoller, 1982). As in (7), we use r = 0.25, km = 100, ∆ = 0.01, η = 0.01. To completely specify the system, we set the boundaries of x to π/2 and 9π/2 and the data to z (x, 0) = 20, ∂x z (π/2, t) = ∂x z (9π/2, t) = 0. This results in a homogeneous stable ED, z (x) = 100 (Figure 3). 195 EDFramework-2d.nb Cohen · Evolutionary distributions 12 30 t 20 10 0 100 80 z 60 40 20 5 x 10 Figure 3: Single trait ED with no evolution. 4.2 Single adaptive trait with selection 196 To implement adaptation to both competition and carrying capacity, we must modify (12) appropriately. We assume that phenotypes with x = 5π/2 are most adapted to the environment, but competition takes its toll and write " #! 1 x−ξ 2 α (x, ξ) = kα 1 + k exp − (13) 2 σα for competition and " k (x) = km 1 1 + exp − 2 x − 5π/2 σk 2 #! (14) for carrying capacity. The parameters kα and km scale the influence of competition and carrying capacity on the ED. The parameters σα and σk reflect the plasticity of phenotypes with respect to the adaptive traits that influence competition and carrying capacity, respectively. 197 198 199 200 Cohen · Evolutionary distributions 13 Now (12) becomes r ∂t z = rAz − z (x, t) k(x) Z 9π/2 α (x, ξ) z (ξ, t) dξ π/2 with z (x, 0) = 0.005, ∂x z (π/2, t) = ∂x z (9π/2, t) = 0. With the parameter values r = 0.25, σk = 100, kα = 1, σα = 1, km = 104 , ∆ = 0.01, η = 0.01 the effectEDFramework-2d.nb of adding selection through both carrying capacity and competition is to depress the phenotype densities in the ED (Figure 4). Mutations 0 0.2 201 t 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 8 6 4 z 2 0 5 10 x Figure 4: ED with a single adaptive trait and with competition. 202 and selection end up with a concentration of phenotypes around the most adaptive value of the carrying capacity and at the boundaries. The boundary phenotypes experience half the competition that phenotypes in the interior do. Consequently the rise in densities on the boundaries. 203 204 205 206 Cohen · Evolutionary distributions 14 The theory predicts that where competition dominates, we should find the most fit phenotypes on the boundaries of the adaptive space. For example, in places where competition among plants for light is strong (e.g., no nutrient limitations and uniform carrying capacity with respect to the values of the adaptive trait), we should find—at evolutionary stability of ED— higher density of short and tall plants than intermediate plants: A common phenomenon in forested plant communities. 4.3 Two adaptive traits with selection One can hardly expect a single adaptive trait to be involved with both adaptation to carrying capacity and competition. Let us assume that we have two orthogonal traits, x := [x1 , x2 ]; the first is selected for carrying capacity and the second for competitive ability. Including covariance between x1 and x2 with respect to adaptation to carrying capacity is trivial. 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 So now we write r z ∂t z = r 2 Az − k (x1 ) Z 9π/2 α (x2 , ξ) z (x1 , ξ, t) dξ π/2 with data z (x, 0) = 20, ∂x1 z (π/2, x2 , t) = ∂x1 z (9π/2, x2 , t) = 0, ∂x2 z (x1 , π/2, t) = ∂x2 z (x1 , 9π/2, t) = 0, where k (x1 ) and α (x2 , ξ) are defined in (13) and (14) and z ≡ z (x1 , x2 , t). With the same parameter values as before, we obtain a stable solution shown in Figure 5. As in all other results, when we say a stable distribution we mean stable in a numerical sense. The conclusion of stability was reached after running the numerical solutions for a very long time. With two traits, the effect of competition on the ED becomes apparent: at both ends of the adaptive trait that reflects competitive ability (x2 ) we have higher density of phenotypes on the stable ED. This is so because at the boundaries, phenotypes are faced with half as much competition as phenotypes in the interior of the adaptive space. What we see is that the highest fitness (most abundant phenotypes at stable ED) is with respect to the carrying capacity adaptive trait (x1 ). Among 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 EDFramework-2d.nb Cohen · Evolutionary distributions 15 6 4 z 2 5 x2 5 10 10 x1 Figure 5: Stable ED with two adaptive traits. these phenotypes, the highest fitness is that of phenotypes on the boundaries of the adaptive trait that reflect competitive ability (x2 ). 4.4 Summary The models in this section and any of their reasonable modifications result in parabolic partial differential equation (PDE) for single adaptive traits or elliptic PDE for multiple adaptive traits. Much is known about the qualitative behavior of such equations and for some, implicit solutions are available (see for example Evans, 1998). We wish to concentrate on our approach and therefore bypass deeper mathematical analysis of the equations. The results here seem to contradict the conclusions by Gyllenberg and Meszéna (2005) who excluded “coexistence of an infinite set of equidistant strategies when the total population size is finite.” They then conclude that ecological coexistence dictates the discreteness of species. We do not address the issue of species. 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 Cohen · Evolutionary distributions 5 16 Predator prey 246 Here we use the logistic model for the prey and add to it mortality due to predation with saturation. Similar models in the context of ED were analyzed in Cohen (2003b). The predation is translated to predator birth adjusted by prey to predator biomass conversion efficiency parameter d: r az1 z2 , z10 = rz1 − z12 − k b + cz1 az1 z20 = d z2 − µz22 . b + cz1 (15) With r = 0.25, k = 100, a = 1, b = 10, (16) c = 1, d = 0.1, µ = 0.01 we obtain limit cycle (Figure 6). Having the tendency to produce evolulimit cycle z2 t z preythin,predatorthick 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 200 400 600 8001000 t 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 z1 t Figure 6: Predator prey limit cycle. 247 tionary cycles, models such as (15) were criticized by Abrams (2000) as not particularly general. Interestingly, as we shall see in a moment, these cycles, ubiquitous as they are in point process models, disappear in our case for a large space of parameters values. Let x := [x1 , x2 ]. Assume that the prey phenotypes, z1 , evolve on the adaptive trait x1 and the predator phenotypes, z2 , evolve on the adaptive trait x2 . For example, x1 may represent the running speed of prey phenotypes and x2 the running speed of predator phenotypes. We also assume that predation is at its maximum when x1 = x2 with some phenotype plasticity 248 249 250 251 Cohen · Evolutionary distributions 17 (variance) with respect to the adaptive traits, σ. We model the interaction between the prey adaptive trait x1 and the predator adaptive trait x2 with " # 1 x1 − x2 2 α (x) = exp − . 2 σ Let the mutation operators of the prey and predator be 1 Az1 := z1 + ∆2 η1 ∂x1 x1 z1 2 and 1 Az2 := z2 + ∆2 η2 ∂x2 x2 z2 . 2 We now have two ED (for prey, z1 and predator, z2 ) with two adaptive traits r az1 ∂t z1 = rAz1 − z12 − α (x) z2 , k b + cz1 az1 ∂t z2 = dα (x) Az2 − µz22 . b + cz1 We choose initial conditions z1 (x, 0) = 10, z2 (x, 0) = 1 and boundary conditions ∂x1 z1 (π/2, x2 , t) = ∂x1 z1 (9π/2, x2 , t) = 0, ∂x2 z2 (x1 , π/2, t) = ∂x2 z2 (x1 , 9π/2, t) = 0. In addition to the parameters in (16) we use ∆ = 0.01, η1 = η2 = 0.01, σ = π/3. The stable ED are shown in Figure 7. The densities of prey phenotypes along the positive diagonal (with slight shifts in opposite directions for prey and predator) of the evolutionary space, x1 = x2 , are depressed. The densities of predator phenotypes are nearly a mirror image. The shapes of the stable ED depend on the interplay between the size of the adaptive space and phenotypic plasticity (Figure 8). For fixed plasticity, increase in the size of the adaptive space means a decrease in the effective phenotypic plasticity. Both Figures 7 and 8 indicate that in the evolutionary space, low fitness 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 Cohen · Evolutionary distributions 18 EDFramework-2d.nb 1 Prey Predator 10 100 7.5 99.5 z1 5 z2 2.5 99 5 x2 5 5 10 10 x2 0 5 10 10 x1 x1 Figure 7: Stable ED with phenotype plasticity with respect to the adaptive traits σ = π/3. EDFramework-2d.nb 1 Predator Prey 99.8 8 99.7 z1 99.6 6 z2 99.5 5 x2 99.4 5 10 10 x1 5 x2 5 10 10 x1 Figure 8: Stable ED with phenotype plasticity with respect to the adaptive traits σ = π. Cohen · Evolutionary distributions 19 of prey phenotypes is associated with high fitness of predator phenotypes. The density of low fitness prey phenotypes is maintained (fed) by prey with high fitness phenotypes. To end with stable ED, it is necessary to have low fitness phenotypes to “feed” the prey and this is done by the high fitness prey phenotypes. This is a good example where a spectrum of fitnesses coexist and in fact is necessary to maintain evolutionary stability. If x1 and x2 represent the prey and predator running speed, for example, then we interpret Figure 7 as follows. Fast prey (large x1 ) which coevolve with fast predators (large x2 ) show low fitness at evolutionary stability. In these circumstances, predator phenotypes show high fitness. At low values of x1 and x2 we have the same coevolutionary outcome. This pattern is maintained by the continuous evolution of prey phenotypes of high fitness (off the diagonal) into the diagonal region of the adaptive space. Off diagonal prey phenotypes coevolve to be either fast runners associated with slow predator phenotypes or slow runners associated with fast predator phenotypes. So if you are a slow prey (e.g., hiding), you are fit against fast (chasing) predators. If you are fast (e.g., running), you are fit against slow (ambushing) predators. These outcomes are conditioned on the existence of low fitness prey phenotypes (along the diagonal). The picture for predators is a mirror image of the picture for the prey. Overall, we find high diversity of prey phenotypes occupying the adaptive space and low diversity of predator phenotypes—A common feature in Nature. The predator prey model we use did not result in evolutionary cycles. This is not to say that they are not possible. The fact that point process evolutionary models are cyclic does not mean that the cycles will remain when the models are translated to ED. 6 Host pathogen The evolution of host-pathogen and infectious diseases is of much interest (Dieckmann et al., 2002); e.g., witness recent news about resistant pathogens and pathogen mutations that may cause pandemics (such as the bird flu). Following Anderson and May (1980, 1981), we define the densities of host population z1 ; infected hosts z2 ; and pathogens z3 . The parameters are the coefficients of individual host birth rate, a; natural death rate, b; additional death rate due to infection, α e; transmission efficiency, ν; recovery rate, γ; 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 Cohen · Evolutionary distributions 20 death rate of infective stages, µ e; and the rate at which an infected host produces infective stages of the parasite λ. The model is from Anderson and May (1980), equations (3), (5) and (6): z10 = (a − b) z1 − αz2 , z20 = νz3 (z1 − z2 ) − (α + b + γ) z2 , z30 = λz2 − (µ + νz1 ) z3 . The parameter values a = 5.3, b = 5.29, γ e = 10−20 , α = 5.5, e = 108 , µ = 0.02, ν = 10−10 λ EDFramework-v01.nb 1 60 50 40 30 20 10 z2 z1 produce a limit cycle (Figure 9). 0.1 0.05 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 t 0 8 μ 108 8 μ 108 6 μ 108 6 μ 108 z3 HtL z3 0.25 0.2 0.15 4 μ 108 2 μ 108 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 t 4 μ 108 2 μ 108 0 0 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 t 10 20 30 40 z1 HtL 50 60 Figure 9: Host-pathogen limit cycle (after Anderson and May, 1980). z1 , z2 and z3 denote the host, infected and pathogen populations, respectively. 287 Let x1 be the adaptive trait that affects the host death rate coefficient due to infection. The adaptive trait of the pathogen, x2 , affects the pathogen death rate of infective stages. Assume that at some value of x1 , say 5π/2, Cohen · Evolutionary distributions 21 the death rate of hosts due to infection is at its minimum. Thus we write " #! 1 x1 − 5π/2 2 . (17) α (x1 ) = α e 1 − 0.1 exp − 2 σα We also assume that at some value of x2 (= 5π/2) the death rate of pathogen infective stages is at its maximum " #! 1 x2 − 5π/2 2 µ (x2 ) = µ e 1 + 0.1 exp − . (18) 2 σµ EDFramework-2d.nb The anticipated effects of α and µ on the host and pathogen ED are shown in Figure 10. Host x 10 2 5 288 Pahogen x 10 2 5 x1 10 1 x1 10 5 -5 -5.2 -a -5.4 5 -0.02 -0.0205 -0.021 -m -0.0215 -0.022 Figure 10: Anticipated effect of α and µ on the host and pathogen ED in the adaptive space (x1 , x2 ). 289 Now the ED become ∂t z1 = aAz1 − bz1 − α (x1 ) z2 , ∂t z2 = νAz3 (z1 − z2 ) − (α (x1 ) + b + γ) z2 , ∂t z3 = λz2 − (µ (x2 ) + νz1 ) z3 , Cohen · Evolutionary distributions 22 with data z1 (x, 0) = 20, z2 (x, 0) = 0, z3 (x, 0) = 2 × 109 , zi (π/2, x2 , t) = zi (9π/2, x2 , t) , zi (x1 , π/2, t) = zi (x2 , 9π/2, t) , i = 1, 2, 3. The parameters are set to a = 5.3, b = 5.29, γ = 10−20 , kα = 5.5, λ = 108 , kµ = 0.02, ν = 10−10 , ∆ = 0.01, η1 = η2 = η3 = 0.01, σa = σµ = π/3 (note the periodic boundary conditions; they were set to produce a desired effect). Figure 11 (and the animation of the dynamics at http: //yosefcohen.org) show the limit-cycle ED at a particular t. Because of coevolution, the anticipated ED of the host and pathogen ED (Figure 10) are different from the evolutionary ED. Several interesting feature emerge from the coevolution of the host-pathogen system. Foremost is the fact that we obtain a limit cycle. This cycle can be observed only via animations (at http://yosefcohen.org). High densities of phenotypes are pushed to the corners of the adaptive space. These are separated by zero densities. In the model, reproduction is localized. So if one chooses to identify species with phenotypes that coproduce, then the process results in the emergence of four common host “species” and rare species in between. Phenotypes at the inner boundaries of the high densities fare well with the pathogen (their densities are the highest). This is the case because corresponding to these boundaries there are low densities of pathogen phenotypes (z3 in Figure 11). The infected phenotypes (z2 in Figure 11) follow the ED of the host (z1 ) with more pronounced densities of phenotypes along the inner edges—being at the extreme inner edges of the adaptive space impart extra protection to the infected phenotypes. At other times of the cycle (not shown), the corners infected phenotypes and pathogen disappear and a single peak of both appears in the middle. These results indicate that we may observe cycles in the coevolution of hostpathogen. In these cycles, resistant hosts and virulent pathogens coevolve 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 Cohen · Evolutionary distributions 23 EDFramework-v01.nb 1 10 x1 x2 10 10 x2 5 x1 10 5 5 100 50 z1 0 10 x1 5 10 5 1.5 μ 109 1 μ 109 5 μ 108 0 z3 x2 5 1 0.75 0.5z 2 0.25 0 Figure 11: Limit-cycle ED for host and pathogen in the evolutionary space (compare to Figure 10), at t = 2 × 105 . Cohen · Evolutionary distributions 24 from single peaks in the middle of the adaptive space to peaks in the corner of the adaptive space. The approach we take to the coevolution of host pathogen is different from traditional views (e.g., Levin, 1996). First, the adaptive traits of the host and the pathogen are independent and certain parameter values are not fixed; they are functions (given in (17) and (18)) whose values are determined by coevolution. The dependency between the values of these functions surfaces through mutation and selection. Second, ours is an infinite dimensional system. Therefore, we do not need to introduce a fixed mutant with a certain parameter value and examine the outcome of coevolution (as in e.g., Anderson and May, 1982). Finally, and perhaps most importantly, we do subscribe to the view that natural selection is a local phenomena (e.g., Levin and Bull, 1994; Levin, 1996). However, fitness is a distributional phenomena. Thus, we may observe a spectrum of fitnesses at evolutionary stability (of ED). 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 The results rely heavily on the initial conditions. When we use z1 (x, 0) = 20 + 2 cos (x1 ) , z2 (x, 0) = 0, z3 (x, 0) = 2 × 109 + 2 × 108 cos (x2 ) we obtain a pathogen and infected ED very different from those obtained from homogeneous initial surfaces (compare Figure 11 to Figure 12). This is a particularly convincing example of the problems that arise if one follows the dynamics of the mean of the strategies, as opposed to following the dynamics of the ED. Following the mean of the strategy dynamics leads one to believe that one is following dynamics of typical phenotypes when in fact no phenotypes with adaptive trait values that represent the mean density of phenotype exist. This application of the theory also illustrates the much richer behavior of solutions of PDE compared to ODE and thus brings us closer to the richness of phenomena we see in Nature. 7 ED in ecosystems So far, we discussed ED from the perspective of coevolutionary interactions within and between ED. Here, we discuss ED in the context of ecosystems. Our fundamental tenet is that ecosystems are open. Thus, in addition to abiotic considerations, we must include input and output to the system. 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 Cohen · Evolutionary distributions 25 EDFramework-v01.nb 1 10 x1 x2 10 10 5 x1 150 5 x2 10 5 1.5 μ 109 5 100 50 1 μ 109 z1 0 10 x1 10 5 μ 108 z3 0 x2 5 1 5 0.75 0.5 z2 0.25 0 Figure 12: Stable infected and pathogen ED. Cohen · Evolutionary distributions 26 Extending ED to incorporate the abiotic environment opens the door to applications that include nutrient cycling and global change in the context of coevolution. 7.1 A simple ecosystem model loss from the system 1 herbivory ( ) 343 344 345 We shall use a simple system (Figure 13) with nitrogen cycling through three primary producers (z1) 342 primary consumers (z2) 3 mortality ( ) uptake ( ) mortality ( ) soil (z3) input rate ( ) Figure 13: A simple ecosystem model. compartments. All units in the model are expressed in N-equivalent units (e.g., density of N). We model the system with saturation and from Figure 13 derive the model as: z3 z1 z1 − χ1 z2 − (λ1 + µ1 ) z12 , z10 = υ3 υ1 1 + υ 2 z3 1 + χ2 z1 z1 z20 = χ3 χ1 z2 − (λ2 + µ2 ) z22 , (19) 1 + χ2 z1 z3 z30 = ι (t) + µ1 z12 + µ2 z22 − υ1 z1 − λ 3 z3 1 + υ 2 z3 where the scaling coefficients υ3 and χ3 are between zero and one. Assume that the nitrogen input rate, ι (t), oscillates with one cycle per year. So we write 2πt ι (t) = A + B sin . (20) 12 Cohen · Evolutionary distributions 27 With the parameter values A = 10, B = 4, µ1 = 0.01, χ1 = 1, λ1 = 0.01, µ2 = 0.01, χ2 = 1, λ2 = 0.1, υ1 = 100, λ3 = 0.01, υ2 = 1, υ3 = 1, (21) χ3 = 0.4 and initial conditions z1 (0) = 20, EDFramework-2c.nb z2 (0) = 1, z3 (0) = 0.006 (22) 1 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 z1 z3 z1 , z2 we obtain Figure 14. The time trajectories indicate that the system may be z2 0 100 200 300 400 0.0075 0.007 0.0065 0.006 0.0055 0.005 0 500 100 200 300 400 500 t t Figure 14: Time trajectories of system (19) with parameters values in (21) and initial conditions (22). z1 , z2 and z3 are the density of nitrogen in primary producers, primary consumers and soil, respectively. EDFramework-2c.nb 346 3.51 3.505 3.5 3.495 3.49 3.485 3.48 20 25.8 z1 Ht-t L z2 HtL either chaotic or resonant (Figure 15). We shall not pursue this issue any 25.75 25.71 22 24 26 z1 HtL 28 30 25.71 25.75 z1 HtL 25.8 Figure 15: Phase portraits of system (19) with parameters values in (21) and initial conditions (22). The delay τ = 6. z1 and z2 denote nitrogen density in primary producers and primary consumers, respectively. 347 further and move on directly to ED for this simplified ecosystem. 348 1 Cohen · Evolutionary distributions 7.2 28 Coevolution in ecosystems 349 From (19) and Figure 13 we conclude that reproduction occurs on the uptake (υ) and consumption (χ) terms. To simplify the system, we shall ignore competition within ED and assume that x1 is the primary producers adaptive trait that endows them with the ability to resist consumption (e.g., tannin and lignin concentrations in plant tissue). Similarly, x2 is the adaptive trait that allows consumers to handle these compounds. Assume that increase in x1 causes decrease in consumption—the χ related term in Figure 13. The price to pay for increased resistance to consumption is increase in death rate—the µ1 related term in Figure 13. Increase in resistance to the primary producers defenses results in decrease in the primary producers mortality rate—the µ2 related term in Figure 13. The price is decrease in the consumption efficiency—the χ3 related term in (19); e.g., decrease in the conversion efficiency from plant to herbivore biomass. 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 These considerations lead us to modify (19) and write x1 x1 χ1 (x1 ) = χ4 exp − , µ1 (x1 ) = µ3 1 − exp − , σ1 σ2 x2 x2 , χ3 (x2 ) = χ5 exp − µ2 (x2 ) = µ4 exp − σ3 σ4 and z3 z1 Az1 − χ1 (x1 ) z2 − (λ1 + µ1 (x1 )) z1 , 1 + υ 2 z3 1 + χ2 z1 z1 Az2 − (λ2 + µ2 (x2 )) z2 , (23) ∂t z2 = χ3 (x2 ) χ1 (x1 ) 1 + χ2 z1 z3 ∂t z3 = ι (t) + µ1 (x1 ) z1 + µ2 (x2 ) z2 − υ1 z1 − λ 3 z3 1 + υ 2 z3 ∂t z1 = υ3 υ1 where 1 Azi = zi + ∆2 ηi ∂xi xi zi i = 1, 2. 2 We let x := [x1 , x2 ] and zi ≡ zi (x, t), i = 1, 2, 3. 363 We use the following parameter values A = 10, B = 4, µ3 = 0.01, χ2 = 1, µ4 = 0.01, χ4 = 1, ∆ = 0.01, λ1 = 0.01, λ2 = 0.1, υ1 = 100, χ5 = 0.4, η1 = η2 = 0.01, λ3 = 0.01, υ2 = 1, υ3 = 1, σ1 = σ2 = σ3 = σ4 = 106 , (24) Cohen · Evolutionary distributions 29 with the Neumann boundary conditions and initial data z1 (x, 0) = 20 + 2 cos (x1 + x2 ) , z2 (x, 0) = 1 + 0.1 cos (x1 + x2 ) , EDFramework-2d.nb (25) 1 z3 (x, 0) = 0.006 to obtain a stable cyclic solution (Figure 16). For the most part, the stable 10 x1 10 x2 10 5 x1 35 5 10 x2 5 5 3.5 30 3 25 z 1 20 15 2.5 z2 2 Figure 16: Stable cyclic solution of (23) with parameter values (24), Neumann boundary conditions and initial conditions (25). 364 surface preserves the initial conditions except in the extremes of the adaptive traits. The theory provides interesting predictions. The ED of the primary producers illustrates a marked decrease in fitness (density at stability) of those producer phenotypes that are at the extremes (high or low) of their adaptive traits. These low densities correspond to consumer phenotypes at the extreme high values of tolerance to the producers resistance to consumption (high values of x2 ). In other words, if you are a producer coevolving with a consumer in a resistance-tolerance (to consumption) adaptive space, you want to be neither devoid of resistance nor too resistant because in either case your death rate is too high. However, the disadvantage of being in the extreme of your adaptive trait disappears when you coevolve with consumers with low tolerance to your defenses—there are no dips in abundance of x1 phenotypes at the extremes of resistance to consumption by consumers with low tolerance to your defenses (small values of x2 ). 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 Cohen · Evolutionary distributions 7.3 30 Application to global climate change Here we briefly outline the approach to integrating global change with coevolutionary processes. This is a little investigated area. It is generally believed that the rate of global warming, for example, is too fast for coevolution to catch up. This, however, is a belief that needs to be investigated at least theoretically. Furthermore, one can hardly expect global change to be a short lived (say a few hundred years) phenomenon. In the long run, we may expect evolutionary changes in response to global change. 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 We shall not pursue this topic in detail except to outline, by example, how the current framework can be applied. Take for example the nutrient input function (20). Suppose that it represents temperature. Then we may modify it thus: 2πt ι (t) = A (t) + B (t) sin 12 where now the average temperature A becomes time dependent; e.g., A (t) = a1 + b1 t and the variance in temperature changes with time; e.g., B (t) = a2 + b2 t (this scenario was investigated without reference to evolution in Cohen and Pastor, 1991). We can then link ι (t) to a geographical location and then examine the potential outcome of coevolution due to global change. 8 Discussion The theory developed here is not a panacea. Albeit applicable to a large class of population models, it is not applicable to discrete models. Deriving analytical criteria for stability for a system of nonlinear PDE is difficult (currently, this is an active research area in Mathematics). However, stability should not be viewed as the holy grail of mathematical biology. The often made claim that unstable systems are not likely to be observed in Nature may not be true; particularly if transients are slow. After all, all species are doomed to extinction sooner or later. Transient phenomena in mathematical models can produce rich results that mimic Nature. Finally, difficult as it may, stability analysis should not be a reason to abandon any theory that is based on first principles. The significant contributions of the theory of ED to evolutionary ecology 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 Cohen · Evolutionary distributions 31 boil down to: (i) ED do not require game theoretic approach to the study of coevolution in adaptive space; (ii) because ED covers all of the adaptive space, invasion of mutants to a stable ED is possible for a short time only— we thus do not need to invoke the ESS concept; (iii) the theory admits that fitness of phenotypes at stable ED can be positive, negative or zero—the fitness of phenotypes must be viewed in the context of fitness of the whole distribution. Thus, as in Nature, ED allow phenotypes of various fitness values to coexist and resist invasion. In other words, in coevolutionary dynamic equilibrium, phenotypes are able to maintain high fitness by a fraction of them evolving to low fitness phenotypes. All of the stability results here were inferred from numerical solutions of the ED models. This may raise objections, for inferring stability from numerical solutions is not a proof of stability. I therefore offer all of the stability results as conjectures of stability. Much experience with numerical solutions (in particular of PDE) indicates that unstable solutions surface after a short time interval. In all the results, no numerical instability surfaced for t ∈ 0, 106 . For unstable models, numerical instabilities appeared well before t = 100. Again, these facts are not offered as proofs of stability, but as strong indications of stability. As with all differential equation models, ED are limited to large, but finite populations. There is a common misconception that continuous models in bounded domains imply infinite population sizes. This is not the case simply because the integrals of phenotype densities over bounded domains are finite. Furthermore, stochastic effects are ignored. For small populations, evolutionary ecology systems should be modeled with probabilities. Ignoring stochastic effects is more difficult to justify. However, we are often interested in the range of phenomena that deterministic models exhibit. For example, deterministic models that produce chaotic behavior are interesting precisely because they produce stochastic-like behavior. In the case of ED, the fact that entirely different solutions emerge from different initial conditions (Figures 11 and 12) indicates that perturbations (stochastic or otherwise) can move a system of ED to different regions in the solution space. One difficulty with ODE models is that they assume smooth functions and therefore the transition from an individual based approach to the continuous approach needs to be justified (as in Dieckmann and Law, 1996, for example). In the case of PDE, this problem vanishes because the theory of PDE, from its foundations, relies on measure theory and on generalized functions 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 Cohen · Evolutionary distributions 32 (Renardy and Rogers, 1993; Evans, 1998). Thus, the extension from points (individuals) to intervals is natural. Because of the functional space within which PDE operate, solutions that are not smooth and even not continuous are acceptable; see for examples Smoller (1982) and Cohen (2005). The richness of solutions that ED can produce, and the fact that they need not be unique raise tantalizing possibilities in modeling evolution via ED. For example, Abrams et al. (1993) raised the possibility of stable ESS where fitness is at its minimum (see also Cohen et al., 2000, 2001). The results illustrated in Figure 7 support Abrams et al. (1993) finding. These results also indicate that phenotypes with a spectrum of fitness values can coexist in stable ED. The whole issue of maximizing fitness becomes irrelevant when we deal with stable ED. For example, in the predator prey system (Figure 7), there are many regions where the slope of the surface (instantaneous fitness) is zero and others where it is positive or negative. Yet, the surface is stable. We must therefore revise the notion that stable evolutionary systems should reflect special points in the fitness space. At this time, I have no alternative to offer. We invoke orthogonality of traits in the mutation operator (10). This might appear as a restrictive assumption. However, many adaptive traits are (or seem to be) unrelated: it is difficult to see the connection between the length of an elephants trunk and the color of his skin. Furthermore, if adaptive traits are not orthogonal, then they can be made so (with rotation methods akin to Principal Components Analysis). Finally, there is nothing in the theory of ED that restricts one from using nonorthogonal traits. The mutation operator will simply need to include mixed partial derivatives. In developing the framework for ED, we claimed that birth is a linear function (see equation 8). Incorporating nonlinear birth process introduces some notational difficulties, but no conceptual difficulties. In using the Taylor series expansion, one will need to invoke the chain rule for the Taylor series approximation to hold. The fact that solutions on the boundaries of the adaptive space differ from the interior (where we may find zero densities in some regions of the adaptive space) should come as no surprise. For certain classes of PDE, there are maximum principles that establish that the maxima of solutions should always be on the boundaries (see for example Evans, 1998). From an evolutionary perspective, this makes sense—natural selection in a bounded domain is expected to push the most fit organisms to the boundaries of the 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 Cohen · Evolutionary distributions 33 adaptive space. A good example is the body temperature of birds, which is close to the temperature of protein denaturation—possibly because based on thermodynamic principles, it is easier to warm up than to cool down. Another possible example is the tremendous size of the Irish elk antlers that eventually led to its extinction (Moen et al., 1999). The application of ED to ecosystem models opens the door to (at least theoretical) investigations of how coevolution responds to inanimate components of systems in Nature. Such applications offer one way to address the issues of global change in the context of coevolution. Finally, we propose the following connection between ED and population genetics: For a population of organisms with a small number of genes, we can construct the power set (the set of all possible subsets) of the genes. Identifying environmental influences on the development of phenotypes, this set should give us a one-to-one map (a function) between genotypes and phenotypes. By following the dynamics of ED we can use the inverse of this map to infer the densities of genotypes. Thus, at least conceptually, ED may reduce the problem of the dynamics of population genetics to an algebraic problem. The same approach can be taken with organisms with a large number genes. Here, however, one has to isolate a subset of genes that produce adaptive trait values almost independently of other genes. To thus characterize all of the traits of phenotypes, we need to isolate the influence of environmental factors on the emergence of trait values—an impossible task. 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