3D MHD Modeling of Mercury’s Magnetosphere During ICMEs A. Glocer, M. Sarantos, J. Slavin Outline Model description. Validation Three boundary choices are considered: 1. Floating 2. Float ! and p and v|| pointing inward, reflect v! and v|| pointing outward 3. Float !, p, v", v#, and vr<0, reflect vr>0 Use M1 and M2 as validation cases Mercury During ICMEs Simulation of low MA case Simulation of Mercury interacting with an ICME BATS-R-US BLOCK ADAPTIVE TREE SOLAR-WIND ROE UPWIND SCHEME Conservative finite-volume discretization Shock-capturing TVD schemes Rusanov, HLL/AW, Roe, HLLD Parallel block-adaptive grid Cartesian and generalized coordinates Explicit and implicit time stepping Classical, semi-relativistic and Hall MHD Multi-species and multi-fluid MHD Splitting the magnetic field into B0 + B1 Various methods to control divergence B Nearly perfect scaling to more than 1000 processors MAGNETOSPHERE DOMAIN: INNER BOUNDARY LOCATION: 1.0 RM OUTER BOUNDARY: 32 RM UPSTREAM AND 224 RM DOWNSTREAM Boundary The inner boundary condition has a huge effect on the solution. It is not immediately clear what the proper choice is. Several possibilities include: Fixed BCs Floating BCs Float, B1 ! and p and v|| pointing inward, reflect v! and v|| pointing outward Float, B1 !, p, v", v#, and vr<0, reflect vr>0 Other questions: Conductance, FACs Boundary Testing Strategy To test the effect of the inner boundary we simulate the M1 and M2 flybys The solution is extracted along the MESSENGER trajectory and directly compared to MAG data These runs are also used to test dipole strength and displacement (final choice ~200 nT, displaced .18 northward) Compare the effect of boundary on closed field line region, precipitating flux BC1 BC1 BC2 BC2 BC3 BC3 Boundary Comparison M1 Flyby BC-1 BC-2 BC-3 Boundary Comparison M2 Flyby BC-1 BC-2 BC-3 Boundary Comparison Closed B-Field During M2 BC-1 BC-2 BC-3 Boundary Comparison Precipitating Flux During M2 BC-1 BC-2 BC-3 Boundary Comparison Precipitating Flux Comparison BC2 M2 M1 BC3 100 Bx (nT) Disturbed Solar Wind At Mercury 50 0 -50 -100 -150 150 To the right, an ICME from Helios 1 measurements. These data were taken at 0.34AU. 0 -50 50 0 -50 -100 -150 500 400 300 200 100 0 -400 -500 Vx (km/s) During ICMEs we can see extremely low Mach numbers BZ<0 100 Bz GSM (nT) Low Alfvénic Mach numbers are seen particularly during ICMEs where |B| ! 100nT 50 -100 -150 150 Density (/cc) MESSENGER enters orbit during solar max By GSM (nT) 100 IP SHOCK -600 -700 -800 00 03 06 09 Jun 20, 1981 UT Hours 12 15 Solar Wind Ram Pressure, MA, and $A 500 Ram Pressure [nPa] 400 300 200 100 0 -100 15 Mms 10 5 Alfven Conductance 0 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 03 06 Simulation Time [Hr] 09 12 Low MA Case Velocity Total Velocity: Velocity: MA 1.75Total Velocity: MA 0.85 MA=3.0MA 3.0TotalTotal MA=1.75 MA=0.85 500 20 20 400 20 20 400 Predicted Slopes for 10 10 0 00 10 300 Z 10 ZZ Z 400 -10 -10 -20 -20 300 300 300 200 200 200 100 100 100 -10 100 -20 Alfvén Wings 0 200 -10 400 -20 15 10 5 0 -5 -10 -15 -20 15 10 5 0 -5 -10 -15 -20 15 10 5 0 -5 -10 -15 -20 15 10 5 0 -5 -10 -15 -20 X X X x= 25048, 1, it= 140000, time= X0.0000 1, it= 135000, time= x= 25048, 0.0000 1, it=decrease 120000, time= x= 0.0000 1,Mach it= 60000, time= (MA0.0000 We systematically the25048, Alfvén number ) by dropping the solar wind Bz while holding other quantities constant. As the MA is reduced, the lobes begin to separate and the shock front weakens. Idealized High Ram Pressure FIG. 5. Logarithm of the magnetic field intensity in a cross-tail section 3RM behind Mercury. The black line is the bow shock position in this plane. The black arrow shows the direction of the current. FIG. 7. Same as Fig. 1 for the Parker spiral with high speed and pressure of the solar wind, allowing it to penetrate to the surface. Actual ICME Simulation Total Velocity and B-Field During IP Shock 4 600 10 400 0 -2 5 600 0 400 -5 200 200 Z Z 2 Total Velocity and B-Field -4 0 2 1 0 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 X 1, it= 70925, time= 2h30m00s -10 0 0 -5 -10 X x= 30208, 1, it= 70925, time= 2h30m00s -15 -20 During Minimum MA Total Velocity BC2 6 1000 6 4 800 2 BC1 Total Velocity 1000 4 800 2 0 Z 600 500 -2 600 0 400 400 400 -2 Ram Pressure [nPa] Z Actual ICME Simulation -4 -6 0 -2 200 200 100 200 -4 -6 -4 -6 -8 X -100 5048, 1, it= 207395, time= 4h10m00s 15 0 -10 -12 2 0 -2 -4 -6 -8 X x= 25048, 1, it= 228928, time= 4h10m00s 10 Mms 2 300 5 0 03 06 Simulation Time [Hr] 09 12 -10 -12 Solution at Minimum MA: The Correct Plane ORIGINAL CASE: MA=1.78 ENHANCED CASE: MA=1.14 A significant By component can twist the lobes such that the y=0 plane is not meaningful. We show the solution in plane cutting through the lobes, and find an angle of 39˚ between the lobes. The angle between Alfvén characteristics is 33˚. We also show the solution of a case with “enhanced” IMF conditions (right). The angle between lobes is 77˚, and the angle between characteristics is 72˚. Conclusions Boundary conditions can really control the solution BC1: gives larger dayside magnetosphere, and short tail BC2: gives long tail and small dayside magnetosphere. BC3: gives an intermediate result and stronger flux at 0LT Through an iterative process we found a dipole of 200nT and an offset of .18RM northward ICMEs During the orbital phase we expect to observe several ICME encounters with Mercury These times include large ram pressure that can completely compress the magnetopause. They also have strong magnetic fields that can bring the cusps together, and they can lead to very low MA Thank You