Headwater Rivers & Carbon Storage Ellen Wohl Geosciences Colorado State University Context Regional Setting C Pools along Front Range Rivers Implications Context Watersheds are sites for terrestrial & aquatic CO2 removal thru photosynthesis transport of living & decomposing organic C in surface & ground waters * storage of organic C for widely varying lengths of time Amount of C rivers deliver to oceans is a fraction of that entering rivers from terrestrial ecosystems atmosphere 1.2 land 2.7 rivers, lakes, wetlands 0.9 ocean 0.6 geosphere Aufdenkampe et al., 2011 Headwaters are important significantly contribute to CO2 outgassing via microbial activity (Battin et al., 2007) transient storage greatly affects nutrient uptake – secondary channels, logjams, algal mats, hyporheic, floodplain (Battin et al., 2008, 2009) storage also affects sequestration at time scales of 102-103 years vegetation soil landslides C Pools C gradual erosion vegetation dead wood floodplain fossil C from bedrock stream litter duff roots Basic research questions Where are carbon and fine sediment stored in a mountainous headwater river network? What is the magnitude of storage in different segments of the river network? What are the mechanisms facilitating storage? How might mechanisms and magnitude of storage change with anthropogenic alteration of rivers and the greater landscape? Regional Setting Colorado Front Range mountain rivers, with varying valley morphology, as reflected in process domains based on elevation (hydroclimatology) valley geometry (lateral confinement) biotic drivers (forest age, beavers) unconfined confined Basin-scale heterogeneity (bedrock jointing, glaciation) 102-103 m, 103-105 y differences in valley geometry (confined/unconfined) Reach-scale heterogeneity (logjams, beaver dams) 101-102 m, 101-102 y differences in channel geometry (single-thread/multi-thread) Unit-scale heterogeneity differences in C retention & biological uptake upstream from jam mountain river sluices? not quite Unconfined valleys have the potential for a multi-thread channel planform driven by biota channel-spanning logjams (old-growth forest) beaver dams (beaver) Channel-spanning logjams & multi-thread channels old-growth forest logjams multi-thread channels avulsion/ multi-thread bank erosion, overbank flow wood recruitment upstream alluviation for length of > 2X channel width (persistent) treefall ramped piece logjam shallow, wide valley threshold based on gradient & channel width/valley-bottom width steep, narrow valley upstream alluviation for length of 1-2X channel width (transient) Wohl, 2011 Beaver dams & multi-thread channels disturbance ? aspen beaver high water table multi-thread channels Polvi & Wohl, 2012 aspen & willow prior to intensive human manipulation of forests & rivers, patches of old-growth & beavers more widespread headwater multi-thread channels more common greater complexity & retention Historical changes loss of old-growth forest (globally, reduced forest cover by half & nearly eliminated old growth) currently 6-12 million beaver in North America historically, more like 50-125 million evidence of much more extensive beaver activity on east side RMNP e.g., Upper Beaver Meadows – beaver-induced sedimentation accounts for 30-50% of post-glacial sediments C Pools along Front Range Rivers Objectives quantify C in different reservoirs in diverse valley types 7 valley types based on lateral confinement channel planform (single vs multi-thread) biota (old-growth or younger forest, beaver) C Pools floodplain soils floodplain coarse wood instream coarse wood floodplain fine organic matter litter duff floodplain vegetation live standing trees dead standing trees tree regeneration (understory) shrubs herbaceous plants roots (trees, shrubs, herbaceous) Methods 100 m valley length 11 transects at 10 m spacing soil thickness at 10 m increments all floodplain & instream wood biomass trees: dbh, height, % live & dead canopy along transects understory trees: count by height class (3 growth stages) along transects shrubs, herbaceous: estimation of cover (0.5 x 0.5 m) plot along transects litter, duff: sample 0.2 x 0.2 m plots along transects roots: estimate values from literature Preliminary Results channel surveys on eastern side of Rocky Mountain NP > 120 river km in 16 drainages of total river length surveyed 14% beaver meadows 11% unconfined (3% unconfined multi-thread) 32% partly confined 43% confined (23% old-growth) maps by Nick Sutfin Where are carbon and fine sediment stored in a mountainous headwater river network? Because of greater valley bottom area, greater sediment thickness, & greater basal area of forest, predominantly in beaver meadows & unconfined, old-growth valley segments What is the magnitude of storage in different segments of the river network? Unconfined valley segments < 25% of total river length, but contain 75% of the C in valley bottoms (~ 20% of total C in watershed) Megagrams of carbon 1000 3000 2000 unconfined partly confined younger old-growth younger old-growth newly abandoned beaver meadow long abandoned beaver meadow old-growth multi-thread old-growth single-thread 2000 wood vegetation sediment 0 1000 confined Wohl et al., in review What are the mechanisms facilitating storage? Variations in rock erodibility, glacial history & biotic drivers How might mechanisms and magnitude of storage change with anthropogenic alteration of rivers and greater landscape? In the absence of biotic drivers, valley geometry does not change, but channel-valley bottom interactions change & C in living and dead biomass changes water sediment nutrients beaver meadow plan side water sediment nutrients Implications • leaky rivers as biotic drivers lost • Front Range rivers not unique in terms of simplification • alternative stable states for rivers in terms of logjams beavers Wohl & Beckman, in press Polvi & Wohl, 2012 • restoration? How do individual segment Wc/Wv scale with increasing drainage area? How does floodplain turnover time vary among segment types? With increasing drainage area? What is role of disturbance (fire, flood, debris flow, blowdown, insects)? Timing is everything … References Aufdenkampe et al., 2011, Riverine coupling of biogeochemical cycles between land, oceans, and atmosphere. Frontiers in Ecology 9, 53-60. Battin et al., 2007, Microbial landscapes: new paths to biofilm research. Nature Reviews 5, 76-81. Battin et al., 2008, Biophysical controls on organic carbon fluxes in fluvial networks. Nature Geoscience 1, 95-100. Battin et al., 2009, The boundless carbon cycle. Nature Geoscience 2, 598-600. Polvi & Wohl, 2012, The beaver meadow complex revisited – the role of beavers in post-glacial floodplain development. Earth Surface Processes & Landforms 37, 332-346. Wohl, 2011, Threshold-induced complex behavior of wood in mountain streams. Geology 39, 587-590. Wohl & Beckman, in press, Leaky rivers: implications of the loss of longitudinal fluvial disconnectivity in headwater streams. Geomorphology. Wohl et al. in review. Mechanisms of carbon storage in mountainous headwater rivers. Nature Communications.