Variability in microclimates of mountain ranges of western North America, and its effect on distribution and trend of alpine mammals U.S. Department of the Interior U.S. Geological Survey MTNCLIM: Oct 2012 Variability in microclimates of mountain ranges of western North America, and its effect on distribution and trend of alpine mammals Erik A. Beever, USGS Northern Rocky Mtn. Science Center Solomon Dobrowski, College of Forestry & Cons., Univ. of MT Nifer Wilkening, Ecol. & Evol. Biology, Univ. of CO Embere Hall, TSS & Wyoming Coop. Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Univ. of WY Sue Wolff, Grand Teton NP, National Park Service U.S. Department of the Interior U.S. Geological Survey MTNCLIM: Oct 2012 Road map: Key themes Heterogeneity: climate, biotas, interaction Hypotheses driven by mechanisms Importance of context (GB, PIP, GYE) Vulnerability vs. adaptive plasticity Modeling changes in species distributions: spatial heterogeneity in amount of climate changes MTNCLIM: Oct 2012 Patterns of climate, for widely-distributed spp. Large/continental scale Coastal to continental gradients, jet stream AO, ENSO, NAO Latitudinal gradients Meso-scale Elevational lapse rates Windward/leeward PPT Small-scale patterns Aspect (insolation) Association w/ water RIFs, caves, lava tubes Cold-air pooling, inversions from Ray et al. 2010 MTNCLIM: Oct 2012 Pikas as model sp. for ecological-niche testing Locally abundant; rare 4 mammals Relatively stable population sizes Highly detectable (haypiles, calls) Monitoring, research are less expensive Photo: S. Weber Easily defined habitat, NOT changing over time losses not confounded by habitat change HSTal records & 15 yrs of recent data indicate a changing distribution Photo: S. Weber MTNCLIM: Oct 2012 Pikas as model sp. for ecological-niche testing Locally abundant; rare 4 mammals Relatively stable population sizes Highly detectable (haypiles, calls) Monitoring, research are less expensive Photo: S. Weber Easily defined habitat, NOT changing over time losses not confounded by habitat change HSTal records & 15 yrs of recent data indicate a changing distribution Photo: S. Weber MTNCLIM: Oct 2012 Pikas as model sp. for ecological-niche testing Locally abundant; rare 4 mammals Relatively stable population sizes Highly detectable (haypiles, calls) Monitoring, research are less expensive Photo: S. Weber Easily defined habitat, NOT changing over time losses not confounded by habitat change HSTal records & 15 yrs of recent data indicate a changing distribution Photo: S. Weber MTNCLIM: Oct 2012 Pikas as model sp. for ecological-niche testing Locally abundant; rare 4 mammals Relatively stable population sizes Highly detectable (haypiles, calls) Monitoring, research are less expensive Photo: S. Weber Easily defined habitat, NOT changing over time losses not confounded by habitat change HSTal records & 15 yrs of recent data indicate a changing distribution Photo: S. Weber MTNCLIM: Oct 2012 Pikas as model sp. for ecological-niche testing Locally abundant; rare 4 mammals Relatively stable population sizes Highly detectable (haypiles, calls) Monitoring, research are less expensive Photo: S. Weber Easily defined habitat, NOT changing over time losses not confounded by habitat change HSTal records & 19 yrs of recent data indicate a changing distribution Photo: S. Weber MTNCLIM: Oct 2012 Greenmonster Cnyn., Monitor Range, central NV last stronghold within site; loc’n of type specimen Photo: S. Weber MTNCLIM: Oct 2012 Questions Hypotheses Have there been any distributional changes since historical specimen records? What combination of factors was responsible for changes (if any)? Did the pace and drivers of losses differ between 20th Century and last decade? Across broad domains, is pattern of site-level losses best predicted by magnitude of change in climatic attributes, or by relative status of climatic attributes? Photo: J. Jacobson Photo: J. Jacobson Questions Hypotheses Have there been any distributional changes since historical specimen records? What combination of factors was/is responsible for changes, patterns? Did the pace and drivers of losses differ between 20th Century and last decade? Across broad domains, is pattern of site-level losses best predicted by magnitude of change in climatic attributes, or by relative status of climatic attributes? Photo: J. Jacobson Photo: J. Jacobson Questions Hypotheses Have there been any distributional changes since historical specimen records? What combination of factors was responsible for changes (if any)? How do distributional controls vary, spatially and temporally? Across broad domains, is pattern of site-level losses best predicted by magnitude of change in climatic attributes, or by relative status of climatic attributes? Photo: J. Jacobson Photo: J. Jacobson Study sites within the Great Basin Beever et al. 2011 (blue areas: >2,286 m) Population recently discovered Population extirpated during 20th century (i.e., by 1999) Extant population, as of 2008 Population extirpated since 1999 (i.e., after 1990s sampling) 3 periods of sampling { { Historic 1898-1956 Recent_1 1994-1999 Recent_2 2003-2008 MTNCLIM: Oct 2012 Anatomy of a decline: persistence 6 local extinctions from historic to end of my 1st sampling (once every 10.7 yrs) 4 add’l local extinctions from 1st to end of my 2nd sampling (once every 2.2 yrs) S. Weber Old evidences N = 25 historical locations Beever et al. 2011 3 periods of sampling { { Historic 1898-1956 Recent_1 1994-1999 Recent_2 2003-2008 Anatomy of a decline: upslope migrations Beever et al. 2011 Minimum elevation of detections, Historic to my first (1990s) sampling: 13.2 m per decade Minimum elev. of detections, 1st to 2nd sampling: 145.1 m per decade Parmesan & Yohe (2003) meta-analysis: 6.1 m per decade Chen et al. (2011) meta-analysis: 11.0 2008 min: 2,588 m m per decade No ∆ in max, mean, or median elev, at most sites At lower-elevation margins, apparent: a) loss of animals on S-facing slopes, and b) reduced animal densities Krajick (2004), Science 1999 min: 2,461 m Historic min: 2,366 m S. Weber Potential mechanisms of GCC on montane spp.: summer heat stress Pika-occupied sites rarely had withintalus temps above pika-lethal thresholds Beever et al. 2010, Ecol. Appl. Locally-extinct sites more often had within-talus temps above pika-lethal thresholds Potential mechanisms of GCC on montane spp.: winter cold stress (cont’d.) Most pikaoccupied sites snow-covered 0.5 – 8.2 months/yr Beever et al. 2010, Ecol. Appl. 8 of 10 locally extinct sites never had snow cover >2 weeks Different drivers of extirpation? (b) Ranks of variable weights shifted dramatically, last decade vs. during 20th Century Beever et al. 2011, GCBiol. MTNCLIM: Oct 2012 Different drivers of Popul’n Size? Compare variable weights from same model Beever et al., in revision suite for #indiv’s detected 2000s surveys, n = 16 sites 1990s surveys, n = 19 sites # models wi wi / model Grazed? 7 0.7509 0.107 Pika-Equiv. Elev 9 0.723 PPT 9 GrazIntensity Amt of Habitat Predictor # models wi wi / model PPT 9 0.826 0.092 0.080 GrazIntensity 5 0.2874 0.057 0.3621 0.040 Pika-Equiv. Elev 9 0.4246 0.047 5 0.1016 0.020 Amt of Habitat 9 0.1374 0.015 9 0.1685 0.019 Grazed? 7 0.0912 0.013 Predictor MTNCLIM: Oct 2012 Different drivers of Popul’n Size? Compare variable weights from same model Beever et al., in revision suite for #indiv’s detected 2000s surveys, n = 16 sites 1990s surveys, n = 19 sites # models wi wi / model Grazed? 7 0.7509 0.107 Pika-Equiv. Elev 9 0.723 PPT 9 GrazIntensity Amt of Habitat Predictor # models wi wi / model PPT 9 0.826 0.092 0.080 GrazIntensity 5 0.2874 0.057 0.3621 0.040 Pika-Equiv. Elev 9 0.4246 0.047 5 0.1016 0.020 Amt of Habitat 9 0.1374 0.015 9 0.1685 0.019 Grazed? 7 0.0912 0.013 Predictor MTNCLIM: Oct 2012 Another part of climate … Investigating importance of various climatic water-balance metrics Dobrowski et al., in press AET Deficit GS-PPT Max. SWE MTNCLIM: Oct 2012 Drivers of Recent pika density? 2000s surveys, n = 16 sites Water-balance metrics more predictive of pika density than are temp-based metrics Beever et al., in revision AICc ∆AICc K Akaike weight Cumulative weight Model r2 Maximum SWE + Latitude 126.13 0.00 4 0.301 0.301 0.601 GS-precipitation + Latitude 128.15 2.02 4 0.110 0.411 0.551 AvgSummT + Latitude 128.78 2.65 4 0.080 0.491 0.534 Maximum SWE 128.96 2.83 3 0.073 0.564 0.438 Latitude 129.34 3.21 3 0.061 0.625 0.425 Maximum SWE + MaxElevR + Latitude 129.39 3.25 5 0.059 0.684 0.606 Null 136.17 10.04 2 0.002 0.994 Model MTNCLIM: Oct 2012 Drivers of Recent pika density? 2000s surveys, n = 16 sites Water-balance metrics more predictive of pika density than are temp-based metrics Beever et al., in revision Variable weight Weight per model Sign of variable coefficients Maximum SWE 0.471 0.0941 Positive Latitude 0.802 0.0501 Positive Growing-season precipitation 0.159 0.0396 Positive Average Summer temperature 0.117 0.0195 Negative Average annual precipitation 0.064 0.0160 Positive Residual of maximum local-habitat elevation on latitude 0.150 0.0107 Mixed Grazed in most years before 2000s sampling? 0.034 0.0085 Negative Days below -5°C 0.033 0.0082 Negative Water deficit 0.040 0.0079 Negative Days above 28°C 0.018 0.0058 Positive Actual evapotranspiration 0.028 0.0056 Mixed Variable MTNCLIM: Oct 2012 2012 Results (Great Basin) n = 10 sites DROUGHT, after 2010-11 heavy winter MTNCLIM: Oct 2012 2012 Results (Great Basin) n = 10 sites Geometric mean # animals detected was 55% of # detected in 2003-2008 and 48% of 1990s # of detections Failed to detect pikas at ‘new’ historical site (1930s) Lower bound: 2 downslope migra’ns, 1 upslope ∆ in PopSize partly reflects climatic water-balance Tension between long- and short-term conditions MTNCLIM: Oct 2012 Assessments of pika vulnerability: occurrence, distrib. patterns, hab. assoc’ns Pikas in Peril Greater Yellowstone Initiative Continental-scale sampling 8 National Parks Ecosystem-scale sampling 5 National Forest Units 2 National Parks Objectives … Courtesy of Sue Wolff, NPS MTNCLIM: Oct 2012 Assessments of pika vulnerability: occurrence, distrib. patterns, hab. assoc’ns Pikas in Peril Greater Yellowstone Initiative Continental-scale sampling 8 National Parks Ecosystem-scale sampling 5 National Forest Units 2 National Parks Document occurrence patterns, predict distribution across each of the 2 domains Measure gene flow, model connectivity of pika populations across major genetic subdivisions and habitat types C. Epps Project climate-change effects on the future distribution, connectivity and vulnerability of pika populations in each domain Targeted for Genetic Studies MTNCLIM: Oct 2012 2010, 2011 percent pika occupancy in 8 PIP NPS units 54, 34% 97 65, 63% 252 339 45, 48% 21, 7% 201 70 24, 29% 225 15, 42% Average occupancy: 45, 40% 75 1330 67, 43% 71 71, 44% MTNCLIM: Oct 2012 Grand Teton NP: 2092-3625m Crater Lake NP: 1170-2430m 4 3 3 2011 2010 Strata Strata 4 2 2 1 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 Proportion occupied 0.6 0.8 Proportion occupied Yellowstone NP: 1636-2936m Lassen Volcanic NP: 1840-3091m 4 3 2011 2010 Strata Strata 3 2 2 1 1 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 Proportion occupied 0.25 0.3 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 Proportion occupied 0.8 MTNCLIM: Oct 2012 38, 51% 35, 32% 55, 34% 2010, 2011 occupancy survey results for the GYE 45, 48% 48, 96% 74, 82% 53, 43% Average: 44%, 55% Proportion Occupied in the GYE by Strata: 2010 n=40 Stratum 4: >3,276 n=94 Stratum 3: 2,861-3,275 n=136 Stratum 2: 2,446-2860 n=100 Stratum 1: 2,210-2,445 n=32 Stratum 0: <2,2029 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 MTNCLIM: Oct 2012 Behavioral plasticity softening boundaries Optimal body shape for conserving heat, when cold vs. J. Jacobson J. Jacobson Frequency differs dramatically MTNCLIM: Oct 2012 Behavioral plasticity softening boundaries Haypiles in unexpected locations under tree branches in downed logs standing-dead trees slash piles river riprap lakesides, below high-water level Paired T sensors deployed 2010-2012, to quantify microclimates A. Loosen Behavioral plasticity: empirical examples Cold season (1 Oct-31 May), GYE • (Downed Log T) - (Ambient T) Warmer in downed log, but not significantly so Mean difference = 0.00 °C 95% CI: -0.0966 to 0.1051, p = 0.9340 A. Loosen • (Talus T) - (Downed Log T) Warmer in downed log Mean difference = -0.14°C 95% CI : -0.2544 to -0.0304, p=0.0128 • No appreciable difference in warm season A. Loosen Behavioral plasticity: empirical examples Cold season (1 Oct-31 May), GYE • (Standing dead T) - (Ambient T) Warmer inside standing dead tree Haypile Mean difference = 0.94°C 95% CI: 0.86 to 1.03°C; p < 0.001 • (Standing dead T) - (Talus T) Warmer inside standing dead tree Mean difference = 1.73°C 95% CI : 1.54 to 1.91°C; p<0.001 • A. Loosen No appreciable difference in warm season MTNCLIM: Oct 2012 Most-protected lands are mostly mountainous Lt. green Purple 72% of strictest-conservation federally managed lands are mountainous 9.9% of non-mountainous landscapes are federally managed under strictest conservation 11 western U.S. states (PADUS) v1.1 data Fed = USFS + DOI lands Non-fed = all other lands Mountainous = Categories C5, C6, & D3-6 from Hammond’s (1970) classes of land-surface form MTNCLIM: Oct 2012 Thanks ! Field assistance S. Weber J. Fontaine D. Wright K. Scully J. Landmesser S. Shaff R. Beever Y. Yano Misc. other P. Brussard M. Peacock T. Lawlor M. Huso W. Simpson B.J. Verts D. Grayson J. Lawler A.T. Smith C. Millar J. Patton MTNCLIM: Oct 2012 Evidence of climatic influence on pikas EXPERIMENTAL: Vulnerability to direct heat stress (Smith 1974) Hotter, drier macroclimates at extirpated vs. extant sites PRISM-modeled data, AND iButtons in taluses across Basin iButton field data, 2005-2006 # Days > 28˚C Avg summer temperature (˚C) # Days < 0˚C # Days < -5˚C Pika-extant sites (N = 15 sites) 2.8 + 1.0 12.05 + 1.01 204.4 + 13.2 15.0 + 4.6 Pika-extirpated sites (N = 10) 10.9 + 4.0 17.02 + 0.72 159.6 + 9.7 28.7 + 7.8 Beever et al. 2010, Ecol. Appl. MTNCLIM: Oct 2012 Elevation Ranges (m) Nat’l Forests (m) Crater Lake NP 1170-2429 Bridger-Teton NF 1767-3217 Craters of the Moon NM 1511-1833 Caribou-Targhee NF 1767-3116 Grand Teton NP 2092-3635 Custer NF 1800-3246 Greater Sand Dunes NP 2811-3832 Gallatin NF 1800-3000 Lassen Volcanic NP 1840-3091 Shoshone NF 1998-3691 Lava Beds NM 1249-1717 Rocky Mtn NP 2572-3795 Overall Range 1170-3830 m Yellowstone NP 1636-2936 NPS units MTNCLIM: Oct 2012