ENHANCED TEMPERATURE INCREASES IN HIGH ALTITUDE REGIONS JIM MILLER AND IMTIAZ RANGWALA COLLABORATORS: YONGHUA CHEN GARY RUSSELL MIKE FERRARI JENNIFER FRANCIS CATHERINE NAUD MING XU San Juan Mountains, Colorado Photo: I. Rangwala, June 2007 OUTLINE POTENTIAL CAUSES OF ENHANCED WARMING (ALBEDO, WATER VAPOR, CLOUDS) GLOBAL CLIMATE MODEL SIMULATIONS (ARCTIC AND TIBETAN PLATEAU) POSITIVE FEEDBACK LOOPS ENHANCED WARMING BY WATER VAPOR EXAMPLES (TIBETAN PLATEAU, ALPS, SAN JUAN MTS., COLORADO) SUMMARY WATER IMPACTS CLIMATE CHANGE AND IS IMPACTED BY CLIMATE CHANGE IN ALL THREE PHASES SOLID LIQUID GAS SOLID SOLID, LIQUID,GAS LIQUID Coupled Climate Model Schematic MODEL SIMULATIONS GISS AOM (3o Latitude x 4o Longitude) Coupled Atmosphere – Ocean GCM (Russell et al. 1995; http://aom.giss.nasa.gov) 9 layers of atmosphere and 13 layers of ocean Transient experiments Time period: 1850 – 2100 (250 years) Analysis of the model output for Tibetan Plateau Modeling Feedbacks – Climate Change Experiments 2090 Polar Amplification of Global Warming 1979 2005 2060 2030 2002 Francis et al. Modeling Feedbacks – Illustration of feedbacks TEMP. _ + SEA ICE ABS. SOLAR + _ ALBEDO Chen et al., 2005 TEMPERATURE + + WATER VAPOR DLF DLF + DLF = Downward longwave flux WINTER Tibetan Plateau (TP) Tibetan Plateau Late 20th Century Climate Change in the TP One of the highest rates of warming in the northern hemisphere [Liu and Chen, 2000] Largest warming during winter [Du et al., 2004; Liu and Chen, 2000; Shenbin et al., 2006; You et al., 2007] Winter warming at least twice as high as any other season [Liu and Chen, 2000] Elevation dependent warming (EDW) trend between 1960-1990 [Liu and Chen, 2000] Causes have not been adequately addressed ! Tibetan Plateau Observed vs Modeled: Elevation Dependent Warming Liu and Chen, 2000 Tibetan Plateau Modeled DLR vs Specific Humidity (q) Output from 1950-2100 Observed q: 1961-2000 Slope: Sensitivity of DLR to q 1-D Radiative Transfer Model (RRTM) Experiments Case: Tibetan Plateau Study: Assessed changes in downwelling longwave radiation (at surface) for a higher and lower elevation location for a summer and a winter month Experimental Setup: Changes in DLR by increasing q by 0.4 g/kg in the Boundary Layer 6 • 1-D Radiative Transfer Model 5 • 29 atm. layers • “q” increased only in the BL by 0.4 g/kg DLR change (W/m2) • Atm. Column from ERA-40 4 3 2 1 0 High – 5138m Low – 114m High - Dec Low - Dec High - Jun Low - Jun The Jungfrau Observations of SWVF from Swiss Alps Monthly means in DLR and q from 2001-2004 Jungfraujoch – 3584m, Locarno Monti – 388m Rucksthul et al., 2007 (JGR) San Juan Mountains, Colorado LIQUID Rangwala, et al., 2010, AAAR Senator Beck Study Plot (SBSP) “DLR – q” relationship from higher up in the San Juans Elevation = 12,200 ft Swamp Angel Study Plot (SASP) Center for Snow and Avalanche Studies, Silverton Elevation = 11,050 ft SUMMARY ENHANCED WARMING CAUSED BY SNOW/ICE ALBEDO FEEDBACK LATE SPRING AND EARLY SUMMER WATER VAPOR WINTER AND FALL WHEN SPECIFIC HUMIDITY IS LOW ELEVATION DEPENDENT WARMING(?) SIMILARITIES/DIFFERENCES IN ARCTIC San Juan Mountains, Colorado Photo: I. Rangwala, June 2007 Wemenuchi Wilderness San Juan Mountains, Colorado Photo by I. Rangwala, Aug. 2007,