WILLIAM RAINEY HARPER COLLEGE CAREER AND TECHNOLOGY PROGRAMS GENERAL COURSE OUTLINE IND Course Prefix 114 Course Number Codes for Interior Designers Course Title (1-2) Lec-Lab 2 Semester Hours COURSE DESCRIPTION: Examines how interior building codes, governmental standards, and federal regulations affect and are applied to interior design. References BOCA, CABO, and various accessibility requirements including the Americans with Disabilities Act. Prerequisite: IND 101 with a grade of “C” or better or consent of coordinator. TOPICAL OUTLINE: I. Types of building codes, regulations, standards II. Occupancy classifications and loads III. Construction types and building sizes IV. Fire and smoke protection V. Plumbing and mechanical requirements VI. Electrical and communication requirements VII. Finish and furniture selection VIII. Accessibility requirements METHODS OF PRESENTATION: 1. Lecture 2. Readings 3. Project presentations STUDENT OUTCOMES (the student should…): 1. identify the various governmental bodies, which create and regulate interior design construction through building codes, regulations and standards. 2. distinguish between the various occupancy and construction types and identify the types and classifications required for a particular project. 3. explain the various fire and smoke protection systems available. 4. identify code requirements for plumbing fixture quantities, mechanical system components, and electrical system distribution. 5. review how building codes help protect people’s health and safety. 6. explain the difference between various furniture and finish testing methods. 7. identify accessibility clearance requirements for both commercial (ADA) and residential (ABA). 8. survey the special design needs required for people with disabilities. 9. identify the size of bathroom stalls and the height of fixtures in commercial (ADA) bathrooms. METHODS OF EVALUATION: 1. Successful completion of assigned projects 2. Drawings and reports 3. Testing of vocabulary and technical information IND 114 CODES FOR INTERIOR DESIGNERS CONTINUED TEXTBOOKS/INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS: Harmon, Sharon and Kennan, Katherine, The Codes Guidebook For Interiors 3rd Edition New Jersey, Wiley & Sons, 2005 Harmon, Sharon and Kennan, Katherine, Study Manual for Codes Guidebook for Interiors 3rd Edition New Jersey, Wiley & Sons, 2005 ADAAG Manual, a guide to the Americans with Disabilities Act Accessibility Guidelines, by the Access Board (ADAAG-M), 1998 Supplied: ADA Accessibility Guidelines (ADAAG) – available from http://www.access-board.gov/ada-aba.htm ANSI A117.1/1998 American National Standard for Accessible and Usable Buildings and Facilities – available from http://ww.iccsafe.org/e/prodcat.html REVIEWED BY: Jacque Mott Fall 2006