WILLIAM RAINEY HARPER COLLEGE CAREER PROGRAMS DIVISION GENERAL COURSE OUTLINE GRA Course Prefix 230 Course Number PREPRESS PRODUCTION Course Title (2-2) (Lec-Lab) 3 Credit Hours COURSE DESCRIPTION Covers prepress procedures, including preflight, the understanding of manufacturing specs and press layouts. Emphasis on postscripting, ripping in a high end workflow, press imposition of ripped files, trapping needs of files, proofing and film/plate output. Proof and plate assessment and quality control. Color management instruction for inputs and outputs as well as pdf requirements for file exchange. Prerequisite: GRA102 with a grade of C or better. TOPICAL OUTLINE I. Understanding all Preflight Procedures to Postscript/rip Files II. Working with Imported Graphics and Their Requirements III. High End Workflow Training and Final File Production IV. Understanding Color Uses, Palettes and Industry Needs V. Applications and File Troubleshooting VI. Understand Press Layouts, Colorbars, Imposition and Trapping Software VII. Understand Prepress Procedures in a Commercial Environment. METHOD OF PRESENTATION 1. PowerPoint Lecture 2. In-class lab work 3. Problem solving and discussion STUDENT OUTCOMES: (The student should…) 1. demonstrate knowledge of advanced tools in software. 2. troubleshoot and preflight print production projects. 3. understand postscript through rip procedures. 4. understand imposition of press layouts and bindery needs. 5. understand final files and file delivery needs. 6. learn trapping techniques in a prepress and print arena. 7. utilize industry standard color management techniques. METHOD OF EVALUATION 1. Lab assignments 2. Tests and quizzes TEXTBOOK/INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS No Text Required PREPARED BY: Patricia Bruner, Coordinator Dated: Spring 2016 Data:Web_updates:2016 Current course outlines:GRA230.docx