Multicultural Faculty Fellows Program Application Form Office of Diversity and Inclusion

Multicultural Faculty Fellows Program
Application Form
Office of Diversity and Inclusion
W-349, Ext. 6391
Participants in the Program will gain knowledge and skills necessary to:
• Understand multicultural education (MCE) from a historical and structural
• Make sense of MCE theory and research as it is useful for classroom and
campus transformation and implementation.
• Contextualize MCE theory and research within your discipline.
• Contextualize MCE theory and research in relation to your role as an
educator of diverse students.
• Situate and understand your own life experiences within the context of
MCE and your role as an educator.
• Create a multicultural project to use in the classroom or to impact the larger
campus; the cohort can opt to do individual or group projects.
FINANCIAL SUPPORT: Faculty will be paid a stipend of $2000.
As a Faculty Fellow, you will be required to attend one multicultural learning
conference addressing diversity curriculum development. The National
Conference on Race and Ethnicity is typically the conference of choice. This
year, the conference will be held in San Francisco in May. Financial support to
attend the conference will include airfare or mileage, registration, hotel and food
(funding is in addition to the utilization of faculty professional development funds).
In addition, you will be required to five MCE learning and team building sessions
(dates to be determined with the cohort to meet scheduling needs, but Fridays
are likely). These sessions will be discussion based, connected to the reading
material that will be provided to all fellows, and facilitated by former MFF program
Multicultural Faculty Fellows Application Questions
1. What Harper Is: From your perspective, to what extent is multiculturalism and
multicultural education embedded in the daily operations of Harper College,
including but not limited to your classroom?
2. What Harper Should Be: From your perspective, how could Harper College
become better at multicultural education, and more reflective of a truly
multicultural institution?
3. Your Role in the Transformation: How do you see yourself being involved in
Harper College’s transformation, as you outlined above?
Sign and Date:
Dept.Chair/Coordinator *
Division Dean
Special Assistant to the President for Diversity and Inclusion/Assistant Provost
*Department chair signature indicates I am aware of this additional commitment from a faculty member in
our department
Please submit two copies of your application, one copy WITHOUT your name to
be utilized for the blind peer-review process of cohort selection.
Application is due to the Office of Diversity and Inclusion by October 16th, 2015.
The selection process will conclude by November 13th, and an announcement
will be made on November 16th declaring the members of the 2015-2016 cohort.