BAEE Program • CDTE UNIT PLAN RUBRIC Candidate ____________________________________________ Class/Instructor/Date _________________________________ Exemplary (5) Theme Subject(s) Dates and times Unit questions What students will be familiar with What students will be able to do Essential question(s) Quizzes and tests Academic prompts Performance Fits within existing curriculum map, and is relevant to students and teacher alike Specification of subject, or subjects, is detailed and clear. Proficient (3) Preliminaries May be relevant, or may fit within existing curriculum map, but lacks both characteristics Indicates one subject if thematic unit, two or more subjects if interdisciplinary Are specified but may not be achievable in planned timeframe Afford adequate instructional time to accomplish the unit’s purposes as spelled out below Step 1: Identifying desired results Derive from Navajo Nation standards, Include some but not all aspects of Common Core, or district standards; exemplary unit questions. are posed as questions in student friendly language Analyze and spell out appropriately Include some but not all aspects of most important facts, ideas, and exemplary specification of understandconcepts that students will comprehend ings that students will comprehend Analyze and spell out appropriately Include some but not all aspects of most important skills and applications exemplary specification of understandthat students will be able to apply or ings that students will apply or perform perform Are 1-2 in number, relevant, represent a Big Idea, and require uncoverage Step 2: Determining acceptable evidence Are used with compelling clarity to Are used to assess students’ familiarassess students’ familiarity with ity, but are somewhat unclear and can content understandings be improved Are used with compelling clarity to Are used to assess students’ familiarassess students’ content and skill ity, but are somewhat unclear and can understandings be improved Are used to assess authentic Are used to assess students’ applica- Unsatisfactory (1) Is vague, does not fit within school’s existing curriculum map, or is lacking all together Specification of subjects is unclear or lacking all together Are vague, unrealistic, or lacking all together Are inaccurate, incomplete, lacking all together, and/or not posed as questions in student friendly language Is vague, inaccurate, incomplete, or lacking all together Is vague, inaccurate, incomplete, or lacking all together Are vague, inaccurate, incomplete, or lacking all together Do not align to familiarity understandings or are lacking all together Do not align to familiarity understandings or are lacking all together Do not align to application Fall 2012 based assessments, projects, or portfolios Observational assessments Students’ selfassessments WHERE-TO experiences/ lesson plan topics performance tasks; have clear measurement criteria (e.g., rubrics); require extended speaking and/or writing; indicate how results will inform future teaching Provide feedback to students while working independently or in groups tion understandings, but are somewhat unclear and can be improved understandings, are incomplete (e.g., they do not include or call for relevant rubrics), or are lacking all together Are used to provide feedback to If utilized, tools are vague, inaccurate, students on working independently or or incomplete in groups, but are somewhat unclear and can be improved Provide opportunities for students to Are used to promote self-reflection, If utilized, tools are vague, inaccurate, self-assess their learning and own but are somewhat unclear and can be or incomplete work improved Step 3: Planning learning experiences Overall plan is effective and engaging; Include some but not all aspects of Overall plan is vague, inaccurate, promises that students will know exemplary overall plan for learning incoherent, and/or out of sequence where they are going, be hooked, have experiences opportunities to explore and experience Big Ideas, rethink, revise, evaluate, and reflect; is coherent, with all three stages in alignment Target for Sem I-III = proficient; for FTST = proficient plus Comments Fall 2012