XU Pre-Graduate Scholars Research Program Louis Stokes - Louisiana Alliance for Minority Participation APPLICATION FOR PARTICIPATION PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT. Complete the entire application. You may attach a resume, but you must still complete all questions; or your application will be deemed incomplete and may not be considered. Please fill out each box (don't just indicate “See Resume.”) Applications with missing or invalid job numbers will not be considered for any position. PERSONAL INFORMATION Name (Last, First, Middle): Gender: M Street Address: F City, State & Zip: XU ID or Social Security Number: Home Phone: XU Pre-Graduate Scholars Research Program LS-LAMP Research Program Cell Phone: Local Phone: SCHOOL INFORMATION MAJOR: Program Applying For: Current GPA: Classification: M Xavier e-mail address: Other e-mail address: F Year Expected to Graduate: RESEARCH EXPERIENCE Please provide information regarding the research experience you had during the Summer or previous Academic year. If on-campus, provide your mentor’s name. Have you participated in any of the programs listed below (please check all that apply and indicate why you are no longer a participant) MARC RISE PREM MBRS GAELA RII C2 LA-SiGMA ESSAY Where do you see yourself in the next 5 years? Describe your academic, career, and professional goals and why you should be considered to become a participant in this program. AGREEMENT and SIGNATURE PLEASE READ CAREFULLY AND SIGN THAT YOU UNDERSTAND AND ACCEPT THIS INFORMATION. By submitting this application, I affirm that the facts set forth in it are true and complete. As an applicant, I authorize the University and its agents to have access to my academic records as needed in the administration of this program for statistical purposes and to use selected portions of that information in reports to supporting agencies. Name (printed) Signature Date THIS APPLICATION MUST BE RETURNED TO THE SEMEP OFFICE, NCF ROOM 244 OR YOU MAY E-MAILL YOUR DOCUMENTS TO MS. HUNTER AT ahunter@xula.edu. Science, Engineering, and Mathematics Educational Programs Office Xavier University of Louisiana NCF Science Addition Room 244 1 Drexel Drive – Box 146 New Orleans, Louisiana 70125 (504) 520-7646 (504) 520-7966