COURSE PLAN FOR CHEM3040, PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY (II) Chemistry Department, Xavier University of Louisiana Fall Semester, 2012 Credit Hours: 3 s.h. Class Hours and Classroom: 9:00-9:50am, 37-160 Instructor: Dr. Jian Zhang: Office, 37-340; Phone, 520-7372; E-mail, Office Hours: MW 10:00am-12:00pm, Thur 9:00am-11:00am or by appointment. Texts: “Physical Chemistry” 9th Ed., (2010), P.W. Atkins, W.H. Freeman and Company. Course Description: Advanced topics in the elements of quantum theory, atomic and molecular structures, and the theory of spectroscopic methods and their application in structure determination. Prerequisites: CHEM3210/3210LB, MATH2070-2080, and PHYS2020/2020LB Course Requirements: Students are expected to attend all classes and examinations, and are responsible for any materials covered or announcements made in their absence. For excused absence, the students must make up the missed exams within one week after they come back. For unexcused absences, the students will receive a grade of zero. Homework must be an individual effort, and turned in on time. The late homework will be penalized at a rate of 5 pts/day. Students should check the Blackboard frequently to see announcements and posted course materials. Student Learning Outcomes: Students who complete this course will be able to understand 1) some of the principles of quantum mechanics and their implications of the theory to chemistry, 2) elementary atomic and molecular electronic structure and 3) how spectroscopy is used to determine the microscopic properties of atoms and molecules. Course Evaluation: 5 hour examinations and 7 problem sets will be given. All homework will be collected for grading. Additional exercises may be assigned for practice. The course needs advanced mathematics such as differential equations. It is essential to develop problem solving skills to succeed in this course. Students are welcome to see me for individual discussion anytime I am available. The final grade consists of hour exams (50%), homework (25%), and final exam (25%). The lowest grades in both exam and homework will be dropped. The letter grade will be assigned on the following: A (90-100%), B (80-90%), C (70-80%), D (60-70%), F (<60%). Academic Misconduct Cheating, as defined by University policy, will result in an automatic grade of F and possible disciplinary action by the University for all parties involved. The full text of academic integrity and academic misconduct policy can be found at Evacuation Policy: In the event that classes are cancelled due to hurricane evacuation, assignments and other course materials will be posted on the blackboard and e-mailed to all students. Class Schedule: Week 1 Monday 8/27 2 9/3 Wednesday 8/29 Introduction 9/6 4 9/10 Hurricane 9/8 Chap 7 Chap 7 9/19 9/24 10/22 11 10/29 13 11/12 15 11/26 Chap 10 11/7 Chap 11 11/9 EXAM 4 11/14 Chap 12 11/16 Chap 12 11/21 Chap 12 11/23 Thanksgiving Holidays 11/28 Chap 12 12/3 Chap 11 11/2 Chap 11 Chap 12 16 Chap 10 10/26 10/31 Chap 12 11/19 10/22 10/24 Chap 11 14 Chap 10 EXAM 3 Chap 11 11/5 10/12 10/20 Chap 10 12 Chap 9 Chap 9 Chap 10 10 10/5 10/10 10/18 EXAM 2 Chap 9 Chap 9 9 9/28 10/3 10/8 Chap 8 Chap 8 Chap 9 8 9/21 9/26 10/1 Chap 8 Chap 8 Chap 8 7 Chap 7 9/14 EXAM 1 Chap 8 6 Chap 7 9/10 9/12 9/17 Hurricane 9/7 Chap 7 Chap 7 5 8/31 9/5 Labor Day 3 Friday Thanksgiving Holidays 11/30 Chap 13 12/5 Chap 13 Final Exam: 10:30 am, Tuesday 12/11/2012, EXAM 5 12/7 Chap 13 Review