Xavier University Strategy Prioritization 2015 June 23, 2015 Prepared By: 56 Perimeter Center East, Suite 103 Atlanta, Georgia 30346 770.454.1440 www.leadstrat.com Practical ● Dynamic ● Interactive Overview The University Strategic Planning Committee of Xavier University held a two-hour session on June 23, 2015 to finalize strategic priorities for the 2015-2016 academic year. Representatives from Leadership Strategies served as facilitators and documenters for the session. Session Agenda 1. Getting started 2. Review recommended priorities 3. Identify action team leaders 4. Review changes to objectives 5. Define next steps Documentation Contents This document presents the results of the session as recorded by the facilitator. Comments appearing in italic represent additions made by the documenter for clarity. The document includes the following sections. A. Student Success ........................................................................ 3 B. Faculty and Staff ........................................................................ 4 C. Programs.................................................................................... 4 D. Campus ...................................................................................... 5 E. Financial Stability ....................................................................... 5 F. Reputation .................................................................................. 6 G. Priority Strategies for 2015 ......................................................... 6 H. Next Steps.................................................................................. 8 Page 2 The session started with the team reviewing and refining the work previously done by work groups to recommend priority strategies in each of the goal areas as follows. The asterisks indicate the group leader. Work Group Goal Area Ron, Kathleen, Daniel, Marguerite* A. Student Success Deidre*, Harris, Nedra B. Faculty and Staff Anil*, Stassi, Winston C. Programs Tony, Ralph*, Marion D. Campus William, Sister Monica, Ed* E. Financial Stability Deb*, Kenneth, Joseph F. Reputation The final strategies and priorities follow for each goal area. A. Student Success Strategies (*-priority) A1* Establish and communicate a comprehensive financial literacy program for Xavier students to aid in financial management, financial aid and resource allocation. A2* Revise the current student advisement process for all students to ensure that it has an effective mentoring component. A3 Establish a comprehensive student support program that promotes academic excellence and quality of life. A4 Create a comprehensive database of students and graduates (alumni) using emerging technologies (e.g. social media) and various data sources to evaluate value of a Xavier education and implement learnings. A5 Expand existing early identification programs with graduate and professional schools to increase the number of students going to graduate and professional schools. A6 Expand internships and related experiences to provide opportunities for experiences in post-graduate careers. Page 3 B. Faculty and Staff Strategies (*-priority) B1 Provide support to faculty and staff to effectively execute appropriate campus events that align with the mission and goals of the university. B2 Develop a mechanism for staff members to provide regular input into university decisions that impact their performance (Action plan: include satisfaction with facilities). B3 Provide adequate resources (financial and other) to advance the scholarly activities of faculty. B4 Continue the implementation of an institutional professional development program for staff that will enhance performance in communication, planning, organization and problem solving. B5* Develop an assessment of student satisfaction (e.g., CAT/Faculty Association student evaluation ranking group) and set baseline to support objective 2 (with schedule as defined by the action plan). B6* Develop through the Research Committee a university-wide electronic assessment of scholarship and set baseline to support objective 1 (with schedule as defined by the action plan). B7* Examine the staff and faculty compensation and evaluation process to reflect a more merit-based system, and more transparent with clarity. C. Programs Strategies (*-priority) C1 Establish relationship with corporations and companies where our alumni are employed to provide co-curricular experiences C2* Establish a Xavier center for continuing studies and distance education to attract adult population C3 Utilize incentives (e.g., merit based raises, release time, travel support, financial resources, etc.) to faculty who are developing creative programming. C4 Include questions concerning “program effectiveness and relevance” in the current academic program review process. C5 Establish new programs based on surveys of student satisfaction with current academic programs and desires for new programs; work with employers to determine current workforce needs of marketplace in all areas including certificate programs. C6* Review all academic programs to determine to ensure their viability and linkage to the mission of the university– BOARD PRIORITY Page 4 D. Campus Strategies (*-priority) DI* Develop a comprehensive plan for an annual review of current and emerging technologies through assessment and strategic partnerships with vendors (Action plan: include non-academic areas). D2 Establish partnerships with recreational and entertainment venues to offer access to facilities not available on campus. D3* Establish a prioritized scheduled replacement for furniture, fixtures and equipment (Action plan: include input from faculty, staff and students; consider beginning with dormitories). D4 Utilize the existing processes for faculty and student voice and input to address site and campus facilities D5* Develop a “master” calendar for coordination of all university activities that will increase awareness and participation by faculty, staff, students and the community. E. Financial Stability Strategies (*-priority) E1* Develop and implement enrollment strategies to expand our target student population (e.g., non-AA; adults) in order to increase enrollment. E2 Align faculty and staff size and programs with standard enrollment to achieve sustainable bottom line. E3* Develop and implement a revised enrollment strategy to achieve enrollment targets that meet operational requirements and includes: accountability targets for admission counselors and departments; revised roles from collaborative discussions with departments, alumni and others; reserve allocations; strategies to drive targets. E4 Implement finance capital resource strategy to increase capital resources for renovations, upgrades and deferred maintenance. E5 Target endowment resources to high priority areas in order to achieve best value (i.e., ROI and scholarships). E6* Diversify non-tuition revenue streams in order to increase net resources (e.g. increase rentals from convocation center, Animal Care and Use Facility, residential properties). E7 Target very wealthy donors and foundations in order to increase major gifts. E8 Develop, implement, and enforce realistic objective criteria for “contracts” with students to pay balances including no carry over from year to year Page 5 F. Reputation Strategies (*-priority) F1* Develop program to engage more undergraduate and professional students in research to increase the number going to graduate and professional school F2* Implement a strategic communication plan for outreach locally, nationally, and regionally (Action plan: Hold stakeholder focus groups to help define our key messages. Identify and retain a marketing firm to develop) F3 Identify and retain a marketing firm to develop and implement a strategic communication plan for outreach locally, nationally, and regionally. F4 Implement Xavier awards program for high schools to recognize achievement and to market our value. F5 Develop and implement an institutional proposal response strategy each year to focus the efforts of faculty and staff directly on university needs and priorities for external funding. F6 Target proposal development efforts on MSI designated federal funds to take full advantage of the current political push for more federal research dollars to go to minority serving institutions and to build infrastructure and programs that will improve our competitiveness for future non-MSI designated federal funding. G. Priority Strategies for 2015 The following strategies were defined as priorities for 2015. The first name next to each strategy indicates the team leader for developing the action plan for that strategy. To assist the teams in developing action plan, following the session, the facilitator identified potential deliverables for each action plan. These are shown in italic. It is important that the action team leaders confirm or revise the deliverables proposed. Action plans are due as defined in the next steps. A1* A2* B5* Strategy Assigned to Establish and communicate a comprehensive financial literacy program for Xavier students to aid in financial management, financial aid and resource allocation. Ralph Revise the current student advisement process for all students to ensure that it has an effective mentoring component. Anil, Marguerite Develop an assessment of student satisfaction (e.g., CAT/Faculty Association student evaluation ranking group) and set baseline to support objective 2 (with schedule as defined by the action plan). Page 6 Deliverables Harris, Deidre Program design Implementation and communications plan Plan executed Revised program Implementation and communications plan Plan executed Assessment developed Assessment implemented Baseline established Strategy Assigned to Deliverables B6* Develop through the Research Committee a university-wide electronic assessment of scholarship and set baseline to support objective 1 (with schedule as defined by the action plan). Deidre, Stassi Assessment developed Assessment implemented Baseline established B7* Examine the staff and faculty compensation and evaluation process to reflect a more meritbased system, and more transparent with clarity. Nedra Revised program Implementation and communications plan Plan executed Establish a Xavier center for continuing studies and distance education to attract adult population Marguerite, Anil C2* Center design and approval Implementation and communications plan Plan executed C6* Review all academic programs to determine to ensure their viability and linkage to the mission of the university– BOARD PRIORITY Sister Monica, Deidre Review designed Review executed Results presented and approved by Board DI* Develop a comprehensive plan for an annual review of current and emerging technologies through assessment and strategic partnerships with vendors (include non-academic areas). Tony Comprehensive plan and review process designed First review executed Results presented and approved Establish a prioritized scheduled replacement for furniture, fixtures and equipment (include input from faculty, staff and students; consider beginning with dormitories). Joseph, Marion Develop a “master” calendar for coordination of all university activities that will increase awareness and participation by faculty, staff, students and the community. Marion, Deidre Develop and implement enrollment strategies to expand our target student population (e.g., nonAA; adults) in order to increase enrollment. Deb Develop and implement a revised enrollment strategy to achieve enrollment targets that meet operational requirements and includes: accountability targets for admission counselors and departments; revised roles from collaborative discussions with departments, alumni and others; reserve allocations; strategies to drive targets. Winston Diversify non-tuition revenue streams in order to increase net resources (e.g. increase rentals from convocation center, Animal Care and Use Facility, residential properties). Deb, Ralph D3* D5* E1* E3* E6* Page 7 Process designed and approved Schedule developed First year schedule executed Calendar design Implementation and communications plan Plan executed Strategies identified and budgets approved Strategies executed Results reported Strategies identified and budgets approved Strategies executed Results reported Diversification plan developed and approved Implementation and communications plan Plan executed Strategy F1* F2* Assigned to Deliverables Develop program to engage more undergraduate and professional students in research to increase the number going to graduate and professional school Dave, Director Undergraduat e Research Program design Implementation and communications plan Plan executed Implement a strategic communication plan for outreach locally, nationally, and regionally (Action plan: Hold stakeholder focus groups to help define our key messages. Identify and retain a marketing firm to develop) (Delayed until department leader is hired) Plan developed Plan executed H. Next Steps The participants identified several actions as necessary to ensure follow-up on the session's results. Action 1. Recommend deliverables for each strategy Assigned to Michael Due Date Done 2. Determine under which goal area the current A4 strategy should reside Ron 6/30/15 3. Discuss with President possibility of a person to lead strategy F2 (communication plan) Ron, Ralph 6/30/15 4. Complete action plans Action plan leaders 9/30/15 Page 8