Diné College President’s Office 2014 Meeting Agenda/Minutes Diné College Board Meeting Present: Regent Atcitty, Regent Gishey, Regent Hoskie, Regent Draper, Regent Witherspoon, Regent Hatathlie. § Meeting Quorum is met. § Regent Hoskie arrived at 10:07 am § Regent Witherspoon exit approximately at 11:44 am Absent: Regent Graham Agenda Date: May 17, 2014 Location: NHC, Tsaile Board of Regents Conference Room 620-­‐C Time: 9:00am Follow-­‐Up Action: Responsible POC: May 17, 2014 Board of Regents Meeting Minutes approved on June 14, 2014 Motion: Regent Gishey, Second Regent Hoskie; Vote: 5/0/1 1. Call to Order § By Regent Atcitty @ 9:16am 2. Roll Call § Taken by Regent Hatathlie 3. Invocation § Given by Regent Witherspoon 4. Approval of Agenda § Motion: Regent Witherspoon; Second: Regent Draper; Vote: 4/0/1 Agenda read into record by Regent Hatathlie. Approval of meeting agenda with following additions: § Regent Witherspoon request to move Agenda item IX. New Business after Agenda item VII. Approval of Meeting Minutes. § Regent Gishey request to move New Business Action Item #2 to be moved to Action Item #1. § Regent Atcitty request to add #5 Authorize & Appoint Dine’ College Investment Committee Members § Agree by consensus to change next month’s BOR Meeting from June 21, 2014 to June 14, 2014. 5. Introduction of Guest and Staff § Donovan Delmar, DC Police Sergeant 1 § Margaret Mayer, DC Faculty § Freddie Hatathlie, 30 years of Military service 6. Announcements § There are no meeting announcements at this time. 7. Approval of Meeting Minutes § February 22, 2014 Minutes § March 14, 2014 & March 15, 2014 BOR Minutes § April 18, 2014 & April 19, 2014 BOR Minutes There were concerns with approving of meeting minutes. Meeting Minutes should be completed, reviewed, and ready to be presented for approval. Suggestion was made by Regent Draper to assign Anjeanette to complete BOR meeting minutes and Regent Hatathlie can review. Regent Gishey added that meeting minutes should consist of important brief notes of meeting. Motion to approval meeting minutes by Regent Draper, second by Regent Witherspoon. Vote: 5/0/0. 8. New Business 1. Authorizing and Approving the Standard Tuition Rate of Fifty Five Dollars ($55.00) Per Credit Hour for All Diné College Academic Courses Effective with the Fall 2014 Semester Regent Hatathlie read the resolution into record. Motion to accept and approve resolution by Regent Witherspoon, second by Regent Draper. Vote: 5/0/0. § The changes on tuition request will impact dorm/non-­‐dorm students. § The committee conducted presentation to justify tuition rate increase; in attendance were student leaders, who communicated that they understand and support this initiative. § Regent Hatathlie questioned how Title III successes were applicable and beneficial to other Diné College center. Dean of Academics indicated there are people in Tuba City who are funded by Title III and assured there is impact there. Regent Witherspoon motion to go to item 3 on approved agenda: #3; Action Item A becomes 3. Second: Regent Draper Vote: 5/0/0 2. Authorizing and Approving the Elimination of the Per Semester Registration Fee Charged to Students and the Allocation of the Technology Fees Charged to Students to a New Restricted Fund to Be Utilized to Fund Direct Student Technology Equipment and Services. Resolution will need to be edit and strike BOR Resolution strike BOR and directs the President of Board of Regents. 2 Regent Hatathlie read the resolution into record. Motion to accept and approve resolution by Regent Witherspoon, second by Regent Hatathlie. Vote: 5/0/1. 3. Approving and Authorizing the Amendment of the 2014 Employee Housing Policy, under section XIII. Eviction E. 1, 2, & 3 to replace with the following: 1. First Offense – Verbal Warning, 2. Second Offense – Written warning with citation, 3. Third Offense – Eviction from unit Regent Hatathlie read the resolution into record. Motion to accept and approve resolution by Regent Gishey, second by Regent Draper. Vote: 6/0/0. § Housing inspections are completed once a year. § Tenants do not reimburse the college for damages on inspection citations. § Question was asked if tenants are required to have renters insurance. That option will need to be explored. § Breakdown of cost was provided of damages to Diné College housing units, but not broken down to responsible and irresponsible pet owner. § The Housing committee voted to have tenants own no more than two pets while residing in the Diné College housing. This new policy will be enforced beginning fall academic year 2014. § Pet damages will be tracked more carefully. § Pictures were available for BOR to view on damages done to college unit that required an extensive amount of money to repair. 4. Approving Recommended Changes to the DIné College Charter Regent Hatathlie read the resolution into record. Motion to accept and approve resolution by Regent Gishey, second by Regent Hoskie. Vote: 6/0/0. § Regent Gishey questioned if recommending the changes made to the Diné College Charter needed another resolution to go along with the Approving Recommended Changes to the Diné College Charter. Regent Witherspoon indicated that it did not. § Regent Witherspoon request that there should be feedback from DODE on elimination of their representation from the BOR. A memo is needed is writing. Although there was verbal agreement between Andrew Tah and Daryl Begay to remove representation from DODE, Regent Witherspoon felt that it was important to keep representation from the Superintendent and in other areas of support and Benefits. Page 13. K Daryl will secure a letter from Tim Benally to exclude DODE’s involvement. FOLLOW-UP: Resolution. Whereas: …4, 4 change to ….4, 5 – 4 is repeated FOLLOW-UP: Dr. George: Attach a letter to Resolution for recommended changes. 3 § § § § § § Approval of social science and animal research for the College. Human subjects are left to Navajo Nation IRB for approvals. Regent Atcitty questioned the Faculty Association’s involvement and if they are voicing for the faculty as a whole. She felt that some faculty may not be in support. President George added that there is also a Staff Association and they have by-laws as well. Faculty and Staff representatives will need to bring issues to supervisors first, and resolve following the chain of command. Issues should not be brought directly to the BOR. Regent Hatathlie indicated that her understanding the Charter and the particular portion is that it is a checks and balances to the College, to an organizational setting. The guidelines set the parameters of providing good news and any communication from faculty. She also indicated that it’s an advantage that she feels will strengthen the integrity, accountability and transparency of the Board. She also stated that it’s a bold move, but she believes it is a courageous move to provide that access and working relationship. Lastly, she felt it would promote healthy communication that would be on the forefront of everything. Regent Draper also agreed that procedures and protocol are followed before any issues come before the Board. Regent Gishey felt that it is importance to set up protocol within DC Associations, to be brought before the Board. We may not take action, but are hear to listen. This is open & structured communication; time should be limited to 5 to 10 minutes at most. Charter: page 7 edits Sec.2011: A. Shall, replace with may, on, replace in; strike ‘the first Friday’. 10:00 replace with 9:00 E. 1. Body replace with Representative Charter: page 8 edits Sec.2009. Faculty and Staff Add: Charter Sec.2009. Faculty and Staff Representatives § Faculty and Staff Associations of Diné College shall select a representative to attend scheduled board meetings to promote open communications with the Board. When present the representatives shall be extended the opportunity to address the Board and participate in Board discussion, in accordance with Board by-laws. § Discussion on due diligence, is a process for ethics and Navajo Nation Preference, Ethics clearance and such is completed. 5. To Authorize and Appoint Diné College Investment Committee members Motion to accept and appoint the following people to serve on the DC Investment Committee by Regent Witherspoon, second by Regent Hoskie. Vote: 6/0/0. § Ronald R. Belloli, VP Finance & Administration § Cameron Daines, VP of Institutional Advancement § Cheryl Thompson, Diné College Controller Dr. George: Letter from Mr. Benally, DODE on decision to remove their representative from the Board of Regents. Representatives Faculty and Staff Associations of Diné College shall select a representative to attend scheduled board meetings to promote open communications with the Board. When present the representatives shall be extended the opportunity to address the Board and participate in Board discussion, in accordance with Board by-laws. Charter: page 4 § § § Diné College Board of Regent Theresa Hatathlie Diné College Board of Regent Laurence Gishey Diné College Board of Regent Loretta Draper 9 edits Sec.2013 F. Add r to office G. Stike – double entry Charter: page 11 edits Sec.2019 C. Strike annual audit Charter: page 12 edits Sec.2019 I. Change word from mange to manage Charter: page 14 edits Sec.2020 3. 2 changes $2,000,000.00 to $15,000,000.00 FOLLOW-UP: REGENTS: June Meeting – will address Diné College Organizational Chart 9. Reports Oral Reports: 1. Office of Institutional Advancement – Cameron Daines § Question was asked in reference to the timelines of Diné College Charitable Association. This was deferred to President George. § By Laws are with Attorney 2. President – Dr. Maggie L. George § Daryl Begay is continuing to work on addressing the Land Leases. § Diné College Academic Master Plan is in draft form and was made available to BOR members. 3. Ronald Belloli – Vice President Administration & Finance § There is a need for a computer lab that is accessible to students. § Veriti Consulting will need to return records. Regent Gishey requested guide lines for the Investment Committee to conduct business and relationship for the Advisors Report on success rate of certificate programs. 5 Exempt and Non-­‐Exempt status changes were addressed by Human Resources. This was all change to be in compliance with the Fair Labor Regent Atcitty thanked the entire team for working hard towards the growth of the College. Regent Draper motion to accept and approve the entire oral reports, second by Regent Hoskie. Vote: 5/0/0. Written Reports: 1. Department of Human Resources – Perphelia Fowler 2. Dean of Academics – Abraham Bitok 3. Diné Policy Institute – Amber Crotty 4. Informational Technology – Akpabio Akpabio 5. Vice President of Student Success – Glennita Haskey Regent Gishey motion to accept and approve the entire written reports, second by Regent Hoskie. Vote: 6/0/0. 10. Executive Session § Enter at 12:32 pm Motion: Regent Gishey, Second Regent Draper Vote: 5/0/0 § Exist at 1:11 pm Motion: Regent Gishey Second: Hoskie Vote: 5/0/0 11. Next Meeting § The next Board of Regents meeting will be June 14, 2014 in the NHC Board of Regents Conference room, at 9:00am. 12. Adjournment § Motion: Regent Draper; Second: Regent Hoskie: Vote: 5/0/0 @ 1:16pm § Meeting Minutes Respectfully Submitted by: Anjeanette Lang/Regent Hatathlie 6