2014 Meeting Agenda/Minutes
Diné College Board of Regents Meeting
Present: Fannie L. Atcitty, Laurence Gishey, Loretta Draper, Anderson Hoskie, Dwight Witherspoon
Theresa Hatathlie, Darrin Brown
Absent: Rose Graham
Date: June 14, 2014
Location: NHC, Tsaile Board of Regents
Conference Room 620-‐C
Time: 9:00am
Call to Order:
§ By Regent Atcitty @ 9:00am
Agenda Follow-‐Up Action: Responsible POC:
June 14, 2014 Board of Regents Meeting Minutes were approved on July 12, 2014; Motion: Regent Draper, Second: Regent Hoskie. Vote: 7/0/0.
Roll Call: Taken by Regent Hatathlie
Swearing in of Student Regent: Regent Atcitty conducted the swearing in of Darrin Brown.
Invocation: Regent Anderson Hoskie
Approval of Agenda:
§ Motion: Regent Draper; Second: Regent Hoskie; Vote: 6/0/0.
§ With the addition under New Business Number 4; Investment Committee
Introduction of Guest and Staff: Michelle Cury, Executive Assistant to President George
Announcements: There are no announcements at this time.
A Chair will need to be appointed for the
Investment Committee.
Maggie George
Approval of Administrative Team Meeting Minutes
§ May 17, 2014 Minutes: Motion: Regent Gishey; Second: Regent Hoskie; Vote: 5/0/1
Orals Reports a.
Dean of Academics, Abraham Bitok
§ General Education Assessment is new to the college.
§ 28 Students were accepted into the BA in Education Program. There are 12 recipients that have been potentially recruited into the BA in Business program.
§ 557 students have enrolled for Fall Academic 2014 semester.
§ Assessment is reported to the Planning and Accreditation Committee.
§ The Department of Academics in planning a Leadership Academy for Division Chairs.
§ The Standing committee is addressing the hiring processes, the evaluation process, and recruitment for faculty. The hiring process for fall is in progress.
§ ITV classes in Tuba City have been increased. Offering Math and Navajo Studies are also
Abraham will provide the BOR with a listing of
Dual Credit Schools at the next BOR meeting.
Abraham Bitok
being addressed for Tuba City Center. b.
Office of the President, Dr. Maggie L. George
§ There was some misreporting of numbers for the Dual credit enrollment, which was addressed. The Promulgated rules will be addressed this summer, so this issue does not reoccur. Diné College in the end received $5,200.00.
§ On June 3, 2014 President George, along with VP Cameron Daines, attended a meeting with Michael Martin of Colorado state to discuss Articulation on Agriculture. There will be visits to other DC Campuses to look at Curriculum Development.
§ A meeting was held with the Navajo Nation Vice President Rex Lee Jim to address
Legislative items such as the BOR Charter, IRB, and reappointment Legislations.
§ Diné College co-‐host the American Indian Seminar Writers Workshop with Middle Berry
Breadloaf School of English.
§ On June 5, 2014 a meeting with Tallsalt Financial Advisors was conducted. The
Investment committee will need to get engaged to address issues.
§ Land Leases are being addressed. Tuba City is waiting on Legal to draft a written document. Crownpoint and Tsaile are in working progress.
§ The 36-‐year mandate has been put on hold for now.
§ The Health Education Human Service Committee wrote a supporting letter to the Land
Department for a possible land withdrawal in Window Rock area.
§ A written testimony was provided to all Board of Regents in attendance.
§ The Cargil Grant was submitted to the Cargill foundation. The request submission is for
$600,000 dollars. This grant is to support the preservation and protection of Native
American Indian Arts.
§ The USDA Rural Development Grant was also submitted; funding will go towards landscaping at the Shiprock campus and phase 2 to the renovation of the Diné College
Cafeteria. Additional monies were requested and there are plans to renovate the
Library as well.
§ The NHA grant is pending. As soon as there is feedback, President George will update the Board of Regents.
§ Diné College is working on writing a grant proposal with NASA in reference to the STEM initiative. Although there are delays with the Navajo Nation, Diné College will continue to reach out and stay in the loop.
§ The BOR had an in depth discussion to the memo Daryl Submitted. The BOR agreed by consensus that Language Development is needed to the Draft Revised Charter. The
Charter will be distributed to all BOR members via email upon completion of the draft.
The BOR will review, make recommendations, and be ready to discuss and vote on the revised charter on July 11, 2014. The office of legislation will need follow up in order to get this done. Mr. Henry will need to be contacted. Recommendation by Regent
Witherspoon were as follows: o The notification clause will need some language development. o Number 3, the BOR may make recommendations, offer feedback, and voice vote. Language will also need to be added. o Disagrees with number 4, but also needs language development. o The BOR may support number 5, but the committee may deny. o Number 6 needs further clarification. The Arbitration Language will need further research. Perhaps this may need attorney’s input. The language may also be amended. o Number 7 may also be supported by the BOR and the committee may deny. o Number eight needs to be cleaned up with language development.
Ronald Belloli, Vice President Administration & Finance
§ Crownpoint and Window Rock break ins were addressed immediately. Crownpoint
Center will be fenced and a bigger chain will be replaced on the gate in Window Rock.
§ Water lines are a problem to the student family housing. Although construction jobs are progressing well, some issues will increase cost.
§ Chinle Center interior completion deadline is June 20, 2014. Upon completion of the interior, furniture will be moved in. The parking lot is a concern; more parking should be made available.
§ All audit work has been completed and in techs review.
§ A-‐133 justification is in working progress and the Navajo Nation audit is completed and filed on time.
§ In reference to the Financial Investment, it is difficult to get a trusty due to the entire industry being based on federal law; they all have to be in compliance. It is difficult to claim sovereign immunity with federal security laws. The Navajo Nation does not have that.
§ Regent Gishey requested the plus and minus of budget report of what was spent and what is left for the FY. Ron will provide the BOR with the request during July’s BOR meeting.
Motion to accept & approve all oral reports by Regent Hoskie, Second by Regent Draper. Vote: 7/0/0.
President George will have Daryl revise the
Draft Revised Charter; taken into consideration the BOR’s feedback.
Upon completion, the revised draft charter will be sent to all BOR
members via email.
The BOR will review, make recommendations
and be ready to discuss and vote on July 11,
Ron will provide the BOR with Plus and Minuses of budget report of what was spent and what is left for the FY
Maggie George
All Board Members
Ron Belloli
Written Reports d.
Department of Human Resources, Perphelia Fowler e.
Office of Institutional Advancement, Cameron Daines f.
Diné Policy Institute, Amber Crotty g.
Information Technology, Akpabio Akpabio h.
Vice President of Student Success, Glennita Haskey
Motion to accept & approve all written reports by Regent Hoskie, Second: Regent Draper Vote: 7/0/0.
New Business
§ Approving and Authorizing the College to enter into an agreement with Alamo Navajo
School Inc. Subject: Dual Credit (Attachment)
Ø Regent Hatathlie read the resolution into record
Ø Motion: Regent Witherspoon, second Regent Hoskie; Vote: 7/0/0.
§ Approving and Authorizing the College to enter into an agreement with Magdalena
Municipal Schools. Subject: Dual Credit (Attachment
Ø Regent Hatathlie read the resolution into record
Ø Motion: Regent Witherspoon, second Regent Hoskie; Vote: 7/0/0.
§ Approving and Authoring the Expenditure of Seven Hundred Thirty Five Thousand
Dollars ($735,000.00) for a Five Year Internet and WAN Metro-‐Ethernet Services
Agreement to Frontier Communications of St. Michaels Arizona.
Ø Regent Hatathlie read the resolution into record.
Ø Frontier’s capabilities of handing this request. A possible bid. What can NTUA provide?
Ø Request was made to get all agreements in writing from Frontier.
Ø NTUA does not have the capacity for the land system.
NTUA does not cover some aspects of Tuba City and Crownpoint.
Ø Fiber infrastructure is the biggest problem to get Internet services here.
Ø Leverage and demand need to be stressed to NTUA and Frontier to improve their infrastructure and their services.
Ø President George will write a letter requesting a meeting with the oversight committee, NTUA, and Frontier.
Dual Credit resolutions for Alamo Navajo School and Magdalena
Municipal Schools were voted together with a motion by Regent
Witherspoon & Second by Regent Hoskie with a
final vote of 7/0/0.
Abraham will provide a listing of Dual Credit
schools on July 12, 2014.
All agreements should be put in writing.
Letter requesting a meeting with the oversight committee,
Abraham Bitok
Maggie L. George
Ø Regent Hoskie motion to table this resolution, second by Regent Draper: Vote
§ Investment Committee
Ø BOR of Regents and College Personnel have been previously selected to serve on the Investment committee. A date will need to be set for the Investment committee to meet and select a committee Chair.
Ø President George provided copies of FTI’s Powerpoint. The powerpoint provided is a composition of the portfolio. The account will be sent to all of the
BOR members via email of the investment pool. Also provided to the BOR is the
Projected Balances in three Scenario: o Scenario 1 shows spending all the investment earning.
o Scenario 2 shows spending 50% of the investment earrings o Scenario 3 shows spending 50% of the Investment earrings with adding
$500.000 per year in donations.
Old Business
§ Diné College Investment Policy Statement – Tallsalt Advisors
Ø The highlighted areas will require the Board of Regents feedback.
Ø Tallsalt is willing to provide any clarification if needed. Legal is also willing to assist.
Ø A meeting date, a time, and any comments will be sent to President George by
June 30, 2014.
Executive Session: There is no executive session at this time.
Next Meeting
§ There will be a Board of Regents Work session on July 11, 2014 in the NHC BOR
Conference room, Tsaile, AZ at 9:00am.
NTUA, and Frontier.
Investment meeting date, time, and feedback will be provided by the
BOR by June 30, 2014.
§ The next Board of Regents meeting will be July 12, 2014 in the NHC Board of Regents
Conference room, Tsaile, AZ at 9:00am.
§ Motion: Regent Draper; Second: Regent Gishey: Vote: 6/1/0 @ 11:35am.
Meeting Minutes Respectfully Submitted by: Anjeanette Lang, Executive Assistant to Diné College Board of Regents
Maggie George