Student ePAF User Guide Office of Human Resources Rev 8.15 1 Table of Contents Title Page Number 3 Introduction to ePAF ePAF Terminology Standard Procedures for Creating an ePAF 4-6 7 Creating an ePAF Approving an ePAF Appendix A Frequently Asked Questions 8-22 23-26 27-33 Rev 8.15 2 Introduction to ePAF ePAF – Electronic Personnel Action Form What is ePAF? ePAF is a more efficient way to accommodate the approval signature process for centralized and decentralized HR operations. It will allow users to track their items requiring approval through an online form in Banner and allows “Approvers” to easily view actions that need approval signatures and add their own comments to an action. To complete an action for an employee, an Originator accesses the Banner Form NOAEPAF, enters the requested data and then submits the document to be routed for approval. Once the document is approved by all of the required approvers, Human Resources applies the action to the Banner database and employee’s job information is either created or updated in Banner. Rev 8.15 3 ePAF Terminology ePAF Roles Originators The creator of an Electronic Personnel Action (ePAF). The originator will be the first person who commits data entered on the Electronic Personnel Action Form (NOAEPAF) to the database (e.g., Administrative Assistant, Administrative Specialist, PI, etc.). Approvers Individuals who can approve, acknowledge, or return ePAF’s to the Originators for corrections, or apply ePAFs to the database ePAF Status An ePAF is associated with two display-only status fields throughout the procedure, the Transaction Status field and the Queue Status field. Transaction Status: refers to the status of the Electronic Personnel Action (ePAF) itself. The Transaction Status field appears in the Key block of the form. This field indicates the status of the transaction throughout the approval process. Initially, the Transaction Status field is blank. The status changes to Waiting as soon as the originator saves the data he/she has entered for the first (or only) approval types for the current approval category. The status changes to Pending when the originator submits the transaction for approval. It becomes Approved when all approvers whose required action is Approval have approved the transaction. Finally, when the transaction is applied to the database, the transaction status becomes Complete. Transaction Status Descriptions Waiting The transaction is in the process of being created and has not been submitted to the approval queue. When an electronic approvals transaction is in Waiting status the transaction can be deleted by selecting the Delete PAF from the Options menu of the Electronic Personnel Action Form (NOAEPAF). Pending Indicates that the transaction requires positive action by the approver(s). The transaction remains at this status until action is taken by the person required to take action on the transaction. Return for Correction This status will allow you to return the transaction to the originator for correction when an error is detected prior to final approval or application to the database. The ePAF can be updated and then resubmitted to the approval queue. If the transaction is resubmitted to the approval queue, all individuals defined in the approval queue will be required to take action on the transaction again. Approved The transaction status is approved for the person when all the person(s) defined in the approval queue has approved the transaction. Complete The transaction status becomes Complete after the transaction has been applied to the database. Rev 8.15 4 Partially Completed The apply person has indicated that the remaining portion of the transaction will be applied at a later date. This status is typically in use when a transaction contains employee data for Employee Record (PEAEMPL) and job information (NBAJOBS), where a future job change would necessitate a future Employee Record change. Disapproved The transaction has been disapproved by a person defined in the approval queue. The individuals defined after them in the approval queue can no longer need to take action on the item. Void The originator or superuser has voided the transaction. It is no longer a valid transaction. Canceled This status will be used when you opt to cancel an entire transaction after it has been applied to the database. Queue Statuses The Queue Status field indicates the current status of the transaction for each approver throughout the approval process. For example, the queue status, In the Queue, indicates that the transaction is on its way to an approver but needs approval action at a lower level, the Pending status indicates that the approver needs to take positive action on the transaction, the Approved status indicates that the approver has approved the transaction, and the Applied status indicates that the approver has applied the transaction to the database. Queue Status Descriptions Pending Indicates the approver(s) needs to take positive action on the item. Approved Indicates that the approver has approved the transaction. Disapproved Indicates that the approver has disapproved the transaction. Void Indicates that the transaction has been voided. Valid queue status for the originator and SuperUser only. FYI Indicates that the transaction is for information only. This queue status indicates that the transaction has been sent to you for your information only. No positive action is required. More Information Individuals defined in the approval queue with a required action of Approval may need more information about the transaction prior to taking positive action. If this is the case, the approver can change the status to more information. This identifies to the other individuals in the approval queue that some action is being taken. In The Queue The transaction is on the way to you as the approver but needs action at a lower level. Transactions must be approved in the sequence defined in the Routing Information on the ePAF. Therefore, until the action has been approved by the person defined before you in the routing of the ePAF the status of In the Queue will appear on your transactions. While the status is In the Queue, the individual cannot take action on the transaction. The status changes to Pending when the transaction reaches you in the approval queue process. Rev 8.15 5 Acknowledge Action taken by a person in the approval queue for whom the transaction was sent to with a required action indicator of FYI. Indicates that the FYI person has seen the transaction. Overridden This queue status is system generated. The status indicates that the approval for users who have not taken action was overridden by the superuser at the time the superuser approved the transaction. Removed from Queue This queue status is system generated. This status indicates that the originator or Superuser has voided the transaction and it is no longer in the queue. Return For Correction Indicates that the ePAF has been returned to the originator of the transaction for correction. Applied Indicates that the transaction has been applied to the database. This queue status will be valid when a transaction has been applied to the database and the transaction status is complete or partially complete. Rev 8.15 6 Standard Procedures Getting Ready to Originate an ePAF Prior to creating an ePAF, the following must be completed to ensure that an ePAF can be submitted without interruption: 1. The hiring department is required to have the employee to report to Human Resources to complete new hire paper work for employment eligibility before the employee can begin working if the employee has not worked in the capacity of student employee within the last twelve (12) months. 2. The hiring department must verify that the student does not already have a Federal Work Study job assigned by the Office of Financial Aid. Combining Departmental Hire Program positions with Federal Work Study is prohibited. 3. An Originator/Creator of an ePAF must have a Banner Client username and password and access to form NOAEPAF to create an ePAF. 4. An ePAF Supervisor must be consistently employed with the University and have a valid job record in Banner Client system to be listed as the Supervisor on a student ePAF 5. The following information will also need to be available: Data Item Description Xavier University Identification Number for the Employee’s XULA ID employee being hired/rehired Identifies the job assignment that the employee is to fill based on position funding. This must be obtained by contacting the Compensation Analyst for Student Employees in HR. Position numbers are uniquely tied to the funding and will not change unless the fund code changes. **Position Number Effective Start Date of the Position A future date the employee is expected to start working in the position Warning: Retroactive dates are prohibited. A two-week lead time on the start date of a position is required to begin originating an ePAF. Effective End Date of the Position The last date that the employee is allowed to work in the position Labor Distribution Includes fund code from which the employee’s wages are to be paid from along with the organization code, account code, program code, in some cases activity code, and percentage of time (Must equal 100%) Salary Amount of money that the employee is expected to be compensated for work in the position per semester Supervisor’s XULA ID Xavier University Identification Number of the Student Employee’s Supervisor Rev 8.15 7 Creating an ePAF Detailed below are the steps that a user should follow to “Hire” a student employee using ePAF. Enter NOAEPAF Step 1. Access Banner Client 1. 2. 3. Step 2. Access the Electronic Personnel Action Form (NOAEPAF). Access the XULA Home Page Click “Online Resources” Select “Banner Client” from the list Enter NOAEPAF in the field to the right of “Go to…” Rev 8.15 8 Part 1: Complete Employee Information (3) Employee ID (4) Query Date (5) Approval Category Step 3. Enter the XULA ID Enter the ID of the person (the employee) for whom the Electronic Approval transaction is being created. Step 4. Enter QUERY DATE Enter the Query Date. The query date must be a future start date for the position being created. (ex. today is 01-AUG-20xx and the new employee will begin on 15-AUG-20xx, the query date is 15-AUG-20xx). Step 5. Enter APPROVAL CATEGORY Enter “NWHIRE” in the Approval Category Field. (Student who has never had a position in the department that is paid from the funding that you wish to pay from) In the ‘Approval Types’ field, the first type in sequence will auto populate, ‘SEMPL’ OR Enter “REHIRE” in the Approval Category Field. (Student who has had the same position, paid from the same fund, in the same department) In the ‘Approval Types’ field, the first type in sequence will auto populate, ‘START’ Step 6. Click “Next Block” or Press CTRL+PgDn to enter the Transaction Tab Rev 8.15 9 (8) Save Icon (7) Enter required data in these columns Field Name Column Enter Orgn Code Here Enter Dist Code Here Enter Current Hire Date Here Note Existing Banner security determines whether you can view current values. You can enter new values even if current values are not displayed because of security reasons. Current values do not appear for any of the approval types for the NWHIRE or REHIRE approval category since an Employee Form (PEAEMPL) and an Employee Jobs Form (NBAJOBS) have not yet been established for a new hire. However, current values will be visible if rehiring an employee into a previous job. You must enter new values for all required fields that do not have default values. Step 7. SEMPL Approval Type, NWHIRE Approval Category Field Name Employee Status Description Default “A” Enter the data items listed below in the “New Value” column based on the data requested in the “Field Name” column. Employee Class Default “08” Home COAS Default “X” Home Organization Enter Organization Code that employee will work in Distribution Organization Enter Organization Code that employee will work in (same as home organization) Current Hire Date Effective Date of Hire (same as query date) Step 8. Click the “Save” icon to save data entered. Note a “Transaction” number is assigned to the action. Rev 8.15 10 Part 2: Complete the Employee Job Details (9) Options Menu Step 9. Access the Next Action (Using “REHIRE” Approval Category, “START” Approval Type, will begin at this step) Click “Options” on the main menu and select “Next Action” to navigate to the next Approval Type in sequence “START” to display additional fields in the “Transaction Tab” Rev 8.15 11 (10) Employee Position & SuffixNbr Step 10. Enter Employee’s Position Information (See Diagram Below) Step 11. Enter the employee’s Position Number Enter “00” in the suffix field Warning: Position numbers are uniquely tied to funding. Funding cannot be changed on a position number. Click “Next Block” or Press “CTRL+PgDn” to enter the Transaction Tab Rev 8.15 12 (13) Click Tab (12) Enter required data in this column Scroll Down for more fields Step 12. Enter the Job Detail Information Use the scroll bar on the right to scroll down for more fields. Enter the data items listed below in the “New Value” column based on the data requested in the “Field Name” column. Field Name Job Begin Date **When the current value field is blank, the following fields should all have the same date: Query Date Job Begin Date Jobs Effective Date (Tip: This is the 1st date the employee ever had a job with your department; therefore the job begin date can never change, but can be left blank when using approval category REHIRE) 13 If there is no current value listed, enter the same date used for Query Date. ***See Note to the left Contract Type Default “P” Warning: This field cannot be updated unless authorized by Human Resources. Changing this default without authorization will result in the ePAF being “Returned for Correction” Jobs Effective Date Future date employee will begin working Title Job title must be specific to department name Student Worker (ex. Chemistry Student Worker) Default “A” Job Status Rev 8.15 New Value If there is a current value listed (as in the example), you do not have to enter a date in this field. Step Default “0” Job Change Reason Default “00013” Factor Enter the number of calendar months the employee will working in your department. (ex. Work in months January-May = 5 factors) The total number of pay periods the employee will be paid for. (Should be the same as the number of Factors, as student employees are only paid once per month) Enter the Hourly Rate for the employee Pays Regular Rate Rev 8.15 14 Hours Per Pay Blank (Non-Editable field) Annual Salary Enter the Total Amount the student should be paid during the employment period. Should be an amount determined per semester. (Hourly Rate x Hrs per Week x Total Number of Work Weeks =Salary Amount) Time Sheet Organization Enter Organization Code for the organization that will benefit from the employee’s service Time Entry Method Default “W” Time Entry Type Default “T” Time In/Out Ind Default “Y” Supervisor ID Enter the XULA ID of the Supervisor responsible for approving the employee’s electronic time sheet in Banner Web Time Entry Warning: The supervisor must have a valid ePAF in the Banner Client system with an active job record in order to supervise student employees. Any breaks in employment record for the supervisor will result in his/her reports inability to clock in due to invalid supervisor error. Job Location If the employee will be working from a specific location on the main campus of the University enter “OCL”On Campus If the employee will be working from a specific location off the University campus enter “OFL”-OffCampus Warning: All OFL locations must add the identified physical location under the “Other Information and Comments” tab in NOAEPAF; otherwise the ePAF will be Returned/Correction. If the employee will be working from both an on and off campus location enter “HYL”-Hybrid Warning: All HYL locations must add the expected physical locations under the “Other Information and Comments” tab in NOAEPAF; otherwise the ePAF will be Returned/Correction. Step 13. Step 14. Click the “Save” icon to save the data entered Click the “Job Labor Distribution” Tab Complete the Labor Distribution Tab Rev 8.15 15 Step 15. Enter Labor Distribution Fields Note: HR will inspect each ePAF submitted to ensure that the position number entered is assigned to the fund entered on the Labor Distribution Tab. If they should find that the two do not match they will return the ePAF and you will have to create a new ePAF using the correct fund & position number Labor Distribution Fields Description Effective Date Enter date funding for the job should start (Should be the same as the Jobs Effective Date) Fund Enter the Fund Code assigned to the funding (6digit code) Organization Enter the Organization Code of the unit that will benefit from the service (4 – digit code) Account Code Enter the Account Code associated with the fund 4digit code) Program Code Enter the Program Code Associated with the fund (2digit code) Activity Code Enter the Activity Code Associated with the fund (does not apply to all funds) Percent Enter the percentage of the employee’s salary that should be charged to the fund entered (must equal 100%) (You will need to enter fund information for each fund which you want to pay the employee from to equal 100%, but main fund associated with position number provided must remain) Step 16. Save the Data Entered Click the “Save” icon to save the data entered Rev 8.15 16 Step 17. Step 18. (See Diagram Below) Step 19. Click “Options” on the main menu and select “Next Action” to display additional fields in the “Transaction Tab” Approval Type is updated to “End” Click “Next Block” or Press “CTRL+PgDn” to enter the Transaction Tab. Rev 8.15 17 Part 3: Complete 3rd Approval Type Click here after “Saving” the data entered. Termination Data fields Step 20. Enter Termination Fields Job Effective Date Job Status Job Change Reason Step 21. Step 22. Description Enter the date the funding should end. This date should be a date that is later than the date that you wanted to start paying the employee from the fund. Default is “T” Default is “00017” Click the “Save” icon to save the data entered Access the Routing Tab Rev 8.15 18 Part 4: Complete the Routing Tab Step 23. Populate the Routing Tab Routing Tab Fields Level Code Description Default the first Approver’s Level Code User ID Tab to the blank field in the User ID Column. Click the User ID drop down. The user id for the individual responsible for approving for that level code will appear automatically. Required Action Field is automatically populated with the action the Approver is required to take: Approval, FYI or Apply. ***Complete each row for which the Level Code column is populated by moving the arrow down to the next level code Step 24. Save the Data Entered. Click the save icon to save the changes that you have made to the Rev 8.15 19 Part 5: Submit the Transaction Submitting an ePAF transaction for approval routing is the final step in creating a transaction. Detailed below are the steps that are required to submit a transaction. Step 25. Click the Transaction Tab On the file menu, click Options. Select “Submit Transaction” Rev 8.15 20 Note: If your submission was successful “Transaction Submitted” should appear in the message bar at the bottom of the form and the Transaction Status should display “Pending” Rev 8.15 21 If you are taken to the screen below, please note the errors listed by clicking “Next Block and then check the Common Errors area of the FAQ’s to resolve them. If you receive an error message that is not in the Common Errors section, contact the Student ePAF Administrator in Human Resources at Extension 5738 with the error message for further assistance. Rev 8.15 22 Approving an ePAF Only individuals authorized to approve ePAFs will have access to the forms required to complete the process detailed below. An ePAF Approver must check his ePAF statuses daily and whenever possible make same day approvals. A 2-3 business day limit on approvals must be followed as ePAFs Approvals happen laterally and do not require hierarchical approvals. Employees are not authorized to begin working until all Approvals have been met and Application of the job record can take place. Automatic notifications are sent electronically when an ePAF is in Pending status and awaiting an Approver’s decision. Approvers may approve an ePAF transaction 2 ways: 1) Via the Approval Summary form NOAAPSM 2) Via NOAEPAF Detailed below are instructions on Approving via NOAAPSM. Enter date range, optional Select “Pending” Select “Pending” Step 1: In Banner, Access the Approvals Summary Form (NOAAPSM) Step 2: Optional, Enter the last date of the period for which submitted transactions are to be approved in the “Submitted to Date” field. Step 3: Optional, Enter last date of the period for which submitted transactions are to be approved in the “Submitted to Date” field. Step 4: Select “Pending” from the Transaction Status pull-down list. Step 5: Select “Pending” from the Queue Status pull-down list. Step 6: Click “Next Block” or “Ctrl+Pgdn” Note: Until all approvals have been made, Human Resources has Apply the record to the system, and a report has been sent via email to the Originator that indicates that the ePAF is now in a Rev 8.15 23 Completed status, a student employee is not yet eligible to begin working at this stage. The report serves as Human Resources authorization that the employee is an official employee of the University and is eligible to begin working and clocking time entries via Banner Web Time Entry. Click drop down to “Approve” the transaction Step 7: Review details for each transaction that you plan to approve as follows: a) Select the “Transaction”. b) Then access the NOAEPAF form for the transaction by selecting “PAF Detail Information” from the Options menu. c) Examine the transaction on NOAEPAF d) Finally, return to NOAPPSM by exiting NOAEPAF Step 8: Select Approve from the Approver Action pull-down list for each transaction that you want to approve OR Select Return for Correction for each transaction where information is incorrect. Step 9: Save the transaction status and queue status for each approved transaction. Rev 8.15 24 Step 10: Once all approvals have been made, Human Resources will Apply the record to the system and a report will be sent via email to the Originator that indicates that the ePAF is now in a Completed status, that the employee is an official employee of the University, is eligible to begin working, and that a time card in Banner Web Time Entry is now available. Approving Via NOAEPAF Step 1: Access the Electronic Personnel Action Form (NOAEPAF). Step 2: Enter the name of the person for whom the transaction is to be approved. Step 3: Enter the ePAF transaction number that you want to approve and examine the transaction. Step 4: To see funding from SEMPL Approval Type, select Options menu and Next Action to get to view the “Job Labor Distribution” tab Step 5: Once satisfied with the details of the transaction, to approve the transaction, select Approve from the Approver Action pull-down list, and Save. The transaction status and queue status becomes Approved OR If the transaction contains incorrect information for the person, select Return for Correction from the Approver Action pull-down list, and Save. This will return the ePAF to the Originator. The Originator must repair the data in the ePAF and re-submit the transaction. Rev 8.15 25 Step 6: Once all approvals have been made, Human Resources will Apply the record to the system and a report will be sent via email to the Originator that indicates that the ePAF is now in a Completed status, that the employee is an official employee of the University, is eligible to begin working, and that a time card in Banner Web Time Entry is now available. Rev 8.15 26 A. APPENDIX ePAF FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS 1. I am ready to take a Personnel Action using ePAF, What do I have to do? 2. What is the difference between when a transaction is “saved” and when a transaction is “submitted”? 3. How do I customize my view so that I only see ePAFs that I can take action on? 4. Can I see all ePAFs that are open from my department? 5. How do I know with certainty that an ePAF has been submitted? 6. What are the Approvers responsibilities? 7. What are the originators responsibilities? 8. What are proxies? 9 . Can an originator have proxies? 10. Can an Approver have a proxy? 11. Can an approver also be an originator? 12. How will I know who has approved my ePAF? 13. What is a Secondary Position? 14. Can a Faculty/Staff/Student member have more than one Primary Position? 15. Can a Faculty/Staff/Student member have more than one Secondary Position number? 16. Can I add and delete Approval Levels on the Routing tab? 17. What do I do if I notice that there is an incorrect person listed in the Approval Routing on the “Routing Tab”? 18. How can I search for a Supervisor’s ID and Position number? Rev 8.15 27 Q1. I am ready to take a Personnel Action using EPAF, what do I have to do? A. First you should check to insure that you have access to the required forms. If you do not have access, please contact the ePAF Administrator at ext 5282. After you have accessed the form, get into to Brio on the web and run the Department Position Report to gather the information required to complete an EPAF. Q2. What is the difference between when a transaction is “saved” and when a transaction is “submitted”? A. Saving a Transaction Saving a transaction allows you to only save the information entered on the EPAF form. The first time a transaction is “Saved”, the system will automatically assign a transaction number and change the Transaction Status to “Waiting”. The transaction does not go into the Approval queue for Approvers to view or take an action on the transaction. To save a transaction, click the “Save” icon on the file menu. B. Submitting a transaction Submitting a transaction changes the status of the transaction from “waiting” to pending and the transaction is placed in the routing queue of the individuals defined on the routing tab of PAF. Submit Option Save Icon Q3. How do I customize my view so that I only see ePAFs that I can take action on? A. If you are designated as an Approver, you can go to the Approval Summary form NOAAPSM. On that form set the Transaction Status to “Pending” and the Queue Status to “Pending”. Setting both statuses to “Pending” will return all of the transactions that you are required to take action on with a Transaction status of “Pending” and a Queue status of “Pending”. For more details on queue status and Transaction Status, see section 8 of the EPAF Documentation Manual. Continued on next page Rev 8.15 28 Status of the Transaction Status of the transaction in your queue Q4. How do I see all EPAFs that are open from my department? A. Unfortunately, no one person can see all of the ePAFs for a specific department from either the Approval Summary Form (NOAAPSM) or Electronic Personnel Action Form (NOAEPAF). However an individual can see all of the ePAFs that he/she has been designated to take an action. If you are designated as an Approver, you can go to the form Approval Summary from NOAAPSM. On that form set the Transaction Status to “All” and the Queue Status to “All”. Setting both statuses to “All” will return every ePAF that you have ever been designated to take action on, regardless of the transaction or queue status. Q5. How do I know with certainty that an ePAF has been submitted? A. The message area will return the message Transaction Submitted, and the transaction status changes from Waiting to Pending and the transaction can be seen on the Approval Summary Form (NOAAPSM). Before Transaction Submitted Before Transaction Submitted Continued on next page Rev 8.15 29 Q6. What are the Originators responsibilities? A. The “Originator” is responsible for accurately entering information on the Electronic Personnel Action Form. The Originator should check the status of their ePAFs transaction on a regular basis. Q7. What are the Approvers responsibilities? A. Check the Approval Summary from NOAAPSM for any transaction with a status of pending. Approved or Disapproved an action timely. Q8. What are proxies? A. Individuals authorized to take approval action in the absence of the approver. Q9. Can an Originator have proxies? A. Yes! The proxy of an originator can update or change data on an ePAF in which he or she did not originate as long as the transaction’s status is “Pending” or “Return for Correction”. Q10. Can an Approver have a proxy? A. Yes! For details on how to take an action as a Proxy for an Approver please refer to section 7 entitled “Taking an Action as a Proxy” in the ePAF Documentation Manual. Q11. Can an Approver also be an originator? A. Yes! An Approver can also be an originator as long as he or she request both approver and originator access to the NOAEPAF forms. Q12. How will I know who has approved my EPAF? A. Go to the form NOAEPAF, enter the transaction number and click the routing tab. The “Queue Status” column next to each individuals name will give the status of the transaction in their queue. The “Action Date” field will also be populated with the date the individual made the action. Q13. Can a Faculty/Staff/Student more than one Primary Position? A. No a Faculty/Staff/Student member can only have one active Primary Position number. Q14. Can a Faculty/Staff/Student have more than one Secondary Position number? A. Yes a Faculty/Staff member can have more than one active Secondary Position number. Q15. What is a Secondary Position? A. It is a position that a Faculty/Staff/Student who has in addition to his/her Primary Position. Q16. Can I add and delete Level Codes on the Routing tab? A. Level Codes cannot be deleted from the Routing Tab. If a code needs to be deleted you must notify Human Resources via e-mail regarding the change and Human Resources will update the routing. Continued on next page Rev 8.15 30 Q17. What do I do if I notice that there is an incorrect person listed in the Approval Routing on the “Routing Tab”? If you observe that an incorrect person is listed on the “Routing Tab” for a transaction you are involved in, either as an Originator or an Approver, contact Human Resources immediately at ext. 5738. Q18. How can I search for a Supervisor’s ID and/or Position number? To search for a Supervisor ID: 1. From the Banner form NOAEPAF on the Transaction tab, click in the Supervisor ID field. Click this arrow to be taken to the employee Search Form 2. Then click the arrow under “New Values”. 3. This button will take you to the Employee Search Form Enter the Supervisor’s Rev 8.15 Last name 31 4. Enter the Supervisor’s First and last name in their respective fields. 5. Click “Execute Query” or “F8” to execute the query. 6. Once the ID field is populated with the Supervisor’s XULA ID, double click the ID field and you will be taken back to the form NOAEPAF (and the XULA ID will be automatically populated in the Supervisor ID field). Supervisor’s ID will auto populate here. To Search for the Supervisor’s Position from NOAEPAF: 1. Click the down arrow click the arrow under “New Values” 2. You are then taken to the form NBIJLST. From this form enter the Supervisor’s ID, then click the “Next Block” icon or Ctrl+PageDown, to get the next block of the form. Rev 8.15 32 Enter the Supervisor’s ID here Once the search is executed, the Supervisor’s Posn will be populated 3.Select the Supervisor’s position, and then double click it to be returned to NOAEPAF. Rev 8.15 33