Home Landscape Audit Integrated Pest Management Control Methods Suggestions

Home Landscape Audit
Integrated Pest Management
Control Methods
Is control needed?
A small amount of damage usually will not impact plant health or appearance.
Mature plants can usually withstand more damage than young plants.
What is the lifecycle of the pest?
Control methods vary by species. Generally, young insects are easier to kill than mature ones.
Biological Control
Are there beneficial insects present?
Are there areas in your garden for birds and other wildlife
that prey on insect pests?
A few extra days may give the beneficial insects time to control the problem for you.
Use pesticides only as a last resort and only as a spot spray.
Beneficial insect populations rebound more slowly than pests.
Create a wildlife habitat with a mixture of flowering and fruiting plants.
Provide shelter and water for wildlife.
Mechanical Control
If control is needed, consider simple mechanical methods.
Hand picking works well when pest population is small.
A strong jet of water will dislodge many insect pests.
Prune out diseased or heavily infested plant parts.
Chemical Control
You may not always be able to control pests
without using pesticides.
Before purchase, read the label.
Buy the smallest quantity possible and read the label again before use.
Pesticides include less toxic insecticidal soaps and horticultural oil sprays which can be
as effective as conventional products.
Many sprays require protective clothing and eyewear.
Spray only the target pest or pests.
Your Notes
Home Landscape Audit
Integrated Pest Management
Do some plants consistently have pest problems?
Maintenance practices can influence pest populations.
Are the plants suited to the site?
Consider replacing pest-prone plants. Choose pest resistant varieties.
When purchasing plants, make sure they are pest free. Sod should be certified.
Learn the requirements of your plants (sun, shade, drainage).
Have the plants been installed correctly?
Good soil preparation is key to preventing later problems. Plant at the proper time.
Plant at the correct depth. Apply water and fertilizer only when needed. Over fertilizing
encourages pest build-up. Excess water encourages disease.
Excessive pruning stimulates soft new growth which attracts insects
How often do you scout your landscape?
Scout for pests in your lawn, landscape and garden at twice per week during the growing season.
Inspect the undersides of leaves.
Become familiar with the normal color of your plants.
Properly identify which pests that commonly infest your landscape or garden.
Scouting helps you know whether pest problems are increasing, decreasing, or staying the same.
What insects are in your garden?
Learn which beneficial insects help to control pests in your garden.
Your Notes