1 Nevena Cekic (President), John Thompson (Treasurer), Alisa Paterson (Secretary), Kate... (DGSC Representative), Reagan Belan (TSSU Steward), Jennifer Pore (TSSU Steward/Sports

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Chemistry Graduate Association at Simon Fraser University
Meeting Minutes
October 7, 2013
6000-level MBB Lounge
In Attendance:
Nevena Cekic (President), John Thompson (Treasurer), Alisa Paterson (Secretary), Kate Prosser
(DGSC Representative), Reagan Belan (TSSU Steward), Jennifer Pore (TSSU Steward/Sports
Representative), Graeme Langille (Sports Representative), Stephanie Chang (Social
Coordinator/Graduate Information Coordinator), Dustin Duncan (Social Coordinator), Ryan
Clarke (Vice-President), Mahsa Gharibimarzancola (GSS Councillor), Fatima Garcia (GSS
Councillor Alternate/DGSC Representative), Kenny Lin (TSSU Steward), Saeideh Shamsi (TSSU
Steward), Heather Wiebe (Social Coordinator), Usman Rizwan (TSSU Steward)
Brandy Kinkead (Former DGSC Representative) and Michael Jones (Former President)
1. Call to Order
• Meeting was called to order at 3:00 PM in the 6000-level MBB Lounge
2. Appointment of the Chair
• MOVED to appoint Nevena Cekic as Chair for this meeting.
Moved by: Alisa Paterson
Seconded by: Fatima Garcia
• Nevena Cekic (President) was appointed Chair for this meeting.
3. Appointment of the Secretary
• MOVED to appoint Alisa Paterson (Secretary) as Secretary for this meeting.
Moved by: Fatima Garcia
Seconded by: Nevena Cekic
• Alisa Paterson (Secretary) was appointed Secretary for this meeting.
4. Approval of Minutes
• MOVED to approve the minutes of the October 4, 2013 Chemistry Graduate
Caucus meeting.
Moved by: Alisa Paterson
Seconded by: Fatima Garcia
5. Reimbursements
• Brandy Kinkead will be reimbursed for her Poster Competition expenses of
$631.25 by the Chemistry Department.
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MOVED that the Chemistry Graduate Association reimburse Michael Jones $140
from the trust account for the special occasion license and keg for the Poster
Competition on October 4, 2013.
Moved by: Nevena Cekic
Seconded by: Fatima Garcia
Abstention: Michael Jones
MOVED that the Chemistry Graduate Association reimburse Alisa Paterson
$9.50 from the cash box for gas required to pick up the keg for the Poster
Competition on October 4, 2013.
Moved by: Nevena Cekic
Seconded by: Fatima Garcia
Abstention: Alisa Paterson
6. Adjournment
• MOVED to conclude the meeting.
Moved by: Alisa Paterson
Seconded by: Fatima Garcia
Meeting concluded at 3:19 PM.