Colorado Wilderness Assessment: Summary of 2009 Data Collection DRAFT – 2/17/2010 Appendix A: Lists of National Forest Datasets 45 Colorado Wilderness Assessment: Summary of 2009 Data Collection DRAFT – 2/17/2010 Arapaho-Roosevelt National Forests Janice Wilson, Region 2 GIS Librarian,, 303-275-5213 Files transferred via : Visitor Maps: georeferenced rasters. o arap_north: northern portion of the Arapaho-Roosevelt National Forests. o arap_south: southern portion of the Arapaho-Roosevelt National Forests. o Pawnee: Pawnee National Grassland arnf: A 30 meter DEM (digital elevation model) raster. Mary Hattis, GIS Coordinator,, 970-295-6616 Meeting: 8/7/2009 Files transferred via : ARNF_data.gdb: file geodatabase. o AR_Basic_Own: A polygon feature class that shows different land ownership within the boundaries of the Arapaho and Roosevelt National Forests. o ar_dem10m: A 10 meter DEM (digital elevation model) raster. o AR_Wilderness: A polygon feature class containing the Wilderness Areas. o ARP_RangerDistrict: A polygon feature class containing the Ranger District boundaries. o gates: A point feature class containing the location of gates and barriers. o management_areas: A polygon feature class containing the Management Areas (1.18.3) as defined by the Forest Plan. o rec_sites: A point feature class containing information for developed recreation sites including campgrounds, picnic areas, fishing site, trailheads, and interpretive sites. o ROS: A polygon feature class containing the Recreation Opportunity Spectrum (ROS) as defined by the Forest Plan. o scenic_integrity_levels: A polygon feature class containing areas with levels of scenic integrity. o vis_centers: A point feature class containing information for visitor centers. Forest_NDH_WBD_UTMNAD83meters.gdb: Data from the USGS National Hydrology Dataset (NHD) with Hydrologic Unit Codes (HUC) organized into a file geodatabase. o HUC2_Regionwide: A polygon feature class containing subdivisions of regions. Subregions are the second level (4-digit) of the hydrologic unit hierarchy. o HUC4_Subbasin: A polygon feature class containing subdivisions of basins. Subbasins are the fourth level (8-digit) of the hydrologic unit hierarchy. o HUC5_Forestwide: A polygon feature class containing the Forestwide boundary used for watersheds. o HUC5_Watershed: A polygon feature class containing subdivisions within a subbasin. Watersheds are the fifth level (10-digit) of the hydrologic unit hierarchy. o HUC6_Subwatershed: A polygon feature class containing subdivisions of watersheds. Subwatersheds are the sixth level (12-digit) of the hydrologic unit hierarchy. o HUC6_v11: Another version of HUC6_Subwatershed. o HUC7_Catchment_v11: A polygon feature class that further divides subwatersheds into elevation-derived drainage areas. 46 Colorado Wilderness Assessment: Summary of 2009 Data Collection o o o o o DRAFT – 2/17/2010 HUC8_Catchment_v11: A polygon feature class that further divides HUC7_Catchment_v11 into elevation-derived drainage areas. NHDFlowArea_Forestwide: A polygon feature class containing information for water canals/ditches, dams/weirs, foreshores, inundation areas, spillways, streams/rivers, and washes. NHDFlowLine_Forestwide: A line feature class containing information for water connectors, canals/ditches, pipelines, streams/rivers, and artificial paths. NHDPoint_Forestwide: A point feature class containing information for water gaging stations, sinks/rises, springs/seeps, intakes/outflows, waterfalls, and wells. NHDWaterbody_Forestwide: A polygon feature class containing information for playas, ice masses, lakes/ponds, reservoirs, and swamps/marshes. Files transferred via e-mail: o arnf_trail_core_15Oct09: a line feature class containing the existing National Forest System Trail routes; currently being edited for the current visitor map update. o arnf_wilderness_12Oct09: a polygon feature class containing the updated Wilderness Area boundaries. 47 Colorado Wilderness Assessment: Summary of 2009 Data Collection DRAFT – 2/17/2010 Grand Mesa-Uncompahgre-Gunnison National Forests Janice Wilson, Region 2 GIS Librarian,, 303-275-5213 Files transferred via : gmugnf__nfs_roads: A line feature class containing National Forest system roads (June 2009). gmugnf__nfs_trails: A line feature class containing National Forest system trails (June 2009). Visitor Maps: georeferenced rasters. o grand_mesa: Grand Mesa National Forest. o gunnison_north: northern portion of the Gunnison National Forest. o gunnison_south: southern portion of the Gunnison National Forest. o unc_mtn_east_rgb_nocollar_2008: southeastern mountain portion of the Uncompahgre National Forest. o unc_mtn_west_rgb_nocollar_2008: southwestern mountain portion of the Uncompahgre National Forest. o unc_north_plateau_rgb_nocollar_2008: northwestern plateau portion of the Uncompahgre National Forest. o unc_south_plateau_rgb_nocollar_2008: southeastern plateau portion of the Uncompahgre National Forest. gmug: A 30 meter DEM (digital elevation model) raster. David Armlovich, Resource Information Manager,, 970-874-6639 Carol Howe, Resource Information Specialist,, 970-874-6647 Meeting: 7/28/2009 Files collected at the Grand Mesa-Uncompahgre-Gunnison National Forests Supervisor’s Office: ArcGis92_GMUG_Wildn_study_data.gdb: file geodatabase. o ALP: Automated Land Processes feature dataset. constructed_feat: A polygon feature class containing constructed water features such as ditches, dams, and reservoirs. rec_areas: A polygon feature class containing areas designated for recreation such as ski areas, campgrounds, and recreation areas. spcl_interest_mgmt: A polygon feature class containing areas designated as research natural areas, former experimental forests, geologic areas, and congressionally designated special management areas. special_uses: A polygon feature class containing road right-of-ways. withdrawal: A polygon feature class containing mineral withdrawals and stock driveways. o Forest_Plan_Data: feature dataset. inv_roadless_2009: A polygon feature class containing the current roadless inventory (Colorado Roadless Rule). proposed_mgmt_areas: A polygon feature class containing the proposed management area themes. proposed_plan_mgnt_areas_w_ROS: A polygon feature class containing the proposed management area with desired ROS. 48 Colorado Wilderness Assessment: Summary of 2009 Data Collection DRAFT – 2/17/2010 o o o o o scenic_integrety: A polygon feature class containing scenic integrity classifications (Wilderness = very high) z_mgmt_area_91: A polygon feature class containing the existing management areas from the 1991 Forest Management Plan. gmug_admin: feature dataset. alp_sections: A polygon feature class containing section lines. alp_townships: A polygon feature class containing townships. bndy_proclaim: A polygon feature class containing the proclaimed forest boundaries (with private inholdings). bndy_rd_admin_polygon: A polygon feature class containing Ranger Districts. COMap_v7_public: A polygon feature class containing public ownership across the state. forest_towns_point: A point feature class containing the location of nearby towns (no population data). gmug_county_polygon: A polygon feature class containing county boundaries. gmug_points: A point feature class containing information on buildings and mines. masterquads_polygon: A polygon feature class containing USGS quadrant boundaries. ownership: A polygon feature class showing land ownership. wilderness: A polygon feature class containing Wilderness Areas. gmug_infra: feature dataset. ditch_bill_ditches: A line feature class containing the location of ditches from the Ditchbill project. gmug_ditches_arc: A line feature class containing the location of ditches digitized from USGS quadrants. gmug_fences_arc: A line feature class containing fine lines. gmug_utility_arc: A line feature class containing utility lines. water_uses: A point feature class containing water rights. water_uses_pvt: A point feature class containing private water uses. wtr_cff_pnts: A point feature class showing water related points of interest. gmug_local_highways: feature dataset. hwy_local_arc: A line feature class containing major local highways. Hydrology: feature dataset. stream: A line feature class containing perennial and intermittent streams. Waterbodies: A polygon feature class containing bodies of water. watersheds: A polygon feature class containing watershed boundaries. recreation: feature dataset. developed_rec: A point feature class containing developed recreation sites such as trailheads, interpretive sites, campgrounds, fishing sites, observation points, picnic areas, and points of interest. 49 Colorado Wilderness Assessment: Summary of 2009 Data Collection DRAFT – 2/17/2010 o dispersed_rec_sites: A point feature class containing dispersed campsite locations from a 2003 inventory that attempted to map dispersed campsite inventories from each of the Ranger Districts. gmug_niche: A polygon feature class containing recreation niches such as destinations/special places, year-round resort settings, high-use dispersed recreation areas, high-use developed recreation areas, low-use recreation areas, etc. rec_residences: A point feature class containing historic recreation residences with heristage descriptors. travel_route: feature dataset. gates: A point feature class containing gate locations. road_linear_event: A line feature class containing road locations. trail_linear_event: A line feature class containing trail locations. 50 Colorado Wilderness Assessment: Summary of 2009 Data Collection DRAFT – 2/17/2010 Medicine Bow-Routt National Forests Janice Wilson, Region 2 GIS Librarian,, 303-275-5213 Files transferred via : rtnf__nfs_roads: A line feature class containing National Forest system roads (June 2009). rtnf__nfs_trails: A line feature class containing National Forest system trails (June 2009). Visitor Maps: georeferenced rasters. o routt_n_2005_high: northern portion of the Routt National Forest. o routt_s_2005_high: southern portion of the Routt National Forest. routt: A 30 meter DEM (digital elevation model) raster. rtnf_ROS_summer: A polygon feature class containing the desired summer ROS as defined by the Forest Plan. Carol Tolbert, GIS Coordinator,, 307-745-2474 Meeting: 8/7/2009 Files collected at the Medicine Bow-Routt National Forests Supervisor’s Office: Elevation.gdb: file geodatabase o ElevationMBR: A 10 meter DEM. Forest_NHD_WBD.mdb: Data from the USGS National Hydrology Dataset (NHD) with Hydrologic Unit Codes (HUC) organized into a personal geodatabase. o HUC2_Regionwide: A polygon feature class containing subdivisions of regions. Subregions are the second level (4-digit) of the hydrologic unit hierarchy. o HUC4_Subbasin: A polygon feature class containing subdivisions of basins. Subbasins are the fourth level (8-digit) of the hydrologic unit hierarchy. o HUC5_Forestwide: A polygon feature class containing the Forestwide boundary used for watersheds. o HUC5_Watershed: A polygon feature class containing subdivisions within a subbasin. Watersheds are the fifth level (10-digit) of the hydrologic unit hierarchy. o HUC6_Subwatershed: A polygon feature class containing subdivisions of watersheds. Subwatersheds are the sixth level (12-digit) of the hydrologic unit hierarchy. o HUC6_v11: Another version of HUC6_Subwatershed. o HUC7_Catchment_v11: A polygon feature class that further divides subwatersheds into elevation-derived drainage areas. o HUC8_Catchment_v11: A polygon feature class that further divides HUC7_Catchment_v11 into elevation-derived drainage areas. o NHDFlowArea_Forestwide: A polygon feature class containing information for water canals/ditches, dams/weirs, foreshores, inundation areas, spillways, streams/rivers, and washes. o NHDFlowLine_Forestwide: A line feature class containing information for water connectors, canals/ditches, pipelines, streams/rivers, and artificial paths. o NHDPoint_Forestwide: A point feature class containing information for water gaging stations, sinks/rises, springs/seeps, intakes/outflows, waterfalls, and wells. 51 Colorado Wilderness Assessment: Summary of 2009 Data Collection DRAFT – 2/17/2010 o NHDWaterbody_Forestwide: A polygon feature class containing information for playas, ice masses, lakes/ponds, reservoirs, and swamps/marshes. o RouttMissingEphemerals: Crenulations (ephemerals) that are missing in the NHD Flowline data. Forest_NHD_WBD_UTM.mdb: personal geodatabase with the same contents as Forest_NHD_WBD.mdb above but projected in UTM. ManagementAreas.mdb: personal geodatabase. o ManagementAreas: feature dataset. CoalOutcrop: line feature class containing the simplified version of the Wyodak coal outcrop line, used in the Northern Great Plains Plan Revisions (Thunder Basin National Grassland) of 2001. GeographicAreas: polygon feature class containing geographic areas. MedBow_FP2003_ma: polygon feature class containing Management Area Prescription polygons from the 2003 Medicine Bow National Forest Revised Land and Resource Management Plan. MedBow_FP2003_ma_elec: point feature class containing Management Area Prescription points for management area 8.3 (Electronic Sites) from the 2003 Medicine Bow National Forest Revised Land and Resource Management Plan. MedBow_FP2003_ma_res: point feature class containing Management Area Prescription points for management area 7.1 (Residential/Forest Interface) from the 2003 Medicine Bow National Forest Revised Land and Resource Management Plan. MedBow_FP2003_ma_util: line feature class containing Management Area Prescription lines for management area 8.3 (Utility Corridors) from the 2003 Medicine Bow National Forest Revised Land and Resource Management Plan. MedBow_FP2003_Topology: topology rules for MedBow_FP2003_ma. ResearchNaturalAreas: polygon feature class containing Research Natural Areas. Routt_FP1997_ma: polygon feature class containing Management Area Prescription polygons from the 1997 Routt National Forest Revised Land and Resource Management Plan. Routt_FP1997_ma_elec: point feature class containing Management Area Prescription points for management area 8.3 (Electronic Sites) from the 1997 Routt National Forest Revised Land and Resource Management Plan. Routt_FP1997_ma_util: line feature class containing Management Area Prescription lines for management area 8.3 (Utility Corridors) from the 1997 Routt National Forest Revised Land and Resource Management Plan. Routt_FP1997_Topology: topology rules for Routt_FP1997_ma. SheepMtnNationalGameRefuge: polygon feature class containing the Sheep Mountain National Game Refuge. SpecialInterestAreas: polygon feature class containing Special Interest Area polygons from the 2003 Medicine Bow National Forest, 1997 Routt National 52 Colorado Wilderness Assessment: Summary of 2009 Data Collection DRAFT – 2/17/2010 Forest, and 2001 Thunder Basin National Grassland Revised Land and Resource Management Plans. Recreation.mdb: personal geodatabase. o Recreation: feature dataset. DevelopedRecSiteDetailLine: line feature class containing developed recreation site features (currently features associated with campgrounds and picnic areas). DevelopedRecSiteDetailPoint: point feature class containing developed recreation site features (currently features associated with campgrounds and picnic areas). DevelopedRecSitePoint: point feature class containing developed recreation sites. LodgeResort: point feature class containing resort, lodge and camp (Boy Scout and Youth) locations. LodgeSnowyMtnPermitBnd: polygon feature class containing the permit boundary for the Snowy Mountain Lodge. OfficeVisitorCenter: point feature class containing the location of Ranger District and Supervisor's Offices and Visitor Centers. RecResidence: point feature class containing individual recreation residence (summer home) locations. RecResidenceTract: point feature class containing the general location of recreation residence subdivisions (or groups or tracts). RecreationOpportunitySpectrum.mdb: personal geodatabase. o RecreationOpportunitySpectrum: feature dataset. MB_ROS_Summer: polygon feature class containing the Adopted Summer Recreation Opportunity Spectrum (ROS) for the Medicine. Created in 2001 during the analysis for the Medicine Bow Revised Land and Resource Management Plan of 2003 (Forest Plan), this layer supercedes the older 1981 summer ROS layer and is the appropriate summer ROS layer currently in use. MB_ROS_Summer1981: polygon feature class containing the Summer Recreation Opportunity Spectrum (ROS) from 1981 for the Medicine Bow portion. MB_ROS_Winter: polygon feature class containing the Adopted Winter Recreation Opportunity Spectrum (ROS) for the Medicine Bow portion. RT_ROS_Summer: polygon feature class containing the Desired Summer Recreation Opportunity Spectrum (ROS) for the Routt portion. No winter ROS layer exists. Scenery.mdb: personal geodatabase. o Scenery: feature dataset. MB_ExistingScenicIntegrity: polygon feature class containing existing scenic integrity classifications across the Medicine Bow portion. 53 Colorado Wilderness Assessment: Summary of 2009 Data Collection DRAFT – 2/17/2010 MB_SceneryManagementSystem: polygon feature class containing the Scenery Management System (commonly abbreviated as SMS) for the Medicine Bow portion. Currently stored as one layer with multiple attributes instead of separate layers with single attributes as specified in the current Forest GIS Data Dictionary. This layer includes information on distance zones, scenic attractiveness, concern levels, and scenic class. MB_ScenicClass: polygon feature class containing scenic class polygons, dissolved from the Scenery Management System (SMS) layer for the Medicine Bow portion. MB_ScenicIntegrityObjective: polygon feature class containing Adopted Scenic Integrity Objectives for the Medicine Bow portion. RT_ExistingVisualCondition: polygon feature class containing Existing Visual Conditions for the Routt portion. RT_VisualQualityOjective: polygon feature class containing Inventoried Visual Quality Objectives (VQO) for the Routt portion. The newer Scenery Management System (SMS) has not yet been developed for the Routt. Transportation.mdb: personal geodatabase. o Transportation_Carto: feature dataset. CartographicRoads: line feature class containing a variety of roads surrounding the Medicine Bow - Routt National Forests and Thunder Basin National Grassland. These roads come from a variety of sources and are intended for cartographic (map display) purposes only. The INFRA/IWeb transporation layer and attribute database (the regular database) at this time contains only a few of the major and minor access roads surrounding the forest/grassland, and this layer is intended to provide those access roads until such time as they are added to the regular database. This layer contains Interstates, US and State Highways, County roads, BLM roads, and a few Forest, Private and City roads. CartographicRoadsAnno250000: Annotation for the CartographicRoads layer, created for a scale of 1:250,000. Displays the Interstate, US Highway, State Highway, County and BLM numbers in the appropriate symbol background. InterstateHighway: line feature class containing a subset of the CartographicRoads layer and contains interstates (freeways) and highways (both US and state) surrounding the Medicine Bow - Routt National Forests and Thunder Basin National Grassland. InterstateHighwayAnno250000: Annotation for the InterstateHighway spatial layer, created for a scale of 1:250,000. Displays the Interstate or Highway number in the appropriate symbol background. InterstateHighwayFew: line feature class containing a subset of the CartographicRoads layer and contains interstates (freeways) and some highways (both US and state) surrounding the Medicine Bow - Routt National Forests and Thunder Basin National Grassland. 54 Colorado Wilderness Assessment: Summary of 2009 Data Collection DRAFT – 2/17/2010 o InterstateHighwayFewAnno250000: Annotation for the InterstateHighwayFew spatial layer, created for a scale of 1:250,000. Displays the Interstate or Highway number in the appropriate symbol background. InterstateHighwayFewAnno2500000: Annotation for the InterstateHighwayFew spatial layer, created for a scale of 1:2,500,000. Displays the Interstate or Highway number in the appropriate symbol background. MajorRoads: a line feature class containing a subset of the CartographicRoads layer and contains major roads surrounding the Medicine Bow - Routt National Forests and Thunder Basin National Grassland. These roads include interstates/freeways, some but not all of the highways (both US and state), and a few county roads. MajorRoadsAnno126720: Annotation for the MajorRoads spatial layer, created for a scale of 1:126,720 (same scale as the hardcopy forest visitor maps). Displays the Interstate, US Highway, State Highway or County (only a few) number in the appropriate symbol background. MajorRoadsAnno250000: Annotation for the MajorRoads spatial layer, created for a scale of 1:250,000. Displays the Interstate, US Highway, State Highway or County (only a few) number in the appropriate symbol background. Transportation_MB: feature dataset. MB_Roads_Core: line feature class containing roads on the Medicine Bow portion. This is a linear event layer created from the master road route layer using the II_ROAD_CORE table from INFRA (separate oracle database). It has attribute fields for some of the most commonly used attribute information, and is probably the most appropriate layer to use for the area inside the Medicine Bow National Forest boundary when roads need to be displayed or analyzed using road attribute information. The Eastern Snowy Range Travel Management decision (June 2007) and the Laramie Peak Travel Management decision (June 2007) have not been incorporated into this layer's spatial features or attribute data at this time. MB_Trails_Core: line feature class containing motorized and non-motorized trails (except Snowmobile trails) on the Medicine Bow portion. Includes hiking, horseback, cross country ski, biking, ATV and motorcycle trails. Layer is known to be missing some trails and have some inaccurate trail locations. MB_Trails_Snowmobile: line feature class containing snowmobile trails on the Medicine Bow portion. This spatial layer shows only those snowmobile trails identified in conjunction with the State of Wyoming. Snowmobiling occurs on other trails or off-trail on the forest in many places other than these recognized and published trails. The majority of these snowmobile trails are located on existing roads. MB_Transportation_Topology: topology rules for MB_TRAVEL_ROUTE_AAT, MB_TRAVEL_ROUTE_RATROAD, and MB_TRAVEL_ROUTE_RATTRAIL layers. 55 Colorado Wilderness Assessment: Summary of 2009 Data Collection DRAFT – 2/17/2010 o MB_TRAVEL_ROUTE_AAT: line feature class containing transportation base arcs for the roads and trails on the Medicine Bow portion. These base layer arcs are used to construct separate road and trail route systems which are stored in other spatial layers. MB_TRAVEL_ROUTE_RATROAD: line feature class containing route features created for the roads on the Medicine Bow portion. These routes were created from and are associated via topology with the arcs in the MB_TRAVEL_ROUTE_AAT layer. MB_TRAVEL_ROUTE_RATTRAIL: line feature class containing route features created for the trails on the Medicine Bow portion. These routes were created from and are associated via topology with the arcs in the MB_TRAVEL_ROUTE_AAT layer. Transportation_RT: feature dataset. RT_MVUM_Roads: line feature class containing roads on the Routt portion as displayed on the 2007 and 2008 Motor Vehicle Use Map (MVUM). RT_MVUM_Trails: line feature class containing Trails on the Routt National Forest in Colorado with data attached to allow display to match the 2009 Motor Vehicle Use Map (MVUM). This layer does not contain cross country ski trails. RT_Roads_Core: line feature class containing roads on the Routt portion. RT_Trails_Core: line feature class containing motorized and non-motorized trails (except snowmobile trails) on the Routt portion. Includes hiking, horseback, cross country ski, biking, ATV and motorcycle trails. Layer is known to be missing some trails and have some inaccurate trail locations. RT_Trails_Snowmobile: line feature class containing snowmobile trails on the Routt portion. Snowmobiling occurs on other trails or off-trail on the forest in many places other than these recognized trails. The majority of these snowmobile trails are located on existing roads. RT_Transportation_Topology: topology rules for RT_TRAVEL_ROUTE_AAT, RT_TRAVEL_ROUTE_RATROAD, and RT_TRAVEL_ROUTE_RATTRAIL layers. RT_TRAVEL_ROUTE_AAT: line feature class containing transportation base arcs for the roads and trails on the Medicine Bow portion. These base layer arcs are used to construct separate road and trail route systems which are stored in other spatial layers. RT_TRAVEL_ROUTE_RATROAD: line feature class containing route features created for the roads on the Medicine Bow portion. These routes were created from and are associated via topology with the arcs in the MB_TRAVEL_ROUTE_AAT layer. RT_TRAVEL_ROUTE_RATTRAIL: line feature class containing route features created for the trails on the Medicine Bow National Forest in Wyoming. These routes were created from and are associated via topology with the arcs in the MB_TRAVEL_ROUTE_AAT layer. 56 Colorado Wilderness Assessment: Summary of 2009 Data Collection DRAFT – 2/17/2010 ManagementAreas_MedBow_FP2003.lyr: a group layer file for displaying MedBow_FP_2003_ma, MedBow_FP_2003_ma_elec, MedBow_FP_2003_ma_res, and MedBow_FP_2003_ma_util. ManagementAreas_Routt_FP1997.lyr: a group layer file for displaying Routt_FP_1997_ma, Routt_FP_1997_ma_elec, and Routt_FP_1997_ma_util. ManagementAreas_Thunder_FP2001.lyr: group layer file for displaying Thunder_FB2001ma (not included in dataset). ROS_Summer_MB.lyr: a layer file for displaying MB_ROS_Summer. ROS_Summer_RT.lyr: a layer file for displaying RT_ROS_Summer. ROS_Winter_MB.lyr: a layer file for displaying MB_ROS_Winter. Transportation_CartographicRoads.lyr: a layer file for displaying CartographicRoads. Transportation_InterstateHighway.lyr: a layer file for displaying InterstateHighway. Transportation_InterstateHighwayFew.lyr: a layer file for displaying InterstateHighwayFew. Transportation_MajorRoads.lyr: a layer file for displaying MajorRoads. Transportation_MB_RoadsExistMaintLevel.lyr: a layer file for displaying MB_Roads_Core. Transportation_RT_MVUM_Roads.lyr: a layer file for displaying RT_MVUM_Roads. Transportation_RT_MVUM_Trails.lyr: a layer file for displaying RT_MVUM_Trails. Transportation_RT_RoadsExistMaintLevel.lyr: a layer file for displaying RT_Roads_Core. 57 Colorado Wilderness Assessment: Summary of 2009 Data Collection DRAFT – 2/17/2010 Pike-San Isabel National Forests Janice Wilson, Region 2 GIS Librarian,, 303-275-5213 Files transferred via : psicc__nfs_roads: A line feature class containing National Forest system roads (June 2009). psicc__nfs_trails: A line feature class containing National Forest system trails (June 2009). Visitor Maps: georeferenced rasters o Pike vismap_highres: entire portion of the Pike National Forest. o si_nw: northwestern portion of the San Isabel National Forest. o si_se: southeastern portion of the San Isabel National Forest. psi: A 30 meter DEM (digital elevation model) raster. PSI_ROS1984_original: A polygon feature class containing the Recreation Opportunity Spectrum (ROS) as defined by the Forest Plan. Lisa Leeman, GIS Analyst,, 719-553-1474 Meeting: 8/20/2009 Files collected at the Pike-San Isabel National Forests Supervisor’s Office: Lands: folder. o FSSDE_PSI_2001Roadless_Areas: polygon feature class containing National Forest Inventoried Roadless Areas (IRAs). It was clipped from a larger dataset (located at that covered the lower 48 states, including Puerto Rico. Alaska is maintained separately. The IRA data was originally submitted to GSTC by all national forests through their Regional Offices for the Forest Service's Roadless Area Conservation Initiative. o FSSDE_PSI_mgt_area_FP1984: polygon feature class containing Management Areas identified by the 1984 Forest Plan. o FSSDE_PSICC_Forest_Boundary: polygon feature class showing the boundary of the Pike-San Isabel National Forests. o FSSDE_PSICC_Ownership: polygon feature class containing basic ownership parcels of the surface estate dissolved on the same organization type. Data was derived from ALP (Automated Land Program). o FSSDE_PSICC_Ranger_District: polygon feature class containing Ranger District boundaries. o Wilderness: polygon feature class containing Wilderness Area boundaries. Recreation: folder. o FSSDE_rec_site_pt: point feature class containing boating sites, campgrounds, complexes, day use areas, interpretive sites, trailheads, fire lookouts, fishing sites, picnic sites, observation sites, playgrounds, and ski areas. o ROS_1984: polygon feature class containing the Recreation Opportunity Spectrum (ROS) based on the 1984 Forest Plan. Roads: folder. 58 Colorado Wilderness Assessment: Summary of 2009 Data Collection DRAFT – 2/17/2010 o FSSDE_Events_Road_features: point feature class containing road features such as intersections, turnouts, barriers, bridges, cattleguards, culverts, fences, gates, guardrails, parking facilities, signs, and trail bridges. o ROAD_LinearEvents_June09: line feature class containing roads. o TRAIL_LinearEvents: line feature class containing trails. Water: folder. o FSSDE_stream_route_llid: line feature class containing water courses carrying overland flow, having a defined channel, and evidence of periodic scour or fill. o FSSDE_waterbody: polygon feature class containing waterbody features such as lake/pond/swamp/marsh that can be further classified as perennial or intermittent. o FSSDE_WATERSHED_PATHUC4: polygon feature class containing subbasins. o FSSDE_WATERSHED_PATHUC5: polygon feature class containing watersheds. o FSSDE_WATERSHED_PATHUC6: polygon feature class containing subwatersheds. psi_dem_83: 30 meter DEM. 59 Colorado Wilderness Assessment: Summary of 2009 Data Collection DRAFT – 2/17/2010 Rio Grande National Forest Janice Wilson, Region 2 GIS Librarian,, 303-275-5213 Files transferred via : rgnf__nfs_roads: A line feature class containing National Forest system roads (June 2009). rgnf__nfs_trails: A line feature class containing National Forest system trails (June 2009). Visitor Maps: georeferenced rasters o rg_cen: central portion of the Rio Grande National Forest. o rg_east: eastern portion of the Rio Grande National Forest. o rg_west: western portion of the Rio Grande National Forest. rgnf: A 30 meter DEM (digital elevation model) raster. rgnf_ROS: A polygon feature class containing the Recreation Opportunity Spectrum (ROS) as defined by the Forest Plan. Mark Applequist, GIS Coordinator,, 719-852-6217 Meeting: 8/18/2009 Files collected at the Rio Grande National Forest Supervisor’s Office: nad83_10m_slvplc: folder. o focalst83: 10 meter DEM. admin_boundaries.mdb: personal geodatabase. o admin_bdys_colorado_division_of_wildlife: feature dataset of data from the Colorado Division of Wildlife. cdow_bighorn_game_mgment_units: polygon feature class containing Bighorn Sheep Hunting Units. cdow_game_management_units: polygon feature class containing Big Game Management Units. cdow_mountaingoat_mgment_units: polygon feature class containing Mountain Goat Hunting Units. cdow_state_wildlife_areas: polygon feature class containing State Wildlife Areas. o admin_boundaries: feature dataset. all_counties: polygon feature class containing county boundaries. blm_acec: polygon feature class containing Areas of Critical Environmental Concern, ACEC, for the San Luis Valley BLM. blm_mcintyre_simpson_property: polygon feature class containing spatial data for the McIntyre-Simpson land in San Luis Resource Area, BLM. This is an old homestead being considered for historic register designation. blm_srma: polygon feature class containing spatial data for the San Luis Resource Area, BLM, showing areas being studied for wilderness potential. blm_trickle_ohv_mgment_area: polygon feature class containing spatial data for the Trickle Mountain area of the San Luis Resource Area, BLM, showing areas being studied for travel management for OHV's (Off Highway Vehicles). 60 Colorado Wilderness Assessment: Summary of 2009 Data Collection DRAFT – 2/17/2010 blm_wilderness_study_areas_wsa: polygon feature class containing spatial data for the San Luis Resource Area, BLM, showing areas being studied for wilderness potential. great_sand_dunes: polygon feature class containing the boundary of the Great Sand Dunes National Park and Preserve. rgnf_baca_mountain_tract: polygon feature class containing the boundary of the Baca Mountain Tract of the Rio Grande National Forest. rgnf_boundary: polygon feature class containing the boundaries of administrative districts. rgnf_district_boundary: polygon feature class containing the boundaries of Ranger Districts. rgnf_rna: polygon feature class containing Research Natural Areas boundaries. rgnf_wilderness_boundary: polygon feature class containing Wilderness Area boundaries. rgnf_wilderness_boundary_Uni: polygon feature class containing additional spatial data of the Wilderness Areas. slvplc_bdy: polygon feature class containing the boundary of the San Luis Valley Public Lands Center which includes the Rio Grande National Forest and BLM land in South Central Colorado. slvplc_district_boundary: polygon feature class containing the administrative boundaries of the San Luis Valley Public Lands Center. usfws_outside_boundary: polygon feature class containing the boundaries of lands managed by the US Fish and Wildlife Agency. usfws_units: polygon feature class containing the unit boundaries of lands managed by the US Fish and Wildlife Agency. wheeler_geologic_area: polygon feature class containing the boundary of the Wheeler Geologic Area within the Rio Grande National Forest which contains unique geologic features. wolf_creek_ski_area_boundary: polygon feature class containing the Wolf Creek Ski Area permit boundary. management_areas.mdb: personal geodatabase. o management_areas: feature dataset. management_areas_pre_sand_dunes_park: polygon feature class containing Management Areas as defined in the 1996 Revised Forest Management Plan before the designation of the Great Sand Dunes National Park and Preserve. rgnf_management_areas: polygon feature class containing Management Areas as defined in the 1996 Revised Forest Management Plan. recreation.mdb: personal geodatabase. o recreation_admin_boundaries: feature dataset. blm_rec_opportunity_spectrum: polygon feature class containing the Recreation Opportunity Spectrum (ROS) for the San Luis Resource Area, BLM. 61 Colorado Wilderness Assessment: Summary of 2009 Data Collection DRAFT – 2/17/2010 blm_visual_resrce_mangent_vrm: polygon feature class containing scenic attractiveness classifications for the Scenery Management System (SMS) for the San Luis Resource Area, BLM. rgnf_rec_management_areas: polygon feature class containing the Recreation Management Areas. rgnf_rec_opp_spectrum_ros: polygon feature class containing the Recreation Opportunity Spectrum (ROS). o recreation_blm: feature dataset from the San Luis Resource Area, BLM. blm_recreation_buildings: point feature class containing buildings associated with recreation. blm_recreation_camps: point feature class containing campsites. blm_recreation_parking_areas: point feature class containing parking areas associated with recreation. blm_recreation_trailheads: point feature class containing trailheads. o recreation_developed: feature dataset of developed recreation. rgnf_recreation_areas: polygon feature class containing developed recreation areas such as picnic areas, campgrounds, reservoirs, parking areas, and recreation areas. rgnf_recreation_sites: point feature class containing developed recreation sites such as boating sites, campgrounds, fire lookouts, fishing sites, interpretive sites, observation sites, picnic sites, ski areas, and trailheads. o recreation_dispersed: feature dataset of dispersed recreation. dispersed_campsite_data: relationship class establishing a link between the rgnf_dispersed_campsites layer and dispersed_campsite_monitor table rgnf_dispersed_campsites: point feature class containing the identification and condition class of dispersed Wilderness and non-Wilderness campsites. o dispersed_campsite_monitor: table containing Wilderness campsite monitoring field data for the Weminuche, South San Juan, La Garita and Sangre de Cristo Wilderness Areas and the Piedra Wilderness Study Area. roads.mdb: personal geodatabase. o roads_baca: feature dataset. roads_in_expansion_park: line feature class containing all system roads on the expansion of the park portion of the Great Sand Dunes National Park and Preserve. roads_in_expansion_refuge: line feature class containing all system roads on the expansion of the refuge portion of the Great Sand Dunes National Park and Preserve. o roads_miscellaneous: feature dataset. cdot_traffic_hist_data: point feature class containing historical data (1982 through 2003) from the Colorado Department of Transportation. o roads_tiger: feature dataset. 62 Colorado Wilderness Assessment: Summary of 2009 Data Collection DRAFT – 2/17/2010 tiger_routes: This line feature class captures all roads in the San Luis Valley in South Central Colorado. These are TIGER roads (Topologically Integrated Geographic Encoding and Reference system) representing data provided by the US Census Bureau. o roads_travel_routes: feature dataset. blm_roads: line feature class containing all system roads and non-system roads on land administered by the BLM. mvum_roads: line feature class containing all roads for the Motor Vehicle Use Map (MVUM). pbs_roads: line feature class containing all roads and trails. These roads were used to create the USGS quad maps which includes all roads and trails, either system or non-system. streams_waterbodies.mdb: personal geodatabase. o water_blm: feature dataset from the San Luis Resource Area, BLM blm_riparian_monitoring: line feature class containing riparian regions. blm_springs_wells: point feature class containing springs and water wells. o water_linear_hydro: feature dataset. closed_basin_streams: line feature class containing streams in the San Luis Valley in South Central Colorado. This is a unique stream system in that it is a very large network of linear hydrologic features which drain into the upper San Luis Valley and have no outlet. The terminus for this system is just west of the Great Sand Dunes National Park and Preserve. linear_hydro_lhydro: line feature class containing streams. shydro: line feature class containing major supplementary hydrologic features. This includes all manmade hydrologic features such as ditches. streams: line feature class containing streams. streams_NHD: line feature class containing data from the National Hydrology Dataset (NHD) such as streams/rivers, lakes/ponds, canals/ditches, reservoirs, springs/seeps, swamps/marshes, and artificial paths. o water_polygons: feature dataset. lakes_blm: polygon feature class containing lakes. lakes_fs: polygon feature class containing lakes and large streams. springs_water_developments: point feature class containing streams and water developments. water_polygons_phydro: polygon feature class containing lakes and large streams. trails.mdb: personal geodatabase. o trails: feature dataset. motorized_trails_2009: line feature class containing motorized trails. trails_2005_gstc: line feature class containing trails. 63 Colorado Wilderness Assessment: Summary of 2009 Data Collection DRAFT – 2/17/2010 San Juan National Forest Janice Wilson, Region 2 GIS Librarian 303-275-5213 Files transferred via : sjnf__nfs_roads: A line feature class containing National Forest system roads (June 2009). sjnf__nfs_trails: A line feature class containing National Forest system trails (June 2009). Visitor Maps: georeferenced rasters o sj_east: eastern portion of the San Juan National Forest. o sj_west: western portion of the San Juan National Forest. sjnf: A 30 meter DEM (digital elevation model) raster. sjnf_ROS: A polygon feature class containing the Recreation Opportunity Spectrum (ROS) as defined by the Forest Plan. Jessey Ramirez, GIS Specialist,, 970-385-1236 Meeting: 8/17/2009 Files transferred via : dusty_vaughn_request.gdb: file geodatabase. o vector: feature dataset. clc_landscape_bdy: polygon feature class containing the boundary of the land unit scale defined by the San Juan National Forest to be used with the Current Landscape Condition (CLC) assessment. It is the smallest geographical unit in a multi-scale hierarchical analysis framework of ecological units. It is an equivalent alternative to the Landtype Association (LTA) land unit scale. CO_roadless_rule_DRAFT07092009: polygon feature class containing roadless areas. colorado_trail: line feature class containing the Colorado Trail. dispersed_campsites: point feature class containing Wilderness campsites within the Weminuche, South San Juan, Lizard Head, La Garita and Sangre de Cristo Wilderness Areas and the Piedra Wilderness Study Area. ex_scen_integ: polygon feature class containing the Scenery Management System Existing Scenic Integrity, within or in close proximity to an administrative unit, depicting up to six levels of Existing Scenic Integrity. gates: point feature class containing gates. meadow_health: point feature class containing Meadow Health surveys within Wilderness Areas. mgt_areas_current: polygon feature class containing the Management Areas as defined in the 1992 amended Forest Management Plan. mgt_areas_draft_plan: polygon feature class containing a working draft of the Management Areas. national_trails: line feature class containing nationally recognized/designated scenic, historic and recreation trails. 64 Colorado Wilderness Assessment: Summary of 2009 Data Collection DRAFT – 2/17/2010 nhd_streams: line feature class containing NHD stream coverage as put together by Nancy Lee (University of Wyoming) and used for the San Juan NF Aquatic assessment (2004 - 2005). other_roads: line feature class containing all non-Forest Service managed roads. Some have been gps'd and verified, and their attributes will indicate such. Many still need verification. outfitter_camps: point feature class containing known outfitter guide campsite locations. rec_mgt_area: polygon feature class containing the Recreation Management Areas. rec_residence: point feature class containing recreation residences (summer homes). rec_site_pl: polygon feature class containing developed recreation sites. rec_site_pt: point feature class containing developed recreation sites. road_maint_levels082409: line feature class containing maintenance levels of all Forest Service roads. roadless_rare2: polygon feature class containing the roadless areas as modified from the original 1998 coverage representing 1978 RARE2 areas. This layer was modified for the President's 2000 Roadless Initiative. ros: polygon feature class containing the Recreation Opportunity Spectrum (ROS). scen_classes: polygon feature class containing the scenic classification for the Scenery Management System (SMS). scenic_attractiveness: polygon feature class containing the scenic attractiveness classification for the Scenery Management System (SMS). scenic_historic_byways: line feature class containing Scenic and Historic Byways. scenic_historic_byways_poly: polygon feature class containing Scenic and Historic Byways. scenic_integrity: polygon feature class containing the scenic integrity classification for the Scenery Management System (SMS). sj_ditch: line feature class containing ditches. sj_diversion_ditch: point feature class containing diversion ditches. Diversions are identified by headgates, flumes, etc. sj_generic_ditch: point feature class containing generic points along the ditch locations. Generic points include fencelines, storage tanks, flumes, range corrals and other "generic" points identified along the ditch. sj_split_ditch: point feature class containing split ditch locations. Split ditch locations are points that the surveyed ditch appears to split. sj_water_rights_structures: point feature class containing water right points obtained from the State of Colorado. sj_water_rights_use: point feature class containing water rights and uses. 65 Colorado Wilderness Assessment: Summary of 2009 Data Collection DRAFT – 2/17/2010 o special_areas: polygon feature class containing special areas. special_uses_ln: line feature class containing special use linear features. special_uses_lnAnno: annotation for special_uses_ln. special_uses_poly: polygon feature class containing special use polygon features. special_uses_polyAnno: annotation for special_uses_poly. special_uses_pt: point feature class containing special use points. special_uses_ptAnno: annotation for special_uses_pt. SurfaceOwnership: polygon feature class containing land ownership covering the San Juan Public Lands. travel_route_trail: line feature class containing trails. wilderness: polygon feature class containing Wilderness Areas. meter_10_dem: 10 meter DEM. 66 Colorado Wilderness Assessment: Summary of 2009 Data Collection DRAFT – 2/17/2010 White River National Forest Janice Wilson, Region 2 GIS Librarian 303-275-5213 Files transferred via : wrnf__nfs_roads: A line feature class containing National Forest system roads (June 2009). wrnf__nfs_trails: A line feature class containing National Forest system trails (June 2009). Visitor Maps: georeferenced rasters o wr_east: eastern portion of the White River National Forest. o wr_west: western portion of the White River National Forest. wrnf: A 30 meter DEM (digital elevation model) raster. wrnf_ROS: A polygon feature class containing the Recreation Opportunity Spectrum (ROS) as defined by the Forest Plan. Bruce Davidson, GIS Specialist,, 970-945-3280 Meeting: 7/28/2009 Files collected at the White River National Forest Supervisor’s Office: Constructed_Features: polygon feature class containing constructed water features such as ditches, dams, reservoirs, etc from the Automated Land Process (ALP). dev_rec_site_040907: point feature class containing region-wide developed recreation sites such as boating sites, campgrounds, day use areas, fire lookouts, fishing sites, interpretive sites, observation sites, picnic areas, playgrounds, ski areas, swimming areas, and trailheads. ditch_bill: line feature class containing locations of the Ditch Bill Applicants under Special Use Permit analysis. elevation: 30 meter DEM. ex_scen_integ_pat: polygon feature class containing Existing Scenic Integrity classifications of the Scenery Management System (SMS). Management_Areas: polygon feature class containing Management Areas of the 2002 Land and Resource Management Plan from the Automated Land Process (ALP). Recreation_Sites: point feature class containing developed recreation sites such as campgrounds, picnic sites, hotels/lodges/resorts, and trailheads. Roadless_Areas: polygon feature class containing inventoried roadless areas. ROS_Summer_PAT: polygon feature class containing the Summer Recreation Opportunity Spectrum (ROS) as determined by the 2002 revised Land and Resource Management Plan. ROS_Winter_PAT: polygon feature class containing the Winter Recreation Opportunity Spectrum (ROS) as determined by the 2002 revised Land and Resource Management Plan. scen_integ_ob_pat: polygon feature class containing Scenic Integrity Objective polygons depicting Land and Resource Management Plan Scenic Integrity Objectives. SpecialInterestManagementArea: polygon feature class containing special interest management areas such as conservation easements, experimental forests, geologic areas, recreation areas, research natural areas, wetlands, and zoological areas from the Automated Land Process (ALP). SpecialUse: polygon feature class containing special use areas such as road right-of-ways from the Automated Land Process (ALP). 67 Colorado Wilderness Assessment: Summary of 2009 Data Collection DRAFT – 2/17/2010 WILD: polygon feature class containing wilderness from the Automated Land Process (ALP). Withdrawal: polygon feature class containing mineral and stock driveway withdrawals from the Automated Land Process (ALP). WRNF_Lakes: polygon feature class containing waterbodies such as lakes/ponds, swamps/marshes and other 2 dimensional hydrographic features. wrnf_roads: line feature class containing roads. WRNF_Streams: line feature class containing natural hydrological features of a linear nature, including perennial, intermittent, and crenulated streams. wrnf_trails: line feature class containing trails. 68 Colorado Wilderness Assessment: Summary of 2009 Data Collection DRAFT – 2/17/2010 Appendix B: Campsite Data Inventory Questionnaire Name:__________________________________ Wilderness Area:_________________________ 1. Have campsites been inventoried across the entire portion of the wilderness you are responsible for—or just a part of it (like the east half but not the west)? a. Which portions have and have not been inventoried? 2. In the portions that have been inventoried, have campsites been inventoried in likely off-trail destinations or has the inventory been confined to trail corridors? a. Which trails have not been inventoried, if any? b. Which likely off-trail destinations have and have not been inventoried? 3. In those places where campsites have been inventoried (whether along trails or off-trail), have personnel wandered around and tried to find and inventory all campsites? Or have any of the following been done: a. Not searched widely for campsites (some are located and some are not) b. Lightly-impacted campsites not inventoried c. Only monitored sites that were recorded in a previous inventory 4. When were campsites first monitored and how frequently have they been monitored since? This will probably vary across the wilderness - just to get a general sense (e.g. these two drainages have been monitored twice—first in 1980 and then in 2000; everywhere else just once in 2000). 5. What monitoring protocol was used? Can I obtain a copy of a filled-out form, for verification of what was done? 6. Where are the data and are they in electronic format? (1) Where to obtain the data? (2) How much work is involved in data entry? 69 Colorado Wilderness Assessment: Summary of 2009 Data Collection DRAFT – 2/17/2010 Appendix C: Campsite Inventory Condition-Effort Ratings Wilderness Areas Ranger Districts Rank Wilderness Area 1 Mount Sneffels Rating NA Rank 1 Ranger District Aspen/Sopris Contact Martha Moran Rating 232 2 Collegiate Peaks 126 2 Leadville/Salida/South Park Chris Prew 3 Maroon Bells-Snowmass 86 3 Saguache Kristi Murphy 53 4 Hunter-Fryingpan 62 4 Gunnison Kai Allen 50 5 Indian Peaks 55 5 Boulder Glen Cook 46 Vic Ullrey 44 142 6 Mount Massive 53 6 Paonia 7 La Garita 46 7 Canyon Lakes Kevin Cannon 39 8 Holy Cross 45 8 Parks Jon Myers 37 9 West Elk 38 9 Sulphur Mike Ricketts 32 10 Uncompahgre 35 10 San Carlos/Salida Carl Bauer 26 T-11 Mount Zirkel 32 11 Clear Creek/South Platte Ralph Bradt 24 T-11 Sangre de Cristo 32 12 Mancos/Dolores Lloyd McNeil 21 13 Weminuche 29 T-13 Ouray Kris Ann Wist 20 John Anarella 20 T-14 Flat Tops 26 T-13 Yampa T-14 Lizard Head 26 15 Pagosa Dave Baker/Ros Wu 19 16 Raggeds 25 T-16 Dillan Cindy Ebbert 17 17 Buffalo Peaks 23 T-16 Eagle/Holy Cross Sam Massman 17 18 Eagles Nest 17 T-18 Columbine Dave Baker/Nancy Berry 13 T-19 Lost Creek 16 T-18 Divide Lisa McClure 13 T-19 Never Summer 16 20 Blanco/Rifle Ron Taussig 8 21 South San Juan 15 21 Conejos Peak Antonio Lucero 6 Kathy Peckham 5 Steve McCone 2 T-22 Cache la Poudre 11 22 Norwood T-22 Comanche Peak 11 23 Hahn Peak/Bears Ears 24 Vasquez Peak 10 T-25 Greenhorn 9 T-25 Neota 9 27 Rawah 8 28 Mount Evans 6 T-29 James Peak 4 T-29 Sarvis Creek 4 31 Fossil Ridge 3 T-32 Byers Peak 2 T-32 Powderhorn 2 T-32 Ptarmigan Peak 2 T-32 Spanish Peaks 2 T = Tied 70 Colorado Wilderness Assessment: Summary of 2009 Data Collection DRAFT – 2/17/2010 Appendix D: Campsite Inventory Figures Figure 1: Number of campsite inventories conducted in Colorado's Wilderness Areas within each year 60 Number 50 40 30 20 10 2009 2004 1999 1994 1989 1984 1979 1974 1969 1964 0 Year Inventories Conducted Ranger Districts with existing Wilderness Areas Figure 2: Number of campsite inventories conducted in Colorado's Wilderness Areas within each year including 5-year data legacy 60 40 30 20 10 2009 2004 1999 1994 1989 1984 1979 1974 1969 0 1964 Number 50 Year Inventories Conducted Ranger Districts with existing Wilderness Areas 71 Colorado Wilderness Assessment: Summary of 2009 Data Collection DRAFT – 2/17/2010 Figure 3: Number of Wilderness Areas in Colorado with complete* campsite inventories (including 5-year data legacy) 35 30 Number 25 20 15 10 5 2009 2004 1999 1994 1989 1984 1979 1974 1969 1964 0 Year Inventories Conducted Existing Wilderness Areas *complete = inventory conducted in every Ranger District within a Wilderness Area. 72