Colorado Wilderness Assessment: Summary of 2009 Data Collection DRAFT – 2/17/2010 Colorado Wilderness Assessment Summary of 2009 Data Collection DRAFT – 2/17/2010 Dusty Vaughn, M.S. Candidate, Utah State University i Colorado Wilderness Assessment: Summary of 2009 Data Collection DRAFT – 2/17/2010 Contents Introduction .................................................................................................................................................. 1 Campsite Data Inventory .......................................................................................................................... 1 Condition-Effort Rating System: ........................................................................................................... 1 Campsite Inventory Figures .................................................................................................................. 2 Exceeding Standards ................................................................................................................................. 2 Visitor Use Levels ...................................................................................................................................... 3 Data Acquisition ........................................................................................................................................ 4 Data Gaps .................................................................................................................................................. 4 Colorado’s Wilderness Areas: ....................................................................................................................... 6 Buffalo Peaks Wilderness Area ................................................................................................................. 7 Byers Peak Wilderness Area ..................................................................................................................... 8 Cache la Poudre Wilderness Area ............................................................................................................. 9 Collegiate Peaks Wilderness Area ........................................................................................................... 10 Comanche Peak Wilderness Area ........................................................................................................... 12 Eagles Nest Wilderness Area .................................................................................................................. 13 Flat Tops Wilderness Area ...................................................................................................................... 14 Fossil Ridge Wilderness Area .................................................................................................................. 15 Greenhorn Wilderness Area ................................................................................................................... 16 Holy Cross Wilderness Area .................................................................................................................... 17 Hunter-Fryingpan Wilderness Area ........................................................................................................ 18 Indian Peaks Wilderness Area ................................................................................................................. 19 James Peak Wilderness Area .................................................................................................................. 20 La Garita Wilderness Area....................................................................................................................... 21 Lizard Head Wilderness Area .................................................................................................................. 22 Lost Creek Wilderness Area .................................................................................................................... 23 Maroon Bells-Snowmass Wilderness Area ............................................................................................. 24 Mount Evans Wilderness Area ................................................................................................................ 26 Mount Massive Wilderness Area ............................................................................................................ 27 Mount Sneffels Wilderness Area ............................................................................................................ 28 Mount Zirkel Wilderness Area ................................................................................................................ 29 Neota Wilderness Area ........................................................................................................................... 30 i Cover Photo: Trappers Lake in the Flat Tops Wilderness Area, by Dusty Vaughn Colorado Wilderness Assessment: Summary of 2009 Data Collection DRAFT – 2/17/2010 Never Summer Wilderness Area ............................................................................................................. 31 Powderhorn Wilderness Area ................................................................................................................. 32 Ptarmigan Peak Wilderness Area ............................................................................................................ 33 Raggeds Wilderness Area........................................................................................................................ 34 Rawah Wilderness Area .......................................................................................................................... 35 Sangre de Cristo Wilderness Area........................................................................................................... 36 Sarvis Creek Wilderness Area ................................................................................................................. 37 South San Juan Wilderness Area............................................................................................................. 38 Spanish Peaks Wilderness Area .............................................................................................................. 39 Uncompahgre Wilderness Area .............................................................................................................. 40 Vasquez Peak Wilderness Area ............................................................................................................... 41 Weminuche Wilderness Area ................................................................................................................. 42 West Elk Wilderness Area ....................................................................................................................... 44 Appendix A: Lists of National Forest Datasets ............................................................................................ 45 Arapaho-Roosevelt National Forests ...................................................................................................... 46 Grand Mesa-Uncompahgre-Gunnison National Forests ........................................................................ 48 Medicine Bow-Routt National Forests .................................................................................................... 51 Pike-San Isabel National Forests ............................................................................................................. 58 Rio Grande National Forest..................................................................................................................... 60 San Juan National Forest......................................................................................................................... 64 White River National Forest .................................................................................................................... 67 Appendix B: Campsite Data Inventory Questionnaire ................................................................................ 69 Appendix C: Campsite Inventory Condition-Effort Ratings ......................................................................... 70 Appendix D: Campsite Inventory Figures.................................................................................................... 71 Appendix E: Exceeding Standards Table and Maps .................................................................................... 73 Appendix F: Visitor Use Table and Maps .................................................................................................. 109 ii Colorado Wilderness Assessment: Summary of 2009 Data Collection DRAFT – 2/17/2010 Introduction Following the U.S. Forest Service Region 2 Wilderness Recreation Forum Core Team’s recommendations and the Chief’s 10YWSC, a comprehensive geographic information system (GIS)-based assessment is being conducted to collect existing data that could be utilized to rapidly assess and map wilderness conditions. This assessment is being organized by Ralph Swain of the Regional Office, Dr. David Cole of the Aldo Leopold Wilderness Research Institute, and Dr. Christopher Monz and myself of Utah State University. As part of this project, I met with the Wilderness Manager and Rangers for each Ranger District that contains a portion of one of Colorado’s thirty-five Wilderness Areas during the summer of 2009. During these meetings, I collected the following information which is summarized by Wilderness Area in the following section: 1. Inventory of existing campsite data. 2. Identification of areas that exceed a set of defined standards. 3. Identification of visitor use levels. I also met with GIS personnel at each National Forest Supervisor’s Office to collect data for a related project that will attempt to model the “remoteness” of each Wilderness Area. The data I collected included boundaries, roads, trails, developments, ROS, hydrology, and terrain which will aid in mapping the proximity to population centers as well as model the time required to travel to and within each Wilderness Area. A list of the data collected in from each GIS contact is provided as Appendix A. Campsite Data Inventory With the use of a questionnaire developed by Dr. David Cole (Appendix B), an inventory of existing campsite data was completed with each Ranger District. Overall, most Wilderness Areas have been inventoried at some point. However, most of these inventories have not been entered into a computer and remain in boxes or sometimes organized into a file. The Mount Sneffels Wilderness Area has never been inventoried. Byers Peak, James Peak, Ptarmigan Peak, and Spanish Peaks Wilderness Areas are being inventoried for the first time during 2009 and 2010. Once data has been digitized, more analysis needs to be conducted on all existing inventories. Condition-Effort Rating System: Each campsite inventory was then given a rating based on its condition and effort required to bring the data into a digital format, mapped within GIS, inputted into the INFRA database, and submitted to Forest GIS personnel. A ten-point rating scale will be used, with 0 being optimal and 9 representing data that is in poor condition (Table 1). These ratings provide an estimate of the amount of time and effort required to bring the data to the optimal condition. These ratings can be used to prioritize and schedule any efforts to work on the datasets. The ratings of each Wilderness Area and each Ranger District are provided as Appendix C. The Wilderness Areas and Ranger Districts are listing according to their condition-effort rating with the highest ratings listed first. 1 Colorado Wilderness Assessment: Summary of 2009 Data Collection DRAFT – 2/17/2010 Table 1: Condition-Effort Rating Scale: 0 Data is digital and GIS files are complete, in INFRA database, and submitted to Forest GIS personnel 1 Data is digital and GIS files are complete but needs to be reviewed 2 Data is digital but needs to be georeferenced in GIS using GPS/coordinates 3 Data is digital but needs to be georeferenced in GIS using map markings/location sketches 4 Data is digital but needs to be reviewed for any spatial referecences for georeferencing in GIS 5 Data needs to be digitized but has been georeferenced in GIS 6 Data needs to be digitized and georeferenced in GIS using GPS/coordinates 7 Data needs to be digitized and georeferenced in GIS using map markings/location sketches 8 Data needs to be digitized and reviewed for any spatial references for georeferencing in GIS 9 Data needs to be reviewed before digitizing and georeferencing can begin (Unknowns and Code-a-Sites) Campsite Inventory Figures Campsite inventories were then graphed in various ways to illustrate any differences between the number of inventories conducted with the number of existing Wilderness Areas through time (Appendix D). Figure 1 illustrates the number of campsite inventories completed by each Ranger District was compared with the total number of Ranger Districts with existing Wilderness Areas. Figure 2 is a modified version of figure 1 which illustrates a five-year data legacy for each inventory conducted. Figure 3 illustrates the number of Wilderness Areas that had an inventory completed within each Ranger District and includes a five-year data legacy. Overall, establishment of Wilderness Areas has outpaced the number of campsite inventories conducted. A surge of campsite inventories occurred in 2009 due to focused efforts at the Regional level. Exceeding Standards Standards are the minimally acceptable condition of the resource. Standards identify the maximum allowable degradation. These standards are defined in each forest’s management plan. To map standards compliance across the State, the areas that meet the following criteria were identified and mapped: 1. System trails with problem areas extending more than a half mile, rutting greater than twelve inches, width greater than forty-eight inches, and boggy trail surface. 2. Areas where campsites are out of compliance with existing biophysical standards. 3. Corridors where social encounters exceed the existing standards for each Wilderness Area’s Recreation Opportunity Specturm (ROS) as defined in the Forest Plan (Table 2). Table 2: Forest Plan Social Encounter Standards by National Forest Social Encounter Standards (parties per day) Pristine 1.11/8A Primitive 1.12/8B Arapaho 1 2 4 Gunnison 2 6 20 Pike 2 6 20 Rio Grande 1 5 12 Roosevelt 1 2 4 Routt 2 3 4 National Forest Semi-Primitive 1.13/8C 2 Colorado Wilderness Assessment: Summary of 2009 Data Collection DRAFT – 2/17/2010 San Isabel 2 6 20 San Juan 1 5 12 Uncompahgre 2 6 20 White River 2 12 20 4. Areas where social trails are more than a half mile long and resemble official trails, such as crossovers, hunter, guide, horse, and peak trails. Of the thirty-five Wilderness Areas reviewed, only the Greeenhorn and Powderhorn Wilderness Areas were found to not contain areas where any standard was being exceeded. The Sangre de Cristo Wilderness Area contained the most with sixty-five areas identified as exceeding standards. For exceeding system trail standards, one hundred fifty-eight trail sections were identified with the Weminuche Wilderness Area containing the most with seventeen. For exceeding campsite standards, one hundred ninety-one sites were identified with the Sangre de Cristo Wilderness Area containing the most with thirty-seven. For exceeding social encounter standards, eighty-nine corridors were identified with both the Eagles Nest and Indian Peaks Wilderness Areas containing the most with twelve in each area. For exceeding social trail standards, one hundred forty-two trails were identified with the West Elk Wilderness Area containing the most with twenty-two. Nine other areas were identified as exceeding other standards and included old roads, a historic cabin, stock driveways, and an area were the density of trails exceeded Forest Plan standards. A summary table and individual Wilderness Area maps showing areas exceeding standards is provided as Appendix E. Visitor Use Levels In order to compare visitation levels across the state, standardized visitation levels were identified and mapped in each Wilderness Area. For each Wilderness Area, during the summer use period, average daily visitor use levels were divided into the following levels: 1. 2. 3. 4. Magnet areas are those that receive greater than two hundred visitors per day. High use areas receive between fifty to two hundred visitors per day. Medium use areas receive between ten to fifty visitors per day. Low use areas receive less than ten visitors per day and include all areas not identified in the medium, high, and magnet areas. The Greenhorn, Powderhorn, and Vasquez Peak Wilderness Areas have the lowest visitor use levels which were below the medium requirement of ten visitors per day. Eagles Nest, Indian Peaks, and Maroon Bells-Snowmass Wilderness Areas were the only ones to contain magnet visitor use corridors. The Eagles Nest Wilderness Area has the most high visitor use areas with seven corridors being identified. The Maroon Bells-Snowmass Wilderness Area has the most medium visitor use areas with seventeen corridors being identified. Overall, three magnet, thirty-six high, and one hundred thirty-nine medium visitor use areas were identified. 3 Colorado Wilderness Assessment: Summary of 2009 Data Collection DRAFT – 2/17/2010 A summary table and individual Wilderness Area maps showing visitor use areas are provided as Appendix F. Data Acquisition With the use of a tablet laptop and ESRI’s ArcGIS software, areas were marked and labeled on georeferenced base map as to the location and extent of areas that exceed standards as well as visitor use levels. Locations that match any of the four definitions of exceeding standards identified above were recorded as polygons and their corresponding definition was recorded in the feature’s attribute table. Visitor use mapping involved a process of elimination, with magnet areas being identified first followed by areas with high visitor use and medium visitor use. All remaining areas are considered to have low levels of visitor use. Visitor use areas are marked as polygons (with the level of use as an attribute) to mark the general corridor through which use occurs, such as an entire area between two ridge lines when a trail is located in a valley. By using a standardized system of collecting data of areas that exceed standards as well as visitor use levels allows for a statewide comparison of each Wilderness Area. These maps show where resource conditions are being impacted beyond defined standards and where visitors are going within Wilderness Areas across the state. Data Gaps As previously stated, the Mount Sneffels and Wilderness Area has never been inventoried. The Byers Peak, James Peak, Ptarmigan Peak, and Spanish Peaks Wilderness Areas are being inventoried for the first time during 2009 and 2010. The Gunnison and Sopris Ranger Districts did not have any record of a campsite inventory being conducted on their portion of the Raggeds Wilderness Area. The Conejos Peak Ranger District did not have any record of a campsite inventory being conducted on their portion of the Sangre de Cristo Wilderness Area. Areas exceeding social encounter standards were unable to be identified in the Sulphur and Gunnison Ranger Districts. For the Sulphur Ranger District, Andrew Sauthoff did not have access to a map showing the WROS boundaries. He also did not know the social encounter limits for each zone. This affects the mapping of exceeding social encounter standards for the entire Byers Peak and Vasquez Peak Wilderness Areas and parts of the Indian Peaks and Never Summer Wilderness Areas. For the Gunnison Ranger District, Kai Allen also did not have adequate WROS maps available to identify where social encounters were being exceeded. This affects the mapping of exceeding social encounter standards for the entire Fossil Ridge and Powderhorn Wilderness Areas and parts of the Collegiate Peaks, La Garita, Maroon Bells-Snowmass, Raggeds, Uncompahgre, and West Elk Wilderness Areas. For the South San Juan and Weminuche Wilderness Areas, the identification of areas exceeding social encounter and social trail standards as well as visitor use levels is not mapped for the Pagosa Ranger District since Ros Wu was unable to attend the entire meeting. Additionally, Nancy Berry of the Columbine Ranger District may have knowledge of more sites and corridors that exceed the defined standards as well as visitor use levels. Nancy was unable to attend the meeting with Dave Baker and Ros Wu. 4 Colorado Wilderness Assessment: Summary of 2009 Data Collection DRAFT – 2/17/2010 Since our meeting, I have been able to generate ROS maps and obtain social encounter standards for each zone. I have sent both Andrew and Kai a copy of this information with instructions to identify the areas that are exceeding the standards. I informed Dave Baker at the end of our meeting about the data that I still need from Ros and potentially Nancy. I expect to have this information from them no later than the upcoming Winter Wilderness Managers meeting which is scheduled to occur March 2010. During this meeting, I will have maps of each Wilderness Area available for each manager to review and update as needed. 5 Colorado Wilderness Assessment: Summary of 2009 Data Collection DRAFT – 2/17/2010 Colorado’s Wilderness Areas: Map from Region 2 Wilderness Recreation Forums Core Team Regional Forester Presentation, February 20, 2007. Note: Even though the Platte River Wilderness Area is included in the above map, it is not included in the statewide assessment since only a small portion the Wilderness Area lies within Colorado. 6 Colorado Wilderness Assessment: Summary of 2009 Data Collection DRAFT – 2/17/2010 Buffalo Peaks Wilderness Area Lead Manager: Acreage: Established: National Forests: Pike: San Isabel: Chris Prew 43,410 8/13/1993 Ranger Districts: South Park Leadville Salida 719-486-7409 103-77 Contacts: Chris Prew Chris Prew Steve Sunday Loretta McEllhiney Chris Prew E-mails: Meeting: 8/10/2009 Campsite Inventory: Year: Ranger District: Protocol: Digital? 1979 1984-85 1995-98 2009 Leadville/Salida/South Park Leadville/Salida/South Park Leadville/Salida/South Park Leadville/Salida/South Park Frissel Frissel Modified Cole Rapid Cole no no no yes Entire Area? no no yes yes OffTrail? some* some* some* yes Photos? yes yes yes yes C-E Rating: 7 7 7 2 Georeference: Drawn on map Drawn on map Drawn on map GIS - GPS coordinates *Some = “a couple hundred yards off of the trail in most areas.” Total Condition-Effort Rating: 23 Keeper of Data: Chris Prew Mapping Exceeding Standards: Standard: System Trails Campsites Social Encounters Social Trails Other Mapping Visitor Use Levels: Level: Magnet High Medium Low Mapped? yes n/a n/a n/a n/a Mapped? n/a n/a yes no Notes: 2 sections Not exceeded Not exceeded Not exceeded Notes: 1 corridor Assumed to be all remaining areas Data Gaps: Not encountered 7 Colorado Wilderness Assessment: Summary of 2009 Data Collection DRAFT – 2/17/2010 Byers Peak Wilderness Area Lead Manager: Acreage: Established: National Forests: Arapaho: Mike Ricketts 8,193 8/13/1993 Ranger Districts: Sulphur 970-887-4133 103-77 Contacts: Andrew Sauthoff E-mails: Meeting: 8/5/2009 Campsite Inventory: Year: Ranger District: Protocol: Digital? 2009 Sulphur Rapid Cole yes Entire Area? yes OffTrail? yes Photos? yes Georeference: GIS - GPS coordinates C-E Rating: 2 Total Condition-Effort Rating: 2 Keeper of Data: Mike Ricketts Mapping Exceeding Standards: Standard: System Trails Campsites Social Encounters Social Trails Other Mapping Visitor Use Levels: Level: Magnet High Medium Low Mapped? n/a yes no yes yes Mapped? n/a n/a yes no Notes: Not exceeded 2 sites see Data Gaps below 1 trail 2 old Jeep trails Notes: 1 corridor Assumed to be all remaining areas Data Gaps: Andrew did not have access to a map showing ROS across the Wilderness Area as well as defined social encounter standards for each zone. 8 Colorado Wilderness Assessment: Summary of 2009 Data Collection DRAFT – 2/17/2010 Cache la Poudre Wilderness Area Lead Manager: Acreage: Established: National Forests: Roosevelt: Kevin Cannon 9,308 12/22/1980 Ranger Districts: Canyon Lakes 970-295-6722 96-560 Contacts: Kevin Cannon E-mails: Meeting: 8/7/2009 Campsite Inventory: Year: Ranger District: Protocol: Digital? 1982-83 2006 Canyon Lakes Canyon Lakes Code-a-Site Modified Cole no yes Entire Area? no yes OffTrail? no yes Photos? Georeference: no yes Sketch on form Coordinates C-E Rating: 9 2 Total Condition-Effort Rating: 11 Keeper of Data: Kevin Cannon Mapping Exceeding Standards: Standard: Mapped? System Trails yes Campsites n/a Social Encounters n/a Social Trails n/a Other yes Mapping Visitor Use Levels: Level: Magnet High Medium Low Notes: 1 section Not exceeded Not exceeded Not exceeded Unofficial car camping along Wilderness boundary Mapped? n/a n/a yes no Notes: 1 corridor Assumed to be all remaining areas Data Gaps: Not encountered 9 Colorado Wilderness Assessment: Summary of 2009 Data Collection DRAFT – 2/17/2010 Collegiate Peaks Wilderness Area Lead Manager: Acreage: Established: National Forests: Gunnison: San Isabel: Chris Prew 167,996 12/22/1980 Ranger Districts: Gunnison Leadville White River: Salida Aspen 719-486-7409 96-560 Contacts: Kai Allen Chris Prew Steve Sunday Loretta McEllhiney Chris Prew Martha Moran Kevin Warner E-mails: Meeting: 8/12/2009 8/10/2009 8/4/2009 Campsite Inventory: Year: Ranger District: Protocol: unknown 1979 1985 1987 1989 1991 1994 1995 1996 1999 2000 2001 2004 2005 2006 2007 2007-08 Leadville/Salida Leadville/Salida Leadville/Salida Leadville/Salida Aspen/Sopris Aspen/Sopris Aspen/Sopris Aspen/Sopris Aspen/Sopris Aspen/Sopris Aspen/Sopris Aspen/Sopris Aspen/Sopris Aspen/Sopris Aspen/Sopris Leadville/Salida Gunnison Code-a-Site Frissel Frissel Frissel Frissel Frissel Frissel Frissel Frissel Frissel Frissel Frissel Frissel Frissel Frissel Modified Cole Modified Cole Digital? no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no yes Entire Area? no unknown unknown unknown no no no no no no no no no no no no yes OffTrail? no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no yes Photos? Georeference: no yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes Sketch on form Drawn on map Drawn on map Drawn on map Description Description Description Description Description Description Description Description Description Description Description Coordinates Coordinates C-E Rating: 9 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 6 2 Total Condition-Effort Rating: 126 Notes: 1979 and 1985 inventory used the same protocol/form. 1987 through 2006 inventory used the same protocol/form. 2007 and 2007-2008 inventory used the same protocol/form. Keeper of Data: Unknown (Code-a-Site), 1979, 1985, 1987, 2007: Chris Prew 1989 through 2006: Martha Moran and Kevin Warner 2007-08: Kai Allen 10 Colorado Wilderness Assessment: Summary of 2009 Data Collection DRAFT – 2/17/2010 Collegiate Peaks Wilderness Area continued… Mapping Exceeding Standards: Standard: Mapped? Notes: System Trails yes 15 sections Campsites yes 8 sites Social Encounters yes* 4 corridors Social Trails yes 8 trails Other yes Historic cabin and road *Social Encounters not mapped for Gunnison Ranger District (see Data Gaps below). Mapping Visitor Use Levels: Level: Magnet High Medium Low Mapped? n/a yes yes no Notes: 5 corridors 6 corridors Assumed to be all remaining areas Data Gaps: Kai (Gunnison Ranger District) did not have adequate ROS maps available to identify where social encounters were being exceeded. 11 Colorado Wilderness Assessment: Summary of 2009 Data Collection DRAFT – 2/17/2010 Comanche Peak Wilderness Area Lead Manager: Acreage: Established: National Forests: Roosevelt: Kevin Cannon 66,901 12/22/1980 Ranger Districts: Canyon Lakes 970-295-6722 96-560 Contacts: Kevin Cannon E-mails: Meeting: 8/7/2009 Campsite Inventory: Year: Ranger District: Protocol: Digital? 1982-83 2006-08 Canyon Lakes Canyon Lakes Code-a-Site Modified Cole no yes Entire Area? no yes OffTrail? no yes Photos? Georeference: no yes Sketch on Form Coordinates C-E Rating: 9 2 Total Condition-Effort Rating: 11 Keeper of Data: Kevin Cannon Mapping Exceeding Standards: Standard: System Trails Campsites Social Encounters Social Trails Other Mapping Visitor Use Levels: Level: Magnet High Medium Low Mapped? yes yes yes n/a n/a Mapped? n/a yes yes no Notes: 4 sections 1 site 5 corridors Not exceeded Notes: 1 corridor 4 corridors Assumed to be all remaining areas Data Gaps: Not encountered 12 Colorado Wilderness Assessment: Summary of 2009 Data Collection DRAFT – 2/17/2010 Eagles Nest Wilderness Area Lead Manager: Acreage: Established: National Forests: White River: Cindy Ebbert 133,496 7/12/1976 Ranger Districts: Holy Cross Dillan 970-262-3452 94-352 Contacts: Sam Massman Cindy Ebbert E-mails: Meeting: 8/5/2009 8/11/2009 Campsite Inventory: Year: 1997 2006-07 2008 2009 Ranger District: Dillan Dillan Holy Cross Dillan Protocol: Cole Modified Cole Rapid Cole Rapid Cole Digital? no no yes yes Entire Area? no no yes yes OffTrail? no yes yes yes Photos? no yes yes yes Georeference: Drawn on map Coordinates GIS - GPS coordinates GIS - GPS coordinates C-E Rating: 7 6 2 2 Total Condition-Effort Rating: 17 Keeper of Data: 1997, 2006-07, 2009: Cindy Ebbert 2008: Sam Massman Mapping Exceeding Standards: Standard: System Trails Campsites Social Encounters Social Trails Other Mapping Visitor Use Levels: Level: Magnet High Medium Low Mapped? yes yes yes yes n/a Mapped? yes yes yes no Notes: 7 sections 10 sites 12 corridors 9 trails Notes: 1 corridor 7 corridors 13 corridors Assumed to be all remaining areas Data Gaps: Not encountered 13 Colorado Wilderness Assessment: Summary of 2009 Data Collection DRAFT – 2/17/2010 Flat Tops Wilderness Area Lead Manager: Acreage: Established: National Forests: Routt: White River: Ron Taussig 235,406 12/12/1975 Ranger Districts: Yampa Blanco Rifle Eagle 970-878-6007 94-146 Contacts: John Anarella Ron Taussig Aaron Grimes Ron Taussig Sam Massman E-mails: Meeting: 7/29/2009 7/29/2009 8/5/2009 Campsite Inventory: Year: Ranger District: Protocol: Digital? 1976 1985 1991 2005 2009 Ongoing* Blanco/Rifle Yampa Yampa Yampa Eagle Blanco/Rifle Frissel Frissel Frissel/Cole Frissel/Cole Rapid Cole Modified Cole no no no yes yes yes Entire Area? no no yes yes yes yes OffTrail? no no yes yes yes yes Photos? no no yes yes yes yes Georeference: Drawn on map Description GPS GPS GIS - GPS coordinates GIS - GPS coordinates C-E Rating: 7 8 6 2 2 1 *In the Blanco/Rifle Ranger Districts, Ron has divided the Wilderness into 5 sections which are rotated through an annual inventory using a Modified Cole protocol. This dataset is digital and mapped in ArcGIS with attribute information and linked to site photos. Total Condition-Effort Rating: 26 Keeper of Data: 1976, Ongoing: Ron Taussig 1985, 1991, 2005: John Anarella 2009: Sam Massman Mapping Exceeding Standards: Standard: System Trails Campsites Social Encounters Social Trails Other Mapping Visitor Use Levels: Level: Magnet High Medium Low Mapped? yes yes n/a yes yes Mapped? n/a n/a yes no Notes: 8 sections 9 sites Not exceeded 3 trails 2 stock driveways Notes: 4 corridors Assumed to be all remaining areas Data Gaps: Not encountered 14 Colorado Wilderness Assessment: Summary of 2009 Data Collection DRAFT – 2/17/2010 Fossil Ridge Wilderness Area Lead Manager: Acreage: Established: National Forests: Gunnison: Kai Allen 31,716 8/13/1993 Ranger Districts: Gunnison 970-642-4417 103-77 Contacts: Kai Allen E-mails: Meeting: 8/12/2009 Campsite Inventory: Year: Ranger District: Protocol: 2002 2009 Gunnison Gunnison Modified Cole Modified Cole Digital? yes yes Entire Area? yes yes OffTrail? no yes Photos? yes yes Georeference: GIS - GPS coordinates GPS C-E Rating: 1 2 Total Condition-Effort Rating: 3 Keeper of Data: 2002, 2009: Kai Allen 2002 GIS data: Carol Howe, GMUG Resource Information Specialist, Mapping Exceeding Standards: Standard: System Trails Campsites Social Encounters Social Trails Other Mapping Visitor Use Levels: Level: Magnet High Medium Low Mapped? yes yes no yes n/a Mapped? n/a n/a yes no Notes: 5 sections 3 sites See Data Gaps below 6 trails Notes: 2 corridors Assumed to be all remaining areas Data Gaps: Kai did not have adequate ROS maps available to identify where social encounters were being exceeded. 15 Colorado Wilderness Assessment: Summary of 2009 Data Collection DRAFT – 2/17/2010 Greenhorn Wilderness Area Lead Manager: Acreage: Established: National Forests: San Isabel: Jeffer Wingate 22,858 8/13/1993 Ranger Districts: San Carlos 719-742-3681 103-77 Contacts: Carl Bauer Mike Smith E-mails: Meeting: 8/20/2009 Campsite Inventory: Year: Ranger District: Protocol: Digital? 1992-95 2008 San Carlos San Carlos Frissel Rapid Cole no yes Entire Area? yes yes OffTrail? yes yes Photos? yes yes Georeference: Drawn on map GIS - GPS coordinates C-E Rating: 7 2 Total Condition-Effort Rating: 9 Keeper of Data: Carl Bauer Mapping Exceeding Standards: Standard: System Trails Campsites Social Encounters Social Trails Other Mapping Visitor Use Levels: Level: Magnet High Medium Low Mapped? n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Mapped? n/a n/a n/a No Notes: Not exceeded Not exceeded Not exceeded Not exceeded Notes: Assumed to be all remaining areas Data Gaps: Not encountered 16 Colorado Wilderness Assessment: Summary of 2009 Data Collection DRAFT – 2/17/2010 Holy Cross Wilderness Area Lead Manager: Acreage: Established: National Forests: San Isabel: Sam Massman 123,409 12/22/1980 Ranger Districts: Leadville White River: Eagle Holy Cross Sopris 970-827-5162 96-560 Contacts: Chris Prew Steve Sunday Loretta McEllhiney Sam Massman Sam Massman Martha Moran Kevin Warner E-mails: Meeting: 8/10/2009 8/5/2009 8/4/2009 Campsite Inventory: Year: Ranger District: Protocol: Digital? 1984-85 1987 1989 1993 1995 2008 2009 Leadville Leadville Eagle/Holy Cross Leadville Leadville Eagle/Holy Cross Eagle/Holy Cross Sopris Code-a-Site Frissel Unknown Frissel Modified Cole Cole Rapid Cole Rapid Cole no no no no no yes yes yes Total Condition-Effort Rating: 45 Keeper of Data: 1984-85, 1987, 1993, 1995: Chris Prew 1989, 2008, 2009: Sam Massman 2009: Martha Moran and Kevin Warner Mapping Exceeding Standards: Standard: Mapped? System Trails yes Campsites yes Social Encounters yes Social Trails yes Other n/a Mapping Visitor Use Levels: Level: Magnet High Medium Low Mapped? n/a yes yes no Entire Area? no no no no no no yes yes OffTrail? no no no no no no yes yes Photos? no no no no no no yes yes Georeference: Sketch on form Drawn on map Description Drawn on map Drawn on map Coordinates GIS - GPS Coordinates GIS - GPS Coordinates C-E Rating: 9 7 9 7 7 2 2 2 Notes: 7 sections 11 sites 5 corridors 5 trails Notes: 2 corridors 8 corridors Assumed to be all remaining areas Data Gaps: Not encountered 17 Colorado Wilderness Assessment: Summary of 2009 Data Collection DRAFT – 2/17/2010 Hunter-Fryingpan Wilderness Area Lead Manager: Acreage: Established: National Forests: White River: Martha Moran 82,066 2/24/1978 8/13/1993 Ranger Districts: Aspen Sopris 970-945-3312 95-273 103-77 Contacts: Martha Moran Kevin Warner Martha Moran Kevin Warner E-mails: Meeting: 8/4/2009 Campsite Inventory: Year: Ranger District: Protocol: Digital? 1988 1989 1990 1991 1993 1995 1996 1998 1999 2000 2001 2003 2004 2005 2006 2009 Aspen Aspen Aspen Aspen Aspen Aspen Aspen Aspen Aspen Aspen Aspen Aspen Aspen Aspen Aspen Aspen/Sopris Frissel Frissel Frissel Frissel Frissel Frissel Frissel Frissel Frissel Frissel Frissel Frissel Frissel Frissel Frissel Rapid Cole yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes Entire Area? no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no yes OffTrail? no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no yes Photos? yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes Georeference: Description Description Description Description Description Description Description Description Description Description Description Description Description Description Description GIS - GPS coordinates C-E Rating: 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 2 Total Condition-Effort Rating: 62 Keeper of Data: Martha Moran and Kevin Warner Mapping Exceeding Standards: Standard: Mapped? Notes: System Trails yes 1 section Campsites yes 2 sites Social Encounters n/a Not exceeded Social Trails yes 9 trails Other n/a Mapping Visitor Use Levels: Level: Mapped? Notes: Magnet n/a High yes 2 corridors Medium yes 1 corridor Low no Assumed to be all remaining areas Data Gaps: Not encountered 18 Colorado Wilderness Assessment: Summary of 2009 Data Collection DRAFT – 2/17/2010 Indian Peaks Wilderness Area Lead Manager: Acreage: Established: Glen Cook 303-541-2521 74,794 10/11/1978 95-450 12/22/1980 96-560 3/30/2009 111-11 National Forests: Ranger Districts: Contacts: E-mails: Meeting: Arapaho: Sulphur Andrew Sauthoff 8/5/2009 Roosevelt: Boulder Glen Cook 8/11/2009 *Part of this Wilderness Area is managed by the National Park Service. Campsite Inventory: Year: Ranger District: Protocol: 1978 1979 1983 1984-87 1989-91 1997-99 2002-03 2009 Boulder Sulphur Boulder Boulder Boulder Boulder Boulder Sulphur Boulder Frissel Code-a-Site Frissel Frissel Frissel Frissel Frissel Rapid Cole Rapid Cole Digital? no no no no no no no yes yes Entire Area? no no no no no no no yes yes OffTrail? no no no no no no no yes yes Photos? no yes no yes yes yes yes yes yes Georeference: Drawn on map Sketch on form Drawn on map Drawn on map Drawn on map Drawn on map Drawn on map GIS - GPS Coordinates GIS - GPS Coordinates C-E Rating: 7 9 7 7 7 7 7 2 2 Total Condition-Effort Rating: 55 Keeper of Data: 1978, 1983 through 2002-03, 2009: Glen Cook 1979, 2009: Mike Ricketts Mapping Exceeding Standards: Standard: Mapped? Notes: System Trails yes 5 sections Campsites yes 12 sites Social Encounters yes* 12 corridors Social Trails yes 6 trails Other n/a *Social Encounters not mapped for Sulphur Ranger District (see Data Gaps below). Mapping Visitor Use Levels: Level: Mapped? Notes: Magnet yes 1 corridor High yes 3 corridors Medium yes 11 corridors Low no Assumed to be all remaining areas Data Gaps: Andrew did not have access to a map showing ROS across the Wilderness Area as well as defined social encounter standards for each zone. 19 Colorado Wilderness Assessment: Summary of 2009 Data Collection DRAFT – 2/17/2010 James Peak Wilderness Area Lead Manager: Acreage: Established: National Forests: Arapaho: Roosevelt: Glen Cook 14,000 8/21/2002 Ranger Districts: Clear Creek Boulder 303-541-2521 107-216 Contacts: Ralph Bradt Glen Cook E-mails: Meeting: 8/10/2009 8/11/2009 Campsite Inventory: Year: 2009 Ranger District: Clear Creek Boulder Protocol: Digital? Rapid Cole Rapid Cole yes yes Entire Area? yes yes OffTrail? yes yes Photos? yes yes Georeference: GIS - GPS Coordinates GIS - GPS Coordinates C-E Rating: 2 2 Total Condition-Effort Rating: 4 Keeper of Data: 2009: Ralph Bradt 2009: Glen Cook Mapping Exceeding Standards: Standard: System Trails Campsites Social Encounters Social Trails Other Mapping Visitor Use Levels: Level: Magnet High Medium Low Mapped? n/a yes yes yes yes Mapped? n/a n/a yes no Notes: Not exceeded 6 sites 3 corridors 2 trails Old road Notes: 1 corridor Assumed to be all remaining areas Data Gaps: Not encountered 20 Colorado Wilderness Assessment: Summary of 2009 Data Collection DRAFT – 2/17/2010 La Garita Wilderness Area Lead Manager: Acreage: Established: Kai Allen 128,859 9/3/1964 12/22/1980 8/13/1993 National Forests: Ranger Districts: Gunnison: Gunnison Rio Grande: Saguache Divide Campsite Inventory: Year: 1986 1991 1998 2000 2002 2009 Ranger District: Saguache Saguache Saguache Saguache Divide Gunnison Saguache Gunnison Saguache Divide Protocol: Unknown Frissel Unknown Cole Cole Modified Cole Modified Cole Modified Cole Rapid Cole Rapid Cole 970-642-4417 88-577 96-560 103-77 Contacts: Kai Allen Kristi Murphy Lisa McClure E-mails: Digital? no no no no no no no yes yes yes Entire Area? no no no no no yes no yes yes yes OffTrail? no no no no no no no yes yes yes Meeting: 8/12/2009 8/12/2009 8/18/2009 Photos? Georeference: no yes yes unknown unknown no yes yes yes yes Drawn on map Drawn on map Drawn on map GIS - GPS Coordinates GIS - GPS Coordinates GIS - GPS Coordinates GPS GPS GIS - GPS Coordinates GIS - GPS Coordinates C-E Rating: 9 7 7 5 5 1 6 2 2 2 Total Condition-Effort Rating: 46 Keeper of Data: 1986, 1991, 1998, 2002, 2009: Kristi Murphy 2000 GIS data: Mark Applequist, RG GIS Coordinator, 2002, 2009: Kai Allen 2009: Lisa McClure Mapping Exceeding Standards: Standard: System Trails Campsites Social Encounters Social Trails Other Mapped? yes yes yes* yes n/a Notes: 7 sections 2 sites 2 corridors 6 trails *Social Encounters not mapped for Gunnison Ranger District (see Data Gaps below). Mapping Visitor Use Levels: Level: Magnet High Medium Low Mapped? n/a yes yes no Notes: 1 corridor 5 corridors Assumed to be all remaining areas Data Gaps: Kai (Gunnison Ranger District) did not have adequate ROS maps available to identify where social encounters were being exceeded. 21 Colorado Wilderness Assessment: Summary of 2009 Data Collection DRAFT – 2/17/2010 Lizard Head Wilderness Area Lead Manager: Acreage: Established: National Forests: Uncompahgre: San Juan: Kathy Peckham 41,496 12/22/1980 Ranger Districts: Norwood Mancos/Dolores 970-240-5418 96-560 Contacts: Kathy Peckham Lloyd McNeil E-mails: Meeting: 7/27/2009 8/14/2009 Campsite Inventory: Year: Ranger District: Protocol: Digital? 1988-92 1988 1992 2002-03 2006-07 2009 Norwood Mancos/Dolores Mancos/Dolores Mancos/Dolores Mancos/Dolores Mancos/Dolores Frissel Frissel Frissel Unknown Cole Unknown no no no no yes yes Entire Area? yes yes yes no no no OffTrail? no no no no no no Photos? Georeference: yes unknown unknown no yes yes GIS - map markings GIS - map markings GIS - map markings Sketch on form GIS - GPS coordinates GIS - GPS coordinates C-E Rating: 5 5 5 9 1 1 Total Condition-Effort Rating: 26 Keeper of Data: 1988-92: Kathy Peckham 1988, 1990, 1992, 2009 GIS data: Carol Howe, GMUG Resource Information Specialist, 2002-03: Lloyd McNeil 2006-2007: Dave Baker 2006 GIS Data: Jessey Ramirez, SJ GIS Specialist, Mapping Exceeding Standards: Standard: System Trails Campsites Social Encounters Social Trails Other Mapping Visitor Use Levels: Level: Magnet High Medium Low Mapped? yes yes yes yes n/a Mapped? n/a n/a yes no Notes: 4 sections 2 sites 3 corridors 4 trails Notes: 4 corridors Assumed to be all remaining areas Data Gaps: Not encountered 22 Colorado Wilderness Assessment: Summary of 2009 Data Collection DRAFT – 2/17/2010 Lost Creek Wilderness Area Lead Manager: Acreage: Established: National Forests: Pike: Lisa Heagley 120,151 12/22/1980 8/13/1993 Ranger Districts: South Platte 303-275-5629 96-560 103-77 Contacts: Ralph Bradt E-mails: Meeting: 8/10/2009 Campsite Inventory: Year: Ranger District: Protocol: 1990 1992 2002 2009 South Platte South Platte South Platte South Platte Frissel Modified Cole Modified Cole Rapid Cole Digital? no yes yes yes Entire Area? unknown yes yes yes OffTrail? no no no yes Photos? no yes yes yes Georeference: unknown Drawn on map Coordinates GIS - GPS coordinates C-E Rating: 9 3 2 2 Note: 2002 and 2009 inventory used the same form/protocol. Total Condition-Effort Rating: 16 Keeper of Data: Ralph Bradt Mapping Exceeding Standards: Standard: System Trails Campsites Social Encounters Social Trails Other Mapping Visitor Use Levels: Level: Magnet High Medium Low Mapped? yes yes yes yes n/a Mapped? n/a n/a yes no Notes: 2 sections 4 sites 4 corridors 4 trails Notes: 1 corridor Assumed to be all remaining areas Data Gaps: Not encountered 23 Colorado Wilderness Assessment: Summary of 2009 Data Collection DRAFT – 2/17/2010 Maroon Bells-Snowmass Wilderness Area Lead Manager: Acreage: Established: National Forests: Gunnison: White River: Martha Moran 183,847 9/3/1964 12/22/1980 Ranger Districts: Gunnison Sopris Aspen 970-945-3312 88-577 96-560 Contacts: Kai Allen Martha Moran Kevin Warner Martha Moran Kevin Warner E-mails: Meeting: 8/12/2009 8/4/2009 Campsite Inventory: Year: Ranger Districts: Protocol: 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 Aspen/Sopris Aspen/Sopris Aspen/Sopris Aspen/Sopris Aspen/Sopris Aspen/Sopris Gunnison Aspen/Sopris Aspen/Sopris Aspen/Sopris Aspen/Sopris Aspen/Sopris Aspen/Sopris Aspen/Sopris Aspen/Sopris Aspen/Sopris Aspen/Sopris Aspen/Sopris Aspen/Sopris Aspen/Sopris Aspen/Sopris Aspen/Sopris Gunnison Aspen/Sopris Frissel Frissel Frissel Frissel Frissel Frissel Frissel Frissel Frissel Frissel Frissel Frissel Frissel Frissel Frissel Frissel Frissel Frissel Frissel Modified Cole Modified Cole Modified Cole Rapid Cole Rapid Cole 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2009 Digital? yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes Entire Area? no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no yes yes OffTrail? no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no yes yes Photos? yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes Georeference: Description Description Description Description Description Description Description Description Description Description Description Description Description Description Description Description Description Description Description Coordinates Coordinates Coordinates GIS - GPS Coordinates GIS - GPS Coordinates C-E Rating: 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 2 2 2 2 2 Note: The Aspen/Sopris Ranger District has published their data online at Total Condition-Effort Rating: 86 Keeper of Data: 1984 through 2004, 2009: Martha Moran and Kevin Warner 2009: Kai Allen 24 Colorado Wilderness Assessment: Summary of 2009 Data Collection DRAFT – 2/17/2010 Maroon-Bells Wilderness Area continued… Mapping Exceeding Standards: Standard: Mapped? Notes: System Trails yes 14 sections Campsites yes 14 sites Social Encounters yes* 9 corridors Social Trails yes 16 trails Other yes Old road *Social Encounters not mapped for Gunnison Ranger District (see Data Gaps below). Mapping Visitor Use Levels: Level: Magnet High Medium Low Mapped? yes yes yes no Notes: 1 corridor 4 corridors 17 corridors Assumed to be all remaining areas Data Gaps: Kai (Gunnison Ranger District) did not have adequate ROS maps available to identify where social encounters were being exceeded. 25 Colorado Wilderness Assessment: Summary of 2009 Data Collection DRAFT – 2/17/2010 Mount Evans Wilderness Area Lead Manager: Acreage: Established: National Forests: Arapaho: Pike: Lisa Heagley 74,401 12/22/1980 Ranger Districts: Clear Creek South Platte 303-275-5629 96-560 Contacts: Ralph Bradt Ralph Bradt E-mails: Meeting: 8/10/2009 Campsite Inventory: Year: Ranger District: Protocol: Digital? 1992 2002 2009 Clear Creek/South Platte Clear Creek/South Platte Clear Creek/South Platte Modified Cole Modified Cole Rapid Cole yes yes yes Entire Area? yes yes yes OffTrail? no no yes Photos? yes yes yes C-E Rating: 2 2 2 Georeference: GPS GPS GIS - GPS coordinates Total Condition-Effort Rating: 6 Keeper of Data: Ralph Bradt Mapping Exceeding Standards: Standard: System Trails Campsites Social Encounters Social Trails Other Mapping Visitor Use Levels: Level: Magnet High Medium Low Mapped? yes yes yes yes n/a Mapped? n/a yes yes no Notes: 2 sections 2 sites 5 corridors 1 trail Notes: 1 corridor 1 corridor Assumed to be all remaining areas Data Gaps: Not encountered 26 Colorado Wilderness Assessment: Summary of 2009 Data Collection DRAFT – 2/17/2010 Mount Massive Wilderness Area Lead Manager: Acreage: Established: National Forests: San Isabel: Chris Prew 28,047 12/22/1980 Ranger Districts: Leadville 719-486-7409 96-560 Contacts: E-mails: Meeting: Chris Prew 8/10/2009 Steve Sunday Loretta McEllhiney *Part of this Wilderness Area is managed by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Campsite Inventory: Year: Ranger District: Protocol: Digital? 1985 1987 1991 1992 1993 1996 1997-2008 2009 Leadville Leadville Leadville Leadville Leadville Leadville Leadville Leadville Code-a-Site Modified Frissel Modified Frissel Modified Frissel Modified Frissel Modified Frissel Modified Cole Rapid Cole no no no no no no no yes Entire Area? yes no no no no no yes yes OffTrail? no no no no no no no yes Photos? no no no no no no no yes Georeference: Drawn on map Sketch on Form Sketch on Form Sketch on Form Sketch on Form Sketch on Form Drawn on map GIS - GPS coordinates C-E Rating: 9 7 7 7 7 7 7 2 Total Condition-Effort Rating: 53 Keeper of Data: Chris Prew Mapping Exceeding Standards: Standard: System Trails Campsites Social Encounters Social Trails Other Mapping Visitor Use Levels: Level: Magnet High Medium Low Mapped? yes yes yes yes n/a Mapped? n/a n/a yes no Notes: 3 sections 1 site 2 corridors 3 trails Notes: 2 corridors Assumed to be all remaining areas Data Gaps: Not encountered 27 Colorado Wilderness Assessment: Summary of 2009 Data Collection DRAFT – 2/17/2010 Mount Sneffels Wilderness Area Lead Manager: Acreage: Established: National Forests: Uncompahgre: Kris Ann Wist 16,587 12/22/1980 Ranger Districts: Norwood Ouray 970-240-5414 96-560 Contacts: Kathy Peckham Kris Ann Wist E-mails: Meeting: 7/27/2009 8/13/2009 Campsite Inventory: No campsite inventories are known to have occurred for the Mount Sneffels Wilderness Area. Mapping Exceeding Standards: Standard: System Trails Campsites Social Encounters Social Trails Other Mapping Visitor Use Levels: Level: Magnet High Medium Low Mapped? n/a yes yes n/a n/a Mapped? n/a yes yes no Notes: Not exceeded 1 site 2 corridors Not exceeded Notes: 1 corridor 2 corridors Assumed to be all remaining areas Data Gaps: No campsite inventories have been completed for the entire Wilderness Area. 28 Colorado Wilderness Assessment: Summary of 2009 Data Collection DRAFT – 2/17/2010 Mount Zirkel Wilderness Area Lead Manager: Acreage: Established: National Forests: Routt: Kent Foster 160,015 9/3/1964 12/22/1980 8/13/1993 Ranger Districts: Hahn Peak-Bears Ears Parks 970-870-2142 88-577 96-560 103-77 Contacts: Steve McCone Jon Myers Hal Wentz E-mails: Meeting: 7/29/2009 8/6/2009 Campsite Inventory: Year: Ranger District: Protocol: Digital? 1989-91 1989-95 1993-96 1997 2005 Parks Parks Parks Parks Parks Hahn Peak-Bear Ears Frissel Frissel Frissel WHIM* Modified Cole Modified Cole no no no no Yes yes Entire Area? no no no no yes yes OffTrail? no no no no no no Photos? Georeference: no no no no yes yes Sketch on form Sketch on form Sketch on form Sketch on form GPS GPS C-E Rating: 7 7 7 7 2 2 *WHIM = Wilderness Human Impact Monitoring Total Condition-Effort Rating: 32 Keeper of Data: 1989 through 1997, 2005: Jon Myers 2005: Steve McCone Mapping Exceeding Standards: Standard: System Trails Campsites Social Encounters Social Trails Other Mapping Visitor Use Levels: Level: Magnet High Medium Low Mapped? yes yes yes yes n/a Mapped? n/a yes yes no Notes: 6 sections 15 sites 4 corridors 9 trails Notes: 2 corridors 4 corridors Assumed to be all remaining areas Data Gaps: Not encountered 29 Colorado Wilderness Assessment: Summary of 2009 Data Collection DRAFT – 2/17/2010 Neota Wilderness Area Lead Manager: Acreage: Established: National Forests: Roosevelt: Kevin Cannon 9,924 12/22/1980 Ranger Districts: Canyon Lakes 970-295-6722 96-560 Contacts: Kevin Cannon E-mails: Meeting: 8/7/2009 Campsite Inventory: Year: Ranger District: Protocol: Digital? 1993 2006 Canyon Lakes Canyon Lakes Modified Cole Modified Cole no yes Entire Area? yes yes OffTrail? yes yes Photos? Georeference: yes yes Drawn on map Coordinates C-E Rating: 7 2 Total Condition-Effort Rating: 9 Keeper of Data: Kevin Cannon Mapping Exceeding Standards: Standard: System Trails Campsites Social Encounters Social Trails Other Mapping Visitor Use Levels: Level: Magnet High Medium Low Mapped? yes n/a n/a n/a n/a Mapped? n/a n/a yes no Notes: 1 section Not exceeded Not exceeded Not exceeded Notes: 1 corridor Assumed to be all remaining areas Data Gaps: Not encountered 30 Colorado Wilderness Assessment: Summary of 2009 Data Collection DRAFT – 2/17/2010 Never Summer Wilderness Area Lead Manager: Acreage: Established: National Forests: Arapaho: Routt: Jon Myers 21,090 12/22/1980 8/13/1993 Ranger Districts: Sulphur Parks 970-723-8204 96-560 103-77 Contacts: Andrew Sauthoff Jon Myers Hal Wentz E-mails: Meeting: 8/5/2009 8/6/2009 Campsite Inventory: Year: Ranger District: Protocol: Digital? 1991 1992 2009 Sulphur Parks Sulphur Frissel Frissel Rapid Cole no no yes Entire Area? no no yes OffTrail? no no yes Photos? yes no yes Georeference: Drawn on map Drawn on map GIS - GPS Coordinates C-E Rating: 7 7 2 Total Condition-Effort Rating: 14 Keeper of Data: 1991 and 2009: Mike Ricketts 1992: Jon Myers Mapping Exceeding Standards: Standard: Mapped? Notes: System Trails n/a Not exceeded Campsites yes 2 sites Social Encounters no* Social Trails yes 1 trail Other yes Old Jeep trail *Social Encounters not exceeded for Parks Ranger District and not mapped for Sulphur Ranger District (see Data Gaps below). Mapping Visitor Use Levels: Level: Magnet High Medium Low Mapped? n/a n/a yes no Notes: 1 corridor Assumed to be all remaining areas Data Gaps: Andrew did not have access to a map showing ROS across the Wilderness Area as well as defined social encounter standards for each zone. 31 Colorado Wilderness Assessment: Summary of 2009 Data Collection DRAFT – 2/17/2010 Powderhorn Wilderness Area Lead Manager: Kai Allen 970-642-4417 Acreage: 13,395 Established: 8/13/1993 103-77 National Forests: Ranger Districts: Contacts: E-mails: Meeting: Gunnison: Gunnison Kai Allen 8/12/2009 *Part of this Wilderness Area is managed by the Bureau of Land Management. Campsite Inventory: Year: Ranger District: Protocol: Digital? 2008 Gunnison Modified Cole yes Entire Area? yes OffTrail? yes Photos? yes Georeference: GPS C-E Rating: 2 Total Condition-Effort Rating: 2 Keeper of Data: Kai Allen Mapping Exceeding Standards: Standard: System Trails Campsites Social Encounters Social Trails Other Mapping Visitor Use Levels: Level: Magnet High Medium Low Mapped? n/a n/a no n/a n/a Mapped? n/a n/a n/a no Notes: Not exceeded Not exceeded See Data Gaps below Not exceeded Notes: Assumed to be all remaining areas Data Gaps: Kai did not have adequate ROS maps available to identify where social encounters were being exceeded. 32 Colorado Wilderness Assessment: Summary of 2009 Data Collection DRAFT – 2/17/2010 Ptarmigan Peak Wilderness Area Lead Manager: Acreage: Established: National Forests: White River: Cindy Ebbert 12,594 8/13/1993 Ranger Districts: Dillon 970-262-3452 103-77 Contacts: Cindy Ebbert E-mails: Meeting: 8/11/2009 Campsite Inventory: Year: 2009 Ranger District: Protocol: Digital? Dillon Rapid Cole yes Entire Area? yes OffTrail? yes Photos? yes Georeference: GIS - GPS coordinates C-E Rating: 2 Total Condition-Effort Rating: 2 Keeper of Data: Cindy Ebbert Mapping Exceeding Standards: Standard: System Trails Campsites Social Encounters Social Trails Other Mapping Visitor Use Levels: Level: Magnet High Medium Low Mapped? yes n/a n/a n/a n/a Mapped? n/a n/a yes no Notes: 1 section Not exceeded Not exceeded Not exceeded Notes: 1 corridor Assumed to be all remaining areas Data Gaps: Not encountered 33 Colorado Wilderness Assessment: Summary of 2009 Data Collection DRAFT – 2/17/2010 Raggeds Wilderness Area Lead Manager: Acreage: Established: National Forests: Gunnison: White River: Vic Ullrey 65,443 12/22/1980 8/13/1993 Ranger Districts: Paonia Gunnison Sopris 970-527-4131 96-560 103-77 Contacts: Vic Ullrey Kai Allen Martha Moran Kevin Warner E-mails: Meeting: 8/3/2009 8/12/2009 8/4/2009 Campsite Inventory: Year: Ranger District: Protocol: 1984-85 1998 2001 2009 Paonia Paonia Paonia Paonia Code-a-Site Frissel Frissel Frissel Digital? no no no no Entire Area? yes yes yes yes OffTrail? no no no yes Photos? yes yes yes yes Georeference: Drawn on map GPS GIS - GPS Coordinates GIS - GPS Coordinates C-E Rating: 9 6 5 5 Note: 1998 and 2009 inventory used the same form/protocol from “Wilderness Monitoring Plan for the West Elk Wilderness” by Darrel Jury. Total Condition-Effort Rating: 25 Keeper of Data: 1984-85, 1998, 2009: Vic Ullrey 2001 and 2009 GIS data: Carol Howe, GMUG Resource Information Specialist, Mapping Exceeding Standards: Standard: Mapped? Notes: System Trails yes 4 sections Campsites yes 1 site Social Encounters no* Social Trails yes 6 trails Other n/a *Social Encounters not mapped for Gunnison Ranger District (see Data Gaps below). Mapping Visitor Use Levels: Level: Mapped? Notes: Magnet n/a High n/a Medium yes 2 corridors Low no Assumed to be all remaining areas Data Gaps: The Gunnison and Sopris Ranger Districts did not have any record of a campsite inventory being conducted on their portion of the Raggeds Wilderness Area. Kai (Gunnison Ranger District) did not have adequate ROS maps available to identify where social encounters were being exceeded. 34 Colorado Wilderness Assessment: Summary of 2009 Data Collection DRAFT – 2/17/2010 Rawah Wilderness Area Lead Manager: Acreage: Established: National Forests: Roosevelt: Kevin Cannon 73,934 9/3/1964 12/22/1980 Ranger Districts: Canyon Lakes 970-295-6722 88-577 96-560 Contacts: Kevin Cannon E-mails: Meeting: 8/7/2009 Campsite Inventory: Year: Ranger District: Protocol: Digital? 1982-83 2008-09 Canyon Lakes Canyon Lakes Frissel Modified Cole no yes Entire Area? yes yes OffTrail? no yes Photos? no yes Georeference: Coordinates Coordinates C-E Rating: 6 2 Total Condition-Effort Rating: 8 Keeper of Data: Kevin Cannon Mapping Exceeding Standards: Standard: System Trails Campsites Social Encounters Social Trails Other Mapping Visitor Use Levels: Level: Magnet High Medium Low Mapped? yes yes yes yes n/a Mapped? n/a n/a yes no Notes: 1 section 2 sites 4 corridors 1 trail Notes: 4 corridors Assumed to be all remaining areas Data Gaps: Not encountered 35 Colorado Wilderness Assessment: Summary of 2009 Data Collection DRAFT – 2/17/2010 Sangre de Cristo Wilderness Area Lead Manager: Acreage: Established: National Forests: San Isabel: Carl Bauer 226,455 8/13/1993 Ranger Districts: Salida San Carlos Rio Grande: Saguache Conejos Peak 719-269-8702 103-77 Contacts: Carl Bauer Carl Bauer Mike Smith Kristi Murphy Antonio Lucero E-mails: Meeting: 8/20/2009 8/12/2009 8/18/2009 Campsite Inventory: Year: Ranger District: Protocol: Unknown 1992-95 2000 2001 2004-05 2008 2009 Saguache Salida/San Carlos Saguache Saguache Salida/San Carlos Salida/San Carlos Saguache Cole Frissel Cole Cole Modified Cole Rapid Cole Rapid Cole Digital? no no no no no yes yes Entire Area? no yes no no yes yes yes OffTrail? no yes no no no yes yes Photos? Georeference: unknown no unknown unknown yes yes yes GIS - GPS Coordinates Drawn on map GIS - GPS Coordinates GIS - GPS Coordinates GPS GIS - GPS Coordinates GIS - GPS Coordinates C-E Rating: 5 7 5 5 6 2 2 Total Condition-Effort Rating: 32 Keeper of Data: Uknown, 2000, 2001 GIS Data: Mark Applequist, GIS Coordinator, 1992-95, 2004-05, 2008: Carl Bauer 2009: Kristi Murphy Mapping Exceeding Standards: Standard: System Trails Campsites Social Encounters Social Trails Other Mapping Visitor Use Levels: Level: Magnet High Medium Low Mapped? yes yes yes yes n/a Mapped? n/a yes yes no Notes: 9 sections 37 sites 8 corridors 11 trails Notes: 1 corridor 16 corridors Assumed to be all remaining areas Data Gaps: The Conejos Peak Ranger District did not have any record of a campsite inventory being conducted on their portion of the Sangre de Cristo Wilderness Area. 36 Colorado Wilderness Assessment: Summary of 2009 Data Collection DRAFT – 2/17/2010 Sarvis Creek Wilderness Area Lead Manager: Acreage: Established: National Forests: Routt: John Anarella 45,190 8/13/1993 Ranger Districts: Yampa 970-638-4516 103-77 Contacts: John Anarella E-mails: Meeting: 7/29/2009 Campsite Inventory: Year: Ranger District: Protocol: 1993 2003 Yampa Yampa Frissel Frissel Digital? yes yes Entire Area? yes yes OffTrail? yes yes Photos? yes yes Georeference: Coordinates Coordinates C-E Rating: 2 2 Total Condition-Effort Rating: 4 Keeper of Data: John Anarella Mapping Exceeding Standards: Standard: System Trails Campsites Social Encounters Social Trails Other Mapping Visitor Use Levels: Level: Magnet High Medium Low Mapped? n/a yes n/a n/a n/a Mapped? n/a n/a yes no Notes: Not exceeded 2 sites Not exceeded Not exceeded Notes: 1 corridor Assumed to be all remaining areas Data Gaps: Not encountered 37 Colorado Wilderness Assessment: Summary of 2009 Data Collection DRAFT – 2/17/2010 South San Juan Wilderness Area Lead Manager: Acreage: Established: National Forests: Rio Grande: San Juan: John Murphy 158,790 12/22/1980 8/13/1993 Ranger Districts: Conejos Peak Pagosa 719-582-6221 96-560 103-77 Contacts: Antonio Lucero Dave Baker Ros Wu E-mails: Meeting: 8/18/2009 8/17/2009 Campsite Inventory: Year: Ranger District: Protocol: 1996 Conejos Peak Pagosa Conejos Peak Pagosa Conejos Peak Pagosa Conejos Peak Conejos Peak Pagosa Pagosa Pagosa Conejos Peak Pagosa Pagosa Pagosa Cole Cole Cole Cole Cole Cole Cole Cole Cole Cole Cole Cole Cole Cole Cole 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2005 2007 2008 Digital? yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes Entire Area? no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no OffTrail? no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no Photos? yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes Georeference: GIS - GPS Coordinates GIS - GPS Coordinates GIS - GPS Coordinates GIS - GPS Coordinates GIS - GPS Coordinates GIS - GPS Coordinates GIS - GPS Coordinates GIS - GPS Coordinates GIS - GPS Coordinates GIS - GPS Coordinates GIS - GPS Coordinates GIS - GPS Coordinates GIS - GPS Coordinates GIS - GPS Coordinates GIS - GPS Coordinates C-E Rating: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Total Condition-Effort Rating: 15 Keeper of Data: Dave Baker Mapping Exceeding Standards: Standard: System Trails Campsites Social Encounters Social Trails Other Mapped? yes yes no* yes* n/a Notes: 11 sections 12 sites 3 trails *Not mapped for Pagosa Ranger District (see Data Gaps below) Mapping Visitor Use Levels: Level: Magnet High Medium Low Mapped? n/a n/a yes* no Notes: 2 corridors Assumed to be all remaining areas *Not mapped for Pagosa Ranger District (see Data Gaps below) Data Gaps: Ros (Pagosa Ranger District) was unable to attend the entire meeting. Identification of areas exceeding social encounter and social trail standards as well as visitor use levels is not mapped. 38 Colorado Wilderness Assessment: Summary of 2009 Data Collection DRAFT – 2/17/2010 Spanish Peaks Wilderness Area Lead Manager: Acreage: Established: National Forests: San Isabel: Carl Bauer 19,200 11/7/2000 Ranger Districts: San Carlos 719-269-8702 106-456 Contacts: Carl Bauer Mike Smith E-mails: Meeting: 8/20/2009 Campsite Inventory: Year: Ranger District: Protocol: Digital? 2009-10 San Carlos Rapid Cole yes Entire Area? yes OffTrail? yes Photos? yes Georeference: GIS - GPS coordinates C-E Rating: 2 Total Condition-Effort Rating: 2 Keeper of Data: Carl Bauer Mapping Exceeding Standards: Standard: System Trails Campsites Social Encounters Social Trails Other Mapping Visitor Use Levels: Level: Magnet High Medium Low Mapped? n/a n/a n/a yes n/a Mapped? n/a n/a yes no Notes: Not exceeded Not exceeded Not exceeded 3 trails Notes: 1 corridor Assumed to be all remaining areas Data Gaps: Not encountered 39 Colorado Wilderness Assessment: Summary of 2009 Data Collection DRAFT – 2/17/2010 Uncompahgre Wilderness Area Lead Manager: Acreage: Established: Kris Ann Wist 970-240-5414 99,399 12/22/1980 96-560 8/13/1993 103-77 National Forests: Ranger Districts: Contacts: E-mails: Meeting: Uncompahgre: Ouray Kris Ann Wist 8/13/2009 Gunnison: Gunnison Kai Allen 8/12/2009 *Part of this Wilderness Area is managed by the Bureau of Land Management. Campsite Inventory: Year: Ranger District: Protocol: 1984 1985 1986 1988 1990 1995 Gunnison Gunnison Ouray Ouray Ouray Ouray Gunnison Frissel Frissel Frissel Frissel Frissel Frissel Frissel Digital? no no no no no no no Entire Area? yes yes yes yes yes yes yes OffTrail? no no no no no no no Photos? Georeference: unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown GIS - GPS coordinates GIS - GPS coordinates GIS - GPS coordinates GIS - GPS coordinates GIS - GPS coordinates GIS - GPS coordinates GIS - GPS coordinates C-E Rating: 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 Total Condition-Effort Rating: 35 Keeper of Data: Carol Howe, GMUG Resource Information Specialist, Mapping Exceeding Standards: Standard: Mapped? Notes: System Trails yes 9 sections Campsites yes 7 sites Social Encounters yes* 3 corridors Social Trails n/a Not exceeded Other n/a *Social Encounters not completely mapped for Gunnison Ranger District (see Data Gaps below). Mapping Visitor Use Levels: Level: Magnet High Medium Low Mapped? n/a n/a yes no Notes: 8 corridors Assumed to be all remaining areas Data Gaps: Kai (Gunnison Ranger District) did not have adequate ROS maps available to identify where all social encounters were being exceeded. 40 Colorado Wilderness Assessment: Summary of 2009 Data Collection DRAFT – 2/17/2010 Vasquez Peak Wilderness Area Lead Manager: Acreage: Established: National Forests: Arapaho: Mike Ricketts 12,986 8/13/1993 Ranger Districts: Sulphur 970-887-4133 103-77 Contacts: Andrew Sauthoff E-mails: Meeting: 8/5/2009 Campsite Inventory: Year: Ranger District: Protocol: Digital? 1993 2009 Sulphur Sulphur Frissel Rapid Cole no yes Entire Area? yes yes OffTrail? no yes Photos? yes yes Georeference: Description GIS - GPS coordinates C-E Rating: 8 2 Total Condition-Effort Rating: 10 Keeper of Data: Mike Ricketts Mapping Exceeding Standards: Standard: System Trails Campsites Social Encounters Social Trails Other Mapping Visitor Use Levels: Level: Magnet High Medium Low Mapped? n/a n/a no yes n/a Mapped? n/a n/a n/a no Notes: Not exceeded Not exceeded See Data Gaps below 1 trail Notes: Assumed to be all remaining areas Data Gaps: Andrew did not have access to a map showing ROS across the Wilderness Area as well as defined social encounter standards for each zone. 41 Colorado Wilderness Assessment: Summary of 2009 Data Collection DRAFT – 2/17/2010 Weminuche Wilderness Area Lead Manager: Acreage: Established: National Forests: Rio Grande: San Juan: Dave Baker 492,418 1/3/1975 8/13/1993 Ranger Districts: Divide Columbine Pagosa 970-385-1240 93-632 103-77 Contacts: Lisa McClure Dave Baker Jim Summrall Dave Baker Ros Wu E-mails: Meeting: 8/18/2009 8/17/2009 Campsite Inventory: Year: Ranger District: Protocol: 1996 Columbine Divide Columbine Divide Columbine Divide Pagosa Columbine Divide Pagosa Columbine Divide Pagosa Columbine Pagosa Columbine Pagosa Columbine Pagosa Columbine Columbine Divide Pagosa Columbine Pagosa Columbine Pagosa Columbine Pagosa Cole Cole Cole Cole Cole Cole Cole Cole Cole Cole Cole Cole Cole Cole Cole Cole Cole Cole Cole Cole Cole Cole Cole Cole Cole Cole Cole Cole Cole 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Digital? yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes Entire Area? no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no OffTrail? no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no Photos? yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes Georeference: GIS - GPS Coordinates GIS - GPS Coordinates GIS - GPS Coordinates GIS - GPS Coordinates GIS - GPS Coordinates GIS - GPS Coordinates GIS - GPS Coordinates GIS - GPS Coordinates GIS - GPS Coordinates GIS - GPS Coordinates GIS - GPS Coordinates GIS - GPS Coordinates GIS - GPS Coordinates GIS - GPS Coordinates GIS - GPS Coordinates GIS - GPS Coordinates GIS - GPS Coordinates GIS - GPS Coordinates GIS - GPS Coordinates GIS - GPS Coordinates GIS - GPS Coordinates GIS - GPS Coordinates GIS - GPS Coordinates GIS - GPS Coordinates GIS - GPS Coordinates GIS - GPS Coordinates GIS - GPS Coordinates GIS - GPS Coordinates GIS - GPS Coordinates C-E Rating: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Total Condition-Effort Rating: 29 Keeper of Data: Dave Baker 42 Colorado Wilderness Assessment: Summary of 2009 Data Collection DRAFT – 2/17/2010 Weminuche Wilderness Area continued… Mapping Exceeding Standards: Standard: Mapped? Notes: System Trails yes 17 sections Campsites yes 23 sites Social Encounters yes* 2 corridors Social Trails yes* 2 trails Other n/a *Not mapped for Pagosa Ranger District (see Data Gaps below) Mapping Visitor Use Levels: Level: Mapped? Notes: Magnet n/a High yes* 6 corridors Medium yes* 10 corridors Low no Assumed to be all remaining areas *Not mapped for Pagosa Ranger District (see Data Gaps below) Data Gaps: Ros was unable to attend the entire meeting. Identification of areas exceeding social encounter and social trail standards as well as visitor use levels is not mapped for the Pagosa Ranger District. Nancy Berry of the Columbine Ranger District may have knowledge of additional sites and corridors as well as visitor use levels. 43 Colorado Wilderness Assessment: Summary of 2009 Data Collection DRAFT – 2/17/2010 West Elk Wilderness Area Lead Manager: Acreage: Established: National Forests: Gunnison: Vic Ullrey 176,412 9/3/1964 12/22/1980 Ranger Districts: Paonia Gunnison 970-527-4131 88-577 96-560 Contacts: Vic Ullrey Kai Allen E-mails: Meeting: 8/3/2009 8/12/2009 Campsite Inventory: Year: Ranger District: Protocol: 1979 1984 1998* Gunnison Paonia Gunnison Paonia Paonia Gunnison Code-a-Site Code-a-Site Frissel Frissel Frissel Rapid Cole 2009 2010 Digital? no no no no yes yes Entire Area? no no no no yes yes OffTrail? no no no no yes yes Photos? yes yes yes yes yes yes Georeference: Sketch on form Sketch on form Description Description GPS GIS - GPS Coordinates C-E Rating: 9 9 8 8 2 2 * 1998 inventory was conducted by Darrel Jury and Western State College. Total Condition-Effort Rating: 38 Keeper of Data: Kai Allen Mapping Exceeding Standards: Standard: Mapped? Notes: System Trails yes 12 sections Campsites n/a Not exceeded Social Encounters n/a* Not exceed in Paonia Ranger District Social Trails yes 22 trails Other yes Density of trails exceeded in 1 area *Social Encounters not completely mapped for Gunnison Ranger District (see Data Gaps below). Mapping Visitor Use Levels: Level: Magnet High Medium Low Mapped? n/a n/a yes no Notes: 3 corridors Assumed to be all remaining areas Data Gaps: Kai (Gunnison Ranger District) did not have adequate ROS maps available to identify where all social encounters were being exceeded. 44