1996 CENSUS OF POPULATION AND HOUSING USUAL RESIDENTS COMMUNITY PROFILE (Excludes overseas visitors) Catalogue No. 2020.0 Based on place of usual residence Available for SLAs, aggregates of SLAs and Postcode of usual residence INQUIRIES Data tailored to your specific needs, not provided in these standard tables, are available from the ABS Information Inquiries Unit in your State. Definitions of Census classifications and concepts are available in the 1996 Census Dictionary (ABS Catalogue No. 2901.0) Commonwealth of Australia 1997 USUAL RESIDENTS COMMUNITY PROFILE INDEX ................................................. U01 SELECTED CHARACTERISTICS U14 All persons U02 STATE OF USUAL RESIDENCE 1 YEAR AGO BY SEX PROFICIENCY IN ENGLISH BY YEAR OF ARRIVAL Persons born overseas aged 5 years and over U15 Persons aged 1 year and over AGE BY PROFICIENCY IN ENGLISH BY SEX Persons aged 5 years and over who speak a language other than English at home U03 STATE OF USUAL RESIDENCE 5 YEARS AGO BY SEX Persons aged 5 years and over U16 LANGUAGE SPOKEN AT HOME BY SEX Persons aged 5 years and over U04 ABORIGINAL AND/OR TORRES STRAIT ISLANDER ORIGIN BY AGE BY SEX All persons U17 RELIGION BY SEX All persons U05 AGE BY SEX All persons U18 TYPE OF EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION ATTENDING (FULL-TIME/PART-TIME) BY SEX All persons U06 AGE BY REGISTERED MARITAL STATUS BY SEX Persons aged 15 years and over U19 QUALIFICATION (HIGHEST) FIELD BY QUALIFICATION (HIGHEST) LEVEL BY SEX Persons aged 15 years and over with a qualification U07 AGE BY SOCIAL MARITAL STATUS BY SEX Persons aged 15 years and over U20 AGE BY LABOUR FORCE STATUS (FULL-TIME/PART-TIME) BY SEX Persons aged 15 years and over U08 BIRTHPLACE (COUNTRIES) BY SEX All persons U21 INDUSTRY BY AGE BY SEX Employed persons U09 BIRTHPLACE (COUNTRIES) BY AGE All persons U22 OCCUPATION BY AGE BY SEX Employed persons U10 BIRTHPLACE (COUNTRIES) BY LABOUR FORCE STATUS BY SEX Persons aged 15 years and over U23 INDUSTRY SECTOR BY SEX Employed persons U11 BIRTHPLACE (COUNTRIES) BY YEAR OF ARRIVAL Persons born overseas U24 INDUSTRY BY OCCUPATION Employed persons U12 BIRTHPLACE (COUNTRIES) BY PROFICIENCY IN ENGLISH BY SEX Persons aged 5 years and over who speak a language U25 other than English at home U13 BIRTHPLACE (REGIONS) BY SEX All persons OCCUPATION BY STATUS IN EMPLOYMENT BY SEX Employed persons U26 WEEKLY INDIVIDUAL INCOME BY AGE BY SEX Persons aged 15 years and over USUAL RESIDENTS COMMUNITY PROFILE BY SUBJECT .................................................. ABORIGINAL/TORRES STRAIT ISLANDER BIRTHPLACE U04 U01 ABORIGINAL AND/OR TORRES STRAIT ISLANDER ORIGIN BY AGE BY SEX All persons U08 AGE SELECTED CHARACTERISTICS All persons BIRTHPLACE (COUNTRIES) BY SEX All persons U01 SELECTED CHARACTERISTICS All persons U09 BIRTHPLACE (COUNTRIES) BY AGE All persons U04 ABORIGINAL AND/OR TORRES STRAIT ISLANDER ORIGIN BY AGE BY SEX All persons U10 BIRTHPLACE (COUNTRIES) BY LABOUR FORCE STATUS BY SEX Persons aged 15 years and over U05 AGE BY SEX All persons U11 BIRTHPLACE (COUNTRIES) BY YEAR OF ARRIVAL Australian residents born overseas U06 AGE BY REGISTERED MARITAL STATUS BY SEX Persons aged 15 years and over U12 BIRTHPLACE (COUNTRIES) BY PROFICIENCY IN ENGLISH BY SEX Persons aged 5 years and over who speak a language other than English U07 AGE BY SOCIAL MARITAL STATUS BY SEX at home Persons aged 15 years and over U13 U09 BIRTHPLACE (COUNTRIES) BY AGE BIRTHPLACE (REGIONS) BY SEX All persons All persons CITIZENSHIP U15 AGE BY PROFICIENCY IN ENGLISH BY SEX Persons aged 5 years and over who speak a language other than English U01 at home U20 AGE BY LABOUR FORCE STATUS (FT/PT) BY SEX SELECTED CHARACTERISTICS All persons EDUCATION Persons aged 15 years and over U18 U21 INDUSTRY BY AGE BY SEX TYPE OF EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION ATTENDING (FT/PT) BY SEX All persons Employed persons U19 U22 OCCUPATION BY AGE BY SEX Employed persons U26 WEEKLY INDIVIDUAL INCOME BY AGE BY SEX Persons aged 15 years and over QUALIFICATION (HIGHEST) FIELD BY QUALIFICATION (HIGHEST) LEVEL BY SEX Persons aged 15 years and over with a qualification USUAL RESIDENTS COMMUNITY PROFILE BY SUBJECT ................................................... ETHNICITY U01 INCOME SELECTED CHARACTERISTICS U26 All persons U04 ABORIGINAL AND/OR TORRES STRAIT ISLANDER ORIGIN BY AGE BY SEX WEEKLY INDIVIDUAL INCOME BY AGE BY SEX Persons aged 15 years and over INDUSTRY All persons U21 U08 BIRTHPLACE (COUNTRIES) BY SEX INDUSTRY BY AGE BY SEX Employed persons All persons U23 U09 BIRTHPLACE (COUNTRIES) BY AGE INDUSTRY SECTOR BY SEX Employed persons All persons U24 U10 BIRTHPLACE (COUNTRIES) BY LABOUR FORCE STATUS BY SEX INDUSTRY BY OCCUPATION Employed persons Persons aged 15 years and over INTERNAL MIGRATION U11 BIRTHPLACE (COUNTRIES) BY YEAR OF ARRIVAL Persons born overseas U02 STATE OF USUAL RESIDENCE 1 YEAR AGO BY SEX Persons aged 1 year and over U12 BIRTHPLACE (COUNTRIES) BY PROFICIENCY IN ENGLISH BY SEX Persons aged 5 years and over who speak a language U03 other than English at home U13 BIRTHPLACE (REGIONS) BY SEX STATE OF USUAL RESIDENCE 5 YEARS AGO BY SEX Persons aged 5 years and over LABOUR FORCE All persons U01 U14 PROFICIENCY IN ENGLISH BY YEAR OF ARRIVAL SELECTED CHARACTERISTICS All persons Persons born overseas aged 5 years and over U10 U15 AGE BY PROFICIENCY IN ENGLISH BY SEX BIRTHPLACE (COUNTRIES) BY LABOUR FORCE STATUS BY SEX Persons aged 15 years and over Persons aged 5 years and over who speak a language other than English at home U20 AGE BY LABOUR FORCE STATUS (FULL-TIME/PART-TIME) BY SEX Persons aged 15 years and over U16 LANGUAGE SPOKEN AT HOME Persons aged 5 years and over USUAL RESIDENTS COMMUNITY PROFILE BY SUBJECT ................................................... LABOUR FORCE (cont'd) U25 OCCUPATION OCCUPATION BY STATUS IN EMPLOYMENT BY SEX U22 Employed persons Employed persons U24 LANGUAGE OCCUPATION BY AGE BY SEX INDUSTRY BY OCCUPATION Employed persons U01 SELECTED CHARACTERISTICS All persons U25 OCCUPATION BY STATUS IN EMPLOYMENT BY SEX Employed persons U12 BIRTHPLACE (COUNTRIES) BY PROFICIENCY IN ENGLISH BY SEX Persons aged 5 years and over who speak a language QUALIFICATIONS other than English at home U19 U14 PROFICIENCY IN ENGLISH BY YEAR OF ARRIVAL QUALIFICATION (HIGHEST) FIELD BY QUALIFICATION (HIGHEST) LEVEL BY SEX Persons aged 15 years and over with a qualification Persons born overseas aged 5 years and over RELIGION U15 AGE BY PROFICIENCY IN ENGLISH BY SEX Persons aged 5 years and over who speak a language U17 other than English at home U16 LANGUAGE SPOKEN AT HOME BY SEX RELIGION BY SEX All persons YEAR OF ARRIVAL Persons aged 5 years and over U11 U06 AGE BY REGISTERED MARITAL STATUS BY SEX Persons aged 15 years and over U07 BIRTHPLACE (COUNTRIES) BY YEAR OF ARRIVAL Persons born overseas MARITAL STATUS AGE BY SOCIAL MARITAL STATUS BY SEX Persons aged 15 years and over U14 PROFICIENCY IN ENGLISH BY YEAR OF ARRIVAL Persons born overseas aged 5 years and over USUAL RESIDENTS COMMUNITY PROFILE EXPLANATORY NOTES .................................................. INTRODUCTION 1. The Usual Residents Community Profile differs from other Census Employed full-time/ Community Profiles in that it provides data based on where people 'usually' part-time 9. Employed full-time means that the person worked 35 hours or more in all jobs held during the week prior to Census night. Employed part-time live or their 'usual address' rather than where they were counted on Census means that the person worked less than 35 hours in all jobs during the night. week prior to Census night. 2. 'Usual' address is that address at which the person lived or intended 10. For Census purposes, people who stated they were employed, but to live for a total of 6 months or more in 1996. worked zero hours in the week prior to Census night have been coded to 'employed part-time'. 3. This profile provides 26 tables based on Usual Residents of Statistical Local Areas (SLAs) and aggregates of SLAs and is available for the following Nfd 11. Nfd means 'not further defined'. Postcode of 12. POCUCP is derived from the postcode of usual residence as reported by geographic levels: SLA, LGA, SSD, SD, S. Dist., Postcode of Usual Residence, State and Australia. Usual Residence the respondent in answer to question 7 on the Population Census form. 4. Information was collected from the 1996 Census of Population and POCUCP comprises all Australia Post postcodes (except secondary Housing. postcodes) valid at the time of the Population Census plus several codes 5. Each table title in the Usual Residents Community Profile consists the Australian total because some postcodes cross State borders. A postcode of two parts. The first part lists the variables used in the table. The can be counted in several states. used to classify uncodeable responses. The total of the States do not add up to second part describes the table population. Social Marital 6. A glossary of terms and concepts used in the Usual Residents Community Status Profile appears below. 13. Social Marital Status is the relationship status of an individual with reference to another person who is usually resident in the household. A marriage exists when the two people live together as husband and wife, or partners, regardless of whether the marriage is formalised through 7. For more information on classifications and Census concepts, see registration. In the 1996 Census, where information about same-sex the 1996 Census Dictionary (Cat. No. 2901.0). couples is volunteered in the relationship question, it is included in the family coding and classified as a partner in a de facto marriage. Table Population GLOSSARY 14. Table population is a description of what the table is counting. For example, tables containing marital status usually have a table population Aboriginal and/or 8. The 1996 Census was the first Census to allow a person's origin Torres Strait Islander to be recorded as both Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander; prior to Origin this only one or the other could be reported. of persons aged 15 years and over. It appears under the table title. USUAL RESIDENTS COMMUNITY PROFILE EXPLANATORY NOTES .................................................. DATA QUALITY 15. The Census is subject to a number of inaccuracies resulting from DATA QUALITY (cont'd) errors by respondents or mistakes in collection or processing of the data. Some of these are overcome or 'repaired' by careful processing Random adjustment 19. Cells containing small values are randomly adjusted to avoid procedures and quality management of the processing itself. The releasing information about particular individuals, families or households. effect of those that remain is generally slight, although it may be more The effect of random adjustment is statistically insignificant. important for small groups in the population. The main kinds of error to keep in mind are: Respondent error 20. Processing procedures cannot detect or repair all errors made by persons in completing the form, therefore some may remain in Partial non-response 16. In some cases where an answer was not provided to a question final data. an answer was imputed or derived (often from other information on the form). In other cases a 'not stated' code was allocated. Undercount 21. Although the Census aims to count each person once, there are some people who are missed and others who are counted more than Processing error 17. While such errors can occur in any processing system, quality once. A post enumeration survey is conducted soon after the Census management is used to continuously improve the quality of processed to measure the undercount. data, and to identify and correct data of unacceptable quality. 22. Further information on data quality will be provided progressively in Usual Residence 18. A minor processing error has been identified in the variables Usual Residence Indicator One Year Ago (UAI1P) and Usual Residence Indicator Five Years Ago (UAI5P). For further information on the nature and extent of the error, please contact the ABS and request a copy of Census Fact Sheet 9. Census Update and in the 1996 Census fact sheets and working papers. AUSTRALIAN BUREAU OF STATISTICS 1996 Census of Population and Housing U01 SELECTED CHARACTERISTICS All persons Male Total persons Counted at home on Census night Aged 15 years and over Australian born Born overseas: Canada, Ireland, NZ, South Africa, UK(a) and USA Other country(b) Total Speaks English only and aged 5 years and over Speaks language other than English at home(c) and aged 5 years and over Australian citizen Australian citizen aged 18 years and over Unemployed(d) Employed(d) In the labour force(d) Not in the labour force(d) (a) Comprises 'England', 'Scotland', 'Wales', 'Northern Ireland', 'Channel Islands', 'Isle of Man', and 'UK and Ireland n.f.d'. (b) Includes 'inadequately described', 'at sea' and 'not elsewhere classified'. (c) Includes 'language spoken at home not stated' and 'inadequately described'. (d) Applicable to persons aged 15 years and over. Female Persons AUSTRALIAN BUREAU OF STATISTICS 1996 Census of Population and Housing U02 STATE OF USUAL RESIDENCE 1 YEAR AGO(a) BY SEX Persons aged 1 year and over Male Same usual address 1 year ago as in 1996 Different usual address 1 year ago: Same Statistical Local Area Different Statistical Local Area in: New South Wales Victoria Queensland South Australia Western Australia Tasmania Northern Territory Aust. Capital Territory Other Territories Total Overseas Not stated(b) Total Not stated(c) Persons not usually resident in the SLA of enumeration Total (a) All categories except 'persons not usually resident in the SLA of enumeration' comprise persons who were usually resident on Census night in the SLA of enumeration. (b) Comprises persons who stated that they were usually resident at a different address 1 year ago but did not state that address. (c) Comprises persons who did not state whether they were usually resident at a different address 1 year ago. Female Persons AUSTRALIAN BUREAU OF STATISTICS 1996 Census of Population and Housing U03 STATE OF USUAL RESIDENCE 5 YEARS AGO(a) BY SEX Persons aged 5 years and over Male Female Same usual address 5 years ago as in 1996 Different usual address 5 years ago: Same Statistical Local Area Different Statistical Local Area in: New South Wales Victoria Queensland South Australia Western Australia Tasmania Northern Territory Aust. Capital Territory Other Territories Total Overseas Not stated(b) Total Not stated(c) Persons not usually resident in the SLA of enumeration Total (a) All categories except 'persons not usually resident in the SLA of enumeration' comprise persons who were usually resident on Census night in the SLA of enumeration. (b) Comprises persons who stated that they were usually resident at a different address 5 years ago but did not state that address. (c) Comprises persons who did not state whether they were usually resident at a different address 5 years ago. Persons AUSTRALIAN BUREAU OF STATISTICS 1996 Census of Population and Housing U04 ABORIGINAL AND/OR TORRES STRAIT ISLANDER ORIGIN BY AGE BY SEX (1 of 2) All persons Indigenous Aboriginal Torres Strait Islander Both Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Total MALE 0-4 years 5-9 years 10-14 years 15-19 years 20-24 years 25-29 years 30-34 years 35-39 years 40-44 years 45-49 years 50-54 years 55-59 years 60-64 years 65-69 years 70-74 years 75 years and over Total FEMALE 0-4 years 5-9 years 10-14 years 15-19 years 20-24 years 25-29 years 30-34 years 35-39 years 40-44 years 45-49 years 50-54 years 55-59 years 60-64 years 65-69 years 70-74 years 75 years and over Total NonIndigenous Not stated Total AUSTRALIAN BUREAU OF STATISTICS 1996 Census of Population and Housing U04 ABORIGINAL AND/OR TORRES STRAIT ISLANDER ORIGIN BY AGE BY SEX (2 of 2) All persons Indigenous Aboriginal 0-4 years 5-9 years 10-14 years 15-19 years 20-24 years 25-29 years 30-34 years 35-39 years 40-44 years 45-49 years 50-54 years 55-59 years 60-64 years 65-69 years 70-74 years 75 years and over Total Torres Strait Islander Both Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander PERSONS Total NonIndigenous Not stated Total AUSTRALIAN BUREAU OF STATISTICS 1996 Census of Population and Housing U05 AGE BY SEX All persons Male 0 years 1 2 3 4 0-4 5 6 7 8 9 5-9 10 11 12 13 14 10-14 15 16 17 18 19 15-19 20 21 22 23 24 20-24 25 26 27 28 29 25-29 Female Persons Male 30 31 32 33 34 30-34 35 36 37 38 39 35-39 40 41 42 43 44 40-44 45 46 47 48 49 45-49 50 51 52 53 54 50-54 55 56 57 58 59 55-59 Female Persons Male 60 61 62 63 64 60-64 65 66 67 68 69 65-69 70 71 72 73 74 70-74 75 76 77 78 79 75-79 80 81 82 83 84 80-84 85 86 87 88 89 85-89 90 years and over Total Female Persons AUSTRALIAN BUREAU OF STATISTICS 1996 Census of Population and Housing U06 AGE BY REGISTERED MARITAL STATUS BY SEX Persons aged 15 years and over Married Male 15-19 years 20-24 years 25-29 years 30-34 years 35-39 years 40-44 years 45-49 years 50-54 years 55-59 years 60-64 years 65-69 years 70-74 years 75 years and over Total Female Separated Male Female Divorced Male Female Widowed Male Female Never married Male Female Male Total Female Persons AUSTRALIAN BUREAU OF STATISTICS 1996 Census of Population and Housing U07 AGE BY SOCIAL MARITAL STATUS BY SEX Persons aged 15 years and over Married in a registered marriage(a) Male Female Married in a de facto marriage(a) Male Female Not married Male 15-19 years 20-24 years 25-29 years 30-34 years 35-39 years 40-44 years 45-49 years 50-54 years 55-59 years 60-64 years 65-69 years 70-74 years 75 years and over Total (a) Persons whose partner was temporarily absent will be included if the partner was identified on the Census form as being temporarily absent. Female Male Total Female Persons AUSTRALIAN BUREAU OF STATISTICS 1996 Census of Population and Housing U08 BIRTHPLACE (COUNTRIES) BY SEX All persons Male Female Persons Argentina Australia Austria Bosnia-Herzegovina Cambodia Canada Chile China (excluding Taiwan Province) Croatia Cyprus Egypt Fiji France Germany, Federal Republic of Greece Hong Kong Hungary India Indonesia Iran Ireland Italy Japan Korea(a) Laos Latvia Lebanon Macedonia, FYR of(b) Malaysia Malta Mauritius Netherlands New Zealand Papua New Guinea Philippines Poland Portugal Romania (a) Comprises 'Democratic People's Republic of Korea' and 'Republic of Korea'. (b) FYR is an abbreviation of 'Former Yugoslav Republic'. (c) Comprises 'England', 'Scotland', 'Wales', 'Northern Ireland', 'Channel Islands', 'Isle of Man', and 'UK and Ireland n.f.d.'. (d) Includes 'inadequately described', 'at sea' and 'not elsewhere classified'. Male Serbia and Montenegro, FYRs of(b) Singapore South Africa Spain Sri Lanka Taiwan (Province of China) Thailand Turkey Ukraine United Kingdom(c) United States of America Uruguay Viet Nam Born elsewhere overseas(d) Not stated Total Female Persons AUSTRALIAN BUREAU OF STATISTICS 1996 Census of Population and Housing U09 BIRTHPLACE (COUNTRIES) BY AGE All persons 0-14 years 15-24 years 25-34 years Australia Canada Chile China (excluding Taiwan Province) Croatia Egypt Fiji Germany, Federal Republic of Greece Hong Kong Hungary India Indonesia Ireland Italy Lebanon Macedonia, FYR of(a) Malaysia Malta Netherlands New Zealand Philippines Poland Serbia and Montenegro, FYRs of(a) Singapore South Africa Sri Lanka United Kingdom(b) United States of America Viet Nam Born elsewhere overseas(c) Not stated Total (a) FYR is an abbreviation of 'Former Yugoslav Republic'. (b) Comprises 'England', 'Scotland', 'Wales', 'Northern Ireland', 'Channel Islands', 'Isle of Man', and 'UK and Ireland n.f.d.'. (c) Includes 'inadequately described', 'at sea' and 'not elsewhere classified'. 35-44 years 45-54 years 55-64 years 65-69 years 70-74 years 75 years and over Total AUSTRALIAN BUREAU OF STATISTICS 1996 Census of Population and Housing U10 BIRTHPLACE (COUNTRIES) BY LABOUR FORCE STATUS BY SEX Persons aged 15 years and over Employed Male Female Unemployed Male Female Australia Canada Chile China (excluding Taiwan Province) Croatia Egypt Fiji Germany, Federal Republic of Greece Hong Kong Hungary India Indonesia Ireland Italy Lebanon Macedonia, FYR of(a) Malaysia Malta Netherlands New Zealand Philippines Poland Serbia and Montenegro, FYRs of(a) Singapore South Africa Sri Lanka United Kingdom(b) United States of America Viet Nam Born elsewhere overseas(c) Not stated Total (a) FYR is an abbreviation of 'Former Yugoslav Republic'. (b) Comprises 'England', 'Scotland', 'Wales', 'Northern Ireland', 'Channel Islands', 'Isle of Man', and 'UK and Ireland n.f.d.'. (c) Includes 'inadequately described', 'at sea' and 'not elsewhere classified'. Not in the labour force Male Female Not stated Male Female Male Total Female Persons AUSTRALIAN BUREAU OF STATISTICS 1996 Census of Population and Housing U11 BIRTHPLACE (COUNTRIES) BY YEAR OF ARRIVAL Persons born overseas(a) 1996 1995 1994 1993 Canada Chile China (excluding Taiwan Province) Croatia Egypt Fiji Germany, Federal Republic of Greece Hong Kong Hungary India Indonesia Ireland Italy Lebanon Macedonia, FYR of(b) Malaysia Malta Netherlands New Zealand Philippines Poland Serbia and Montenegro, FYRs of(b) Singapore South Africa Sri Lanka United Kingdom(c) United States of America Viet Nam Born elsewhere overseas(d) Total (a) Excludes persons who did not state their birthplace and persons born overseas who stated they would be in Australia for less than 1 year. (b) FYR is an abbreviation of 'Former Yugoslav Republic'. (c) Comprises 'England', 'Scotland', 'Wales', 'Northern Ireland', 'Channel Islands', 'Isle of Man', and 'UK and Ireland n.f.d.'. (d) Includes 'inadequately described', 'at sea' and 'not elsewhere classified'. 1992 1991 19861990 19811985 Before 1981 Not stated Total AUSTRALIAN BUREAU OF STATISTICS 1996 Census of Population and Housing U12 BIRTHPLACE (COUNTRIES) BY PROFICIENCY IN ENGLISH BY SEX Persons aged 5 years and over who speak a language other than English at home Very well/well Male Female Speaks English Not well Male Female Not at all Male Female Not stated(a) Male Female Australia Canada Chile China (excluding Taiwan Province) Croatia Egypt Fiji Germany, Federal Republic of Greece Hong Kong Hungary India Indonesia Ireland Italy Lebanon Macedonia, FYR of(b) Malaysia Malta Netherlands New Zealand Philippines Poland Serbia and Montenegro, FYRs of(b) Singapore South Africa Sri Lanka United Kingdom(c) United States of America Viet Nam Born elsewhere overseas(d) Not stated Total (a) Comprises cases where either language spoken at home was stated and proficiency in English was not stated or both language spoken at home and proficiency in English were not stated. (b) FYR is an abbreviation of 'Former Yugoslav Republic'. (c) Comprises 'England', 'Scotland', 'Wales', 'Northern Ireland', 'Channel Islands', 'Isle of Man', and 'UK and Ireland n.f.d.'. (d) Includes 'inadequately described', 'at sea' and 'not elsewhere classified'. Male Total Female Persons AUSTRALIAN BUREAU OF STATISTICS 1996 Census of Population and Housing U13 BIRTHPLACE (REGIONS) BY SEX All persons Male Oceania and Antarctica: Australia Other Total Europe and the Former USSR: Europe and the Former USSR, n.f.d. United Kingdom and Ireland Southern Europe Western Europe Northern Europe Eastern Europe The Former USSR and the Baltic States Total The Middle East and North Africa: The Middle East and North Africa, n.f.d. The Middle East North Africa Total Southeast Asia Northeast Asia Southern Asia Northern America South America, Central America and the Caribbean: South America, Central America and the Caribbean, n.f.d. South America Central America The Caribbean Total Africa (excluding North Africa): Africa (excluding North Africa), n.f.d. Central and West Africa Southern and East Africa Total Other(a) Not stated Total (a) Comprises 'inadequately described', 'at sea' and 'not elsewhere classified'. Female Persons AUSTRALIAN BUREAU OF STATISTICS 1996 Census of Population and Housing U14 PROFICIENCY IN ENGLISH BY YEAR OF ARRIVAL Persons born overseas aged 5 years and over(a) 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 Speaks English only Speaks other language and speaks English: Very well Well Not well Not at all Not stated(b) Total Not stated(c) Total (a) Excludes persons who did not state their birthplace and persons born overseas who stated they would be in Australia for less than 1 year. (b) Comprises cases where language spoken at home was stated but proficiency in English was not stated. (c) Comprises cases where both language spoken at home and proficiency in English were not stated. 1991 19861990 19811985 Before 1981 Not stated Total AUSTRALIAN BUREAU OF STATISTICS 1996 Census of Population and Housing U15 AGE BY PROFICIENCY IN ENGLISH BY SEX Persons aged 5 years and over who speak a language other than English at home Very well/well Male Female Speaks English Not well Male Female Not at all Male Female Not stated(a) Male Female 5-14 years 15-24 years 25-34 years 35-44 years 45-54 years 55-64 years 65-74 years 75 years and over Total (a) Comprises cases where either language spoken at home was stated and proficiency in English was not stated, or where both language spoken at home and proficiency in English were not stated. Male Total Female Persons AUSTRALIAN BUREAU OF STATISTICS 1996 Census of Population and Housing U16 LANGUAGE SPOKEN AT HOME BY SEX Persons aged 5 years and over Male Speaks English only Speaks other language: Arabic (including Lebanese) Australian Indigenous Languages Bosnian Chinese languages: Cantonese Mandarin Other Total Croatian French German Greek Hindi Hungarian Indonesian Italian Khmer Korean Macedonian Malay Maltese Netherlandic Persian Polish Portuguese Russian Serbian Sinhalese Spanish Tagalog (Filipino) Tamil Thai Turkish Ukrainian Vietnamese Other(a) Total Not stated Total (a) Includes 'inadequately described' and 'non-verbal so described'. Female Persons AUSTRALIAN BUREAU OF STATISTICS 1996 Census of Population and Housing U17 RELIGION BY SEX All persons Male Christian: Anglican Baptist Brethren Catholic Churches of Christ Jehovah's Witnesses Latter Day Saints Lutheran Oriental Christian Orthodox: Greek Macedonian Other Total Pentecostal: Assemblies of God Other Total Presbyterian and Reformed Salvation Army Seventh-day Adventist Uniting Church Other Protestant Other Christian Christian, n.f.d. Total Non-Christian: Buddhism Hinduism Islam Judaism Other religions Total No religion(a) Inadequately described(b) Not stated Total (a) Comprises 'No religion n.f.d.', 'Agnosticism', 'Atheism', 'Humanism' and 'Rationalism'. (b) Includes 'Religious belief, n.f.d.'. Female Persons AUSTRALIAN BUREAU OF STATISTICS 1996 Census of Population and Housing U18 TYPE OF EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION ATTENDING (FULL-TIME/PART-TIME) BY SEX All persons Male Pre School Infants/Primary: Government Catholic Other Non Government Total Secondary: Government Catholic Other Non Government Total Technical or Further Educational Institution: Full-time Part-time Not stated Total University or other Tertiary Institution: Full-time Part-time Not stated Total Other: Full-time Part-time Not stated Total Not attending Not stated Total Female Persons AUSTRALIAN BUREAU OF STATISTICS 1996 Census of Population and Housing U19 QUALIFICATION (HIGHEST) FIELD BY QUALIFICATION (HIGHEST) LEVEL BY SEX(a) Persons aged 15 years and over with a qualification Higher degree Postgraduate diploma Bachelor degree Undergraduate diploma Associate diploma MALE Business and Administration Health Education Society and Culture Natural and Physical Sciences Engineering Architecture and Building Agriculture and Related Fields Miscellaneous Fields Inadequately described Not stated Total FEMALE Business and Administration Health Education Society and Culture Natural and Physical Sciences Engineering Architecture and Building Agriculture and Related Fields Miscellaneous Fields Inadequately described Not stated Total PERSONS Business and Administration Health Education Society and Culture Natural and Physical Sciences Engineering Architecture and Building Agriculture and Related Fields Miscellaneous Fields Inadequately described Not stated Total (a) Excludes persons with a qualification outside the scope of the ABSCQ. Skilled Vocational Basic Vocational Inadeq. described Not stated Total AUSTRALIAN BUREAU OF STATISTICS 1996 Census of Population and Housing U20 AGE BY LABOUR FORCE STATUS (FULL-TIME/PART-TIME) BY SEX Persons aged 15 years and over Employed Full-time(a) Part-time Not stated(b) Total employed Unemployed looking for: Full-time Part-time work work MALE 15-19 years 20-24 years 25-34 years 35-44 years 45-54 years 55-64 years 65-69 years 70-74 years 75 years and over Total FEMALE 15-19 years 20-24 years 25-34 years 35-44 years 45-54 years 55-64 years 65-69 years 70-74 years 75 years and over Total PERSONS 15-19 years 20-24 years 25-34 years 35-44 years 45-54 years 55-64 years 65-69 years 70-74 years 75 years and over Total (a) Full-time is defined as having worked 35 hours or more in all jobs during the week prior to Census night. (b) Comprises employed persons who did not state their hours worked. (c) Comprises persons who did not state their labour force status. Total unemployed Total labour force Not in the labour force Not stated(c) Total AUSTRALIAN BUREAU OF STATISTICS 1996 Census of Population and Housing U21 INDUSTRY BY AGE BY SEX Employed persons 15-19 years Male Female Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing Mining Manufacturing Electricity, Gas and Water Supply Construction Wholesale Trade Retail Trade Accommodation, Cafes and Restaurants Transport and Storage Communication Services Finance and Insurance Property and Business Services Government Administration and Defence Education Health and Community Services Cultural and Recreational Services Personal and Other Services Non-classifiable economic units Not stated Total 20-24 years Male Female 25-34 years Male Female 35-54 years Male Female 55 years and over Male Female Male Total Female Persons AUSTRALIAN BUREAU OF STATISTICS 1996 Census of Population and Housing U22 OCCUPATION BY AGE BY SEX Employed persons 15-19 years Male Female Managers and Administrators Professionals Associate Professionals Tradespersons and Related Workers Advanced Clerical and Service Workers Intermediate Clerical, Sales and Service Workers Intermediate Production and Transport Workers Elementary Clerical, Sales and Service Workers Labourers and Related Workers Inadequately described Not stated Total 20-24 years Male Female 25-34 years Male Female 35-54 years Male Female 55 years and over Male Female Male Total Female Persons AUSTRALIAN BUREAU OF STATISTICS 1996 Census of Population and Housing U23 INDUSTRY SECTOR BY SEX Employed persons Male Commonwealth Government State/Territory Government Local Government Private sector Community Development Employment Projects Not stated Total Female Persons AUSTRALIAN BUREAU OF STATISTICS 1996 Census of Population and Housing U24 INDUSTRY BY OCCUPATION Employed persons Managers and Admintrs. Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing Mining Manufacturing Electricity, Gas and Water Supply Construction Wholesale Trade Retail Trade Accommodation, Cafes and Restaurants Transport and Storage Communication Services Finance and Insurance Property and Business Services Government Administration and Defence Education Health and Community Services Cultural and Recreational Services Personal and Other Services Non-classifiable economic units Not stated Total Professionals Associate Professionals Tradesp. and Related Workers Advanced Clerical and Service Workers Intermediate Clerical, Sales and Service Workers Intermediate Production and Transport Workers Elementary Clerical, Sales and Service Workers Labourers and Related Workers Inadequately described Not stated Total AUSTRALIAN BUREAU OF STATISTICS 1996 Census of Population and Housing U25 OCCUPATION BY STATUS IN EMPLOYMENT BY SEX Employed persons Employee Male Female Managers and Administrators Professionals Associate Professionals Tradespersons and Related Workers Advanced Clerical and Service Workers Intermediate Clerical, Sales and Service Workers Intermediate Production and Transport Workers Elementary Clerical, Sales and Service Workers Labourers and Related Workers Inadequately described Not stated Total Employer Male Female Own acount worker Male Female Contributing family worker Male Female Male Total Female Persons AUSTRALIAN BUREAU OF STATISTICS 1996 Census of Population and Housing U26 WEEKLY INDIVIDUAL INCOME BY AGE BY SEX (1 of 2) Persons aged 15 years and over 15-19 years 20-24 years 25-34 years 35-44 years 45-54 years MALE Negative income Nil income $1-$39 $40-$79 $80-$119 $120-$159 $160-$199 $200-$299 $300-$399 $400-$499 $500-$599 $600-$699 $700-$799 $800-$999 $1,000-$1,499 $1,500 or more Not stated Total FEMALE Negative income Nil income $1-$39 $40-$79 $80-$119 $120-$159 $160-$199 $200-$299 $300-$399 $400-$499 $500-$599 $600-$699 $700-$799 $800-$999 $1,000-$1,499 $1,500 or more Not stated Total 55-64 years 65-74 years 75 years and over Total AUSTRALIAN BUREAU OF STATISTICS 1996 Census of Population and Housing U26 WEEKLY INDIVIDUAL INCOME BY AGE BY SEX (2 of 2) Persons aged 15 years and over 15-19 years 20-24 years 25-34 years 35-44 years 45-54 years PERSONS Negative income Nil income $1-$39 $40-$79 $80-$119 $120-$159 $160-$199 $200-$299 $300-$399 $400-$499 $500-$599 $600-$699 $700-$799 $800-$999 $1,000-$1,499 $1,500 or more Not stated Total 55-64 years 65-74 years 75 years and over Total