F. No. A. Engg. 1(2)/2015 - AE

F. No. A. Engg. 1(2)/2015 - AE
Indian Council of Agricultural Research
Krishi Anusandhan Bhawan – II, Pusa, New Delhi 110 012
Sub: Notification for recruitment of contractual manpower for Agricultural Technology
Foresight Centre - reg
Vacancies: One post of Research Associate (RA) and Six posts of Senior Research Fellow
(SRF) under the plan scheme “Agricultural Technology Foresight Centre (ATFC)” of Indian
Council of Agricultural Research, on contractual basis.
Place of posting: Division of Agricultural Engineering, Krishi Anusandhan Bhawan-II, Pusa,
ICAR, New Delhi – 110012
Applications are invited for walk-in-interview on 7th March 2016 at 9:30 a.m. for one post of RA
and six posts of Senior Research Fellow (SRF), purely on contractual basis at the Agricultural
Engineering Division, Krishi Anusandhan Bhawan-II, Pusa, New Delhi from eligible candidates.
Eligibility: Research Associate
Essential: Ph. D. in Agricultural Sciences with appropriate knowledge of computer
applications OR Master’s degree in Information Technology / Computer Science / Computer
Applications or relevant subject with 1st Division or 60% marks or equivalent overall grade
point average with at least two years of research experience as evidenced from Fellowship/
Associateship / Training/ other engagements as circulated vide F. No. 2-9/2012-HRD dated
25.04.2014. Published research papers will be desirable.
Senior Research Fellow (SRF): (Discipline wise vacancies: Crop Science (one);
Horticultural Science (one); Agricultural Engineering (one); Fisheries or Aquaculture
(one); Animal Science (one); Agricultural Economics / Statistics (one)
Essential:- Master’s degree in the relevant subject (as detailed below).
Relevant subjects vacancy wise: Crop Science: Genetics & Plant Breeding / Agricultural
Entomology / Agricultural Microbiology / Agricultural Biotechnology / Nematology / Seed
Science and Technology / Agricultural Chemicals / Agricultural Meteorlogy / Agro Forestry /
Agronomy / Soil Science / Agricultural Extension, Environmental Sciences etc. Horticultural
Science: Vegetable Science, Fruit Science, Spices, Plantation and Medicinal & Aromatic Plants
etc. Agricultural Engineering: Farm Machinery and Power, Agricultural Process Engineering,
Agricultural Structure and Environmental Management, Land and Water Management
Engineering, Food Science and Technology etc. Fisheries or Aquaculture: Aquaculture,
Fisheries Resource Management etc. Animal Science: Animal Reproduction & Gynaecology,
Livestock Product Technology, Poultry Science, Veterinary Public Health etc. Agricultural
Economics / Agricultural Statistics: Agricultural Economics, Agricultural Business
Management, Agricultural Statistics & Informatics etc.
Desirable:-Experience in computer applications
It may be noted that:
1) No TA/DA will be given to the candidates for attending the interview.
2) The upper age limit for RA is 40 years for male and 45 years for female
3) The upper age limit for SRF is 35 years for male and 40 years for female.
4) Candidates reporting after 10.30 a.m. will not be interviewed.
RA: Master’s degree holders Rs 38,000 per month; Doctoral degree holders: Rs 40,000 per
SRF: Rs 25,000 per month for 1st and 2nd Year and Rs 28,000 per month for 3rd year
(The above revised emoluments are subject to eligibility as laid out in Office Memorandum F.
No. Edn./6/27/2014/HRD dated 13th July 2015, issued by Agricultural Education Division of
Indian Council of Agricultural Research, candidates not meeting these requirements will not be
eligible for revised emoluments)
Other Terms & Conditions:
Crucial date for determining the age limit of candidates shall be the date of walk-in-interview,
i.e., 7th March 2016. The period of engagement of RA and SRF will be initially for a period of
only one year, which may be extendable on satisfactory performance. There is no provision of
re- engagement after termination of scheme / plan. The selected candidate shall have no legal
right to claim regularization by absorption or otherwise or against any Regular post or any
further continued engagement on termination of contract in Agricultural Engineering Division.
The engagement is purely time bound, Non- regular and on co-terminus basis. The services of
the incumbent shall stand terminated on expiry of the period given in the sanction or even before,
if not found satisfactory. Government strives to have a workforce which reflects gender balance
and women candidates are encouraged to apply. Since the engagement of the manpower in the
scheme is purely time bound and non-regular and also not against any sanctioned vacancy/ cadre
strength / post / position, the service provisions for regular post including reservation will not be
applicable to these engagements.
Venue & Time of Interview:
The eligible candidates may appear for Walk- in-Interview in the office of Dr D Dhingra,
Agricultural Engineering Division, Room No. 411, KRISHI ANUSANDHAN BHAWAN-II,PUSA, New Delhi-110012 on 7th March, 2016 at 9:30 a.m. along with originals and attested
copies of certificates, age proof and NOC from present employer, if applicable. Candidates
reporting after 10.30 a.m. will not be interviewed. The candidates are advised to send the soft
copy of their resume to devinder.dhingra@gmail.com in advance.
Devinder Dhingra