WEG S.A. OPEN CAPITAL COMPANY WEG Group CNPJ sob nº 84.429.695/0001 -11 Av. Prefeito Waldemar Grubba, 3.300 Jaraguá do Sul - Estado de Santa Catarina MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS - NO. 428 On February 16 th, 2006, at 11 O’clock, the Members of the Board of Directors, summoned by the president, Mr. Nildemar Secches, met at their headquarters and deliberated, based on the Financial Statements ended December, 31 st , 2005, to distribute the Complementary Dividends to the amount of R$ 73,497,580.75 (R$ 0.1190 per share), to be paid from March 15th, 2006 on, benefiting all Shareholders that were registered in the nominative share records on February 16 th, 2006, and after this date they will be considered “Ex-Dividends”. Nothing more to be deliberated, the president thanked the presence of all Members and ended the Meeting. Jaraguá do Sul (SC) February 16 th, 2006. The Minutes is recorded in the Minutes Book No. 10 of the Board of Directors, registered at JUCESC under number 04/260020 -0. Signed: Nildemar Secches - President of the Board of Directors. Gerd Edgar Baumer - Vice-President of the Board of Directors. Miriam Voigt Schwartz. Diether Werninghaus. Márcia da Silva Petry. Edson Vaz Musa. Members. Jaraguá do Sul (SC), February 16th, 2006. NILDEMAR SECCHES President of the Board of Directors